Any MTB in Punggol?

Mange to get my Huggies diapers aridi. V happy!!

<font color="0000ff">MTDT</font>, Congrats!! Now hope you can win the Grand draw to HKG.

i'm back... my bb did not turn out to be born on 1st day of CNY but one week earlier on 11Feb.. However he still stayed in TMC for CNY due to jaundice.

is god sent.. i mean even the cervix tests were so painful and with epidural, u dun feel anything at all. I wanted to do without it initially, but when my gynae told me that i would be in labor for at least 16hrs, my mind decided on epidural. my side effects was i could not control my urine =the following day, but it recovered the the day after.

nursing pillow,
is very useful for NB. less backaches and gives u a good posture. however i grew too dependent on it and dunno how to bf without a nursing pillow hahaha.

flash card
if u are getting any... inform me! i am interested as well.

more milk plus
a lot of mums from Feb 07 thread bought it and claim that it is good. i bought one bottle as well, but has not start using coz currently able to meet bb's demand. will only start using when i want to start storing EBM in the freezer.

storing EBM of different timing
i oso do that, after each direct latch, i will pump out if i think my breasts still full. then i just add on to make up to fill up one bottle. but i take the oldest date of the EBM as a trendmark. Once the oldest date that i expressed out has reached, i will throw it away.

Little dreamers products
I got some little dreamers products to give away. problem is collection is at my home.i, is one kiasu mum. bought too many of the products, end up using miminal coz i bath only 4times in my confinement hahaha. all these are new items, never used before. collection time preferably in afternoons (so that hb will not know i give things away for free, but i keep oso no use)
1 Warming body wash
1 Healing Herbal Pericare Wash
1 Healing bottom spray
1 DRY Confinement powder
1 postpartum healing salve

nanny/ babysitter
anyone got recommendations for a good one? preferably 1 to 1 type. i am in desperate need to find one. going back to work in mid may and hb is not for the idea of hiring a maid.

Is okie..i tot i know you...

I tot of installing it at home but i don't want to let my maid camera will not work for me...

Thanks anyway...
Hi Everybody,

Heard abt Little Sabie? Poor thing. Felt sorry for her and her loves ones.

<font color="0000ff">Babyjan</font>, I own 1 of them aridi. But my bb manage to wear once only. Cos by the time the socks arrive, He is almost 11mths old. Haiz!

I am waiting for bigger size if they hv.
petite, ya very sad... feel sad for the family...

hehe i oso ordered the socks.... the socks got toddler size 1 leh....
Yes, have been following the thread on Little Sabie since monday.very sad ...i stayed up till 2am on thurs morning and woke up at 7am to read on her updates. Couldnt sleep at all.
Hope thru this, we learn to cherish and love our little one ..

RE: Trumpette socks one to share wif me so didnt buy...
Will wait for the next BP.

Petite, got toddler size one.

<font color="ff0000">HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO R.....</font>
Did he enjoy the party?
hi mummies,

ve not check this thread for long time

evelyn, errr do i know u?

xiaoyang & petite, i ve finally fixed up my cam. yes u need to go online to view it. so far so good...

amore, yaya perhaps we meet b4 downstair w/o knowing hee petite is pretty near too.
Hi mummies

Please pm me if you know any good and responsible babysitter staying in punggol. Start date will be Sept/Oct. Thank you.
Hi Zenn

U brought ur gal to Healthway for 6in1 jab rite? Check wif u it 2,3,5 months or 2,4,6 months? Mine was 2,3,5 months but my fren also 6-in-1 was 2,4, 6 months leh....confused
Hi, I think is base on doc decision on when to go for the next injection.

Like for my son measles jab- he will take it when he is 15mths. some practice at 12mths.

I bought my son to the Healthmark at Blk 600+. The doc quite nice. She nods how to entertain my son while seeing him. She does not give strong med to bbs too. The clinic assistants are friendly too. Not like the one in Punggol Pl, 1st flr.

The female doc at Blk600+ is highly recommended by my PD . I think she is call Dr Chng and she is very good wif children.

