Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

Phoebe did you take foto 8) See I ask you to get ready your camera now he is flipping liao 8) But be careful now cannot put him near to the edge ok...

Me going to Penang, visiting my Father and Mother In Law. They only see Justen once after he is born. So bring him over while my ang company shut down.

Jas03 is very sweet, going shopping with your handbag 8)

poko, didn't manage to take photo coz it happened tis morning jsut after i finish feeding him while lying down..

will try doing it tonight if he's not too lazy to flip.. hehe

finally get to see shauna after such a long wait..
hwah sia.... da mei ren this shauna...she looks like a heartbreaker sia!
crystal also so you two girls can go and fight for handsome oy westbb's boi!

love...i dun mind the engorgement...but got clogged ducts or not ah?i think sure have one... me want to pump once a day but want to get 400ml at least leh... sigh..dunno will be succesful or not... i have been saying this for the last 2 months...still have not cut down yet...

jas, i thought i will tear and lose sleep upon hearing those precious words but no leh... me never...but of course everytime she says it... me very happy lah...

a couple of mummies going away hor... happy holidays!
hi mummies, I am going on leave from office and from next week my office shutdown till next year 3/1/06, so i wun be accessing this thread from office till then.

Think by then I would havemiss out alot of things and miss all of you leh...

Ya also tomorrow i am leaving for Bangkok, so wun be able to access from tommorrow onward also.

crystalmum, love love love your sweetie crystal ah! so sweet girl!!! after makan still lick her little finger leh!

Jas, u sick mah, so I go la kopi without you. little shauna so sweet, look at her little leg! but why u make the pix until so blur har? U use HP to snap the pix is it?

crystalmum, octopus boi no education leh. As he stay with my mum everyday we asked her to be more proactive to flash him the reading cards but she didn't bother us. keep saying ah boi not interested and want to go play play. In the evening, she always switch on the TV and my boi always attracted to TV & motion. I know it's very bad but both me & my husband work and go to my mum's place only after work, stay for 2 or 3 hours,go home. We can only bring him home during the weekends. My poor boy, I feel that he is "deprived" of good education leh.

I want to ask u all whether any way to make the flash card ourselves? How big is each card? Can you all help me or not? I want to make the flash card myself.

Poko, u leaving for Penang ah? When??

Love, my husband also teach maths leh! Is it the same school in the west?

alittlemiracle, ah boi justbeing cheeky, so many tricks. Now duno how to stand properly ad walk already want to climb the gate and step on anything to climb up. Yest, my mum put the "ti-lum" (what u call that? The bed on floor, dunlop? Yah my mum tie up the ti-lum and put it aside, he went to climb onto it till the whole ti-lum drop on the floor, u see lah? Also he go and climb the sofa by stepping onto the little stool which my mum put there for leg rest. Then from one sofa climb to another sofa, u see lah. He dun even know how to stand and walk leh!
I am new here, I will be due in end Jan. so need to ask what can be done to prepare for breastfeeding? massage breast? diet? hope to have some advise. thanks.
crystalmum and mummies,
wana see ah boi har?
So naughty one day, i scolded him. Keep crawling into the toilet! SEE!!!

Tears drop...
I am leaving tomorrow evening I think my flight is 645pm... Will I get to meet you in Airport? I think I will look for a your boi the one trying to climb from one place to another place there 8)

I am still able to login to here to Kpo Kpo if I got time... As Justen might be busying entertaining Ah kong and Ah Ma so maybe I will be more free.
Hi Ah May
If you are lucky like my SIL you will have milk supply flowing out a few day after your delivery. If you are like me no milk until stress... The only word I can give is to be patience and presistant. Never give up and the supply will come until you got extra to store in the freezer or like some of the mom Bath with it 8)

Direct feed is tiring but the milk supply will come in faster. As for expressing, I take about 3 weeks to really meet my boi demand. I drink papaya soup, Hot drink, Oat, hot milk and other fluid to get more milk.
Bitbit you very funny ley, you scold ah boi at the same time take foto while he is crying... But he really sob sob like very sad like that...
ah_may, since you are about to due, we may suggest you latch on your baby better.

