Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Tamarind,

Yes, you are right- having helpful grandparents is really a blessing!

So no matter how much my parents nag, or want things done their way, I try to accommodate, cos nothing beats the peace of mind you have at work, knowing that your kids are in good hands at home =)

I also want to go to Hokkaido sometime...eveyone has been saying great things about the place...but this Sept, hubby's fren and wife want to do a Tokyo food tour, will be very broke after that, so Hokkaido remains a dream for now =)

hi all

i traveled twice with my kids when the younger one was only 2 and 4 months old. even though its only m'sia i think i can manage even further. not much of a diff for me. just bring the normal things that i would bring like going out except more changes of clothings. maybe b'cos bb is 2nd, i didn't even sterilise his bottles. just rinse with hot water. luckily he's fine. we're thinking of bringing the kids with us to Australia in August. my girl is already 5 so she's really easy. i will miss them if i dun bring them thus won't enjoy the holiday moreover, cannot leave with anyone here also. all in all, its not difficult. : )

July to Sept difficult coz girl in school leh. Sigh. Looks like got to go see the green fields or the snow lor. My kids are actually quite ok with scenery, as long as they can run around in open spaces. My girl especially likes that coz it is less taxing on her eyes! Will need to discuss this with 'the banker' (ie hb) who will be paying for holiday! hee hee

So lucky, those of you who have parents or ILs to help with kids. My MIL has high blood pressure, and has difficulty walking, I dare not ask her. Any way, she always so grumpy and complains a lot about my kids. Hope I don't become like that next time!

My mum, she is enjoying her freedom now. She travels a lot more than I. Which is good, coz she's spent most of her younger days looking after her kids! Guess she expects me to do the same too. But I had my kids at a much later age, and by the time they're all grown up, I may be dead!!! Sigh, wished I had my kids earlier.

you really make me luff with your last statement. You're right, kids really not so concerned where they are, Japan vs Kl makes not much diff to them as long as they have things to play, spaces to run about.


i went to HK with my DD, mum and mil last year too. At the beginning of the yr, bef I found out I was preg. In fact I was already expecting then. Anyway, that trip was easy cos DD already 6, the tough part was taking care and catering to the whims of the 2 old ladies...
hb was too busy to go with us.

Had arguement with hb bef, abt our plan to Australia end this yr, he say bring maid, I say no, too expensive, why spend the extra and I can jolly well take care of DS myself. He say jus spend a bit more and the maid can be there to help take care of bb then we can enjoy more. I dun see his point and neither does he see mine. We even resort to say "all my frens dun bring maids on their holidays" and he threw back at me "All my frens bring maid on their holidays" Men!!!! Grrr... And yes, they dun pack their own things! and dun unpack too!!!


ya.. grandparents are really a blessing. As much as I find my mil weird, she did come into the pic to lend great help during the time when i needed it most. Yrs back, when DD was just born, I send her to babysitter ev day. It went well, until this fickle babysitter decides she wanna go n distribute flyers instead. So she do lots of funny things and say things to me to hint me to take DD back. I was totally helpless cos hb n I work, my parents were working then too. Then my mil volunteered to help me lo. She was a teacher and just retired, but i din think of letting her take care at first cos she is not those sort can take care of babies, and its been so many years since she touched one. Heard from hb aunties that when she had her 2 sons, she din take care of them.

But well, when its the last resort... no choice... and she took care of DD till she was 4.

Now its my mum who is helping to care of DS sicne she has stopped work. Also a big sacrifice for her la, cos my mum like to go out type, not very grandmotherly one.. but for the sake of my son...
my mom also like that, her social circle is way way bigger than mine. although she doesn't mind offering some ad-hoc assistance while I go facial or shopping, but she didn't want to babysit full time. if I intend to return to work, I will need to place my kids in full day childcare

Europe was my second trip alone. my first trip alone was to Hawaii :eek:)
I spent 2 months in Europe. It was kind of rushed because of land tour. I would have prefered free & easy, freedom to stretch the stay if I like that place

went to England (London, Stongehedge, Bath) Scotland (Edinburgh, Gretna Green).
Western Europe:
Paris, Lyon, Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Forence, Vatican City, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Munich, Hapfagarten, Lucerne, Swiss Alps,Heidelberg, Amsterdam.
Eastern Europe:
Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Russia St Petersburg & Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin.
the most memorable is Russia, rich culture and very scenic

my hubby & I travelled together to New Zealand, Seattle, Vancouver, Gold Coast, Sydney and spent a year in Melbourne for our postgrad studies. All free & easy tours.

We went Japan for our honeymoon. again, free & easy. amazing, the bullet train was so fast & convenient that we covered almost whole of Japan during our 2 weeks there. I have not visited Hokkaido though because it's too much a detour, would love to go :eek:)

I'm very glad I did my share of travelling before the kids arrive. Because after leaving my job, I couldn't afford this kind of lifestyle any more
Hi mummies,

I am a SAHM. My dd is 9 years old and ds is 5 years old. We are staying at CCK-Yew Tee side.

