Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?


Ya, my hubby also like to complain about parking lots, traffic jam.

I always tell him, as a woman, I dont nag and complain so much.

Hi all,
I would like to share my blog.

I read from another forum, a mommy wrote that her son was retained by MCYS, because the Daddy caned him !

Do you beat your kids ?

If you view my blog, under "Links", the forum is the link starting with C. This forum's name is banned from SingaporeMotherhood hahaha
Hah hah... hubby also like that, hardly complain and sometimes I have to tell him "talk to me leh" he is busy playing his computer game...
- ladies

does ur hb shop with you. I dun mean grocery shopping. For me, moving planet earth is easier than moving my hb's butt to shop with me. When dating, he will still please me by forcing himself to shop with me, then gradually he will stand outside the shop and eventually, he dun even go with me anymore! ha! but all the better la, I can shop in peace. Only thing is he will insist to drive me, especially send me home! so ev time I have to rush cos he will tel me be there in 10 mins, no parking, can't wait, blah blah.. tell him dun need he will still want to!

- Hippo

i prefer quiet men leh. Apart from his weird complaining, my hb is generally quiet too. I know there always be 1 talkative and another quiet in most couples. Guess for us, the talkative honour goes to me lo.

But I had this ex boyfriend, super ba po. He is the one who always tok tok tok, nag non stop abt me and even told my mum to control me! So irritating! Thats why he's now an EX!
Well... my husband seldom shop with me or rather we seldom shop as it is inconvenient to shop with kids around... always busy keeping an eye on the kids.

Since, I am working in Orchard area, I do my own shopping during lunch time..
I would rather shop alone, because I am very indecisive, can take a few hours to decide on something. Don't like to be hurried by someone else.

My girl is also very naggy
I don't like to shop with hubby. window shopping ok, not seriously with intent to buy that kind of shopping.

He will oblige me (obedient mah) if I want to go shopping but I know his heart is somewhere else, got that bored look on his face. Furthermore must maintain my image in his presence, cannot ransack those deep discount clothing. So spoilt sport to shop with him.

I rather go shopping alone. Shopping is my retail therapy
juz me

you work in orchard sure spend a lot on shopping hor?


ya, i am oso very indecisive. I have a habit of checking out evthing bef i decide on which pc. So I think its suffering to him to follow me thru. The men jus dun get it!

Hate to jus pick something at first glance and not checking out the others, then buy home and dun feel sense of satisfaction or regret. Shoppin is not complete to me if I dun go home with victory buys.

I also like to ransack discount racks or wagons! especially the wagon.. haha.. so fun! when i shop with my mum and she sees something she likes from the wagon, I will ask her wat size, wat color and start diggin. I jus love doing that, and when I find the one she wans I feel great sense of achievement! haha, weird me hor??
me too, very indecisive. like to thnk and think, look and look, then don't buy as need to go home and think somemore. which is why he hates to shop with me.

I am happy to shop alone, will take half-day leave just to shop as weekend have to bring the children out, how to shop when have to keep an eye on them.

Juz me
how I wish I am working in Orchard, then can shop everyday.
Hi all!

I'm the nagger in the family. But my hb likes to complain too. When I'm the driver, he's the backseat driver. Once I was so mad at him, I pulled over, and asked him to take over the wheels. If not, no more words from him! Silence for the rest of the journey!

When he's driving, and complaining about traffic, the other drivers, parking, etc, I just close my eyes and pretend to sleep! Let him yak away! hee hee

I don't do much shopping. Usually I make a list, go straight for the things i need, and off we go. Unless of course I'm in a bookshop! Then I can spend hours in there!

My hb more a shopper. He'll browse, check things out, go for the bargains! aiyoh, when it comes to shopping, he's the 'woman' in the family. I'm always the one to rush him home. So we hate shopping with each other. But sometimes, no choice, getting big ticket items, need him to endorse. Then, I suddenly very patient, kuai kuai wait for him to slowly take his own sweet time to browse. Inside fire already, but still pretend it's ok! Luckily such occasions are very rare, otherwise I go mad already!
I also very indecisive, once I wanted to buy a pair of jeans, think and think until the pattern change then I still haven buy.

