Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

according to the MOH website, there's an increase incidence of the more severe virus... quote:

The number of HFMD cases in Singapore has increased over the past weeks. We have detected an increase in the circulation of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) among HFMD patients here. While HFMD is generally a mild and self-limiting childhood disease, those due to EV71 are usually more severe in nature and can lead to complications and even death.

So better be careful and be safe. I was thinking of bring my no. 3 out, his birthday is tomorrow, think i have to re-think again... will prob bring him out on a weekday, then there's not so many kids around. Or, only the sick ones not in school will be in the malls???!!!

HFMD - yah lor... three on the alert list while 4 kindergarten/childcare had been asked to close for 10 days.

which snow resort will you be visiting? What's your target date of travel? I had been planning for a trip to hokkaido with stopover in tokyo disneyland.

On a separate track, I am also seeing if we can visit a snow resort right near tokyo. The problem is we are going in end december. The niigata snow resorts may not have accumulate enough snow at that time. It would be risky to buy the jr-east pass and then realise not much snow there. If I can go to nearby ski resort, I will likely forgo hokkaido.
poohy, aa,
I am thinking of taking the shinkansen to Echigo Yuzawa, it is 1 hour 18 mins from Tokyo.

At first I thought of going to Hokkaido, but I read somewhere that the temperature in December could be -20 degrees celsius, so I gave up the idea. Don't think we can go out of the hotel room at that temperature.

I read that there is snow in the niigata snow resorts in end December, may not enough for skiing, but we are not skiing anyway.

I don't like to join tour groups, we go free and easy everywhere
I have been to Japan a few times already.


You can also try to look for the books in the library.

me too, I use that website too. Last year I was there in 2nd week of December and planned to visit niigata too but end up no snow, so I did not go. Most of the ski resort open late december and some was still using artificial snow or just putting a dry mat for dry run. I had wanted to try Kagura which had the most snow but I am worried it is only the mountainous area that has that level of snow.

We are not skiing too... just hope to see a reasonable amount of snow.
We will be there during Christmas, it seems like in past years there were always snow at that time.

Have you ever experienced -20 degrees celsius ? For me, -6 is already bad enough, I don't think my kids can take -20 :p
yah, -20 degrees celsius is quite terrible. and prob not enjoyable liao, cos you will be bundled up and thus not easy to walk and move around. and you have to think about boots and socks and keeping warm. troublesome.
Hokkaido's temperature at -20 degrees celsius? Should not be as checked with my Japan colleagues, coldest month is end Jan to Feb, Dec will not be that bad.
One of my colleague went last year told me average about -4/-5 coldest. That should be fine as we had experience -11 at Mt Fuji before.
Niigata is nice for skiing. I've not been there before. Pls do share the photos when u r back.
Take care and have a good trip in China.
Good morning mummies!

This thread is quite quiet these few days- think many mummies must be busy!

I just received bad news- my K1 gal's kindy is closing down by year end!!! I have to find another kindy for her...
Not ideal time, cos I did not want any disruption between K1-P1...but now I have no choice...

I am looking around, there are many options...checking out with friends too...

Any mummies with experience changing kindy/ CC for your kids- do share any tips to help the child to cope...of course my gal is already 5, I can just talk and encourage her...I have to ensure her self-esteem and confidence level do not drop in a new env- making new friends/ getting to know new teachers etc etc can be intimidating for kids...she is the happy-go-lucky sort- hope she remains that way =(
My younger boy changed nursery/kindergarten every year, because I wanted to try out new kindergarten :p He kept getting sick and I blamed the kindergarten for not taking proper precautions. This year he is happiest because I gave up and kept him at home.

I think kids should be able to adjust easily. Just make sure that you find a good teacher for her.

Agreed with tamarind

My youger one attends three quarter of K2 then stays home. Elder one K1 in PCF, K2 in church kindy.

Anyway P1 also entirely new environment, treat new kindy as a trial run 'how to make new friends'. Your dd happy go lucky should have no problems making new friends
Thanks- I really do not have a choice- yes, I have to pick the best school out of a few in my area- am going to check on the schools this Fri- did not anticipate this happening at all...well, you can't plan everything perfectly!

