Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Dd2 is 20 months' old. I'm 3kg away from pre-pregnancy weight, but I'm alright with it. I was a little underweight. Weight/height ratio aside, my tummy is really very obvious. And when my period comes ard, I'm so bloated, it's horrible
. dd1 used to ask me if I was having any bb in my tummy.

Hi Precious Gem,

Thanks for the info! Dumex Dugro Original is what my son takes too. Don’t want him to overdose on DHA and whatnot from those formula-milk.

Hi Snowball,

My son uses all sorts of diapers ‘cos I don’t want him to be fussy. Drypers small packs were at $11.35 for the past 2 weeks. Saw the Poko pants last night. Haven’t been going out much so cutting down on the pants. Prime has the Drypers jumbo packs at $16.90 and Drypants at $12.80 till end August.

I must say the prices have come down alot since I gave birth in 2008. Everything was so expensive then, prams, clothes, diapers... My son’s still on diapers ‘cos he poops a few times a day (when teething) but he’s able to tell us when he pees/poops.

Hope to toilet-train him by end of the year. Sometimes he’s naughty and will say ‘sai sai’ when nothing is going on, just to watch our reaction. Whatever diapers I buy, the fasteners must be very sticky/firm ‘cos he pulls them off just to check his own bum and sticks them back.
The boy who’s now a torchbearer

The boy is now a torchbearer and I think the whole episode is testimony of the fact that a true sports is not great because he wears the latest gadgets and gear. Kids have much potential to do great things if we inspire them to follow their aspirations. I’d rather sponsor the youths than say, pay for a ticket to watch a Man U match. Sponsor the youth a racket/soccer ball and he will use it to play, at most some money will go to a PSP or meals. Sponsor the adults, your money may end up subsidising the wives’ Hermes bags.

I sincerely hope the government will see the relevance/value in grooming kids in the area of sports and culture. May spend more but in the long run, we will establish a sound and healthy mass of youths who (if imbued with good values) will reach great heights! There's really no point buying overseas-citizens over to get medals. Real pride comes from knowing that your success is built from your own hands and labour.

I remembered sewing shoes, making carpets, crocheting, cross-stitching, sewing beaded shoes when I was younger. I don't buy any of these ready-made stuff off the shelves 'cos I know that even if mine aren't so well-made, they're priceless! Same with games. Getting trashed at the inter-school competitions - just train harder and admit that the other teams were better skilled.

As demonstrated by the fortitude of the 11 year-old boy: It's not about whether you wear Nike or Bata, aero-dynamic suits or just swim-trunks, flip-flops or a $200-pair runners, Spalding basketball or $5-basketball, if you're 'elite' or neighbourhood kid. Kids will pick up sports, bat and kick anything that's spherical so long as you give them a court to play. I've seen the kids in my neighbourhood play for hours with un-branded badminton rackets and shuttle-cocks they picked up. And, playing soccer barefoot / with slippers on.

Sportsmen should love the sport, not the glamour, sponsorship and big bucks. However, adequate sponsorship of education, relevant equipment, coaching and some form of career-in-waiting will go towards ensuring that these athletes will not fear going hungry or lacking in other skills should they retire. I don't wish for our young people to take those millionaire stars like Beckham as a model sportsman. These stars contaminate sports with their vulgar, hedonistic lifestyle. Lose, and they blame it on the coach, or uneven pitch, never their own miscalculations or laziness.

On littering and post-NDP trash

The waste post-NDP is a disgrace. In the first place, they shouldn’t have placed the items in a BOX. That’s a sure way to encourage heavier litter ‘cos people don’t keep such things. If it were a Tupperware sort of box, maybe chances of people bringing home to reuse is higher. The thing with Singaporeans is that they are very choosy and will throw casually items that are cumbersome/obsolete.

I hope that the event people will have goodie-bags with items that have minimal but tried-and-tested useful items and little packaging: A bag, lighter clappers (like in the past), rain coat, biscuits, paper fan, sun-hat, flag, bottled water, programme booklet, coupon booklet and binoculars.

Or, if frills is a must, encourage people to 'donate' unused/irrelevant items on their way out of the stadium, rather than have only trash/recycling bins. Singaporeans have to be nudged all the way when it comes to spending just that extra effort to do good.

I wonder if there will be less litter if the bag comes with just clapper, booklet, water and something like $10 NTUC voucher. And if you responsibly bring relevant trash to recycle, you get to collect free food vouchers?? Singaporeans are very pragmatic these days. Trade-in, exchange and clear-cut discounts do best.
fairyprincess, wah..sound so dangerous.. i can imagine the steward making moulds/pictures of the ring and then selling the design off for some black mkt to produce en mass... that u r working 6 hr daily..which line are u in???

styloBB, yeah.. no eleven series//luckily my gal still can wear size 9 (biggest size in SKR range)... thats why when it comes to shopping from overseas, got to share with other mommies to split the cost..but i am so lazy to organise a spree! thanks for the feedback on the blog colors..have change the words to black..hope that makes reading better... i only got one gal..the rest of the kids are my nieces and nephew... the funi thing.. i never like pink..until i got pregnant... i think it have to do the hormones... now i MUST have soemthing pink... (for now its my super pink wallet)... for flye
s, i will bring them home..then accumulate them and throw into the big recycling bin.... u can be surprised at the amount of 'rubbish' those flyers can make...

talking about wallets...where did u ladies get ur wallets??? i have been looking for one.. but to no avail.. i am super chor lor..whcih means no matter which brand/material, it will be broken within a few months (cos i stuff alot of things inside).. so no use (IMO) investing in super exp wallet...

