Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

YOG tickets,
My dd school is taking the kids to the YOG for all the events. Parents can choose what event they want their kids to go. I chose for my dd gymnastics for next wk 24 Aug from 1pm - 5pm. After school, she will go with the school tpt. The tickets r sold @$4 only!!! but if ur kid don't show up, have to pay school $10. I am also trying to get tickets for the family for the canoe kayak event @Marina as I love water sports.

Hi Rona,

You can purchase tickets on online/sistic.

Hi Precious Gem,

Lucky of you to be able to get tickets. My son is still small so I've got to choose events that are convenient for us in case he gets frustrated and bored. Tell us how the canoe/kayaking event goes!

Hi Pantone, on YOG

Exactly. I think they didn't factor-in fans/tired students may leave after a few hours. So wasted! There were people turned away at the ticketing. They could have been more flexi, issuing more when they see people leaving (someone can hold a counter to estimate) or simply just stare at the seats. Eg, if a few hundred exit, they can sell at least 150 more tickets? Those who re-enter would have asked for a stamp so the staff clearly knows how many people walk out and don't wish to return.

We were turned away last night 'cos seats were SOLD OUT. A European couple had spare tickets and gave it to us when they overheard us enquiring at the ticketing booth. Really lucky
Many others were also trying to reason with the staff over the discrepancy and Sistic system (was apparently down for a few days).

In the end, one pitch was 65% filled (because it was Singapore Vs Australia boys hockey) and the other one hardly even 10% (girls hockey). 3 of us and another few visitors were the only ones at one side together with some volunteers (supporting Korea by default) 'cos the other side had maybe only 20 plus Argentina-supporters made up of parents and expats.

So few were the people that the camera-guy came and took one shot of the Argentinians and New Zealanders who were waiting and left. No crowd!

If not for the fact that the parents/siblings of players hang around after their game to wait for their children to shower/de-brief, the occupancy is likely to be alot lesser. Some NZ girls were stopped on they way back from Macs 'cos the volunteers refused entry as they had burgers and drinks. Quite a sorry sight watching the girls beg to be let as their parents/coaches were waiting at the Pitch 2 spectator stand (where I was seated). They were wearing Olympic tags and really shouldn't be treated in this manner. I wished the staff could have let them in for once and remind them not to buy food in for the next day.
This is 'FULL HOUSE'... see all the red seats on far left, VIP (middle) and right? Can't blame visitors and locals who were turned away for feeling puzzled.

Your maid is filipino, right ? Have you read today's front page news ?

Harder to hire Filipino maids now

Filipino maids should be paid $540 a month, as required by their government. I think there will probably be no more new Filipino maids coming into Singapore.

Actually I am paying my Indonesian maid $550 a month now, with alternate Sundays off. She is of tremendous help to me and I think she is worth it. I do think that good maids should be paid higher.

You always stay at Hilton KL ? Have you tried Le Meridien beside it ?
Yes I heard that you need to travel 2 hours by bus/car to Hua Hin from Bangkok.

My girl saw me reading "Diary of a wimpy kid" and she wanted to read to. I said these are "bad books" and she should not read them.

Yes "Diary of a wimpy kid" is a series of books from USA. It seems to be cool to behave badly and have no respect for parents, as indicated by the book.

Those books are for kids around 9 to 12 years old. K2 kid reading "Diary of a wimpy kid" ! That is terrible.

I really like books written written by Japanese authors and translated into Chinese. They teach children to be kind, polite, helpful, respectful, and all the good values

Actually many of those books are available at, online bookshops have a much larger variety of books.
I am not in Shanghai, but in a big city close to Shanghai. That city is the size of Singapore. I am teaching in the university, and I am surprised that my colleagues said that internet is not reliable. May be their government does not want their students to have unlimited access to the internet.

any recommendations for <font color="0000ff">books written written by Japanese authors and translated into Chinese</font>?
Hi Tam,

Filipino Maids - Mine is a Filipino Maid and I am paying her $360. So, I have been "underpaying" her? I shd say she is quite a good maid so far (1 yr with us) and I do not mind letting her continue after her contract is up. But, to pay her $540/mth is out of the question. She only stay at home - Do housework and cook dinner as both my kids are in fullday CC. Think I will switch to Indonesia or Myanmar Maid when her Contract is up OR just settle for a part-time maid as my kids will be older then.

