Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi mommiesl
Gave up trying to post yesterday.

Had to change appt for my twins for their MMR jab again.. T1 still has running nose... haiz...

Bags - I carry Coach bag nearly everyday.
I also have a Hedgren haversack but don't carry haversacks nowadays.

Specs - My degrees are 300+ each eye, been the same all this while...

School - if old boy / gal, is there a beta chance??

Toys - we like lego too. Bot some toy utensils and toy cake .. more for myself ..hehehe
Recently I bot some china made wooden toys for them.. my as well, after playing a few times, this piece or that piece is MIA...

Hv u heard of this place selling eclairs.. got the link from my mummy fr..
Just bot the mini eclairs ... yummy...

I find that for myself.... wl look at their things first loh. Dresses for the gals, wl not exceed a certain amt loh. I also buy online.

Hi5.. my boy watchees but I don't intend to bring him to watch.. I don't like them v much, find their dressing esp the gals v revealing...

Do u know if those gymbucks ?? can be used for future purchase??

Hv a good weekend, everyone!

Splurge on kids
Maybe if I were working, I wouldn't mind splurging on them once a while. But since I'm not, gotta watch what I spend on lor. Last concert/performance I went to was the Winnie the Pooh one coz we got free tics from organisers. We were real lucky!

Like I mentioned earlier, my kids' fashion is market fashion. Nice clothes from their aunties/uncles on their birthdays or for Christmas. Anyway, they outgrow so fast, I see no point in getting expensive clothes for them.

I like Lego too, but also PlayMobil. I remember they had those when I was younger, then stopped. Seems like they're back again, selling at Taka. I like them coz pieces are larger, esp for smaller kids. But also so ex, so wait for birthday presents again! heh heh

How old your girl now? You and your hb also shortsighted? I also scared of retina detachment. My eyes 600 degrees each! Now old, also scared of cataract! Scared of everything!

I let my kids watch the show. Nice songs. My kids pick up a lot of music and rhythm watching and dancing to it. No issues with the show. But I won't spend on tickets to the live show. Watch on TV can already! Why you don't let your kids' watch, Tamarind?
I will not be pantang if only my sil is a good and nice person. Now, I want to get a small red ang bao as good luck from them....

I do not mind buying if sil is the appreciative type.You should hear how she boast about how much hair her prince has during full month....and ADVICE the rest so loudly that must take more seaweeds....learning from her own experience that the older gal has not much hair...Guess she spoke too soon...Oh yes, anyone watch yesterday the JEAN YIP make over variety show in chanel 8 at around of the contestant, xiao hwee act and speak exactly like my sil....

You should see how kancheong my mum been hassle me over the handphone tho I refused to pick big deal, must buy things for her grandson when his parents did not even bother to ring and ask me at all...

HI 5 Performance
We do not like to squeeze with the crowd here. (no offend to anyone)We prefer to bring kids to overseas for holidays or disneylands....

Splurge on kids
We hardly buy toys for my kids. Usually its gifts from kids.For cloths, hubby always buy from sales in overseas like states and mothercare in UK.

I carry LV bags and find that the quality is good. Like for the wallet, I can carry for ten years...
Aiyo.. couldn't post for the last 2 days, here's a stale post which i intended to post but was unable to.


i believe in price for value. It really takes a lot to make a good quality product, thus commanding the premium price. But not to say no brand sure fall apart upon 1st use la. Just generally.

