Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

cuddles, jastan

my hubby a bit like yours, go anywhere HP always buzzing, sms always come in.
Bring kids to beach he got to entertain phone calls from office. Driving also talk talk. His boss no let go of him even when he on leave!
At first very sianz and upset, now get used to it already. give up already. as long as he physically with the family, never mind he has to talk on HP or sms.

baby clothing

my mom said hand down clothing is better. Baby will be easier to handle.
hand down Baby cot even better, baby can sleep well.

ZMM, Cuddles, JasTan

your hubby in Sales & Marketing line?
my hubby's handphone hardly ring. Only credit card companies call to pester him
precious gem

wah! u so tired still can cook up a meal so late. "Pei fu" you. the most i will cook at that kind of hours is maggi mee. If not, go sleep hungry.

no worries, I'll be hanging around here a bit.. hee..


thats a tough pregnancy you went thru. My 1st one was a breeze, no problems at all, except gain too much. 2nd one had some morning sickness at the beginning months.

In this case, why do you think of #3 leh? For me is I like the idea of a brood of family, sort of like Father duck and Mother duck with all the ducklings waddling in a line, quack quack quack...

Seriously, i like more sounds, more laughter in the house. And children are the only "things" in life that are totally made by you and belongs to you.


we use to argue about this sickening phone using habit of his. But now like you, I am use to it and cant be bothered anymore. As long as its not too much.


rite, my hb in sales (business dev) line. So funny about the credit card co calling.
Thanks mommies for all your replies...

Still thing I know, I have never heard of anyone say..."aiyah, should not have had the 3rd kid, should have stopped at 2"...I guess you will never regret if you have it...but you don't know if you don't ...have to give it more thought...hmmmm
U are so funny.. .. maybe shud just sms him or call him instead...the response wlbe faster..... hahaha...

precious gem
Oops, I don't really know how much they drink in the aftn... if based on weekends, shud be 180ml.
Nite feed before they sleep can be 300ml.. they finish everything.

U really bother to cook. I can't cook and I don't have the interest.

Just turn the clock back to ten years ago, no one knows much about Coach.. their designs were also not so loud as now. I kinda miss the old designs... v chic and subtle. Last time I carried, got strangers asking me where I bot my bag... now the designs are rather flashy which I don't quite like. Got ppl carrying fakes too.
Gucci .. is rather common ... I don't fancy.
LV.. I also don't fancy... many fakes around...
The new guy at the helm in Coach changed the designs and it became v popular these recent years. It's nbr 1 in USA now and nbr 2 in Japan (after LV) apparently.

Me going to watch Transformers again with my hb and friends .. we actually watched it last week...

I think we dine at restaurants maybe 2-3 times a month ba.

Maybe we are friendlier cos we hv seen the world a bit and are more tolerant of others???
Friendly here .... tho I just joined, I hope I contributed to the friendliness.... hehe...

I like Ichiban at Plaza S'pura.

Children's Place is having monster sale now... take note that their tees cutting is not v big so u might wanna get a bigger size. Their prices are reasonable.
Gymboree's size is bigger. Happy shopping! Oh, u need to have a vpost address... do u have one???

Men need specific instructions.. so gotta tell them exactly what we want...

Where do you live? If near to me, when I next order, I can order for u as well.

It's good to charge bills to cc to earn points but I try to minimise the use cos don't wanna be shocked by bill end of each month.
My hb uses it for his co. expenses which is good.... hefty amt and can chalk up a lot of points.

Actually I think can consider my boy quite good lah, he never demands that we must buy things for him at the toyshop. If we say we are gonna leave in 5 mins, come 5 mins, he wl guai guai go with us. I think it's perfectly fine to say "No!" when the situation calls for it. I hv no qualms with that.

I wanted to know when they wl choose their clothes so that I don't order clothes for them at that age...haha

Just dismantled my two cots to return to my friends...

Ur boy must hv brot a lot of joy in the household with his arrival.

Sewing.. my mom sewed dresses for the gals recently.

juz me
I wud recommend La Source handcream from Crabtree & Evelyn.

Really pei fu (admire) some of u for wanting nbr 3.........

Go for it!!! hahaha......

Before/after marriage.. me only married less than 5 years so hvn't reduced to the 'Oi!' part... I'm trying to prevent it.. haha....
<u><font color="ff6000">styloBB,</font></u>
You stayed in Scarlet Hotel also ? The first room we got is no windows ! I got a shock, immediately ask to change to another room on second floor with windows. It's a last minute decision thing, I was accompanying my hubby to see doc at Eu Yang San clinic, we were both so stressed out at work, decided to take a break.

