Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Wah.. . you all sure know how to shop hor! Sigh! Donno I normal or not leh. Don't use make up, only have 1 pair Teva sandals, wear t-shirt and pants (usu. shorts). Even my girl say I must try to look 'nicer'. Now, what is she insinuating?

hippo, last time when got married, my mum showed me the diamonds she giving me for my dowry. I asked her can I exchange them for cash instead. Got an earful from her! Now, don't even know where I stash those things! Never took them out, and never worn them! I think I prefer wearing christmas tinsels!

I've always wanted to go massage and spa, but dare not go alone leh. What is it like har? I so sua ku one.


ya, queensway is the plc to get sports shoes. But i not very sporty la, so ony got a pair of reeboks in case of need.

wa.. next time can ask u for make up advise liao. I always admire ppl who are adventurous with make up.. they make it seems so fun

its not due to lack of beauty o not, i feel putting on make up is a form of respect and presentability too, anyway its a personal preference.

ya. USA got great bargains at their outlets for branded junior clothes. I always go crazy buying so many for my gal.. but now i no chance to go liao...
i have a few of my preferred choice for skincare, clothes, shoes which will nv go wrong for me if I wanna get something. Other than that, I like to explore...greedy la, wanna try ev thing.

How about Mango and Zara?

massage and spa very nice one leh... i fell in love the first time i tried it..

massage is just massaging (using different methods eg, thai, lynphatic drainage, swedish, etc)

spa more elaborated - got body scrub, body mask, body wrap, aromatic bath, massage - all in 1 session, sometimes as long as half a day...
oh yeah, I forgot to mention Mango & Zara. I will usually check these 2 out whenever there's sales but so far only bought 1 tee from Mango. I prefer Zara. went crazy over Zara last 2 Christmas, again comb all their outlets :eek:)

You and my girlfriend are so alike! she only owns one pair of boots. I cannot imagine having just one pair of shoes

I started facial since 14 years old because of acne prone skin. really envy people with porcelain skin.

by the way mommies, does your hubby make comments on your looks? my hubby said I always wear the same casual clothes at home, can change to something else? I think he's trying to say I don't pay enough attention to my looks at home. so I guess I need to add lingerie to my shopping list lor

have any of you tried slimming centre? I went for a free trial at Marie France recently, cold wrap only. wow, their package selling at $2100 for 10 session using some advanced machine. anyway, I was scared off by its price tag liao

those 2 my fav.. but havent been checking them out since aft birth of DS cos now still a bit fat.

i think my hb cant be bothered with how i look... then sometimes out of the blue will have funny comments like " why can see ur underwear? why wear until so tight?" other times i think he finds it hopeless to say anything...

to me home wear must be the most comfortable, so i look very different at home than out

slimming packages very expensive one le...
hi mummies

just back from a short trip. wow! so many posts.

my girl never take theory grade 1. her teacher said no need. Will only take theory grade 5. but she did those past year papers.

The fees increment by $10 with every grade. Now is $150 per month for 45 mins. *cough blood*

i'll push my girl till she grade 3. hahaha ... hopefully she will be like you, decide to practice herself after that.

last time my parents never push me. i oso never push myself. end up no where in piano.

my friend make his Pri1 or Pri2 son go for intensive theory lessons so that he can sit for theory 5 this sept. why har? he just started learning piano last year only.

i oso quite like u. i don't put make up. own 2 pairs of sandals, 2 crocs. always wear the same shoes. always in tshirts/shorts.

my kids look at my wedding photos and ask who is that aunty with papa. they can't even recognize me. my dd1 ask me why i don't put makeup.

so i donno what makeup brands there are in the mkt. i think my hubby will be quite happy i don't spend his money on makeup. not cheap rite?

so we are normal lah ....

1) travel alone with my hubby, 2nd honeymoon.
2) further my studies. maybe in early childhood.
3) learn violin.
Thank goodness I found someone like me! Thot I abnormal. Ya, my girl also ask who's that lady in our wedding photo. I told her it's her 'mama', and she laughed. Sometimes when we go for dinners, she asks why I don't make myself 'prettier'? I ask, "I not pretty enuf meh?" End of conversation!