I either aim for branded ones (which is so very rarely cos no $$) or i use no brand ones. I also like affordable bags from brands like Sisley and Benetton, Guess and Espirit.


no need to bother if next door carry 10K Hermes bag. Its the person that carries the bag, not the bag carry the person. Wat counts is your attitude and confidence.


ya, u the one in the other thread about schooling. Both popular schools leh. Anyway if old gal old boy sure can get a place.


which sch r u volunteering? forgot...


transitional lens so ex ar? Is it any good?
went to make a new pair of specs yesterday (since cant get into the forum, hehe..) its been like 4-5 yrs since i made my specs.

been procrastinating as I very much wanted to go for lasik. Anyway, my current pair is really old, so gotta make a new one. So expensive! $250 for special offer frame and high index lense! I asked about transitional and was told mine will cos 480! forget it. I hope I can do my lasik by this year (as I am still consdering due to the cost), else really too old for it.
- Rainbow

just buy a simple gift and be done with it lo. My bil & sil will buy gifts for my gal occasionally. I wil reciprocate with the likes as I do not like to owe favours. But i know some things i buy will be chuck somewhere, but just dun bother to much. Give already and dun think.

But come to think of it, if no ku ku then how ar?

- Tamarind

wow.. your niece 7 yo and u have yet to meet her. Meet on the streets wun recognise liao.

- Hippo

it really depends on my mood and pocket. If i feel like it and dun mind the pinch, I will spend on my children. Eg, this yr's CNY, I spent $300 on clothes for my gal, one of the dress already cost $90. She also has clothes that are a few dollars only. Most times, i feel being adequate is good enough, no need to splurge. No need ev thing branded/ex to show off! and it doesnt mean its sure good. And they outgrow so fast. I rather spend it on myself. haha!

transitional lens turn dark under the sun. So act like sunglasses. For ppl wearing glasses all the time, no need to change to a separate sunglasses under the sun. I guess is the convenience. UV protection oso.

my girl Pri4 now. Her degree almost same as mine (500) and i am 35 years old. See how fast her degree increase!
I don't think our eyes' degrees will increase very much around my age. My old glasses was something like 10 years and when i change to transitional lens, they test the degress still the same.
But recently a friend of mine got retina detachment. Painful, must go for op, etc. Better take care.
my HB perfect eyesight even till now. He said because he bo-tak-chey when young. haha

me too, I also buy tons of toys for my gal. Imagine the toys she has since birthso for many. They take up half her room. So one day i realise I have indulged her too much. Most other kids i know dun hv so many toys. So i have stopped buying her stuff since this yr. Anyway, she has passed that stage for kiddy toys. Now i ill only buy books for her.

How do you sell the things here? Post the selling mag? then meet somewhere or at home? Cash? wanna try...


if old boy / gal, sure can get, cos its the 2nd phase after sibling registration.

not a fan of eclairs.. i prefer savoury food than sweet ones.


haha, why scared of ev thing leh.. no worries la, u are really not that old mah. still got long way to go neh..


yeah! found an LV fan! but i sold away all my LVs liao. haha
yo this thread really fast....seems to have problem posting and forgotten what I want to say already...

Bags - I have 2 gucci and a balenciaga. currently saving up to buy a Chloe or LV or something...still thinking since I have not save enough yet. Ya saw the Loewe one...very nice...

Hi5 - I used to bring my girl to such show but have not brought her this year as busy with the second one.
She have been to Hi5, Pooh Bear, Sesame Street and Barney and Disney on Ice previously. Last year I got free tickets to Sesame street and Barney as my SIL is working in the ticketing office but she quit already. My girl enjoyed the shows so I think it is worth it.

Old girl / boys are under Phase 2A1 or 2A2. 2A1 if you join the alunmi, but sure in one. Like me I lazy to volunteer so enrolled her to my old school but not as near.
school - just checked the info on Red and this year no need to ballot and somemore volunteer only 30...funny, because previously I called and the principal told me have 60 volunteers already cannot have somemore. My friend also asked and they said the same thing. My friend is taking the gamble, she will try for phase 2C.
So the website is restored?...tried posting three times yesterday,but failed all 3 tries...then I gave up...

Ya, like cuddles say...this webpage is like a "daily chat" of sorts...i like to check regularly to see what are the topics in discussion...he he...and the mummies here like very familiar leh...

I stopped buying clothes for my 2 girls, unless the item is really nice or rare or really cheap...he my hubby say, they have enough clothes for a few more girls each, ya, they will never finish wearing their clothes...
Good morning, website been restored....

