Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

cuddles/precious gem
I also feel we are the tougher species.. we have this ability to multi-task.. when we are doing sth, our mind is ticking away. When our kids are not well, somehow we know... it's us the kids run to... but of course not to say men are useless.. I guess we are to complement each other and make life complete.

Brahim Rendang Chix nice...? Easy to make?
I like beef rendang leh..

ELKEN - available at Watson's???

I think the Vit C does help my boy bah, the last time he was sick was stime in March leh.. and this time it was cos hb's virus got to him...
My hubby is OK with my parents staying with me. My mother helps to look after the kids, so she is indispensable. My father used to live alone in his 3 room flat, my hubby told me that he should come and live with us, so we can take care of him.

I participated in Jshopper spree before, organized by someone else. Yes their material is very comfy and soft.
But my all time favourite is still gymboree, I like their designs, both for boy and girl.

Brahim rendang is super easy to make, even a lousy cook like me can do it. Just put oil, chicken or beef, rendang sauce, water into wok, cover. Taste wise, it's average lah. Can't expect too much from packet sauce.

I don't have the ability to multi-task ! Many times both my boy and girl come at the same time and ask me to do something with them, I have to tell them one by one, take turns. You got 3, how do you manage ?
Morning mummies

Agreed, weather these few days are really bad, maybe that's why so many ppl sick.

Juz see PD this morning, pay $79 for medicine!!!So paisei to claim this amount from boss, I got thoart infection, sleepless night for few months liao, at last, I 'pansiang' liao. Having paying so much $$ for medical bill this three months.

Nowsaday, we women got to be strong and independant, so many things to shoulder.

We dont eat out for birthday nowsaday, we just buy a cake to celebrate.

My hubby is working late also even on weekends, he comes home around 11-12am, only get to rest on alternate Wednesday, sometimes that Wed also have to work. I have to tends to my kids myself, that's why if I resign and stay at home facing the kids 24 hours alone, I will go 'seow'.

My elder son also got sensitive nose, think most of the children nowsaday got this problem, hope my bb don has this.

I feel so sian about my il side, I was pregnant in Jul/Aug 2005 and my sil said and ask a lot, I am a very 'pantang' person, don like to hear so much. During the 2nd month, the bb din have heart beat, had to remove it. After this incident, then no one from that side called to console me, the very 1st call from them was in Dec, when my bil's girl was celebrating birthday (they celebrate birthday every years) his girl called me ask me to attend her birthday and BRING HER BIRTHDAY PRESENT. I immediately told her not free!!!What is this man!!!

Korean drama, you can watch Bride 18, it's a nice show as well. For romantic comedy, you must really watch 200pound Beauty.

I bring my sons to GP in Tampines. I asked for anti-biotics, but this was the 4th times he was taking anti-biotics this 3 months. At first the GP din want to give, but I said if don give him then it will not be cured completely.

You very funny 'T1's nose is leaking'..hee

They deduct the medical bill from all her children including daughters.

I think my boy is teething again, he is now 8 mth old and he got 8 tooth.
Thanks Quek,

Yes, I like this thread...I think mummies here are mature and discuss very relevant topics...

Sorry for my rambling re my hubby...its just one of those things that really gets on my nerves =)
Today, he was on time, sent my gal to school, then me to work, but I am late for work lah...

Any mummy with kids below 3 YO and already put in childcare or school? How are your kids coping?
My younger kid is currently 2.5YO, should start N1 next Jan, but I am starting her next month in that she gets adapted to school, and her elder sis also in same school...I am quite excited to see her in school...good for her development I believe, and gives my mum and maid a breather- i.e. mornings will be kids-free at home...
<font color="0000ff">quek,</font>
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Better to have good friends than to have insensitive relatives.
A lot of people say 200 pound beauty is good, I must go and buy the VCD.
OIC already taking anti-biotics. Are your sons being infected very often by other kids ?

<font color="119911">Fairyprincess,</font>
My younger boy is the same. He will be 3 years old in Sep, I started him in pre-nursery in early July. Only 2 weeks, and he is down with serious cough. Sigh...he is already taking colustrum, cod liver oil, cordycep etc. Must think of more ways to improve his immunity.