Year end trip- it will be fun to go to Japan- Tam, Poohy, aa- enjoy your trips!
We are looking at potentially HK-Taipei combination...have not booked yet...
Hi all,

Allow me to rave for a few minutes here. It's midnight and we've just come back from the hockey 3rd placing game and finals. Worth every bit of the $90. Saw rainbow, full moon, electronic kites, energetic supporters and best of all our first Olympic prize-giving ceremony so close up
Very very happy. 5 hours of sheer fun. Such an honour to witness great players and sportsmanship.


Hi Mumusings,

Very nice rainbow and I can feel the cheers and excitement from the photos you have posted

Hi Fairy,

It is always a headache to change school. I also hope that my kids' CC continue to perform up to standard. Otherwise, I will have to go scout around and look for CC for them to transfer.

My hb decided that we go Taiwan for the year-end holidays. We have shortlisted a few tours. We are going to Natas this weekend to see what they can offer before we decide if we will go with grouped tours or F & E.

Yup I experienced -5 or below temperature before and it's quite numbing and painful. Maybe becos we were in a ski resort at night then.

I think I will Likely change my trip to just Niigata and Disney. Can save the money cos air tickets to sapporo with stopover to Tokyo (we want to go Bk to Disney) will cost abt $250 or so more per person.

How many nites w u be in yuzawa? Unfortunately jr east pass nt valid anymore for dec this year.
Mumusings- wow! You are lucky to have watched a few YOG matches! I do not even have time to watch it on TV!! The kids watched some of the sessions on TV..I am quite proud of our singaporean children's competitive streak...good for S'pore!

Snowball- yes, my family also planning a combined TPE- HK trip- CX having a promo- very worth it...we will do F&E - cost more but we know the places well- prefer to plan exactly what we want to do...may bring kids to Alisan or Sun Moon Lake or Taroko Gorge in Taiwan- experience nature!
Hi Mummies

Have you reached SHA??

I hv never joined any tour groups departing from SIN before. I don't think I can be stuck w/ a group for the whole trip, and having to wait for one another...too constrained...

How come kindy closing?? What's the reason?

Talking about HFMD, last week julien was suddenly had fever, and mil told me chara's tongue had spots. I went home and asked her to stick out her tongue, indeed got red tiny spots. Quickly brot them to doc... fort. doc said she is heaty only.. phew!!! and julien's fever subsided after a day...
Mummies who went Redang, can I check w/ you how did you book the flights, online or via phone booking? Apparently the online schedules do not show the daily flights...
Stylobb- I really do not know why kindy is closing- maybe dwindling enrollment- but teachers and env really great there- many teachers worked there from the inception of kindy > 10 years ago- such a stable teacher population! Very sad for me cos only one more year to go for my younger gal- really sian! My elder gal spent her 4 years (N1 to K2) in that kindy- super stable env...

Going to Redang ah? Sept hols or Dec hols?
I am in China now, not in Shanghai, but in another big city 3 times the size of Singapore. It's quite polluted here. In Singapore we are really taking a lot of things for granted !

I have worked in Europe and USA before, but this is the first time I work in China. I am glad that I can speak fluent mandarin, my older colleagues are not good in mandarin and they need me to be the translator

I have also worked in Taipei before, but I like China better. The traffic in Taipei is a nightmare, while in China, there are traffic police at the major road junctions.

I joined the tour group only once in my life, many years ago, traveled to Bangkok and Phuket with my parents. My mother sprained her leg and the tour guide did nothing to help. I decided never to join a tour group again.

Actually I feel that it is not true that joining a tour group is safer. It is too conspicuous. When traveling on my own, we can blend in with the locals easily. My hubby was often mistaken to be a Japanese when traveling in Japan, people asked him for directions !

For Redang, I booked my tickets through Misa Travel. They accept bank transfer, I don't even need to go down to their office. December is monsoon, I think the flights stop in September.

