Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

the ergo carrier very secure one...and very comfortable

i love the front carry...always make me feel very close to baby...

crystalmum - heyhey, there is some resemblence!
I think my gal got bigger head though. Weighed her at the pd - now 6.7kg and 65 cm. Doesn't seem to be growing much longer/taller... Had to give her 2 mls of antibiotics and 2mls of flu medicine. Poor thing - yell like nobody's business. 2mls doesn't seem like much to adult but from the syringe, looks like a lot for bb. heartpain.. just wondering if there is a less painful way of dispensing the medicine. re bb contest - yes! must give us the link so we can support crystal!

alittlemiracle - thanks for the tip on the cubes.
agree it would be difficult to get the cubes out. Perhaps the bb is meant to be feed directly from the container? Yesterday went isetan sale and bought a covered ice cube tray. Doesn't say the capacity per cube though.. dun understand the jap. Sounds like taka got wider collection.
Do you sterilise the ice cube tray?

Also bought some individual containers with covers from isetan - 4 small containers for $2 (plus 10% discount). Couldn't resist. I was tupperware queen last nite!
btw, since you are reducing to 1 pump - has your menses returned yet?

Anyone of you know how to read japanese? need to find out whether the containers I bought yesterday can be sterilised.
i dun sterilise the ice cube trays
on the packet, there should be some temp guide maybe...those are in can get some hint??that is how i know whether the pigeon bowls i bought can sterilise or not...

if feed directly from container...the container abit small yah? babies can eat alot quite quickly one ... at least angel started eating more very quickly...
alittlemiracle - my gal is approaching 6 months in about 2 plus weeks' time. Guess by then, no need to be so diligent in sterilising? the container says "dian zi" (as in little electricity - literal translation) ok! Was telling hb probably means ok to microwave. ha ha. also anyhow tikam. But can microwave doesn't mean can steam yah? I do see some numbers which suggests that it can take up to 140 degrees but there is also another column that says 70 degrees leh. v confusing...

the container is a bit small once the bb starts eating more.
always tend to forget that bbs do grow up. Keep buying tiny things...
went to pd jz now..pd say her rash quite bad..gave another stronger cream to apply..elomet..any mummies using? gal finally hit over 7kg..keke..7.22kg..but din grow any taller leh..but as long as she got put on weight i happy liao though she under 50th percentile..

phoebe - my pd say if it does not get better will give elidel..seems tat it is a better but more ex cream..doc are told to be more cautious of giving it due to some reports lately..

alittlemiracle - so fast..your angel one year old liao..soon will be mine and jas's..then westbb boi liao..

i think your angel is really an angel leh..

congrats to you on reaching your target! i remember u mention to get 500ml for one pump..seems possible hor..

westbb - have u taken your boi to the photo shoot?

bb contest
thanks mummies for your support
me will post the link when can vote..maybe not so fast cos i get to choose the photos only on 16 jan leh..cant wait to see cheery crystal in orange..kekeke..
alittlemiracle- heehee me already on with tt mummy for the ergo liao... email her last nite then this afternoon she call me sat collect......kekeke i had jj in the sling for 1hour my back n shoulder ache like siao..... so me decided to harden my xin n buy..... pocket hole getting bigger......

crystalmum- nv heard of the cream b4 but if it works for crystal den good lor...... as long as they dun keep scratching anythg is okie
today our thread not as noisy as usual hor....

sheris...envy... you got the new gen ergo... me got the previous generation one... cannot bring myself to buy another one...but enjoy the carrier.. i really like it myself

there are no hard and fast rules to whenyou can reduce... i go by gut feel... when i feel liek i wish to reduce, i will do so.
poor crystal, did PD say why she kenna rashes?? *sayang sayang* nevermind my boy will still sayang her as much as before ok!

look mummies! here's what i found out just now!!! kekeke... can go for lookalike contest or not? hehehe
me sad again
..crystal down with fever in the evening..not very high but me very xian..this morning jz saw pd for the rashes but she was ok..gave her the fever med and cried as heartpain..

celine - i cut down to 3 pumps when i feel i can still give enuff for her feedings..but starting can..then slowing my ss decreases oso..initially i could get abt 800+ml from the 3 only now i supplementing with FM liao..

sheris - the cream seems quite good for her..using cetaphil wash oso..hope to see results in a few days..

alittlemiracle - today the forum got problem again in the maybe tat is why..and i tink most mummies on leave? hehe..