re disguisting hb still throw thing out of windows, 'drop'(?) his running nose mucus onto the floor ... disguisting..nag at him is useless. he just doesnt listen..i think family upbringing is very impt cos i suspect he got this habit since young..

aly_nat, yes i got the 20% discount..
i am also bloated on certain times of month until i look preggy :p

re FM... is anyone's kids on the dumex all-in-one? the one with veg??? thnkig of swtiching my gal from friso to something else....

rona...good research!
drinking juices i/o plain water.. i am surprised... no doubt they get more nutrient..but the amoutn of sugar... hb had been feeding my gal juices (bottled, not fresh) daily recently, and i am so afraid that her coughing will start... he doest listen ..sighhh...

re myo and astig...yes...
too much tv, too much computer games, too little outdoor games... maybe it also have to do with badly lit reading areas.... (esp HDB nowadays which are so dark..) i am short sighted since pri school and hb is short sighted too... no much hope to dd if genes play a large part...

snowball, its my gf's dd's kindy that did not check daily (she checked with me as she was concerned, and i have told her to feedback to the principal).. my gal's cc does.... 24 ton of rubbish??? goodness!! i think when they plan the goody bag they should also make sure not mch rubbish inside (not sure what is in the goodie bag...).. perhaps next day's NDP they can have pp walking around with the black rubbish bag so that the audience can dump their stuff.. for i think alot of pp will just throw onto the floor as they don't want to hold the rubbish until the end of the show , or maybe they do, but the rubbish bins are full by then...

precious_gem... ubin!!! coooll!!!!!! googled and found the course u r looking for... hahaa..ndp special only... the pl looks nice..maybe can book and jio my extended over.. and they can stargaze over there!!!! unfortunately seems that u die die have to use their food service or survive on instant noodles,,,

talking abt abt adam khoo courses???
Re Milk Powder - My gal kind of graduated from breastmilk to fresh milk, so I don't really know much about the cost of milk powder. Her school teacher is of the belief that at this age, she should still be on growing-up FM, but I guess as long as she is eating a balanced diet, fresh milk should suffice. I think the opinions on this out there are pretty divided. Any mommies here have young kids on fresh milk instead of growing up FM?

I do have a friend whose 4 year old had milk tooth delay and needed to go under GA for a root canal. That's because her maid regularly left the milk bottle in the boy's mouth after he fell asleep with it. So I think "rinsing" the mouth with water after milk is quite important, especially if before bedtime.

Myopic and astigmatism - my gal thinks that wearing specs is cool! She will protest if I remove my specs and put on contact lens. According to her, I look prettier with specs...

Yes, that's how I shop too if I'm out with hb and my gal. I'm only inspired to shop when out with my sisters. They would push me into trying out something, even though I didn't think much of it, and many times, it turned out nice, so I'll buy. And buy and buy...

I like to buy shoes and clothes from Kiddy Palace @ CWP too, though I think they are not exactly cheap. Else would be metro next door, esp if they have members sales.
hi babymakes3,
yeah, rinsing the mouth is impt... but my SIL cut off her kids milk bottle when they were 3 yo. Her kids all got tooth decay and one of them also need root canal at 5yo... sometimes i genetics play a part?
I'm in the IT line, and yes, my company does practice flexi hours, though I am the only 1 of 2 employees in the Singapore office whose on part-time. But since everybody in the office pretty much work from home alot, nobody really monitors how many hours we clock, as long as we deliver. When I am in the office, I will drop everything and leave by 4 pm, in order to be back in time for my girl's school bus drop-off at 5+. But of course that also means logging on later in the night to tend to urgent stuff.

There's pros and cons to working from home. One pro is that I tend to eat a light and more healthy lunch...just a sandwich, wrap or biscuits. Too lazy to cook for myself. When I am in the office, we tend to seek out makan places for lunch - usually sinful stuff

For kids so young, root canal must be quite traumatizing. I am quite anal about my girl's oral compromise on teeth brushing. I had 2 root canals, once in primary school, so I am hoping the genetics part doesn't kick in for us.

HFMD cases is on the rise. Pls be careful:

more details:

1 The number of HFMD cases has continued to increase with 906 cases notified in the week ending 7 August 2010. This brings the total number of notified HFMD cases to 18,007 in the first 31 weeks of this year as compared with 10,770 cases in the same period last year.

2 Of the cases notified this year, about 65% occurred in children aged less than 5 years old. HFMD is generally a mild and self-limiting childhood disease. The majority of the cases seen so far were mild infections, with only 233 (1.3%) cases requiring hospitalisation mainly because of poor feeding. There were no cases with serious complications or deaths reported so far this year.

3 However, MOH’s sentinel surveillance has detected an increase in the circulation of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) among patients with HFMD in Singapore, with 12% of the patient samples testing positive for EV71 in July 2010. HFMD due to EV71 has been associated with a risk of increased disease severity and even death.

4 The current rise in the number of notified HFMD cases is in keeping with the regional situation. Other countries such as China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, have recently experienced HFMD outbreaks involving EV71.

5 While HFMD is endemic in Singapore and periodic outbreaks can be expected, it is important to take early control measures to prevent escalation of cases. MOH has noted childcare centres and kindergartens with prolonged ongoing transmission of HFMD and is working with MCYS and MOE to control and prevent further cases from occurring in these centres. The names of childcare centres and kindergartens with more than 10 HFMD cases or an attack rate greater than 13%, and a transmission period of more than 16 days will be published on the MOH website from today. This is so that parents can be more aware of whether the centre that their child is attending has prolonged HFMD transmission, and can be more alert to watch out for HFMD symptoms in their child.