Talk about 'woman' in the family, my friend's hubby is one of them, he would buy lot of toilet papers when there was promotion, my friend told me her store is meant for toilet papers..ha
Hi Mummies
Saw this thread... me can qualify to be here.. haha.. haven't read thru all the postings.

Kids: 1 boy (3.5 yrs) and twin gals (1.5 yrs)

Enrichment classes: Never send my boy except for a week holiday programme in june. I wanted to send him for mandarin but when I asked him, he said No so I don't want to force. He likes to dip in pool, so intend to send him for swimming class when he turns 4.

Shopping: I prefer to shop alone. But I hardly linger.. usu hv in mind what to buy. I'm decisive when it comes to buying.
If I go with hb, I tell hb to go to his electronics place (like Best Denki) while I can go to places like Zara.. hehe

Facials/spa: I don't like going.. can't imagine lying there for 3 hours.. only went when I was getting married.

Sorry, when I first saw ur nick, I thot it was 'cowardchick'... hehe ... no offence..
My hubby LOVES to grocery shop...any other hubby like that? I think he gets a kick from getting good buys and comparing prices...

That's the only type of shopping we do together- becomes like a weekend routine, whole family to go to Sheng Siong, Giant, NTUC, S&S...ha ha!

But other type of shopping like for clothes etc...NO WAY do I want to go with my hubby...he will make me feel soooo bad that I can't buy anything...i.e. he will say I have so many shoes etc etc why I still need to buy (of course its true lah, but which woman wants to hear that?!... ha ha) so no point going with him really...not even with kids, as they have short attention span...sigh...
Welcome ! It must be very tough to take care of 3 kids so young. You have a maid to help ? I got my mother and maid to help, and still pulling out my hair sometimes, and I only have 2 kids !

When my hubby goes supermarket, he only buys biscuits, chocolate and coke. He has no idea what kind of groceries we need.
I guess different men are different indeed...

My husband LOVES to compare prices of things e.g. detergent- which one is the cheapest at which to think of it, so "auntie"...(no offence to anyone)

But even grocery shopping, he will say to me "why need to buy this or that, we don't need" so I get an earful for simple things too...sigh
I hv my 3 M's : mum/mil/maid. So far, so good.
Really tkful that I have help.
Not easy loh, I find boy more challenging, or it cud be the gals are still young, not at the terrible twos yet.

Think u mummies hv discussed before, the energy factor. Now I know why some ppl choose to marry younger.. can u imagine after work, I hv to chase after them... haiz .. I mean, it's fun but energy-sapping leh.
Remember saw a couple in a bus, the husband looked so tired after work and trying hard to play with the child. Like us, we have to play with the kids after work when we are so tired.
Remember saw a couple in a bus, the husband looked so tired after work and trying hard to play with the child. Like us, we have to play with the kids after work when we are so tired.
Hi styloBB, welcome
Not to worry about getting my nick wrong. chicken also coward kind what. Unless it's my boy. So gung ho, I think i get heart attack! Especially at the swimming pool. always go to the deeper end tho he can't swim, not even float!

wow, you have 3! I thot 2 was the ultimate! It's good to have help. Lucky you!

My hb also likes to buy toilet paper, soaps, shampoos, detergent, and instant noodles!Weird hor!

Saw the long endless threads on the BP, but never bothered to find out. Never tried BP before. How does it work? How to ensure it's safe? Scary.
My boy too.... must keep an eye on them hor esp at the pools.. dangerous. He wl run round the edge of the pool...

Intended to hv 2 but who knows, the 2nd became twins...

Good that ur hb wl buy all these mah... usu I'm the one who have to keep track ... cos I can't stand it when they run out...

Not easy hor... stimes I see the couple walking to don't know where, carrying an infant still in sleepwear and still sleeping.. prob. to the inlaws place..

BP.. I think best to organise among ppl we know.. otherwise may end up like this case.
My friend also got 1 girl, then 2nd one also twins girl, when I was pregnant with the second one, she always said that I will be like her end up with twins..haiz

Lucky, not as what she said, else more tiring.

