Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?



I checked out gymboree just now. wow, clothings quite expensive leh. hehe, I'm a stingy mommy. Bedok shop suit my budget. Carters' 2 for $10. Oshkosh $10 each. authentic ones. part of label being cut away

Next time if hubby goes US, I will ask him to buy Oshkosh for me instead. size range in US is wider, I can fit into the bigger size. I like Oshkosh colourful tees

precious gem

wow, you can cook so well !

both my kids 9kg+ at 6 months old. have you thought of switching milk powder? maybe he is not getting sufficient nutrients from his current milk? try Wyeth
at that age group, my younger girl drank 6oz every 2 hourly

hi mummies

phew.... some major things completed.

1. #1 finish piano practical exam. actually me the mother like more stress than her. she go for exams her piano teacher asked how come she doesn't look nervous. now me no need to nag her so much. she can play whatever songs she wants now.

2. #3 80% toilet trained. It surprised me that just take 2 days to train her. Nap and day time all dry. When i tried to train her a few months back, i could go crazy cos she was peeing everywhere the house. The only thing now is she doesn't want to poo in the potty. When she wants to poo, she'll still ask for her diaper.

How har? How to make her sit on potty to poo?
Sparks in marriage

With the fast pace of life in Spore, where got time for sparks? Everyday so tired. Slog like mad.

FTWM slog like mad at work place.

SAHM slog like mad at home. Cook, housework, school work, etc. School time fetch kids to and fro school/lessons, worse if they are in different sessions. Holidays time lagi busier having all of them at home at the same time.

But recently, i watch this Korean show on Channel U - Geum Soon. The couple so romantic hor? The male doc go all out to woo the girl. Was wondering where my pre-marriage romantic love with hubby gone to. So now try to pay more attention to hubby, be nicer to him, give him more TLC .... bwahahahaha.
- hippo

bedok too far for me leh.. sometimes when i see those push carts, they also sell OshKosh kids wear. But none near my place. I also love Oshkosh for kids, especially for boys.

Ya, US is geat place to buy it. Tell your hb to go to the premium outlets. Off season ones lagi cheaper. When I was there I bought the T-shirts for USD3 nia. Can get Coach bags too.

Language of love
- Words of Affirmation
this defintely works for my hb.
-Quality Time
not as much as i hope for
-Receiving Gifts
he buys more than me, those otar buns for breakfast count o not???
-Acts of Service
ermm.. i think he does this more ba.. like the sending and fetching me here n there. Buying food to feed an army. Picking up all my favourite HK DVDs. I dun iron his shirts, so sian to do that. Luckily now got the maid to do it.
-Physical Touch (hugs & kisses)
these are now for my children

think wat works for me will be quality time and physical touch. I am a romantic.

- stylobb

do u stay in AMK? I know got one AM supermart there. Things so cheap, good! I also buy pamper, mammypoko there. Nepia good ar? How to order? See some discussion in another thread abt this before.

as for spa / facial / massage - I will spend a bit on this la cos its my form of relaxation, and a treat for myself. I go more regularly for my massage. Facial still left with 1 more session, dun know wanna renew o not. Spa not often nowadays cos its more ex. But thinking to try the one precious gem mentioned soon.

Like you, now i spend must think 2-3 times first lo.

Spark of Marriage
we dun have liao leh. just mutual understanding and comfort.
Hi precious gem
My boy 18 mths and below is his daily meal :-
1) Breakfast - 1 toast with jam and 120 ml milk
2) 10a.m. - 150 ml milk
3) lunch 12.00p.m. 1 bowl porridge with fish n egg n vegetable. plus 120ml milk
4) tea 3.00 p.m. biscuit plus 150 ml milk plus fruits
5) Dinner 5.30 p.m. porridge with fish n egg n vegetable.
6) 8.00 p.m. 150ml milk
7) 10.00 p.m. 180 ml milk with 2 teaspoon rice cerel added
8) 2.30 a.m. 150 ml milk
9) 6.00 a.m. 150 ml milk boy very greedy - eat so much.. he is 12 kg and on the 75% percentile.

