Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Thanks fairyprincess and cowandchick. Will call up TTSH and SNEC later.

Rainbow, can share with me the doc and hospital you went to? Thought of really get this over.

Precious Gem,
No worries, we are here to share our experience and frustrations.

Hi Mummies
Me not v well today... bad throat and so sian, don't know to see doctor or not. Gosh, I HATE TO BE SICK!!!

Kids at shopping centres:
I always keep an eye on them... haiz.. that day T2 ran to top of escalator...fortunately hb was equally fast and grabbed her before she prob. rolled down..!!!

U read the recent case of the man who molested the 5 yr old? Sicko...

I was about to say the same thing as tamarind, no sale now so not worth getting anything there.
I never encounter any problem with online purchase leh.... plus I find it v convenient cos I'm not the window shopping person.. no patience to go thru everything..

Agree that specs are v exp nowadays.

We are also united in that. Never used a cane, don't hv one. But I do smack my boy...
hippo, OOOH! that sounds terrible painful for ur gal.

I think the one that my relative recommended was exp... I didn't go in the end cos I was ok.

precious gem
I guess u are under tremendous emotional stress... and I also think u shud not lend ur hb any money to buy car.
I also won't tolerate borrowing.. if cannot afford, then don't buy. Simple.'s really funny, right.. they think we can't afford to buy our own things... hehe
For Miyabi, only members can eat there?

U two love shopping... do u know the price of a TOD's bag??
Anyone has any idea??
Hi StyloBB...

I love shopping, but no enough usually window shop =)

I don't know the price, but would think its not cheap, as I think its fully leather right? But the designs are simple and classic...

I love shopping but never heard of TOD leh

I only own 1 branded handbag. my 30th birthday present to myself, a LV handbag. Asked my brother to buy from Paris, 20% cheaper than Singapore.

The rest of my handbags all less than $100

I'm tracking that link very closely. Bedok area schools quite popular. Even neighbhourhood schools need to ballot

you have any affliation to any primary school? otherwise next year you can start volunteering for phrase 2B
U let me know which capsules from E Excel cos I'm interested.. and I hv tried quite a nbr of their capsules. Realise I can cheaper prices frm what is listed cos I'm a mbr... drinking their drink now... for my throat.

I happened to see two nice ones at the window display .. prob. more than $1K hor....
Always find this thread a good place to care and share. Dun need to feel embarrassed or sorry if you've got something to pour.

Disciplining Kids

HB and I have totally opposing style. I am more impatient with my gal. Will scream and shout. Am learning to practise more patience. Sometimes will cane her (sparingly). My hb does not believe in caning and forbids any cane at home, thus why i use a stick. He goes for reasoning and rewards. But sometimes it will really get on his nerves and he will shout. But so far i think less than 4-5 times.
Took me sometime to let my hb learn that when 1 party discipline, no matter how much the other party disagree, he/she shd not interfere and wait till later to discuss it privately. Else will undermine the disciplinarian's authourity. Initially, my hb will always step in when i scold my gal, so irritating and make me flare up even more. He very sayang his gal so heart pain when she get scolding. Both of us on the learning curve as parents.
Sorry, missed ur query to me about online purchase.
Cheaper or more variety?
I won't say it's cheaper.. (cheaper if on sale...)
For me, I would say I go for the variety/design...

Never heard of it?? Good, good, I like brands not heard of ...hehe... ie before Coach became 'famous'...
My doc is dr low tze hong from SNEC and has a private clinic in MT e, Think in snec is cheaper.Cannot remember how much he charged cos very long ago.

At least a member there to make payment.

You also a member with RTC?

Discipline Kids
When kids are spotted irresponsible and etc, hubby will not fault her but say that she is still young...see, this is something that make me boiled....For example, always forget to bring glasses to school, it will be not his princess many incidents, cannot tahan...

I am the one that is guiding my gal in her work....At times, I lost my patient and he complaint and he take over and he ended up shouting cos he does not know how to lower his method in teaching a kid and end up scolding his princess even more and worst, gal does not understand what his father is teaching.....
After reading your thread, you had changed my mind of getting a coach bag! Its so popular now that you see ppl taking identical ones. Its the same for Gucci and LV. I used to see alot of Fendi bags but now its Coach. Think rather save the money for my Lasik hehe. I have heard of Tods but not sure of the price. They had placed ad in mag. Their design is not too distinctive so you may not guess the brand when ppl are holding it. Not like Gucci/LV's monogramme. From far far, ppl know what bag is it.
Aiyo, me caught a cold from DS who got it from DD who likely got it from school. So the cycle begins. hai~~~


you been sick for a few days liao. Do take care.

