Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

crystalmum-u dun start hu si ran xiang.... maybe juz teething....muz give maid a certain level of trust since she doing okie job taking care of crystal

I don't know if she prefers me to the maid actually. Hai. she tends to laugh out loud when the maid do funny actions while I am carrying her. When my hb and I try - sometimes can get response but not most of the time. let's hope that she will recognise who is mummy and daddy eventually and know that we are here to stay while the maid is only temporary.
sheris, i think i'll hve to go and buy the avent manual pump.. else next week no nursing room for me to express...

furthermore, it's good for midnight as i will not disrupt my hubby's sweet dreams.. hehe
crystalmum, thanks for sharing abt avent manual. I think I'll wait for my pump to spoil first. I don't know whether will pump long or not, not sure how long my ss can last. Some more sometimes lazy...

phoebe, how come yr co shutdown but u still got to work? then nursing room cannot unlock? u so poor thing hv to do it in toilet...
sp, no choice la.. me every year also the same coz i'm from frontline cust service loh..
the nursing room is located on the ground floor and the recep always lock the key... gotto to do it in the toilet but lucky it's very clean..
Me too....just started putting Nat facing the front these 2 days.I think she like facing the front then facing the back....I think I will drive slower when she is in the car lor...
Bought thae Bumbo chair in 20% plus 5% discount coat abt $60 lor....but only left 1 color so no choice...

My ger is coming to 5 mths in few days time but my stock of frozen milk can last her for another 3-6 mths...I am a teacher and school starting in 2 weeks dun have a proper place for me to pump and cos of the tight schedule...diff to pump wanna stop since my MS can last her more than 6 mths...
Just brought Nat for her she weighs 7kg at 5 mth....she only put on heartpain...

where did u buy the floor mat?good idea to put her on the floor with the mat...
y heartpain? got gain wt nt good meh? as long as bb at the correct range okie liao..... no good if gal gal puipui leh... later wan to slim down difficult
Nat only put in 400g very little like Pui then teething will slom down one...wanna her to be pui pui....haha..
love, don't heartpain lah, got gain very good already.

my hh is "shrinking" - on 30/11 he 6.64kg, then 17/12 he left 6.61kg. His double-chin, fats all gone.
y all the mummies all bb so heavy..still worry abt weight hah???!!! my gal is only 6.9kg at 7 mths leh..means i shd be super worried huh...
sp - actually i find avent empty better oso and more 'portable' and i bring it to office to pump..left my medela single at home..electric pluck in and pluck out so ma fan..also very noisy..i paiseh use in office oso..
I also paiseh use noisy pump in office, that's why want to get new pump that won't squeak one, keke. But my ss so low (today also 3.5oz only) maybe shld seriously consider giving up...
crystal skinny... my hh also skinny... we worry together, ok?

I'm more worried than u lah, my hh still taking 2-4oz, max 4.5oz...
tuffy, u are another one. Just told crystalmum the same thing. When your ger comes to 1 year old, she will soon starts too recognise who is the mummy and daddy lah. U don;t think too much now, ger ger will tend to stick to the one who give her more attention now because your maid is the one who tends to her most of the time right? tats why she laugh when the maid loaugh with her. When she grows up abit more, she will learn who is the mum and dad and will soon starts to look for mama (baby usually look for mama).

love, u r school teacher ah? Which school you teach? North South East West? Where you can EBM har, coz i noe school only got teachers room leh. So many teachers walking around and everyday the timetable is different, so will be quite difficult to fix a time to pump right?
westbb - i put u down for the BJG class starting 7 Jan, sat, 4 to 5pm on the April/May/June thread organised by serrich liao...yeah! crystal and laogong going to meet finally!!!
ya I am a a proper place to pump.....thats y I am stoping soon.....I was lucky in a sense that when I finish my ML....its exam period and hence not much I used one of the "air con" room to pump lor....but when school fixed time every day so not possible to pump.....but not to worry...I got enuff stock for my ger already....
bitbit - sorry.. me hu xi luan xiang again.
Is good to know that the gal will look for mama!

love - it's a bumper playmat from smallsmallworld.
u said your frozen milk can last 3-6 months! wah!! that's a lot!! hmm. but I thought frozen milk cannot keep beyond 3 months? you got separate freezer hah?

sp - oh dear. is there a reason why he lost weight?

is the bumper mat good??how big is it??thinking of buying one actually...but quite exp ler...

