Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?


cannot put car seat in front??so will put car seat behind wif baby behind....den u wont be able to see her she is crying liao lor....usually I will sit behind wif Nat in the car n hubby tried ignoring her while driving and she is ok wif it.......justshift my car seat to the front last car got air cannot har??

got air bag cannot loh. cos in case anything happens (touch wood) and the airbag is released, bb may get "squished". you know what I mean? U can try leaving nat with her fav toys and see if she will settle down. have to slowly try to get her used to sitting alone at the back loh. Or like alittlemiracle says, just drive and ignore her. heartpain but no choice.

alittlemiracle - I can't bear to part with money again for another carrier... hai.. how many positions can the ergo take?
love ah car seat cant put in front w airbag lah... put nat at the back lah.... she may wall for a while but eventually will get the idea.... my jh n jx n jj got the idea this way.... they wall den me hv to harden heart lor.....
wow, yr morning pump really good, hope u hit 450ml today!
All the best with yr wisdom teeth extraction too.

yr boy so enjoy swimming, love his smile, make me want to bao bao him!!!

Penang shiok or not? I love the food there, mmm...

welcome, honeybee!
yr bb sounds like mine - hardly sleeps in the day. some more u alone with bb really not easy to find time to pump regularly. maybe u can try latch one side, pump the other side.

hehe, u 6 hrs consider long hrs, for me is normal.

yr ss good must jia you ok! how I wish I got more ss I sure will chiong long term like bitbit & alittlemiracle.
hi mummies

i m also feeding my girl w ebm. have been pumping 3hrly. as my maternity leave is coming to end by 8 jan, this few days I stretch till 4-5 hr then pump and skip the 3am pump. When I wake up breasts are rock hard and painful.

yesterday I felt one very hard and painful lump in left breast, size of a buah luku! Could be blocked duct? Asked hubby to massage for me coz it was so painful I could'n do it myself. It's slightly better now but the painful lump is still there, just smaller and I cant seem to get rid of it. anyone has this before? What can I do?
hi, tuffy,
Hope yr office ok to let u pump every 4 hrs. My hh can't be fed on schedule, must wait for him to be hungry then only can feed. Yesterday my MIL said he can finish 5oz every feed.
sounds like blocked duct to me. Try using a hot towel to massage the area and try to hand express the lump towards your nipple. Once you see the jets flowing, express until no more milk and it should be cleared up after that.

I used to try that with my gal too when she couldn't finish her milk. So wait for her to yell loh. But lately, I noticed she stops complaining when she is hungry - must wait till she is v v hungry which could be 5 hours plus before she will start crying. So now, am back to scheduled feeding again. hai.. everything change here and there...
morning gal finally taking her morning nap..she poor got no smooth skin leh..the dryness spread to all over liao..dont know if is cos of the wash? shd i bring her to my own pd? the one i took her to see rashes is near my house one..

love - k k..i dont dwell on it..though still very gek sim cannot bao bao is thin not slim liao..

tuffy - hehe..u kpo mummy like me..dont know colic will start from 5mths but doc told me is clear by 3rd to 4th mth leh..

i pump only once in the office..wash with water then go home sterilise..

poko - so long holiday so shiok! u very chek arc one leh..keep saying cheap cheap..we here only can 'see' cannot buy..argh...

k..quickly post this first..later gone again..tis second time i type the above..
honeybee - i cant give much advice leh..paiseh..cos hor still tink latching on the best leh..of cos pumping can be done after latching on to increase ss..but really gotta do regular pumping leh..

but hor..come to tink of it..u starting work soon? maybe u can start pumping in the day and latch on at night? since tats wat u will do when u start work? then your regular pumping in the day can increase your ss?

sp - will tahan as long as i can cos got bitbit/alittlemiracle as encourgement mah..hehe..and of cos all mummies here..
mummies ask u all whether i shld buy a b carrier... since quite ex n onli going to use for another 1-2 yr.... or juz stick to the sling.....

tuffy later me go hm n check now still wking sianz.... u got ur sliver mat yet?

crystalmum- me use the ceam on jj n put him in aircon... got improvement leh... now not so rough liao
rem that time i bot the lotion at vitakids? tats cos shauna skin getting dry too, and she got slight ezema so i hv to buy one without chemicals. after using that every bath, now her skin smooth smooth again.. u can try that too.. with ezema muz keep skin moisturised all the time.

i also tempted to get ergo for a long long time liao.. but very ex.. bu se de buy.. but its a good carrier lor.