6 To break the chain of transmission, childcare centres and kindergartens with more than 16 HFMD cases or an attack rate greater than 23%, and a transmission period of more than 24 days will be mandatorily closed for 10 days. Parents of children attending these centres will be notified by the centres, and the names of the centres that will be mandatorily closed will also be published on the MOH website from today. Please see the MOH website ( for the list of these childcare centres and kindergartens.
two childcare centres were asked to be closed:

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD)
Updates on HFMD Situation in Singapore (13 August)
The following is a list of names of childcare centres and kindergartens with more than 10 HFMD cases or an attack rate* greater than 13%, and a transmission period of more than 16 days (prolonged transmission). This is to help parents be more aware of whether the centre their child is attending has prolonged HFMD transmission, and keep vigilance in watching out for HFMD symptoms in their child.

Childcare Centres and Kindergartens with active clusters of prolonged transmission
Last updated 13 Aug 2010**

Childcare Centres

regarding the trash after the NDP parade:

I think the govt should BAN those for got the tix to watch NDP live this year for 3 years to join the ballot for the NDP tix. THAT will increase my chance of getting a tix to watch live!!!


But this really show THE ugly side of Singaporeans. My gal threw a piece of tissue the other day on the road cos she is lazy to walk to the rubbish bin. I made her picked it up and walked her to the rubbish bin to throw the tissue paper.

There was once i was crossing a road with another woman - waiting for the lights to turn. This woman was drinking softdrink from a big cup from 7-11. then suddenly i heard a loud "tub" ! The stupid woman just threw the empty big cup onto the floor. I still remembered this cos i didn't have the guts to tell her to pick up her litter. Will you tell her to?

I've not told anyone off for littering.

However, I've told a mommy off for allowing her daughter to cut queue in the toilet. There was a long queue in the toilet. If her child needed to use the toilet urgently, she could easily give a heads up to the lady 1st in queue, I'm sure whoever 1st in queue wouldn't mind letting her child go 1st. However, that mom simply allowed her child to stand blatantly right outside a cubicle, ignoring the long queue behind.

I told her to get in queue. She still tried to justify her act by saying 'oh she is merely standing there waiting for her turn'. Yeah sure
Anyway, I gave her a demeaning look for that fake excuse and she did get her child to queue up afterall
Hello mummies!

Mindchamps- thanks Precious- so no other mummies has tried their programmes? Wonder if its just marketing or is it really useful for kids....I am always super skeptical of new techniques or quick-fix types of mum signed my gal and I up to listen to a briefing by Mindchamps this Sun- will update if I am impressed with them...

I am currently on my 3rd trip this month- next week one more trip= 4 trips in Aug- way too crazy liao- I just need some time to be at home with the kids pleaded with me not to make this trip- but its work- not like I can just not show up at the airport!!!

Steward- yah, I was kinda shocked, man borrowing a women's ring- he said it fitted him very well and he really liked it- did he expect me to give it to him/ or sell it to him? It was a sapphire and diamond ring, chunky sort, maybe he thought it could be a unisex ring...anyways, I am usually quite chatty to the air crew- they can be bored on their job as thing we can learn from all flight crew is what to do or buy or eat in each city- all seem to know...including my BIL- he being a junior pilot "learn the ropes" from the captain etc in terms of what to buy...I asked him recently what he buys from NZ- he said "broccoli; peaches; cauliflower; golden kiwi"- its like a marketing trip of sorts- just that you fly there and it takes ~10 hours one way... ha ha...but the crew still bother to buy these stuff and bring home?!

Stylobb- dresses- I could not resist and bought the following on my recent europe trip:
- 2 desigual dresses
- 2 H&M dresses
- 1 Marks & Spenser dress
- some branded stuff too cos it was significantly cheaper...

HFMD- yes, must be very vigilant for your child...this disease is cyclical and never goes away!
Oh yes- I am another mum whose kids are on Dumex- and I can tell you where to get the best price- AngMo supermarket in Toa Payoh (S$10.80 for the 1kg pouch of Durgo) - they parallel import from Malaysia and its even cheaper than Sheng Siong...I buy many packs at one go...
Hi All,

Since there's a discussion on tooth decay and drinking from bottle, I'd like to know if your kids brush their teeth twice daily?

Mine sort of brushes his teeth twice/thrice a day (sometimes more, 'cos he thinks it's cool). I buy Darlie kids' toothpaste and brush. He enjoys brushing teeth (but haphazardly 'cos he can't control the angle and doesn't want us to interfere) - is this enough for a 2 year-old?

He's still drinking from the bottle, eats plain rice in the day, mid-afternoon and early evening. Otherwise, it's water and diluted juices. Some light snacks like plain bread, biscuits, a few pieces of chips/Calbee prawn crackers.
You have an interesting encounter.I guess he finds your ring very unique and thus took it away...hahaha
Its common that crew like your bil buy hsehold things or marketing overseas like that.I know when peach or cherry is in season, they will acutally buy in bulk home and share with all the family members.I know of another one, bought one whole box of cream puff from tokyo just for the children.I guess that is the perk of that flying job.

I like the dress that you mention.I only managed to get one H AND M trench coat last year in London.

hfmd is indeed rising and am also worried.
Hi Yawn,

I think this is it:

Ang Mo Supermarket
85B Lorong 4 Toa Payoh
Tel: 62555655

There used to be a super crowded ba chor mee a few shops away, but now they have moved, and a new "fake" one moved in...I think some people do not know and still eat it...

Ya- the benefits of having family members working as air crew/ pilot is that you can request for items- I always "order" NZ manuka honey from my BIL- sometimes he will alert me of his trips and ask for shopping list... ha ha...