I think a small shoulder bag from TODs is abt 1K ba. This brand is very popular among US celebrities.


ok, will skip this restaurant. Hey u ladies been to Hanabi? One at King's Arcade (Bukit Timah) and another at Odeon Towers. Ala carte buffet leh... yum yum.. been to the one at Kings, thinking to try Odeon


hai~ i am saddled with glasses since P6. And all with my own doing. Would have been perfect eyesight but thot its so cool to wear glasses then, see some classmates wear like look so classy. So deliberately spoil my eyes lo. Biggest regret of my life! I never look good in glasses. If out, will wear lenses. But i have been thinking should i change my glasses liao, been wearing current pair for 4-5 yrs. Then if I really do lasik, waste the money to make. You are rite, glasses so expensive.

Pantone, when you find out the info on lasik, can pls share with me. Thanks.
I'm also impatient.. still trying to learn to be more patient. Still learning...haiz.....
Stimes pek chek loh, frm normal tone to loud tone then my boy wl do what I asked him to do...
Yeah, with hb/I, the other party keeps quiet if one party is scolding or disciplining.

I so persuasive ah... hahaha...

TOD's - Actually it's not true that becos it's not distinctive.. cos I saw a Jap mummy carrying it and its 'not too distinctive' feature and quality workmanship caught my eye...hehe.. but I guess most people would want to carry eye-catching handbags....
The website does not disclose much....

Yah I agree the 3 popular ones u see around is Coach, LV and Gucci (plus the fakes as well!!!)
Anyway years ago, the tag inside Coach used to be 'Made in USA', now it's 'Made in China.'...

I'm not into LV or Gucci... I see a lot of fake LVs leh...
Aiyah again.. yes, been to Hanabi at King's, Odean Towers and the one at Vivo.
Not too bad.
If u go for lunch at Odean, they wl chase u out once it's eat quickly hor.. haha

i think my fren did hers at about $1400 per eye from SNEC. If i dun remember wrongly... but dun know the doc's rank. My fren's eye condition very bad, very blood shot. But he managed to correct her vision to 90%.

not a member, just that i know the management then cos we were doing a 2 week long roadshow there. So if I wanna eat there can jus give a call. But nv been back since after the event.
Most info can get fr SNEC website. Cannot wear contact lens for 1 week prior to consultation. 2weeks for hard lens. I'm using Optix O2. Is it a soft or hard lens? I shocked to see one website that states Optix O2 is a biweekly lens. The optician told me its a monthly lens. OMG! Anyone has any idea? The Ciba vision website did not mention much.
Yeah.. that is such a sicko man...

Why chase us out? Coz the rest is closing? I have not been to Hanabi.

Discipline Kids
I have the same view as hippo2002, believe in canning when the need arise. One thing in common between me and hubby is that we agreed not to interfere and contridict when one of us is disciplining the kid.

ya, the restaurant closes for non dining hours.


how about loewe handbags. I like their emblem. Or furla?

You are the same as my fren, dun like LV cos so many fakes. Its still my all time love mainly due to their design, so practical and evergreen. Cant deny that its got market value compared to the other brands.

For Gucci, I do like them if not for the fact that its so common and fakes everywhere.
I find that quality of branded goods is really good. I use my Burberry wallet everyday for 7 years and it is still as good as new, no sign of wear & tear. amazing! My hubby uses Braun Bauffel and he is into his 3rd wallet within 7 years. So for that quality, I think it's very worth it

I cannot tell the fakes apart from authentic ones. my SIL is also carrying a LV bag. I thought it's authentic until I saw her toddler playing roughly with that bag. No way any mommy will let her toddler plays with a thousand dollar bag, so I know it's fake lor

Despites so many fakes, I still like LV design. I will not carry fakes though. There is no need to. So many authentic handbags are selling at affordable price like Toscano, Liz Caliborne, etc. Although not as high end but good enough for daily use
I used to get Renoma/Pierre Cardin/Braun Bauffel wallets. Have the same problem as your hubby, need to change due to wear and tear. Can only last 1-2years, the coin compartment torn liao. So after I gave birth to my son, bought 1 LV wallet and it last me 2.5yrs and it still looked new.For burberry bags/wallet, I will worry about staining as its in light tone. You dont seem to have problem with that.
Me too, Me too! I also so siow last time, thot wearing glasses look so cool, like you, purposely spoil my eyes! Now regret also too late! Don't want to spend on Lasik - scared lah!