He really enjoys going to school. Never cry even on the first day, even though he has only attended once a week zoophonics with me accompanying. I am so happy to see my baby boy attending class independently. I watched him in class from the window, can see that he is very attentive, and participate in all the activities. Only thing is teacher said he is very quiet. But he is so talkative at home ! He is like my older girl, very shy in school.
- stylobb

thanks. will check out vpost and jshopper

- Tamarind

both hb and i are cantonese, but DD cant speak the dialect. Cos we converse mainly in English at home, even my mum and FIL. So had to get my mil to speak Mandarin to her, else that one also gone case. When my dad was still around, he is chinese speaking, so dun understand a word DD says in English. My dad will always say i cant understand ar, speak mandarin/cantonese la.. then i see the both of them babbling like a pair of chicken and duck. Such fond memories....

Its so rare to hear kids speaking dialect nowadays. Becomes so special when you hear one speak. So cute to see a toddler spouting cantonese.

Is War and Beauty the one about the palace and concubines? Sorry i alway dun remember the titles well. If so, i like that too. U prefer period dramas or modern? There's one latest out this year called Tong Sum Fong Geng (cantonese) is quite good. About family relations. I remember there were some great productions last yr, but cant recall the titles.

I love romantic comedies too. Especially like tom hanks and meg ryan together.

- Hippo

i love teochew porride too

- Quek

your case reminds me of my good fren who also suffers simliar prob with her hb's sisters. He's got 4 elder sisters, so can imagine the politicks. And many unfairness towards her. She always feel so worked up. Always tell her either she does something to change the situation or adopt "See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil"


Will watch any genre as long as its good. But mostly English films. i watched all the animated ones with DD. Fell asleep while watching Troy on disc (thot i wud like the show), think 300 is too violent. Not a fan of lord of the rings or harry potter. Will rent the dvd for music n lyrics and Transformer (this one more for hb)

Kids Supplement
DD takes Scotts cod liver every day. I tried Vit C and multi for her before but din not continue. I think will be getting her to take Vit C again. Any recommendations for supplements to help poor appettite? Getting her to finish her meals are hair pulling experiences all the time.

wa.. you bb very fast with his teeth. My DS is almost 9 mths and cut 6 teeth. Thot its fast already. Yours faster sia. You bb born in November 06?
Thanks for info.

ELKEN from vitakids?

excel atc,gano for kids, very good for kids and heal whizzing, you heard about it before?where can we buy it?thanks
Rainbow, StyloBB

The brand Elken is a MLM product, not available from stores. my mom bought for me because she is a distributor


To improve kids appetite, I gave my kids 'kiddi pharmaton'. Can buy from GP or guardian. my elder girl used to eat very little. Now she eats more porridge than me, one big full bowl !

My supplements

I am taking Ocean Vitamin C 500mg, Scotts emulsion and Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa. I like the taste of Pei Pa Koa, not sure what benefits though, haha!

I'm also taking Elken Spirulina and colostrum sometimes, if I remember.

any mommies tried IMEDEEN ? I bought 1 box but causes outbreak. I think too nourishing for my skin type

What about Evening Premise Oil or Omega ? what effect does it have?
Ya, this thread got a lot of topic, maybe we older women got a lot of things to share and pour out.

I so sian that my hubby work as a cook, no time for home, my sons have been sick every since he started this work.

I too always feel so worked up, it is easy to say "See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil" but can we really do that, I tell my friend, if I continue to be like that, I will be 'xin li bu pi heng'.

My bb was born in November 06, he started teething when he was 4th mth old. He is looking forward for the drumstick..yummy yummy

ELKEN is a brand, they got few range of product jus like Nuskin, Cosway, it is from malaysia. I was previously a member. What is the excel atc stylobb mentioned?
I know what you mean. I usually bo chap but sometimes also can't take it

we got a maid just to take care of father in law. So both sons shared the cost, very fair.
But that maid is also taking care of BIL's 2 kids throughout the day. MIL said maid too free anyway if just take care of 1 old folk.

hubby didn't want to say anything but I don't understand why must we subsidized BIL's childcare expenses?
I mean multi-task as in hands doing sth, mind thinking of sth else lah ...hehehe

Here is the link. THe pretty woman is the founder...hehe
I'm not selling hor but I personally have taken their products and really find them effective.
I used to get sore throat often but after drinking their Triflora, no more liao.