For myself and husband, we eat whatever the maid cooks which is 1 meat, 1 vegetable and a soup or egg/vegetable.
Chdn clothes,

I don't have any fancy of any brand but my 5 yr old girl like a certain cartoon figures. It used to be all the princesses; cinderalle, snow white etc, then barbie and now winx. I work in teck Whye and every Thursday morning, there's this sidewalk shop selling cheap chdn's clothes. They've got really nice ones especially for girls from $2-$5 p/pc! Like today I bought her a Winx shorts/skirt, u know like that of tennis shorts with a flap at the front, a Winx track pants, a Minnnie mouse t-shirt, a strawberry shortcake track pants & t-shirt, all $3 each. Not much for boys especially below 2 y but I manage to get 3 cartoon t-shirt+short sets for $4 p/set!
This thread has moved from doing worksheets to beauty to shopping and now to sparks in marriage!

Yuen, precious gem
My kid is a small eater. He is 30mths and is only taking 160ml of milk around 8am,have lunch (fish/chicken/meat with rice and soup) at 11plus, 160ml milk around 2-3pm, dinner at 6pm and another round of milk at 10pm. Sometimes he can hardly finish the milk, only takes about 100ml...
Occasionally some biscuits/fruits for him. Anything more than this he will not finish his main meal.Yuen your son bah bah isit? My son so skinny, now only about 13kg but his height is at the 80% percentile.

Hardly go grocery shopping, my mil mainly doing the marketing for ingredients/food. Sometimes she will instruct my maid to do the purchase. I only buy the toiletries.
wow yuen, ur boy can really eat alot and drink lots of milk too. that's good. my boy can eat alot too if i let him but I want him to drink more milk. if he eats alot, then he drink less. ur boy has 7 feeding of milk in 24hrs while my boy has only 3! Oh my God! What can I do to make him drink more milk. He will drink lots of water but not milk. Infact he takes his time to finish 1 bottle of milk eg he'll drink abt 30ml, then play abit for 15 mins, then drink another 30-40ml, play-play some more then drink so he'll take abt 1-2 hrs to finish 1 bottle of milk!

that's why lah ... we matured ladies got so much interest ... so much experience in life cuz have live longer lah, so much to talk abt ... best thing everybody has something to say & share. great isn't it.
Must rembr our hbs' good points loh..
my hb sends flowers..

Wah ur hb is a cook.. so u get to taste his cooking.

What I mean is even if I spend the $1k on myself, I still need to spend $1k on the kids, so I sacrifice myself loh.... hahaha

The gymboree sale was just over.

I order from gymboree and children's place. The latter hving sale now but their gals' stuff are quite obiang.
Old Navy and Gap too but this is usu with other mummies.
Can be expensive but the designs are nice and in S'pore, if u want to get nicer clothings, they are also not cheap.
Also I hv no time and energy to scour the shopping centres... easier just to buy online at say, 10-11pm at nite..hehe.
Of course stimes still go to Mothercare and Chateau to see gals' dresses lah.....

Ur crying emoticon is so cute....

I'm at toa payoh...

Nepia - call them direct and place order.. min. 4 packs. Soft and nice material.. but only for day use.. can't tahan the nite.. wl leak.

U at Coach bag fan too? Me too but now not so much cos it's too common liao... many yrs ago, no one heard of this brand... carry one also no one knows.. now, even aunties carry .. haha.. that day I walked past and saw the Loewe bag... wah, so nice.. just found out it costs SGD2K!!!!

precious gem
My gals take porridge besides milk loh. Bread, chwee kueh (w/o the chye poh), Fruits and yoghurt too.
T1 loves food... T2 normal.
Your 16.5 mth old is 9.6kg
My 18 mth old are 12.2kg and 10.2kg -- just weighed by PD. T1 has always been chubby. Not bad for twins, huh?
So long they are heathy and eating well, I don't bother lah. Don't know the height.

Wah I pei fu u.. such a capable mommy.

