Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?


like that my plugged duct also 1 yr old, accompanied by 1 yr old sore throat and running nose. Didn't know being unwell can affect supply so much. today bb still need to take frozen milk.

the article seems to suggest it's good for bb to supplement with lecithin in our daily diet even without blocked ducts? if so I will continue to take daily.

ask u guys, thawed milk has a smell leh but I tried it, still sweet so don't think it's spoilt. I used pigeon milk bag, freeze immediately after pumping, stored bags in an air tight container so should be very clean process. What's that smell? like metal to me but mum says it's like cod liver oil. bb still took the milk. No LS.
jas - wah so to 'see people'..then how? sat can still go for class or not hah..

whitefloral - ya lor..the thawed milk got tis funny gal dont like it so i neber freeze my milk liao..anyway not much to freeze now oso..think is some 'chemical' reaction smell from freezing to thawing??
Hi Whitefloral

Keekee, my block duct still got a bit bit pain, maybe press too hard liao but think should be gone soon. Hope you will get well soon too.

You are lucky that your BB take your frozen milk, my boi don't like the metalic smell and reject milk ever since then. My freezer still have about 50 pack of 150ml.

My supply also drop, yesterday only got 500ml to pass to nanny, today drop to 480ml, but I pump before she come and fetch Justen so should be enough for his day time intake. Justen not drink that much too...

choy! dun make fun of your hb staying in hospital lah.


its normal huh about the staining we have? ok later i called my gynae and see whether she answered the same way as yours or not ok ;)


i nvr go smell my frozen milk metal smell meh? anyway i worried frozen milk got different taste from chilled ones so i usually mix half frozen and half chilled for my boy to drink.
celine - ya lor ya lor..choi choi! touch wood..

poko - u feeling better today? still on mc? take care hor..

alittlemiracle - how your ss today? still sorethroat?

jas - u know hor..after your posting abt the hugging from shauna..i go and let my gal sit on my lap facing me..she jz bochap me leh! argh...wonder when will she give me a good hug..keke..
Hi Mummies,

Am new to this thread. Will be grateful for your advise in a few matters.

a) My baby will be with my in laws for a week. What is the best/ cheapest way to store the expressed milk during this time ?

b) When I go out without my baby, I will feel engorgment after 3 hours. What should I do ? If I pump out the milk, how do I ensure that the milk will not get spolit as I may be out the whole day ? Does this also means that I will not be able to go overseas without my baby ?

c) Anyone has any idea if we go for courses at IPAM, is there any nursing room or way to store the BM ?

Thank You.
u mean how you going to get the EBM to your in laws place, isit? same as if you pump outside, and will be outside the whole day...

buy a cooler box or bag lor. i have a cooler bag (the ameda pump bag) with 2 ice bricks.. if the bricks are frozen, according to the manual the milk in the cooler bag can last a good 12 hrs! but i seldom leave it in cooler bag for so long.. try to get the EBM to a fridge asap.. max was 5-6 hrs.

when i went hk without bb, i also threw away my EBM for the few days. but if you plan before hand and get ready your cooler bags/box/ice bricks, and yr hotel got fridge.. you can bring the EBM back to your bb.

yest i tried again too.. no more hugs from her leh.. she like koala bear.. keep grabbing me then pushing herself up.. recently she wan to learn how to stand on her feet liao. in her cot, she also try to grab the sides and get up on her knees! so mayb the hug is a one -time affair.. mayb she sleepy sleepy so rest awhile on me that day. ;o(

hows yr pumping experience in the office?
recently my gal makes crying sound in the middle of the nite while she is sleeping.. soft soft one.. eyes still closed, as tho still sleeping, but like crying.. duno why? any mummies know is is cos of teething? previously she doesnt do that.. just sleep thru.. only these few weeks.

*worried leh.. duno is it we play with her too much, then she got nightmare..
welcome ng

a) the best way is to get those glass bottle from the hospital..

b) freshly expressed milk can be left at room temp (25 degrees) for up to 4 hrs only. if you'll be away too long , guess you'll have to express and throw away.

c) where is IPAM huh?

