Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

<font color="0000ff">hippo2002,</font>
My girl also went to playgroup when she was 2 years old. She was sick frequently, and every time it was very serious, so I stopped her after 4 months. I felt heartache seeing her suffer, and I worry about bad effects of taking medication so frequently. Also the PD fees were killing. I kept her at home, started her again after she turned 3 years old, it was so much better. That's why for my boy, I wanted to start him only when he was about 3 years old. But if he still get sick frequently, I will stop him from going, and will only send him when he was 4 years old. He body is not as strong as his sister, taking so much medication would make it worst.

I dated my hubby for a whole 7 years before getting ROM.

<font color="119911">pantone,</font>
Oh dear so sorry to hear that your son is sick, hope that he gets well soon. I super scared of dengue. Every time my kids got mosquito bite, I will pray that it is not dengue.

<font color="ff6000">precious_gem,</font>
I will be seeing the MP to raise the issue of the twins to him. I am collecting letters from mommies, address to the MP, so that I can have a stronger case.

<font color="ff0000">styloBB,</font>
I have ordered from ON a few times, at first no problem. But later they also cancelled my order, because of the billing address problem. I didn't try again after that. You already add vpost address to your UOB card ? Still cannot ? I heard some mommy said must call the bank to approve the transaction, quite troublesome.

You may want to consider comgateway, it will definitely go through. I heard that shipping charge may be cheaper. But I have not tried it before.

Gymboree never give me problem with my orders.

<font color="0000ff">yuen,hippo2002,</font>
It's expensive if you order on your own through vpost, due to the base charge. If you join the sprees with other mommies and split the base charge, it will be much better.

<font color="aa00aa">Fairyprincess,</font>
This year, my girl PCF nursery only $55 a month, very worth it. My boy PCF pre-nursery $160.
Next year:
My boy PCF nursery (3 hours) : $160
My girl PCF kindergarten (4 hours): $180

Your second child got CDA account right ? Are you going to claim from CDA account ? I am going to claim for both my kids.

<font color="119911">Rainbow,</font>
I have been married for 11 years already !!! We normally too busy to celebrate, only go out for a good dinner.

I always prefer to bring my maid out. She can help look after the kids, so that we can eat in peace. It's also a chance to bring her out, since she is always at home. But my hubby doesn't like to be seen outside with the maid.

My hubby can bring 2 kids (4yo and 2y10mo) out all by himself !!! I myself don't dare to do so. He has even brought them to swimming pool all by himself. Anyone's hubby do so ?

Yeah changed already still like that.

Btw can I ask for the CDA account, is it true we can use till secondary school???

Er, me/hb can bring all three for a swim .. like that counted or not???

I find Gymboree most efficient.
Thanks mummies,

So PCF is certainly cheaper- is PCF equivalent to the PAP kindergartens?

My ROM date is easy to remember: 9th Sept 1999 at 9am! My hubby is a "numbers" person...he he...
I heard CDA account can be used up to university.

I think 2 adults : 3 kids better than 1 adult : 2 kids.

That's a very nice ROM date !

Yes PCF = PAP. PAP is the old name, now they are called PCF.
Hi mummies

Hey, you gals moving very fast leh. Wah, tried to read back all the posts until giddy already! So, I just butt in like that lah, hor. Don't mind me lah.

I take Lingzhi - helps in my sinus problems. Also, if remember, I take Flaxseed oil.
For my kids, I give my boy probiotics from GNC. I think i mentioned before, he's very prone to diarrhoea. Have taken for a week already, so far so good. Keeping fingers crossed. My girl very fussy, anything got taste, refuse to take. So she only takes Vit C with calcium every evening!

Medical Bills
I very scared to fall ill, or my kids fall ill. Very siong each visit to the doc. So, try to avoid crowds etc, but still will get germs. Try to keep it minimal lor. I spray a lot of anti-bacterial and anti-viral in the house. Does help, to a certain extent lah.
I worry about growing old too. Old people more medical problems. I not working, CPF not much money. That's why hope to return to some part time work soon, to build up some reserves to grow old!
My girl's annual eye exam already cost a bomb, so I tell her, better not fall sick, otherwise no money to see doctor!

