Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only? the rashes of false measles look like? my gal high fever now got some rashes..dont know is heat rash or false measles it contagious?

i dun know what false measles look like leh...although i had measles when i was a little girl...later i ask my mother... but i think if crystal still have fever, you should bring her see doc leh...

i brought angel to a 24 hour clinic...doc gave her some decongestant... now she is sleeping...doc looked into mymouth adn say... hwah...throat is ulcers some give me antibiotics. wonder so painful and itchy.

tuffy...according to the website, that machine has got several programmes that you can decide what brand of milk powder you use, you "tell" the machine and it will know how much milk to can even tel the machine if you want to alter the concentration of the milk (like if pd advises so)... but i think it's a luxury item...

hi furry
welcome welcome
i store my milk in 100ml most of the time. Sometimes if i have spare, i will store in 50ml bags too... easier to use... 200ml a bit much i find.
Keep cool, maybe you shall call your PD to check, if possible you can sent him a mms to check whether is that the rashes of false measles... He is a nice guy he should be willing to help...

Justen face usually is "ku ku" one the boi only 8month plus he just try to be friend friend with him...
Alittlemiracle & crystalmum, I increased my pumping intervals liao -- from 8-hrly to 12-hrly. Unfortunate (but inevitable) is that there is a decrease of about 20ml (even after expressing to the last last last drop). Hopefully that decrease is the max, and it would stabilise thereafter. If I manage to stay at 12-hrly without further decrease, then I can go on EBM-ing for a long long time (no limit of 6mths, watsoever) without worries of not having nursing rooms, etc. :pP

Whitefloral, I saw this article on lecithin for plugged duct management sometime ago. You may want to message me to get it, cos I have not learnt how to post documents. :p What I do for clogged ducts is usually to do frequent expressing, and keep expressing till the very last drop. It would clear after a few expressions.

Mummies, when u do pumping, do you notice if your nipples turn bluish-red (more blue than red) in colour instead of the usual pink? It is as if the nipple was deprived of oxygen. I start noticing that mine does. Wonder whether it is because I am pumping for too long a time -- abt 45min each time, using dual pumps (and handexpression inbetween). Got to pump so long cos I have slow letdown and I have started on the 12-hrly interval pumping, so got more to pump out, need more time.
All mummies and babies, take care! You need to nurse your health back for the coming chinese new year!!!
Happy B'day to sweet Angel.. auntir phoebe give you a flying kiss.. *muack* *muack*

alittlemiracle, your PD should have an emergency number to call..

justen so cute.. eyes so big hor and so much hair.

Crystalmum, measles will be like small red dots all around instead in patches.. but crystal temp already went down to 37.4 is already very good. hope she will get well soon..

poi, mine will only get swollen and very red but will not turn bluish.. maybe you want to call LC and check with them
Happy birthday to Angel too!!! Angel looks so sweet and nice in her dress! Cannot see the cake clearly leh... got close up pic or not, so expensive must take a good look rite since cannot eat kekeke

Justen has big round eyes! Da Yan Shuai Ge!

How are all the sick babies today... my boy also keep having running nose recently... keep going away and coming back..

Me too also very sian leh... tomorrow start work liao... stress again...
crystalmum forgot to ans your qn again keke... surprisingly, my ss was not affected by menses. Also it was not as heavy as before, maybe the system still adjusting lor.. I pray pray will not kenna during CNY man!!!!

my last pump was 11+pm and next pump 6+ am then I kena this major plugged duct problem. Now scared already, pumping every 4hr but not sure if it's due to medication gynae given, my ss dropped drastically. My girl this 2 days need top up from frozen ebm. Hope my ss can come back.

pls email article to [email protected]. thanks! will try lecithin tomorrow, review by lactation consutatant on wed, will know if i have to go for surgery by then.

thought lecithin is for cholestrol control? Will give it a shot.

tried massaging with heat pad, hot shower, the lump still doesn't go away..
alittlemiracle - so far no high temp. liao..rashes hope it will end this episode..

is angel's runny nose better liao?

pio - when i reduce my pump 6 hrly to 8 hrly..i drop from 1000+ml to 900+ to 800+ and now 700+ml..but i guess express to the last drop may help to maintain supply..cos i a bit lazy..always fast fast finish..kekeke..

mine did not turn blue leh..jz stretched..

love - me oso xian..tomolo start work after like 9 days of megabonding with my crystal..

westbb - your boi oso sick ah..sayang sayang..u got take him to doc?

how much u got now? u down to 2 times liao rite? so exciting hor..they meeting up this sat!! hehe..

whiteforal - if u sick ss will reduce one..hope u clear your lump soon!

and tat reminds me..phoebe how are your lumps hah? hehe..i remember u were Ms Lumpy..kekeke..
me mountain tortise wat is fm machine????? nv heard of then the airpot 60 degree useful for fm but me still set at 98 lah.....

ya lor me sick den ss really drop....

y dun we hv a cny gathering ah??

mine also onli swell n pinky not bluish leh
I think CNY gathering is a great idea!! I am all for it.. But we must have a centralised location or somewhere near MRT so its convenient for all whether taking public transport or own transport, rite?