Ya my MS is a lot....wat I mean is my MS can last my Nat till she is 6-9 mths...
Hi, those using avent isis... do you have little faint white deposits inside the funnel? i can't seem to get it out no matter how i scrub. any idea who i can remove?
I think it's 1.9 m by 1.3 m. quite big. I find it quite useful cos I don't have to worry too much about her falling from heights since she is on the floor. At most, she rolls off the mat and bumps her head (which should be quite minor lah). If you are thinking of getting, I think you should get it soon cos I suspect once she learns how to crawl, she may not want to stay on the mat anymore.
orchid - i do find some white deposits in the funnel leh cos the brush cant din attempt to remove wor..tot sterilise liao shd kill all germs..

celine - so u able to get your ezlink and cash cards? i go 'unblock' the cards..extra $3 for each card i ask my sis to top up the cards themselves..hehe..but i got top up for my parents..keke..

bitbit - you octopus boi can say how many words liao hah..when he start calling mama?
love - i tink the mat is good to sit and play on oso leh..safer with cushioning mah...i bgt 2 at the last bulk purchase..hehe..but thicker better? the ones i bgt only 10mm and 11mm..i tink now they have 15mm one leh.
tuffy, my gal also always has a smile for the maid, i also very jealous, but muz see it positively.. at least yr gal gets along with yr maid.. can u imagine u employ a maid, and yr gal dun like her??

bitbit, u la-kopi without me uh??

westbb, told u right.. if westbb boy eats the porridge i teach u how to cook, then he gotta promote shauna liao!!!

sp.. even little milk also better than nothing.. so dun give up.. me trying to hang on even tho diminishing.. so u hang on together w me ok!!
westbb - we meet earlier for class for your boi and crystal to meet ok? haha..must not let your boi see shauna first leh..

aiya teach wat time my crystal cook for him..better rite?

jas - u recover liao li qi to do your 'promotion' again..kekeke..hope your gal is too..
still got cough leh.. yest i give up, ask dr for anti-biotics.. today much better, but still wearing mask ard the house. shauna seems to be better too.

thanks har, for coordinating BJG class.. mayb hb talking to fren, never pay attention to wat i was asking him.. but dun care.. he said can liao.. too late to change his mind..ahaha!

trying to set up hotmail acc leh.. dun hv hotmail cannot use msn messenger right?

u store how many pkts of frozen milk wow can last 3~6mths?? I got 100 pkts of 150ml of milk in my freezer now but i calculate calculate can only last 1 mth leh....


i got my cards today!
huh still need to pay $3 to unblock?? sorry leh i give them out liao aiyah let them unblock n top up themselves ar! :p

anyway i dun think i will use mine coz want it to keepsake only.


dun hv hotmail use yahoo email also can use msn messenger. u shud hv set up earlier lah chat wif u so soo difficult!
I teach Maths...

now i have abt 80 packets of 200ml of milk....cos now my ger is drinking brown rice so the EBM is like half of wat she usually take and my ger is on FM at ger appetite is not big....
morning mummies type type...then suddenly, dunno press what ...go to another screen adn lost all my posting

angle can call papa although now it sounds more like baba!

good to hear that both you and shauna are better! just in time for the festivities

crystalmum one very determined woman to get crystal and westbb boy to meet can cook or nor ah??/ better start training your crystal!


yarlor...what are jedi boi's latest tricks ah?

you both really store ALOT of milk hor...your whole freezer mus tbe nothing but milk!
jas - is serrich co-ordinating kpo..wanted to have westbb boi in the class then hor..end up my crystal's qing di oso in the class kekeke..

think as long as u got any email address can register for msn liao leh..

celine - good hor..can rec your cards before christmas..heng they prepare the machine in time..i oso gave my family the cards yesterday..they very happy with me very happy..hehe

alittlemiracle - so sweet..your hubby must be very happy..i was jz telling my hubby..skarly my gal start calling 'karkar' first leh..touch wood!

aiya..tink, westbb boi, crystal & shauna will meet together leh..(must type shauna name after crystal..kekeke? actually i cant cook..haha..but my maid can teach mah..ya lor must train crystal to cook before EC..oops..did i mention EC?

bitbit - how you boi photos leh..miss his cheeky face
morning mummies

how ah i think my supply dipping leh..... today pump onli got 150ml in total but jj got drink one hour before 1 pump lah... but think can't help worry leh....

