Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi All,

Woke up this morning to be greeted by a LIZARD in my FRIDGE. Husband killed it. Good thing we'd just finished the foodstuff that's in there. Stupid thing was already chilled to near-death and couldn't run.

Happy Monday to all

Good morning!

Mumusings- how did the lizard get INTO the fridge? Last week, I worked late and got home around 10pm and was about to have my dinner- when I opened one of the "covers" to cover the dishes in the kitchen- I saw a 10cm BLACK lizard eating my fried beans with egg- sooo super gross- I threw the entire plate of food away...aiyoh- I hate lizards!!

Quick Poll- on the topic of pros and cons of living in S'pore:
Which would you prefer if you had a choice:
(A) Live in a western country where you are a FTWM, with a job that is not too stressful, with proper weekends, but you have no maid so you have to do EVERYTHING for your young kids (food, washing, school, pick-up etc) as well as housework
(B) Live in S'pore as a FTWM with a more stressful job but have a maid to help out with the kids and housework?
Which would you choose?

Joy- off to shanghai this week...that's all for Aug...

Snowball- both you and HB have perfect eyesight- that is awesome!! Not many s'porean parents are like that!

Yawn- term insurance- yes, I am like Bloom- also bought the SAFRA term insurance- covers the HB (must have served NS to quality), spouse and kids...its quite cheap while we are young, but becomes more expensive as we grow older...

Mindchamps- went for this briefing last Sun- quite impressed but their progs but they are not cheap- >S$3,000 for the course over 7-8 months (2 hours/ week each)...teaches your child techniques for studying i.e. active understanding -> condense and storage -> recall -> application....may be useful as they appoach upper Pri...but good foundation if start young too...except it is very very pricy!
One funny line I learnt at the briefing- the education coach was saying nowadays, all kids tune into the SAME radio station- its called "WII.FM"- its the "WHAT's IN IT FOR ME?" station...ha ha ha...and all day they say "I want this....", "I want that..."...quite true!
Hi Fairy,

Interesting question posed:

(1) Depends on purpose of being overseas. If it's a posting and will do career good, yes. But not migration.
(2) Also depends on whether the pay is so great until we'll have lots of excess savings. If high pay means more taxes and rental (like in New York), no thanks.
(3) Age of kids will be a factor too. Definitely have to consider the languages/values you want the kids to be exposed to first.
(4) Bullying. Can be quite a problem, depends on where you stay / schools kids attend.

As for the LIZARD. No idea how he squirmed his way through the gaps. Maybe from the base, to the fruit compartment, then the fridge? Anyway, hope I'll never have such a confrontation with the creature again.
Hi Bloom,

Sorry lah....I misread your msg. Thot its your DD's CC. But, my kids' CC so for has been quite diligent with this. During the last wave of attack in May, my kids' CC got 22 kids kena attack. That was a milder strain as compared to the current strain. Keeping my fingers crossed that my DDs' CC can be spared this time round.

Hi Precious Gem,

Yes, totally agreed with you that S'poreans are litterbugs. I liked the latest ad by NEA on the youngster being caught to serve CWO. I think it truely reflects many of the S'poreans here.

I have been teaching my kids to hold-on to their "trash" until we find a rubbish bin. It has been difficult to teach them as they see others dumping their rubbish everywhere. My DD1 always ask me....Why I cannot throw away like them?

Hi Yawn - My hb and I bought the Term Insurance that comes with the option for us to purchase the Critical Illness riders. I continued with this term insurance from my previous employer as the Insurance Co. allowed me to continue with it so long as I continue to pay the premiums. Its from AVIVA. The premiums are very affordable and we have been getting yearly premium rebates.

Hi Fairy,

We do hope our 2 kids can be like us. But, think my hb start to be bugged by long sightedness and I guess my turn will come soon.

Hi Mumusings,

That is a terrible book written by some saddist. But, I still believe in 百闻不如一见. Many foreigners admitted having lotsa mis-conception abt S'pore (via books/ media/ internet, etc) until they have come and visit us and see with their own eyes.

We worked very closely with colleagues from US and Germany. They are surprised that we are multi-tasking here. They mentioned to us that what we are doing here by one person is done by at least 3 - 4 persons over at their end. They admitted it will be "difficult" to do it like us.

