Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

phoebe - me oso stuck at home plans oso become no plan liao..

she was ok this morning..below 37.5..tot she ok did not bring her to doc..then jz now..temp. went up to 38.0 again..wonder if it is long does it take for temp to go away hah?

i already start bathing her cetaphil and applying cetaphil still dry dry leh..her other rashes seem to be under control liao..

jas - u megabonding with shauna see u around leh..

crystalmum, think u better bring crystal to see a doctor coz tomorrow is a public holiday and clinic will not open leh...
Happy New Year to all mummies and babies...

Today went to my in laws place in Clementi so drop by the shop that sells lots of baby clothes...spent $40 on Nat's clothes...bought some for my sis's baby happy....
Happy new year everyone!

crystalmum - just put my gal to sleep. hope she doesn't wake up at 4am to kachow us.
is crystal feeling better now? I hate it when they are sick cos they look so pathetic when we give them medicine. v painful to watch.

alittlemiracle - since my bb is a little on the small side, I am inclined to feed her too if she is hungry instead of giving water.. hope i don't regret this...
me today go orchard road...any sharp eyed mummy spotted angel? hee hee...

this afternoon, the thread under maintanence again hor....

got one clogged duct but quite easy to release. see if tomorrow morning will be better... hope the breast quickly get the idea that the mummy want sto pump only once a day.

do what u feel is right lor...mummies got stron ginstinct what is good for thier own babies!
Hi mummies..Happy New Year to you and the babies!

me not very happy..jz back from hosp..took my gal to the A&E at mt A...her temp went up worried..but i really was so glad to see my pd at the A&E! he happened to be seeing a really lucky! my gal has to go thru the blood test and urine test..i cried when i see her crying when nurse took her blood..soooo heartpain..the nurse was actually forcing the blood to drip from her poor finger..drop by drop! imagine how long was the pain! heng it the blood test was ok..then is the urine test..of cos the most difficult! she urine twice but it jz leak and went into the no choice..pd say can go home..lucky when we reached home after her milk..she hubby now on the way to the hosp. to pass them the urine..he gotta wait for the gal now sleeping liao..really way pass her bedtime...jz hope her urine test is ok too..doc say seeing her condition..without any flu or cough..seems to be false measles..
Happy New Year to all mommies

Just finish pumping my first bottle of milk in 2006. Clear 2 block ducts during my Penang trip one on my left and one on my right. The right one is more serious until got fever and whole body shiver.

Will be back tomorrow, kind of miss home.

Justen is eating very little 100ml 4hrly only during night time can eat up to 140ml while asleep. But he sleep a lot can sleep nearly 2hrs every session after feed and sleep throughout the nite. We guess he is not that hungry as he don't really move alot.

Hope all mommies supply increase in year 2006 and Hope all Babies healthy and happy always 8)
crystal's temp seems to have gone back to normal..but then..always go up and down..hope i wont go up again cos today is the 4th day of her fever!

poko - u take care boi so guai sleep thru the nite..hope my gal like tat leh

alittlemiracle - the urine test result was also ok..heng did not kanna waiting to see if got rashes after the fever..

how is your preparation for your angel's big day? 2molo leh!

how is your ss today? can sleep? still with rocks in the morning?
poor crystal.. 4 days of fever is no joke. hope she recovers soon. is she under any medication now? how do you administer it hah? have been syringing mine and she yells like crazy. Wonder if there is a less painful way of doing it.
tuffy - gave her brufen..quite a strong med for fever..tink got side effect oso..but no choice leh..gotta bring down the temp..i oso use the syrine (btw u know is 'shoot' at the side hor) but she oso maid tried to use the spoon...seems better..but of cos still cry lah..but slightly better..
crystalmum - side as in the side of her mouth right? yah.. we try loh but she sometimes struggle so dunno where the medicine went.. nowadays, she knows we are giving her medicine - will start yelling even before the syringe gets near her. Does she push away the spoon? am thinking whether to try using spoon instead.
happy new year!!! may all bbs stay healthy & happy!!

poor crystal & mummy! is it confirm to be false measles? did doc say how long it'll take to recover? wat's the side effect of brufen?

guess what is my new year "gift"??? my menses came back!!!! aarrgghhh! worse thing, i probably will kenna again during CNY!! HHAAAIII really good timimg!
crystalmum - did you send me an sms about kammi?
just found my phone this morning.

westbb - yikes! would the menses b regular when it first comes bk? maybe won't get during cny?
hi mummies,

I am back from my trip.

Happy New Year to everyone, how's everybody?