Hi Fairyprincess,

I will choose B - to be a FTWM with maid to help at home. I want to be financially independent and I am not the sort who can stay home to look after children 24/7 :p
Tam- pay of filipino maid- this is new info for me- do you think indonesian and myanmar govt may have similar knee jerk reaction and raise fees of maids from their countries- then across the board, it will be more ex to employ maids!!!!!

My mum's ex-filipino maid was paid S$600 per month (by my mum and I chipped in a little) cos she worked for us for 16 years!!! Since I was a teenager! But towards the last few years, she was getting too bossy- telling us employers what to my mum thought it was best for her to go back home and carve out a second career/ farm and land owner...thus pros and cons of maids working for a long time in one household...

Tam- ya, I figured I must order online, rather than going to the london trip was more a shopping trip for me in the end, rather than book buying trip...although I counted that I still bought 30 books in total (quite a few mr men/ little miss- the special collection with glitter; some roald dahl books; 1 book set on animals; some fairy story books etc)
Don't worry, u not suaku, I also didn't know until we walked past the arcade. The kid and mother were sitting by the machine. The game is (according to what I saw), shark and lion fight and see who wins/loses. Then they get bonus cards or sth.
Aiyah, waste of time and $. The kid actually has this thick album consisting of many cards...

Goodness, saw another one, is a gal's game. The gal will pick the dressing for the character eg if going disco, she has to dress up and the machine will show how many points she obtained from her choice.

$1.50 per card!!! Madness. Tkfully we trained our kids not to demand for anything (so far). As jesse has pocket money ($2 a week), he says he is saving up to buy himself a Lego set. I told him to wait for sale first....

Also the books on Boarding School -- by Enid Blyton?... can't rmbr the title...

Dyslexic - what about his writing? Does he write in mirror image??

Ang Mo is within walking distance from my place... kekeke.... we are v happy with this 'mega' mart..... they sell practically everything, Haagen Dazs and Ben &amp; Jerry ice-cream....

Ba chor mee - to us, it's over-rated like that... it has joined the place where UNO steak stall is....
I don't know the one that rona refers to, there is one at Blk 95 (incidentally the tze char there is also nice), and another one next to Braddell MRT where the famous yong tau foo stall is.

I don't envy your gf's lifestyle in Paris.... sounds more tiring than ours!!!

I read Toto Chan when I was younger...

Hua Hin - just checking out. Rent car?? Who will drive?? 2 hours ah....

Dresses ... hahaha... one day.....

Happy belated b/day to you!

Lizards - so scary, right. Don't know where they crawl to inside the fridge.....

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - I also don't think it is a good book....

Are your other colleagues also going to China?

Maid - yes, Filipino. The last time their govt also had some criteria. To me, I won't let maid hold me to ransom loh. If one day she comes and tells me she can earn more elsehwere and I cannot match that, I will have to let her go. No point, right. My maid is not young, so perhaps this is one factor in our favour. Will see how it goes.
Their govt depends on much on maids' remittance back, can they really forego that???

Hilton - yes I usually stay there. It's v near to MidValley/Gardens. We also went to 1 Utama this time round....chose the right day -- Sunday -- returned back by cab --paid at counter-- only M$24. Took less than 15 mins w/o jam.
Meridien - I have not but my hb has. He says room is like Mandarin Oriental type -- typical look. Hilton's rooms are more contemporary in terms of design.

Living here or overseas - but I start to feel claustrophobic lately...... hope we don't end up to be like HKG. There are ppl, ppl, everywhere!! So crowded and noisy...... worse when ppl don't observe social behaviour like talking loudly in public and on the trains....
yawn yawn, i used to read the 三毛猫 written by 赤川次郎 ... these are detective stories...

styloBB, wahh.. now ang mo is so big..i remember there used to be one near my sec school... how did u know its my bd??? *shock* thanks for the wishes! re social behavior..i was walking to office with my china colleague today.. she spitted TWICE onto the ground in that 10min walk!
Still going Hokkaido?
I've booked my package (almost identical to what my colleague did last year).
Gave up the idea of going F&amp;E after seeking advices from my friends &amp; colleagues in Japan. Told me the winter environment is totally different from Tokyo/Osaka area.

re: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I've not read this book but DH bought it for DS upon request. After reading few pages, his feedback is not interesting so he goes back to his usual book selections.

re Living here or overseas
Shared the same view as stylobb, here is getting too crowded.
Living overseas might gives me the "peace" and space I wanted but might get bored after some time. Its never home.
Living here is driving me crazy too ... very stressful
Yes still going.Have just pm you.

