Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

hi ppl, thanks for the welcome.

I am FTWM but I just recently resigned from my FT work, will be doing some freelancing till I am ready for another job. Was thinking to take some time to spend with my bb.

On P1 preparation, i told myself not to stress my DD when she was in pre-pri. Let her enjoy her earlier carefree yrs. Then maybe buck her up from P2. But when she joined P1, wa... I had to buck up manz. The studies were so competitive. Like what we would be doing in P3/4 during our time. Very xiong...

Now June holidays, I had to buy assessment books to make her do. So the relax mum has turned into a kiasu one... hee..

But I still let her have fun la, peppered the holidays with some fun acitivites to make her happy.

Hi all mummies,

Can I join in as well ?

I'm 34 yo FTWM mummy with a 4 yo DD & 2 yo DS.

Really stress taking care of 2 kids while working full time... but too much commitment that I cannot give up my full time job.
Thanks for the info ! I am not worried about my girl, but more worried about my younger boy.

What do they teach in P4 ? Fractions ? Decimals ? They can't be teaching calculus right ?

The thing is I didn't really know what is "basic". To me, basic is A-Z, 1 - 10, shapes and colours. But that doesn't seem to be enough nowadays, from what CowandChick wrote, they need to read and write sentences !
Your gal in P2?That means she is going to be 8 years this year?Same age as my gal.

Which area are you staying?

I have been coaching my gal for her studies to keep her going ....Make her do chinese oral to me daily....and make sure she does one English,Chinese work for me daily...and include her music theroy weekly. In between time, I will bring her out when her di di is sleeping at home...
my gal in P1 this yr. She is a Dec child, so will be turning 7 this dec. Think urs is 1 yr older.

I staying in CCK

Wat to do for Chinese oral? I not too good in that... u mean make her read some chinese stories? I bought 2 maths and 1 eng assessment books for her to complete this June holiday. So ev day i will mark down which page i expect her to complete during the day. I will then mark n coach her in the evenings back from work.

She has music lessons with Yamaha ev Sat. So will make her practise that.
Sat mornings got ballet.

Who looks aft didi when u bring her out? So didi is born in 06?
Hi mommies,

I am 37yo FTWM also with 2 kids, 8yo boy and a 6.5mths boy.

Ya me too, too much commitment so have to work full time job.
hihi quek

same same, 2 kids with quite a gap.

I was getting lazy... even thinking jus 1 will do. Till the maternal instincts kick in again so hb n i decide to try one more

i am harbouring thots of no. 3 but hb freaks out
So, yours is in P1.I bought a primary three chinese compo written type of book and get her to read to me.As language, there is no barrier as to which level they should be doing. For English, she is doing P4 OR P5 ass book cos her school set paper with that type of structure and in lower level, its not able to find that type of questions.

For music, she detest doing scales so I have to go after her every day./...

Wow, you thinking of number three...its good...For me, I am scared...
hehe.. jus a thot ony... dun think will do la... jus been thru preg, confinement and initial sleepless nites, the scariness still fresh

Rainbow, u working or SAHM? how old is the younger one?

Wa.. ur gal good sia, can do higher level. Mine i not sure le, have not tried...

haha! same here, hubby is very sure he didn't want a 3rd child. he can't wait to enjoy his good life since our 2 kids are now slightly older

I'm looking forward to a backpack Europe trip with my elder girl after she finishes her 'O' level. hehe, kind of far stretch though since she's only 5 years old now

wow, your girl is very clever!
P2 can do P5 level.

Is she doing very well in class too?
did you send her to any enrichment classes now & when she was younger?
hello mommies

just wondering....for discussion sake lah

FTWM have you ever thought of becoming SAHM?

if you continue working is it due to financial commitments or you simply enjoy corporate life?

if due to financial commitment, what financial commitments that are so binding that cannot be reduced? home loan, car loan, parents allowance?

we all think the same huh.. i was having a serious discussion with my 6+yo recently, topic? we were planning our Europe holiday when she reaches 15. Cant wait to travel with her rather my boring hb.