Aches and pain
Anyone can recommend good chiropractor? There's one at United Sq, good or not? Is it expensive? Do you need to go for long term treatment kind?

I had a bad fall when I was younger, resulting in a slipped disc. Now, the disc has degenerated and causing a lot of aches and pain. Was wondering if chiropractor can help.

My boy started nursery at 22 months. Didn't want to, but needed the time to spend with my girl. Have to coach her in her school work, so no choice. At first very jia lat. Cry and cry. Now ok. As for falling ill, he gets his fair share lah, just recovered from bad flu last week. Still, I must say it isn't that bad. Maybe the 18 months of bf pays off?

Hubby and Kids
Can't leave 2 with him alone. He'll freak out. I'm the one who brings both anywhere and everywhere on my own - swimming, zoo, shopping, etc. Even toilet!
We date for about a year before married

Today is my 8 year wedding anniverary(rom), customary is 18 Jan 1999...July is a special month. COs 8 is my birthday, 18 is my anniversary and 28 is my son birthday....

Bringin maid out
I told maid must dress properly as in proper pants, guess what, all her pants are too loose now....thanks to her own diet issue....

I bring maid out unless really need her. Guess what, there was once, bring her out with my boy to a clinic, she ended up somewhere else talking to other maid and into mama shop to buy phone card...

Hubby with kids
My hubby can bring handle my 8 year old kid but not my two year old boy....Anyhow, I do not trust him in taking care of my boy too....too bo chap.Not sure what will happen next...He ever lost my girl in ntuc when she was around 4 years old.Tamarind, your hubby very good liao...

I was married in 1999 also.

You and hubby are really stylo ...How old are your three kids?
Do you happen to stay around in the east?I happen to know of this CHINESE chiropractor, except he does not have the western cert, an old experience man, surely cheaper than those paper cert chiropractor...if you are keen, let me know...I think for your case, chiropractor should be good.

You are fantastic, can handle your boy to those places you mention. For me, I would rather not go out.
Hello Good Morning Ladies......! Hope you all r feeling great this morning. I kinda feel abit bump this morning. Anyway.......

For all jabs(stated in health bk) at poly r free if taken 1 at a time over a period of time, unless u r getting the package ones like 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 etc.

Lemak Chillie padi is, u know the yellow gravy malay dish, something like lontong gravy but it's more spicy cuz got chillie padi. It's coconut milk base. U just add chicken parts; chicken cut into parts, small pieces or chicken wings or etc that has been semi-fried, mean u fried them over high heat to brown them, not really cook them, then add them to gravy and stir well til chicken r cooked. Please read the instructions on the back pckt, I think u only need to add abt 150ml-200ml of water. Per pckt can cook abt 300-400g of meat/chicken so for a whole big chicken, u may need 3-4pkts.

Korma is another indian or middle-eastern dish, abit like curry but not spicy, quite rich & creamy in flavour. Need to add semi-fried chic.

If u use beef, use the tender one or "daging goreng" if u buy from the Indian/Malay butcher or if u use the 'tough' beef, put them in a pot, boiled them til tender and reduce the water then add the 'paste', stir well & simmer for a short while.

For curries, u can add potatoes, tomatoes & carrots & lemak chillie padi, u can add carrots & tomatoes.

BTW, the CPF transfer NOT for medical bills but pocket money or allowance, just spending money. My father il still got alot of medisave and monthly for my mom il medication (GP), abt $50, my husband foot the bill cuz he's the one who will take her to the clinic. So what r the other siblings doing? Even a few of my mom-il gold jewellery, my hb bought for her but that was b4 we got married lah.

Wedding Anniversary,
Believe it or not, we were married on National Day 9 Aug in 2001. This year is our 6th year and I've booked 3 days 2 nights at Orchid Country Club from 8-10 Aug. We didn't want to go overseas cuz we want to celebrate Nat'l Day. Also want to spend some family time with my kids and we all love swimming and can do abit of bowling too there.