Diary of a whimpy kid.
My girl browse through it...and she said a bit childish...

Am also a dress person and i have different kind from dresses, halter neck, sundress....
Hi Mumusings,

Think many schools block-book the YOG tickets and in the end, the students did not appear.

It was in the news that the YOG competition venues will sell tix on the spot to fill the empty spaces.

This goes to "interested" we are.

YOG - 1 good news....we won a silver medal for swimming.....Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah Hei! Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah Ha!
my DS sometimes writes mirror image of 5, 7, 2, 6 and mixed up letters like b,d,p. But the teachers told me its common among preschoolers. If he continous like that in P1 then we should be alarmed. Sometimes he will also read from right to left. He would tell me that we park the car at A3. (instead of 3A) He would read "18" as "81".
Hi Pantone,

I have no idea how online-ticketing works. I went to a Sistic counter directly. Heard on the news that they will release tickets so long as stadium is not filled... unless you want to try going to the venue directly (ticketing booth).
Yo, Mummies,

lots of read up ya...

HMMM... has Tam left to China eh?

went to redang for short trip... its good yo... my 2 kids enjoyed the 3S - the Sun, the Sea and the Sand...

<font color="ff6000">dyslexia</font>... suspect my gal too... she will read from right to left. @ first tot she a left handed, so sort of will "begin" things from left. She has difficulty telling us things happen in the correct sequence, like ABCD, she will say DBAC sort of... my gal N2 class has been changing Teacher so dont know what to do leh... but she's in Peter and Jane 5a leh.... although still gotta stimes prompt her of some words. what do you think eh?
Hey Tam,
Take care and have a good time in China.

I would chose to live overseas, for a change and an opportunity to understand a different culture. But I will want to come back to Singapore. This is home.

Stylo, Joy, Fairy,
I like dresses, too. But my body shape don't carry dresses very well. I'm very conscious of the extra fats round the waist
Sorry have been MIA for awhile, my WHOLE family is down with flu and cough...
Starts with my gal, pass to me, my hb, my baby, now my boy n maid. This virus is really strong...faintz
Hi Leereiner,

My DD1 also like that when she writes. esp for letter C, # 2, 3, 5. She is still mixing it up. But, she can read correctly. So, I am not too worried, like what Pantone mentioned when I talk to her teacher. But, monitoring her tho. My DD2 now into book 5b of P &amp; J....still need prompting for some words, but, she can handle 90 - 95% of the words she learnt from book a.

Hey, your DD's CC still no improvement huh? Not too good for the progress for the kids there leh.

Hi Muffin,

My 2 DDs just recovered from viral fever. - DD1 caught it first, recovered then DD2 got it. The Dr whom saw them checked them very thoroughly from top to toe as he worried they might caught the HFMD again. wasn't.

Think the Colostrum powder &amp; Sambucus I have been giving them in the past few months works. They recovered very fast

Gotta drink a lot of liang cha to bring down the heat.

Hi Stylo,

Tho' I find S'pore getting more congested. But, like what Aly_nat rightfully point out, this is still my HOME. But, I did toy with the idea of moving out when we retire to somewhere more relaxing. But, that will also mean we need alot of $$$ to retire overseas.

Hi Mumusings,

The food looks yummy, I go buy some to try out when I go Cold Storage.
Hi Snowball,

My husband's hooked on the Octopus salad and Spicy Conch. I like the seasoned scallop. I intend to buy some seaweed and Jap rice to make maki

After I've discovered new products and comparable ingredients, I haven't been able to bring myself to eat at Jap restaurants. Must thank the supermarkets for bringing in more and more new products!
if can get a country to grant u residency, why need a lot of $$$ to retire. surely the $$$ intended for retiring in Singapore is sufficient in the new country, no? Everything is so expensive in Singapore. I'm always so scared when asked "do u think u will hv enough to retire"? Honestly, I don't think so. We try to save diligently n spend wisely, but that will never be enough as hb and I are not savvy investors

eh, i think Canada n New Zealand are nice places for retirement. But no lah, when I'm old, all the more I need to feel that "I'm home". And I don't want to be looked upon as 2nd class citizen.