Lizard in your fridge ?! It must have sneaked in when you opened the fridge. You will have to overturn your fridge and clean it thoroghly liao.
Hi Snowball and Rona,

Yes, the lizard's probably feeling too hot out there and decided he might want to be a polar-reptile instead. It was my husband who took care of it while my toddler stood by, excitedly shouting "ga ga... no more!" I'd never be able to manoevre a killing shot within the fridge. Too freaked out.

Once a lizard charged towards me and because I happened to have Dynamo nearby, I poured the detergent over it to drown it. That was pretty dramatic.

Hi Snowball,

If you've worked with some ang mohs before (part-time during uni doing admin), they prefer to do one thing at one time. I cleared 6 months of backlog in 3 weeks. They simply let the files pile up. Literally to my neck, from the ground - a few stacks. Like you said, it would have taken a team of 6 to clear all files. They'll answer phonecall, place the file on the desk, and forget all about it till hours later sometimes.

In a positive way, they enjoy they entitlement during breaktime. In a not-so-efficient way, they can be slower and less able to handle multiple tasks. Some won't bother about 'urgency' - they leave stuff piling and will clear within their own time. Worked with a few before and they really don't care if it's life and death. Break time = muffin and coffee. Non-negotiable, do-not-disturb.

Different work culture and perceptions of efficiency, I guess? I can't take snail-pace personally. I like to finish up matters neatly and quickly. So to answer Yawn's question, I probably cannot fit overseas because I won't be able to slow myself down... haha.
Mumusings- My quick poll- I meant if everything was average- i.e. work in a western country with average job and average pay, and kids are in preschool...

I may still choose S'pore cos I am not impressed with any western country so far...or rather, I am very used to and accept the S'pore system for the time being...

Yawn- I recall the SAFRA term insurance has a cap on the age of joining or something, so do get in early, if you are keen on this scheme...yes, as bloom says, there is yearly rebate so they give you back some of your annual premium if total claims that year is lower than expected...not bad...

Rona- what is the significance of this day?
Hi Fairy,

What I know for this day, its a day like 15th day of CNY....something like Valentine's day. If you are single and seeking a partner....this is the day to go pray pray for a partner lor.

Hi Mumusings,

Yes, yes.....I cannot stand slow response. I am also dealing with the Indonesians. Some of them are really fast and good and many of them get on my nerves. When they want something from you, they can chase U up the wall. When you need inputs from them, you can vomit blood & still not getting response.

Our US and German counterparts lagi best. Issue system tickets all around for 1 query and after a few days or weeks, the same ticket still floating in the emails with response : "expediting".....sighhhhhhh.
same experience with the indonesians too! and those fast one - their orders kept changing... sometimes can vomit blood...

actually i find the swedes are quite good, at least most of them in my head office.
Hi All,

You must bring your kids to watch YOG. Was watching Hockey from 4pm till 10pm. 3 matches. Superb skills and the kids play really well. The last match got every one on their feet. Korea scored 2 and then New Zealand scored 3 in the last 20 minutes. Really must support the youths. A picture of purity, grit and passion.

The view is great wherever you are seated (Sengkang Stadium). Think my toddler must be the youngest spectator around. He stayed awake throughout. Ate bananas, drank some Coke, chewed on Calbee and then managed to dance a little when he heard 'Nobody' by the Wondergirls. $10 for so much fun is worth it
The crowd was great. Many local students and expat families. Holland-supporters all in Orange, NZ in black and South Affricans with drums.
fairyprincess, with ur example.. i will choose living overseas, cos i am a FTWM now in SG with no maid having to pick up after the kid and the man at home! if that course will set them up in a good the effective way of studying and working then that price might be worth it (for those of us that can afford it lah).

yawn yawn,sorry, i dig some emails..seems that what i got is this.. for the safra one.. u scroll down and u can see the premium... it increase with age...

re cc.. my gal's cc has receievd notification to closed for 10days..and after that they still have 2 days of pre arranged teachers training..siannn..

snowball, good that u can continue ur insurance from ur previous company...

mummusings, how is the toilet arrangement there? my concern is always toilet .. ahahah.. imagine queueing long with a grouchy kid and then the toilet is dirty (and auto flush! my gal got phobia of auto flush now!)
hello ladies!

by gosh, how can that book be a bestseller! i think the brit and many other brits are in denial ... seeing us doing so much better on our own ... that's all i can think ...

i hope u'll take ur kid to polyclinic asap and get that referral letter ... for learning dissabilities, the key word is "Early Intervention", the earlier the better
Hi Rona,

I just have had an email war with my Indonesia Counterpart....keep changing their mind on their Orders.....Order placed few months back and now still want to make changes. Urgghhhhhh.