Anyone here is managing the contact list for our thread? If so, it will be easier to use the list for coordination of the gathering.
crystalmum!!!! you got surprise for angel in the mailbox!!! thank you! angel loves to wear sleeveless coz she is so afraid for the heat! thanks a bunch!
is crystal better? my mum cannot remember how the rashes ah liao ah! angel's runny nose is better. but my sore throat is still bad...

your holiday looks like lotsa fun for your jedi boi hor... did u manage to keep up with the expresssing well there? u gor lazy or not ah?

i am really in trouble...dunno why my ss seems like it is sky diving.... cannot be a sore throat can cause so much havoc to ss right?!
me onzzz for the gathering..send sheris details liao..

serrich - disappear so sherilyn enjoy the trip?

alittlemiracle - most gift nia..when u rec hah? now u understand y i mention blue? keke..

how much u got today? drink more water leh..
miss my gal badly today..she was sleeping when i left the house..huh..u all know there is tis kammi look alike thingy..Ookie-Mom and Baby Bonding toy..u suppose to hold close to your skin for a when u are gone..the toy is left with bb and your scent with your maybe i shd let my gal hold close to her skin for a night and i bring to work??!!!
..hehe me xiao liao..kekeke..
Happy 2006!

Back at work today after I off since thu, need to restart my brain, keke.

Wah, so many postings...

Crystalmum, how's crystal? She so poor thing

My 2x total only 8oz

Love, so in the end did u manage to stop completely? If can't, just pump once a day maybe in the evening after work? My ss too low, then I become stressed & frus, so better white flag, hope can become happy-go-lucky again. New yr liao must stop being bad-tempered.
whitefloral, this article mayb of interest to you.. hope yr ducts quickly clear... i never heard of surgery to remove blocked ducts.. u take care hor.. let us know how yr review with the LC went.

hope all babies that are not feeling well will recover soon!! sayang!!

me down with cough AGAIN !! duno why like that.. so fearful will spread to my gal AGAIN.. sleep outside living rm on the bumpermat.. urgh!! so hard.. shld hv got the 15cm one! LOL! will go see doc get STRONG med to cure once and for all!! oni will be heartpaid cos means will hv to throw away my EBM if take med!

tell u mummies hor, last fri i really GOONDU.. i went to office and forgot to put my ice pack in the freezer to freeze. then when wan to leave off then realised! bobian, put 2 ice cubes in insulator, put in my EBM bottle, then rush off. Sway sway that day got wedding dinner, so by the time i reach home is 11 plus liao.. of cos my EBM turn bad liao!!! ask hubby throw down the sink.. i dun wan to do the throwing.. 200ml leh!! heart so pain...

and you know why i say i GOONDU... BIG GOONDU i tell you.. if i never freeze my ice pack, then i shld hv left in office freezer the EBM, today then take back right??? Bozo me!!! grrr.. recently my IQ not very high liao ;o(
Tuffy, how's yr gal? Really heartpain to force feed medicine, I've been thru it & really hate doing it.

Alittlemiracle, how's yr sore throat? Think yr ss will pick up again when u feeling better. Angel very lovely in her pretty dress, she so sweet knows how to sayang her mummy.

Fun, let Alden latch lah, this privilege not forever one, only while stocks last, heehee.

Phoebe, daryll ok already?

Westbb, yr handsome boy's running nose ok liao? He enjoyed himself in Malacca hor?

Poko, Justen's eyes so big & round, so cute! He got so many toys, wow.

Whitefloral, wish u good luck hope u don't hv to go for surgery.

Bitbit, wow, sounds like u all enjoyed a wonderful & interesting holiday. Thanks for sharing with us! Yr boy so happy with his new clothes & toys.
Jas, aiyoh, what a waste of yr 200ml!
Try to get bf-friendly cough medicine & hope u recover once & for all.