Guess I am both to ur qn abt FTWM vs SAHM. i got financial commitments and I enjoy working. I have respect for both.

Clever?I don't think so.Teacher say she is above average. I guess she has got very good foundation during her preschool days.Now, she only goes for chinese class and having piano lessons at home.For the rest, I teach myself.

Me SAHM.Younger one is 22mths. turn 2 this july.

Working Vs SAHM
I do not enjoy corporate politics, but I enjoy having the mental stimulation at work and interactions....

Financial Commitments
Hubby has to look over it since I spend time with the kids. I guess I try to be positive by imparting whatever I have learned to my kids.
Talking about holidays, I used to enjoy travel,even with the older one when she was 10mths old. Now, with this boy, my mood to travel to anywhere seems to be dampened. Simply, he is not a good traveller cum m too tired to handle him as age is catching up.My temper got the better of me....

I just hope that my boy gets easier as he gets older thus I will have more confidents or should I say guts to fly with him.
Talking about holidays, I used to enjoy travelling,even with the older one when she was 10mths old. Now, with this boy, my mood to travel to anywhere seems to be dampened. Simply, he is not a good traveller cum m too tired to handle him as age is catching up.My temper got the better of me....

I just hope that my boy gets easier as he gets older thus I will have more confidents or should I say guts to fly with him.
Hi welcome to all the new mummies. Sorry, i lost track.

hippo and Cuddles
Wah, you can wait till your kid 15 then go backpack in Europe ah? I say, once my boy hit 7, I go already. Leave them alone at home lah, don't care already. Everyday I countdown to that day!!!

Number 3
I used to think I would like to have 3 kids. But when i miscarried 2 after #1, and #2 took so long to come, I guess I'm too old liao! You younger ones, go ahead.

Most kids hate scales. But there can be more fun ways of doing them. Some of these are built into technical exercises that can be quite tuneful as well. They're certainly more fun than plain scales. The kids won't really know they're doing 'scales'. I used this to 'trick' my students into learning their scales! So sneaky hor!

Yes, your kid's supposed to read and write sentences in P1, but not full essays. Don't worry. They're simple ones. Few kids actually fall behind in this. Those who do speak some English at home, like most of us here do (if not all), do pretty well. So, don't worry too much. Sorry if I created a panic! ;)

It's hard to say which is better. Being a SAHM, I am able to spend time with my kids, and coach my girl in her work. Of course the yelling and scolding and nagging comes with that too!
But being one also means I get no financial freedom. The one sticky issue most SAHMs would have to contend with.

Since my boy is now in childcare, and my girl at school in the morning, I am planning to do some part-time work soon. My hb is quite nice, and doesn't mind my spending his hard-earned money. But somehow, it isn't quite the same leh. Feel it would be better to have my own.

HOw do other SAHMs feel?
Care to explain how the scales can be interesting?My gal is going for grade two practical in sept and she has to follow the exam guidelines, and she is complaining all day long.

Is theory that hard?At times, wonder is it the way that the teacher teach...cos when I teach her academic subject, I do not see this problem in her. Can you imagine, I zoom down and recopy all the music theory exam questions mistake she made and prepared her for the last theory exam .Wonder what so difficult in it.

hehe, I have no qualm spending hubby's money. in fact, I don't view it as his money. I viewed it as our money even though he is the one bringing in the bacon. with careful planning, we were finally debt free recently, no more loans, what a relief!

have to be thrifty lor since we only have single income. dare not even think about condo. and can only shop during sales. didn't want both of us to end up on streets, collecting cans or newspapers when we are old. so my next plan is to start saving for our retirement

I don't missed working life though I definitely miss my pay check. If I was to continue working, sure can buy a bigger house & afford better lifestyle and a much much bigger retirement nest

hubby is very pleased I'm willing to stay home. in fact I think he felt a little apologetic that I gave up my career for the kids. when I asked him recently when can I return to work? he said year 2020!
I must admit, I do feel most happy at home too, so no regrets lah
always heard my friends, peers, ex-colleagues talking about financial commitments, cannot quit, so must continue working despites hating their jobs, wanting to stay home with their kids

makes me wonder why financial commitment is the driving force?

we were also in debt, with outstanding loans, when I left the workforce many years ago. so my hubby & I had to adjust our lifestyle accordingly and brainstorm for ways to reduce the commitments. I felt that when there is a will, there is a way

my neighbour can survive on $2K income with 3 kids & his wife is not working. Read in Straits Times last week, financial advice: it's not how much you earn, it's how much you save.
read this story online. very enlightening

An investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.

Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The banker complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The fisherman replied, "Only a little while."

The banker then asked, "Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more fish?"

The fisherman said, "With this I have more than enough to support my family's needs."

The banker then asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, go for walks with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my friends. As you can see, I have a full and busy life."

The banker scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing; and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat! With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to the capital city. After that, who knows, maybe you could take on the world!

The fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"

To which the banker replied, "Id say about 15 to 20 years."

"But what then?" asked the fisherman.

The Banker laughed and said, That's the best part! When the time is right, you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions."

"Millions?...Then what?" the fisherman continued prodding.

The banker said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, go for romantic walks with your wife, and in the evenings you could sip wine, play guitar and sing songs with your friends!

To which the fisherman mused, Now isnt that strange Isnt that what Im doing now?

so our DD1 is about same age! And my #3 DD2 is about same age as your boy!

u are rite! i keep nagging and nagging oso sianz already. make me age faster. sometimes hubby come back home complain why i always black face.

Is it wrong for us to expect our 10yo to be more independent academically now? Her recent SA1 results seem to be telling me that i cannot let go yet. Still have to push her a bit academically.

Academically aside, DD1 is ok. She helps around at home, taking care of the younger ones and do simple household chores (fold clothes, etc).

share the same sentiments as you. don't miss working life but miss the fat pay check.

my hubby also support me SAHM. Though i work from home, my take home pay no where near my peers. Actually my pay less than what a fresh grad is getting. Pathetic hor?

But no complains lah, still surviving .... i feel happy when i see my kids reaching the different milestones in their lives.

P4 teaching more complex fractions, decimals. MOE introducing calculators to P5-6 from next year. Can u imagine that? PSLE Maths will have 2 papers, one require calculator, one doesn't.

my friend's son in sec 1 this year and he is learning statistics. *faint* why are they pushing all these academic stuff to younger and younger kids?

sometimes i dream of living somewhere else where it is less stressful for the kids, and the mother, where the kids have more time to pursue something besides academic stuff.
are you music teacher? pls teach me how to make scales more interesting.

my girl oso taking grade2 practical, but in july.
How old is your girl? we are listening to the same exam piece of music now?She has her grade 1 theory last march, taking pratical this sept and the teacher intend to let her take theory 2 in oct or so...

Do you think its necessary for her to do another theory grade this year, or can skip and do it next year or skip grade as in don;t take the exam,just learn grade two theory and do grade three next year?

Do you increase fees once the child is going to take another grade exam, meaning even before it starts?thanks

then our kids are of the same age gap.

I started travelling with my older kid when she was 2. Tat was just to genting. was fine, but due to reasons, we didn't bring her much on trips. Ony to HK and Thailand aft that. Which I sort of regretted cos bef she started to follow mainstream school schedule, i should hv taken the opportunity to have holidays with her. Now must ony plan for June n Dec.

She is wonderful to travel with, excited yet not much complaints.

Dun know about DS tho. Cos he's jus 8 mths nia. Havent tried travelling with him...


we are more like thinking travelling with our kids.. hehe... i am imagining the day comes when i go shopping with my DD in the SAME dept and see the same things.

#2 also took me some time. Longer than I expected. So i guess older liao, not so easy lo. Like now i carry my DS for a while already tired, dun rem last time like tat.

What is scales?

every family got their own story. Jia jia you ben nan nian de jing. May not be as simple as what we see. Some ppl probs are jus harder / take longer to solve, I guess. For me, we r still servicing some loans and it'll take a while.