jas - u chk your email on the bjg hor..serrich emailed to your yahoo email..
westbb - the rash is from the enzema lor..but heng her face better liao..can still be cute for your boi to love her..kekeke..

wah..the photo if is the daddy..really yi ge mu zi ying chu lai de..but westbb boi more handsome..hehe..
celine i also go by gut feeling when reducing no of pumps. also if you are prepared to supplement with FM.

crystalmum forgot to ans ur qn, the photoshoot did not contact me leh! so slow one ah... maybe they dun wan my boy boohoohoo

the photo is not daddy leh! it's the mummy!!!!! me look like ah boy when young, my boy look like ah girl when young hahaha
westbb - did u send to [email protected] email? but mine oso take a few days to reply oso..or you wanna try calling them at tel: 62273100? mummy? tot is daddy..hehe..paiseh paiseh..huh..maybe i shd check my hubby's photo to see if my crystal look like him..
hmmm i check the photos.... my jh look like..... his uncle....hahaaha....

alittlemiracle- me actually can't decide wan to get or not one... scared difficult to use n jj dun like but heck lah my waist pain killing me...
crystalmum, brought my boy for his 2nd jab today and also get some cream to apply on those dry patches. doctor said it's sensitive leh..
did you check with the PD whether it's safe to use Zaricort?

how's crystal's fever? ok already? my boy now having fever after his jab leh... can i still put him in air-cond room tonight?
phoebe - seems ok to use zaricort fact he gave me a higher steriod level cream elomet..according to him..tis one less absorption into the blood stream wor..he got mention the elilel..say is good and ex..but he say they were told to exercise caution when prescribing it due to recent reports..

crystal still got fever tis morning 38.1 see her take med tis morning..cry and cry till i so is your boi liao? u got give him fever med?
crystalmum, so the PD said Crystal having enzema or sensitive skin? since my boy is going to see his PD, will go and ask him again on those dry patches..

daryll fever still on.. tis morning is 37.6... also having flu at the same time and lots of also very heartpain seeing him suffer..
alittlemiracle, i am also very tempted to reduce number of pumps to 13 hrs interval. i pump 8-hrly right now, but will be working in a week's time where there are no rooms i can use for pumping.

can advice how fast do u reduce? and did ur supply decrease upon dragging the interval? any blocked ducts in the process of reducing?
aiyo, poor crystal n daryll got fever!! crystalmum n phoebe take care hor. I understand how heartpain both of you feel...
recently i oso suspect my son got cough then finally bring him to see PD luckily PD said his lungs are ok and clear cough might be due to playing with saliva however he got abit blocked nose. :p


from which mth you reduced to 3x pumping sessions?


yr supply can last 3~5 mths how come? thot our frozen milk can last maximum only 3 mths?? even thou i always let my son drink the frozen milk which are 1 mth old dun want to store the milk too long.
aiyoh...this morning the server something wrong again cannot post leh...

poor crystal and daryll are ill ah???!!! quick get well before new year hor! are they better now?

phoebe, angel also uses zaricort...seems ok leh... but apply thinly.

pmping update.
Me today officially down to 1 pump liao!!!!!! Gonna see if i can hold out for 24 hours today...if not, i may wake up earlier (like at 5am) to pum... this morning I got 470ml (after 21 hours). Am pleased as can be...realised i should aim for a higher volume since when the schedule stabilises, the volume migh drop a little...

pio, when i reduced to 2 pumps, it was also due to work... i did it quite suddenly but that is also because my breasts conditioned (as in they are regulsar pumpers) already so i jumped straight in to 2 pumps. My supply did not dip at all, in fact it increased...but that is because, with 2 pumps, after every epression, i also hand express to the very last drop that i can squeeze out. I wanted to continue with TEBM. It was blocked ducts galore though... Got to handle one blocked duct every week...but since then i have become a master blocked duct releaser...heee when i am faced with the blocked duct, i am secretly looking foward to realesing it, with a smirk on my face!
Pio, u are straight after ML issit... if so, not so advisable to reduce leh... the ss might dip.

westbb and boy really look alike hor...
somebody asked if mine has returned issit... mine has not. mummies whose menses has many ml were you pumping when it returned ah??
today on half day..wanna rush home to see my crystal..on the way home went to and buy again..can someone tell me how to stop buying hah? bgt some cds for her to listen..

oh ya..mummies..jz now went to tat clementi shop to see got new arrivals for the carter leh! so end up bgt another so happy can grap a purple always wanted to buy purple for my gal..cos i oso love purple..hehe..