Kindergarten fees
My girl is in K1 (incl computer, phonics & arabic reading) monthly fee is $90 + $50 p semester for stationeries/art materials/snack.

Waiting for my 16 mth baby turn 20 mths so can send to childcare (toddler) cuz now he's still under 'infant' category and the fee is atleast $950-$1300++ p/mth. Anyway he's so small lah, pity him, taken care by strangers.
OMG your girl got lost ? How long did you take to find her ? I very scared of my hubby bringing both of them out alone, I try my best to stop him.

My back still ache. Think I also want to try chiropractor. Your chiropractor too far for me

I would rather bring my kids out when they were babies. Put in the stroller push everywhere. When they become toddlers, run here run there, so headache.
where did you get your Lingzi? Eu Yan Sen? in powder form? do you find it effective?
I got sensitive nose since I was a kid and eczema on my feet since teens. No cure leh, always recurring

wow, long courtship! You know your hubby since teens?
hubby & I dated for 2 years before ROM.

Rainbow, Fairyprincess
I ROM in 1999 too!

Hubby with kids
he can manage. Sometimes I will go shopping alone or out with friends on a Saturday. He will buy take away packet lunch for them, do some houseworks while the kids took their afternoon nap & then bring them to gym classes. He gave me an off day every month
yep, provided non of them have an active CPF meaning they r not contributing to CPF at the time of application. My father-il was doing some part time job before but no CPF contributions.

Infact if u r a SAHM, ur hb cud also transfer his CPF to ur acct so u can withdraw cash monthly, supposedly to help out in the family's monthlly expenses.

I think basically this is to help aged parents who r living on their own (my parents-il have a rented flat under their name but doesn't live there) or families with financial probs (cash flow) but have unused CPF to help in the family's monthly expenses.

The withdrawal amt is $297 per mth, if I'm not mistaken. One of my granduncle used to do this to my great grandma but he takes abt $100 p/mth from her for his own needs. That's what I ask my hb to do, get abt $100 p/mth from his parents out of that almost $300, I mean $200 should be enough for them as they r not paying any bills or anything. Problems is others taking advantage of them and ask them money! I thot that $100 alone can atleast pay our utilities bills! But he won't ask them. He rather ask me for money, which he did this morning that's why I was so bump, when actually he should provide for me. He also been pestering me to buy him a car, saying the weekend car is cheaper now. He thinks I'm so rich, I mean when a man(he) married a single parent(me), he shud be like wants to 'save' or help her, not take advantage of her right?

I think I shud renominate my CPF and probably write a will that all my monies etc should be divided amongst my 3 chdn, the least to my eldest (20%, as I've spent alot on her and she basically almost got most of her education), my 2nd girl (30% as she still got a long way to go in terms of education) and the most to my youngest son (50% as he got a long, long way to go in terms of education etc) Do u think this is a fair distribution of wealth?
Infact I think my hb shud give my parents money, as they always take care of our kids in an emergency, sometimes cook and do housechores for us when they stay over which is almost every fornight. Infact my hb also borrowed my parents money $3K, only barely a year after we got married and abt abother $1K a couple of years later. He still owed them some money.
I also don't trust my hb to take care of my kids cuz he's so absent-minded. Although I can rely on him to do housechores.

Actually one thing good abt my hb, he help me ard with housechores especially with the laundry, vacuuming/mopping the floor, tidying up the place, watering my plants etc. he won't do the dishes or cook which is fair enough. My eldest girl do the dishes and I cook and take care of the 2 small children needs; bathing, feeding, entertaining them etc. When I was on course, he even iron my work clothes, but that was years ago. And he never complain if the house is a mess or if I don't cook, the most he'll just ask me to 'fix' him something to eat.

I have the same worries too, grow old but no CPF because not working. Right now zero balance in my CPF ordinary account, all used to pay for HDB flat. And it will stay at zero since I'm not working. Scary leh
Hippo, Rainbow, fairyprincess

me too! ROM on 10 Sep 1999, so come Sep will be our 8 yrs anniversary.