oh also anyone want the avent milk bags ah... me bought liao then now find tt might not need so got the storage kit set n the 100pc per box one....
sheris - me ss oso below 800ml per 24 hrs leh..but my gal is drinking 800+ now..and morning pump usually a lot oso dip..haiiii...

but your jj got latch on mah..he latch very long? tink finish up the milk liao lah..
yr brs good leh, 1 hr can produce 150ml. My ss is not enough for hh to take direct now unless I don't pump don't feed for many hrs.

celine, love,
wah, so much milk, so envy! hee.

so glad u r better & back here, miss u very much these few days! ok lah, I will hang on with u, we jia you together!

all these while I'm using medela manual pump. anyway, yesterday I so sad abt my ss until went to buy avent manual... hope new pump new motivation can tong longer.

angel can call mama papa so touching!!!

my hh lost weight becoz he sick 2 rounds. 1st he sore throat fever, on fever medicine & antibiotics. then he diarrhea, on "water" diet then diluted soy fm. now that he's back on full strength soy fm & eating well, he's slowly gaining back his lost weight.

now he can flip again & can "stand" "jump" when held. but he very naughty want ppl to carry almost all the time, carry liao cannot sit must stand & walk, make my parents so tired...

wah, crystal eating so clean one! my 8+ mths old niece hor, she eat until food everywhere, very messy, keke!
Hi Crystal good girl 8) Justen_Mom see you eating happily I also feel happy 8)

P.S. Oh the Pamper become the foto background liao... Soooo Many.

hooray!!! my Daryll finally can flip over tis morning.

JAS, welcome back.. glad that you're feeling much better and are on the road to recovery.. just in time fro the festive season...
hwah...phoebe, you must be so happy to see daryll flip's sp amszing to see them accomplish new things with each passing day...

when u reduce from 2 to 1 pump, you got get engorgement or clogged ducts?

who is karkar? your maid ah?
yah hor, mummies, what do or will your kids call the maid ah? aunty? name? or what ah? aunty+name?

everybody must be in high spirits now mood to work right... me also no am not at work today!!!! no need to go back to work until next thursday!!!! yipeee!!!! megabond with baby!!

christmas presents
angel's grandma gave her a tricycle... one of those really biang coloured ones with a parent's handle to push the baby around...but surprisingly, it was so easy to manouvre unlike those branded childred's trikes... so i am very happy with it...buti dat down to peel out all the awful stickers on it and replaced them with cuter ones
Hi Alittlemiracle

Angel must be happy to receive her present... haha can go Jalan Jalan liao!

Yah lor no mood, looking forwards to my Christmas Party tomorrow and also Justen 1st Trip 8) Don't know SQ will give any surprise for us during X'mas Eve or not...
phoebe, congrats! so exciting to see the first flip!

enjoy megabonding with yr angel! wow, her tricycle sounds fun!

poko, where u going? enjoy yr trip!

Wish everyone a <font color="0000ff">Merry Christmas</font> &amp; <font color="ff0000">Happy New Year</font>!!!
ahaha.. actually i tot crystal's rm so pretty, got wallpaper. poko say then i realised! its all the pampers! kekeke.. really miss crystal.. she is a cutie!

cant wait for the BJG to start.. haha crystalmummy u tot u and westbb attend so far away class, i will not join, then crystal got big big chance right?? muz be u never expect my inlaws stay in bt batok too, so every sat i die die also gotta go there.. SO... now crystal and westbb boy cant go single date liao!! muz be group date!! ahaha!

very sad to be sick one.. cos cant carry bb for too long.. or to hug hug kiss kiss her.. so all mummies muz take care of your health! muz eat vit c boost immunity!!

angel say mama papa oredi>?!!! i will sob sob if i hear my gal say that.. alittlemiracle.. u muz be so delighted! got lose sleep or not? ;o)

ya, i wan to see jedi boy's pic. and hear abt his latest tricks! jedi! jedi! jedi! (in tune with encore encore encore!)

here is shauna's latest pic. last wk.. she wanna go shopping leh!
westbb - enjoy yr malacca trip!!! tell me how is it when u get back.. and the logistics involved.. i very tempted to plan a malacca trip too.


ya will feel engorge...but must bear wif I only pump once a menses just which means my milk production will stop soon....