Joy- I love H&M and also bought for my gal a ballet leotard and tutu this trip- the leotard has is cross-back and the tutu is like leaves design but all in pink...nice!
sounds like you have a fruitful trip in europe!

we like the ba chor mee at 85B Lorong 4, but have not gone there for ages for our fix liao. you mean the original store had moved? where? for me if i don't know that the original one had moevd, i probably still go and get it, but once taken it, will think that their standard drop a lot and wont' go back liao... so maybe there aer a lot of people like me...
Percious Gem
I remembered that you said that your DD was diagnoised as dyslexic? I have a few questions. Recently i send my son to Dyslexia association of Sing for screening. His final result shows that he is not at risk. However, he is recommended to the programme because the test shows that he has a few extremes. The extreme low mark in 2 catergory is a strong sign of dyslexic.We are not able to do a complete assesment due to his age, that is to determine if he is a dyslexic. Have to wait till he is 6.5yrs old or in P1.

Can i knopw if the school/MOE did a full assessment by a qualified psychologist to determine if she/he is a dyslexic? According to the psychologist that i have seen, she said that in Primary school they only did screening, which means to see if the child is at risk only. After that you will have to be on the wait list to do an assessment to determine if the child is dyslexic. The wait list can be up to a year. Is that true? Is the Learning Support Prog (LSP) in the school helpful to the child?

The assessment in the association cost $500+. I believe the school charge lower than that but the waiting list is long. Not sure if I should get him tested when he turns 6.5yrs old or wait for the primary school assessment.
Hi mommies,
I was super busy at work the past few days ! And I still have a lot of things to pack before I leave for China.

I totally agree with you about what Singaporeans should be thankful for. I have also encountered people who like to complain about Singapore. The fact is that no country in the world is perfect. Without this government, we will not have such a comfortable life.

As for feedback to government, actually I think they do take our feedback seriously. The problem is that Singaporeans are too kiasi to feedback ! They are afraid that if they write something to the government, the police will come to their house to take them away. Like the book 1984 by George Orwell.

Even in this forum, I have encountered mommies who are so afraid to speak their mind by showing their nicknames. They will create a new nickname if they have something not nice to say. I have to create a spreadsheet where mommies can post their feedback without showing their nicknames, then they dare to speak honestly. I don't get these people.

This type of kiasi-ness is something that I really don't like about Singaporeans.

I also cannot tolerate litterbugs !

You just need to let the jumping clay stay outside in the air for a few minutes, then it will not be so sticky.

My hubby cannot even read the Chinese newspapers comfortably, he has to point to every word and read slowly. But Singapore does provide the opportunity for kids to be good at both languages.

Your girl's CC is good to take the precautions against HFMD. I think many CCs/preschools are not measuring temperature anymore ?
Good morning all.

You got your air ticket fix?

That is awesome, all in pink.My girl used to love pink but outgrow it when come pri 4.Now everything is black and white and she even takes over some of my black T.
Mark and spencer items are so much cheaper in London right?got my hand cream half of the price in singapore.

Overlook your question.Think you guess it.

Vitamins for eyes
Anyone knows what is good for eyes as in vit?
I also heard of mixing green and red bean together, use it as an eye exercise game to sort the right color out.Anyone heard of this or has info on it?thanks

Have a fabulous day all...

Hi Joy,
I think Vitamin A is good for eyes, so lots of carrots ?

I also heard another theory that we should teach kids not strain their eyes. If they cannot see what teacher is writing on the board, then move closer. It is important to rest their eyes frequently, and also ensure proper lighting.

My mother always allow me to turn on all the lights, even in daytime. I think that contributed to the fact that I never need to wear glasses.
Dear mommies,
Just to share a fantastic book that I just finished reading, suitable for everyone age 8 to 80 years old :
Title: Momo
Author: Michael Ende
I really love this book, about a little girl and thieves that steal time. Highly recommended for all parents who always feel that they have no time. You will learn an important lesson.

I am now halfway through The Neverending Story, also by Michael Ende. Another wonderful book, so much better than all those popular books that kids are reading nowadays.
Hello Tam
Thanks for the advice.Your kids have got perfect eye sight like u too?

Thanks also for the recommendation of the book.I will check it out.
Hi Rona,

We found a nice Bak Chor Mee outlet at Tradehub. If you live in the BT area right? Can got there to eat. It is 阿南小碗面. They also have a unique dish - Fried Otah Carrot Cake - Taste Nice. For drinks, try the fresh vegetables juice with sour plum powder. But, don't bother to try the roast duck, its a disappointment.

Hi Joy,

My hb and I also have perfect eyesights till now. Hopefully my kids can be like us :p

Marks and Spencer - My hb bought a few kids clothings and his own clothings from his biz trip to London early this year. Prices are much cheaper than here.

Hi Tam,

You must be super busy now to juggle work, home and planning your Overseas assignment.
Hi Tam and all
On taking things for granted

Yes, many people take a large magnifying glass to pick on all the flaws and totally forget the big-picture. And like you've point out, it’s ironic that people shy away from putting their names to their views. I read somewhere in the ST forum whereby someone said Singaporeans are oppressed and not allowed their own opinions. Seriously, if that is the case, how is it he can even post his views?

Some people are so busy criticising the govnt (everything is kelong, everything is this and that...) and I wonder if they’ll be happier in elsewhere? Singaporeans must ask themselves, would they have been more ‘prosperous’ (assuming they were born and bred elsewhere) if they were living in another country?

Education: as much as there are some areas for improvement (which country hasn't?), can you find another country which equips all schools with technology?

I met a British teacher once and he thought we were still 3rd-world country. On the topic of PCs, his school only has 5 desk-tops (that was 2003) and he asked if I’d heard of smart-boards and Macs. I told him that all schools have a few computer labs and equipment including what he mentioned. He was so shocked: “What? You mean you have labs with 40 computers each in every school? We’re still on the 286.” He was so shocked that every teacher has her own laptop to work on and access to printers and internet 24/7.