We thinking of making a family trip to KL to celebrate in Sep during DD term holidays. hb has got work there, so its gonna be half work and half play.

Stylobb, tamarind, hippo

eh.. the online purchase like so chim leh. Read all the info from you until blur. Dun know if wanna buy anymore liao.


you havent been around for a few days leh.. been watching you...

Dating and Marriage

We dated for 1 yr. Customary came 6 months after ROM, and by the 1st ROM anniversary, was 6 months preg with DD.

Which one do you regard as your anniversay? ROM or customary? Some say should be the day you put on your wedding gown, som say should be the day you officiate the union.

HB with kids

Hb can defintely handle DD, since bb. He was the one feeding her when we eat out, he was very hands on with her. Even brings her to toilet, cos i dun wanna stop eating halfway and bring her, hee.. very bad of me hor. But not now la, since DD big gal liao. But with DS snce got maid he sit back and relax liao lo. but when DS older like 2-3 YO,if to bring both out, i think he can still make it.

Bringing Maid out

as DS still bb, my maid will go with us wherever if we bring DS. So far i am lucky with a good maid, she is mostly within my sight n does her job pretty ok.
ROM or Customary

we celebrate ROM date. customary date was chosen based on Chinese calendar so every year different, confusing so we don't bother to keep track

1st ROM anniversary we had dinner on a cable car so I can remember that one. 2nd year pregnant with my elder girl, can't remember how we celebrated. 3rd year we drove to KL for couple time. The rest of the years like blur memory, cannot recall at all

hehe, tonight I will ask my hubby, test his memory.

1st date, 1st kiss

Our first date on Deepavali. We celebrated that during the first few years. Recent years just mention only 'oh, remember our 1st date on a Deepavali?' no celebration

Both of us quite forgetful, we tried very hard to recall when was our first kiss, elusive memory, cannot recall at all. Not a public holiday. He thought I will remember and I thought he will remember, so nobody remembers
Hi Cuddles,

Your ROM date so close to mine!

This year, hubby and I will be in Tokyo on 9 Sept- we joining frens for a makan tour of tokyo...hmmm...come to think of it, its nice to be away from S'pore on that day =)
<font color="0077aa">Rainbow,</font>
Happy anniversary !

<font color="0000ff">hippo2002,</font>
I have been with my hubby since I was 20 years old
NUS 2nd year. Then after graduated work for 3 - 4 years then settle down. That's why so long. We only ROM, never have any customary. Both my hubby and I dislike wedding banquets. Somehow, I remember more clearly the first time our hands touch (electrifying!), don't quite remember the first time we kiss

<font color="119911">precious_gem,</font>
I never knew can transfer CPF. Now it seems like I have higher chances of realising my dream as SAHM. I am now the only one supporting my parents financially, my brother is unable to support them. Actually they can ask my brother to transfer his CPF right ? But my mother sayang my brother too much to ask him to do so.

Your hubby ask you to buy him a car ? That's shocking. My hubby does not have access to my personal bank account. He has no idea how much money I have. I always tell him I am very poor.

I think you are the best person to decide how you want to divide your money among your kids
For me, it's definitely 50% - 50% for my boy and girl.

My mother wants to give all her cash savings to my little girl only ! My brother also has a daughter, but since he is not supporting my mother, she doesn't want to include his family in her will. She adores my girl, because my girl is very good at "sweet talking". For example, my 4 year old girl can say : "Po po (grandma), when you cannot walk, I will carry you on my back." My mother is so touched. My boy cannot talk as well as my girl, so got neglected.

<font color="aa00aa">Cuddles,</font>
Gymboree is a lot easier, they got direct shipping. Now I also avoid ordering through vpost.

Thanks...aiyo, just recalled its 9th wedding anniversary....see, I can count wrongly...

Tonight going to Miyabi Jap restaurant at Rafflas Town club for dinner...Our usual hang out....