I read the last few postings, wow, a lot of heated exchange.
I have not participated in any BP or spree here. we use hubby's colleague US address to receive parcel & ask another of his colleague to bring the parcel back. Troublesome lor, so I have only made 2 purchases so far even though there are lots of good deals online

whenever I go NTUC or Sheng Shiong, I also just buy biscuits, yogurt, crackers, ice cream, chocolate, etc. hubby always said I spent so much money on junk food, none of it can really fill the stomach.
my mom is better, she stock up on canned food & rice & koka noodles. Told hubby if got famine, we will just go my mom's house lah since my junk food supplies can't fill stomach
your boy is a Jan 2004 baby? Is he attending any playgroup now?
my younger girl is 3 years 5 month now, Feb baby.

my grandma gave birth to twins. grandma's brother also had twins. grandma's niece had triplets! I was very hopefully since got family histories. Very envious, suffer labour pain once & have two babies right away.
<font color="119911">cowandchick, </font>
Bulk Purchase, or even overseas sprees, are not 100% safe, if you don't know the organizer personally. The way it works, is that you pay the organizer money through internet bank transfer. Then when the goods arrive, she contact you to collect. This is so risky right ? You don't know where she stays, there is no receipt, she can easily run away, and you cannot do anything about it.

<font color="ff6000">styloBB,</font>
I agree with you the safest is to organize BP among people we know. For me, I would rather organize myself, I have done a number of sprees before, I know I am very trustworthy hahaha

It's only after we have kids, then we realize the importance of our mothers/in-laws right ? When I just graduated, I wanted so much to move out. Now I wish that my mother stay with me everyday to help me look after my kids. I just cannot trust the maid alone with them.

Like you, I also wish that I could have given birth to them when in my twenties. Now everyday I go back home feel so tired. But I still try my best to spend time teaching them.

Are your twin girls identical ? Can you tell them apart ?

<font color="aa00aa">hippo2002,</font>
Your way can save a lot of shipping fee

How much food/detergent/toilet paper/etc do you stock up ? I usually buy enough for 2 weeks at one go. I am wondering whether I should stock up more rice, milk powder, etc. In case got war/famine hehehe

my house has no store room. old HDB layout

Since I have catering, I don't stock up on food. If supplies like tissue or detergent run low, I will buy from NTUC. there are 2 NTUC near my kids' schools and I need to send my kids to school 3 times a week so just pop by to buy anthing I need

I only stock up on milk powder and diapers whenever there is sale. Now that they are toilet trained at night, need not stock so much diapers anymore
Ur older is boy or girl? How old?

Yes my boi is Jan bb... my gals too... borne within same week, only 2 years later. Yes he is attending playgroup. So thinking whether to engage him in anything over weekends but so far no. I rather hb goes to the field to kick ball with them all.

Twins - come out double expenses also double..haha.

Wow.. seems like u like to buy titbits leh.. hehe..

Catering? U tengkat ur meals? I also tengkat, from my mom's place.. hehe

BP - I organise one among my mummy friends... only 1 product.. but quite stressful.. hahaha.
So far those sprees I participated are ok. If the mummy has been here long time, shud be safe.

Sprees - usu organised among my other mummy friends..

Younger mummy - yeah, but that time didn't think of marriage leh.. hehe.. happily travelling and enjoying singlehood... I really don't how I'll cope when they go to school next time. How u supervise ur kid's school work?

Of crse I can tell the difference, I'm the mummy mah..hehe. they are fraternal twins.. my boy can tell who is who since they were young. But their weight is different: 12.2 and 10.2kg

How old are ur kids?

Mil - yeah.. since I only see her in the evenings, it's ok.. she is nice and helpful lah.. even when the gals are sick, she brings them to PD cos my PD only operates in the aftns. My mum always reminds me to be nice loh. Our common topic is the kids loh...I'm not a chatty person by nature.

My grandma was a twin.. but so far only me in the entire family got twins.
Can be quite 'shocked' when u find out it's twins... haha but quite a unique experience to go thru.

I don't really stock up xcept for milk powder and diapers cos there is an Ang Mo Supermkt near my place. V convenient.

