Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Mummies

Oh, glad you are fine.

My 4yrs 9mths twins still nap - but not for jesse who is 6yrs 9mths.

I think time will go by very fast!
Is your schedule v tight?

Thanx. I ever went to HKG in Dec, v shiok.

No wonder u mia.. u got my email or not?? hehe

Holiday mood - hb/I are gonna be bz leh... still have not found a date where we are both free...haiz.. wanted to go to the fair but ended up did not...

I will prob. tag along hb to Sydney once more year end...

I went to Daiso with jesse - wah, really cramped. Ppl were getting into one another's way and everyone needs to be patient....
Saw this customer scolding the security guard.. sigh...

Jesse pick a mini clip board and a pair of training chopsticks.. haha, I still spent $22 at the end of it.

Pollution - eek... so terrible. Was in Beijing many years ago and it was ok, in fact I enjoyed going to all the historical sites v much.
No wonder many ppl like to move to S'pore...
got got. will try to make it.

so where are you going to bring the kids for hols? me still thinking. maybe can't... my last test will only finish on 15 Dec and I don't wanna go to Australia and be the maid for 3 families!
I'm also stuck. Cos hb has 3 local events, 3 overseas events, 2 weeks resvc in Dec, in btwn we got quite a lot of stuff going on! Kids side - got concert, and P1 orientation. GE run. We literally had to compare our calendars! Even if we do go, it'll only be like 3-4 days... haiz...
rona, snowball, joy,
Honestly it is not a pleasant place to be, so it is not possible to enjoy
Singapore is so clean in comparison, all thanks to the government.

The only good thing is that I can eat excellent steak for less than RMB60, and I just bought the complete season 1 of Vampire Diaries for RMB24, and the whole series of 宫心记 for RMB7. Without these DVDs, I don't know how to pass my time :p

I will email you about the DVDs later

Actually 可爱的鼠小弟 has some difficult words, I think even our P3/P4 students cannot read every word. Meimei is impressive !

You are welcome

Both my kids stopped taking afternoon naps before 3 years old. We could not get them to sleep no matter how hard we tried, so we gave up.
Has anyone been telling your son about the myths of the 7th month ?

I teach only for half a day during the first 2 week, then after that I will be quite busy.
how about getting 富贵门?

as for meimei, think there's a difference btw boy and gal lah... she is a normal kid.
I think its because he pity the arts centre director. Director Cui had done a lot for him and I think Cui had also just confide in him and told him he like him. prob jin ho didn't want to hurt Cui's feelings.

I reached middle of episode 9 then zoom to last episode. Impatient lah, must quickly see the ending. Story line kind of predictable but its casts are eye candies

wah, you are very fast. I enjoyed almost all the episodes except 15 and 16... heheheee... think the ending is a little awkward. you are SO right about eye candies... i had a great feast. and the words! so warming and heart-moving...

i think i'm a bit siao liao!

This story is based on a popular novel in Korea and I heard that its a very nice book and also better then the drama.

you noticed something in most Korean dramas ?

almost every misunderstanding arise because the lead actors don't want to explain themselves, expect the lead actresses 你应该懂我 then ding dong ding dong after misunderstanding cleared, happy ending. Things that can explain in 3 sentences, don't know why they must act cool & gloomy. Oh, not to forget, there's always another party to add fuel to fire. Like that can easily drag another 5 to 10 episodes

Very standardised plot
actually most of these kind of dramas plot same same... taiwanese also very close. but nevermind hor, my eyes not complaining on all the feasting. But i know Korea is a very MCP society, men always first and woman and kids last. so that kind of explain on the man's attitude, in addition, the man's expectation - that the woman has to always wait on them... like in the show, Jin Ho kept saying 我的女人.
But I think chang lie's character is quite cute. and i also think this character also more realistic too lah. where got perfect man??
Korean serials always must have 4 lead characters- 2 real leads and 2 smaller leads...just observe, some things never change..

Aiyah- I had something on last weekend, so no time to help my kids figure out what to give teachers for teacher's today, they went to school empty-handed, so tomorrow, when they are at home (no school)- have to scramble to create something...what did mummies do this year??
aa, yawn, Fairyprincess,
Your dangdang books are here.
I will ask my hubby to sort out and label your nicknames. You can collect from my place, just look for my maid Siti. I will email you my home phone later when the books have been sorted out.

OK I will look for it
Hi all,

Been 'busy' these few days. My fridge (3-door, 400-litre) is almost there. The kid didn't close the doors a few times and 2 days ago, we were out for a few hours. You can imagine the poor fridge. Anyway, I made do with whatever coldness that's left and placed the perishables in the freezer.