My hubby used to laugh when my girl teases me about how I look. I tell him he's lucky I'm like that, otherwise, he go bankrupt - go for facial, slim wrap, massage, shopping, etc...

Ha Ha, can't wait til my kids all grown up before I start learning violin. Started already. It's good coz it also motivates my girl to practise. Now, she'll tell me why I am wrong, and shows me the way to do it! Ok lah.

Slimming Packages
I always think they're so expensive! REally work meh? I fear, after spending so much, and slimming down, will put the kilos back again once package ends. Then what? Sign up again? Wah... where got the money?

Some parents so kiasu and kiasi mah. Must quickly finish up everything first. Where's the joy of learning music if you have to rush through everything? Can you imagine you take a scenic tour, only to drive at 100km/h, and not stop at all, can see anything? What enjoyment?

Grade 5 so important because you need that to do all the other grades. But also not easy leh. Nowadays parents go only for paper qualification, like toilet paper like that.
What grade is your gal now that you are paying 150 dollars for 45mins...teacher come over?How your teacher determind when to increase fees?

I want to travel round the world with hubby and that includes alaska cruise...for old folks like us then..hahaha

Agreed,should learn with interest not rushing through it...

I put on light make up when there is a mood to do it....

Beauty product
Estee launder(no effect)
Biotherm(no effect)
chanel(too strong)
Shu Umera make up remover (super good but ex)
Body shop cucumber make up remover(no good)
Lancome,hydra mask and face life(not too bad)
Albion facial wash(okay as got whitening)
Albion liquid foundation(got whitening and sun protect)(OKAY only)
Chanel(two way cake), use when am very lazy but good coverage

My gal do not talk about fat but talk about celllite on my thigh....cos got no fat in the body.
I took a slimming package with Sensualite after delivering my younger girl. slimming wrap for tonning. not too expensive, $300+ for 12 sessions, if I remember correctly. I don't find it effective, even put on weight then. so my conclusion is - it is what we eat that count, nothing to do with slimming programme.

my girl doing grade 2 practical now. go to teacher's house. started off with $100/month for half hour. Then $140/month for 45 mins. After she passed grade 1, increased to $150/month.

now my boy doing 45 mins at $140/month.

this teacher is on the expensive side. but then she really has all the qualifications. i've sat in the piano lessons with my dd1 in the beginning. she really went down to training every finger. a lot of things i never learn before also. no wonder i never make it in playing piano.

at that time, my dd1 had juz finished the yamaha jmc course and she was like one of the better ones in the class. but when she took pte lessons wif this teacher, it was back to square 1 again, cos jmc did not really focus on the techniques of piano playing.

my girl also ask me why i don't put on make up, next time she grows up can she put make up, can she wear high heel shoes, etc

Then she asks her papa if she can just put on juz little bit of make up when she grows up, not a lot lah. Her papa tells her no need make up. Wat's impt is her heart is "pretty", not the outside. she very disappointed. so when school got performance must put make up, she super happy.
Your gal took grade 1 pratical too?My piano teacher skip one grade for her and she did not do the grade one pratical.Your gal do every grade for theory and pratical?Is she doing her grade 2 theory this year?
Your gal took grade 2 pratical too?My piano teacher skip one grade for her and she did not do the grade one pratical.Your gal do every grade for theory and pratical?Is she doing her grade 2 theory this year?

yes my dd1 took grade 1 practical last year. she has not taken any theory exam yet. will not be doing grade 2 theory this year either. she will take her first theory exam when she does her grade 5 in time to come ... donno when ... but practical will most likely take every year.
Wow so many posts.

Yes I seriously need a change of luck now. Mainly because I am not doing well in my career, but cannot change job and cannot stop work. Hope to win big sweep or toto so I don't have to work.

Those shoe brands you buy have very nice shoes ! I love to browse, but too bad I am flat footed, cannot wear heels. Now I stick to Scholl and Bata Comfit shoes.

How much does your beautician charge you for eyebrow shaping ?

My hubby like to say that I need to lose some weight
Other than that, he does not comment on my dress style. He like to buy me jewellery and even handbag ! He bought me Tiffany and Mikimoto, so I just wear whatever he buys, he sure no complain.

When my kids grow up, I would like to
Quit my job ! Then take a very long road trip, perhaps from Singapore to Kathmandu(Nepal) or even to London, all the way by bus or train !