Boastful forumers ? I have seen a mommy who boasts about her son's intelligence. Or you mean boast about how rich they are ?

I think people can be a lot more nasty in forums than in real life.

There is this movie starring the young Lindsay Lohan playing twin girls, even mommy and daddy cannot tell them apart. I guess only in movies.

I feel tired coming home everyday. Sometimes I declare that I am going to sleep early, then lock myself in the room at 9pm to sleep. Yes feel quite guilty, so try to make up on other days.

My girl loves to pick her clothes. She even picks what I buy for her at ! I taught her to use the mouse, click and open the picture. She will say she want this want that. But I always tell her I will only buy for her if she is a good girl. Then let her wait long long, most of the time just forget.

<u><font color="0000ff">ZMM, cowandchick,</font></u>
Totally agree that home cooked food is cheapest. I buy food for my maid to cook herself, only $20 a week, and she can have chicken drumstick and fish everyday. A meal in a restaurant can easily cost $20 ! But I love the food in Crystal Jade restaurants very much, one bowl of la mian $7.00, will still eat once a week.

<u><font color="0000ff">ZMM,</font></u>
You can try Bossini, their kids clothes biggest size can almost fit a small size adult. When they have sale, less than $10 a piece. I buy during their sale.

<table border=1><tr><td> Before marriage</TD><TD> After marriage </TD></TR><TR><TD>Call hubby overseas and talk for a long time everyday</TD><TD> call once every few days and talk a few mins only</td></tr></table>

<u><font color="119911">quek,</font></u>
That person is definitely a guy. I have since stopped going to that forum. Forums that guys visit can be very hostile. Now I stick to girls and mommy forums only.

<u><font color="ff0000">Cuddles,</font></u>
Haha you are very funny about how to use the hotel room. But it is a great way to escape the kids once in a while !

Like you I also encountered some thread where no one respond to what I said. I am glad you find this thread more friendly
You are one of those mommies making it friendly ! Recently I encountered a mommy in another forum, who "shouted" at me using capital letters in her entire post. Then she claimed she didn't know that using caps = shouting.

<u><font color="ff6000">juz_me,</font></u>
Your MIL looking after your kids for you without maid ? She is so nice. Impossible to ask my MIL to do it. Even if I ask her to look after for 2 days, must send the maid together with my boy to her house.

<u><font color="aa00aa">precious_gem,</font></u>
I really admire your energy. I find it so tiring to cook ! You like prison break ? I watch once in a while only. I prefer Desperate Housewives.

Hi all,
I was having very bad neck ache and back ache for the past few days. I just went for acupuncture today ! It's my first ever in my whole life. Very interesting to have needles stick to my back and arm. Not painful at all. But after that, I was given "tui na" or Chinese massage. So painful ! I kept telling the doctor to be more gentle. But after that I feel relieved.

Is massage at Spa also very painful ?

depending on what type of massage. I actually find swedish massage very ticklish. Thai massage is painful

I like Crystal jade too. Love their porridge, so smooth! I always order the same item fish slice & pork liver porridge

By the way, I find Noble House dim sum super yummy. my favourite food is japanese although my standard not very high lah, sakae sushi is good enough for me

TV programme

I like crime and supernatural drama. CSI and Ghost Wishpers every Tue & Fri 10pm.
I also started watching Desperate Housewives again these 2 week. Stopped for quite a while since season 1. Rekindle interest. I was glue to TV 10pm timeslot 3 times a week

now also following Channel 8 lucky stars at 9pm. I sent my kids to bed at 8:45pm and declare to them 9pm is my TV time, please do not disturb, haha!
I sent my younger girl for Arts trial class at CC. I think teacher's main concern is separation anxiety so he wanted her to attend a trial first. CC usually takes in 4 years old & above

I know she doesn't experience seapartion anxiety lah. she can't wait to attend her nursery next year. Has been nagging me to find new schools for her every few other days. hehe, this CC Arts can pacify her for the moment
Hi mommies,
Kindly checkout this thread and see how you can help the needy mommy.

<font color="ff6000">hippo2002,</font>
At one time, I love crystal jade porridge too, I always order the chicken mushroom porridge

I love japanese food and dim sum too ! Looks like our taste very similar
Are you cantonese ?

Hubby birthday
We usually only go out for dinner. I don't buy presents for him any more, because he has too many things already. But I think the most memorable one, is the first time I bought a birthday cake for him to celebrate together with the kids ! The kids are just old enough to understand what is birthday, before they were blur blur babies hehehe That was really fun and memorable.