Mom and brag
My Mom loves to brag about my brother's kids,how smart,how clever, how sweet, how manja to the whole world...even its not true and they are only 3years and the other is 1mth old.I guess in her world, there is only two grandchildren, instead of four.Anyone encounter this?

My sil is only a sales gal in a high class furniture retail, mom can boast to her friends that how well she is doing and drawing a good salary of 4k...Wonder figure true or not is one thing, 4k very big deal?(NO OFFEND TO ANYONE).There are people who is doing much better than her...even really true, no need to sing to the world right?

This is the first time I see a mil siding a dil so much and anti her own daughter...Cannot help but feel it...Anyhow, I will not talk about her anymore cos there are too many happenings that are enough to make me feel distance from her....

Thanks for reading...
Hi mummies

Not sure if I answered u.. yeah, Loewe emblem is nice.. I think so far cannot fake it yet ...haha

No leh, my mom is fair to all of us, I hv three, my brother has two boys .. she loves all equally.. she tries to help us as much as we can..

I hv no idea Chloe bag....

Live shows - forgot to mention jastan and I brot our boys to Bob the Builder... I found the whole show v noisy...
Morning mummies
Chloe bag- not sure can get in Singapore or not but my sil going to europe so I thought can get her to help me buy...and i think cheaper there.

wow...which furniture retail is that can pay so much for sales girl?? It she is earning so much than she must give more/contribute more to your parents expenses? family ony my younger sis and I and we have unwritten rule that for common expense it should be according to earning though i don't really know the exact amount. Agar agar la...

My hb only have one younger sis and she is much younger, I think 8 years younger then me so she is ok.....

my younger sis no kids my two kids are my mother favourite for now.
I do not know which furniture retail but is located in says and I just listen...

Guess what?My mom just dashed into my house, face black before we open the gate for her to enter. She came to remind me to buy a pair of sock, set of cloths and hat for her dear grandson. I asked her why the parents never ask themselves...she say, aiyah, they do not know one....I told her I will buy by this week, she say aiya give me around 20 dollar, I will buy....I told her off....

I did tell her, I thought kuku lu means closer to aunty...she say no lah, must buy etc....I give up....

My mum is the one that is helping out with the expense as in split the utility bill with them since they are staying together....

my girls are my mom's only 2 grandchildren so she can't compare yet. She adores them especially the younger girl. my mom is not exactly agreeable with her future DIL so I guess she will continue to be closer to us

my MIL is the one who favours BIL's kids probably because she has been taking care of them since birth. I can't be bothered lah, move far far away, considered that my revenge for her favouritism, haha!

now that we live so far apart and probably see each once a month only, I suddenly find her quite likeable. Strange hor?
parents allowance

I didn't give my parents allowance since I stopped working. Only ad hoc gifts, birthday ang bao, run errands for them, treat them to dinner etc. My brother gave them more than they can spend. I'm so lucky to have a brother with good earning power otherwise I cannot even consider SAHM job if there is no other sibling willing to support my parents. I just hope he doesn't change after getting married

in fact, my parents seems quite apologetic that they cannot cope with my kids so that I can return to work. It's alright lah, mommy is definitely the best person for the job anyway. I am very grateful they can help to babysit occasionally. I understand they need to enjoy their prime years of retirement too
Parents allowance
I give quite a lot to my mother as she helps me with my kids, so it is allowance and nanny fee all roll into one.Recently I gotten a maid, so that she need not bother about house work....

I also give ad hoc gifts etc and sometimes my hb does complain that I am giving too much.
Not sure how much my sis is giving my mum....

My hb give allowance to his mum out of his earnings, so I don't know how much....but much lesser as her is not taking care of my kids sometimes I will remind him that my mum is helping us with the kids etc....
Earn some income and surprise your hubby with your sudden wealth?