After that I hope to have enough money to open a small business, may be a small hotel
Or a small coffee shop selling gourmet coffee.

Then help my kids look after their babies !
your hubby so sweet!

my hubby not so romantic leh. when I asked him why no gifts, he always say he credit his salary to my account & sub his credit card to me, I can buy anything I want. but not the same mah, I prefer to receive gifts as surprise rather than shop myself

the eye brow shaping is included in my facial package, no extra charge

have you tried changing your chinese name or check the fengshui in your house?

hehe, I think I already retired. When my kids are older, I may do a PHD just to keep my brain going, cheaper than ivy league MBA.
and in their 20s, I can continue my travel hobby with hubby, stay in a city for 3 to 6 months, touring leisurely and move on again. take 3 years to complete the journey, so shiok.
saw a lot of old folks doing that every time I go on tour. they stayed in motel to make their budget last longer, good idea!
ZMM, cowandchick

so nice your hubby not making comments on looks

I think my hubby quite concerned about looks leh. he doesn't feel the pinch if I sign slimming package or go facial & massage or mani/pedi so long it makes me more presentable
when attending company functions or formal dinners, he expects me to dress up very well

so put on weight & dress like an auntie is a no-no to him although he doesn't say that loud & clear. I know he likes tall & slim girl whom I was before delivering 2 kids lah. now my BMI 20.7 and he thinks it's just average, so I think still not slim to him leh

the good side of his high standard is I keep a watchout for my weight lor. but so hard to lose that 5kg!
My hb don't comment on my looks because I asked him to look into the mirror himself. Aiyah, he also not that handsome, wife too pretty run away then he know.

Your hubby so nice hor, buy stuffs for you. Mine also buy stuff for me, but all those tech stuffs - PDA, handphones, MP3 player...
I must tell my hubby that 'wife runs away'. haha!

I get hand down. when hubby changes handphone, I get his old handphone lor.
as long my phone can ring & can sms, I'm satisfied. I just figure out how to use the radio function in my handphone. never occur to me to use handphone as radio until 2 days ago. so hopeless hor?

hehe, my hubby not slim either. he's 30 kg heavier than me! but that's fine lah, I don't mind his pot belly. come to think of it, I must had a happy childhood because Straits Time reported daddy girls will look for similar features in their partners. my dad also chubby, same pot belly, haha!

sometimes my hubby comments that this/that colleague in his office looks so messy, hair all over the place, etc. don't know is it hinting i must look more presentable???

aiyah, i whole day look after kids oso no time to look in the mirror, where got time to doll up? *paiseh* i oso don know how to doll up.

anyway, already sign the ROM papers already, so he has to make do with my looks lor. If not who's going to take care of his 3 monkeys? Too pretty oso no good, wait a lot of problems.... haha

heh heh, ya about the report in the ST. My hubby oso look like my dad. Very slim, never grow fat one. Come to think of it, my brother in laws all not fat either ....

my hubby buy what for me har? I search high and low oso can't find what i hv written.

He always ask me want flowers / diamond ring or not. i don't like flowers leh. Fresh ones will wilt. My kids got sensitive nose. Smell already will sneeze. Bluff ones oso no use, collect dust. Diamond ring oso no occassion to wear. Wear to HDB void deck to fetch kids meh?

Ahhh... soli, got wrong person. It's Tamarind. Lao liao, eyes see also not very clear. Must go optician again to check my lao hua yen!

The last time my hb asks me what i want, I think so hard, can't think of anything. So i ask him give me cash, then I can go give myself a sushi treat. You know what he say??? "Wah, still want to eat ah?" *Grrrrr*

Like you, I also donno how to doll up, so very pai seh, sometime have to go out dinner with him. Feel so out of place leh. I told him I more like maid than wife lah!
Hehehe my hubby also likes to buy me high tech stuff, like handphones, and he just got me an ipod mini which I loved, it's in bright pink color

I also like to ask him to give me cash, because what I really love is to go travelling !