I went to see the GP at PP 1st flr recently cos got high fever. The doc insisted that i stop bf my gal. I super sad lor, pumped lotsa milk but cant feed her..All use to soak my feet.

Some mommies here said actually can bf when sick. But too late, i didnt store those milk.
hullo mummies... how's everyone?

petite, wah the bd cake looks very big..

bbjan, my bb jab oso 2, 4, 6 mth.. but not exactly 2, 4, 6... wat the nurse did was for the 1st jab date she plus 8 weeks for the 2nd jab. then plus 8 weeks on the date we went for the 2nd jab for the 3rd jab. so it's more like 2, 3, 5 mth.

er the doc ask u to stop bfing? i rem when my bb 2 weeks+ I got infection on my toes... i went to see the doc @ 600+.. i told her i bfing. she gave me antibotics and say still can continue to bf...

u started working liao?

Me back to work last week. Came back then kena fever and viral infection. Super xian!

I think the GP at Punggol Plaza not pro-bf, that's why ask me stop bf.

Amore, u went for the gymboree trial oledi? Intend to bring my gal for the trial when she is 6 mths old.
bbjan, could it be u not used to ur new pumping schedule so got fever? i noticed sometimes if i dun pump for too long.. like 8 to 10 hours between each pump... i will feel like abit feverish.. then the whole body weak..

gymboree - just call them up to book a trial class on 20 may.. a few more days my gal will be 5 mths.... for bb 6 mths is gymboree level 2 liao... for bb 0-6 mths is gymboree level 1.
Dun think so. I was on this pumping schedule before i returned to wk. Btw, its tiring to express BM after returning to wk. I'm doing it 4 times a day.

Huh...u can "tong" 8-10 hrs? Wont u get engorged?

Do u have the class program for level 1 and 2? Wat's the difference?
ya will feel engorged.. no choice.. coz sometimes at client's office....having meeting with them... cannot go and pump.. oso not all client's office got nursing room.. so gotta endure lor... used to it liao.. so sometimes pump 4 times a day sometimes 3 times a day...

really tiring hor?... morning wake up pump... lunch time pump.. go home pump.... b4 sleep pump... pump liao need to wash pump wash bottles... zzzZZZzzzz... sometimes feel like giving up... but already tong for 2 mths liao... going to tong another 2 mths till my gal 6 mths old...

gymboree - gymboree lvl 2 is for bb 6 to 10 mths i think the things they teach will be diff... coz by 6 mth, bb shld be able to flip, some sit and some even crawl. so they will be very mobile as compared with 0-6 mths.
Feeling very sleepy now... wanna zzzZZZzz

I also pumped b4 going to wk, lunch, b4 going home and b4 sleep. Once, i m so tired that i skipped the bedtime session. Breasts were so engorged in the middle of the nite and got to wake up at 3am to pump.

Sometimes i feel like giving up. But my gal allergy to cow's milk so if i dun give her breastmilk she got to drink soy milk and i dun really like the idea of her being 100% on soy milk.

Does your gal knows how to flip now? My one still cant.She only knows how to rotate. Y'day i put her on the bumper mat and she wriggled wriggled like a worm, going round and round farnee.
did the doc say when to start giving her cow's milk again and see if she still allergy?

I asked PD when i can start giving my gal semi solid. he say since she's on tbf and ok with her feeding can wait till 6 mths... hmm very tempted to let her try semi solid. maybe she 5 mth+ will let her try...

my gal still dunno how to flip.. but she start to turn halfway... only upper body turn.. she dunno how to "kick" her legs to help her flip.. now wear diaper for her oso quite diffcult...

ya my gal oso now know to rotate... u put her down vertical.. a moment later u see her lying horizontal... my mum say she playing "ti kam" heheehe..
Hi punggol mommies,

I'am new in this treat, my girl turn 8 weeks old today. I have a few things need helps:

1. Any breast feeding mum can advice how aften do your express milk and what is the amount?

2. My girl do not sleep well, she will awake after second feed in the night around 4~5pm and will only take a nap in the afternoon abount 2~3 hours and will sleep after 8~9pm. Any mummy have same problem?