Ur bil's gf is very direct...

Ur hb cantonese??

What is "excel atc,gan"????

Evening Primrose.. I think to regulate menses, and also for complexion bah
Omega.. not sure if the fish one, if yes, then for memory loh..
I recently heard that we don't have to pay for immunisation at polyclinic. are polyclinic jabs exactly the same as PD?

If yes, this is another money saving tips!

Although both my kids completed all their jabs at PD long time ago
I'm not sure leh.
But those 5-in-1 still gotta pay, can u imagine my twins go there, still hv to fork out $600 ($300 x 2).

My diapers and milk powder 'bills' also amt to quite a lot every whenever u feel the pinch, u must think of me.. hehe
Fairyprincess, Tamarind

I started my elder girl in a childcare when she was 2 years old. She fell sick quite frequently for the first 6 months.

PD said kids generally take 6 months to build up immunity in school or childcare. After 6 months, should see the frequency reducing.

where is your girl attending her nursery? PCF?
taking supplements
Recently just started my boy on cod liver oil, bought the Nordic brand, at first he like it and after few days he refuse to take. So I have to add them into his yogurt instead.

For myself, been taking DOM nightly. Took Circumin and Vit C occassionally - more to clear the existing stock, and also Fish Oil.

I bought Excel product before coz just to entertain one of my friend. Just bought 2 products and in the end, put until expired then I faster take them, if not throw away very wasted coz quite exp.

I had taken Amway health products before, and it is not bad too but didn't continue when the supply runs out.
My elder girl (4YO N2) is in a private kindy called Gracefields in Teck Whye/ Bkt Panjang the younger one will join her there...S$250 per month each for 3 hrs daily, still cheaper than Montesorri which is around S$500 for the same length...

Kids Supplements:
My both kids taking:
- Cod Liver Oil (orange flavoured) and
- Nutriplex Multivit/ mineral syrup with Iron and Lysine
...they take daily, I believe it improves their nutrition status and perhaps immunity...
So sian, my son was down with fever and cough since friday. Send him to Mt A on Sat afternoon as no clinic was open.His fever went up to 38.9 that day. So panicky! Had only manage to insert half suppository, so very worried that the fever dont come down. Doc asked if we want to do blood test to rule out dengue. But I told him he started with cough and then fever and then running nose, so dont think its fever, maybe its some kind of virus, and he does not have any rash (This was what another GP had told me before) Then he said, "That doesnt mean there's no risk of dengue fever". I dont want him to go through the torture of pricking, so tell the doc that if the fever persist. will bring him down again. Then we asked the doc about fits. While he was sleeping, he crunched his hands tightly and shivered/shaked awhile, but his eyes was closed. The doc said if its fits, must admitted immediately for observation, could be UTI. But he could not tell us if was a fit based on our description. He only tell us what is a fit. Again, we said no to him. Guess the doc must think we are crazy parents...The bill comes out to be $60plus.

Then again on Sunday afternoon, his fever shot up to 39. Send him down to Mt A again. Did a blood test, it was -ve. But doc advised to redo again if fever persist. Could not collect his urine so went home and send his urine specimen at night. The doc called me at night and told me everything was normal. This time, the bill was $160plus... The blood test alone was $60plus and urine test was $20plus. So exp... Total spend $200plus these 2 days.

His fever is better now, with the highest at 38.2. Dont know if I should send him to GP for blood test again tomorrow. Any advise mummies?

Sorry for the late reply. My MIL bought the American Ginseng from Bee brand at Chinatown. Saw the earlier post that you stay at Toa Payoh? There's one Bee brand at Central.

You shop at Jshopper too? I bought some pants from the bulk purchase before.