I love my Chinese name, don't want to change it. I believe in Fengshui, but getting a good fengshui master is so expensive, about $600 right ? I will do that when I feel rich enough. For now, I do DIY fengshui, by reading books from Lillian Too. I find that it works for me, for example, there was a period of time when I was often sick. According the book, I should put 6 metallic coins in a certain direction of my home. It worked !
cowandchick, ZMM

think it was Tamarind who said it. On Piano, my 7 yrs old gal is taking lessons at Yamaha Grade 2, but think class is too slow for her, any advise?


funny.. we cant wait for our kids to grow up and get on their own, but when they do, we will sure to miss them when they were kids or bbs. Yday, i tried to carry my DD, then realise how much she has grown, too heavy to be carried and arms and legs sticking out awkwardly.


I aim to be self sustainable. Conquer my list of countries (alot!) to visit (not necessarily with hb). Take up painting/ photography. And I Dream of staying for long periods in a nice small cottage, overlooking big grassland, blooms and fresh in NZ
my hb also like to buy me handphones. Always ask me to change change change. WHne the one i have is still good and quite latest model. This habit is since we pak tor he was already like that. The real reason is he can find excuse to change for himself to ma.

Other times, he just give me cash to buy things when i say i go shopping. Better still la, else he will buy nonsense things which I dun like or find it useless and make me angry!.

a few yrs back, for my bday, he went to this shop and spent $200 and bot me man made diamond necklace! I was so angry with him! waste the money to buy me fakes! haha... I took it back hoping to refund o get something else, but nothing. In the end had to keep it, now its in cold storage somewhere at home... The money could have got me a real jewellery...

He also send me flowers which is nice to receive and look at la, but thats about it rite? then throw one side for it to rot. Also no place to put it. and so expensive...

So now i tell him wat i wan. So that he wun get me wrong things again. Actually when he buy me those small little figurines for our anniversary, i love them so much. And its just a few dollars...

Double attack from hb yday.

Attack #1
We went shopping, he parked at the lot next motobike. I open car door as narrow as possible as din wanna open wide and knock against the bike. So had to squeeze out lo and look silly la. hb standing beside say "pls la, open the car door wider la. U think u very thin meh!!!"

At the shop, tried on jacket, took the size i used to wear (ahem.. before i had No.2), never really come to terms with my new bak-bak-ness. So obviously jacket too small and I look like bak chang. hb standing beside say "isn't the jacket too small for u???" I glared at him. he quickly say "No, its the jacket's fault! bad small jacket!"
haha! I laugh out loud - your double attack

my hubby stopped buying me gifts because he's scared he will get the wrong gift and I will be angry with him for wasting money.
woman is really complex hor, want gifts yet must buy the right gifts, poor hubby, haha!

wow, you DIY feng shui!
there are some not so expensive feng shui master. the famous ones can be asking more than $1K

Ha ha ha soo funny, your hb! At least he got your message. My hb can be one sarcastic one! Last time I bot nice bright coloured t-shirt (t-shirt only hor!) then you know what he comment?
"I notice hor, when women get older, they pay more attention to their looks!"

I asked him to 'elaborate', giving him the 'i-dare-you-to!' look. He shut up permanently after that!

i used to tell my friends this joke:
Women have many faults, but men have only 2: Everything they say and everything they do! Ha Ha

What tells you the music class too slow for your girl? Maybe you want to switch her to one-to-one class where she can move at her pace? Of course, that would costs more than group lesson. But normally once the child starts formal music class (like going for grade exams, etc), they should be in private class already. Can check with teacher?!
Hahaha your hubby's "arrows" so funny. My hubby is much more direct. He told my kids to look at mummy's fat tummy ! My girl will come and pat on my tummy, asking "Why so big har ?" Then I tell her, "All because of you. You come out from my tummy, make my tummy so big !"

Have you engaged any fengshui master before ? The problem is pay $1K, but no guarantee to work, that's why I would rather DIY
Ha Ha....cowandchick...

I like your joke!

I honestly don't care what my hubby says about my bodysize and appearence...I just make sure I maintain myself well so I am happy with myself.