Wanna try being a friend of H*****? Invite friends over for a milk shake (Plant Protein diet, healthy lifestyle + sheds kilos) and share how beneficial it is.

You can work at home or go out to sell.
PM me if keen to know more.
You are interesting...

MIL and Mom
My kids do not have much love from both side. I tell myself, its okay as long as we parents love them.

Photo shoot
Yesterday went to photo shoot in boat quay called ndcyc, something like that, a complimentary shoot.Waste of time and sales peope there are not friendly. Dont go there .

Before I have my children, my mum asked me to give her monthly allowance 500 dollars and hired a maid for her to look after one kid....I was wondering, huh, she think I open a bank....Anyway, she is not cut for taking children cos she is those who wants lots of freedom type.
My pil got 5 sons and 2 daughters, 1 not marry yet, 2 sons stay with them, like I mentioned both of them got flat buy rent out and stay with my pil. Both wifes are same kind, use the electricity and water like not their business.

Hospital got nurse, it was my sil's idea of staying overnight with my mil there.

Last Sat visited my mil, doc said that she can go home by this week.

Every weekend, my sil will go to my pil house and most of the time they play mahjong. I will say that they came to play mahjong 1st at the same time visit my mil. The bro's wife likes to play mahjong, whenever there is extra 'leg' she will not be the one who is not playing. She can spent few hundreds $$ to buy hp for herself and her kids, my hp always cost less than $50.

Once, that bro brought the family to a friend's house, the mother told her kids to eat less at home and asked the friend to treat them with McDonald. Is this the way to teach the kids??? The friend's wife was so angry!!! this friend is also my friend, the wife is my ex-col.

My mil always show black face to my hubby, my hubby always said that she see him like he own her few million dollars. Last time, when I just married him, I can heard mil cursing him saying 'if the thunder strike, see where you can hide'...

Don need to buy expensive stuff for your sil, just buy it from market stall.
<font color="0000ff">styloBB,</font>
The gymbucks can be used on certain dates only, it will show on the website. If you have $50 gymbucks, need to buy above $100 than can use. So end up still have to spend a lot of money :p

<font color="ff6000">cowandchick,</font>
I remember the PlayMobil commercials when I was a little girl ! But now I still cannot afford them
Lego is a lot cheaper, PlayMobil is very much more expensive.
Both your kids outgrow their clothes fast ? My girl is fast, but my boy is very skinny. He will be 3 years old in Sep, but he is still wearing 18 month old shorts...sigh...I sold his M size diapers recently, the buyer asked me, 3 years old still wearing M size only ? So sad.

<font color="ff0000">Rainbow,</font>
Wow your mother really one kind. My mother don't dare to ask me.

<font color="aa00aa">Cuddles,</font>
Yes I agree with you that attitude and confidence is what counts !
You're right I don't recognize my niece. My brother also has never seen my kids. But I have peace, and that's most important. My mother is nice enough to let me be the way I am.
Glad to know that we both like to indulge on our kids
Nowadays I also try to buy more books and less toys for them.
For mag, I don't post because quite heavy. I will meet at MRT stations, accept cash. For kids clothes, will post, after I received payment through internet bank transfer.

parents allowance
I give a lot of allowance to my parents, more for my mother because she is taking care of my kids. Also got a maid to help her. On top of that, I bring her to cruise every year.

<font color="119911">yuen,</font>
My arrangement exactly the same as yours (see above)

<font color="0077aa">quek,</font>
Your in-laws very rich is it ? Sorry to sound like auntie, but it seems like your SIL is taking advantage of them, and trying to gain their favour.
Last year my father spent 8 weeks in the hospital, only can visit him 2 times a week, did not stay overnight with him at all. My brother worst, only see him once a week, sometimes whole week not there.
parent allowance for taking care of kids

Before I quit my job, MIL was taking care of my elder girl. She asked for $700 flat, she said that was the market rate for taking care of baby who stayed over night. and additional $100 for her marketing expenses. milk powder & diapers we supply. FIL another separate allowance. cost us a bomb every month!