Pneumococcal Jab
Someone mentioned this, my boy has taken it. Cost me $170. He had fever after the jab though.
I wl let the gals take after they turn 2.
Also chix pox jab.
Beauty and stuff: u know sometimes on our skin, there are those brownish spots that pop up.. what are they ah? My beautician used to use this tool that is heated to remove them..
Beauty products: I use Origins.. work for me. Can't afford to splurge on too many of such stuff now. Just bot a Mac refill compact, already cost me $55. Ouch!

I have the impression Origins is expensive, dare not approach counter to enquire. Now I buy Clarins from parallel importer at 35% off counter price so still affordable lor

I have 2 girls Jan 02 and Feb 04. My younger girl is home schooled. I enrolled her for nursery next year. Now she is only attending Chinese enrichment and gymnastic once a week.

Yes, tingkat for years. I only know how to steam fish, chicken or eggs and fried sausages or eggs, cook cambell soup. very limited menu, so better outsource, haha!
my parents really pity my hubby, always feel that he is a victim. I don't know how to cook, don't like to do housework, he got stamps in his eyes to marry me. So mean hor!

hubby doesn't mind I can't cook or hate doing housework. I always sweet talk him and encourage him. I think he is a much more confident man after being married to me for so many years. So that is my value add as a wife

all mommies
do you sweet talk your hubby?
- styloBB

welcome welcome

ya, origins and mac not cheap leh, and u still say cant afford..hee... I also use some MAC stuff. If you travel, buy at the DFS counter got at least 25% off.


we dun stock up. buying groceries can come to quite a sum, always feel so heart pain. My mum likes to do it, she is the one stocking up for us now. Sometimes the maid tells me no more milk powder and i will say ok, and forgot.. then until really no more for days.. haha..

My hb is the one buying milk powder and pampers for the kids all the time. I am in charge of buying them clothes.

HB favourite is to shop for stationery. VERY weird habit. He just loves to buy stationery, go to stationery stores like Popular, thats it. Now the study room so messy with all the stationery...

no more liao leh.. teasing have la, but the lovey dovey kind no more liao. He use to call me girl as endearment, then i told him dun call me that la, so old liao, pai say, then he call me dear lo, then slowly now is oi! Secret - we used to nick each other hunnie (me) and bunnie (him).. haha!!!

wa.. the BP thread so drama huh.. scary sia... I also quite weary about this kind of spree. Will ony BP with ppl i know.
Agree BP not safe although I did it once through this forum to get the Leaping Frog DVDs...the forumer was very kind, even got her hubby to deliver to me...that case no issue, everything smooth...

One other time, another forumer asked for donation of baby stuff as her baby is due in July...I passed it to her sister who met me....I asked her sis if many others responded, she said yes...I really do not know she got my stuff for her kid or to sell...but nevermind lah, since I did not want it, but wonder if I made the right move, maybe I should have donated to various children's home in S'pore instead- anyone know if they take in babies, or only kids??
Orh.. considered ex ah..hehe... when ex, I think of brands like SKII and Estee mah...

This current batch I hv was bot from DFS leh... but running out liao.
Origins cleansers range from $33 to $38.
Moisturiser abt $60 to $70.
I have the price list with me.... in case anyone is interested... sometimes they sell in gift packs and price wlbe cheaper...

MAC - Aiyah! Shud hv asked hb to buy.. he is back frm kl today.. but ask him must gv him specific details or else he blur blur..

Sweet talk... give eg? I don't know how to sweet talk... Encourage, yes.

I guess if come out of ur parents' mouth, u wont feel so bad if come out of ur mil's mouth.. then.. hehe...

Or donate to Salvation Army...
Yah if have an outlet for ppl with such needs, it'll be beta.
I don't join any BP.
Online shopping, usu with my mummy friends or by myself since my order for the three can come up to a lot..hehe

Think I might not be able to post today... as may be bz...
ya, can see fire at the bp thread.

I don sweet talk to my hubby, I am not the 'wen rou' type wife...haha. I got a very bad temper, my telephone, alarm clock, remote control were all spoilt becos of my bad temper, I threw them when I was very angry...sorry.
Hi Mummies
Good morning...