phoebe - my gal is enzema smooth sad..oops..dont let westbb know leh..

celine - me drop to 3x when my gal is about 6mths..when she start taking solids..i pump so much oso no use..

alittlemiracle - me gal seems to be better..temp drop liao..but still gotta monitor lor since it go up and down one..wonder if she is teething..cos the fever quite sudden..or maybe catch some bugs from the pd clinic..

wah so good master blocked duct releaser time clear for me??!! hehe..or maybe not..choi!

i wish my mense would neber return leh..keke..
hi ladies,
is there something wrong with the forum? the 12 hours link doesn't seem to work... I tried giving my gal pear with her rice cereal today. Was so unhappy - she kept banging her hands against the bumbo as a sign of protest. Same with apple sauce. Does any of you have similar experience?

crystalmum - hope your gal recovers soon. v sian when bb is sick. wah! you bought more rompers? does crystal have a cupboard full of clothes by now?
my toyogo cupboard is also getting overstuffed too. btw, how many meals of solids is crystal on now?

alittlemiracle - I was the one who asked about menses.
wah! one year without menses quite shiok yah? u thinking of trying for a second one soon?
My menses return this mth when I started to reduce my pumping last mth....I have officially stop pumping this week....

me having splitting headache after attending a long meeting......sian.....lots of work to do on the 1st day of school....
just came back from the clinic. Daryll's fever is on and off leh.. and his flu is really really bad, his PD said he's too sensitive to the flu virus and asked me to take peure fish oil. my poor baby are full of phlegm...

crystalmum, checked with his PD on those dry patches and he said it's enzema.. gave me cetaphil to bathe him also..

you go shipping again la...
tell u sumting la... ZARA sales is on from today.. hehe

alittlemiracle, angel also using zaricort huh? all along i tot that it's quite strong for adults also.. didn't know that it can be used on infants.

mine dunno consider menses or wat leh.. every day got bit of spotting only.. asked me gynea and she said that it's normal wor..
alittlemiracle, my baby is now 4+ months comin to 5 mths. Is it ok for me to cut down to 2 pumps per day? I can do a 3x pump -- but one of the intervals would be 13 hrs. Is that advisable? Gosh, even after the schedule has stabilised, u are still getting block ducts?
tuffy - think is down cos some maintenance work is gal turns away from the food she does not wan..those tat she want..she will guai guai eat..sometimes even bend forward to eat..but not often..

her temp went up and down..jz went up again..gave her med and she sleeping heart oso go up and down like her temp..

i cant help it leh...the rompers so pretty the cupboard is really full..cant close the door leh..

my gal still taking one solid..shd be giving her 2 solids soon..pd say can..

phoebe - sama gal temp oso go up and so worried the whole day..xing qing chen zhong..

i use the elomet tat pd gave..her rash almost gone leh..really good..doc say few days will see result..i one day can see result liao..hope she will quickly recover from it..

i went shopping not shipping

pio - how much is your bb drinking now? u 2 pumps can tahan all her feedings? cos hor..if u cut down..will reduce ss eventually one..tats y now my bb 7.5mths..i still doing 3 pumps..scare drop another will be drinking more any case..i need to supplement FM liao cos my ss drop from 1000+ml to 700+ml now..
crystalmum and phoebe, hope ur bbs get well very soon!!! aiyo so heartpain! so many bbs sick.. my boy also running nose since returned fr malacca trip, me too having running nose, sore throat and cough, today cannot tahan liao finally go see doctor... kept having headache and feels head v heavy! what a way to end the year!!!

phoebe, u really look so young and pretty in your msn photo!! kekeke

crystalmum, i email them long ago liao but they still havent contact me leh, 1 week liao.. sob...

recently no more bb photos liao ah... i want to see all the cute bbs leh!!!
crystalmum.... paiseh, typo error. hahaha

good to hear that crystal is getting better after applying the cream. i think u better bring her to a doctor for her fever
westbb, my boy fever already subsides.. now only waiting for his flu to recover. PD said won't be so soon coz quite bad.. will take about 5-6 days to recover..

tat pic was taken after i 'da pan mei mei' for dinner mah.. hehe
crystalmum - what's her fav food now? i will try mixing less pear into her rice cereal tomorrow. Last chance to use before it expires.. sigh.. still got so much left!

all the bbs so cute and happy!

aiyo den i better stick to 4x pumping sessions till my son is 6 mths lah i want him to have as much TEbm as possible.



i still have staining even thou i gave birth 2mths plus ago...isit normal? when will this stainng be clear totally?

wow some of you menses aft half or one year still din visit ar sooo good ar! haha... good ar good ar no need to spend $$ to buy sanitary pads


aiyo daryll really chub bee leh..haha..

re: going back to work

so sian will be going back to work next tuesday so long rot at home liao really dun feel like going work...:p
crystalmum, oh, for my case, I was already supplementing FM all the way. My baby is drinking abt 800-900+ml per day. I am producing only 500ml.