So <font color="aa00aa">cuddles</font> and <font color="aa00aa">precious gem</font> are romantics.... hehe

Your 18 mth boy still wakes up at 2.30am for milk??? siong leh...
He eats a lot!!!

I wanted to ask u, where to buy american ginseng??

Share with u sth. The other day I was with my boy as hb was in church for sth. We went to amk hub to see things and when it was time for lunch, I was looking around and decided we go to Fish & Co. The meal came up to $24. I wonder if I am sahm, can I afford to just go in like that and order a meal w/o thinking of the cost? Poignant thot. I mean, some of u may be rich sahms, but what about an average sahm?? No offence to anyone ....
My hubby has been cook since he was very young, ppl always said I can eat 'hao liao' but I juz ask him to cook simple thing only. If I do the cooking, sometimes it will be potato soup and vege cook with pork only, as long as it can fill our stomach...after all it go to the same place in the toilet, sorry..hee

I maybe consider as average FTWM, I dont even dare go to those expensive restaurant. If go McDonald, I order the student meal at $4 + a $2 burger, somemore Mc can earn the point and exchange for free burger..hehe

Like what ZMM said, where got time for spark, my hubby every day work till so late, only breakfast together every morning. Argument consider spark??
I also eat cheap hor.. just that I felt at that point, I was able to choose to go to a more exp place and my boy and I enjoyed the meal v much.

Argument.. can.. can be considered.. as dangerous spark! haha
dining at restaurants

we redeem vouchers from credit cards. eg. $30 Sakae voucher, $20 Tung Lok voucher, etc. Or go for those 1-for-1 promo.

Not so shiong when the bills come
Wah... this thread really moves very fast.

RE: Working in Orchard - I do alot of window shopping but will only buy when there is a sales... ;p

My hubby likes to grocery shopping as he like to explore using herbs for his cooking...

You mentioned there is this pushcart that sells "cut-label" branded clothes. Exactly where is it huh? Thanks.

Hi ladies,

Do you have couplehood time together? Once in a month, hubby and myself will take leave and go "dating"...
Wow so many posts.

<font color="0000ff">hippo2002,</font>
My nearest NTUC is about 1 km away, so I usually stock up for at least 1 - 2 weeks.
Sweet talk ? I only do so if I need him to do something for me.
You and <font color="0000ff">quek</font> are very lucky to have a hubby who can cook. My hubby only know how to complain about the food I cook.

<font color="119911">styloBB,</font>
My girl is 4 years old, my boy will be 3 years old in Sep.
I heard of stories that even mommies cannot tell identical twins apart hehehe Oh their weight is quite different. One is taller than the other ?

<font color="ff6000">Cuddles, Fairyprincess, cowandchick,</font>
Best to check up the past history of the organizer before joining. Those who have organized many sprees with no complains should be OK.

<font color="ff0000">Cuddles,</font> is very trustworthy. I have ordered many times from them. I like them much better than and, which are very popular with mommies in this forum.

My other favourite is, simple design but good quality. Also American Eagle for adults clothes. American Eagle customer service is superb. Once I complain that my parcel took a long time to arrive, they refunded me the full amount, even though the parcel did finally arrive !

For gymboree, look out for their discounts, very good value. I never buy anything at full price hehehe

<font color="aa00aa">quek,</font>
Yes really fire at the BP thread. What shocked me is how "fierce" mommies can become ! They can be so rude to each other ! Whatever happen to basic courtesy ?

Hi mommies,
Have you encountered any rude forumer ? Care to share your experience ?

I remember there was once I wrote in another forum, that I slipped and fell in Paris, where nobody helped me up. I also slipped and fell in the snow in New York before, someone immediately helped me up. I just wanted to show that Americans are more helpful than the French. You know what is the response I get ? Someone wrote : Why you so clumsy always fall down. So rude right ?
My mother helps me to look after the kids, so my hubby and I can go out to have dinner 1 - 2 times a week on our own

During Valentine Day this year, we booked a hotel room at the Scarlett Hotel in Chinatown and spent a night there hehehe
I also like gymboree, cos quality v good. Only thing is for the gals, I find the tops v broad at the chest area and stimes the designs rather frilly.