I like the Coach bags too, but did not buy any. Its very popular now.
Used to give my son cod liver oil when he was smaller. Now if I remember, will give him Appleton. This is suppose to boost his appetite. Dont know if all these is good for him. See him so poor thing, when he is sick, struggle to take medicine. And when he is well, still have to take vitamin and sometimes if he is having consipation, have to take Lactus. He is always taking something from the syringe.So, I dont really bother to give me anything extra.
I actually take the jabs at poly. same as PD but take 1 jab at a time. They'll give u the appointments.

wow ur kids kindergarten 3 hrs prog so expensive. is it the one near the post office? i always pass there but never seem to have any children cuz i thot childcare. the place is nice and spacious, plenty of place for kids to run around. i also like the trampoline.

my girl only takes multi-vitamins. I take vit B complex(prescribed by Doc) and Omega 3. My hubby also take vit B complex & the jamu Tongkat Ali. my bb, my breastmilk lah! I used to take another traditional jamu but stopped when I got pregnant and now breastfeeding. I myself drink atleast 3 glass of low-fat milk daily (max. 6 glass cuz milk is my comfort drink)so I never worry abt my calcium. I also frequently drink the Pokka can carrot+apple juice & those vit C drops (like candy) so I guess I get my vit C there.

Kids medical bills
I'm glad my kids got the csc card, cuz whenever they go to hospitals or poly, no need to pay. It really helps alot! My kids been hospitalised several times, never have to pay a single $ even when we stay at A1 rm. That's the only blessings I can count. That's why I told my hb not to die on us cuz if he's gone, so does the benefits.

I read abt the twins in the New paper. It's so sad, I mean, if they don't want the kids, just give up for adoption. Many childless couples would love to have them. I don't mind getting the twin boys myself, atleast I don't have to go thru 9 mths of pregnancy and labour pains.

I pray that all sick mommies and bbs will get well soon. Take care, have a nice week!
Brahim Instant dishes,
I swear by this brand. When I was pregnant and couldn't cook, I use this brand. It taste almost like real home-cooked meals. I usually buy the sambal tumis (can add hard boiled eggs, prawns, pre-fried fish etc),
the curry (add beef, chicken, potatoes, hard boiled eggs etc)
rendang is great too, just add chicken
lemak chilli padi, add semi-fried chicken parts,
korma etc

Also if u want to home-cooked urself and need to have a quick chillie paste, the brand OS is a good one, cuz it is not sour like the other brand.

so sorry to hear abt ur in-laws. Mine not so bad, but when it comes to paying for my parents-in-law medical bills, everybody 'buat bodoh' or act don't know. As I said b4, my hb borrow 35k from & I was hoping that I cud get it when he gets his CPF in 4 yrs' time but last yr, without my knowledge he transfer 20k to his father CPF acct (told me only 5K) so his father cud withdraw $300 every mth for expenses. The thing is my parents-in-laws r staying with my sis-in-laws, why would they need so much money every month and my hb is also paying for my mom-in-law monthly medical bills of $50! What abt his other siblings? He got 2 older brothers (one just got his CPF and now live in JB in a double storey terrace hse), another still living in Singapore doing odd jobs, a younger brother who is a security supervisor, a younger sister who is a seamstress, and 3 grandchildren(1 boy & 2 girls, now in their late 20s-early 30s) that my mom-in-laws looked after since they were babies-toddlers as their mother passed away. So my mom-in-law not only their grandma but almost like their mother too as she raised them in her home, educate them and married them off. But when it comes to paying their medical bills everybody "buat bodoh". Worst thing, they also got the cheek to ask my parents-in-law for money or borrow money, but their money is my husband's money! So I told my hb, why give ur parents $300 every month so others can ask them for money. He did talk to his sister once but u know they also said they pay for this lah, that lah. As far as I know my parent il don't eat much as they r very old. my MIL is 84 and my FIL is 78.
Vpost account
I think someone as asking about it....basically, you have to setup account with vpost and there get the website you purchase from to send things to vpost address and then get the vpost to send to you.