After I stopped working, we continue to give them allowance although not $1K since I'm taking care of my elder girl personally. she will pass sarcastic remarks and criticise me every time I visit her, even say 'oh shit' when we break the news of my 2nd pregnancy to her. Isn't she suppose to be happy for us? I think she resents me for not working and living off her son

Now she's helping to take care of BIL's 2 kids. only collect token sum, where got market rate? still expect us to pay half for their maid cost to take care of their kids, huh?!! That's what I meant by favouritism lor. But I dare not even raise by voice at her, just 'ren ren ren' for hubby's sake. sigh...what to do?

now that we live far apart and I kanna less of her nonsense, what a relief!

I guess the attrition rate for parent volunteer is very high. Out of the 60 that principal told you, maybe only half managed to complete the 40 hours
I seem to have hear it from somewhere about this, but I am not too sure how true is it. As for the gift, I thought it should be parents of the kid to make this request and acknowledge. I think a word of thanks should be the least they can react - basic courtesy mah.. Going through your mum sounds so funny leh. By after you bought for the first kid, did the kid's hair grow?? If it really did, then maybe not choice got to do it again, but if it didn't, then don't think should really bother.

parents allowance
I still give my parents allowance since I am working and my mum is also taking care of my boy and I am still staying at their place on weekdays too.
hi ladies,

wow I'm so glad I don hv to go thru this kuku thingy. We don't hv such practice in our culture. I'm Malay but I guess like the Javanese and Boyanese may hv their practices but being Malay (actually Bugis), my family is not the traditional type. We stick to basics. My hb's family esp pil & sil thinks my hubby makes a million$ tho actually he owes a million $ (exagrt)

Yep, am not willing to pay so much $ for concerts, just watch dvds or TV. Once I took my girl watch the free Barney shows at United Sq & power puff girls at causeway pt. We also spent a certain amt of $ on Barney products & got to photograph with Barney & Friends personally. I bot the things she need lah like socks, bag, waterbottle, hand towels etc. I also used to take her watch those secondary school concerts performances at the Istana Park or some other fringe shows ard town. I want her to be able to appreciate music.

I go for family photo shoot but got good bargain, $20 for an A4 size & 3 4R plus he gave me the CD so I can print more. Actually I help to organise this fund raising thingy & get this professional photographer to set up a booth/studio, to take family portraite, $25 for 1 A$, & 3 4R, & he'll touch up ur face so everybody will have a nice fair clear face. If he goes to ur place, it'll cost from $300 onwards. We got quite good response.

Last wkend, a lazy wkend for me. Got my period lah so feeling bloated and moody so just laze ard the hse with my kids. Only took them out to the playgrd, play with bicycle, ball, freezbies and bubble blowing for abt an hr or so. Anyway it was raining most of the time. Well hope u ladies had a better wkend than me.
tamarind - ya we same same hor.......

Hippo - ya, that is the market rate but 'market' what, you are relative so must give special treatment if not we can go to the 'market'. Let her know that for 'market' nanny, we can say her if things not done in our way or our liking....she we can not say can only ren ren ren.

If only token sum from BIL then really favouritism unless they are earning much lesser and can't afford.

Just my guess lah, on the attrition rate.

BIL and his wife double income. can afford new car & 5 room flat. their girl's 1 year old birthday celebration book ballroom for party. I think they are far from poor leh
Caring for grandchildren & Parents Allowance,
btw, taking care of ur own grandchildren cannot be market rate ... i mean what if u don't let her take care of the grandchdn & also don't let her see the grandchdn, just say cannot afford to pay her to let her see grandchdn, mayb must pay her per visit. I gave my prev caregiver, my aunt a token, and now my own sis, also a token. I told them that I can't afford to pay so much, abt the min amt like that of childcare. Infact my sis want to volunteer but I just give lah. I also volunteer to fetch her son from chdcare otw to fetch my baby. Then on Thurs, I took her son for swimming with my girl, all expenses I paid lah. SOmetimes when I fetch my bb, she pack(tapao) me food for dinner.