I like the sandals frm landsend.. my boy's into his third pair. THe stuff not that fantastic in terms of designs and rather exp.

I know Scarlet Hotel.. did u get a room with a window??

Rude forum ppl.. so far.. not really.. but maybe hv some v boastful ones...

Can go out 1-2 times a week is v good leh...
What is ur idea of romantic??

Maybe if we are on the mummies being cheated, we will also be quite nasty.. hehehe..

juz me
Either take leave, or stimes meet hb for dinner or go for midnite show... not easy hor...
So far I didn't hear frm my twins mummies that they cannot identify who is who. Also they told me usu one twin has a mole or sth.. cute right.
Height wise, mine are quite the same. But size is different loh... one fei fei one not so..

No, i won't be able to afford meals in restaurants. so we usually eat at foodcourts. Sometimes special treats once in a while, but even then also feel the pinch leh.

that's why kids' clothes also buy from market only! heh heh. I tell my girl, as long as you dress yourself neatly and look presentable, there's no need for expensive clothes. The more expensive ones are those given to them on their birthdays, or for Christmas! Must save money mah!

Sparks, no more sparks already lah! So tired after looking after the kids, and yelling at them, where got mood for romance?!

to redeem vouchers from credit card means must spend to chalk up the points for redemption..... hee hee ... so still must spend money ....

i always laugh when i read your posts. And always identify with you also.

ya, now wif 7% gst, we think twice before going to restaurant. have been training my kids to eat at coffeeshop. actually, home cooked food is still the cheapest. it is just the hassle of preparing and cooking, and washing up. no maid leh ...

my kids all wear hand-me-downs, even my #1. Our church friends pass us their kids' clothes. some are still really new and many are branded. so ppl think we very rich, let our kids wear branded clothes, oshkosh, gap, carters, fox, OP, lapagayo, etc.

But recently had to buy clothes for our #1 cos she was like growing faster than my friends' kids. When clothes pass to her already too small. My girl going to catch up with me soon, and she not even 10 yo yet leh. I hv problem buying clothes for her. Kids clothes don't have her size. Adult clothes like too mature for her. So now let her wear tees and pants like her mother. bwahahaha.... we already sharing our shoes. Her feet bigger than mine.

wat is romantic ah? more like the "first love", i guess. maybe i put into table.

<table border=1><tr><td> before marriage</TD><TD>after marraige </TD></TR><TR><TD>never see him 1 day like cannot live</TD><TD>whole day never see him also never mind </TD></TR><TR><TD>write cards or letters freq to him</TD><TD>at home no more cards but a lot of rough paper </TD></TR><TR><TD>wait expectantly at each date to meet him</TD><TD>why so late still don't come and fetch me n kids </TD></TR><TR><TD>hold hands got electric feeling</TD><TD>still got hold hands meh? </TD></TR><TR><TD>birthdays got surprise present</TD><TD>save $ don buy unnecessarily </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

seldom have time together alone. Only at nite when the kids sleep, but both of us will be working on our computers. looking forward to my #3 go to school in 2 years' time. Then will have more couple time with him when the kids in school. 8)

so i guess it is because we invest so much of our time on the kids, got little time left for ourselves.

any more things to add to this table?

u all read about the mummy with twins who passed away 'cos bled too much? Very sad. While the twins don't understand yet, i feel for the two girls age 11 and 17, and of coz the hubby.

i think age also play a part in the pregnancy. So if u longing for another baby, "do it now".
I type ur nick in short.

We also eat at hawker centres lah.. hb likes to recci those places which hv good food but not exp.

Ur table is funny.

My collick and I gathered that she was the unfortunate case in those 1:1000 possibility that such a thing has to happen.
(Actually I also had excessive bleeding after my c-section but tkfully it stopped after a nite back at the labour ward...)
Oh, carrying twins is also considered high risk, u know.
Yah, feel so bad for all the kids and the hb..