When i work, i dream of staying at home to spend time with my kids, when i stay at home, i want to work to feel more useful (my personal feeling)... so funny...

stay at home, even if hard work / stress, its for ur own family, something that you build. Then can have quality time to spend with the kids, nurture them, give them all your love. At least I feel like I have given my best to my children and no regrets. Have done my part to help them become good beings. Its a sense of achievement.

Go to work is for another kind of sense of achievement. Studied and worked so hard to build a career, able to exercise what you have learnt in life. That feeling of satisfaction when you have completed a project successfully..Of cos the financial reward and freedom.

Well on another level, I also tend to dress better for work.. if at home, then just anyhow lo.

All said, I have respect for both roles, whether FTWM or SAHM, both are not easy, big sacrifice and greatness of us women!
Me too love to take my kids to travel. You reminded me that after they go to primary school, then I can only go during school holidays, and that means more crowd and more expensive ! I should go for more holidays with them now. They have been to Hong Kong and Thailand, I hope to bring them somewhere to see snow, may be Japan or Australia.

Thanks for your info about P1

I actually travel to Hokkaido on my own when my boy was not even 2 years old, and my girl was 3 years old
I also went to Bangkok a couple of times without them. My mother helps to look after them, so I'm not worried. But it's more fun to travel with the kids lah ! I used to love backpacking alone, and I have backpack alone to Europe and Canada before my babies are born. But when alone in Hokkaido, I miss my kids a lot. So I try to include them in my future travel plans.

I also wish that my kids can do more stuff other than academic. I think I will not push them to be top of the class, I will be happy so long as they do well enough to get into local university.

Yes many household with 2 kids are surviving with $2K income. There are also many couples, like my colleague, together with his wife, earn more than $25,000 a month. But they are both in depression, both are paying hundreds of $$ a month to see physcologist. Can you believe that ? So more money doesn't mean you are happier.
Wow, so nice, can travel hands free. For me,even short trip to LA,anywwhere, still tabao my gal , even when she was before two years.Lucky she is a good traveller.She will start to sleep when she is on aircraft and adjust to the varies time zone pretty fast.strange...My son is not so easy and that is why I am still stuck in singapore since last trip to HK.

I guess life is a package, we cannot have all the best thing all in one. We have some and we loose some...
The thing about bringing very young babies/kids, is the amount of luggage you need to bring ! It's like bringing the whole house. How do you go shopping with your girl ? My kids cannot sit still in the stroller, either must keep pushing them around, or let them out to play. Even in Singapore I don't bring them if I need to do serious shopping, when overseas, I got to completely forget about shopping.
Hi Everyone,
anyone can recommend a full day CC centre in Seng kang to me? I'm on the waitlist for Zion but don't know if I can enrol my 18MO eventually. Have been to a couple more but don't like it due partial air con, area for tods right outside toilet, dirty fans. Read in forum that MMI SK and Shekinah M is not good too. Any recommendations that I can checkout? Thanks in advance.

ya Tamarind,

go go.. must go now... both ur choices are fine... I am hoping to go Australia end of this yr, during the dec holidays.

That would be hb, me, my DD and DS, my mum (to reward her for taking care of my children), and maybe my maid. That also means I am bringing the whole house to travel.. haha...
my elder girl 1st trip to Genting was when she was 21 months old. she's a good traveller. very easy to handle, just tag along everywhere we went. So far she has been to Penang, Krabi, Darwin (all by flights) and to KL/Genting/Ipoh (by coach)
Darwin was the most challenging because she had to climb some steep rock together with us at Kakadu. hehe, her first experience of rock climbing

I travelled alone (land tour) in Europe too when I was in my 20s. what a great experience!
hope to go Europe again, by a different route, on rail and visit the major cities. I think my girl will enjoy the experience.
must wait for her to reach her teens so that she is strong enough to carry her own luggage mah
Hi all,

Sorry, now my girl on hols, and hubby away (just returned an hour ago), couldn't log on as frequently as I want to.