I will probably stay 2 nights over Christmas in a snow resort. I am planning to stay 3 to 4 nights at Disneyland. I can't bring the kids to shopping, so probably will only spend a short time in Tokyo city.
I am still looking for places to stay, hopefully somewhere like this :

Do you plan to visit any farmstay in Taiwan ? I heard there are some nice ones in central Taiwan.

Nice pictures !
Hello Everyone, has disappeared for a while due to some unpleasant expereince.ANyway, its over now...

Nice to hear from u while u at work.
Talked about holidays, just like u, i enjoy free and easy...And officially my holidays will start from 10 dec to around 28 dec, and really wanting to go hokkaido free and u have any advice how to go about doing the free and easy land tour and booking the hotel in the net?

when are u leaving for japan?

Any mummies here have good advice?thanks alot in advance.

My girl says xmas in japan is lovely as she sees it from the net.not sure how true.

Sorri to hear about the closing down of kindy.Have u found a new one?

Have a good day, everyone...

Morning Tam,

WOW! You are in China already- must be an exciting time ahead- enjoy every minute of experience!

Yes, I am very thankful to be able to read and speak chinese when I am in feels so good to be able to blend in...even though our accent may not sound local, some people just think we are from another part of china...ha works quite well...
That is why understanding chinese is so important these days...taking taxi, subway, bargaining, finding directions etc etc no issue...
The weather in shanghai is really very yucky this time of the year- not sure if you are in a more comfortabvle weather environment...

Taiwan- will be one day in Taipei, and another 2 days away from Taipei- deciding between Alisan (very nice red mountain train for kids to experience) or Sun Moon Lake (yes- farmstay in central taiwan) or Taroko Gorge (very scenic) or bullet train to Kaoshiung (but heard the city is really boring!)...
For HK- may do Ocean Park instead of Disneyland- nay mummies been to Ocean Park recently- sounds really ancient to me, but heard it was revamped not too long ago...

Tam- Disneysea Tokyo- do eat the "smoke turkey" legs- about 500yen each but really really yummy- buy 2 can share among 4- its really huge!

New kindy- checking out some next week...sigh!
Tam- if you do not want to stay at Disneyland itself- cos hotels are really pricy on site, you can try this hotel- we stayed here last Nov and its very easy to take the train to Disneyland in the morning- about S$240 per night incl breakfast, and very near to both subway and ginza and tsukiji, room size decent for 4- 2 queen small kitchenette to cook to if you like...
Was sussing out the places, as usual, for year-end.

Now tam says monsoon in Dec, so that rules out Redang.

Did you watch the programme about Lodges in Taiwan, look v nice and comfy. I think Taiwan will be nice!

HKG - I will also include The Peak if I do go HKG...

Unpleasant experience at work, home or elsewhere??

Pollution - I hear HKG too.
You will be back after 5 weeks, right?

You are quite right about looking conspicuous as a group.

Are you going Japan w/ ur kids and hb?? Is your mom going too?
Hey mumusings
thanks for sharing.that is a good deal.

Involved in a car accident.Taxi cut into my lane, and I jam break and hit into illegal parked motor vehicles...anyway, the motor vehicles inflared the cost of repaired to 5 to 6k although its minor .My car only has scratches.
Anyway, what goes around and comes around.As long as am not serverly injured, am fine.
Hi Joy,

Yes, those who inflate claims and all will meet with some sort of poetic justice one day. Take care and rest your nerves!
thanks for your comforting words.Am fine.Maybe as one age, one tends to look at things from a different perspective.

Good day.
Hi Joy,

Hope you're feeling better

Yes, age does allow for one to be more matured and view things from another angle. I've mellowed alot since I became a mother. I simply tell myself to find something positive to do/think about when I'm getting upset.
Hi StyloBB,

Dec is a good time to visit HKG - nice weather.

Hi Fairy,

Thanks for the hotel stay link, will keep that in mind when I am plng for Tokyo Disney trip for my kids. Like what Tam mentioned, difficult to bring kids for shopping, will plan to stay ard Disneyland/ Disneysea a few days and prob max. 1 - 2 days shopping/ roaming around.

CTC has an offer for 2A2C for the Twn/ HKG - 8D twin cities. They have a special departure in Dec with good discounts. Each pax pays about $900 (before tax). But, only 1 day stopover in HKG - F & E.