Any advice?

Would you call for repair (which will cost $90 and above) or get a new one?

Hi Mummies

We drove in to Bukit Indah yesterday. The place was rather empty and it was nice to walk around a bit. Had Jap food for lunch, then ice-cream, then brought back Nando's for dinner. Hb managed to find the way from 2nd link after trying the 3rd time turning.
The kids went to the indoor playzone, hb went to jagar them... anyway very few kids...
There were mooncakes, lanterns on sale.
Went to Daiso there too..haha... easier to shop as there was hardly anyone.
Bot 3 necklaces from PDI/Vincci.

Storyline: Korean or whatever
I feel pek chek if the story drags on and on...

You too watching Korean or HKG or BOTH??

How old is your fridge?

Where you are now does not sound too exciting.. hehe
tamarind, thanks!

How's the weathr over there?


Now watching Korean 'personal preference'. At Ep 11

Before this, was chasing an old TVB drama 洗冤录2. Watched the first 2 episodes at my mom's house, a re-run of TVB drama by starhub. Kanna hooked, how come I missed this drama, continued the remaining online, nice leh

Been Bukit Indah once. Didn't notice Daiso there. Is it storewide RM2 or adjusted to S$2 equivalent?
M$2...u's M$5... slightly more exp, but at least there is space to look and unlike, unlike the outlets in S'pore...
Hi Stylo,

My fridge is around 7 years old and 400-litre.

Anyone has her fridge repaired before and know if it's worth the costs??
I will be going to Xian today and spend the weekend there, and planning to go to ZhangJiaJie next weekend, just to escape this city.

The government blocks blogger, youtube, facebook ! Really no fun. Though I can access it using through some channels, it is quite troublesome.

One good thing is that I can buy very cheap DVDs. I finished watching my favourite series Dollhouse ! Now watching 宫心计.

The weather is like Singapore now. But in winter it will be very cold, fortunately I will be back in mid October.

It depends on how many years you have used the fridge. I think if it is 7 years old, I will probably buy a new one.
Tam- PM you regarding blocked websites =)
Yes- you should certainly use your 5 weekends in your 5 week stay to go to as many places as in china is not ex, compared to Tokyo!! A 2-hour bullet train shinkansen return trip from Tokyo to a nearby town can cost S$300-400...

Fridge- Mumusing- One way to determine if you should repair your fridge is to call NTUC Home Services (check web for tel) and they will get a cotnractor to call you- the contractor will charge S$15 during office hours to make the trip to assess the repair costs- you can then decide to pay for repairs or just get a new fridge...
Thanks Tam and Fairy!

At the moment I've shifted everything to the top and middle - shut the air trap for the bottom. So far so good. Just won't purchase anything frozen until we decide what to do.
fridge is quite cheap nowadays. I will get a new one if i were you... heheheheee... cos repair also got no guarantee that it will work well.
I'm looking at cruises. but the star cruise website is so hard to nagvigate! headache liao! spent the whole morning trying to find the right one but can't seem to be able to see anything. kept getting HK as the home page!
Hi All (Rona, Tam, Stylo and Fairy)

Appliances ARE very cheap these days. Saw a 320 litre at $519. Since we happen to need gas for the air-con, we called the service guy to come over and he'll help us take a look. If it's just gas, I won't mind paying another $30. Any more than that, no thanks.

Wish me luck
We do like the current fridge very much because it's spacious and we've always kept it clean.

My mom's fridge is the opposite. Stuffed to the brim and lots of expired stuff she forgets. So when hers went kaput a few years back, she had to throw lots of stuff away, except medicine and dried foods. Once, we found vacuum packed ham dated 1992 (a neighbour bought us some from Japan in 1990).... We discovered it in 1996 when we moved.
Hi Rona,

Yes, my mom's the real hoarder. Vintage food... hahaha...

Anyway, the repair guy certified that some parts are down and will cost nearly $200. We'll get a new fridge and downsize 'cos it's really a waste to have XL size.
Hi Mumusings,

7yrs is a good time to change your fridge. In my opinion, it is not worth paying the repair cost. My fridge when kaput (also ard 7yrs old) when I was into 2nd week of my confinement, on a Sat. Went on a frentic search for fridge and grabbed 1 from Gain City as they provide next day delivery plus give $100 off for "trade-in" of my old fridge plus free delivery. I have to throw away all the breast milk that I have collected and keep my food in ice box.