yeah!! me on leave today...
my ss still the same low.. i pump 3 times a day, if lazy will be 2 times.. but i try not to stress myself too much abt my ss liao.. jus keep going until no more.. u can latch, latch bb more often lor.. so good.. my gal from day 1 latch abit for colostrum.. then dun wan latch liao. how i wish i can experience the bonding and feeling of BF bb that way.. you jia you ok!!

me went United Square jus now liao.. brot shauna for review with PD.. she is better, i am so happy and relieved! so.. i dun think will go United Square again today.. will go forum to top up on her cereals and buy the cod liver oil.
Morning gals

Last weekends tried to latch on my boy.. but he kinda like confused leh... but still managed to latch on la.. den i tried switching him to the other breast hor.. he cried and cried sooo loud ah and he doesnt wana latch on lor.. duno isit he refusing or wana sleep dun wana drink liao

Btw i'm starting to lose my hair... anyone else??

My son still havent started flipping leh.. how come so slow huh? My frd's boy 9 days older than Alden already flipping leh.. :p

sheris - aircon? wont be even dryer meh?

jas - finally took leave liao huh..good to hear tat shauna is better..

how long u use that cream liao? when we met hah...2 or 3 weeks ago? huh..shd i go buy tat before i see pd?..haiii..other then forum where else got hah?
fun - alden sooooo cute! dont worry gal oso late to sit up..

me lose hair like nobody business last few slightly better..
me oso losing hair but now a bit better.....

jas ur pd is dr ong issit? my jj juz went ytd leh.......

crystalmum- pd say hv to keep him cool mah.... ytd at hm me nv give him chance to sweat a drop
harlow...looks like crystamum, jas and i are on leave and in both never go out today ah???
jas, you give shauna the cod liver oil..u pu tin milk or give her like that...i bought cod liver oil but it is so smelly leh... i dun think angel minds but i mind leh! so i never give her liao... heehee

me just finish have to tahan until tomorrow morning...heehee...hopefully by 2006...i am down to 1 pump a day!!!!

cannot put car sear in front with airbag leh... think u put at the back better... tuffy say, handexpress teh hard lump towards the nipple until you get the will know it when it is will feel instantly you strike toto first prize plus milk fountain.

ergo has 2 main carrying positions: Front and Back but i think can also carrying like hip carry, but i only use it as a front carrier
the good thing about it is it really supports the weight very well lor.

you use the MIM sling ah?
what positions u use ah?
aircon good for eczema coz perspiration and heat will cause flare up.

hair dropping one fine day (after going out to buy super expensive shampoo and conditioner) hair fell out in clumps...i thought it was mu super ex shampoo...but is postpartum hair loss...drop ALOT ALOT...drop for about 4 months or alittle more.... now back to normal liao...but i have a tonne of baby hair...close up hor, i look like einstien...last time already got so much baby really haywire!
thanks for all the adv...I will shift athe car seat to the back tonite..hehehe....actually Nat can sit in car seat...longest trip we go is 30 mins and she is ok wif it...

just wash the kammi toy.....haven let Nat try yet...dun know she like or not...anxious to try ler...

something to report....dun know is it a good news or bad news....I have officially stop pumping liao.....thats the end of my pumping session....will u gals still welcome me??? But Nat will still feed on I am very supportive of babies drinking BM one....
crystalmum - hmm. this mother cheapskate lah. don't wanna buy brand new bottle just to get the anti colic regulator. Anyway, my gal is refusing milk again. also refused rice cereal. dunno what she wants. btw, do you freeze bb food? mothers in the Aug thread buying v cute little cubes to store frozen bb food. wondering whether to buy.

alittlemiracle and jas - hai. the ergo does look more comfy that the bjorn. but cannot buy oredy. sure get nagging..

sheris - yup! got the 15mm pooh mat. I must say, the thickness does make a diff. V comfy.
But the finishing quite different from LG. This one is v smooth but the LG one got little holes in each "bubble" so more traction.
tuffy- so which one better? the sliver or lg? huh wat's traction?

my jj today firdt time makan cereal... kekeke eat a few mouth then the rest makan by his sis..... sigh....
I think the finishing for LG is better but the silver pooh still acceptable lah. For the money paid, think it is still a good deal. Traction as in friction - wondering if it is easier for bb to learn to crawl on the LG since it is rougher than on silver pooh.

how much cereal you giving him?
me cheapskate lah... give him nestle brown rice same as his kor n jie....

anyone know what happen to this nestle brown rice can't see to find it
yeah, also thot since going back to work soon, it'll be like the schedule i'll hv to adopt at work.
think will try it out. tk goodness my dad sticks ard during the day to help carry bb...

only worry cant stick to regular freq - esp over weekends, when go out for longer periods of time.