I feel so bad tonite.. didn't really spend time with the kids... a bit drained emotionally cos hb was away and back only later.. so I hv been facing the kids with help of maid after mil goes home... left my boy alone to play and he did his colouring.. the gals walked in and out of the room... until time was up for their milk. Did watch a bit of kids' programme though.
Hello mummies...
I have asked this question on another thread, but will also ask here to get comments:
For mummies with 3 kids or more- why did you have the 3rd kid?

1. What made you do it (besides accident lah, if any)
2. Any pros and cons of 3? (I think lack of money and time we all know...)
3. Is it really true the 3rd kid is easier to handle?
4. Any other comments lah...

I am thinking, but have not decided...not even sure if I can...from a work perspective- I travel frequently in a regional job...but you are young only once...the older you get, harder to get pregnant, so its bkgd again:

Thanks! =)

when you start to look longingly at babies, you know you would like to have another one.

the more kids you have, in a way it gets easier. The kids play together, but then also more squabbles, etc. The 3rd kid will likely learn everything faster/earlier because of the 2 older siblings. toilet train faster, motor skill better, etc. Of course more expenses also.

but no regrets ...

my friend has 4 kids. She said when it comes to #4, everything is a breeze.
'Why you so clumsy always fall down. So rude right ?' haha..when the ppl who wrote this fell down, see how will he or she feel. Cannot laugh ppl when they fell down, you will be the next one who fell down, even my friend's twins also know that, coz she also kena when her twin sis fell down.

I gave birth to my baby at the age of 36, now I will not go for #3, coz during pregnancy, cannot walk and stand too long, cannot sleep well and very tired. Another thing, my mindset cannot afford tahan my baby from falling ill again, I got the phobia of that!!

So what that we have so many siblings, cannot communicate with each other, like both my bros don talk to each other and even don talk to my father, my father also don talk to my youngest bro. My il side, all brothers also 'buay gum'. I was so afraid that my two sons will be like them, imagine both my family side are like that!!!

I was telling my hubby this morning that I hope the days will pass faster so that my baby will grow up faster.

before marriage: talk a lot
after marriage: quarrel a lot
I love your table! Got some more to add or not? Sooo funneee!

wow, your girl must be really tall and big! My girl just above my shoulder. She's already helping herself to some of my t-shirts! Can't find the shirt for long long time. Suddenly, found it in HER wardrobe!

I always look longingly at bbs, even tho my #2 just only turned 2! But I know, too old already, too high the risk. As it is, with my #2 pregnancy, even my gynae was super kiasu! Hiyah, just be happy with 2 lor!

don't feel bad. Some times we have not so good days too! If I'm exhausted, I'd rather keep my distance from my kids, in case my temper flares! Knowing how bad tempered I am, I know for everyone's well-being, i better keep away. Then, everyone happier.

It must be really hard on you, working, and coming back home to your kids, and spending time with them! Wow! Wondermummy!

Now I get another nick, 'cc'. Previously, someone else called me 'C&C' I like that too, like cycle and carriage, mercedes benz! Ha ha. Closest i get lor!
Morning Mummies
How? After a nite's rest, got think of sparks??? Still no sparks... hahaha....

Can u recommend a good female gynae without long waiting queue... thanks
Er, my own gynae passed away this year....

It's ok to wear hand me downs... I took from others too.. now I pass on my gals' to my friends... cos the clothes are still ok mah...

Ok, hb scores points... came back with my clinique cityblock frm DFS... hehe....

OK... give u what u want...C&C..u also Wonder mommy what, can go part-time study and sew and all that...
Cos at times I feel v drained going home and working the second shift mah... but not so bad lah... consider myself v fortunate liao. My mom is v nice loh, at times she wl say she wl bring my home, mil also nice, she wl also fetch him back.
I think it's true we need to keep away if temper is about to flare...otherwise not v fair to the kids.

Btw how is ur gal coping? How is her eyesight?

Ur boy is fine right.

July was gymboree's mega sale.. think the next big one will be in Dec.
Btw does ur gal pick what clothes to wear??

U mention ur parents are living with u... ur hb is ok with that? U stay in five room flat?