My mom only take care of my bb adhoc when there's no one else, and I don't pay her. But I buy her gifts, birthdays or just abt whatever she wants; handbags, shoes etc. But she's not greedy lah, infact she never ask me. Always say like; oh my bag is spoilt or I need a pair of new shoes. She only wear scholls for footwear and I buy her handbags of normal brands usually abt $40-$60 price range (usually abt once a yr for hari raya). Once in awhile I bot her watches or costume jewellery & treat her to dinners even short holidays(with dad) etc. For my dad, sometimes he does errands for me, like do housechores, or fix some broken things in my hse etc so I give him kopi money. Also I buy birthday gifts ard $100+ range, usually those Goldlion wallet, belt & keychain set. I do give them fixed allowance and also deposit another fix amt in an acct for their use in case of emergency or for medical expenses.

Actually for Muslims, it's the son responsibility to look after the parents but my parents do not have a son. My mil has 4 living sons (incl my hb) but it seems only my hb is supporting her financially. It's also the son responsibilities to support & care for not only his wife & children but also for his unwed sisters, if any. My hb only has 1 sis & she's married... comfortably. That's why, sons inherit more than daughters cuz they have more resposibilities.

In Islam, in a marraige, the hb's money is the couple's money but the wife's money is the wife's money. But if she dies, the money goes to hb's but if hb dies, money goes to his sons & parents b4 going to his wife & daughters. Because the sons suppose to look after the mother and any unwed sisters or if sis r married their hbs shud look after them.
I thot i was only one who had problems getting into forum. complained to my IT man (ie hb lah) about lousy internet! Ooops!

My kids outgrow their clothes so fast, I decided not to get too many. Buy my girl smaller size! Even the daddy can get the 2 kids' clothes mixed up... hey, hello, one is 10 yrs, the other 2 yrs leh! Can imagine how BIG my boy is, or how small my girl is!

Mums and Allowance
I still give my mum some allowance money, but that is just also to pay for what we take from her. Every week she'll cook up a feast for all of us. Kids' birthday give ang pow, my birthday also got! heh heh! Sometimes she buys toys for the kids too!
My brother, sis and I try to help out by getting food on some weekends. We also try to take her out sometimes when free. But luckily my mum very independent one, she goes out with her friends also, so not so bored.

Just got my eyes checked again, myopia increase! presbyopia also increase! Die lah like that! Make the specs, just the lens and cheap cheap frame also must $600! Where got money to buy anything else for myself!
My mil don really like to take care of children, when my bil's kids are still small, she would ask them to played with them, sometimes the wife would just asked the kids to go to her, then my mil would say this 'want to give birth to so many children yet don want to look after herself'. That's why all the while I will not allow my mil to look after my kids. My bro's wife looked after my elder son, I only paid her $300. Now I withdraw my bb from infant care and she also looks after my bb now, she told me don have to pay her too much as she also understand my situation. Sometimes I really feel paisay, she don work and she got more saving than me, she even asked me whether I need to borrow $$ from her.

your SIL is very nice. I dare not babysit other children. Too huge a responsiblity

my mom will sometimes bring her friend's kids to outing. even though her intention is good but I'm quite paranoid. what if the kids had a fall or accident, how to answer to their parents?
Hello ladies,

long time never come to this thread liao. Very tired and busy these days, also dunno why. Like suddenly so many things like that.

Was just reading your posts... thought I should share with preciousgem.

My girl also like that... I also used to suspect that she is dyslexic, but thought no lah, because there are also many times she can read the words, and she can spell alright if she really tried, and she could write the words correctly if you reminded her... and she does well in maths and such, so I thought... nah... cannot be.