I think as marriage progress into a later years,the kind of relationship grow a different light...of course no more the courtship type of LOVE...

Hubby was saying, you don;t know you married a good men...without much thought, I just answered him...NONSENSE and he get a bit offended but I just inored him...
Ya, BP sounds scary. Will probably lay off such things, at least for the time being. Anyway, also donno what to buy leh. Good lah, then don't have to worry so much!

I just like you, don't sweet talk type. My temper like hyperactive volcano. That's why got to send my boy to cc. Otherwise, get so angry teaching my girl, lash out at the poor boy also.

I also lousy cook. Funny thing was, when my hb was posted to UK for over a year, I went wif him. My sis thot I go and cook for him while he goes out to work. Guess what? He has to come home and cook dinner for us! hee hee.

I don't mind my hb cooking, but every time he does so, he has to use every utensil in the kitchen! Then, I have to clean up. So I tell him, I packet from the hawker's centre better!

Mummies, does your hb cook for you too?!

My mum also tell me, you married a good man, don't keep yelling at him lah. But that's our way of communicating for the past how many years?! Anyway, I do try to tone down a bit. In case one day he fed up and run away. I so used to the 'good life' now, don't want to change it!
Just to share with all mommies

I heard about the Five love languages from a Feiyue counsellor during parenting talks

- Words of Affirmation (encourage him constantly in whatever he is passionate about, football or a career venture)
-Quality Time (2 of you spent time catching movies or talking over dinner)
-Receiving Gifts (surprise him with gifts)
-Acts of Service (like ironing his clothes, pick wife up from work)
-Physical Touch (hugs & kisses)

not everybody responses to all 5 love languages. Individuals responsed differently, some feel more love when there is 'words of affirmation', some response better to 'physical touch'

you got to know your spouse which 'languages' he responds better to

for instance, my hubby response very well to 'words of affirmation' so I always sweet talk him & encourage him & offer my unconditional support. He can feel my love even though I am quite laid back & didn't bother to maintain the house in sparkling condition, haha!

I response better to 'act of service' so I always feel his love when he takes care of me such as helping me to carry all the heavy grocery bags, asking our kids not to disturb me when I'm taking my morning nap, make milo & toast for me every night, & many many little things in our daily life

my kids respond very well to 'physical touch'. must kiss & hug them everyday

we are in the same shoe, haha!
my hubby is also a better cook. When we were studying in Melbourne, he did all the cooking everyday. very tasty!
I will tag along with him to Victoria market while he chose the ingredients. Nowsaday we dine out on weekends although sometimes he will cook 1 meal if he's in the mood and he will do the marketing if he intends to cook.
He did most of the housework too since we haven't engage a new cleaner lady. That's why my parents said he got stamps in his eyes lor

I dare not yell at him lah. If he is not happy at some comments I made, I quickly shut up lor, don't push my luck & avoid conflicts too. hehe, I am the 'wen rou' type. Just 'polo-soh' him and he usually grants me all my wishes, no need to yell lah. I wish my kids are like him. I talk to my kids so nicely also zero effect, they climb all over my head. Hubby said I must try to be more fierce to them
Hi mommmies,
Sorry I've been away again, had tonsilitis & fever again. just got back to work today. Btw, my girl just turn 5 on Monday. Gave her a few Winx Club stuff, she's so thrilled!