Think it took him half an hour to find her....The most recent missing was when my gal was in HK disneyland...she merely follow the parade ....lost her for half an hour too, imagine in a foreign land.Good thing is that she knows how to back track...
your girl is so sweet!

my elder girl doesn't sweet talk her grandparents, didn't score points. my younger girl wins them over easily

mommies, you manage your finance separately or joint account?

hubby & I opened a joint account recently. But we don't split his money or my money all these years even though we used to have separate accounts. He doesn't keep track how much is our expenses. He just goes to work and I manage the rest.
I find Lingzhi ok leh. When I take, don't sneeze so much, and less runny nose esp in the mornings! Get mine from EYS, the capsule form. Two every morning. I used to boil the herb drink, but so lehceh.

My hb and I keep separate accounts, but I usually draw a cheque for myself (including household, kids' fees, etc) every month. He pays for all the household stuffs, so I try to control my spending.

Hey, you stalking me ah? Scary.

Been a bit busy this week. Delivering goods, reading up to prepare for course, and then I have my violin and braille class to attend also!

Evenings are totally with my kids, esp my boy, so off the computer!

This Nov will be our 16th Anniversary. Never celebrate, sometimes even forget until the day way over! Aiyah, we not the romantic type. As long as he takes care of the family, no need so romantic lah!
Many postings..

U got a 'stalker'...haha it's Cuddles.

We consider the day we walked down the church aisle as our official anniversary loh... hehe.. nice memory leh....

I learnt sth new today: Gymboree sends direct?? How to do it? Is it cheaper???? than vpost.. cos vpost getting expensive...

Joint account for those usual items
and personal accounts for our own stuff..
we deposit a fixed amt into joint account to pay for the usual stuff loh.

My boy is 3.5 yrs old, my twin gals are 1.5 yrs old.
Dear all
Thanks for all your concern. My son is getting better. No more fever. Only cough and vomit. His appetite is still no good, but dont know why still can jump and run.

Managing finances
We used to have a joint account and we transfer a sum monthly to this account. But after awhile, my hubby always forgot to transfer and ended up i'm the only one contributing. So decided to cancel the account and all the GIRO.
Now we mange our own money. He pays for the elect/water while i pay for the Town council, phone bill etc. We didnt keep track of daily expenses. Whoever buys the milk powder/diaper/toiletries, who will pay.

Anyone has done it before? Thought of going for it. Any recommendation?
Who is looking for <font color="aa00aa">chiropractor</font>?? Think my relative has a contact but does not sound cheap.. hehe...

ROM - we had it in church to sign the docs .. it was more to get a flat.. then we had the big bash at year-end - tea ceremony, church and dinner. In between we didn't stay together or anything..only waited till D-Day in church so it was v meaningful...

precious gem
Thot ur hb driving cab, why he needs a car??
I just read the shipping.
How fast is standard delivery and express delivery?

My hb always remits the money to joint accounts.

Maintaining personal accounts - I think less hassle loh, if one party wants to buy sth, then he/she shud use his own account.. if everything comes out of jt account, that means if the wife receives a bouquet of flowers, she is paying 50% ...correct or not?? hehe
Better separate, no arguments..
yep he can do that. Min $5k & max $20K but the withdrawal amt will be the same, abt $300p/mth. U all can take turns, first bro give 5K, when it run out, another give 5K & so forth. 5K can only last abt 1.5yr so it's not much.

I treat all my kids boy or girls equally but cuz the eldest is 17 & got her basic education already, I mean in case if I go (touch wood) in these couple of years, my 2 younger kids need more money to pay for their education right? The money is to pay for their educational expenses from preschool, primary & secondary and if there's balance for tertiary, but I doubt have balance ... I'm not so rich lah.