My friend taught in a Brit school and the kids didn’t even know where Manchester was (you’d think they’re good with their own map). And Singapore was in "Shanghai".

Another time, I played with a King Charles Cavalier (furry dog with brown patches) that I came across along the road - I said: “Good morning! Nice cavalier you have!” to the owner. The old lady was shell-shocked, “My, you can name the breed of the dogs we have!”

I also met a 70 year-old guide (from a family of guides and officially endorsed by the Queen as the official sands-guide) who took people out to see quick-sands during low-tide(he was featured on National Geog before). The nice man proudly told us that UK was the ONLY place in the world to have cockles (the red thing in char kway teow) and he went on and on about British clam/cockle recipes. A young Singaporean girl couldn’t tahan and said, “we have clams in Singapore too. We also get to eat abalone, scallops, ....” The old man, amazed, admitted that he’d never taken an airplane before and have only been to London a couple of times in his entire life. He’d never heard of “abalone” before.

Singaporeans are earning well enough to afford holidays. budget flights and now, $100-entry fees to casinos. And we are still complaining that life is HARD and so very STRESSFUL.

If our lives are in peril, are we not insulting the real impoverished and oppressed people in countries like North Korea and Myanmar? We've not had civil wars, earthquakes, people dropping A-bomb on us, housing-crisis, racial/sexual discrimination, riots every other day, people slicing their fingers off in protests, beggars swarmed with flies, dying children on the streets, massacres of clans, gunmen killing kindergarten kids or at the university and denied of education/applications.

Why are so many Singaporeans still so disgruntled? It gets ludicrous at times when I read what people post in the forum. Give out subsidies > govnt elections coming. No subsidies > govnt only know how to keep money. Bad news > govnt lousy. Good news > when are we getting more money?

Gives me the idea that many people hope for money to fly from the sky and if possible, strike 4D/too and no need to work. Many people don't put in their best but are quick to label others as incompetent.

I really think Singaporeans should give themselves and policy-makers a break. Take stock, introspect and count our blessings. Keep working hard for our family's and nation's sake to ensure peace and stability please!!!
Mumusings- totally agree with you...

I have a theory- the more well travelled a S'porean is, the less they complain about living in S'pore! It is really true!

I experienced an unbelievable case of inefficiency during my recent europe trip- my flight from Paris to London was cancelled when I arrived at the airport and I waited a total of 12 HOURS!!!! at Paris CDG airport waiting to get a new flight connection - wasted an entire day at the airport and feeling extremely unsettled whether I can get to London at all! Was bounced off the 2pm flight, then escorted off the 4pm flight due to booking glitch, and finally boarded the 8pm flight and arrived in my london hotel almost midnight!!!! What a bad experience- the whole spectacle would be handed so much more efficiently in S'pore...I felt so thankful to finally sit in the SQ A380 to go home after least I know I am in control of the situation and in familiar env...

Rona-it has moved to block 51- still in Toa Payoh- we were like making noise loudly outside the "fake" stall and one lady signalled to us quietly, asking if we are looking for the "original" stall- and she whispered to us quietly the new was very comical!!

Tam- how do you find out about these nice books? You read book reviews on amazon? and how do you buy them- through amazon? Do they accept s'pore credit card and is shipping charge expensive? I am so sad I could not buy the book sets in london, so this xmas, I want to buy from WHSmith website- dun know if they will ship to s'pore- otherwise, I can use VPost correct? does VPost cover UK websites? Sorry, very mountain tortise about this...
Hi Fairyprincess,

About Paris CDG Airport. My heart shattered when I saw my brand-new Delsey literally drop from a height onto the conveyer belt. A large diagonal scratch across. Don't know how the scratch came about my poor luggage was scarred!

Yes, like Rona and a few mentioned in earlier posts, the feeling of stepping back onto Singapore is made poignant always because of Changi Airport.

Doubts one will never have at Changi/Singapore:
(1) "Will I see my luggage in one piece?"
(2) "Will I have a cab (and not be overcharged)?"
(3) "Is there a clean toilet nearby - just in case of emergency?"

I have lots of bugaboos in my head when I travel:
- of not finding a toilet
- of losing my luggage
- of someone robbing/slashing open bag
- that the driver will take me elsewhere

Travelling via the underground system:
- the long long staircases!!!
- being pushed about

I was once trapped in a fog in outskirts Melbourne. I really thought I would die 'cos the car was on a highway and we couldn't see anything at all. And afterwards stuck along a road that had faulty traffic lights after we emerged from the fog. I've always been grateful for the fact that we have very neat traffic system/road and there are always human beings nearby.

Living in rustic setting may sound so romantic - grazing together with cows and sheep.... Great for education purpose (exposing kids to Nature for a couple of weeks) but I know I'd never survive. Someone told me that if we triggered the fire-extinguishers (if we sprayed deodorant too much in the rooms). we'd have to wait an hour for the fire brigade to send a vehicle. And then, we'd have to pay a few hundred pounds because they have to come all the way!

Some people say we have no place/culture/historical places for people to find recreation (like Europe)... well then, pay thousands for a ticket somewhere to loll away time like the Teletubbies at Stratford.