Pio, jia you! Hope u can continue long-long!

sheris, jj rash gone already?

celine, how's yr 1st day back at work after long leave?
my gal's rashes spread to hands and legs and face liao..hope it marked the end of the fever..phew..

jas - poor mummy..sick again..

tell u happy pooh tink kanna scatch by my got 'holes' here and there leh..shd have buy the better quality one too! argh...have to chu dong my ipark piro liao..

u dont have extra room? gotta sleep in living oso..but u shd let you hubby sleep in the living room and u sleep on the bed rite? u sick leh..

me oso got forgot to bring ice now i got one extra in the office for standby!
morning mummies..

crystalmum, u still remeber tis ms lumpy huh? kekeke
now getting better liao or should i said i've grown too used to it.. hehe
now dun even feel engorge anymore even after 10hours..

u very cute lah.. doing it the oposite way. no need to spent money mah.. just take crystal's blanket to work loh.. hehe

alittlemiracle, good to hear that angel is getting better.. my boi condition seems to be getting bad instead of recovering.. each time he cough my heart was like kena stab..

u try drinking honey with lemon slice for your sore throat or tonic with ENO..

serrich.. u finally appear after mia for so long..

sheris, sent you the details already..
jas, you sick again? poor mummy.. hope you will recover soon loh.

sp, my daryll not getting any better.. in fact it seems to get worse. if by this wed still not recover, will have to bring him back for review.
see him suffer i also want to cry..

crystalmum, your gal still having fever? tot already went down?
my gal few mths back when she had fever.. also got rashes after fever clearing.. all over trunk and face and hands and leg.. but will clear after a while.. its like small red dots type lor.. all over.. at first i tot was she allergic to the med she taking.. somemore ask PD to change her med.. PD also never tell me is false measles.. then later rashes gone liao.. i so relieved.

how come crystal so "vicious" one.. can scratch bumpermat uh.. westbb.. are you reading tis?? kekeke!

no lah.. bb and hb in the room mah.. i dun wan to spread cough to both of them, so i sleep o/s.

some pple drink apple cider to cure their sore throat.. my colleague swears by it.. but i never tried it out... but u drink more water lah.. tat time duno who posts.. say got sore throat duno why supply went up! then realised its cos she drink alot alot of water... no chocs or titbits for you this period huh!! until u recover.

shauna sends kiss to westbb boy.. wishing his running nose quickly disappear!

shauna also kiss angel.. make her running nose also disappear ok!

i luf to see boy boys wear those type of vest one leh! so handsome justen! when my cough recover, then one day we meet again ok! wan to bao justen uh!!
weather very bad.. so many mummies and babies sick..

phoebe, hope daryll recovers soon too.

i very worry when my gal hv cough one.. it helps to not have them sleep in aircon room.. esp when i hear my gal had rumbling sound when she breathing.. so worried she get bronchitis.. but heng, she recovered, just some phlegm.
Happy New Year Mummies!

me today back to work from my maternity leave....sooooo sleepy and sian. *yawn double*
phoebe - like tat ah..then i gotta bring crystal's kammi to work leh..
she no fever rashes mah..

poor boi..aunite crystalmum sayang him..oh ya..tat day i gave your hug to my crystal..she cry leh..hehe..maybe i hug too tight..

jas - wei wei..u ah..anyhow zhong shang my crystal the mat not good lah..keke..

u and shauna's kissing again crystal give hugsssssssss+kissessssss to westbb boi..keke..

me oso like bois with vest..hehe..

glad to hear shauna recovered..
Hi Mommies

Me MC today, see gynae due to the 1yr old block duct, last friday until now... She didn't give me any medicine and just say my bone swallen.

Has the lump reduce? My one become smaller day by day, but take awhile to disappear. My nipple will become beige (like no blood color) after pump...

Mommies with sore throat, drink hot honey water might help. For me once I feel my throat is dry I will quickly make myself a cup.

Just talking to Phoebe yesterday about the humifier which I think is good if BB sleep in aircon room. Last time before I bought it my boi will have dry cough early in the morning but now seem to be better. My hubby also complain lesser about block nose liao.

Hope all mommies and babies will be in good health always... Take care!

I also love the vest that knit by my friend. She is really good in it, her cardi for BB girls is damn nice too...