Foreign website normally accept only paypal and they need the credit card link to paypal to have US address. so you will need to open paypal account and also add the vpost US address to your credit cards as some of them do check the address as they are not willing to send out of USA.

I have not tried any of the above as I feel like so many things to do before can buy and what happen if lost.

so far only joined 2 bulk purchases by the mummies here. but sometimes quite slow as need to get min purchase.
precious really good cook...I think must learn more from you and teach my maid don't know how to cook and I also don't know what to cook so we eat the same thing every week.
Hi Precious Gem,

Yes, that's the place...I like it because its spacious and plenty of garden and play area...not as cheap as PCF or YCWA, but still OK lah...I think they have 200 kids or so from N1 to K2- quite a large kindergarten...
Today got different topics..hehe

Hv u ordered ON before? I have this problem.. first two purchases they let me go ahead, subsequently cannot liao. I used UOB card. Any suggestion how I can reactivate my account? Shall I gv them my other UOB card?

No need for gymboree and CP leh.. they accept our credit cards.. but I'm not sure if it's becos I called bank to ask them to list my vpost as US domestic delivery address.
So far, all my orders are processed successfully..hehe..
In order to enjoy online purchases, it's ok to set up one time..heee...

construction is still going on at my younger girl's church kindergarten. they started a new playgoup for this term but so dusty leh, better stay home.

must entertain her everyday from morning till evening. I'm not a very hardworking teacher. Today I played her the kumon CD and ask her to read with the CD while I surf net, haha!

Do your kids quarrel if together? I intentionally place them in different sessions so that they will only be together a few hours a day, till year 2013.
I was reading up VPost account set up instruction few weeks ago. Expensive leh. Unless buying in bulk, may not be worth it after factoring in shipping cost

for your boy's constipation, can let him drink prune juice. 3oz of prune juice usually works quite well for my kids. add some plain water otherwise too sweet. drink every alternate day if he is prone to constipation

my son did a blood and urine test. The white cell shows abit on the high side and doc said it could be a bateria infection. He was given anti-botics to be taken. His fever subsided recently (fifth day, fever then subsided). Did your doc said is it a viral or bacterial infection?

If it is viral fever, it can be 5 days or 7 days to break the fever....
how much more expensive? I thought sometimes there are promotion for free post within USA, so free to send to Vpost and pay only Vpost freight to Singapore.

Never tried to purchase online by myself. It is cheaper or there are more varity.
I do not know much about the pdt and it was my gal friend who swear by it to cure the sensitive airways of his son....

Precious Gem
Thanks for the recipe...
Just curious on :lemak chilli padi(what is lemak chille padi), add semi-fried chicken parts,
korma etc and what is korma..I happen to have a packet of rendan past from braham and hope you can enlighten me on the terms as mention....thanks again

Wow, I really cannot catch up with the post, hope I did not miss out any body or question...if yes, do pardon me...

here's some examples on shipping cost calculations. After factoring in shipping cost, may not be so worth if the item is also available locally, unless we buy a lot

not all items free shipping in US. I bought a Liz Caliborne handbag recently, must pay shipping cost to a US address

did you see the P1 registration statistic? Red Swastika is the only school in Bedok that is left with so few vacancies - 35 for phrase 2B. If I remember correctly, you mention in Bedok thread they took in 60 PVs. wow, sure ballot like crazy. Yu Neng and Temask quite ok, not as competitive
ya, I login today to see see. Anyway I confirm my place already...hehe...

Ya, when I tried to volunter at Red previously, the principal told me that they stop taking volunteer as they afraid to disappoint parents. Looks like he very experience already....if what he told me is true, then sure have to ballot...lucky I did not volunteer if not still can not get in waste time.
Hi Hippo2002,

My younger kid sleeps at 1pm daily leh, so both will be in the morning session: 8:30am to 11:30am...

I buy Nutriplex from NTUC Pharmacy- think its around S$14 for the large bottle...I hope I got the name right...its one of the cheaper brands in liquid form with both vits and minerals and lysine...