Sorry that I seem to have moved into a different topic.
snowball, aly nat

Actually country of residence is not important to me. I will follow my children, where ever they decided to settle, I just tag along lor

If 2 different countries also never mind, can move between 2 countries mah, lagi good

Hubby said even if there's language barrier, we learn new language lor, can keep our old brains active

Although I can't imagine my folks doing the same. Their generation somehow very attached to their nest &amp; neighbhourhood
if this console you, my boy is also like that when he was younger. he would skip words when reading. He also read from first sentence and somewhere along the first sentence, continue reading the words from the another sentence or so. he also wrote mirror images (he still does, but not that often and he is correcting himself nowadays). He was about 5+ then. I told him to point to the words when he read and also use a ruler to help him along. But he still lacks focusing ability but i must say he is improving.
my cousin's boy is mildly dyslexic. He has some difficulty learning to spell and write but otherwise he is a bright and pleasant kid. same age as myy boy, in P1 this year and in a demanding school no less! and so is MM Lee and his daughter who is one of the top brain surgeon in singapore...!!!
actually its not just singapore getting expensive, i think the whole world is getting expensive! Ho Chi Minh - the restaurants are more expensive then Singapore's similar ones! and their people are earning a lot lesser then us... Australia is very expensive now too! I've not been to NZ or Canada, so can't comment...

right now, though i wanna move, i can't cos my family is still here. i want to be near my parents. later on, don't know. maybe like Yawn, follow the kids?
my cousin is a mild one too... my auntie said he's great with his hands... although he's in an avg sec school now... he's great in cooking... he can do it right @ the 1st time... and can play piano just by ear, no formal class... he's just listen to his sis's playing once, then he can do it - those classical music...

so this somehow run in family eh? n seem like my side leh... hmmmm....
Here are some of the books written by Japanese authors that I have :
小猫当当系列(10 books)
14只老鼠(6 books);ref=order-2-A

These 2 are recommended by rona :


I also have the book that Fairyprincess mentioned :

My girl especially love the first 2 series, 露露和拉拉 and 什么都行魔女商店, these 2 series of 8 books in total trained her to read long novels. Because of these books, my girl told me that she likes Chinese books better than English books. She is now reading this novel, written by a French author :

This is also a wonderful book. The books are not easy to read for Singapore kids. The words are difficult even for P4 and above. But the most important thing is to let the kids enjoy the books, and all the above are wonderful books. I advise parents to read these books together with your kids, read to them, or ask them to read every word out loud which is even better.

I really love the Japanese books because they always teach children to be polite, kind and considerate to others.

窗边的小豆豆 is the best selling book in China. But it is actually quite difficult for our primary school kids to read, I think most Singapore kids can read it only in Secondary school.
I think that this book : 佐贺的超级阿嬷 is even better. It is also famous in Japan and China. It is about a young boy sent to live with his grandmother who is very poor. It is a must read book for every child, especially boys.

My current favourite is 14只老鼠, a series of 6 books. There is only 1 or 2 sentences a book, suitable for kids below 6 years old. The illustrations are simply gorgeous, and the stories which teach the importance of family, are very meaningful.
The problem is that maid agencies do not tell employers the truth. They are actually getting around the regulations by asking the maid to sign another local contract in Singapore, stating the lower salary.
I agree with you that many maids are not worth being paid $540 a month.

I don't think the Indonesian government will do the same thing, they know that their women are earning a good salary in Singapore, if the women stay in Indonesian, they cannot even find a job.

Yes maids send back huge amounts of money, don't know what the Filipino government is thinking. If the maid's salary is too high, Singaporeans will simply not employ any Filipinos anymore.

I am going with a few colleagues

I also think that Canada and New Zealand are good places for retirement.

I went for a farmstay in New Zealand before. That family owns a piece of land, about the size of Sentosa. They told me that they bought the land, the house and all the sheep for less than S$1 million. May be I will just sell my flat, take my CPF and go there when I retire
Can you share about your package to Japan ? You are going to Tokyo ?
I am also planning to go to Tokyo in December, probably will visit a snow resort near Tokyo, free and easy.
agree with u n aly_nat: canada and NZ good for retirement. My hb n I dreamt of moving over when our children go there for their uni edu
Hopefully can buy some prop in spore to collect enough rental to pay for all the expenses there....still dreaming....
Me too dream of going somewhere, may be when my kids are over 18 years old, then I can go ? I just make sure that their university fees are taken care of. My mother said that I am crazy, who is going to cook for my boy and wash his clothes when he comes back from NS every weekend ? I thought : he better be able to do all these by himself at 18 years old. In fact, I don't cook for him and wash his clothes even now :p
Hi Leereiner,

My son doesn’t take the octopus salad. He doesn’t like seafood much. Most of the food I give him is already low-sodium/fat so even if he takes some, it’s okay. He won’t eat much anyway. He chewed on some pieces of scallop and spat out. I bought the frozen salad for us adults to enjoy.