My hb used to be very lenient with my girl, now, she super spoilt! Then with the boy, super strict. Cane him here, cane him there! I so sim tia leh.
I don't dare to use the cane anymore. My temper so bad, I scared one day I cane my kids to death! But I scold, yell and nag until I get so sick of myself also. But if you have my girl, you also nag to death! So lazy and slow! I give up!

I don't have any branded stuffs to carry with me, so won't know what is real and what is fake. Real also I won't know how ex it is.

StyloBB, Cuddles
Take care! 2 weeks back I also down with bad flu. One whole week out of action! I shudder even to think about it now!

I also heard some say yoga not suitable for all. But many people recommend pilates. Anyone know what this is ah? Where to learn? Painful or not?

Don't dare anyhow go massage, esp for my lower back. Wait hurt my nerve again, wah, cannot walk one you know!

Actually last time supposed to go for surgery to relieve the pain but cutting off the disc, but chickened out. Quite a complicated surgery, and may even end up paralysed. Nerve so near mah! So scared, decided to do conservative treatment at rehab centre at NUH. I think now old already, so pain coming back more often.
Hi mummies

We were shifting office for the last 2 days, internet got connected today, so busy now, lot of things need to be settle down.

Let me read through the post when I am slightly not so busy and post again.

Take care
Thanks. Trying to get well.

Loewe..yes, yes nice.. Saw their red one recently... but I only see lah, can't afford to buy...haha

Don't like Furla...

Yah loh, been resisting getting sick but no avail.

I don't need yoga, I need to get rid of my tummy!!! The gals really stretched mine until.. and lately been eating and not exercising... to motivate the kids to do their w/o making them feel that we are nagging all the time??

Yeah my gf said her LV wallet also lasted a very long time...

My hb's Braun Buffel wallet is also 'dying'...

Cuddles answered ur question..
cowandchick, styloBB

I called up Sports council some time ago to enquire on classes that are suitable for aunties like me

They recommended Body Sculpt. It's non-aerobics so quite ideal for people who can't jump around that much anymore (me!) or have not been exercising for a long time (me!)

They also recommended Aqua Aerobics, not so high impact and can still get a good work out. need not be a swimmer to do Aqua since water level is up to chest only

maybe you can try these classes at the sports council near your house
I used to have a few Coach bags, those are the most expensive bags I ever had. Then later I don't feel good carrying cow leather around, no offence to all other mommies who love leather bags.

Now I stick to non-leather bags. I like to change handbags, so every one of my bag is cheap cheap one. I used to carry a $25 bag around, then at one cafe(Marmalade Pantry), I felt a bit funny sitting next to a woman carrying a $10,000 Hermes bag hehehe but I very thick skin one lah.

I am carrying Hedgren bag now, discounted and cost only $39. I like this brand, I find the quality is good and very practical.

I also like ELLE and United Colors of Benetton bags, sometimes I get bags from Espirt. Oh no I think I sound like a teenager, I am auntie already mah.

<font color="0000ff">hippo2002,</font>
The 2 primary school I am aiming for, only left with about 50 places for parent volunteers ! Does it mean there will be no places left after this phase ?
Body Sculpt
I dont like this as require to carry lightweight dumbell. Afraid to make my arm looked more muscular. This is what they do in Amore, not sure about other place.

I like Elle handbags too! I have a RED backpack and a RED hobo bag from Elle. hehe, I'm young at heart

For handbags, I buy all sorts of colours blue, orange, brown, red, beige but no black colour. I don't like black handbags although I read an article 'fengshui your bag' in a magazine that says black handbag has the best fengshui

The number of places will be split equally between 2B & 2C. If left 50 places at 2B and 35 parent volunteers enrol in that phrase, the remaining 15 will flow over to 2C, become 65 (50+15) vacancies
Wah I can't afford those high end bags. My present wallet is Carlo Rino only, handbags like cheaper ones cuz I get tired of handbag very fast, usually I use a few months only. Actually I'm a back pack person, my fav one is from FX Creations, more of a men's line, also other sporty ones like Nike, Kickers, Adidas ... got to carry backpacks cuz need both my hands to handle the kids.