Hi Bloom,

Oh far my gals' CC still clear of the attack...keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi Are you all familiar with the Alternative Story company that specialises in creative writing classes for kids?

I just got this notice from them for a parents workshop on creative writing. Anyone intersted to form a group of 4 with me? Can save 50% on the fees - $20 down to $10 only.

The content of the email:
Here's the updates for the next upcoming Creative Writing Workshop.

Date: 4th and 11th of September, 8pm - 930pm
Venue : Bukit Timah Shopping Centre ( Our new branch)

Fees : $20 per adult.
However, if we will charge $10 per adult if you can form a group of 4.

Payment details :
By Cheque:
The cheque should be made out to Copasetic Pte Ltd
You can mail us the cheque to this address: Block 414, Yishun Ave 11, #01-1859 Singapore 760414

By Cash:
You may come down to the address above to make payments directly during our opening hours.

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday : 2pm - 8pm.
Saturday and Sundays : 930am - 2pm

If anyone is interested, pls pm me. Once we get 4, I will quickly book first. I know the previous classes get chopped up quite fast.

I want to learn for my Pri 2 niece and hopefully will be useful for my DD next time.
Hi Mummies
I'm back from KL!

Back last night. day of the seven month
== I think is my chinese b/day...keke

Which 2 books - the ones by Michael Ende that tam suggested?

Why are you gals at my neighbourhood?? hehe..Ang Mo, Bar Chor, Fish & Chips...
I buy almost everything at Ang Mo...

I hope your DS will be fine...

Lizard - eeeeek!!! My maid also told me last night she found a lizard in the fridge. Goose pimples for me when I heard it. Chaam, now also scared of opening the fridge door.... haiz...
bloom, fairy
thanks fo sharing on term insurance

tell us about your conquest, what have you bought?

I don't think you should wait for moe if need to queue for 1 year
We (3 gals) ate up everything we ordered at Nando's - 1 whole chicken, 1 food platter comprising wings/drumlets, sausages, pita bread.
3 /bottomless/ iced lemon tea.
Total bill was only M$100.

Also ate:
Ying Ker Lou - hakka food
Canton i - there is a SIN outlet at ION
Teochew Food - Chao Yen - my gfs said good, I met a friend and ate Vietnamese
Madam Kwan's
Prime restaurant at Le Meridien

!!! drooling!!!

I'm not familiar with YingKerLou though. Is the Teochew Food good? not aware of any good teochew restaurants there.

Books - yes, the two books Tam recommended. Not the book Mumusings told us not to buy.

when are you ordering?
Hi Precious Gem,

I remember feeling quite sick and maligned after reading that book.

Hi Stylo,

Looks like it’s a trend for lizards to visit the fridge at the moment. They sms each other or what?!

Hi Bloom,

I didn’t use the mobile toilets, went to the CC next to it. My husband tried the mobile loos and he says they are very clean and well-maintained. No queue. I was very impressed with the Anchorvale CC. Large Macs and 7-eleven too. Everyone's orderly and polite. No mega-queues whatsoever 'cos there are 3 matches a day so people come and go, while others stay throughout.

Hi All,

Some pics of YOG hockey match and the huge 7-eleven. Unlimited bus rides and 4 MRT rides free for a day with every ticket purchase. They also gave out free pins when we left the stadium (for filling up survey form).

The 7-eleven store

The mascots

I am flying off on 25 Aug. Still very busy clearing my work !

My colleagues told me that internet access is not very reliable in our office and apartment
Hopefully I can still access this forum and my blogs regularly.