Most of the mummies here using the Expressing Breast Milk (EBM) method, which is more time-consuming & "many works".

Of course you are welcome here, but I would suggest you try to latch on your baby as best as possible and if cannot, then as last resort, you can still come back to pick tips here for EBM.

The best part of direct latching on is you can have better bonding with your baby, milk is always at right temperature and no hassle of washing milk bottles and buying detergents, sterilisation etc...

Preparation of BF, gotta start from scratch. So long story.. There is another thread on Breastfeeding also, you can concurrently check it there, alot of tips there too!!
ah may, use towel to scrub your nipple during bath to get it ready so that it won't feel so sore when u starts to breastfeed & take more fish

poko, enjoy your holiday... wishing you a blessed christmas first..

merry christmas and a happy new year to bitbit also and have a wonderful trip.. enjoy ya!
poko, yup i scold him, later I see he tearing, I also a bit sad sad. Then I think he very cute when tearing so easily, I quickily take picture of him!
Happy holidays to all!!

bitbit - poor jedi boy cry until so heartpain! but you are right, it is quite funny.. me so sadistic.

sp - as long as hh starts drinking normally again, the wt will come back in no time.

so many postings - read until blur oredy. gal gal crying so gotta go. BTW, can I check is there any late nite shopping today?

I was reading the bumper playmat thread - wah.. things are getting really serious there. v scary. heard that the other girl miiko (the one with addidas rompers and carters rompers) have been debarred too. Looks like our days of online purchases are numbered..
sp - crystal eat oso very liao go and eat her clothes, eat her hand and 'eat' the walker so after feeding a lot of things to clean one..

poko - your eyes so liang ah..can see the pampers at the background..hehe..tat day the PP jz delivered..

sheris - yours must be more rite? 10 boxes leh!

alittlemiracle - did angel receive a lot of presents?

jas - me oso cant wait for the class to start! can meet westbb boi and shauna..

ya jian ji cannot de cheng..count wrongly..din expect your in laws to be at bt qiao hor..argh...

Shauna is sooooooooooooo SWEET!! i really love her big innocent eyes!!!! so happy can see her liao! must let me bao hor..i dont care! and i so envy her nice hair..

poko - enjoy your trip!

bitbit - thanks for loving my gal..hehe..

me oso dont know how to teach the maid to teach my gal dont know wat they do alone at home oso..

aiyo...your ah boi cried till like tat..make me wanna fly over and bao bao sayang him leh..i see liao so heartpain..miss his cheeky face..

ah may - ya lor..the best is direct latch on leh..alternative then express out leh..but tink in any case u need to get a after latch on still can pump out to maintain good supply..

gal or boi hah? exciting hor..

tuffy - ya lor..heng i got the rompers liao..oops..did i reveal i buy things again?
just finished packing for my malacca trip tomorrow.. so tired now... everyone koon liao except me... sob sob *cry like octopus boi* keke the first reaction i saw octopus boi's crying photo is laugh leh.. i so bad but very funny lah bitbit still go and take foto haha

my dear FDIL#1 and #2 crystal and shauna... my boy will MISS YOU *muaks muaks*

all mummies and babies take good care... MERRY XMAS!!!!!

my freezer now can only store my milk cannot store food anymore and my mum said make life difficult for her coz must go buy food frequently cannot store weekly :p

I think when i go back office i will occupied my co. freezer to myself too luckily my co. freezer is always under usage.


shauna really cute! heehee... my hb like her alot!


aiyo your boi cried until so said i see oredi oso feel heartpain leh!
what happened...
christmas eve and all mummies are not around hor...
all busy busy ah...all meagabonding with your babes issit?

bitbit....your jedi boi so cute hor... cry also look so cute... heeehee

angel will get a number of presents from uncles and aunts lor... currently, all the presents under the tree are all hers... jialat...storing the presents will be a headache after christmas...

the hokkien cartoon so cute hor...i like
westbb - poor mummy..hope you and westbb boi enjoy your trip!! crystal will miss him too
..hehe..i kept tell her she will be meeting her laogong soon..hehe..