Also, alittlemiracle i know Angel is going to celebrate her 1st birthday, wishing little angel a
well blessed birthday! Do post us here her birthday photo ok!!! (Ya, and keep a share of cake for me, hehee...

Oh boy i think I cannot follow up with all the posting here. I will go and read it one by one
soon. Going to fetch my octopus boy at my mum's place later. Had been with us for one whole week, my mum help to take care of him last night and later have to take him back and sent back tommorrow evening...

Still in holiday mood lucky still got one extra holiday on Monday, can still relax relax.

As for the trip, walao.. I am even fatter now. So sad... eveyday breakfast / lunch / dinner also BUFFET. "Bu fei cai guai"... On package tour leh, every meal provided...

Ah boi cope quite well with the ride on plane. Doesn't seem to make much noise. Also we didn't give him anything to suck while take off or landing. (He don;t want, not we don't give). Only the last trip when landing to Singapore he make some noise and keep putting fingers into his ear, like trying to say very noisy" or "ear pain pain". Then we keep pulling his ear (trying to equalise the pressure) and he start laughing.

As for the EBM, I pump 2 times, in morning and evening still. After pump, give on the next feed immediately before going out, so no need to bring it out. Me time "zun zun" so that it's about time he drink after I finish pump, if not duno how to handle the ss as I left my ice pack at my mum's place forget to take lor.. For the evening pump is more easier. He can drink anytime since the night is F&E.

The food is a problem maybe he cannot adapt to the food. Reject the porridge end up "guitar bone" body again. Also it's a lesson for us to learn that never bring small tin (400g) of milk for 6 days trip as it's never enough.. Hmm, because the FM is not enough so we keh kiang go and mix the baby cereal into his FM, he keep rejecting the bottle and my hb keep forcing it, in the end he vomitted all the food he ate earlier, that time was in the mini-van. Wah... his shirt and my hb shirt all kenna gossy... Bo bian he cry cry cry and we have no milk liao...gotta give him plain water to temporarily feed him first. That time was on the way to Chiangrai where the mountain road took 3 hours, we just started after lunch and he vomitted everything leh. The heng part, we bought new shirt & pant for baby earlier and lucky he can change in the van but my hb jialat, the whole trip with smelly shirt and pant, hehehe.. As for the milk powder, our local tour guide go searching for it while we stop for convenience and some shopping. Baby "tong" for an hour more without milk. Good part is heng, he can take whatever brand of FM, end up taking some Thailand brand FM name "Snow". Quite cheap, the 400g one cost only Baht110 (around S$5).

Will stop here for now.

Post some pix of him.
Welcome to Thailand

At the Royal Palace (Bangkok)

At the Hot spring, we will place the whole basket of quill eggs into the hot spring to boil it for 5 minutes.

Chiangmai Umbrella Handicraft

Ah boi got new toy

Long Neck Hill Tribe

Bell at Chiangmai Plaza Hotel

Doggie trap

So tired...Good Night....
poor crystal..u take good care of urself n crystal ok??

Most prob I will also kena menses on CNY....sian....but dun think will be accurate for the 1st few mths...
tuffy - when was the sms? dont remember smsing u leh..

ya in the mouth on the sides inside of directly into the throat..ya..she oso struggling with the spoon lor..but gotta force it in..but i find she not so 'choky' with spoon feeding..

westbb - dont know leh..haven see the rashes yet..but her temp went up again...haiiii..go up and down one..doc say expect another 1 or 2 days of up and down fever..tink he mention some gastric problems of brufen..

so did your ss dip with the menses? me scare scare leh..see u all all coming back..

bitbit - welcome back! we miss you so much leh..and of cos your ah happy to see his photos..still as cheeky as ever..your boi seems very happy at the trip hor..

love - thanx..yap have to take care of myself too..and of cos my darling crystal..see her like so weak like heartpain..but lucky she still can smile..
crystalmum..hear crystal like tat i also heart pain.. help me give her a good hug ya..

can try shooting using the syringe bit by bit.. let her swallow then continue, tis way she won't get choke but gotto hold her down and let her head bend downwards a bit loh...

bitbit, welcome back. your ah boi so cute.. he sure enjoy the trip very much hor.. hehe

mine dunno call it menses or wat coz every day also have a bit of discharge, like spotting. gynea said it's common for some mothers who BF wor.. so think i gotto bear with it and wait for the real menses to come.

my first new year pump was good leh.. managed to get 500ml also but it's after 10hrs lah.. hehe
a really good motivation to start off 2006
tuffy - wat is the shop at great world city tat carry the bumpermat? my fren wanna go and see before getting the one from the bulk buy.