3. My girl keep throw up milk or "tou hua",is it normal?

4. How much milk is your baby drinking?
PD said to try giving her cow's milk after 6 mths. I am apprehensive of letting her try semi-solid food too...scare she also allergy to it.

Actually u can buy those puree for her to try. NTUC got sell for 4 mths and above.

Did u shave ur gal's hair? My gal hair dropping leh. Going to shave botak when she is 4mth old in another 2 weeks times.
hua jing, welcome...

1. when my bb is 8 weeks. I pump every 3 hourly... cant rem the exact amount. think is ard 50-70ml per breast per session. dat time i'm already fully expressing... did not latch my gal at all.

2. my gal still wakes up in the middle of the nite for her feed when she is 8 weeks. it's only ard 10 or 12 weeks then she sleep thru' from 11pm to 6/7a.m. my gal is a sleepy head. she;ll sleep after playtime after every feed. she sleeps in the sarong. she'll sleep till her next feed. so i have not much problem. I only have problem when she sleep in her cot.

3. did u burp her after every feed? try and let her lie upright after each feed for about 5 to 10 mins. my gal will "er" milk abit. if ur gal throw out alot after each feed i think is best to see the doc.

4. at 8 weeks my gal is drinking about 90 to 100 ml. my gal is small eating.

Hope this help.
bbgal, did not shave my gal... my gal is a botak gal..very little and short hair.. so shave no shave oso no diff. yes my gal dropped alot of hair last mth...lesser recently.. now is my turn to drop hair!!!
hi gals...

GP @ PP 1st floor - I went to see the docs there a few times during BF time. but not one time the doc ask me to stop leh. even ask me if I am BF, then say will give me medication tat will not harm bb.

GP @ 600+ - my PD from kidslink dun recommend her. I went to see her once becos kidslink is close for the nite. then i brought my medication from the GP to see my PD. all the medication given are too strong for my 6mths old bb then...
hua jing

1) I latch bb 100% till he was 2.5mths. i latch on demand for 1st 2mths. only ard 1.5mths then he can stretched his timing to 3hrs. before tat can be as often as every 1.5hrs.

2) My boy will sleeps after every latch. typically can sleeps for 5hrs straight when he was 2-3mths old.

3) Yes, pls burp longer. or elevate his matress so tat it's a slight slope

4) huh.. i dunno... latch mah. but now at 10mths old, he is drinking 240ml. haha

1. I pumped every 3-4 hrly during my 1st 2 months. My bb gal was drinking 90-100ml when she was 8 weeks old. I expressed abt 2 to 3 oz each time. My milk ss only kicked-in in the 6th wk.

2. My gal now sleeps at 10pm and will wake up once in the middle of the nite for one feed. Then sleep till 7am the next morning.Last time, she can skip the midnite feed, but now she wants it.

3. My gal dun have this problem. But u can burp longer. Sometimes she burps 20mins after her feed.

4.Now at 15 wks plus, she is drinking 130-140ml.

Which doc at PP did u see huh? I saw Dr Aw.
Er...he didnt even take my blood pressure that day. I tot taking BP is a basic procedure???!!
I thought that Doc Chng was well-known at Blk600+?
There is 2 doc there.

Btw, does any body nods any good agency for maids / nanny?

Or know any good nanny aroung in Punggol?

<font color="0000ff">HuaJing</font>, Don't worry so much. Is normal for a bb to throw out milk after drinking at times.

Like my son, when I start to increase the milk intake, he will start to throw out milk. Even until now.

Wat I do is I let him rest a while, eg. lie dw, or like sit up position first then start to burp him later. It helps.
bbjan, pd told me if bb start to wake up in the middle of the nite to ask for milk when previously she dun means can start to intro semi solid. maybe u can try some on her?

wah ur gal not even 4 mths 130-140ml liao? my gal 4mths+ going 5 mths now oni drink about 10ml more than ur gal leh... sometimes cannot finish... somemore from 6 feedings reduce to 5 feedings...

petite, u looking for full time domestic helper? going back to work ah?
babyjan - I dun rem the GP Name... but i have seen 2 different docs. both never ask me to stop BF.