Cuddles: scales are the do-re-me-..... notes you need to play on your instrument. They're called scales because they are like the steps of stairs or rungs of ladder.
Most kids hate scales and theory. So boring! I agree. But this is usually because such 'exercises' are done in isolation, away from their familiar tunes and pieces. They don't see the relationship between scales/theory to the music pieces they are playing. The teacher can and should draw the connection, so the kid understands why theory and scales are important.

I always teach theory at the piano, NOT at the desk. How to see the notes and hear them when you're at the table? Unless your table can also play music!

Both theory and scales can be easy if the child understands how it relates to music! Can't imagine music without scales and theory, nor the other way around.

Actually, not necessary to take exams, practical or theory every year, and every grade. But grade 5 theory is essential if the child wants to take grade 6 and above practical exams. Why stress the poor kids out?

By all means practise the exercises for the grade, but go on to the next grade without taking exams if not necessary. In fact, a child I know took his first theory exams - Grade 5, and scored distinction.

Same goes for practical exams, but for higher grades, 5 and above, preferably take every grade coz different skills needed. Unless the child is very talented, then no need!

Hey, you been to Hokkaido? How is it like? Some people tell me better to go in June. Is that true? Thinking of either June or Dec (school hols). What would you advise? Thanks

Yah, travelling with kids means extra, extra stufs - milk lah, diapers lah.... One extra suitcase just for these barang barang.

Don't know about you mummies, but when my family travel, my hubby only takes care of HIS own things. I have to pack for 2, and now 3!
And he always complain why I take so long to pack, why I must bring so many things... GRRRRRRR......

Before I had #2, We travelled quite a bit. Whenever my hb goes on biz trips and conferences, we'll tag along. So, my girl has been to Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Toronto, HK, Langkawi, Phuket, Paris! My poor boy only been to Melbourne last year! That's why hope to make a trip to Hokkaido next year!

P4 maths really killer for my girl now. The worse thing is, she'll just take a look at the sum, and then decide it's too difficult and give up just like that! How to teach?!

Her school teacher called me after the SA1, stressing that SA2 and from next year, maths will be more difficult. It's not that I'm not doing anything, my girl so lazy what ! How???

Kids these days so stressed. Their mums lagi stressed. I not so stressed when studying for my own exams last time leh. I feel so sorry for my girl. Wah, stats in Sec 1? I only did that in Pre-U, and flunked! I chia lat liao lah like that!
haha! men are like that lah. I'm also in charge of packing for my 2 girls.

must reference to the kids previous trip's photos to make sure I don't pack the same wardrobe again. otherwise the photos will look similar in same clothing, right?

hehe, this kind of details my hubby cannot cope lah
hello mummies,

hope i can join in. i'm a FTWM, 37 and have a 5yr DD and a 6month DS.

cannot imagine myself not working. most ideal is to work half day and spend the rest of the day with the kids. : )
hello hwee

your daughter same age as mine elder girl. have you shortlisted a primary school for her?

any more mommies with 5 or 6 years old kids feeling the heat of primary school registration?
Cowandchick, hippo2002

Guess all the elder kids have got the chance to travel and tag along...cos its one , so its easy to handle....I was so brave to bring my elder one to san francisco and LA twice and back within two days...Will never have the courage to do for the younger one....Infact I hardly bring the younger one out except once to HK last year.

Guess you are a good teacher. My piano teacher never connect kids with the piano and theory....maybe I should talk to her...Also, may not want my gal to take grade two theory this year....This piano teacher actually wanted her to take...I do not know why....

My stress over liao....Which school you putting your gal?
yup, me staying in cck and will put her at pei hwa since we are attending the church next door. she's also in the kindie there now.

if not, de la salle or something is only less than 1km away from my place.

where are you thinking of putting your ger?
Hi mummies,

Wow! This thread moves fast- welcome all the new mummies!

Regarding FTWM/ SAHM:
Not all mummies are the type that can stay at home leh? I am for one like that- I enjoy work, and enjoy the pay cheque and travel oppportunites that come with it...thus, in evenings and on weekends, I devote 100% of time to my kids...I find good balance to be able to do that...