phoebe - wah so good! 10 hrs can get 500ml! mine only 300ml after tat interval leh..
crystalmum - oh.. not you. must be another mommy from this forum then.
The shop is motherswork.
they carry both the LG mats and the silver mat. Me v heartpain. my gal has developed such a phobia for medication that the moment we lay her down a bit, she starts yelling. So, couldn't bottle feed her the entire day. She didn't take to the breast much also cos need to lay her down too. had such a headache at the end of the day. not sure how much milk she consumed today....
phoebe - wah! 500 mls is a lot! I always have difficult expressing the milk when the breasts are v engorged. Cannot get letdown...

bitbit - welcome back! your trip certainly sounds v exciting! and octopus boy looked like he had a good time.
tuffy - thanks for the info..

poor gal..tink she will forget one lah..dont let maid be medicine gal oso din take much today..only took 3/4 out of every feed..dont know wats wrong..

i had blocked ducts when I slept through 1 nite w/o getting up to pump. failed to clear them after massaging and had fever for 3 days till I was feeling so terrible. Saw lactation consultation yesterday, she can't get rid of it too after a painful session. Asked me to see gynae to get antibiotics and review next wed. If does not improve have to do surgery. Fever finally went down after antibiotics but lump still there.


how u get rid of blocked ducts? my bb is 2mth +. Since I am returning to work on 9 jan, tried to cut my 3hrly pump session into 4-5hourly and skip the nite pump. I just skip 1 nite and land myself into this. So good that you can hold out for 24hour pump. Think I will be getting high fever if I wait beyond 10hr.

anyone knows the procedure of the surgery for blocked ducts?
hello mummies..saw tis interesting link posted by another mummy..
seems tat they are having roadshow for the on 7 to 27 Jan 06 at Orchard Road (Opposite Mandarin Hotel)..wonder how it works..

whitefloral - i suppose u oso tried to use warm towel over the breast before you massage and it does not help? it usually work for me..

did u gradually lengthen your pumping hrs? if u suddenly lenghten..your br cannot take it one leh..when u skip your nite long interval?

when i wanna skip the nite pump..i cheat a bit..pump at 12am and next pump at the interval not tat my br can take it..then slowly 11pm/6am...then 10pm/6am..

not too sure abt the procedure of surgery for blocked ducts leh..

mummies ah..u all were taking tis 'med' to clear the block duct..wat is it hah? i forgot..let whitefloral know..see if it could help her..
alittlemiracle - angel cutie!!! i wish her a <font color="ff0000">VERY HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY</font> an hour's time.."Happy Birthday to you..happy birthday to you..happy birthday to ANGEL SWEETIE...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!"
auntie crystalmum wish you will Stay Sweet and Happy always!
today is my birthday celebration...and i am princess for a day! although to my mama, i am princess everyday!

It's my party...and i'll cry if i want to...cry if i want to... when can i go for my nap??!!!!!!

u can try take lecithin. helps clear ducts.. some gynaes also prescribe lecithin.. but my gynae say dun take, cos she never hear b4 (not impressed) .. but i still took and it helped. u can get it from GNC.

angel is sooo adorable! BIG girl liao.. do u feel emotional when u think abt how your baby has grown, and now celeb 1st birthday liao?

congrats that you achived yr goal on one pump session a day! u are truly a remarkable mummy.. my idol forever!

u all are back from yr trips! *envy.. luf to see all the pics.. thanks for sharing them! yr boys look like they really enjoyed themselves!

some eczema cream got quite high steroid content.. so muz ask pd.. but it helps clear the rashes real fast. how is crystal now?

re: feeding med
last round shauna was sick, in the end i decided to put the med into the milk (FM lah, not EBM), to spare her from all the anguish. she really hates taking med.. from spoon, syringe.. will get so angry and perspire alot, and scream very loud.. and kick her legs, wave her hands... whew! in the end give up, mix into her milk.. she happier lah.. but i know its not ideal way to give med lor..
oh... hvnt say.. happy new year mummies!

looking back 2005 is so eventful for us, we ended 2005 with all our little darlings. isnt tat special?
jas - download msn at home lah..

ya..pd got tell me the cream got higher steriod content..but absorb less into blood stream lor..really clear fast..

she seems to be better today..highest today is 38..not so bad..

does she know her milk got med?
tuffy- me sms u abt the kammi one lah aiyoh

crystalmum- u take care of crystal n urself leh...

alittlemiracle- happy birthday angel

me got the ergo liao.... not bad used it to carry my jj he slept in it.... but think a bit too hot belly to belly so next day he got hot rash both front n back.... me very xing tong.....
all mummies now pumping away at this time har.. keke! crystalmum, got miss u all lah.. that day i checked in, and then typed alot.. but server got problem cant post... urrgghh!! waste all my typing.. then i gotta rush off. ;o(
Hi Mommies
I am finally back home... Really miss my bed.