I only intended to have two kids...
I'm like tamarind, I don't know how to handle babies... I find it's easier when they become tods cos can relate better.

1. What made you do it
'Accident' lah haha... but frankly after my mc, the urge to hv another kid was v strong altho I don't consider myself the maternal type. So it was a bonus for us loh...cos conceived the month after my D&C.

2. Any pros and cons of 3?
Don't know if u consider my case as the same as ur question....
pros -
As my kids' age are only 2 years apart, they grow up together. It's a joy to see them playing (and of crse fighting) together. even tho it's tiring, it's only short-term.
U feel v happy seeing them after a day's work. If they grow up to be responsible kids, then u reap the joy of bringing them up.
(One older woman told me she regretted hving only 2 kids.. she wished she had a third...)
One more thing, when help is needed, if there are more kids, then the burden is spread among the siblings... provided of course they are /good/ people lah.....

cons -
Hated confinement, the nite feeds
Heavy on the pocket loh... every month, the money goes towards 'feeding' them... Gotta think hard if wanna buy sth expensive for myself...cannot go for far holidays... no freedom to do what I want
Stimes vomit blood loh....
and the challenges when they go to school (I read the postings/sharing here I bit scared liao), grow up, teenage problems.. etc etc.. HOWEVER we just mentally prepare ourselves that all parents go thru it so we don't get so overwhelmed...
Besides time and $, also need to consider caregiving issue.

3. Is it really true that 3rd kid is easier to handle?
Depends, if hv help and if mom/dad ok... cos really tiring mah.. esp the nite feeds.
My case is again different... hb/I used to take one gal each.. so who ever wakes up, then the parent gotta wake up and tend to her.

4. Any other comments
Don't know leh... for FTWM quite tough loh, cos gotta divide the time by 3.. little wonder that our first-born is faster, more aggressive due to more attn given to him/her... at least we feel that way.
?#3 kid,
My first girl was born 17 yrs ago and the second girl 5 yrs ago so after having 2 girls, I thot it would be nice to have atleast a boy, and luck or fate has it that I got a boy, that's why.

Actually if I'm not this old and don't have diabetes, I would like to have 7 kids; 3 girls and 4 boys! I guess 7 is my favourite number. But then I have to be a SAHM. I've seen quite a number of families with lots of chdn abt 5-6, and I see the chdn r all well behaved than families with 1-3 kids and they can take care of each other or play together well. They also have better social skills in school as they know how to share or take turns or give & take & play together well with other kids. The older siblings of these big families are usually very helpful & caring not only to their younger siblings but also to other small kids. Of course usually the age gap is 1-4 years, not too big gap. Well that's my observation. But of course these chdn have parents who want them and not have them by accident.

My grandaunt has a neighbour who has 11 kids and you will never know that cuz the house is so quiet. They r all abt 1-2 yrs apart. The mother lost most of her teeth!

Eating out,
I enjoy eating at foodcourt/foodstalls cuz u can get variety of food especially the old places like Adam Rd & Bedok Corner (across the army camp)and newer one like Banquet. I don't really go to too fancy restaurants, but I like Secret Receipies especially their Irish Lamb Stew also the normal ones like Delifrance, Swensen and Pizza Hut, basically because I love spaghetti, lasagne and steak. As I get older, I don't really fancy burgers and fries but I love fried chicken so I don't frequent fast food so much. I also like to go to family restaurants like Sakura, Ramen Ten & Seoul Garden. I usually go abt once a month or on special occassions, to these 'restaurants'.

Last night after came back from my daughter's swimming lesson, I was really tired cuz it was abt 9:30pm when we got home. Then my husband ask me to cook rice and a particular dish, wah so tired already still ask me to cook, so told me I'll make him spicy fried kway teow. I took out the prawns, kway teow, some veg and get the wok going, by ard 10:15pm dinner was ready and we were eating while watching incredible tales then prison break. Anyone else watch Prison Break?