Since we just went to HKG last year, we booked a 7D grouped tour to Taiwan today at Natas.

It covers Hot spring and farmstay and also goes to Sun Moon Lake and Takoro Gorge.

Hi Joy,

Its like that 1. Some years back, a taxi cut into our lane and hit our car. In the end, the taxi counter-claimed against us....It becomes a case of self-claim & I have to pay extra premium when we renew our car insurance and loose our NCD. Like what Mumusings says....those who inflated their claims will get their turn one day.

Yes, most impt is you are safe & sound.
Thanks Snowball,

Yes, both HKG and Taiwan are great for Dec- weather is very nice! =)

I am not a fan of group tours, unless it is to more foreign and potentially dangerous places like middle east...on F&E, I plan exactly what I want to do, even if pay more, its exactly what I want in a holiday- rather than eat what and where they bring you, see what they bring you, wait for 30 people to get up bus before movning on, and waking up super early to start the day- that is not a holiday in my view...
thanks for sharing.Anyway, i have a different perception of them now.

Hey, that is fast decision.I am still ding dong around my hokkaido trip cos really clueless how to do free and easy....

You have pm.

I agreed.Anyway, life still goes on, right...
hi all!

i'm chasing Personal Taste on the web... so have not been active here. but reading the posts still while waiting for the videos to stream.

Personal Taste - I think its a nice show and its quite funny too. Lee Min Ho is very cute and looks cool... and it think he can act! or maybe because this role is easy? he is a perfectionist and very cool and doesn't like to talk and smile too much... really very cute in this show lor... hehehehee
Year End Holidays

I think its a great idea to go Taiwan end of the year. me also thinking of going after watching the travel show. and the farmstay is quite good too. weather should be nice and cool.

i think the price is good! is it one room for the four of you? i don't know if the operators will allow all five of us to be in one room, now that my youngest one has just past two years old...
Sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience.

For Hokkaido, I went there in summer. For winter, since it is so cold, if I go there I will just find a nice hotel/resort, stay for a few days and don't travel anywhere. Sorry cannot advise you about tour in winter.

I will be going to Japan a few days before Christmas.

Thanks for the tip about the smoke turkey leg, I will remember that

I predict that in the future many more Singaporeans will be working in China or have dealings with companies from China. That is why it is important to have a good foundation in Chinese.

It is autumn now, the weather is fine. But the city is very polluted

Enjoy your trip to Taiwan !

I will be back in mid October. Now I use Skype to "see" my kids everyday.
how's everyone? missed out so much in this thread...hope all's fine!

our shipment just came in last Fri. It's so nice to hv our own stuff ard us again. We're settling in very well. Loads of Asian food eateries, groceries near my place so i've yet to miss Sg's wonderful food!

can u get ur fren to call me to arrange pickup of her books? will pm u my aussie number
Hi Fairy,

SQ got special price tix to TPE. I checked it out and all tix soldout on the dates we wanted to travel.

Actually, I have contacts from my colleague for Taiwan local tour operator who can customise local tours to our request. My colleague did that last year for their 9-day detailed tour to Taichung for party of 7. Not exactly cheaper but they enjoyed the tour very much as it was very relaxing and nice. As air tix are quite ex now, so we dropped this idea. I can pass you the contacts if you are interested.

We are travelling with my kids & MIL. So hb is more in favour of grouped tour. We chose an itinerary that is not so packed with activities. The next time we go again, we will probably do it F & E to revisit places if we liked the place as the tour will more be of touch and go.

Last year, we went on F & E to HKG. Probably due to the hot weather, they wanted to "stay in the room" after visiting 1 place.

Hi Rona,

Yes, the CTC deal is for 2A2C max all into 1 room. Have to pay single supplement for extra room.

Hi Joy,

We did some research on the internet for itinerary and decided on the spot when we went to Natas yesterday, after visiting a few tour agencies to check out their deals. It was coincidentally the agency we chose from internet as this was the only agency who bothered to give us detailed description of the itinerary with the Reps they flew in from Taiwan.