celine - wah..u got so much milk good..

alittlemiracle - me still around..hehe..jz came bk from ntuc..later see can go orchard or not..
<font color="ff0000">Merry Christmas</font> <font color="119911">&amp; Happy New Year</font> <font color="ff0000">to all mummies and babies!!</font>
me just came back from a friend's place... left baby at home after she went to bed...

today very quiet hor...really silent night...

merry christmas mummies!!!
hi mummies! merry christmas to all!

it's raining meow meow and woof woof over here... hope it doesn't rain tomorrow cos I wanna go shopping!!
yah. woke up to feed bb - actually she not that hungry, just want to suckle. after that, couldn't sleep loh.
hehe.. me just finished pumping. wanted to wait till my baby next feeding but beh tahan already coz starts leaking.. hehe
me now going back to sleep.. better dun miss such a good weather..
hello mummies..wat a rainy christmas..yesterday, Crystal spent her First christmas at the orchard road with the big taka christmas tree..hehe..but i forgot the camera..heng my fren got..a lot of people and it was so crowded..heng we went in the afternoon so the traffic was ok and left abt 8pm when crystal start to become cranky..and me oso super tired..the road block is today from 2pm..later going to fren's and inlaw house..tink tomorrow will have a good rest at home..

tink poko, westbb, bitbit all not in town liao hor..

Anyone going for the cute bb contest photo shoot? me going next wed at 5pm..

bb development
crystal now wanna crawl but dont know how now instead of moving forward when she tried..she moves backwards..think the mat not big enuff liao leh..

tuffy - your gal still latching on? so wish she had latched on leh..but too bad..but of cos she still has the second best EBM lor..

jas - wake up!! in the end did u buy the CD?
merry christmas to all,
thanks for the advises. I am hoping to directly latch, but trying to be realistic, cause I am expecting twins, so may be a bit difficult. I am not so sure how things will work out. I am quite determine to breastfeed so if direct cannot work out will express out. Thanks.

I heard that can drink the papaya fish soup before delivery to prepare for milk flow, not sure if any of you have heard about it? I am thinking of doing so in two weeks time.
yes, will also pop to the other group on breastfeeding to see as well.
hello mummies..received an email from BayB Supplies..


@ 55 SUNGEI KADUT LOOP from 11am to 6pm.


Ah may - so good..twins..i was hoping to have then close shop or boi hah? which part of jan huh? jz a few weeks time leh..

heard the papaya fish soup helps in the ss..but never try before..but fish as well i tink..first few mths..i have lots of is good..but it could also cos of my regular pumping..
Merry Xmas Everyone!!


if my colleagues drink my milk they (dun care men or women) squeeze back for me ar! :p

Hello Ah_May! WElcome!
crystalmum - am doing about 50% direct latching and 50% ebm. Tried latching on for whole day without pumping, invariably kena blocked ducts the next day.
u v good mummy oredy lah! have to sacrifice so much to provide milk milk for her.
woke up to pump...then i dropped my bottle..piang piang piang onto the floor...angel woke up... jia lat....
yesterday i wole up on christmas day with a pain in my gums... looks like i really have to go and get rid of this wisdom tooth liao...have been putting it off for the longest time.

justen look so adorable in his cute littel my first christmas top!!

angel come out of the room liao....
hi mummies,
do any of you use sterilising tablets to sterilise your pumps in the office? read the instructions on some of them - wah.. need 2 ltrs of water! where to find such big container?

any of you tried the steam steriliser bag from medela? any good?

if I just boil water and pour on the pump parts - you think can or not? even had this ridiculous idea of putting the pump in the kettle to boil! but guess I shouldn't do that yah?
morning alittlemiracle!
yah - wisdom tooth is no joke. better get rid of it... is it sticking out already?

btw, does anyone knows what time robinsons open today for post xmas sale?
my crystal actually sucking thumb now! so bad habit..i beat her every time i saw but she seem to bo chap leh..i tot so good..she can do the thumbs up..skarly go and suck thumb..last time eat whole 'upgrade' and suck tongue only..argh..