He knows I have money because I think he stumble upon 2 of my fixed deposit cum investment folders with DBS that have quite a substantiate amt. Infact he ever try to use them as collateral with one of his creditors! I have also stash a couple of thousands in a few banks, I thot for rainy days or emergency lah. I was quite a squirrel when I was a single parent. I also worked hard, holding 2-3 jobs at one time. Another thing, I also made quite a profit from selling my OWN flat after marrying him. I made abt $100k, whr I put away $50K into 2 accts (20K & 30K). The other $50K I distribute it ard among my family members; my sis & parents & hubby, I gave 3k each, my parents-il, I gave $500. I also bought my eldest daughter and my hubby a mountain bike each and also bought my hubby a very expensive high-cut Timberland shoes, an ellese watch, Goldlion wallet + belt set. Bought my eldest daughter an expensive leather shoes. My mom-il even suggest that I buy my hubby a car! I felt that money is mine alone cuz I bot it b4 I marry him, he did not contribute one cent. In fact even the present flat is mine alone, I'm sole owner, pay the morgage myself and also the reno & everything.

For myself, actually I wanted to use atleast 2.5K for my driving lessons, $700 for my massage table, a ladies' bicycle and an expensive leather boots and I want to have 2K of spending spree (maybe 1K on gold jewellery) but ... did I get all of those for myself, Nope! Before I could start spending on myself, my hubby keep on asking me for money to pay for this creditor and that creditor and so forth that before I knew it, the money ran out. He would ask me casually, can borrow me 5K or 3K like it's $50 or $30. In the end, for myself, I only got a cheap $200 massage table and that's it!

I'm trying to sign up for driving lessons so if I buy a car, I shud b the one driving!

He's getting 1K in pension monthly now which he promised to give me as payment for his debt but ... so I thot of opening a joint acct with him to receive the pension so I have access to it. Is that a good idea?
Hello Pantone,

Yes, I did lasik in Dec 2003, when my firstborn was 6 months old...come to think of it, its been about 4 years, time flies!

I did it at the S'pore Nat Eye Ctr- SNEC, no complaints- everything went smoothly- no pain, just got to try to be as still as possible (not easy when the laser is cutting your cornea!)

Long term side effects- some glare at night from cars/ bright lights, but can get use to it...

Dr said Lasik only suitable for those below 40, cos after that, most people start getting long-sighted, which corrects for the short-sightedness...
Hi Fairyprincess
Can share with me the dr's name? Have been thinking about it for so long but no action. I had heard from the news that the improved Lasik does not cause glare. U have this side effect? So its not advisable to drive at night? How much is the estimated cost? I heard that the waiting list for op at SNEC is quite long. Is that true?
OMG so scary. Lucky you can find her. My girl now likes to run around when I bring her to supermarket. I always panick when I don't see her, then start screaming her name. Very stressful.

The last time I ordered from them using standard delivery, I got it within 2 weeks. Not sure about express. I always use direct shipping, because I don't have to worry about size of the box. Vpost takes the volumetric weight, which can cost a lot if the box is big !

My hubby and I have a joint account, purely for savings. We each have our own account, and we manage our finances separately. We don't have to ask each other permission if we need to buy things. My hubby gives me $1000 every month to cover kids expenses.

Thanks for the info. I will talk to my mother about it.

I don't think it is right for your hubby to ask you to buy him a car. I think a wife can ask the hubby to buy her anything, but not the other way round. No matter how rich the wife is.

Between me and my hubby, there is no borrowing money. The only thing I would pay is his air ticket and our hotel bill when we travel together. Since I am always the one who wants to go travelling.

If I were you, I would not open the joint account. I would just ask the hubby to give me a fix allowance every month.
Yap, sure scary when cannot find the kids...I always give her a good scolding after that and tell her not to follow any strangers....

As am not working, hubby will always top up my account and all his working account are joint with me....

I did my laser in 1999 and so far so good. I chose this eye doctor as friend whom had done it ten years ago that is before me has got no side effects.
Hi Rainbow...

Isn't it convenient to not have to wear glasses any more!