Wow ur twins not bad eh. How much milk do they take p/day? fyi, I'm a twin myself though we r non-identical twins. I came out 10 mins ahead of her so I'm the elder one and the sweeter one too ;) Yep she also got diabetes. She got 3 kids, 2 boys 1 girl though she lost 1 boy (stillborn @7mths). She is now taking care of my boy while I'm at work. Though I feel safe & secured abt my son, the travelling from Woodlands (whr I live) to Teban Gardens (whr she lives) every morning through traffic jams is really killing me...

Well gotta get back to work. Will check on u gals later ok. Have a Nice Day!
good morning mummies
Wow long time didn't come in and this thread is still as happening as before...

No couplehood time for me.. imagine when I purposely arrange for time with hubby for dinner, and on and off he is on the phone.. it just puts me off.. now I don't bother to arrange.

I like the table that you had.. very true..
I am going to be 'old' mummy... my thinking is older than I look... hee hee...

Yeah lor.. I always told him, I can only get his immediate attention by calling him... communication barrier... can only talk through equipments.
This is the reason why back then for honeymoon, I chose to go US coz that is one of the place whereby the roaming can't work, so he can be truly uncontactable...
amazing... i log off yday afternn and the thread run so fast liao!


my boy now using MP for day and pampers for nite.

Same like you, use to be a fan of Coach but u see alot of ppl carrying nowadays. Its not considered super expensive as compared to Loewe and LV. I like LV, Gucci and Coach.

Noawadays you walk around Orchard and you see lot of gals toting Gucci / Coach.

Nowadays no time to shop for children's clothes, so wanna try some online shopping.

i feel once in a while spending on a good meal is ok. If can afford it then can be more often. For us, we dun keep to rule about eating at restaurants, more like when we feel like it and can afford it. Average about 1-2 times a month ba.

I just quit my job. Working on some freelance projects from home. Of cos income greatly reduced. So must be careful about eating out. If I am out with my gal, i dun mind eat something more ex. But not when its the whole family. Altho sometimes we gotta think enjoying a good family meal and feel happy and satisfied is priceless.

your table is really funny

must cut & paste to show my hubby

we charged all expenses to credit card eg. handphone, broadband, CC enrichment classes, even facial wash at guardian. As long the shops accept credit cards. CC accept online payment. Even NTUC groceries, I chalk link points using passion card. can redeem NTUC vouchers or movies ticket
- hippo

for credit card, I usually exchange for shopping voucher. But the other time my hb got a $90 Ichiban voucher and we use it for a good meal. Wa... eat so filling and no need to pay, haha!! So i also see the beauty of dining vouchers too.

- Stylobb

when hb and I quarrel got a lot of colorful spark, almost can set the house on fire!

- Tamarind, Stylobb

thanks for the websites. Think i shall be doing some serious shopping from home. haha!!

- Tamarind

i've always wanted to book a hotel stay with jus hb and me. But its still not happen yet! The other day was telling my mum i wan #3 but hb no consent. So i am gog to make him drunk and perhaps then a hotel room will come in handy! hb was beside glaring at me..haha!

Couplehood Time
i really cant think of any. My hb is very careerminded. Will kill him to stay hotel, dining, or movies with me, as in just the 2 of us. His mobile sure beep with emails, SMS, and calls. He's like dying when he cant check his laptop. And eat that time sure tok on his phone. When we chat hor, sure kanna interupted by calls. So i give up liao! The only couplehood time is probably in the car when he sends or fetches me lo!

Rude Forumer
like i say, some threads quite unfriendly one lo. Dun really respond to what you say cos you are not in their clique. Then another thread when I wrote about a problem I faced with my gal, instead of empathy and advise, I was told off. Atmosphere is very differnt from here. This is the best so far! Some mummies also very competitive and boastful. But i do have 1 mummy who left me very puzzled with her behaviour...but i dun wish to reveal for privacy sake.
You so lucky, got very supportive mum and mil. I not wonder lah. Course not started yet, donno can get in or not also! Sewing, stopped years ago already. My girl don't think it's cool to wear mummy-made clothes any more. She thinks market-fashion better than mummy-fashion.