Hi mommies,
What is your dialect group ?
StyloBB N Cuddles
Thanks for the recommendation for the hand cream.
My colleague just recommended Jurlique rose hand cream...I fell in love immediately after I tried her cream...BUT it is very expensive - S$75 for 1 tube (125ml)...Thinking very, very hard whether should I spurge on such an expensive cream???

Hubby Birthday
I am generally erh...romantic sort (but hubby is not the romantic sort leh)...Last year birthday, we went Prego for lunch, I called up the restaurant in advance to arrange for a cake to present to him after our meal. It really surprised him...

Yes, she is taking care of my 2 kiddos without a maid. I am really thankful for her...

TV programmes
I love CSI too. I still like CSA LA the best.

Korean drama
Any mummies into watching korean drama? So far, my favourite korean drama are:

Full house
My lovely samsoon
All about Eve

One thing about me... if I watched Korean DVDs, I really can burn mid-night oil. My "best record" is 4am and sleep for about 2 hours and go to work...Can imagine at work - "stone"...Ha...
I love korean dramas too!
My favourite currently is My Girl...I love Lee Dong Wook!
In fact, I completed the basic korean language course so I can understand the language day, I want to visit seoul to shop and makan! =)
Hi all,
few days never login only, this thread moving so fast. Busy the last few days as prepaing for trip.

Will be flying off tonight to India for work....hai so sick, will miss my girl and boy. Catch up with you all when I am back....
Hi Mummies
Hope u are having a wonderful weekend.
I had to carry chara up the flight of stairs and I told hb my knees were going to give way!!

It seems that my hb's virus is strong leh.. made its round to my gals and today my boy got it...almost lost his voice... and mood is so grouchy..

B/days - We wl go to a nice place for makan.. no need to be super exp but at proper rest.
Pressies: still hv gifts but not super exp type lah... hb wl send flowers loh...
Must keep the 'spark' mah...hahaha..

How is ur backache and neck ache?? Me had stiff neck on fri too.. ensured that I laid on my back when I slept at nite...

Forum - all kinds loh... after all it's an open forum.. ppl can and wl say anything.. maybe once twice is not boasting intentionally but to keep saying and saying.. then.....

I like jap food and dim sum too!! Hehe...
Me a cantonese...

So exp for a hand cream leh...

Have a good trip! Can shop there or not???
I mean, hv time or not?

Food -
If u gals are talking about the Crystal Jade at Ngee Ann city, yes! I love the dim sum there.. I think it's the best I hv tasted.

TV -
Er, hb/I hardly watch tv... also no cable at home.. cos we find tv can be v distracting... we can go w/o tv for a week. Anyway I find the local dramas and even the typical dramas v predictable.. either the last episode is the heroine running away to airport or the hero kena unconsciousness and lying in hospital.. hehe..

Sorry, I don't like Korean dramas either... too draggy and really drama at times...

I like to watch travel and food related programmes.... foreign ones... recently caught the jamie oliver in was rather refreshing...

Me/hb are movie buffs... so we still try to catch a movie whenever we can.
Just bot the 300 dvd... woopee!!! Can watch again.
my ex-boss called me up for a role in my ex-company. So nice of her to still remember me after all these years. This is the 2nd or 3rd time she called. to go back?

my parents cannot handle my kids, no control over them. I am worried my elder girl's academic progress will slide. I will also need to place my younger girl in childcare, seems so pitiful, she has never left my care all these years.

Furthermore, I have already enrolled her for kindergarten next year, so she can only go childcare for 6 months and need to withdraw again. Too much changes is not so ideal for a young child.

Hubby also totally not keen in the idea of me returning to work. If I insist to return to work and encounter any issues in handling work life balance, since I forsee travelling & OT, he will surely say 'I told you so'

I'm Teochew. Hubby also Teochew. so my 2 girls pure breed Teochew girls, haha!
We even held our wedding dinner at a Teochew restaurant. super obiang, no choice, old folks insisted. my parents and ILs very satisfied.

Our daily meal is porridge for lunch & dinner. Teochew = porridge

Juz me, Fairyprincess

I only watched 3 & a half korean drama so far

1) my name is Jin San Sung (hilarious!)
2) da chang jin (crazy over this show at that time)
3) love autumn or winter (can't remember exactly. the one where the lead actress fell for her brother and then die from cancer)
4) jin xi shang playing baseball that show (half way through and terminated my SCV so didn't finish) - anyone know what's the ending??