I don’t specially prepare food for the kid. He eats what we eat. He will take plain rice if he doesn’t fancy the side dishes. I refuse to make myself eat porridge and bland food because of the boy.

On Retirement,

I think what’s most important is that when I retire, my husband and I still share a strong relationship. Many old couples are comfortably retired but are detached from each other. To me, a close family relationship is most important. If we’re still together and going strong, anywhere/anything is fine (IF we have tonnes of neverending cash).

I feel this way because I saw many old British couples sign up for water-colour painting lessons, lepidopterology classes, watch plays or simply drive through the countryside. They’re nearly 90 and still care for and love each other. They're living on pension with children are away in other towns but make an effort to keep themselves relevant and active.

In Singapore, I see a sad picture of male retirees indulge in coffee-shop lounging, keeping China mistress(es), gambling and whining. As for their wives, they’re largely perceived as nagging, paranoid – main duty is to care for grandchildren, maybe participate in cc events and worried that their husbands fritter their CPF away. Am I very pessimistic?

I have seen many times those stinky ah peks putting their wives down in public (“aiyah you women don’t know anything so don’t say lah!”), seated with arms folded while their wives tag along compliantly. I will NEVER allow myself to be subservient or trivialised and so it's important we keep ourselves employed/self-sufficient/educated.

So, to me, Singapore is a fine place to retire because it’s home. I have my medisave, CPF and will make the best out of our labour. Also don't want to be 3rd class citizens elsewhere (so old, how to protect ourselves?)

The imperative is that we live our lives happily, healthily and not expect everything else to be perfect. Certainly, Canada, NZ etc are alluring places - 4 seasons, slower pace of life, so much places to explore etc. My husband and I may not be able to ‘slow’ down. If we do, we’ll really hibernate and rot.

I sure hope to spend our time leisurely travelling and maybe take up courses to study instead
If I have a choice, I won't retire.
Hello mummies!


Mumusings- I agree with your view...what is precious when we turn 60 is if we still have a loving relationship with our hubby...remember Al Gore recently divorced his wife of 30 years? Reason is they grew apart after raising 4 kids!! Even as a high profile couple who are well known for being loving and family oriented!

Location of retirement- How many mummies lived abroad in a western coutry for a few years- perhaps some who did their tertiary education overeas? I was in Canada for 3, then Australia for 2 years....honestly, I will still choose Asia to retire may be fun as a short term visitor to these countries, but its a completely different picture if you live there permanently- I do not enjoy the racism and living as a 2nd class citizen- even though its not an everyday encounter/ affair, and I do not enjoy the lack of safety/ risk of a big country (not to mean S'pore is entirely safe), and I do not enjoy having no maid/ household help (I watched my ex-BF's mum "suffer" cos she had a maid all her life, and when the family moved from s'pore to Canada- suddenly, she had to do so much- cleaning, cooking, ironing etc etc etc- she almost cried telling me how her life has changed!) no thanks, Asia is home for me...

Following kids to where they go- do you mean during their overseas uni education or do you mean us being grandmothers looking after their kids if they work overseas? For the latter, I think out of love we may do it cos if we are retired, we may not have too much to do...but it is also a sacriface on our part (spend the last years of our life for our kids)...I have friends who work in shanghai whose parents and PILs take turns to do their "duty" in shanghai so their kids have a grandparent present, in addition to the "ah yi"- nanny...

Just some views that I have...