Thank you so much for warning us about that book :p

"Which would you prefer if you had a choice:
(A) Live in a western country where you are a FTWM, with a job that is not too stressful, with proper weekends, but you have no maid so you have to do EVERYTHING for your young kids (food, washing, school, pick-up etc) as well as housework
(B) Live in S'pore as a FTWM with a more stressful job but have a maid to help out with the kids and housework?
Which would you choose? "

I choose (B) ! I have a cousin living in California. She has double degrees from Harvard and Cambridge, but she has to stay at home for 7 years to take care of her kids. Now she found a job, she has to employ a nanny who costs her USD2000 a month.

I would rather stay in Singapore, have a job, and be financially independent. Actually my job now is not very stressful, it is quite easy for me, except that at certain times like now, I have a lot of work to clear. But those are not difficult to do, so I don't get stressed. I think it all depends on our expectations. I always try to spend more time on my family, less time on work.
{Hi mommies,
I often heard parents in another forum saying that their kids like to read "Diary of a wimpy kid". I was curious so I borrowed it from the library. I really dislike the book, words like "jerks and morons" are used, and cheating and lying to parents seem to be cool. Do not let your kids read these books !

I wonder whether other parents read the books that their kids are reading ? They definitely should do so.
thanks for the link!

Oh do try to log on, especially to this thread. Gonna missed you if you MIA for 5 full weeks!

I read the first few pages of wimpy kid. Can't stand all the whining. I told my dd no way I'm getting that book for her. However, she borrowed from her classmates and read while in school

I didn't see your question. I chose (A). Never had a maid anyway
Tam- all the best! Hope you can be connected to can keep us updated on your experience in China...

I am in shanghai now for work- internet very fast leh, but I am not sure where you will be based- not in a big city?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid- yes, what rubbish are kids reading these days?? Another very popular series of books is Mr Midnight- is it equally rubbish? I did not read such books when I was young- grew up on enid blyton, maybe only enid blyton...ha ha...

Tam- I could only find ONE book from you entire blog list in london- it was about the boy who woke up and found that he became flat- forgot the name of the book- the bookshops said most of the titles are American- so london bookshops may not stock it...very sad...

Stylobb- you did not tell us your shopping outcome in KL...share leh...

Shanghai is still having summer sales- up to 62% off (they call it "3.8 discount")- bought 2 work dresses and one work skirt...saw many nice pairs of work shoes- but I exercise control!

Uniqlo tom and jerry t-shirts and flowery skirts for kids- about S$8 each- bought for the kids...that is all the shopping I will do...

Dingdong- I cannot find much info on this creative writing company- the classes are for parents, rather than children? for parents to learn how to write creatively then coach the kids?
I agreed wif u about the content of the whimpy kids.My girl just read for fun and there after she called it a baby book.My girl was ban from mr midnight since pri three.Now she doesnt read this category of books anymore.

How is weather in SH now?Must be exciting city over that end of the world.

Looking at everyone is at different part of the world, I also feel like getting out of singapore to have some fresh air...that probably has to wait...

Has replied you.By the way, which grade is your dd in now?Piano is just another hobby for my girl,we are not taking it very, my info may not be the best.Maybe u wanna check wif the mummies here?
what coincidence! Yes, the CC has been mandated to close for 10 days
I actually asked if they could coincide the training within these 10 days, but too bad, it is a fully-paid overseas trip and they were not able to cancel. So who will be caring for your child during these 10 days? I will be working from home with her, so I am stocking up on activity books, jigsaw puzzles etc. Hope we don't drive each other insane during this period!

re Fresh Milk
My dd doesn't take much supplements, only the Bioglan fish oil for DHA, and probiotics, but she loves yogurt and cheese. Not too sure What are the fortified nutrients in FM that she might be missing? I leave a carton of PURA milk with the school each week, sometimes replenish towards end of the week. I like that I don't have to wash bottles, dispense and pack FM for her school bag every night.