We would like to go Hokkaido too, but too expensive. Gotta save a few more years lah. But, we will probable go during summer to see the flowers blossom. We are toying with idea to do Fly & Drive who is gaining lotsa popularity. This is more of a "pre-planned self-drive tour" equipped with a loaded GPS to places of visitation and stay & a tour-guide available for contact 24/7. You can check this out with major tour agencies.

Hi Tamarind,

Enjoy your time in China....I am sure it will be an unforgetable experience for you
Many cities in China is highly polluted. My colleagues and relatives who worked in Datong/ Shanghai/ Beijing mentioned to us that air in S'pore is many many times better then air in China. Hope that the City you are in now is not so polluted.
I was at EXPO this weekend for a course and I saw many people with happy faces walking out of the NATAS fare, and lugging the complimentary luggage- must have gotten good deals =)

Snowball- I already went with hubby to TPE in 2007 via free and easy- that is why I am bringing kids there F&E this time...

I was not thinking of TPE/ HKG for year end, but was looking out for cheap tickets to seoul or brisbane- but till now, not too grabbed the CX 2 city airfare deal...

Joy- you asked about holiday planning...unfortunately, I have not been to hokkaido- but I did hear summer IS a better time to go, due to the harsh winter...

Mummies- I read a lot from Trip Advisor website, esp the Forums on the city that I plan to go- you can ask anything there, search for similar past topics, and there is always a core group of passionate forumers for each city that can answer any questions at all! I planned all my pass F&E trips- TPE, Seoul, Tokyo, london, europe etc seeking advice there...very useful...

The pollution in China is unbelievable- the pollution is a negative outcome of over industrialization...too many factories to near/ in the city- be thankful for the clean and CLEAR air we see and breathe in S'pore...
Hello all

We are all in the holidays mode...hahaha..

Do have a pleasant stay and work in china.You must have missed your kids...

Thanks for the trip advisor thingy, but they make me go round and round.Probably, will get the map first before draw out the full itinary.Din want to follow tour also cos we want to take it a really relax trip.

Kids got frighten.
This month is the month of that festival.I realised my five years old is more timid than ever.Am so tied up by him.Kept wanting me to keep him company, for nap for night sleep etc....He told me he scared.i really dont know what had happened.By the way, can check wif mums here, how old your children start to drop nap?thanks .

Have a pleasnt day ahead,mummies...
my eldest one dropped his nap when in k2. but then i will get him to sleep earlier. my aim is to let all the kids sleep at 9pm... still have not succeeded yet, at least for the two big ones... ;P
enjoy your trip. and don't forget our dvds... heheheheee... think if you can, get the whole set for me lah... ;P

I got my books from dang last tuesday! was about to call the police/post office liao... so happy! though 可爱的鼠小弟 is simple, there are some words arnold couldn't read! that shows how poor his Chinese is right??!! nevertheless, i read the books with him and meimei. Meimei is more interested in books and having lesser distractions, able to remember and retain the words better. there were a few times Meimei has to tell her bro what the words are...

anyway, i felt that Arnold's chinese is very very slowly improving... i gotta brush up his chinese more during the hols and also get him to memorize the times table during the sept school break. are your kids visiting you during then?
Good day, mummies!
Agreed with Joy, we're all in holiday mood and I am busy planning for a F&E trip too.

Thanks for your recommendation on dangdang. I had ordered and received my books. Am so happy to have more choices of chinese storybooks for myself and my dds.
Are your kids coping well without mummy around? Have a great trip there.

Hi Rona/ JE,

Check with you. Do Dang Dang only accept AMEX card for payment? I have Visa/ MC but do not hold AMEX.

Hi Joy,

My DD1 now turning 4yo can go without nap when we bring her on outings. She will just take short naps during the car trip.

About your DS, was he scared by something in the house? My DD1 suddenly did not want to step into her playroom without us accompanying her some months back. She went to the extent of not wanting to go near the cabinet full of toys.

We monitored for a few days and kept coaxing her into telling us what did she see/ hear. Finally, she told us she was scared by the sound made by a toy phone that scared her off. We threw away that toy in her presence and that solved the problem.