Believe it or not I do my grocery monthly so I do the stock checking and buy things to last one month (mayb a few days more just in case). Btw, I also home cook most of our meals so that means lots of grocery shopping. That's why I've got an extra freezer to store fish, chicken and other meat. Eg. rice 4 x 5kg rice, 5lit each of detergent/softener/col & white bleach, 2 x 5g of cooking oil (usually 5kg for standby), 3kg of beef, 1 kg liver, 2kg x 3pks of tyson frozen chicken drumstick/wings, 2 fresh whole chicken, 5 pks of Dori fish, 3 pks of sausages, 3 pks of crabmeat, 1kg of fish balls, 1 pk beef patties/burger, 1 kg prawns, 2 kg squids, 5 cans each of sardines/corn beef/corn mutton/button mushrooms/baked beans, 2 pks of instant noodles, 3 pks of sliced cheese, 2 pkc of low-fat sliced cheese, 1pk toilet paper, 6 rolls of kitchen towel 5 boxes of tissue, 1lit x 5 pks of full cream milk, 1lit x 5 pks of low-fat milk, 7 big cans of condensed milk, 1 big tin of Milo with 2 pks refill, 1 bottle of Nescafe with 1 refill, 5 boxes of cereal, 1 bottle peanut butter, 1 bottle jam, 1 bottle Nutella, 1 table margerine, 9 boxes of Nestle baby porridge, 4 x 1.4kg tins of baby milk, 3 pks of jumbo size diapers, 4pks of onions, 3 pks of potatoes, 3 trays (90pcs) of eggs ... just to name several. Usually, we need two trolleys. For leafy & most vegetables, I shop as and when I need them, cuz I like them fresh. I would also grind/blend my onions, dried chillies and garlics in big amt, atleast to last 3-4 cookings to save abit of time. We usually shop at Giant and it will take us atleast 3 hrs, without browsing, but shopping straight from the shopping list. Usually the canned food and instant noodles are for real emergency, if I can't cook. Actually I cook every other day, at times we eat out especially when I'm too tired to cook. I cook Malay, Indian(only curry dishes), Chinese & Western dishes.

Guilty! I'm the big nagger. Problem is I can't understand why others have to repeat the same old mistakes over and over again. I notice my 5 yrs old girl starting to picks up after me, being a nagger. She starting to nag at ther 16mth old bro!
Last time never flinch when buying beauty products.. now gotta think twice...thrice.... haiz...

I kinda 'paranoid' that milk powder or diapers will run low.
I order Nepia and they deliver to me direct. I buy Mamypoko and milk powder frm AM supermkt which is near my place.....

Ur hb not weird lah! I also like to look and buy stationery..

Re ur earlier query on spa: nvm, I also never been to a spa before... hehe. cos can't bear to part with my time and $$ on this area.
I have a good beautician near my place but I hvn't gone to her since I got married.. hehehe.... But I like her skills, and she is v thorough.. I rmbr once she applied this potent mask on my face and I could feel the contents being absorbed into my face.. haha. Hv to pay upfront package.. now cannot afford liao... Let's say it's $1000, I rather spend on my kids. Anyone has this thinking too???

I'm really pressed for time and I rather go home and be with my family. Stimes go jalan jalan a bit after work is my little form of release.... haha....

Wah u so violent ah.. hehe

BP issue: I didn't read all but can 'see' many angry mummies.. don't understand why some got their stuff while others didn't..???

If he is really a good man, then acknowledge it loh.. wl make him happy what...

Marriage: Those of u married for long time, how do u keep the spark in the marriage?

precious gem
Wow, u buy so much... homecooked food is the best...
good to know we have hbs to love us one small way or another.

- precious gem

thats an overwhleming list, but i guess for 1 month grocery, this is the bulk of it. Why not shop weekly? or fortnightly?

I am really thankful that my mum does all this, weekdays she will head to NTUC to get the incidentals, on sundays she will go with my maid to the wetmarket to buy most of the fresh foods for the week. For me, gog to the supermarket is to buy impromptu stuff, eg potato chips, crackers, cup noodles, candies.. haha..

- Mommies,

any good and trustworthy online shopping sites to share?

I know (recommended by Tamarind)will be buying some stuff from them
Ya, me quite violent..paiseh

My male col asked me how my hubby can tahan me, I told him my hubby married me becoz of my temper lor..ha. But I don yell at my hubby, juz that I am not the type who will 'sa jiao' one.

That day, I told my hubby if I quit my job and stay at home with my kids 24 hours as my hubby has to work late every day, I will end up in Hougang.

My hubby is working as a cook, normally he will do the cooking at the shop and pack home when he fetch me. I can cook, but he says wait till I go home then cook very troublesome coz I need to look after the baby.
btw, how many mommies got bb 12-20 mths of age. What r u feeding ur bb? How's the daily menu like, besides the baby's milk.?