Going back to S'pore tomorrow- looking forward to it =)

Hubby &amp; I studied in Melbourne but I would say it's only snap shot since majority of the time we stayed in the city &amp; moved around campus. It's very much like living in Singapore, except that Melbourne is less crowded and we see more ang mo lor. During school holiday or term break, we basically covered all the tourists attraction. Overall, we felt more like tourists on a long vacation so it was fun lah but not so sure whether we would feel the same way on a permanent basis

Relocate with children - Not so much on babysitting. If they need to relocate due to career aspirations or scholarship to study overseas (I'm not so rich to sponsor overseas education) - I would say 'go go go, mommy tags along too'

unless relocate to 3rd world country, then most likely I would have 2nd thoughts

Actually, I would probably be offended if they ask me to live with them to babysit their kids. I want to do all the tourists thing if gonna retire overseas

mumusings, fairy

I suppose having common hobby is crucial in maintaining a long term &amp; loving relationship. Besides children, hobbies create common topics for discussion
Which means I have to pick up golfing. Hubby has been prompting me to re-learn golf (I hate the sun!) while I would ask him to learn social dance with me when kids are older


funny, somehow I felt like I'm a retiree. Although still busy but not generating income

I told my kids I want supplementary cards when they start working. I need a long vacation.
Settle credit card bills when daddy &amp; mommy are travelling

Thanks for the link on Jap books

Please pm me if you intend to order more books from dangdang when you are back

Wish you a smooth trip next week!
Luggage all packed?
Hi Aly_nat/ Yawn,

On Retirement - Based on financial consultant's calculation, my hb and I needs about $2M (Present Value) to retire with monthly spending $$$ of $3k. That will mean, it is almost impossible to attain that kinda savings with our current savings rate.

Wait for our kids to settle our bills? I dare not think of that. I will be contended if my hb and I can retire comfortably and be self-sufficient.

My hb also said we will downgrade to a 3-rm flat when we retire and live a debt-free life.

Hi Fairy/ Mumusings,

Yes, I totally agree on your point on having a long relationship with our beloved one right into retirement.

I felt very sad when I heard from my sister that my uncle and aunt-in-law, now into their retirement, have been at loggerheads. They used to be so loving. What's the point of living in a nice semi-D house and lotsa $$$ for retirement and avoid seeing each other everyday?

For me, if my kids go overseas - for work/ study/ advancement, think I will also follow them. Mayb also get a part-time job there, to be abit self-sufficient and not to be a burden to my kids.

Hi Tam,

Have a good trip to SH
Hi All,

Mommies whose kids are on Mamy Poko Pants. Watsons offer (plus triple bonus points): 2 packs for $26.80

Hi Snowball,

Agree with you. I'd be grateful if my boy (after NS) is self-sufficient next time and don't rob us of our retirement funds/CPF. Hahaha... I don't expect young people will have enough leftover to support their parents - I am sure they will meet with greater pressure and higher living costs in 20 years' time!!

My mom keeps saying that when she was younger, she earned $200 and gave my grandma $100. And that she saved 10 cents from her 20 cents pocket money. I dare not imagine what it will be like in future. People are earning more but with more bills.

In the past, there was only rental, food, electricity, water and ONE Telecoms phone in the house. There wasn't Macdonald's super saver meal, Handphone, Internet, Aircon and so many places to entice people to spend 30-40 years ago.

I just hope that when my son grows up, he doesn't end up with an ah lian who will expect him to us his NS pay to buy her a Louis Vuitton bag!!!!!! Or a girlfriend who expects to be chauffeured. Young people these days spend they money on the stupidest things. Pubbing, smoking, soccer betting, girlfriends, IT gadgets, hotel getaways, posh dining and starve during lunch. JUST HOPE VERY VERY HARD none of my money goes to pandering girlfriend(s). I'd rather burn them.

tam, great list... so feel like buying from dangdang but hb will scream..ahhahaha.... ur mom is crazy...expect u to ash and cook for ur boy when he is back in NS?pls dont spoil him!

re retirement, i suspect that i wont be one of those couples that are still close together and loving when they are old...

re HFMD.. my gal's cc was saying that there are some kids which only got rashes/uclers that lasted 2-3 days.. i duno if it means there is something new which is not HFMD , or it is a new strain of HFMD which is shorter but maybe still contagious though the ulcers/rashes has ended, resulting in another cycle since the GP would like let the kids go back to cc/kindy cos the outward symtopms have cleared.

re relocating with kids.. if my gal goes there, and i am there all alone cos she work long hours... duno... but if there is grandchild/ren to occupy me..hehe..then thats another question..but of course must compensate me lah..especially when i am supposed to resign to go over (else how to make sure i got enuf to retire?)