Actually, I had no choice, as my eyes became allergic to contacts, so Dr said either wear glasses permanently, or go for lasik =)

My doc was called John Goh i think, and no issues driving at night (although I hardly drive as hubby takes the car). I paid S$2K per eye then, actually, hubby paid as a christmas present to me lah...but now, think it should be less than S$1.5K per eye...
I resigned to the fate of wearing glasses forever. I have dry eyes, not advisable to go for lasik.
I'm wearing those frameless glasses, at least not that obvious lor. wear contact lens only if attending formal functions

and I always tell my kids to take care of their eyes. sit up straight when reading. no near work. otherwise not pretty if you have to wear glasses like mommy
C&C Stylobb

wei, i not psycho stalker hor.. hehe


i remember that yr, so many ppl register on that date. So nice, gog Tokyo to celebrate...


happy anniversary! how's the food at miyabi? pass it a few times but nv tried.

I also cant seem to remember how we celebrate our anniversaries, mostly no celebrations. Some yrs will receive flowers from hb. Old already,sometimes what we did or ate or went a month ago also scrambling to recall...


i same like you, think and think for so long liao still havent do...i been thinking about it for 5 yrs. Not that i dun want to but when I really wan to do it, sure to have some major episode that makes me unable to..

Tamarind, stlobb

with all the good things mentioned, i shall try Gymboree.


We have separate accounts. And i dun let hb know how much i have. I will always tell him I very poor. haha.. hb pays for most of the household bills and kids education/enrichment. Sometimes i will chip in la, cos not nice to get him to pay for everything too. And since the birth of DS, my mum has come over to stay and she has been buying most of the household essentials and foodstuff. Bless her!
My ROM and wedding is on the same date. Less dates to remember.

We don't have a joint account. However we do have a common savings but it is credited into my own personal account. I will use it to pay for stuff bought mostly for my boy and also if travelling as family on holiday, will also use the money here. Of course, if buying my own things will use my own savings in another account. Actually been thinking of having a joint account but never really get down doing it.

I wear glasses too. Cannot use contacts. Tried so many until bankrupt already! Tell myself, wear glasses look more intellectual. Also distinguish myself from maid lah. Dress so badly, worse than maid. Don't wear glasses, people sure think I'm the maid!

I heard Dr Lim Hung Meng is very good for Lasik. He used to be with TTSH, but I think he's left for private practise.

Don't want to try Lasik - so scary, and any way, no money. Glasses cheaper. Now with presbyopia, specs also getting more complicated and expensive! Sigh, growing old is getting costly too!

I looking for chiropractor, but not sure whether or not to go. The backache on and off kind. Also, donno how much. Too ex then don't want lor. I think old already, sure to have aches and pains one!
wow....the topic here really diversify. Just gotten back.

Maid - we bring her out everytime we go out...she with me only for 2 months, so don't feel safe leaving her alone.

I think I the longest one. I had my ROM in NOV 95 and customary in Feb 97. Date for 3 months and decide to get marry and so marry 9 months later in Nov 95. hehe....honeymoon for long long time before having kids...

Overseas purchase / online
so complex and expensive...hmm then will join spree instead, me very lazy to get the info updates, call bank etc.
Re: Glasses

Have you all heard of the Bates Method? My friend tried it out. It involves wearing a lower degree glasses for a period of time, training your brain/eye to see. After trained, lower the glasses by another 100 degree again, and so on. Also involved some eye exercises.

My friend tried that and now she is off glasses totally, except when she needs to play the piano. She was like 400 degrees both eyes and took about 4 months to train the brain /eye to see with a lower degree glasses each time.

I also feel like trying but i just got a pair of transitional lens. So expensive. Put away "sayang" leh. Also keep making new glasses not cheap also.

If my glasses degree too low, got to strain my eyes, I get headaches leh. Like that how to try? Also, I read a lot. That makes it worse. I not only myopic, 600 plus both eyes, also has astigmatism. Now got presbyopia! Just got my self a pair of reading glasses - don't laugh lah, old already!

How much you paid for your transitional ah? I heard got similar type from Japan, but cheaper. Donnno if it's just as good!


Let me know too, I want to join! I too scared to join those I don't know. Also donno what is good to get.

I have been trying out this method on my gal and hope that her degree will not go higher.