I bot a fake LV handbag & purse in Chiang Mai abt 2 years ago but have yet to use them. Still in covers. I bot another fake LV pulley lugage from Batam which I like very much. Mostly I buy genuine ones like Prince, Picard, Espirit or Elle or Bonia/Sembonia... just the usual brands or even the NO brand. My sis gave me one genuine Ferragamo handbag(for my b'day) which she bot during one of those GSS a few years back. I think I use it for only a few months only too. I guess the most exp wallet I got was a Gucci but after using it for several months, realised it's frm pig's skin so didn't use it (I'm a Muslim) then got myself a Celine wallet which last for a few years.

I can't understand what do these sickos get out of molesting girls 5 or below. I mean if u get horny, pardon the language, of seeing a well endowed big bust sexy woman, I can understand, but an innocent sweet looking face of an angel ...

There r many philates classes now in CC, they r abit like stretching, working on specific muscles doing a very precise movement. I've yet to try it though I bot the VCD and read abit abt it. Also saw a feature on it on CNA.

Well I guess u r right. Yoga is not for everyone. I don't practice a specific Yoga but just the basic movements; salute to the sun, or the warrior stand etc. mainly for stretching & flexibility.

ur gal like both my gals. So lazy and slow. My 5 yr old also sometimes so blur, but she wasn't like this b4, only lately. She also so stubborn. Now her arabic reading is slackening and her phonics are not so great either as she's too lazy to 'sound off' the letters, rather just 'hentam'. When I remind her to sound off the letters, then she's able to read the words. With Maths also, she's lazy to count properly, just want to guess the answer. I need to sit beside her when she does her work, she can't work independantly. Her writing is also mirror writing even when she's copying. She also will pronounce and say things backwards like potatoe becomes topato, sometimes I think she might be dyslexic.

Been showing my bb boy real life pictures of animals (from my Reader Digest's collections) which he really enjoyed. He's still not talking yet though I've heard many bbs say several words by the time they r one. I'm afraid he might be like my 2nd girl, talk very late, at almost 4 years old!
Thanks. Understand now..

Same as cowandchick, basically I am not into branded stuff, never bought one before and will not know which are fakes and which are real, needless to mention the price. I only know they are exp stuff. I have never really bought handbags before, mine mostly are from my mum or sis when they don't want it. So at any one time, I only use one hangbag and will only change to another when it is dirty or spolit. I think I am a gal who don't behave like a gal.. I am not so much into gal's stuff like comestic, hairdo, fashion trend. My mum used to joke with me saying maybe I should have been a guy...
Hello mummies...

Ha computer mouse was giving trouble earlier, so could not type and click for some time...

The fake bags in beijing and shanghai to be honest very cheap- about S$20-30 for premium quality TODS, or Coach, or the usual LV or Dior...

Primary One Registration:
I quite lucky, was from Nanyang while hubby from Tao Nan...should be under phase 2A1 for either school since we joined the alumni as well...

so envious, you lucky girl!

I'm slogging as a volunteer, don't even know for sure can get in or not. hope MOE don't reduce the class size further due to low birth rate next year. The school is just 4 minutes walk from my house, for my convenience and beauty sleep, must get in
pr 1 reg,
well i still have another year to go b4 I worry abt this.

today's my girl swimming class, so going swimming with her. also brought my gear to do an hr workout in the gym.

i like abit of muscle, like that athlete look. well that's me. so will pump those iron today.

i'll see u ladies tomorrow.


paid $300+ for my transitional lens.

ya, the Bates Method not easy to follow. Must have a lot of will power. Each time just lower 100 degree i was told.

did the bates method work for your girl? My girl seeing doc at SNEC for bad myopia. On atrophine drops now.Had been able to control her myopia for the last 1 year. if not, her degrees was like increasing by 100-150 within a few months.
Good morning ladies....

My gal myopia is less than 200 deg.I just try out not to let her to wear in a exact degree glasses.....

Baby Hairline Myth
Hey, anyone heard of this?Certain part of baby's head hair is not growing,old folk will think that its a line, and it is asking the ku ku to buy sock, cloths for this baby?
I got paranoid cos both my brother kids have this, and mom said I have to buy gift. I do not mind buying but the parents did not open mouth and worst of all, after buying for the first kid, not even a word thank you acknowlege the present and my mom is the one that take it from me too.....Now, asking me to do it would you mom react?I quite pandant, I do not like them to take me for a ride too....
Hi all,
I think something wrong with the forum, I can't click messages in the last 12 hours.