I only pump one session during work managed to pump in our one and only room which is fully enclosed - our storeroom (abit hazardous coz so many boxes lying ard :p) and my ss maintain about 300ml hopefully will not dip.

jiat lat my boy sometimes make crying sound leh in the middle of the nite while she is sleeping just cry out once den continue to sleep lah...poor baby got nitemare every nite ar?

he still need to wake up in the middle of the nite for feeding *sigh* very tiring dunno when he can be like shauna can sleep thru the nites
Celine.. tink your boy is having nightmare.. it's only sometimes and not every night?

now only wake up for midnight feeding.. u wait till he can flip, will get worse. my boi will flip once he wake up.. so happy with his new found hobby till i had a hard time patting him back to sleep.
Hi mummies
long time never post in this thread.

My pumping is now down to 2x a day (7am, 7pm). Just started yesterday and by 7pm, my br is already leaking and felt so full. Praying no block ducts and the br will get use to the schedule soon.

Been busy with bb haowen cos he's been waking up many times at nite for the past few nites (mummy panda-eyed liao). Suspect due to teething cos he's been refusing milk and drooling quite badly. Think his gum is sore cos he always calm down when I massage his gum....
Thanks Jas03 and Phoebe.


actually, I do not intend to bring the BM to my in laws ( they stay in Bt timah and I stay in Tampines and I still need to pick up my 2 years old son after work from childcare ). Hence, I am wondering what is the most economical way for me to store my BM in as I have limited number of glass bottles. A mental calculation concludes that I need at least 72 bottles ( 12 bottles daily * 6 days ). Stress.....

Does KK gives glass bottles after baby and I have discharged 2 months ago ?


I am a civil servant and and IPAM is a building where most civil servants go for courses.

Once again, thanks for all the advice given.
Thanks Jas03 and Phoebe.


actually, I do not intend to bring the BM to my in laws ( they stay in Bt timah and I stay in Tampines and I still need to pick up my 2 years old son after work from childcare ). Hence, I am wondering what is the most economical way for me to store my BM in as I have limited number of glass bottles. A mental calculation concludes that I need at least 72 bottles ( 12 bottles daily * 6 days ). Stress.....

Does KK gives glass bottles after baby and I have discharged 2 months ago ?


I am a civil servant and and IPAM is a building where most civil servants go for courses.

Once again, thanks for all the advice given.
ng, the other alternatives is to store in storage bags and froze it in order to last for one whole week..

hmm.. not sure about kk. i always go back to tmc to take and got no problem with it.. jsut inform the nurse that you need it to store your EBM.

ix.. so how much your get for 12hrs interval? i stil dare not cut down too much, scared not enuf milk for my boy.
hey mummies

anyone will get very upset after Parents in law give bad comments abt yr child? I feel very sad and angry de leh... its like everytime i bring Alden to their place hor.. wil kana commented want spoilt, naughty, have to carry n walk ard... very TL... i think i getting postnatal blues becos of them liao! :"(
alittlemiracle & crystalmum, I tried the 13-hrly pump on Mon night. But before I reached 13-hrs, I was already leaking v v badly, and was having chills and cold sweat, such that I couldn't finish my dinner. And when I started pumping, I realised I kena a very bad clogged duct. Couldn't get it out no matter how I massaged. Was terribly painful, until I almost cried. That's not the worst. After pumping, red spots appeared throughout my body. Yep, I got "hives". Sighs... after seeing doctor and taking medicine, the hives subsided, but then they re-emerged on Tues night (very badly - even the face is peppered with red blotches). I am not sure if the hives was triggered by an allergy from the food I ate, or was it from the stress of dragging the pumping-intervals and the clogged ducts.

That's not all... I switched back to 8-hrly pumping to ensure I get my clogged duct cleared. Yep, it has cleared, but I realised that my supply has dipped badly. It dropped by as much as 20%. Sighs...

alittlemiracle, when u get clogged ducts, do u increase your frequency of pumping, or do u still remain at that stretched intervals?

I am really petrified at pumping at > 12hrs liao. Think I have to stick back to my 8-hrly. Really dunno how... esp since there are no nursing rooms at my work place.