Re Travel:
maybe my kids still young (2.5YO and 4YO), I enjoy travelling without them for now- I feel its very "leh cheh" to have to bring all their "barang" when going travelling...and I think they will enjoy it more when they are far, I do short regional trips with my hubby without kids to re-charge, I think the trips are very good to keep the marriage bond strong...

Of course, I have very helpful retired parents and maid to help me with the kids, so I count myself really lucky...
welcome hwee

i stay in CCK too. My DD in PeiHwa P1 this yr. I think u can try for phase 2B rite? For me, I had a hard time getting her into PH. Was telling my story in another thread.. its a long one.

aiyo.. so chim... i can hardly comprehend. Currently DD is with Yamaha Group Piano. But the class seems to be moving too slow for her, so I feel sort of dragging her progress. Some of the faster ones alredy switch to individual class. But i got no choice cos indv ony on weekdays, no one to bring her. Thinking of pte.


i rem years back, hb and i tried a short trip to Thailand without DD, we totally did not enjoy ourselves. Cos once were there, we missed her so much.. haha..

I was hoping a short trip this june just to let DD have some fun. I am still bfeeding, so DS has to go along...
Yes, I do feel guilty and totally miss my kids when I travel without them, but cos my parents are at home with them, I do not have to worry so much...
I suggested to hubby that I wanted to go on a trip with my girlfriend to Korea.

his reply 'don't come after me if I lost one of the kids', sigh....I guess that is a NO lor.

can't even leave the kids with my parents. they cannot control the kids.

my girl oso like that. sometime she doesn't even bother to finish reading the problem sum and declares that she donno how to do.

Now i refuse to give her any tips on how to solve the problem. Force her to do her own thinking. Actually she can do herself, just that she can become too reliant on me.

Sometimes got educated parents oso no good lah! My parents not well educated, so everything do ownself. Nowadays children different liao.
sigh .... wow u all travel to so many places ah? Me never went out of SE Asia.

For one, i won't be able to travel without my kids. They will miss me (or vice versus). Also can't afford to travel far with 3 in tow.

Nevermind la, i'll just watch Japan Hour and Dynamic Korea on CNA.
<font color="ff0000">Fairyprincess</font>,
Like you, my mother also take very good care of my kids, so I can still travel on my own. Grandparents are so important, right ?

<font color="ff6000">Cuddles</font>,
Last year I went to Hong Kong disneyland with my kids, my mother and my maid. Only my hubby couldn't take leave, so didn't go. Really brought the whole house to travel.

But going to Australia or Japan is very expensive, don't think I can bring the maid.

<font color="119911">hippo2002</font>,
Great to know that you travelled alone to Europe, which countries did you visit and for how long ?
Yes that time I was carrying very heavy backpack, but then I saw other girls who were also backpacking alone, using those trolley bags instead. Now I always travel with my samsonite trolley bag, 4 wheels one, very easy to push. The last time I went to Krabi, my girl can even push the bag for me

<font color="0000ff">cowandchick</font>,
It's best to visit Hokkaido in mid July - August, when the lavender is in full bloom ! In Jun the lavender is not blooming yet, so you will see lots of green fields, like I did in September, when the lavender is already harvested. But I still enjoy travelling through the Biei-Furano region, very relaxing compared to the city.

But I find that children does not know how to enjoy scenery. My kids prefer to places where they can get down and play, like the beach. I went to Krabi earlier this year with my girl, went to an island where we just stand on the beach, throw the bread and hundreds of fishes swam around us to feed, it was so fun and she enjoyed it so much.

I am considering going to Hokkaido during winter when my kids can play with snow.

My hubby does not even pack his own things. So I pack for every one ! When I travel alone, I pack very very light. I find it very stressful to travel with light suitcases.

I am not so worried about the luggage part when bringing kids, but the crankiness of the little one and his immunity level.

For my gal, since three,already out of stroller and will walk and follow me where I go. She is easy. I do not like the idea of pushing my little one in stroller, keep him entertain...thus hardly bring him out, even so, no stroller needed cos ,if really out , its for say one two hours, and maid will carry and handle him.