I put on weight after two kids, but my hubby put on more weight from working long hours and no exercise- so much so he failed his IPPT for the first time after so many years- I think this was a good warning for him to shape up to! (ha ha)
Hard to say work or not. I didn't strike 4D or toto or win any lucky draws lah.
although it is definitely in my dreams to strike toto first prize, sole winner

PM me if you interested in the feng shui master's contact. his fees based on flat size. we paid a few hundreds dollar. he is not that famous so not too ex yet.

my ex-col paid $1.3K for his 5 room feng shui audit by a master who is famous among TCS actresses. can't remember his name now. another feng shui master Adeline Phang I heard charge $880. she seems quite good, I like reading her article in magazines. we nearly engage her because she has tied up with an ID firm. eventually didn't as we didn't give the job to that ID
Okie may be at year end when I get my bonus, I will look for a feng shui master. Will get the contact from you later

Actually I prefer to strike big sweep
$2 million, definitely only one winner. TOTO most likely must share with others

You know now I very money minded, lately has been dreaming that my girl will marry a very rich prince hahaha Then I can enjoy when I am old. I'm crazy right ?
wa.. fengshui very expensive hor... thats why i din allow my hb to even think abt it. 2 yrs back, he got this master to "help" our house. The fellow moved my precious arowana from the living hall corner to the doorway, and it died! so angry... Now he dare not speak of any feng shui...


ya, the men like to give smart remarks and ask for scolding hor. Ur joke is true, everything they say or do is always wrong, haha.. the poor chaps..

I know she is being dragged down cos those that the teacher teach she can play well, but she has to stop and wait fot the others to catch up... and I check the notes she jots down, week aft week its the same pc when my gal already can played it smoothly. Ok, i'll check with her teacher. I keen to have her on one to one but was hoping her current teacher can do it...


my DD one day came and pat my tummy and say out loud, there is mei mei inside! so embarassing!

I wish i wish i wish i can kanna TOTO, become rich rich.. but impossible for dream to come true, cos I dun buy...hee...

That's one reason why i resist engaging a feng shui master to my home. I scared one day he recommend some changes, if change, and something happens, how? If don't change, how? so headache, so just leave things as they are lah! Life is like that, if good, then good already. if not good, then also like that. Change can be for good or bad.

Some months ago, my mum, hearing donno which 'feng shui' expert say, house cannot have red red fish. Say i must get rid of my precious swordtails. Hey, I salvaged these poor fishes, which were meant to be fish food from the fish shop. After more than 2 years already, and lots of baby fish, she wants me to kill them off by dumping them?!! How can? I don't believe in taking life for my own "good". How can that be good? Shudder! The fish still swimming happily in my tank, subject to a bit of over feeding now and then by by very enthusiastic boy!

Maybe you should speak to your girl's teacher and see if she can teach privately, or one-to-one. I think the teachers usually don't mind taking the kid one-to-one, esp if they've taught the kid from beginning. Harder for both teacher and kid to adapt to new student or new method. So better to keep to same person, unless compelling reasons to change.

Toto, Big Sweep, etc...
Ya, I also everyday dream I strike it rich. One stage also wondered if I got rich relative then can inherit some wealth, unfortunately no leh!
Then, i also don't buy lottery one, how to strike it rich? Only a miracle - i imagine i walk along the streets one day and stumble on lots of money.... Dream on lah!

But the rest of you, i wish you all the best in your efforts, hope your wishes come true! Just don't forget to drop by here for a chat once a while, hor! Hee hee
Can I join in? I have 2 sons 4 plus and 2 plus and staying in the East. I am a working mom

Just passed my birthday and realised I passed the mid 30's mark and thinking oh no! getting older....

Do you gals maintain your outlooks? For me, sometime, I can be quite bo-chap on my outlook...
Dear all

Can i join in too? Im 33 yrs old and hv a 4.5 months old son. Im a working mum.

Dear juz me
I also bochap on my outlook one though got go facial monthly....i dun put on too much makeup and always in t-shirt and jeans... worse thing is my hubby is 5 yrs younger than me...sometimes i feel like aunty gg out wif a young man...jialat
brought my girls out for a day tour today, organised by cc. went to Qian Hu fish farm & farm mart
not very interesting leh, nothing much to do in Qian Hu and most of the stores in farm mart were closed. Even the vegetables farm in itenary was closed today
my girls still find the trip fun (huh?) ok lor, worth my effort, so tiring under the hot sun!