Ix, how is your 12-hrly doing? Hope it is good! Did ur supply drop with that?
jas - i wish mine is sleepy sleepy and do tat to me oso dont have leh..haiii

my gal oso sometimes cry suddenly in the middle of the night one leh..shd be normal hor..

ixwong - u megabond with your boi and forget abt us huh..u boi how many months fast teething? mine yi ge ya dou mei you..

so u cut to 2 pumps how much u got hah? me still tinking to cut down to 2 pumps or not..

ng - think can lah..u tell them u delivered there one they shd be ok to give rite? i went back to mine at mt alvernia they oso give..

fun - so far mine haven give bad comments yet..if have..say she is botak?? aiya..dont care wat they say lah..all bb like to be carried and walk mah..mine oso..sit down a while will cry liao..

so u getting the kammi today?

tuffy/sheris/alittlemiracle/bitbit/sp/westbb all bo di hah..
alttilemiracle, crystalmum, westbb, jas03, phoebe, tuffy, poko, celine, fun, love, sheris, serrich and my dear worm supplier (sp) and all mummies... wah so many, cannot conso all.. finally got some time to settle down and pop in to really read! HOW ARE U ALL???? Miss miss all the mummies and bb here leh!!! Got miss me or not har..

aiyo got new mummies and bb leh, pio and whitefloral new? Cannot follow up liao, so sorry to miss out...

new mummies means new babies and more mummies on EBM too?

me same same as you, pump 2 times but I pump at 6.15am and night around 7pm coz I need a long travelling time from my place to office. Everyday wake up so early but sleep quite late (around 11 plus). I felt really tired. As you all know I have to go my mum place everyday and to transport my BM. Then I want to have more time with my son so I stay from 6pm till as late as possible. Usually when want to go back I felt very sad especially when ah boi see me left and cried very loudly, so heart-break...

Juz managed to look back some of the previous posting. Saw Angel pix. Alttilemiracle, angel can stand liao har? Can she walk already? that time you just told that she cannot crawl, wah so fast leh. Ah boi still cannot walk, he dun want to stand when we draw up his hand and hold him to walk. He will wriggled and throw temper by making annoying noise to slip away your hands or cry very "sorrowfully" (keh keh type).

Now ah boi is very very naughty and very foul temper already. Can throw things on the floor if he dun like. For eg, last night he holding something we take away from him and give another thing, he cry very loudly, took the one we gave and throw it on the floor forcefully. I so angry I almost smack him! So bad tempered. Then he playing his walker, overturn it and play the wheel, then he put his leg on it and want to step up the walker. We push it away he cry, then crawl to the walker again and overturn it with a very loud bang on the floor, still dare to look at us. His action is really rude and rebellous. I start to fear how to teach him in the years to come...

Fun, i read your posting, just wondering whether I am the one giving bad comment about my child. Actually my mum also say my boi is naughty, want to carry n walk ard (huey kar). I only TL why my mum refuse to come to stay over my place sometimes, make me so tired every night esp after work..

ng.. from your nick, you seem to like totoro is it? Coz I am a great fan of it, so cute, hahaha... ya saying about the glass bottles, I think you can go back to KK to ask from them after discharged. I went back to collect from them also, they seems reluctant and mmake you wait. They will not give you much also. I think depends on luck and nurses, some very "ngiow" won;t want to give you more, they will say they want to give to the patients first. In fact I collect my bottles from KK that's why I know what will b their respond.

re: in laws
its like that one.. when i go back to my in laws, they will tell me.. shld do this, not do that.. must do this, dun do that.. everytime i will frus when i go over to their place. they just hv say something. if i am not doing anything right, then how come their grandgirl is growing well?

now when i hear liao i will one ear in, one ear out.. or go home then arbish hb.. cos its his parents. ahaha.

dun bother abt them lah.. you know in your own heart Alden is a good boy.. dun get affected by them. they can comment all they want.. bochap them ok!! cheer up! smile....

wu di lah, I juz posted.

Miss u all leh.

How is crystal now? Read that she is having rashes is it??
pio - poor mummy...u better go back to your 8 hrs..then 9 hrs..then 10 hrs..slowly slowly..dont suddenly 8 to 13 hrs leh! worse come to worse..use toliet at your work place? when u starting work?
Don't be sad, maybe they old pple so they believe cannot say good thing infront of BB. So that BB will be more easy to handle. As long as you feel he is the cutest and good boi can liao. He is not spolit he is smart. As he is the BM club members... I always tell pple my boi got DHA, SA and AA helping his brain and eye development like advertising. hee hee...
bitbit - we xin you lin xi leh..we posted at the same time! hehe..

me oso scare dont know how to guan jiao crystal next time oso..i can feel her temper not very good one..

of cos we got miss you lah..yesterday jz pop in and disappear liao..