I am currently pumping at 8-hrly intervals (i.e. 3 pumps per day). But sigh... after starting work, I would have no place to pump. So, I am thinking of doing 3 pumps still, but with a 13-hr interval for one of the pumps, e.g.:

Pump#1 - 6am (before I leave home)
Pump#2 - 7pm (when I have reached home)
Pump#3 - 12am

Possible??? I tried a 10-hr interval today. Sigh... although I have occasionally done this before (cos forgot to get up to pump), there is some blocked ducts today. My breasts are feeling a bit sore. Not too bad, but just slightly uncomfortable.
sianz...woken up by rocks on the chest... so bad that i cannot wake up, come in to post...see can tahan a bit longer or not... still got 1 hour to go....

pio, if you really need to reduce, then after a couple of days, the breasts should get used to it... but u have to be be prepared for clogged ducts and maybe a reduced milk ss.

daryll cute and the line on the arm... heehee...wel fed well fed...

celine, my postpartum lochia also take very long to clear totally..about 10 weeks.

cannot take it...just handexpressed 60ml out... feel abit better... so will see if can wait out til 6am...
morning alittlemiracle - ouch... sounds painful.. good thing you are an expert at clearing blocked ducts (if any should arise from this).
My gal is up at 4 plus and refuses to sleep. Just nursed her and put her back in her cot. But she doesn't look sleepy leh. Told maid not to carry her or look at her unless she cries. Even if she fusses, don't bother to pick her up. How to make her sleep longer so that she wakes up in a more humanly hour of 6am? She now sleeps at 8pm. Sometimes she sleep at 10pm - doesn't change her waking time though.
alittlemiracle - these past few days have been like this. when she first wakes up, she doesn't fuss. will just play on her own. After a while, she gets bored and start complaining. Then I will nurse her and she will sleep again.
why dun you just give her milk, then she can go back to sleep after that... or give her water? so you dun encourage her to wake up for milk?... but she still quite young...soi will do the milk thing lor..i only started to give water instead of milk around 9 months...and even then, sometimes if angel does not fall back to sleep, i will give which time, i dunno if she is tired out liao (after 1.5 to 2 hours) or if she is hungry.
hwah...after my morning expression, literallly a load off the chest!
today get total of 510ml!!!!!!! hope this keeps up!

so, crystalmum,, looks like it is possible to get 500ml with one expression!
morning mummies..crystal still got fever..below 38 degrees now..phew..but then dont know if it will go up again..shd i still take her to doc? can i feed her porridge today?

love - nat so sweet..argh..tink of cannot bao her tat day again..

tuffy - dont know wat her favorite food leh..but so far she seems fine with potato porridge..tink she dont like carrot as much..

celine - of cos more BM to give better lor..jia you!
pio - tink gotta get your br accustom to the timing lor..but hor..i tried this 'irregular' hrs before..initially tot got more milk leh..then later the longer interval one got less and less now i bk to more regular hrs..

alittlemiracle - congrats leh! u got more than your target wor..seems is possible..but the high rock a bit difficult to tahan any clogged ducts after 24 hrs?

tuffy - maybe get her to sleep later?

congrats alittlemiracle! finally hit your target..

crystalmum, how's crystal now?
my daryll rashes on his face are back again.. haih. seems like it does not go away.. always come back after a while. yesterday his PD also asked me to bathe him using Cetaphil coz the normal baby body shampoo are too drying.

he's still down with flu but lucky did not get cranky last night.. slept thru out the night and only wake up tis morning at 7am.. dunno is it bcoz of the medicine he took.. hehe
me long time never get to sleep so long already.. feel so refresh

tuffy, maybe she's not feeling well.. is your room temp alright? not too cold and not too warm coz babies will get cranky when it gets too warm..

mummies, any plans today? me kena stuck at home leh..