Thanks for the explanation about the phases. Glad to know you like ELLE bags too. Me too don't like black handbag. The one I am carrying now is pink in colour

I have never heard of that myth before. My girl also didn't grow hair on parts of her head, she has 2 ku ku, nobody bought anything for me.

Hmmm... I think they just want you to buy something for them.

Actually I am very bad ku ku, I have never met my brother's daughter before, she is 7 years old now. I am not on good terms with him and his wife.
How come my post yesterday lost? Strange!


Does atropine work? Any side effects or not? is it a long term solution? Your girl must be reading a lot. Wah, degrees increase very fast leh!

Never heard of that before leh? What your dialect? Maybe related to dialect group? I hokkien, my hb is teochew.

Maybe pantang that parents cannot acknowledge gifts? Since just yi si, yi si, don't have to get very ex gifts! Hope I didn't offend anyone here! Just a thot. ;P
Baby Hairline Myth
My son too had a line at the back of his head. My MIL asked my SIL to buy a pair of shoe for him. We bought a pair and she paid for that. When he was a baby, he only had hair on top, a bit of left and right and there was aline across at the back. When I bought him out for shopping, ppl laughed at him. Asked me why I cut his hair like that! I told them it was natural... After a while, not sure the line disappear or his hair covered the line. I dont believe in this myth, so did not request from my SIL. My MIL is the one that asked her.Rainbow, if I were you, just buy loh. Just treat it a gift to them.

What a coincidence! My friend's friend did a Lasik by Dr Low Tze Hong too. But that was 10yrs ago. His fee at SNEC is $1320, but as he is only a visiting consultant there, can only see him on Wed afternoon.I might want to consider to switch dr. You know what is his fee at Mt e? I was told $4k per eye! OMG! The lady told me he is using a new machine, diff from SNEC. Its way above my budget.
I am not in very good term with my sil cos she is an arrogant snob, think very highly of herself when she is just.....Mum adores her , think that she is a very good dil though with no lOOK.My mom is the one that is so kancheong over the things I supposed to buy since it concern her own grandchildren....Do not think my sil bothers much and that is why she does not even bother to call and say thank you when I gave her gal a pair of addidas shoes when mum says there is ku ku lu on her head when she was a her didi also same thing....

I am a hokkien, mom is a hakka....
I am not in very good term with my sil cos she is an arrogant snob, think very highly of herself when she is just.....Mum adores her , think that she is a very good dil though with no lOOK.My mom is the one that is so kancheong over the things I supposed to buy since it concern her own grandchildren....Do not think my sil bothers much and that is why she does not even bother to call and say thank you when I gave her gal a pair of addidas shoes when mum says there is ku ku lu on her head when she was a her didi also same thing....

I am a hokkien, mom is a hakka....
I am not in very good term with my sil cos she is an arrogant snob, think very highly of herself when she is just.....Mum adores her , think that she is a very good dil though with no lOOK.My mom is the one that is so kancheong over the things I supposed to buy since it concern her own grandchildren....Do not think my sil bothers much and that is why she does not even bother to call and say thank you when I gave her gal a pair of addidas shoes when mum says there is ku ku lu on her head when she was a her didi also same thing....

I am a hokkien, mom is a hakka....
I really cannot catch up with the post, I will just post like that...

Hi all
My sil is planning to hire a maid for my mil and we have to share the cost equally. Why hire a maid, what is that bil's wife doing at home, she is not working always playing computer game in her room. And my pil had been taking very well care of her 3 kids.

I tell my hubby that if I find out that the maid is doing her stuff, then I will not pay for anything!! We are staying on our own, have to pay our own expenses. They are staying with my il and rent our their flat, and they can use the electricity, water...without thinking so much coz they don pay my pil any $$.

Wed was my hubby turn to stay overnight with my mil, his sil sms on Tuesday telling him to reach hospital b4 8pm and can leave at 5am if he wants to. I reply back that we need to bring my bb to see the doc on Wed night. The the next day she sms me this 'tell your husband don need to come, the bro will take over. Take extreme good care of the son n no need to reply back'...what is the meaning of this, I was so angry!!!

Now, my mil is in hospital, yet the sil and the bro's wife are finding things diff for us!!!!