ya my gal rashes now spread to face poor thing..appettite oso drop these few days leh..maybe she know she 'not pretty' liao then mei wei kou..hehe..
bitbit!!!! yes, you were very missed ok! very glad you are back..

i also quite fearful abt how to teach my gal well next time when she grow up. now very spoilt brat.. sometimes i make her lie down to change diapers.. she get very angry cos now she luf sitting up position and hate to lie down.. she will scream and kick her legs, punch her hands, whole face red until i pick her up to sitting position again. worse, if she wants to flip, and i flip her back to put on her diapers.. she will also throw tantrum.. next time how to control her bad temper.. my ah lau say i spoil her liao. cia lat!

alittlemiracle, hows yr sorethroat - better liao?

poor mummy.. you had such a bad experience.. how come you can get chills and cold sweat? is it breast infection? wat we call masitisis or something? mayb the cutting down was done too drastically for yr br.

me been dragging on my pumping for 8 hrs.. 9 hrs.. that nite hor, i decided to go zzz without pumping .. morning wld be 11 hrs.. but hor, in the mid of the night i sleep at my side, leak leh.. my pillow wet wet.. eeks!
crystalmum, I did a 10-hr, 11-hr, 12-hr, then a 13-hr gradually (each day an-hr difference). And I still succumbed badly to the 13-hrly. The toilets have energy saving lights. The lights would go off after the sensors do not detect any movements. Can't pump in the dark lar... cannot focus properly. I am starting work next Monday.
pump during lunch time can or not?

yeah her milk intake was affected for a short while, like 150-180ml instead of her 200ml.. always never drink finish.. but after she recover, ok liao.

all of us in the thread at the same time...i told my hb, one of the best things in 2005 that happened was i got to know all of you mummies on the forum..if not i wld hv become insane liao, esp with all the tong ku expressing! cheers! to our friendship, mummies!!
Hi Pio
Can pump a bit to loosen your breast?

Hi Crystalmom
I'm ok liao, but my ss drop today only got 170ml on my 1st session and going for my next one at 5pm hope can get more. Normally each session I am getting 200ml or more. I got no more supply left in my Fridge liao need to work harder.

I think is a curse, as during my trip I got so much supply that I am throwing 300 to 500ml per day, so I tell myself will not pump so much just enough for Justen will do. And on that same day, I got a block Ducts and together a fever join in. Now my supply drop until very very low. So xian, don't know will the supply come back or not. Feel that I am drying.
hi mummies

Thanks for all yr supports! All u are much much better than my hb! hahaha... He simply thinks tat i am always over sentitive lor.. He is always the one giving least comforting words. Which makes me more and more TL! Will try to loosen up my brain now thanks....
pio - how abt u try the max hrs u can tahan now without clog ducts..definitely not 13 hrs hor..and start from there at half hr instead? maybe 1 day too short for hrly interval cut down for your body..

jas - ya lor ya lor..mine now always left with abt 3oz..haii..

me glad to know all of you here oso leh..if not..i oso will ki happy so many of u all tong ku EBM with me..hope our CNY gathering will materialise..
Agreed with Jas Yr 2005 is a fruitful one! Others will not know how we feel except for pple who is in the same shoe...

When I having fever due to the block duct, while shivering, my MIL passed a remark saying that her son is very "xin ku" need to take care of BB and me... hey I am the one who is sick ley.

When she know that my ang bring BB to carer house, she also not happy... Ooi I also wake up at 6 plus to pump milk ley.

When I slightly better she tell me that she is happy that when I am sick my ang choose to sleep with BB and not me... Halo that is bcos my ang don't want to trouble you mah.

Hee hee so many complain, I am lucky that I only see them once or twice yearly.
fun, it's like tat.. MEN just dun get it and never understand how 'wei da' we are. each time i complain to him, i can see his face changing like i super sianz like tat.. till now i dun bother to talk to him sometimes.
just dun bother about wat others say.. as long as you know that "mummy know best" ..

cheer up ya!!

poor pio.. last time i also kena.. walk also pain. went to LC and suffer even more coz they massage me so hard.. break out in cold sweat somemore but after tat hor it got better. did you went to LC with your clogged ducts?
Jas, I have increased 1-hr each day. Managed to go past the 12-hr mark, but not the 13-hr one. I think during that time (13hr), I was already leaking like mad. And I think there was a clogged duct already, thus mastitis may be setting in -- that's why got chills and cold sweat. After pumping, I was very limp... felt so lousy and no-use... sighs...