But it turns out that she is mildly dyslexic... she is a "high-functioning" dyslexic... and she has quite a few of the symptoms mentioned on the DAS website, like wildly guessing at words. Then I realised that she is good in spelling because she is quite good at memorising... so the words that she can "read" and "spell", she does so from pure memory. She can't really sound the words, and she really struggles with vowel sounds, especially. She also told me many times that reading was a very "tiring" activity for her (another symptom of dyslexia) and that she wasn't very good at it.

So now I know. Doing phonics is a very good way of countering dyslexia... but it's also good that we are aware of their struggles, so that we don't add to their stress. My girl is being helped by her godmother, who happens to have some training in dyslexia intervention, and who was the one who told me that my girl is dyslexic. So she will be helping me to work with her soon, so that we can better encourage her.

You may want to just go to the DAS website to check out the parents' checklist (where they ask you about the reading problems and habits of your child) - they use it to help them assess whether the child is dyslexic... imagine my shock when I could say yes and sometimes to many of the questions!!

Of course, there is always the possibility that she is still young and therefore just has normal struggles... but better early intervention that is not "needed" then leaving it too late to do anything.

Hope this helps!!!

Edited to say: My girl is 5+ this year... next year going P1. I purposely chose a school that is not so academically stressful and has learning support for dyslexia. Although it is further, I think it should be a good environment for my girl. (Of course, I also chose it because it's an Anglican school and it's all girls... I could have gotten my kids into SHPS under 2A2, but felt it's not worth the extra stress, so opt to put her in SMPS under Phase 2B. Thank God no balloting!)

long time no see! was wondering where you disappeared to. remembered you were thinking of having #4 .... thought your #4 is on the way .....
Hi Mummies
Tkfully I'm ok liao.. thot I was falling sick...

So does it mean if I spend $100, I will get $50 off????

Ur 3 year old still small size?? He is fully toilet trained?

Tkfully my mom is not like that, imagine I work all day already tired out, if I go home and still hear nagging, I think I will faint!
I think for ur case, best is not to let her look after... easier that way..

I give my parents allowance... the moment I started working long time ago I already give.. till now when I hv kids, give more. If I don't work, then I don't think I can afford to give.. but still working.. looks like cannot stop working..hahaha...

Yah u kena 'ger-tuk' or not? hehe

How soon does one need to check on the kid for this?

my mom has shortsightedness and 'lau hua' too, so her spec has 2 type of vision. I think hers only $300+, the frame is good quality too

the optical shop is at Sun Plaza. I have a talent for sniffing out all the cheap cheap lobang

by the way, how's your shopping adventure? tried any clothes at Arthur Yen?
hi dorie,

thanks a lot for the info. actually i did a course on managing special needs chdn, that's why I notice the signs. I am trying do the early intervention but though I took the course (out of awareness & also cuz I'm always paranoid that my kids might be autistic or ADHD or...), I kinda forgot what to do. Am trying to find my notes now & also will try to go to DAS website. I also know they have a support/resource centre (i think) somewhr in bt merah central. But dyslexia is better than autistism ... am always observing my 16 mth old bb for any signs of ... so paranoid lah!

Yeah me too, I rather send my girl to a school that has a strong support system for special needs kids and also who emphasis on other skills and talents like being creativity, innovative etc. The other day, my gal was folding an A4 paper abt 4-5 times til it become a smaller rectangle, then she drew a big square and lots of small squares and then start to colour it. I ask her what is she making, what are the small squares. She told me it's a handphone and the small squares are the buttons while the big square is the screen. Then she showed me how to use it. She then made one for me and even colour it in my favourite colour!

Btw, her art class just ended and am planning to send her to a new art class in chua chu kang cc, starting this saturday at 12pm-2pm. also thot of sending her to a pottery class due to start next mth at the same cc. i ask her and she was thrill abt the class. anybody in the neighbourhood wanna join us?
Yes that is correct. Every USD50, can redeem USD25 gymbucks. Now can redeem from July 19 - 29.