Hi Whitefloral

I got block duct when my sleeping position is not right and wearing of wrong bra... But I think you should try 4 hourly first before going slowly to 5hrly...

But I am not expert in clearing the duct, now my right side lump still haven't really clear yet... Actually wanted to ask alittlemiracle for help as she is expert in clearing but she is too busy with Angel birthday so no choice I need to do it myself...

Don't worry, keep apply hot towel to dissolve the lump. Or better to get a hot pad as it retain the heat longer...

Hi bitbit
Welcome back, your boi like taking poster ley, all photo smile so happy... He really like enjoying the trip. My boi don't really like to go out as when I am sick he stay in my in law house with me and he can sleep about 18 to 20 hr on that day.
Mommy sick so didn't take much foto for me. Only took some when flight took off and landed...

Only get to open my gift on New Year day...Wah I am flooded with toys

My 1st X'mas Party

kanna bully...
morning mummies...
thanks or all your birthday wishes for angel...
angel is down with runny nose... sigh...last night woke up and cannot sleep...from 1 plus to 3 plus...before i gave her a milk and then she so tired out liao, fell asleep... today thinking of bringing her to docs...but who is open?? if really have to bring...must go to a&amp;e issit ah??

justen really got super duper round eyes hor... so cute... he so young got people give him food already ah?!

this morning i woke up...dun have the super full feeling liao...hope can still pup out my 450ml... otherwise it will really be the start of a diminishing ss...wish me luck!
aiyoh very sad today... output only 400ml...sigh... hopefully it's because i am sick...sigh....hwah...i throat is serously painful man....
Hi ladies, may I join your discussion? Been "stalking" your thread for some time. I'm a relatively new mom and have been direct latching my cub and expressing whenever I can. Can I ask how many ml per packet of EBM do you pack away for future usage? I'm currently freezing each EBM at 200ml per packet,but wondering if 100ml per packet makes more sense for ease of future use. Will love to hear from you.

On the side, alittlemiracle, you are super duper man!! So much EBM in one sitting...!!!
alittlemiracle - hee hee, angel looks so cute with the princess crown! So good, she let you put things on her head.
my output has been quite erratic too and the bad thing is that I am getting v lazy to empty the breasts. I will give up when I am too tired to wait for the final letdown. hope I don't pay for this big time...

sheris - oh, it's you! sorry.
forgot to programme your name the last time mah. Thanks for the tip!

crystalmum - I make both my hb and the maid the med monster. But she still reject me when I try to feed her directly leh. Think the silly gal associates the lying down position with medicine time.
Alas, my new year is marked by her tantrums. First time she behaved like that loh - have been an angel for 5.5 months. Now she yell and scream most of the time and refuses to play on her own. tis bad tis bad...

jas - am afraid to mix things with her milk just in case she associate it with the awful taste of the medicine and rejects milk altogether... guess shauna doesn't have this problem?
crystalmum - wah, the FM machine v ex hoh. Actually, I don't really understand how it works cos different FM would have slightly different scoop size - is it possible to programme the machine such that it dispenses exactly according to the FM requirements? I find that the airpot that keeps water at 60 degrees useful for making FM. Water is never too hot (impt if maid is the one making the FM) - I know some pple who don't even mix with cool water when using the 60 degrees water. I still put a bit of cool water to cool it down further. do the rest of you use this type of airpot?
sheris - poor jj..u wait for his rashes to recover then use will it come back again? my gal rashes 95% cleared liao..but still got the dry patches..the cetaphil wash and cream seem quite good..the dry patches got reduce oso..hope it wont come back leh..

poko - justen so so cute his big round eyes...

poor justen! kanna bullied..did the boi pull his hair?

alittlemiracle - poor angel..falling sick on her birthday..*sayang*sayang* i tink most pd close on sunday and PH leh (who knows open tell me leh)..i suppose those 24hrs one shd be open? if not gotta be A&amp;E already..

must be sick right..if not u would usually have 450ml mah..dont be sad leh..must cheer up for angel k..

hi gals..wah.. the postings alot leh... hehe i lazy to read liao... :p

but think quite a few of the mummies and babies are not well ya... take good care everyone... CNY goodies coming... must eat know... keke..

Happy Birthday Angel! wow.. looks like u have a wonderful party ya?!

IS Crystal alrite already? Alden Mummy sayang k?
U gd gal i buy sweets for u :D