Poko, I am a terribly slow pumper. Very slow letdown. So, I take a terribly long time (45min) to finish expressing. And the lights switch off quite quickly - so I doubt I can express anything much out if pumping for a short time.

crystalmum, yep, I may try that again. But not now... a bit petrified, cos my hives is still not gone.
At most, I will pump in the dark in the toilet. Can't see anything, but keep pumping lar. :p

Hee... I am seating my kid infront of me right now, and she is using my computer as a piano keyboard. :p
BITBIT.. i know.. since u both so zhun, you come out with 2 numbers, crystalmum come out with 2 numbers.. then we go buy.. ahahaha! me siao oredi.. i still waiting to become rich lah..
Poko, gosh, your MIL is quite inconsiderate, yah? Well, most importantly is that your hubby does not think the same way.

Phoebe, nope. I did not go to LC. Managed to get the clogged duct cleared with frequent pumping and expressing to very very last drop. But supply has dropped by 20% now -- not sure if it was because I am down with hives or because it is a permanent drop.
bitbit - buy 0347 hah? gek sim leh..last week my gal's bc no. came out..i din buy..argh..cos is wed..i usually buy weekends..oops..did i reveal something..hehe..

serrich suggest to have CNY gathering..sheris say she will compile our contacts..oh ya..PM yours to her..but dont know who organise leh..hehe..
pio, mine also drop after i suffered a very bad blockage.. till now will never get back the same amt that used to get.. maybe wat poko said is true loh.. kena punishment for throwing my milk when the supply was overflowing..
pio, mine also drop after i suffered a very bad blockage.. till now will never get back the same amt that used to get.. maybe wat poko said is true loh.. kena punishment for throwing my milk when the supply was overflowing..
Sad thing is he is a 24 "Xiao" son so he is quite angry that I complain about his mom... I am ok now, used to it liao just talk to you all, my friends and my colleague to "fa xie" if not will "ki Xiao" too...

My hb also a '24 xiao son' wannabe... he has been bugging me to stay with his parents in the future.. i die die dun want.. end up now we made a promise tat none of our parents will come over stay for good liao.. hahaha....

Whenever i complaint to him abt his parents comments over Alden.. he will onli smile like nuts at... BTH!

just now i even wana cry after thinking thru all the things over and over again lor.. darn stress.. going to get postnatal blues if i dun get support from frds liao!
Pai say, pai say. Did not megabond with my boy lah. Just so started work and things are hotting up, so no time to catch up w all the postings. Quite tough juggling both work and bb, esp since I bring bb home every nite. Recently, my ds is quite cranky with his teething pain, so v drained...

I also thot it's a bit early for my 4.5MO boy to experience teething pain leh, but guess every bb is different. So far, only pain, no tooth seen yet.

Re pumping 2x a day
Just started this new schedule yesterday. Manage to pump out 250-270ml each pump, nothing exciting cos my ss all along only enough for partial BF...

I also ganna 'hives' during my ML. Took 2 jabs to reduce the rash. At the end, manage to establish it was a case of allergy to overdose of sesame oil. I remember how miserable I was during that plenty of saiyang to u. I found applying 'white rice wine' on the hives quite soothing, can help relieve the itch.

take it easy lah. I sometimes also dun like what my MIL says (imagine she discourage me to BF my son!!!), but luckily she dun critise my boy. So I just play deaf and ignore her comments loh. Heng, my hb v rebellious one, so will encourage me to ignore his mum *whew*

My hb also encourage me to ignore lor. but its reflects on me and my mum's up bringing of Alden ma! and i dun like to be critised lor! They always touch on my most sensitive spot! EEErrr...
Crystal mom
Now too late to buy 4D right, if come out how... Will be very "xin tong" again...

170ml again... Cannot hit 200ml... How? BB got nothing to drink liao will have to mix with FBM I think.

contact so far me got from crystalmum, poko, phoebe, love, sp any more coming in????

talking abt bad temper it runs in the family... all my 3 kids super bad i rule with the iron cane... hahaha starting muz beat now dun hv to really beat say i go get cane all scared..... sometimes me eyes big big stare onli they might turn chicken also