Her eyes, like that lor. Not much we can do. Just help her cope with school work. Hopefully the MOE will become more understanding and look into the welfare of visually handicapped children in mainstream schools. An uphill battle all the time.

My boy ah? So playful, so cheeky, so cute lor! What to do, I like bbs mah. So sad can't have #3. He loves his cars, trucks, buses, etc. My house filled with nothing but his vehicles! Can't even put my cup down on the table. no space already!

So sorry to hear of your encounter with some rude mummies. Fortunately, I don't meet them (pray hard not to). Donno why they have to be so mean. Aiyah, if got nothing nice to say, don't way lah. Why must go and offend people?! Stay with us Cuddles!
Kids choosing own clothing

my kids wear whatever I buy for them. If I noticed they need new jackets or new pants, I will buy for them at my discretion, not because they saw something they feel like buying that day. Of course my girl gets to choose the colour like purple or green after I choose the design & make sure it's within my budget

We didn't want to handle their wails or making a scene so we trained them from young not to ask us to buy anything. Hubby even more firm, everyone goes home if anyone starts crying in public

that's why my kids dare not 'ask' to buy anything lor. Because the moment they say 'I want....' that's it, we will definitely NOT buy. Hehe, shopping is a breeze lor, no need to argue why you cannot buy this or that

Meals at hawer center

That include meals at hawker center. Even though they would prefer aircon places, we choose where we want to eat. They can then choose what they want to eat at that hawker center

When we walk pass MacDonald, they will steal glances but dare not say 'I want french fries'. Only when I ask 'do you want to eat at MacDonald?' that they get to dine there. If I didn't ask them, we will just continue walking lor. Imagine them crying if they didn't get to buy something from MacDaonald every time we walk pass one MacDonald, gosh!

haha! Very autocratic parents, right?
Booking Scarlet hotel - so romantic...

We did think of having couplehood time once a week i.e dinner out... at this moment, not possible, my kids are still quite young and don't want to tire out MIL since she is looking after them... maybe when my kids are older, we can consider that option.

We tried watching mid-night show. Recently, hubby said he doesn't want...hee..."lao liao" (old already)... no stamina to stay up to watch so late...

Your table is so funny...

Oops! not pushcart, shop hah... may I know where is it? Thanks.

Any recommendation of hand cream?
Hee... did you gals need to shave or wax your legs? Thot of using wax but scared of pain...

kids grow so fast now hor. But good leh, you can shop same dept with her liao. Try CK Tang Blossoms. Very nice girl clothes and they got sizes for preteens. I also dun mind good hand me downs. As long as the giver is conscientious to pass on things thats still in decent condition. Not lup sup (rubbish).

I am happy when my frens dun mind taking my stuff too. Last time got this fren, she wanted to pass me some bb clothes but hesitated so much, later she confessed that look at me like i will mind type. I told her no la, give me, give me. If can wear will wear, if cant then send to salvation army.

My contribution to ur table:

before marriage - dear, darling, sweetie
after marriage - Oi


once in a while, we get that guilt attack of not spending enuff time with our children. We just move on and do something about it. When i feel i have neglected my gal cos need to take care of bb, I will make sure to squeeze some time to chat with her or read a book. Dun worry, it gets to anyone of us sometimes.

the NTUC near my plc dun have Nepia.

I can imagine the stress when hb helps to buy stuff for us.. recently asked my hb to buy perfume from DFS on his way back. I wanted Ralph Lauren's Romance. Luckily he got it right.


we same same, thinkin hard about #3..
Juz me

the shop is at Blk 213, I think 2 shops from Bangawan Solo. no sign board, just racks of clothings

They also sell adults clothing like Old Navy, NIKE, GAP and Tommy Hilfiger but very limited designs. So far I only buy children clothings, more appealing

Me too, thinking very had about having #3. Having 2, I personally find not much of time plus my hubby is very busy with work... Not forgetting I puked from the 6 weeks to 20 weeks DAILY and its like 8-9 times a day for both pregnancy

Thanks for the address