Re Lizard - I am quite tolerant of lizards, but deathly afraid of cockroaches. There was a huge cockroach on my bathroom vanity top last night, but hb was not able to catch it. So now, I had to stand on the threshold, and scan the bathroom before I dare venture in. Hopefully it had disappeared down wherever it came from *shudder*

Re overseas vs here
I think for me, I would be happy wherever my family is, i.e. my family unit, my parents and sisters as we are close-knit. Which pretty much means staying here. When we were younger and footloose, hb and I had considered venturing overseas, just for the experience. But I couldn't do that then because my grandma was old and ailing. Now that she had passed on, I still couldn't bear to up and go, cos I wanted my dd to grow up, surrounded by family who loves her.

(A) Live in a western country where you are a FTWM, with a job that is not too stressful, with proper weekends, but you have no maid so you have to do EVERYTHING for your young kids (food, washing, school, pick-up etc) as well as housework.

The above closely describes the life that my friends have built for themselves in NJ. We just visited them last year. Basically the suburban life-style, sprawling house, 2 cars, no maid. They work for the same company, located like 5 mins drive away, so they work from home most of the time. On a regular workday, they could be hard at work, or they could be by the pool waiting for their kids' swimming lessons to end. The eldest girl (8 YO) goes to a school which mandate no homework allowed on weekends. Their weekend comprises of trips into NY to visit the MET museum, Scholastic Bookstore etc, so yes they are happy with their life there. My hb was very sold on the lifestyle there after our visit with them..but too bad, I have ties that bind us here.

On a different note, I remembered that one time my friend returned, not to visit but for her dad's funeral (they have not been back for a couple of years prior to that). I thought that was a very sad and regretable situation. Another friend who has built a life in UK also returned home for her dad's funeral. I can still remember vividly her heartbreaking account of how she received that phone call in UK, and how helpless she felt being half-way across the world from her dying dad.

(B) Live in S'pore as a FTWM with a more stressful job but have a maid to help out with the kids and housework?
Which would you choose? "

Put this way, I would choose A over B because a maid would probably stress me out more, on top of the stressful job. Personally, a good worklife balance, maid or no maid is more important to me, hence my decision to downshift years ago.
Quite a lot of kids' clothes on sale, like 50% but I didn't buy much cos I just had some purchased online....

Got a Le Sportsac bag (50%), Elle tops and belt (30-70%), 2 tops and 2 shorts for the twins, some hairclips, some accessories, 1 Cars book, 1 book on Flags of the world.

Lugged back 2 mooncakes gift sets from Hilton, I don't know if the design is the same. This one is a wooden chest of drawers, pretty nice...

Staying overseas...I think I will go into depression if I have to survive overseas just with my own family...haha... and just looking after the kids. No joke.
If temporary, it's still ok but def. not permanent.
Thanx for posting the creative writing class... I have no time for jesse to attend another class. I rather let him play for now...

Pls still try to post when you are in China...hehe

Decay and milk/juices - whatever it may be, I am very conscious about it now and ensure my kids brush their teeth!

Food - becos of the sizes of their restaurants, one can go to one and seat comfortably yet not pay restaurant pries. Teochew - I didn't try, only my gfs tried.

Amazon - not sure leh, although my cart has some items....trying not to spend more money.....hehe

Wow I wud like to see your 'europe' dresses...keke
I'm in dreses nearly everyday...

Do you go Ang Mo often? I may even have brushed shoulders with you w/o knowing....
Are any of your kids into "Animal Kaiser"? I find it a waste of time and money to see kids glued to them at the arcades w/ their parents sitting with them feeding them the cards...!!!!

jesse was telling me, "Mummy, there are children in my school who like Animal Kaiser. But I don't like cos I don't like animals." (hehehe...)
My boy is now in the waitlist for the programme at Dyslexia Association of S'pore (DAS). The person in charge told me that there are more K2 students on the waitlist. Their priority is the K2 students. So no choice, have to wait till next year to enrol him in their programme. Anyway Im looking around for private tutor who is trained in this area. Let me know if anyone has any contact. Btw precious, did you take up any course at DAS? Can master the "OG" method and guide your daughter.

The entry level for assessment is 6yrs old. As my boy is only 5yrs 7mths, he is too young to determine if he is dyslexic. Only can screen if he is at risk.