Juz me, ugly duckling
welcome on board!

ugly duckling
my hubby hasn't aged a single bit since 10 years ago. he still looked exactly the same as the old photo while I have evolved into an auntie!
welcome juz me and uglyduckling

i try to maintain a bit la.. also depends on my mood. Sometimes i also very bo chap especially at home / near home. If go work or town, then make some effort.


fengshui as in all things lo, dun get lost in it. Some of it to "help" its ok (which i do that too).. too much abit zou huo ru mo...

u know hor, arowanas are good fengshui fish. But in real fengshui, they encourage to have it but not feed it with live baits. So will not get bad karma.

thanks for advise, I will find some time to chat with her teacher and see if poss to have pte lessons. They do conduct, but my prob is the ony free time i have is Saturday, and if she is teaching at the centre on Sat, means my gal cant learn liao lo...
oh uglyduckling

forgot to mention, my hb also younger than me by 4 yrs. But he looks older than me... haha!!!


i stay near farm mart n qian hu.. got a period of time, we went there almost ev weekend! I so ger lat!!! But my gal always so excited to go...??? i oso dun know why...
can a mommy help to update that table of particulars?
must be in one of the archives and we have new mommies joining us in this thread
how to add 1 more column for location? I'm in Bedok

hehe, because I'm losing track again

thanks !

by the way, where is precious gem?

NICK SAHM/FTWM interest 1st child age/sex 2nd child age/sex 3rd child age/sex
hippo2002 SAHM shopping/ spa/ traveling 5yrs girl 3yrs girl
tamarind FTWM travelling/shopping 4yrs girl 2.5yrs boy
Rainbow SAHM Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea 8yrs girl 20mths boy
Mo2 FTWM Travelling/shopping 5yrs boy 1yr boy
jastan FTWM spa/travelling/shopping 3yrs boy
cowandchick SAHM Music/reading 10 yrs girl 23mths boy
precious_gem FTWM Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling 17yrs girl 4.5yrs girl 1yr boy
NICK SAHM/FTWM interest 1st child age/sex 2nd child age/sex 3rd child age/sex
hippo2002 SAHM shopping/ spa/ traveling 5yrs girl 3yrs girl
tamarind FTWM travelling/shopping 4yrs girl 2.5yrs boy
Rainbow SAHM Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea 8yrs girl 20mths boy
Mo2 FTWM Travelling/shopping 5yrs boy 1yr boy
jastan FTWM spa/travelling/shopping 3yrs boy
cowandchick SAHM Music/reading 10 yrs girl 23mths boy
precious_gem FTWM Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling 17yrs girl 4.5yrs girl 1yr boy
Juz_me FTWM watching TV/surfing net 4+yrs boy and 2+yrs boy
Uglyduckling FTWM 4.5yrs boy

I have extended the particulars. You may wish to fill in your hobbies

Thanks for the welcome

Recently, trying hard to lose weight. Putting in calories are so easy... losing that extra calories are really so, so hard...What to do, I LOVE food ;p
NICK SAHM/FTWM interest 1st child age/sex 2nd child age/sex 3rd child age/sex
hippo2002 SAHM shopping/ spa/ traveling 5yrs girl 3yrs girl
tamarind FTWM travelling/shopping 4yrs girl 2.5yrs boy
Rainbow SAHM Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea 8yrs girl 20mths boy
Mo2 FTWM Travelling/shopping 5yrs boy 1yr boy
jastan FTWM spa/travelling/shopping 3yrs boy
cowandchick SAHM Music/reading 10 yrs girl 23mths boy
precious_gem FTWM Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling 17yrs girl 4.5yrs girl 1yr boy
Juz_me FTWM watching TV/surfing net 4+yrs boy and 2+yrs boy
Uglyduckling FTWM 4.5yrs boy
cuddles FTWM shopping/TV/reading 6+ yrs girl 8mths boy

updated mine. Hey anyone to table this?
For example, your health , you say " I should put 6 metallic coins in a certain direction of my home. It worked !" not tell people what you put...just say you did something, and your health better.....
<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child age/sex</TD><TD>2nd child age/sex</TD><TD> 3rd child age/sex </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 20mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

In future if anyone wants to edit, just open the following file, and add in the same format.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

mommy_table.txt (0.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Is it ? I didn't know that ! Anyway that method only work for that year, which was a few years back. Other years got other method. I didn't tell anyone about it during that year