Discipline kids
Do you have problems when discipline kids?Me and hubby have got extreme view over it and thus always ended up disagreement....How do you mum solve this?

Miyabi restaurant
Food very fresh but me cannot stand the PRO, the tall lady in black...See local, no smile and unfriendly, see ang mo and foreigner, smile like seeing gold....
Gymboree Spree
I am eyeing a few items on, waiting for the price to drop hehehe Once the price drop I will order, but not so fast lah. I will post here if I am ordering. Any mommy wants to order first please go ahead.

Discipline Kids
My hubby and I share about the same view. Both of us think that we should NOT beat our kids. I don't believe in using violence. We believe in showing our kids the correct behaviour, explaining to them, and using rewards to encourage them. But I do scream at my kids and scold them very badly. Then my hubby will tell me I should talk to them calmly. But he also lost his cool and scream at them a couple of times before.
hello ladies,

aiyah, i feel so bad, writing all those things abt my hb tho they r true. sorry to burden u all with my probs, feel like washing my dirty linen in public. it's just that i never told anyone, Not even my mom cuz i don't want anyone to think bad or ill of him. but i feel frustrated as i bottled up everything to myself. even worse when people say "wah u so lucky now, remarried got someone to support u .."

another thing, I like to go on holidays and when my mom-il & esp sis-il finds out, they think it's my hb who foot the bill & they hinting like i'm spending alot of his money. i'm the one who pays for those holidays! i can't even shop and buy nice things for myself cuz everyone thinks that i spend my hb money esp his family. even when we dine out, i usually foot the bill. once my sis-il ask abt how much i spend on my girl's enrichment classes, then she goes "wah so much ah" tho actually my girl's class is nothing compared to others. i guess they think my hb got so much money that's why always ask him to pay for this and that.

my hb is ok except for the financial part. i know alot of other women r probably in lot more worse situation than me. atleast my hb don't gamble or drink or take drugs or anything like that. he actually has poor financial mngmt. i try to help him manage his finances but to no avail. too stubborn to listen to me in this matter.

well i'm glad so far my eyesight is good so don hv to worry abt glasses, lenses or lasik etc. only put on sunglasses, i like skyline.

overseas purchase
btw, what kind of stuff do u buy online & overseas? Once I wanted to buy earcandles in bulk overseas but i'm not sure how or is it reliable? I do give earcandling treatment besides the massaging and threading.

why don't u try full body massages? and also do some stretching exercises for the back. try yoga. also make sure u maintain a certain posture when doing certain things or work that might affect ur back eg. picking up things esp heavy things from the floor, NEVER bend down & pick up BUT should Squat down and pick up, maintaing a straight back at all times. Having tight buttock muscles & hamstrings (back thighs) can also affect the lower back. Soaking urself in a warm bath would also help to relieve the pain for awhile. Hope this helps. Of course don't expect it to happen overnight but it will subsides gradually in a couple of wks or so.
Buying online from overseas website is generally very secure, if you stick to the big ones. I bought clothes from,,,, and also DVDs from, all are very secure and will not cheat you money. I will not trust unknown websites. If you want to participate in Bulk Purchase in this forum, be very careful, many people encountered bad organizers before, it is very in-secure. You know what is most secure ? Organize bulk purchase yourself ! You know you will not cheat, right ? Hehehe

precious gem

I did yoga at CC 2 years ago. Yoga doesn't suit me, always feel giddy after classes. A few months ago there was a report on TV news, not everyone can do yoga. can't remember the reason.
All these while, I thought it's only me, that I didn't practice breathing technique correctly

Discipline kids

we present an united front in kids' presence. And we sing the same tune so the kids know if they can't get their way with mommy, daddy will say the exact same thing too.

we believe in canning the kids, sparingly though. Cane everyday no effect, so must reserve for major misbehaviour only. Canned my elder girl recently because she intentionally poked a stick into her younger sister's mouth that resulted in some minor bleeding in her mouth and vomitting. If it's a genuine accident, we will not cane her.