My boy is fully toilet trained at around 2 years 8 months old, doesn't need to wear diapers when he sleep at night.

My girl, more than 4 years old, only don't need wear diapers when she sleeps 2 days ago !!! Keeping my fingers crossed that she can stay this way.

Your girl doesn't like to eat, is it ? Your boy likes to drink milk ?
For me, it's the other way round. My boy not interested to eat at all.
precious gem

5 years old can learn pottery? I thought it's for older kids because can be quite messy

remember the scene in 'Ghost'? everytime I think of pottery, that scene just pop up in my head. haha!
just realised kids with small age gap is quite convenient. now my 2 girls attend the same Arts class and gym school. we even managed to find same time slot at same location for 2 different classes. 1 trip we can send both to classes, save time. Hubby & I can go jalan jalan while they are in school

We went Ikea Tampines yesterday while they were attending their respective classes. Even though we wanted to zoom straight to those items, still have to spend quite some time locating those items. Ikea store is simply too big. anyone likes Ikea sausages?

not sure, only say pottery for chdn. will enquire. due to start on 4 Aug. class is from 2pm-4pm. so it looks like i'll have 4 hrs free time, well atleast with baby only. the class is right after her art class, on saturdays tho her art class will start this saturday, 28 july.
u may be right, pottery can b messy & mayb for older kids. ok lah so have 2 hrs free ...
Good morning...

Colour Hair
Anyone do hi lite or colour your hair?I used to colour during my hay days and stopped for a while cos hairstylist complaint that it gonna spoilt my hair further. Yesterday, went to a new cheap and good salon in amk, second time,did color, turned out fine....How much you mum will spend on your hair alone?

Toddler behaviour
Anyone has encounter own kid throwing big temper and lied down on floor, cry and refused to get up?How do you manage such behaviour?My boy will do this when he does not get his way esp with daddy...

Honestly I also do not know the older gal grow hair or not after receiving the present cos no thank you and no respond from them at all...Now, as it is, mum is the kancheong one that insists me to get the next gift ASAP....

My mum think my hubby earns a lot and that is why dare to open mouth.Situation got worst when she knows we are buying a new fridge, car or house or etc.....Next thing you know, its she starts to ask for money. By the way, she herself has her own business but money is never enough but she does not mind pumbing in money for my brother house renovation , wedding at mandarin hotel then....What is more, the vip table consists of 70 percent of SIL relatives and me , the only kuku is sitting on a normal table...So, what is kuku lu they are talking about now?

Precious gem
Do you mind sharing your contact for the photo shoot as we are keen to do one...thank you.

Any idea when is the metro at tampines closing sales end?
Sorri, miss your posting cos too many, me old liao . cannot catch up...

I will never allow mum to take care of my kids. Just imagine, for my first kid, when she visited me,she wanted to feed my less than a year old gal coffee, say a bit is okay. However, towards my brother kid, anything she feed, she scared and has to get permission from sil.Thought she learnt her lesson but the other day, came to my house, open biscuit and want to feed my two year old boy .I said no and she kept say its okay...see, she never learnt...and think am easy to be makan....

I told myself if nothing impt, I will not want to see her. Sound cruel but she asked for it.
I go to Dr Optics. My glasses is progressive lens. It is bifocals, but don't have the line, so look like normal lens. Vain lor, don't want pple to know I lau already. If I take the normal bifocals, only $200+. I guess that must be the reason lor!

Yah, recently did a lot of reading. Preparing for my course, thot I start reading up first, a little bit at a time, so when course starts, not so siong mah!

I also like to do puzzles, like sudoku and crosswords, so also a lot of close reading. Then of course, the time spent in front of the computer... But this is necessity mah, got to keep up with the mummies here! hee hee!

Like the way you said to keep up with the mummies here....that is spending time infront of the PC.

Am actually marking my gal work and hanging on the computer now...feel quite bad cos sometime really spend quite a bit of time surfing the net...but that is one way to de stress, right...