My bb, 16 mth;

Breakfast ~ 1 slice of wholemeal bread with choc. spread, or jam or toast with a slice of cheese or tear into small pieces & dip in half boiled egg. At times with 1 fruit; a banana or an apple. Drink plain water. (sometimes only eat half slice of bread).

Lunch ~ finely chopped cooked carrot & hard boiled egg mix with rice, or fish/chicken (cut to very small pieces) & spinach mix with rice. (rice abt 1-2 heapful tablespoon)

Snack ~ 2pcs digestive biscuits or other baby biscuits. Drink plain water. (btw, he loves sunflower seeds or kuaci!)

Dinner ~ Nestle instant baby porridge (1 normal size chdn's bowl)

Supper ~ a fruit or fruit yogurt or biscuits.

Of course in between meals he will have his milk, per feeding 180ml, abt 3 feedings p/day (is that enough?). I breastfeed him through out the night, first thing when we wakes up, when I fetch him & otw home and when putting him to bed at night. But I notice he's so small. people keep asking if he's already one or thot he is close to one but he's already 16.5mths! He is 9.6kg, what's ur bb wt? Ht 74cm. With his botak head (actually very fine and sparesly hair), he does look like an under one bb.

actually I'm the other way round. I feel the pinch when paying for kids enrichments. so expensive, extortion! and this poor mommy can only shop during sales, sob sob

whenever my girl didn't feel like doing her kumon homework, I will tell her 'Great! let's tell your teacher you are not attending anymore. I can keep my money for holiday. thank you so much'. She's always very annoyed and went right back to doing her homework, haha!

sparks in marriage
try to squeeze time, just 2 of us. I am doing all the time squeezing, hubby bo chap 1 lah.
every weekends we have 2 hours to ourselves while the kids go for their respective enrichments. just chit chat over coffee & cakes.
in the evenings when I'm watching TV while he is working, I will hold his hands during commercial break
no sparks liao. lukewarm only

Actually I'm scared my family go hunger. But for those canned food or instant noodles, if not used, I will not top up. If it's down by 2, then top up another 2 or 3. Make sure got enough stock. Sometimes I don't use it for quite sometimes, it got outdated and had to be thrown out. Also sometimes my parents come to stay over for a night or two so don't want them to think we don't have enough food. I like it whenever my mom ask, "what's for lunch or dinner tonite?" I can answer her, take ur pick, want chicken, beef, seafood ...?" I also want to make nice snack/desserts so the canned fruit cocktails etc comes in handy. I do ocassionally go to the wet market nearby to buy fresh fish like pomfret, snapper etc if I crave for one. I can't afford the time to do grocery weekly with 2 small kids, such a hassle. I rather go outings with them or stay at home with them on wkends. Last night I cooked sambal eggs, sweet sour prawns and stir fry mix veg. I will cook extra so when my eldest daughter get back from school today, she will have lunch, just reheat the food. My hubby also go back home for lunch. When I get back home from work in the evening, I'll cook dinner and tommorrow's lunch!

But today, my 5 yr old girl got swimming lesson so no time to cook dinner so either fix a quick one or eat out. Will try to cook fried noodles or rice for lunch tomorrow or have to go instant food. SOmetimes my eldest daughter fix something for herself, like fried chicken drumsticks with potatoes or make burgers or hotdogs. That's why I need to stock up, I have a growing teenager at home.

I like the Dori fish cuz it's versatile. I mean u can make fish & chips, grill fish, make into fish nuggets and cook in sweet sour sauce or spicy sauce etc. Also can cook in soup or in noodles or porridge. The same goes for chicken, very versatile and easy & fast to cook unlike beef/mutton/lamb. But hb likes beef/mutton/lamb expecially oxtail soup. After years of cooking him oxtail soup, now become my specialty! He loves my oxtail soup, said it's better than outside ;)

My hb feels happy if his stomach is filled. Words and gifts he's happy to get but like NO counter reaction. But if I cook for him his fav dish, he treat me nicer. I am actually a warm, romantic person but my hb is not, so boring. Initially I was abit hurt by his coldness then now got used to it. I bought him more gifts than he bought me. ;(