I would love to visit Korea one day
hippo2002, juzme, fairyprincess

my family korean drama craze. hubby like to watch da chang jin. watch 2nd time still not sianz. we don't have scv, so juz watch what is in channel u. my friend lend us some korean drama dvd, have yet to watch them yet.

ya, we also dream of going korea for holidays one day.

re: female gynae

can try dr eunice chua from thomson medical centre. off peak period should not need to wait very long i guess. another good one i heard is Dr Yvonne chan from TMC also (hope i got her name right).

where you go for acupuncture? my hubby recently very bad neck and shoulder ache. doc say is neck athritis. no impact sports for him anymore.

i think because of his army last time, very siong, now suffer the after effects. Also long hours in front of computer. he has to go for physiotheraphy now.
Hello Hippo2002,

Re returning to work...I think the first thing you need to convince yourself is that you WANT to go back to work...otherwise, you may always think you did not make the right choice...

Then the next question would be the timing, i.e. when to go back to about next year, after your younger kid settles in school?

I am putting my younger one (now 2.5YO) in N1 starting next month. Although she should only join N1 next Jan, but I like to get her adapted to school, and also gives her something regimented to do older one also in same school, so it should help...
On half day leave last Friday, my mil was hospitalise. We have to share the hospital bill among the siblings, come to think about it, they were celebrating mother's day and eat their own, din even call me, now hospital bill got our share.

My bb was having fever again ytd, this is the 3rd times within this two and a half huh???I am going to be book a bed in Hougang liao.

My gynae was Dr Yvonne Chan from TMC, she is a very nice lady, I was with her when she was in KK.
I got an operation from her, her stiches was very good.

My hubby and myself are hokkien, ppl said that hokkien tends to talk very rough.

For Korean drama, I only watched Bride 18 and Gong. Recently my friend lent me a Korean movie, 200pounds beauty, very nice show with handsome guy and beautiful lady, I feel like watching it another time.
Hi Quek,

My gynae also Dr Yvonne Chan- yes, i think she is very good and very professional...she delivered my 2 kids =)

Yes, I love the movie 200 pound beauty- the korean lead actor is soooo good looking...I watched the show on flight travelling to Beijing for work and I watched the same movie again travelling back! Ha Ha...
Morning mummies
T1 has a bit of fever and boy's voice is hoarse.. mil bringing them to PD later..

So nice of ur ex-boss..
Yeah u gotta decide why u wanna go back to work (follow ur heart) and if u need the extra income (follow ur head). So difficult hor..

Thanks for info.

Sorry to hear about ur mil.
Can the bill be paid via medisave?

Think beta bring ur bb to PD.. cud be some form of infection???

Korean drama.. hmm... don't feel anything about the romantic storyline.. But I rembr watching a bit of All About Eve... rmbr the two lead actresses were rather pretty but the lead guy not handsome leh..hahaha...
u watch 300? We went to watch it at the cinema with baby and my girl. I cover my daughter's eyes when it comes to the explicit scenes. I thot it was a great movie. Btw, Winx club is a cartoon programm, they are fairies or something like that fighting evil, u can catch them on Saturdays, 9:30am on Arts Central.

I do enjoy cooking and homecooked meals myslef. When I was a SAHM, I would even make pizza myself, all from scratch; I knead the dough with my bare hands to make the crust, and use fresh tomatoes to make the bolognaise sauce which I also use to make spaghetti bolognaise. I also make a mean lasagne and moussaka (a greek version of lasagne). For my pasta, I like to use San Remo and I actually use their receipe on the box. I mainly learn western receipe cause I want to eat them and couldn't get them 'Halal' before so I have to learn & cook them. Of course now, most of the resturants are halal.

I start enjoying cooking Chinese dishes after watching 'Wok with Yan' when I was a SAHM(don't mistaken with Yan can cook). He's actually an older man and he cooks aunthentic Chinese cooking rather than 'Yan can cook' who sometimes I think modify the dishes to suit the western tastebuds.

I learn mediteranean dishes as I was married to one. Other Indian dishes and Malay dishes, I learn from my mom.

As I started go back into the workforce again, I try to cook simple dishes. Once I even bought a book for easy cooking that uses 4 ingredients or less!

tamarind & ZMM,
u can also get massages for ur back & neck ache. Sometimes it could due to muscle tension or lactic acid. Getting a full body massage with focus on the problem areas. If the pain is severe, u may need a couple if not few massages. For DIY, Stretching the problem areas will also help. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds or even longer. The u can also use cold & hot compress or just get into the shower, use hot water for 1-2mins, then cold water 1-2mins, repeat several times. This will stimulates the circulation. If u do Yoga or philates, even better.

hippo2002, juzme,
Yep I like police drama too like CSI(esp LA), Law & Order, Criminal Minds, Cold Case & Without a Trace (both Off the air now) and of course what woman doesn't like Desperate Housewives! I also enjoy cooking show especially Oliver Twist and other reality TV shows like Biggest Loser, Three Wishes, Extreme Makeover Home Edition & other Home Makeover/Cooking prog. I also love talk shows like Oprah, Ellen, Tyra & I also love the documentaries on Central & CNA. I guess I'm a TV addict.