I knew of a young girl who told me she's ashamed of SIngapore because we have no history. As in, we have no beautiful sculptures, ruins, relics like the Greeks and Romans... So how, blame Raffles for only coming here in 1819, instead of 1066? If the Romans came here (as they took France in 1066), we'd have magnificent rocks and walls and public baths. We would have had our own Jane Austen writing novels with a setting like Bath! Pity she was so learned - she should have known that Europe has such bloody history - see a ruined monastery and you'll know how terrible it must have been, those crusades and purgatories of non-believers. What's so great about seeing remnants of barbaric conquests?? And like Tam also pointed out, the 'relics' at museums are plundered from countries these colonisers ravaged (eg. China)


Anyway, to me, motherland (Singapore) is like our parents, isn't it? As like in every family, there will be grouses and sometimes doubts but there will also happy memories, gratitude and fondness enough to sustain us through life.
I find those young people under 25 very ignorant. I gave up talking to them about politics, history, etc. I could suffer heart attack.

The problem with young people is that they don't read any more. They stare into their computers all day long, everything they know are from chatting with their friends. They don't even bother to google to find out the facts from official government websites.

I also knew a young lady from UK who came here to work. She told me that the Singapore government is very corrupt, and she was very sure about that. I told her to look at our infrastructure, and look at how our people are living. Where did all these money come from ? She still insisted that the government is corrupt. I was speechless.
My kids are still young, they have perfect eyesight now, I really hope they can maintain that.

I am busy finishing the work here, no advance planning needs to be done because I teach the same thing over in china.
re: short sightedness
Both my kids are shortsighted with quite high power. I switched on the lights during the day, have 3M study lamps on both their desks, ensure they have correct posture when reading, limited TV time... but to no avail. sob sob

re: tooth decay
Both of them have tooth decay too despites daily brushing, rinsing mouth. My dd2 had fillings on almost every milk tooth & even had root canal treatment. sob sob

Which bookset are you planning to get from London?

Thanks for sharing about Momo. Was going to ask you about 3 books I shortlisted. Will PM you
My gal is 3 YO, and I had her brush teeth 2x a day since she was 2, and now 3x including school. She does a haphazard job of it too, so I'll always give her teeth a once-over after she finishes. I think 2/3 times a day is a good routine to maintain.

Thanks for the post on HFMD. You can imagine my dismay when I see my gal's CC on the watch-list. Argh!! After being house-bound for 2 weeks, I'm now preparing for the worse. Another 2 weeks at home, trying to work with an active toddler on the loose
But I guess it has to be done. Don't know why HFMD got so out of control at her school. They have always been very conscientious about the health check in the morning....*sigh*
good morning ladies!

yep we got to get them cater for our meals. but our package is full board so jut bring ourselves. but i shud hv bring maggi cup noodles and those 3-in-1 drinks esp that my kids drink a lot of milo. they have electric thermosflask in the chalet and extra sink for washing up.

i don use wallet anymore. i just discovered this brand @nimob bag/pouch or whatever u call it; that comes in many styles/designs and i have several. 1 bag has like 3 compartments; 1 for my hp, another my money & the third for keys & hp earpiece. i keep my plastic cards on my name tags/access cards etc. ard my neck. and they r cheap too, atmost cost $5, some cost 3 for $10, that's why i got several of them! i got them from that shop at woodlands mrt stn, just across of causeway pt.

as for adam khoo course ... no info

it is a shae abt the post NDP trash. the truth most singaporeans r litter bugs and singapore is a "CLEAN CITY" because we can afford to pay for the many foreign cleaners who clean after us. singaporeans have to learn to clean after themselves. i mean this really say something abt oneself right?

and i also believe in sponsoring esp for education, training, materials etc. it's like giving them stepping stones to move forward.

yes kiddy place can b quite expensive so i only buy things on sale or if there's a discount ;}

well the childcare and kindi r getting advises and a std SOP from MCYS & MOE respectively. but according to the info they gather from most of the cases, the main problem is pesonal hygiene. wash & wash ur hands, gotta remind our kids that, not just wash but proper washing with soap, follow the seven steps of washing hands. also remind kids not to put their fingers in their mouth esp my dd, cuz u never know the germs they may have on their fingers. personaly higiene is the key to prevention HFMD or the spread of it.

I AGREE with u on the BAN 3 YEARS for those who already watch NDP LIVE. I have yet to bring my kids to a live parade or atleast a full dressed rehearsal. My eldest dd got to watch it with her school for one of the full dressed rehearsal. the last one i've been was in 1983 and that's because I WAS IN IT!!! I was with the NCC contingent, marching pass president Devan Nair at that time at Padang and then we had to do the road march from padang all the way to bukit merah central via chinatown ... abt 14km if i'm not wrong and we had like 2 rehearsals before that with the 14km march !!! during fasting month and i was fasting, but it was an experience i'll never forget, well worth it and i got a certificate fromm NCC for remembrance
but no pic tho as we were not camera savvy or afford it those days. btw, i was in sec. 3 then.

i hope u won't let go off ur ring so easily in the future, i mean what if he got another same looking fake one and exchange it with u. i can't believe he got the nerve. what if he came back and said he drop it somewhere and lose it and even deny taking it from u.
for the adult litterbugs and smokers in public areas, i would just give them the look and sometimes talk aloud to my kids abt 'why so dirty, got dustbin nearby or i thot this is non-smoking area, why can smell smoke e..etc' .. but if kids litter, i would tell them nicely, more like educating them, like i would tell my kids, 'there's a dustbin there, why don't u throw it there so this place won't be dirty right, it won't look nice' something like that. but i did told several people off abt cuttin q at mcdonalds and bus berth at bus interchange. i mean here i am struggling to que in those bus berth with railings with a toddler in hand and a baby in a stroller and along came a couple and another time a group of giggly filipino girls just board the bus as the bus stop at the bay ignoring the que. i was in the middle of the line and i scream at them, but they board anyway cuz the people infront have no guts to tell them off, so when i board the bus, first i tell the driver off for letting that happen then as i walk pass them off, 'shame on u, can't even q, when me & my kids q'