There is an electrical shop in Tampines & Jurong West also sell electrical appliances at lower prices than Best Denki/ Courts. FOC delivery somemore.

Yes, nowadays, fridge are much cheaper & not worth repairing.

Hi Rona - U can also get the cruise prices on Five Stars website. It is quite easy to access the cruise prices. Think UOB and OCBC credit cards have special prices for balcony class cruises.

I was attracted by the Fly/ Cruise - Twn/ Okinawa. But, they only have 1 departure date in Sept. So, did not booked it. I heard that Okinawa is a very nice place to visit.
Hi Snowball and all,

Thanks for all the advice! New fridge arrived
Went out yesterday after servicing the aircon and settled the matter. So happy to have ice cubes again!
Hello all

good morning..lost this thread and mgt to retrieve it.

Hey, check wif mummiese here.For free and easy trip overseas, esp that involved taking public transport from point to point and moving hotel, how do you manage the luggage?

I have this big prob when in japan last year.Imagine, we travel all the way to mt fuji from disneyland with all our luggages...and its so inconvenience to move around with it..

Now, wanna go hokkaido, should not be a prob wif the transport, but the luggage, can someone pls advice?thanks alot.

my cousin drove when he went to Hokkaido last year. Are you thinking of driving? Apparently, driving there is quite easy.... except for the 'wrong' side driving.
my mum's tv finally kaput!!!!

hipee!!!! hip hip horray!!!!!!

my mum's tv is the old 24 inch tv? not sure how old is the tv but i had wanted to change the tv for a very long time, but my mum disagree! say TV not spoil can't change!!??!!

so time to shop for a new TV - getting LCD or plasma one, but no need to be too big, 32 inch will be just perfect.

so got good lobang, let me know!

thanks.I love to drive but during winter time, may not be a good option to drive, right?

Sure good time to change a plasma tv.Am waiting for my fridge to spoil, but no news ....I have my ideal fridge, but must wait....
Hi Rona,

Mustafa has slashed their prices by quite alot. 32 inch Sharp $449 when I was there last week. For fridge and washers, they have the cheapest. Next day delivery if you buy before evening time. Congrats. I can share your joy. Felt the same when my mom's Tv, fridge and washer bye-bye after 12 years
Hi Rona and all,

Sorry - what I meant was next-day delivery for Mustafa purchases if you buy before 4pm-5pm. They were very punctual and quick in setting up. Warranty card is given to us on the spot. Receipt will be returned when they hand over the good(s).

Downsized by 100+ litres and absolutely love the new fridge
The previous one was too large for us at 450 litres.
Hi Yawn/ Rona,

I feel that the effect can be felt in 3 - 6 mths' time. Resale prices will go South, esp for those upgraders who have committed to purchase condo, now need to sell within 6mths after TOP of condo. Wait for a while more, price will dip.

brought my kids to watch a play '<font color="0000ff">Momotaro - The Peach Boy</font>' yesterday. I thought they wouldn't appreciate but surprisingly they enjoyed immensely, giggled throughout

in case you are interested to bring your kids during school holiday, show details here

DATE 4-19 Sep 2010
Tue - Fri &amp; Sun, 10.00am &amp; 2.30pm
Sat, 10.00am, 2.30pm &amp; 5.00pm
on the contrary, I think HDB prices will stay high. Cos now HDB is a gem with the new ruling!

But I think the condo prices may slide for a while. unless these purchasers are foreigners with lots of cash...

In that case, you can buy a private right away if prices slide sufficiently. No need to wait 5 years to satisfy MOP

I satisfy MOP next year. Gonna go shopping. Pray hard prices landslide

Am eyeing ACS. So need to buy one in the west. Was telling my kids, every time we move house is due to the school

Hi all,

Need 'help' here. Is this fruit duku or langsat? What do you call it?

On the new housing rules:

Well done and in time to stop people from being over-committed to too many loans. There'll be grey areas and people stuck in a fix for sure but I am sure they'll look at every case (eg. PRs who also have a home in their name overseas for family). This will also deter people who are using the previous loopholes to make a quick buck. And, people who speculate in shares/gambling just to make that 5% cash and then take a huge loan to repay for the rest of their lives.

I sincerely hope that everyone will think carefully before they wish to 'flip' housing purchases or use their HDB flat for dubious purposes. It's only reasonable to buy within our means. Sure, everyone wishes to 'upgrade' one day and so, do that when you have enough cash! Too many young people jumping onto the bandwagon and idolising those over-glorified accounts of people who spun private apartments from a single sale of HDB flat proceeds.