U making me more and more scared leh... your "drop ALOT ALOT...drop for about 4 months or alittle more.... now back to normal liao...but i have a tonne of baby hair...close up hor, i look like einstien...last time already got so much baby really haywire!" I feel like crying liao... :"(( another 4 mths mths till May 2006 leh... stress ah...

New year coming soon.. should i colour my hair again? Hai... my hubby ask me not to apply hair styling prdts on my hair leh... min the damage...

Btw.. My Alden next mth 4 mths old liao.. wat kind of bb food i can give huh?


U dun look like u got hair lost leh.. keke... does Crystal pull yr hair huh? I heard tat bbs like to pull hair whenever they see hair..
crystalmum, i think u better bring crystal to her PD if there's still no improvement. Daryll still having dry patches on his legs, think i'll need to bring him back to his PD again..

hair dropping
mine also started to drop like crazy, beh tahan so i cut it very short..
now i feel so much lighter and airy..hehe

fun, dun need to let Alden start on solids so early.. the best is to start at 6 months..

crystalmum, jas & alittlemiracle, so good lah the 3 of you. me still have to come back to office even tho the company is on yearly shutdown. tis year sure busy like hell... dun even have time to go shopping leh...
westbb, your boy is soo chubby and always smile with tat cheeky looks leh... kawaii ne

fun, Alden's hair a lot hor.. mine boy still look very botak. did you ever shave his head?

Alden dropped lots of hair liao leh... now my mum dun wash his hair with shampoo liao.. onli plain water.. she say after rubbing in the shampoo, he dropped even more hair...

will bring him to shave for the 1st time on 7 Jan.. on his 4th mth old day :D duno wana go to those specialist in kids hair dressing shop ( i know paragon and united sq have) or normal hair salon leh...

oh.. i tt 4 mths can start on some semi solids liao :p

haiz.. guess Alden cant join yr boi for a swim till he is 2 yrs old... fortune teller say he have to stay away from water till after 2 yrs old...
I also drop hair like crazy...perm my hair after confinement but have been dropping hair last went to do rebonding.easier to manage n now hair drop not so bad liao...

sheris u wanna buy the play mat too??I wanna buy but dun know where to get....there is a thread for bulk purchase for silver pooh ler...but 12mm only..
Nat also have to avid water till 3 yrs old but I think wat the fortune teller is saying is to avoid leaving her alone in the Nat also scared of thunder n door bang...
fun, alden so cute!!!
my hair also dropping... going to botak soon.

sheris, jj 6 mths old today, so fast!

tuffy, yr gal how now? how u feel ah when she rejects milk/ cereal? I always feel stressed-up, so usually will pass to other ppl to feed. If I still try to feed sure cannot one, think my hh can feel my anger...

love, pls keep coming here! u r part of the "family" here lah! I'll be joining u soon as I hv more or less given up fighting this losing battle. I've stopped my morning & late nite pump, so now just 2x a day.

jas, u ebm > 7 mths already! I not even 5 mths hv to raise white flag. I really no use hor...
hairdrop dun scared leh...i tell u the truth so u know what to expect mah...i silly hairdresser kept telling me it iwll be over very fast one...i keep expecting it to be over within weeks then take so long to be done...later on she tell me she dun want to scare me...i say siao!..i prefer to know the truth.

love... you have stopped pumping!! what does it feel like ah? like regain new found freedom issit? can still come to this thread la!

wat cute cubes ah? issit bulk buy? me store in regular ice cube tray. get the ones with cover...easier to handle.

pulling hair
angel like to pull my hair too but she dun it so often...she really likes to poke my eyes though...i always kenna abuse by her...poke eyes, nose, mouth, ears....

u wil nv know wat the fortune teller say is consist of ma... maybe becos of swimming den kana flu how? also related wor..


heee... okok.. i have to handle the truth ba..haha... i already in short hair since 3 mths pregy.. hopefully wont drop too much until can see my scalp... :p


no la.. u are not a loser lah... EBM for more than 2mths is already a winner liao
for the ice cube trays - see

alittlemiracle - haven't decided whether to freeze the food or just put in the lower compartment (to use within 2 days). Is the covered ice cube trays easy to use? where did you get yours from? how long can the frozen food be kept?