when my dd left k2, just b4 going to p1, i contacted DAS, but by the time they received my 'form' my dotter is 6.6 yrs so the assmt for her wud cost e $500, and i cd hv used her CDA but by that time, her CDA has been transfered to the PSE acct. then someone told me to get help fro sch. her pr. 1 teacher wasn't helpful or perhaps ignorant, just told me that she's new and shud ask the office and that actually i just need a tutor for my dd. then she got to pr. 2, told her new teacher but told me i need to wait, abt 1 mth, ... 1 mth gone, ask her again, said another month or 2, by almost mid yr, when i inquire again she told me that the moe has limited pscyologist so they have to prioritize the case, now they r focussing more on those kids who have behavioural problems .... so i met another mom and then she told me what to do. just go to poly and get a referral letter , just tell doc that u suspect ur child may have some learning dissabilities, austistic (just to get the referral), thye ay send u KKH or NUH (like me), this may take up to 3 mths but i got within a month cuz a new doc from penang just join them so my dd is one of her new case
the best thing is, i don have to pay for anything as i my dd holds a csc card. she did the neurodvmt assmt, speech therapy assmt and just finished her hearing assmt. she is going thru speech therapy and will b taking her IQ test too. with all these assmt, u can find out what is the main prblems areas and how u can help them or what kind of therapy is needed.

btw, when u choose a pr sch for ur child, choose that that support special needs incl dyslexia, my mistake for not choosing one. in woodlands i know only evergreen pr sch has support for dyslexia.

about living in singapore ...
i agree with tam and all of u ladies ...i don understand why people r complaining ... people always say PAP is pay and pay but don we get what we pay for? unlike some other countries, u pay and pay but u don get results or improvements so where did the money go. here in singapore we can see where the money goes ,,, just look at the comfort living .. i even told my friend that singaporeans will be so spoil rotten cuz look at our housing estates, not only do they have all the amenities but covered walkways from bus stops to mrt stns to blocks ... where in the world would u find that?! lifts on every level, outdoor gym as i called it (ex corner) at every corner of the housing est with beautiful garden like landscaping .... honestly, HDB flats look 10x better than some condos across the causeway. singaporeans also got to b thankful that atleast most of the complains here got response unlike elsewhere where all goes to deaf years and ignorant faces!

honestly, i have lived in sweden for 3 years, and although its a beautiful country and nice people, singapore is still my homeland. now i'm living in jb for economic reasons, hopefully for only a few more years ... but singapore is my homeland ... infact i have no kampung anywhere as both my mom and dad side, i am the 6th & 7th generation respectively.
Morning mummies

Yawn- book sets- end last year when I was in london, due to the xmas season, there were many book sets like enid blyton's naughiest girl and other of her series; mr men or little miss xmas sets; the fairy stories set; rhoal dahl set etc etc for only around 9.99 GBP to 15.99 GBP for each set- very good price cos each set around 10 books or so- it was too heavy for me to buy ALL the sets, so I will have to try to get them this xmas...

Rona- ya, perhaps I was quite naive that day- however, the steward did not seem like he was going to steal my ring, so I did not kick up a fuss...he was chatty throughout the flight- talking about recent movies, flights etc...then again, I should be more guarded next time...

All mummies- have a great day ahead in Singapore!
Hi Tam,
On Books (the lousy ones, for a change)

Agree. Some of these 20s-post teenagers are extremists when it comes to certain things. I came across one who said, “Those who detain terrorists should be jailed. It’s injustice.” Heart attack!!! They do read, lots of internet info and are drawn to alternative readings BEFORE they get they facts sorted out. They read and believe what they want to believe.

I was on a flight seated next to very grouchy Brit. She was reading a novel and looking so angry by the time we touched down. I saw the title ‘THE FORTUNE TELLER TOLD ME’ by Tizanio Terzani. I went to buy the book just out of curiosity. It was an Italian man’s travels through Asia and the so-called inside scoop on our governments (claims to have lived in Asia for MANY years). The book was derisive of Asians, the govnts, culture and demonised whatever he could lay his pen on.

Can you believe that the following is depicted (and that it's taken as TRUTH)?? -
(1) On Thailand: it’s sinking every day. Shortage of water for even men to bathe after visiting prostitutes.
(2) On Malacca: has the most ghosts in the world (how the hell does he get the figure unless he’s been to every town in the world!) and some weird stuff about St Francis Xavier
(3) On Singapore: we play violent movies on our ferries to Sentosa (kids grow up on violence), people get detained if they don’t fly first class or aren’t rich travellers, everyone is forced to love the country, leaders are corrupt etc....
(4) In general, Asians are obsessed with the supernatural and fortune tellers (the author visits one at every Asian town and tries to prove all as rubbish). One teller said that he should rest or else die soon. (He did, in 2004 from a heart attack, was in the papers and I couldn't help shouting 'hurray')

I almost DIED after reading the book. Not because I am Singaporean, or pro ASEAN, but because some things were really made up. He said there are slogans “BE LOYAL TO SINGAPORE” for NDP. I haven’t seen that! It sensationalised and distorted the image of Asia for ang mohs to think that we are a baffling, totally oppressed place. The worst is that he got sentimental and wished Singapore would be again (like in the past) filled with smells of rotting vegetables in the drain and all that crap (colonial mindset). And he found fault with our anti-AIDs campaign, which is propagated all over the world as well!

Don't ever buy this book. If you really must read it, borrow it from the library. It was a BESTSELLER for a long while at Borders!!!! I am horrified that some people hail it as 'insightful' and 'compelling'.

oh dear about the book... and a BESTSELLER for a LONG WHILE at Borders??? Gosh!!!