Wedding anniversary
I was married when I was 21yrs old, I have been married for 16yrs liao. We did celebrate for the first few years, after giving birth, then we don do that anymore.
My hubby dated me for 1yr, he wanted us to go ROM, then we married 1yr later.

Discipline Kids
I am usually the bad person, I don spoilt my kids, it was my hubby who will buy toys for my son.

I am shortsighted but I only wear glasses when I am on the road.

Sorry, I had mislead you, bil's girl is his daughter.

My hubby and myself are hokkien

Ya, every month feel the pinch whenever I buy diapers and milk powder...I will think of you, you have to watch when your ear feel itchy.

I too love shopping, but not enough money, so window shopping like Fairyprincess.

haha! we are in the same shoes regarding maid.
subsidizing BIL in his childcare and yet they have double income


one of my girls had that line too. My mom said it's ku ku line but hubby didn't even have a sister.

what is it that you are pantan if you send a gift?
If I were you, I will not agree to buy anything for the SIL. I think you are a lot nicer than me

I would be unhappy if I were you too. Is your hubby the youngest or oldest ? You mean your hubby and his brother take turns to stay overnight in the hospital to take care of your MIL ? I thought got nurses can already ?

My in-laws quite OK, they got pension so no need kids to support, all the kids move out and have their own homes already. I meet my 2 SIL only once a year during Chinese New Year, so no problem.

My own brother is in England, not giving any money at all. I hired a maid to take care of my father who has difficulty walking, my brother also paid nothing. But if I don't take care of my parents, no one can, so no choice.
any mommies bringing your kids to watch hi5 performance at expo?
I told my girls Kellie (one of the hi5 members) is only 1 year younger than me. They find it unbelievable

anyway I can't bear to part with $100+ for 3 tickets so I told them we need to be thifty otherwise we will not have sufficient money to pay their school fees next month. hehe, they quickly say no need to go to the show, just watch dvd at home

my brother always say I stingy on kids. Bought a bike for my younger girl from Carrefour and he said why buy such a cheap bike? bought my elder girl a set of oil pastels for her birthday and he said why buy such a cheap present? aiyo!

the way I see it, gifts for kids are for practical reasons or necessities, no need to buy a $400 bike just to prove I love them more versus a $40 bike

Do mommies spurge a lot on kids? like don't mind spending $50 on a dress for kid but think twice or thrice before buying a $50 blouse for yourself?

yes the atrophine seems to work in controlling her myopia. on top of that also got to keep close eye on her reading habits. side effect, glare, especially under bright sun cos the pupils are dilated. So we get for her transitional lens. She has permission to wear it to school. Once i tried it on while she was swimming and it was very comfy, so decided to get 1 pair for myself.

yah degree increase very fast, that's why have to see specialist. Scared she get retina detachment. Every 6 months review. If the degree of eye not on atrophine is constant, then can stop. Can only treat one eye with atrophine each time.

i oso hokkien and hb teochew.

i oso don't like to buy expensive toys for my kids. They play a while get tired already. Oso just chuck one corner. If i pay a lot for the toy, i make sure it is something good and is going to last many years, eg. lego.

Anyway my friend pass me so many toys. Her kid outgrow already. Now i'm thinking to clear some baby toys since my youngest one is already 2 yo.

i keep toys and clothes for the kids, now store all full. Can't wait to clear those that my youngest one outgrow.

I don't like hi5, and don't like my kids watching them.

The only show I ever brought my kids to, is the SSO concert for babies. I got 3 tickets free from buying Mamil milk powder. That was very nice.

I have become a Lego fan and collector myself, ever since I have kids
I spent quite a lot buying entire sets of Lego toys. The most expensive one is a princess castle $159. Another farmhouse set cost $129. I find the quality very good, and very good for stimulating their creativity and developing their fine motor skills. I find that toys are very important for their development, and I don't mind paying more. My kids can play the same sets for more than 1 year, so very worth it. I have bought tons and tons of toys for them. I think it is also because I got very few toys when I was young, sometimes I am actually buying for myself.

For clothes, I try not to buy anything more than S$20 a piece. Once in a while, if I see a beautiful dress, I will buy for her, but not more than USD25 (I only buy online).

I also got a lot of clothes to clear. I will try to sell them first, sometimes in this forum. If cannot sell will give away to other mommies in the forum, or to salvation army.