Blk 600+ clinic - i also seen both GPs... as they actually required me to see them everyday for 10 days as he was down with bronchities. Also ask my son to be on neberliser for 10days. 2mths later, my son had bronchities again, but this time i went to my PD. she only did once at her clinic n tat's it... 2 days later i went back to review, his lungs are cleared. So my PD says hers is more effective those those small machines as she uses 100% oxygen for the nuberliser. (there is a huge tank in the clinic)

but i must say both GP at blk600+ are very good in tat they are really patient n nice. clear in explaning to parents too. but maybe not suitable for bbies... maybe when kid is older would be better.
bbjan, amore
how many feeds do ur bb takes nowadays? my son is 12wks old now, has reduced from 8 feeds to 5 or 6 feeds per day, but quantity drank still the same, ard 130-160ml. on a good day he can even finish 189-190ml per feed.

les petite
i went to nation agency in serangoon garden under recommendation of a friend who got a good maid who can look after newborn and nation seems quite professional as well. my maid has yet to come in though i read her biodata tat states she looks after newborn in her previous employment at sg. and i had talked with her on the phone before. sounds okie.
Ya lor, Trying to go back to work force. But also septical abt it. BB so young.

Anybody heard abt DR Heng from Kidlinks at Jurong?
wow smurfy, ur boy has good appetite.

I am giving my gal 140ml now. But my MIL said it seems nt enuff. These few days after her milk, she will cry abit like wanna have more, her mouth still moving when my MIL removed the teat. Think i am going to increase to 150-160ml liao.

When she was drinking 130ml, i still can TBF. Think will soon go on partial BM if her milk intake goes up.

Mummies...i m so tired! FTWM not easy!

Petite- didnt check up on PD at Jurong...too far liao. But there is a Kidslink at SK...Dr Vanessa Tan.
Hi Amore, MTDT, babyjan:

Thanks for advice.

Monitoring my baby drinking habit, she seems like always not enough if I feed her breast milk (bottle feed abt 4.5oz to 5oz can last for 2hrs only). Dont know is it my milk too dilute of just she is big eater.
Hi Zenn, I'm from Jan Mum thread...sometimes busy din post anything, only on and off will ask some questions but do try follow the post in the thread

Right now, my baby was taken care by my mil. She give my boy 150ml for every 4 hrs(My boy 4months + now)... last 2 weeks he also suddenly dun want to finish his milk when we increase his milk intake to 5oz, with every 3 hrs. Thus, we can only maintain his intake as 4oz initially. Lastly, PD advise us maybe we can try drag the feeding interval to 4 hrs and feed him slowly he will take some solid food.. a good chance to adjust the timing. He is alright with the milk intake now.

And my boy also start take some porridge every day, my mil will cook the porridge with a slice of pork, to make it nicer. He only take a few tea spoons only.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Evelyn</font>,

Yap. Can follow what yr PD had said.

As for the porridge, when they 1st start eating, is normal that they only takes 1-2 teaspoons. The whole idea is to get them familiar with solid food. Somehow God created that way!

Slowly he will try to eat more, but this might takes 2-3 mths for him to adjust to solid food at the moment.
<font color="0000ff">Smurfy</font>, Tks for the info on Maid agency.

<font color="ff6000">Flash cards</font>,

Tks for waiting.... I am ready to show the flash cards now.... But got to do in somebody house at this moment. My house is still not ready to invite all of you over yet. Sorry.

Cos no aircon, scare all of you sweat.

No grills, will be installing soon.

Room not done up.

Anybody's house available??
i dun mind opening up my hse. BUT my house got 2 dogs and no grills too. and abit messy.

If u all dun mind, i'm ok.
Hi! I am alrite wif the arrangement too...let mi know if everything is confirm.... Thks, Les Petite....Can seek those oredi mums advises liao....a bit lost on wat to do...My EDD is Sept...
Yeah yeah include me. Sunday is ok wif me too.

Amore- I booked the Gybmoree trial class in June. Its on 3 June (sun). Hope it doesnt clash wif the flashcard session.

Btw, I registered at mumcentre and they sent me a voucher for free trial class at Gymboree. In additions, you can get $50 if you signed on your child.