I wonder why the reaction on the Brit's... was it because the Brit knew that it was a load of bull shit and make believe or the Brit actually believe the lies?

Thanks for the heads-up. I will go over there to try. there's also a very nice fish and chips in toa payoh too...

when are you flying off? lets plan for a lunch when you are back. any mommies interested can join us too!

And thanks for the recommendation on the book. I will go and get it. did you buy from Amazon? wonder how much it will cost here...

I'm still waiting for my books from dangdang, they shiped out on 2010-07-15, a month ago... wonder if the package is lost.

if you are ordering books from Amazon, can you help me order the two books Tam recommended?

are you back from KL
Hi Precious Gem,

Yes, the same thing with people who upgrade to condo and think that their conservancy fees is good reason for them to behave unceremoniously. People strewing litter and leaving things at the BBQ pit for ‘someone’ to clean up. I definitely can’t take people who smoke at taxi queues and who puff smoke into the faces of others. I’ve got asthma so better to walk away than choke. Smoking and drinking (beer/wine) are a waste of money, that's all I can say.

Hi Rona,

Hope you succeed in balloting for NDP tickets next year!
oh dear, your dd's cc is on the watchlist?

I just check with my dd's cc, they check the kids three times a day! they are quite kiasu! But i am also thankful for that lah...
if the govt starts with the BAN, then my chances will be higher... else i won't even hope! I have heard people going to NDP live like so many times! sian...

report shows that we are not letting the kids out in the sun enough to prevent myopia. so maybe this is the key.

hubby and me too, both good eyesight. i was a little short-sighted when i started work, due to staring too much at the computer. 100 degrees, can live still without the glasses. hope my kids will be like us...

But i have to add that our respective siblings, all got high degree myopia! so don't know the report holds water or not though...
Hi Rona,

I think the Brit passenger believed what she was reading (she was at section on South East Asia). Probably hating Singapore before she even landed. This sort of books go well with people who are already with pre-conceived judgements and who feel that Western world is more civilised. Like one old couple asked me before, "Is the Raffles Hotel still around? I lived there 60 years ago." My reply, "Yes, the Raffles is still around and there have been more hotels built in Singapore since." Time STOPS for many people. Singapore = Bugis street transvetites, Raffles Hotel, poor people, dirty Chinatown etc.
yes, you are right. the westerners kept thinking we are 3rd world country, backwards with everything!
Hi Rona,

Yes, and the funny thing is - when we do show that we can be very advanced in some areas, they will see us as "sterile", "cold", "by-the-law", "overly-zealous" and "boring". Anyway, our country has to keep moving on and not let naysayers distract us from our own goals!
babymakes3, so do u give her other supplements to 'make up' for the 'missing' fortified nutrients since ur gal is on fresh milk i/o of FM? i am actually thinking of swtiching her to partial fresh milk ... thinking only./.logisics is another matter (fresh milk expire earlier.. and all the plastic bottles!). Ur company is good! I am in IT line..but sorry.. they track our comings and goings very strictly... i think ur gal and mine are in the same cc... keep fingers closed...

mummusings...haha i have to admit.. i have no idea on the different breed of dogs.. :p

yawn yawn, r u the one asking for the eye exercise that time??/ i still canot find that news article..but i did a google search and found somethign else..not sure if its the same one mentioned in the local newspapers..but no harm trying (have fun translating though..)

and re term insurance.. i got one under safra (cannot rem the name) tagged under 'spouse' as only safra MAN can apply./...

precious_gem..ahaha..think i still prefer to have a wallet..stuff everything inside then i wont forget to bring out any of them :p

rona...after reading ur posting abt not enuf sun..i bring my gal to the park for 1 hr :p :p :p

anyway, all this talk about singapore vs other countries.. each countries got their pros and cons. some pp will find it very hard to adapt to living here cos its so urban and highly stress compared to their home countries.. etc etc all kinds of reasons.. just to give some examples... i got a fren who move to canada..and she love every moment..she love being near to the rockies and able to walk for hours in their national park... she does not mind not being 30min from a central area with all the facilities.. i went to visit her and she and her hb have to rush back after dinner cos they take the public transport and the train does not really ends late.. but she loves her new country nonetheless... another one lives in australia for years before family reasons make her come back... till now she is comtemplating whether to go back cos she very much prefer the life there.. overseas, there will be people who misunderstand singapore (michael fay?), and there will be people who loves it (must come every year!).
yah, actually every country got their pros and cons. like when i went over to my amsterdam office, i actually envy their working hours and the amount of work they have there. the amount of work I have here, they prob need 3 or 4 people to do the same amount of work i do here. that's how it is. we are well known to be good, efficient and hardworking people... only the sua-ku doesn't know about it. anyway, so they have very good work-life balance. but on the other hand, if they were to get a foreign maid, i think that will cost them an arm and a leg... and childcare is not exactly very cheap too, so i do appreciate what we have here and what we need to give. can't have all the good things right? unless maybe you don't mind having lesser pay, have no maid, then work lesser and spend more time at home, maybe can't find this kind of work yet but if there are a lot of demand for this, maybe sooner or later, the companies here will wake up and start to offer somehting like this? hard to see what's happening in the future.

oh i also know they have far more public and private holidays then us, but then, i think our govt will not be so gracious to give us so many days of leave... else we will not be competitive anymore...

Hello all, good morning.
M hoping that my boy will have perfect eyesight too.The older one is already short sighted and will correct via laser when she is older.

Thanks for sharing the link.I have just copy and gonna print out and get my yishi to show me what is the exact way of doing later.

Tree Nymph
When is the meet up?

Where about are you now?

Precious Gem
It must be tough for you to commute up and down singapore.