I think the shop u r talking abt has another branch at Toa Payoh Central. I used to go there alot to get my baby Oskoh rompers and also for my girls' swimsuit, very trendy and only $7!. I get alot of my homewear tank tops for like $3-$4each, the materials & colours are great. My girl got a couple of fancy jeans for $7each and my hubby and I got a few Adidas track pants there for $10 each. I also bought a couple of jeans and trackpants and a bathrobe for my eldest daughter there. Most of other cheap Gap products, I got from Tom & Steffanie, of course during Sale.
Korean drama,
I prefer the Korean Hr and Japan hour on CNA. I think Channel 5 & CNA r my 2 fav channels as I don't have cable.

Returning to Work,
Well if I can AFFORD it financially, I'd prefer to be SAHM. I do envy all of u who r SAHM, u got to spend every min with ur kids and kinda get to 'mould' them urself. Problem with me is my hubby and his ex-wife got loads of credits before I married him so now he's paying off most of the credits and loans while I support our family. He even borrow abt 35K from me! So I'm almost like a single parent when it comes to finances but I think I have pretty good money mgmt cuz I learn the hard way. I was a single parent(with my eldest 17 y/o girl) for 10 years before I married my present hubby in 2001. I didn't know abt his financial problems cuz he was a middle ranking/mgmt in the civil servant(uniform) and was driving a nice car & living in a Jumbo flat. Not that I care if he has lots of money but I thot as long as he got a stable job, that's ok. Honestly, I rather have NO money and no debt rather than have high paying job but with lots of debts(like him). Anyway, he's retired now and drives a cab so no fixed income.

But I try to provide the best that I can for my kids, giving them opportunities and new experiences that I didn't get as a child like travelling, trying new things, sending them to a few enrichment classes ... for the exposure.
Oh you also have the same problem with me... I really cannot tahan hb kept answering the phone. He once told me that he never go movies coz his last experience was that he went in for the show for 1st 15mins and after which was out after receiving a call and thereafter... So we never go movies together during dating.

Hubby not in those lines but in post sales support. He had some accounts to attend to, and those people will call him anytime whenever they had problem with the services. I think sales and marketing line not as siong as post sales support.

I am a pure Hokkien but I am poor in speaking Hokkien...

Me too, prefer Korean Hr and Japan Hr but I only manage to catch the programme few times.
precious gem
300 - watched it before and hb/I were waiting for the DVD to come out. I go more for this kind of movies and those actions movies lah.. don't like romantic ones... hehe.

If I have time, I would love to get cable .. but really no time lah, rather spend the time with my kids.... But I do enjoy Japan Hour!

Thanks for your frank sharing.
Wow u really bother to cook. Guess it's becos u have a strong interest.

I think the shop is Song & Song. The one at Toa Payoh is big (near Begawan Solo right?) but I hardly go there though...

Can I ask where is ur 17 year old gal now???
$35K is not a small sum....

I also like action especially those ancient war stories, like Braveheart, The last of Mohicans, etc.

Yes, it's Song & Song, that's it! Cheap right? and they got really really good stuff!
My 17 yr old girl is living with me but spend most weekends at my mom's.

Yes, 35K is alot. He keep on saying he'll pay, but how & when? If he dies tomorrow (touchwood), I can't get my money back cuz there's no balck & white. Even his CPF, will be divided among his 4 children and his parents(both still living) and my 2 kids and me. As we are muslims, it will be divided according to Islamic Syariah law, where the sons get the most(he got 2 sons from previous marriage), then the parents(second most), then the wife and lastly the least share are the daughters. I told him he better not die for the next 10 years! I also need his CSC card benefits(medical) for my 2 young kids and myself especially now that I'm diabetic. It really helps cuz my supply of insulin for 3-4 mths will cost abt $350+ but with the card, I pay $0.

Btw, I also like abit of Jap food and I can make simple sushi and tempura.

Haven't seen u ard for awhile ...How u've been?
Did u know that the actual soldiers were not 300 but alot more. I read it in the papers the same week the movie came out on screen. I can't remember now how much more, but it was alot lot lot more. Btw, I also like the first Conan the Barbarian, First Blood, Hamlet etc.
My throat is itchy..I hope I don't fall sick... How to prevent it.. when one falls sick in the family, usu everyone wl get it.. I wl 'fight on'!..haha

precious gem
Er.. I watched Transformers twice..!!!

300... think they could not really prove if historically how many right.... btw do u know only one scene was shot outdoors?? All else was done in the studio.