Ok miss Shauna smile too, this time can ask Celine along, I also want to see her handsome boi.
crystalmum, u got show crystal my pic before hug her anot? later she cry even louder.. hahaha

good to hear the crystal recovered from her fever.. will be in more better mood to voo westbb boi liao.. ahaha

jas, can't do without air-cond in my room. lots of flying draculas if i dun on the air-cond. think i'll have to get a humifier as recommended by poko... my PD also asked me to get one also loh

poko, y you have a 1 yr old blocked duct?
celine, u got miss your boy or not?

me today oredi miss my gal liao.. wkend + holiday, so nice.. can spend time with her. yest i sit on the bed, and she sit on my lap, body and face facing me.. then she give me a hug leh.. hold my body and lean her head over and rest on my chest. aiyo my heart melt until cannot melt anymore.. hb see oredi also say so sweet!! miss her uh!!

cant wait for 6pm to come.. and dash home!! oh no!! forgot, i got cough. cant hug hug her again! grrr.. so sad..

wah.. the vest is hand knitted one uh.. ok ok next time i retire liao i wan to learn knitting!

eh your block duct one year old??? but yr justen not even one year old wat... typo isit?

why yr taste and my taste the same one.. i like vest u also like vest.. i like westbb boy u also like westbb boy... we so many things same same leh! cant wait to see you again on sat!
yeah yeah! why one year old block duct?

keke sounds like some ginseng.. (eg.200 yr old ginseng) .. kekeke..
poko - your fren sell knitted cardigan for bb gals? keke..

phoebe - heng din show your pic..hehe

jas - aiyoo..shauna is so sweet! wonder will my crystal will hug me leh..u go buy the ookie lah..hehe..let her hug overnight and bring to work..shd work the other way rite? haha..

we really got a lot in common leh..same birthdate for our gals, family, taste..haha..

alamak..hope my gal rashes will go off by sat! how to meet westbb boi like tat????!!!! shauna sure catch westbb boi attention first leh...
..cannot cannot..must do something...

sheris - so when hah..our CNY gathering? so exciting!
poko - haha..1 yr old duct..after release hor..the milk really 'bu3' leh..ahhahaa...
kao_laugh.gif ginseng..the older the better..
heehee from 2005 brought down to 2006 Block duct so is 1 yr old lor...

Can check with her whether can she do for you if you are interested... Knitting is her hobby. But need to check first lah. But the thread is not cheap, I make one shawl before for my hubby is more ex than buy off the rack.

i miss my boi ar! this morning when going to work i carry him awhile be4 step out of hse he smiled and baby talk to me aiyo make me so reluctant to give him back to my maid. And my stupid maid keep carrying him and said "say bye bye to mummy" make me feel worst till i shed some tears.

aiyo yr shauna sooo sweet! really heartwarming feeling leh.
hmm...i hope joshua will do that to me someday too.

aey i dun like my maid leh keep fighting to carry my boy with us! hmph!! machiam she is his mother not me ar!


yah meet meet so justen can wear his vest to show us.
you so funny from 2005 brought down to 2006 is one year old duct so my milk is one year old lah coz from 2005 dec 31 1150pm pump till 2006 jan 1 1230am :p
like that also can.. then my cough is a one yr old cough too! ahahaha!

crystal soooo cute!! really strong competition for my shauna leh! how?

see? i told you.. very scared bb with maid so close right? now see whether u wan to let your maid go off day or not.. rem you say i kua zhang keep asking her go for off day.. cos i really miss the private moments i can hv with hb and bb lah..

but see it as a blessing that yr maid is so attached to your boy lor..
Hi Celine
If we meet at Portland maybe lah, but Punggol cannot lah... Too warm liao ley...

Btw on the stain thingy, today I check with my gynea she told me is menses ley, she told me due to BF our menses will be a bit or don't have...

haha...i know i sure kena from you! :p

aey i dun mind she not taking off day at home doing hsechores mah but i mind everytime she carry joshua. Yday went out me carrying joshua and walk walk she keep coming to me and ask me to let her carry then i got frustrated and glared at her and said "no I carry ok!" :p so irritating leh her if i want to let her carry i will tell her mah.

but hb told me since this maid wun be wif us forever so dun worry joshua stick to her like glue lah as she will definitely return to philippines :p

aey you got msn messenger a/c liao or not?
Hi mummies,

Back to work and so busy busy... whole day no time to login and changed my sitting position leh, so lousy...

Just to pop in and say hello, and hopefully can talk to you all tommorrow.

Going home liao so tired..
celine, i'm facing the same problem as you leh.. checked with my gynea and she said it's like tat for some BF mummies.. told me it's not menses but it's like tat loh.. seems like not answering my q at all...

my maid also like tat.. sick never tell me yet go and carry my boy.. now very good coz she's been sick for almost 2 months liao and dare not even go near to him..
last time she even dare to just take him off me and tell me how my boy likes to be carried.. wahlau eh.. as if she knows best like tat.. i was fuming mad
came back home to see crystal rashes all over..see liao heartpain..haii..guess she has to go thru this to get well..haiii

poko/celine - like tat my hubby in hosp. for a year leh..cos he went 11plus to hosp. to submit my gal's pee and return home abt 1plus..kekeke..

love - i always hate 1st day at school..hehe..