Err mummies- just to get a comparison:
is my kindy at S$250 per month expensive? How much is kindy at PCF or YWCA type? Or any other comparisons? Not that I will transfer my kids as my current location is very convenient, but just to get a sense...I have frens who put their kids in church kindys- those are definitely cheaper around S$450 for 3 months!!

my girls' church kindergarten fees per term of 10 week for 3 hours

Pre-Nursery $600
Nursery $450
K1 & K2 $435

need to add another $50 for material cost per term

PCF only $114 per month from Nursery to K2 for 4 hours. Playgroup $160 per month for 2 hours
I think 250 dollar per month is a fair amount.For me, I will also look at the kindy environment and teachers are worth paying this amount.

Precious Gem
Your hubby secretly transfer cpf to your fil account for medical bill is no shock to me.Simply, my hubby almost signed a nomination form of giving 50 percent of his cpf to mil should anything happen to him when he has three more brother and an able dad who is in business....I jumped to the wall and has a great war with him few years back....

Excel product
Maybe I find out more about it from my friend and post it here...I mean the specific pdt.

P1 registration
This year this topic like not so hot in newspaper...birthrate lower?

Polyclinic Jab
I thought only mmr is free?

Kids medical Bill
My two kids are covered for around 500-700 dollars per year, outpatient clinic ,and free hospital bills with the coporate plan from hubby's company union benefit.
Wedding anniversary

Hi, how long have you all been married?Do you all celebrate the ocassion and where you usually go?

Mummy with maid
Do you all bring maid out when bring toddler out for a meal?
Lost my post.... sheesh
T1 still coughing. boy is beta.
My throat's itchy and dry.. took mc today.. feel so lethargic.. if u know what I mean...

Thanks for info on ginseng.

Jshopper - yes, bot mostly bottoms... mat'l v comfy. My mummy fr orders for me ...

Coach - I wanna carry a bag that is not popular leh..hehe

Hope ur boy is beta.
Poor T1 is still recovering. Boy is definitely much beta... no longer cranky.

Hmm...not sure if the one u mentioned is from E Excel as I don't think they hv kids' products but maybe the adults' ones can be used for kids... let us know...btw I just went to their office to purchase the drinks to soothe my throat. If not for their exp prices, I wud spend more...
The place is impressive..

<font color="119911">Supplement</font>
Not sure if this is considered as one: Ferrum Hausmann, syrup, it says 'Oral iron therapy' on the box.. it's for my gals...

Good are very early...

Maybe the product is meant for adult as its in capsule form. I just wrote to them and at the same time, I will wait for my friend to walk pass my house one of these days and catch hold of her to get her to pass me the info.

Oh yes, posh office....

Health remedy
I used to have very bad throat ,feel heaty etc....BUT, eversince I sit on the massage chair daily with the foot massage, no more that restless and sick liao, maybe due to good blood circulation...
Me will be married for 5 years come this December.
Yes we celebrate.. go makan loh.. try new restaurants... hehe...
Funny thing though, we can't rembr the previous years where we went!
But I rembr first year's anniv I was heavily pregnant..

Maid - nope, we don't bring her out with us.. only occasionally. Find it troublesome leh. Me/hb can handle the three kids ourselves. Stimes we wonder maybe she feels happier at home cos if she goes with us, it means she is also working ie taking care of the gals. When we are out, I either buy her food or let her go get her own dinner and ask her to run some errands like buying groceries... let her take some 'fresh air'... a breather...

this year 23 schools likely to conduct balloting with vacancies less than 50 for phrase 2B. last year also 23 schools conducted balloting for phrase 2B. hehe, 23 is the magic number


ROM or customary? if count from ROM date, married for 8 years. customary 14 months later. We didn't have time to celebrate the last few years, no one to babysit when we were parked far far away at the North.
Maybe from this year onwards we can start celebrating again because my mom can help to babysit

mommies, how long did you date your hubby before getting married?

On dating... hmmm... consider offically dating I think should be around 1.5 to 2 yrs.. I can't remember the exact date.

Will be coming to 5 yrs this October, we do celebrate anniversary. Normally just take half or a day off for makan and spend time together. Nothing special lah...