Me/Hb watch quite a lot of movies. If some of the movies are good, we wl buy the DVDs when they come out.

Song & Song, I think the shop expanded cos it looks like occupying two units...

Money - sounds complicated shud anything happen to ur hb... let's hope he will be ok.. hehe... how did u meet him ah??

Tempura - not easy to fry the prawn in batter right???

Can ur mom help to bring ur gal to school instead of relying on ur hb??

Where are the rest of the mommies ah???
Hi StyloBB

Been busy with work, shifting office also. Boss around so cannot log in.

My mil using CPF, will use the children's CPF if her a/c have not enough money. Everyday deduct $450 from CPF, have to pay the rest in cash. Our expenses are so high as we are staying outside, not that I don want to pay for the hospital bill just that can I come out with that $$, I can't possibly borrow from ppl to pay, then in the end, we are the one who suffer and the rest of them will live happily ever after lah!!! I have been cutting down on expenses liao and taking bread as lunch everydays, but with a bb, I need to buy milk powder, diapers and somemore his medical bill. I am so vexed with this and my bb fall sick again. I am withdrawing him from infant care.
Quek, precious gem

medical cost is very high in Singapore.

my father in law had a stroke last year. lost count how much money spent. Some deducted from his medisave. the big bulk have to pay cash. his hospitalisation bill, therapy, diapers, milk, maid expenses and a lot of miscellaneous. Easily adds up to over $10K
Hello all from India
StyloBB - Nothing to shop here and no time also. Reached the hotel at 1.30 a.m. their time which is 4.00 a.m. our time and leaving tomorrow mid-night flight....anyway the place also nothing to buy I think. Will buy from duty-free in Changi airport better.

Korea - drama : I like them, but some of them very slow moving one, 10 minutes still talking about same thing but the recent ones are better. Me no good in hanyu pinyin so don't know how to spell their name also not sure what their name la...

Medical bills - must agree that it is very expensive in Singapore. There is a saying that in Singapore, can die but cannot cheaper to get coffin.

Precious_gem - wow, I think you very brave and strong.
Thanks StyloBB,

Yes, my mum can help me...but i feel my hubby should do his part lah...he already work long hours and hardly spend time with the kids (except for weekends), so sending them to school is one way of doing something for them...since he has to go to work too...sigh...I very idealistic...besides, i stay with my parents, so they always black face when they see him sleeping and they have to send my kid to school...they always say "we only help when you are in need, dun take advantage of us, we are the grandparents, not the parents of your kids"...i very sian lah...
- stylobb

how to get a vpost address? Checked out Children's Place, stuff not very nice leh... I stay at CCK.

I also like ichiban at PS.

- Tamarind

Its my pleasure and i really have fun here.

- Tamarind hippo

I like food in general. any kind as long as its good. I love japanese too, sakae as well. Dun know why recently got craving, always wanting to eat sushi.. not a big dim sum fan as I dun eat pork. But i will still eat the none pork dishes.

I am a cantonese.

Birthday Celebration
recent years hb will bring me and kids to fine dining like gordon's grill, and St lucien. If not go to old favourtites like jacks place. At the restaurants he will tell the waiting staff my bday and after dinner will have bday song and cake. Sometimes he will order flowers and deliver to my office lo. Last time got gifts but now no more liao (propbably after all the scoldings for buying wrong things). For anniversay we do not celebrate elaborately but like i mentioned, he will buy little figurines with messages, I really treasure those.

For his birthday, nothing! haha! at most i will buy a confectionary cake so that DD can sing song and blow candles.

i love HK serials. Catch every one of them in DVDs. As for Korean, I ony watch when they come highly recommended. I like jin san shun, da chang jin, and gong.
Both DD and DS down with cold. Today brought both to GP. DD recovering but 9 months old, look so helpless when the mucous flows down his nose, or when he's breathing hard with blocked nose. Doc say both of them may have sensitive nose too and may be hereditary. I have it. Told hb and he say "see la, all the bad things got from you" i say "no leh, they got the good looks from me leh"
- precious gem

we are indeed the tougher species, don't you agree. having to shoulder so much. Thanks for your frankness and outrightness to share here. Hope you can feel the moral support from us. We are all good mums here..


gotta take it easy. the best i feel is not to think so much of it. My hb side got he and his elder bro. Fathers day n mothers day, my bil dun bother (think they have cosy celebration themselves), so hb n I will bring the old folks out to eat lo. I wanted mother's day for me alone and celebrate for my mum n mil on another day but too much to spend, was quite disappointed. When fil hospitalise, CPF use my hb one. At that moment very angry, then aft that just dun dwell too much lo, its not gonna change anything, ony make me angry nia and will quarrel with hb.