sp - just went to pd - gal still sick. got antibiotics and cold medicine now. sian.. also had to extract mucus for her when she got back. used the nasal sucker - never seen so much mucus before. v jia lat. The sucker almost got stuck, can you imagine? poor gal, must be suffering..
I just stopped pumpin this morning but feel lumps.....dun know must pump out or not...

not really freedom lar....but Nat seem to prefer FM than EBM and I have too much stocks....have to stop pumpin since school strating in few days time...
SP dun raise white flag yet....if Nat will still drink EBM for as long as my stocks allows.....maybe another 3-5 mths...
alittlemiracle - ya still in singapore went to the photo shoot for the cute bb contest jz now..heng she is co-operative at the photo shoot smiling at everyone..but she almost cried in the mrt! heng tahan tahan till i reach tg pagar..if not i would have alighted eariler and take cab there liao

so how much BM you got today hah? can reach your target in 2006?

aiyoo..y u say like your angel so violent one..hehe..

love - u really stop liao envy leh..hehe..but me cannot stop yet..wanna tahan tahan as long as possible..must follow superstar bitbit & alittlemiracle.

your nat can have EBM for another 3 to 5mths..tat is so good leh..btw u keep your EBM seperately hah..can tahan 5mths? tot 3 mths expiry liao?

sheris - cant find nestle brown rice at ntuc?

fun - aiya..u din see close enuff wanna bald liao leh..cut my hair short to see less hair fallen lor..but then i cut before i deliver cos i know will be very hot..crystal does pull my hair..but heng my not very long..she cannot really pull..hehe..

sp - now u pump 2 times how much total hah?

tuffy - u hah..y must let me another bulk purchase..btw..did u find the reenie's denise look like your gal hah? tot was your gal leh..the pic in the thread u jz posted..

oh dear..u gal still sick..poor going to take my gal to the pd 2molo again too..tink her enzema getting bad..
harlow mummies

regarding the ice cube tray...a girlfriend told me she used to use these individual cubes and found it difficult to press out the frozen she advised me to get the tray type so can twist and turn the whole tray to pop out the frozen that is what i did and it is very easy to use. i bought mine from taka. They have several sizes... th eone i bought is about 20ml per cube.

so next month, we can vote for crystal issit?

no lah.... angel not so violent la...she very cute one... her latest tricks: when i ask her "how to love mama?" she will put her cheek to my chest. so cute hor.... hee hee
I tot I can stop pumping but found now I am pumping...sigh....hoping to stop soon...

crystalmum if I dun stop freezer no more space liao...
alittlemiracle - i tink so leh..but i only choosing the photos on 16 jan..maybe after tat?

love - aiya..u pump now and give her fresher BM lorhehe..die die oso cannot let pp stop..cos me haven stop..kekeke..
angel is so sweet...melt ur heart rite??

I wanna to cont too but now she drinking brown rice cereal mix wif EBM...dun need so much BM and the main thing is my school no place for me to pump n I cant have a fixed timing to very diff...
me use the sling onli the front sleeping position n the sit up position,

the ergo carrier me very tempted leh....

sp- ya lor jj 4 months liao kekeke me can slowly cut back on ebm liao hahahaha

love- me got the mat w tuffy the last time juz hv not use yet.....

me also badly abuse by my gal.... she like to push my head backwards n pull my nose n stretch my mouth till big big

crystalmum- ya lor ytd went to 2 ntuc n carefour all can't find but luky my mil found n buy for me liao
woke up with rocks on my chest.. could not wait to pump...also want to see today after 19 hours can yield how much milk!

angel does really sweet things...but sometimes she also very noti lah...

me quite excited about celebrating angel's birthday this sunday!

ok mummies will pop in later....have a great day ahead!
Morning mummies!

My mum told me Alden have been very naughty yesterday... doesnt wana drink after his 2pm feed, keep crying and head keep turning to her breast and started to lick!! hehe.. think he wana latch on ba... so my mum warn me not to latch him on during weekends lor :p


Wow... yr gal wana be wrestler ah... keke...

nice meh??? like not veri secure to me leh...heee..

let me know the link to vote crystal leh
i wana vote too!

this morning i hit target liao! 450ml! i becomign greedy...wanna get more since after 19 hours i can get my target....maybe after 24 hours...get get 480ml? hmmmm.... wonder if i can skip a pump from today??? or should i play it safe and make it 20 or 21 hours for tomorrow first....
reducing to 1 pump is the most fan nau!!!!!