Will check out YOG schedule. Why I never think of that since my boy likes sports so much.
That's the reason I decided to stay put in Singapore, at least during my parents' living years

Thanks, don't worry about it. Just gathering numerous teachers' contacts as I didn't want to scramble for contacts last minute, if the need arises

what's "Animal Kaiser"? I've never heard of it. mountain tortoise hehe
Hi Tam,

It’s a horrid book but I was glad I checked it out for myself the prejudices people have against Asians. It takes a book like that to ironically inspire loyalty and reflection on what’s real and what’s not. Have a great time in China and hope to hear from you on this thread!

On YOG tickets

Tickets are sold out for many events. Funny thing is hockey was sold out but stadium was only 1/3 occupied. They really should do something about being more flexible and releasing more tickets since it’s free-seating. Many people were turned away and puzzled ‘cos when you look at the stadium, it’s obviously far from full-house.
Its nice that mummies are logged on tonight! Hello everyone =)

Joy- weather in Shanghai- really really really really hot- like 35deg dry heat so feels even more hot- with the pollution- even more more hot...the worst time to visit shanghai is now- month of Aug- but its for work, so no choice...

Stylobb- next time we meet I show you these recent dresses- no problem!
AngMo- ya, who knows, may have bumped into you! I go there about once a month or more frequently to stock up on Dumex milk powder, and sometimes can drinks...used to eat lunch at the ba chor mee, but now need to drive slightly further to eat it...
Which block is the fish and chips?

Poll about living here or in a western country:
I asked this Q because the europe trip I just went- was to see a good friend of mine who has lived in Paris for > 15 years, ever since uni graduation...she has a full time job- 2 preschoolers, no maid and a husband who works away from home on week days- she has no maid but a nanny to look after the literally on weekdays, she is a single mum with no maid after work- so cooking kids dinner, bathing them, doing housework, laundry, everything single detail she has to do, from summer time to the dead of winter...I just cannot see myself in her shoes- so all I can say is- its not easy!
going to Hua Hin? yeap, car from BKK airport, about 2-3 hours depending on traffic. Its a beautiful place! We stayed at the Hyatt the last time. wanted to return but no chance yet.
such coincidence, my colleague was just talking about this animal kaiser cards... she told me one card is $1.50 and her son and his classmates are exchanging these cards, so her son will request her to get the cards so he can exchange with his friends. seems like it has been going on for a while already.

and her son is in K1 this year. I think my colleague is quite free with money with her kids but frugal on herself...
me too, doesn't like the books. and shows - hana montana, high school kids etc... they are supposed for kids - not too sure what age group though, but there are kissing scenes and what not... the same colleague's dd was so crazy with it since when she was in K2. I told her that its a bit early to let her kid watch it.

I don't know what is Mr Midnight about though, anyone care to let me know?

guess i grew up with enid blyton, famous five, hardy boys, nancy drew kinda books... hehehee.. i also like jane austen's books.
Hey, stylobb and fairy, am also a dress person, do show me your lovely dress...

May u post in the forum that tas that self advertise, more parents will join.

Good groundwork.I used to be like you too.Now too tired with the younger one.

I cannot believe it when both kids were watching a badminton match between china and thailand last night in otto...And badminton used to be my game...

Good day everyone.For mummies who have pri school kids, next two days are holidays....cheers
Hannah Montana

I made myself watch an episode of Hannah Montana last month and it wasn't very savoury. She's rude and haughty. Overly exaggerated expression and very little educational value. Same for Zack & Cody.

There was a BBC series called Grandpa in My Pocket on Okto in the mornings. Not bad. Family closeness, adventure and clean accent. Am waiting for the Wonder-pets to come back. Am a fan of it
Animals helping each other, lovely setting and music, good values and entertaining.
Some of the YOG games last for 10hrs right? Maybe the audience went back.

I thought of signing the OG course too. But I think need to pass written test and oral. No confidence of going thru it... that in the forum...dun want can? I am not their staff also. Just that I thought share with the ones (and you guys are the only ones since I check up this threadmost often)...

Just thouight of saving for myself and sharing with all also.

So besides precious gem, who wants har? PG - I pm you ok?

Stylobb - its a parents workshop - not for the kids.

Bloom - thanks for nice of you. Actually if no takers its ok lah. I am ok to fork $20 also.

Joy 747, why next 2 days PH har for primary sch? PSLE?