- Fairyprincess

its a dilemma. HB works long hrs al the more to give him some peace n quiet at home, but it aint fair that jus becos of that he can dun spend time with the kids. My sentiments exactly. perhaps can remind hb more often.
I think u go to to find out.. I can't rembr cos I signed up years ago.
Only some of the CP boys tees are nice..

Talking abt being tough, my hb on resvc this week and today I don't feel well.. went home with my boy to face the gals and now facing all three.. as maid is taking dinner.. imagine if one starts fussing or misbehaving, I hv it liao.. going nuts... just gave my boy a big scolding... he knows he is not supposed to remove the keyboard sheet frm the keyboard yet he took it out and starting pounding on the keys and we just changed the keyboard! He then apologised.
T1's nose is leaking cos she is not well.
T2 started to fuss and now lying on her tummy, don't know if she is awake or not... cos she knocked her forehead on the pc screen...

I feel hbs and wives shud speak good words to each other .. not criticising about this and that.. of crse many times it's not easy.

I also used to watch HKG serials.. those days when I was freer.. hahaha.

Guess at times mommies are sandwiched between parents and hb too. I'm really tkful that my parents are rather understanding.. my mom always reminds each person say a bit less then wl hv less trouble.. hahaha..
Not staying together minimises conflicts.
Hi All

Good morning...

Was trying to catch up the posts....Like the frankness and support of all the mummies here...a good place to share our thoughts too...

Guess human relation is a complex issue..take one thing at a time...when its over, you looked back with a smile....

Good day
Good morning to all too...

Me. also feeling under the weather...throat feeling abit tight and red....coughing abit in the morning. I have not been sleeping well for the past 4 days as my child is sick. Having very high fever - as high as 40 degree. Me and hubby have been taking turns sponging/ monitoring him at night..... Hopefully, I don't fall sick. Kids falling sick really no joke! *sigh*...

<font color="ff0000">Do you mummies take any supplement?</font> For me, usually alternate days of seven seas multi-vitamins and 500mg of vitamic C. Occasionally, I take my primrose oil.

<font color="0000ff">How about your children - any supplements?</font>

juz me

Good morning...

Weather is quite bad these days...

Agreed, sick child really tired mummy out...we all went through it,right....

I take vit c, multi vit, calcium, omega 3 daily...

My 8 year old gal takes, vit c, cod liver oil and multi vit daily...

Anyone has got good recommendation on the above?prima deli brand and brahim brand?thanks
Wow so many posts. My post also very long

Dialect group
<font color="0000ff">StyloBB and Cuddles,</font>
You are same dialect group as me = Cantonese. Are you teaching your kids to speak Cantonese ? Both my kids speak Cantonese and English.

<font color="0000ff">Hippo2002, Jastan,</font>
My hubby is a mixture of teochew/hokkien/shanghainese/peranakan. My father is Cantonese, my mother is Hainanese. So our kids is the mixture of almost every dialect group !

<font color="119911">Cuddles,</font>
My all time favourite HK series is Jin Zhi Yu Nie (War and Beauty). I love the show ! I bought the VCD and finished watching within 2 days. Any other good ones to recommend ?
My boy started coughing last friday, feel very bad to see him panting, even when sleeping. I put him on nebuliser, now better. He just started going to daily school 2 weeks ago. I expect him to get infected by other kids more frequently. Quite sad, but no choice, he is almost 3 years old, got to let him go to school.

Korean drama
The only one I like is Princess Hours (Gong)

I prefer romantic comedy, recently like Music & Lyrics (Drew Barrymore), Just like Heaven (Reese Witherspoon). Watched 300 before, too violent for me. I prefer Troy (Brad Pitt !). Watched Transformers, enjoyable but too loud. Also watched Harry Potter last week, quite good.

<font color="ff6000">juz_me,</font>
Having grandparents looking after kids is the best arrangement. Do you or your hubby give your MIL monthly allowance ?

<font color="aa00aa">hippo2002,</font>
You are serious that you have porridge everyday ? Teochew porridge is different from Cantonese porridge right ?
If you can afford to stay at home, by all means do so. The love and attention of mommy is priceless, no one can replace it.

<font color="ff0000">StyloBB,</font>
My backache and neckache came back ! It's work related, long hours sitting in front of the computer

I think very young kids really put a big strain on the relationship between hubby and wife. I find that we really need to make an effort to tolerate each other.

<font color="119911">ZMM,</font>
I went to the Eu Yang San clinic at Jurong West Medical Center. It was relieved for a while, but after working for 2 days, the ache came back ! I think I have to try somewhere else.