tuffy - me still gotta salute to bitbit &amp; alittlemiracle abt sacrifice wor...they 1 year then only 7mths going to close shop soon..haiii

u going to robinsons today? which one? dont know wat time open leh..u wanna siong in may be going in the afternoon..

poko - ur justen so cute! would like to bao bao him 2!

alittlemiracle - oh dear..hope it is before you pump..din spill any milk hor..

ya lor..better get rid before it get worse..teeth no play play..but then..i dont know how long din go dentist liao..hehe
phoebe - how is the guiness stout bath hah? any update? my crystal rashes get spread to body liao..

love - which robinson u going?
crystalmum - not sure which one leh.. haven't quite decided.
crystal looks so cute with the cap! I am not sure if my gal will let me put it on for her. how come you are stopping soon? how many times do you pump now?
tuffy - me ss drop and drop 700+ml per day gal drinking 800 to 900ml pumping 3 times now..haii..tat gal hor..i got 1000ml supply drink i drop liao then she increase..argh...

now i gotta supplement FM once a day..
hey hey mommies

Don't let me envy ley, I still haven't got the life shop pants and little hook shirt for Justen yet at Robinson... Now got how many percent discount?

Hi Crystalmom
How is Crystal? From the foto she look pretty and fair ley and she is not camera shy too... Didn't see her rash. Using beer wait Crystal drunk how?

Chinese Herb
MIL just realise that Justen refuse milk, so she ask us to give him some chinese herb powder for him to tak before drinking... This notty boy seem to like the smell didn't complain while eating it 8( so angry I think to him only my milk is poison 8(

But no choice he need to drink it until 6 months, but hope that the powder from Yu Ren Sen can help...
Hi Tuffy

In my MIL house I don't have a steriliser so using a big metal pot with cover to sterilise the bottle. I think is pretty ok. As the water is hot and it got steam too. Maybe you can try this method. But the electrical kettle is faster to boil the water... Compare to the traditional one.

Hi Crystal where do you get the little kitty cap so cute... I try to find nice cap for Justen but quite difficult to get.
poko - yah, am doing the same for my MIL's place. problem is how to clean the pump in the office loh.

crystalmum - it's a good thing that crystal is eating more now! then can kuai gao zhang ta!
when do you target to stop? I have been wondering how it would be like to totally stop.. won't the breasts be hard? hmm.. must let me know ok?
mummies..i going to the centrepoint robinson later..see if i can see any mummies dont be surprise if i recognise any of your bb and call u hor..hehe..

poko - i jz know got discount at robinson..dont know how much leh..

her rashes spread liao neck &amp; body oso have..wanna apply the cetaphil also scare..cos she would scratch and put her hand into her mouth...

crystal is quite fair..heng like the dad not quite dark..tink she kpo the camera why got lights..hehe..when i took the pic..her face one was better..but now return leh..

dont know to put her in the stout or not..dont tink she will drink it lah..hehe

i tink i bgt the cap from kiddy want to buy the bandana leh..anyone know if robsinson have it?

Give all mummies here a BOx !! cos its boxing day!!! AHaha.. Happy boxing day everybody!!

bb supplies also sell bandana, they hvg sales u can go buy leh! Pretty Crystal!! so sweet, next time she will get to know how special her name is.. but hor crystalmummy, next time if u hv second one.. then wat u going to name him/her?

i love Justen man! he is so handsome.. too bad the last time din get chance to bao bao him.. next round i wan to bao bao him ok!

i wash my pump with the pigeon detergent in the office, then later i will use hot water to rinse over twice.. tats all.. store away in clean sandwich bag until next use. find it more convenient...

u scold jedi boy until he tear!! i see the pic i just hv the feeling wan to sayang him and hug him.. the pic is priceless! he use his hand like wan to wipe away the tears.. so chum chum like that..

luckily u never drop the bottle after you pump finish.. there was once i xin xin ku ku pump finish, i drop the bottle.. all gone! wan to cry man!!