<font color="ff6000">precious_gem,</font>
Thanks for the tip. Will try it out.
I totally agree with you that debt free is the best. I know of people who earns $15K a month but owes like $90K to credit card companies, I wonder how they spend their money ?

<font color="0077aa">quek,</font>
Sorry to hear that your baby is having fever again. Which PD are you seeing ? Did he give anti-biotics ? Many PDs are against giving anti-biotics, but I think sometimes really no choice have to give, otherwise baby will not be cured completely.

Medical Bill
My father also had a major operation last year. Bill came up about $50K, but after government subsidy and medishield, only deducted about $3K from medisave, no cash needed at all. Medishield, or other kind of hospitalization insurance is very important ! I made sure every one in the family is covered.

<font color="0000ff">Rainbow,</font>
I also like to chat with the mommies in this thread

Actually I find it slightly easier to manage human relation in forum, compared to real life. In forum, if you don't like someone, you can ignore her easily. But in real life, it may not be so easy.
my girl started running a fever 39.2 degree right after her swimming class last night. fever subsided this morning. come fast go fast. so probably not a virus or baterial infection. we suspected she catched a cold while swimming

kids supplement
both of them take 5ml of Seven Seas cod liver oil and 100mg Redoxon vitamins C daily.
my elder girl also takes colostrum 1 to 2 tablet daily. It's a MLM product, my mom swears by it
You have got mail...Maybe you need to go for chiropacter(not sure how to spell)
Once, I had a back pain till I thought am going to be wheel chair bound, but cured after treatment in one of the TMC in the east...

Friend was telling me about colostrum too...really good?Heard another product from Excel, they said very good mlm pdt, got any idea...what about rest of mummy here...

Me hokkien but speak khek and eat khek dishes....
<font color="0000ff">Rainbow,</font>
OK will check my mail.

I used the following:
1. Lee Kum Kee Ma Po tofu packet
2. Woh Hup Laksa paste
3. Brahim tamarind fish sauce
4. Brahim Rendang chicken
5. Japanese curry paste (no need to add coconut milk)

Last weekend I bought Ikea Swedish meatballs(pork + beef) and sauce and cook at home. Pretty good !

my mom said colostrum build up immune system. Maybe quite true lor, my elder girl always recover faster than her younger sister. The brand is ELKEN.
Hi Mummies!
My throat is still dry... haiz... kids seem beta this morning.

Yah I find this thread v friendly and mummies are frank in their sharing.

juz me
Just finished Fish oil capsules.. apparently to improve my memory...hehe..
I take E Excel's tong quai and concernegy pills and Brand's Vit B pills.

My boy takes Vit C chewable tablets from Vitakids. He was v funny, asked him if he wanted the gummies, he said no, insisted on the orange Vit C.
None for my gals so far. But they are taking this thing for digestion..I think.. I can't rmbr the name.

Only tried Prima laksa so far and must say it was v good! Had a cooking nite with friends... and we boiled the chix bones for the soup and it was tasty. Bot all the raw ingredients and cooked a big dinner that time.

So ur ache is due to occupational hazard.... think u must take note not to hv sudden movement cos that wl sorta 'hurt' our bodies..that's what the GP told me..

Yes! my boy understands a bit of Cantonese.
One day my mom said 'san moon' and he told me 'mummy, it means close the door' kekeke...
But I ask my dad to speak to him in Mandarin, my mom speaks to him in English.

Btw ur hb is ok with ur parents living with u?

I think War and Beauty is the type of show that will gv me 'internal injury' while watching.. so I skip it.. hahaha....

Kids - yah man... much as they bring joy, stimes all our attn is on them that we neglect each other. I think all couples face the same dilemma.

Yah lor, if u really enjoy being with your kids, then continue to be sahm lah.... unlike me, I think I'll go nuts if I hv to face them whole day. When T2 fusses, stimes I don't know what to do with her. I wrote that she was lying on her tummy, seemed she fell asleep while fussing!! Woke up later to drink milk.. quite funny.

Did u say ur hb likes to look at stationery?? We were at Kino and I was looking at notepads and pens as usual...hehehe...

Forgot to tell u another website:
tamarind, u ever ordered from jshoppers? I find their material v comfy and soft...

So it's ur hb's CPF that they are deducting for the medical bill?

I'm quite sure ur boy has some kind of infection... my T1 also hving fever on and off...

Me! Me! I take E Excel products.. took more last time but fewer now cos exp mah... kekeke
Can attest that the prodts are v good.
I would take their drinks and I would cough all my phelgm out...
in fact was just checking their ofc hours cos thinking of replenishing... I'm a mbr lah... but it had always been my gf who helped me to buy