We also love to travel. My kids first trip were all before they turn one. Now, with the high costs required for the kids education, we have to forgo our trips ... maybe a backpacking trip when dd completes her 'O' level too!!!

<font color="ff0000">Rainbow,</font>
How old is your boy now ?
Frankly I only like kids when they are 3 or 4 years old. Before that it's so tiring to look after them !

<font color="ff6000">Fairyprincess,</font>
I treat my mother to a cruise every year, even before the kids are born. This is to "bribe" her
I really cannot do without my mother. When my older girl was still a baby, I used to be very scared when my mother went back to her own home during weekends, and I am left to take care of my baby, even with a maid, I still feel scared.

Even now, I always wish that my mother will stay over the weekends too. But my mother also needs her break from the kids hahaha

<font color="aa00aa">cowandchick,</font>
Good that your kids can enjoy scenery. I love scenery myself, but now I can only plan on going to places where my kids like.

In my case, since my mother help me so much, I promise myself that I will help my kids look after their babies too
But I am not good at looking after babies, so I will supervise their maids hehehe

<font color="119911">Cuddles,</font>
Bringing a maid will let your enjoy your holidays more, because she can help you look after your baby. I guess that's what your hubby is thinking
But now I would rather wait until my kids are older then go without the maid, because it is really nice to go as a family without outsiders. But later this year, I will be going on a cruise with my mother and the kids, and will have to bring the maid. Because my mother and I love to gamble at the casino ! We need the maid to look after the kids.

<font color="0000ff">hippo2002,</font>
Wow that's many places. You take the train all over Europe ? Must have spent a lot of money right ?

I only went for 2 weeks to Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Southern Germany.

Before we have kids, my hubby and I went to New York, Washington DC and the Alaska Cruise ! I am planning to bring my kids to the Alaska cruise again, it's fantastic ! Don't think that I am rich hor. It's actually very affordable now, from about USD400 for 7 nights cruise.

Meeting my hubby
We were classmates in NUS. We went to climb Mt Ophir together with other classmates, he kept following behind me up and down the mountain. He asked me out only after the trip, then I realize his intention hehehe
My son is turning 2 this july and that is why me super stress and that is also I yet to sack my maid...She is good with my son.

I was an sdu members and I participate less but mainly play the role as a cordinator.Pretty fun cos you get to see all sort of people....Hubby's friend went there got to know one of my girl friends and thr my gf, we went on double dates and that it is...

I initially also hope to bring my maid when I go on holiday, but the thought of paying for her air ticket, privacy which cost more than paying for ourself....(we used our yearly priviledge ticket)we decided to drop her. Honestly, Like what tamarind thought, I would rather travel when my kid is at least 3 years old, able to enjopy more and also kid themselves can remember better too....
Tamarind and Rainbow

if its nearby like Msia, its really fine with me to bring the maid along, but I can't get over the fact to pay for her for a long trip. I wud rather take care of DS myself then. And right, I prefer the own family thingy.. Its been a long time since i go somewhere, I really want to go on a family holiday so I'm looking foward to this year end trip to Aus. HB better not change his mind....


how we all depend on our mommies.. I feel exactly the same as u. My mum stays with us for now till DS is older. But she has to go home which is jus 2 streets away for a few hours every other day to make sure things at home is ok. Got 2 dogs and 2 brothers at home, she gotta take care of the mess
Once she goes off, I feel so lost, haha.. even with the maid..

hey, where can I find more info on the Alaska Cruise.. sounds interesting..


wow, u have done some serious travelling! I travelled a fair bit too, before marriage and kids. But mostly were through biz trips. Thinking back, its really great else I wouldn't have spent the money. I wasn't a travelling person then.

hmm.. I have not taken a trip alone.. apart from work trips. Maybe I should try when the kids are older. Can be good to rejuvenate myself. I love free & easy trips too.

Meeting Hubby

I was often at this particular club, hb is a regular there too. He pestered a friend to introduce us.

Alaska sounds great. Was one of my "destinations" before, but thot it was too expensive, so dropped it from list.

You must tell us more about it, and I'll have that 'revived', tho for now, it'll be Hokkaido!

Waa hippo, you've been so many places already! I love to travel, but no money. But my hubby and I had a great time in England, where I accompanied him on his postgrad studies. That was b4 the kids came along! How nice to be able to do that again!

Meeting Hubby
I guess mine must be the strangest of all places - at the old Blood Bank! We were there donating blood, and struck up a conversation while having our Milo and crackers after the donation! Weird hor!
Until today, whenever I tell people, they all stared at me in surprise, as if I'm joking. Well, for the record, it's true!
Re: Alaska
Here's the info for the ships. There are many cruise ships to Alaska. Princess cruise line has very nice ships.

I took Star Princess to Alaska. Here are my photos.

Checkout They got very good discount rates. Around USD400 - 500 per person for a 7 nights cruise in an inside cabin. All food included. Airfare is not included, this is the expensive part. You need to fly into Anchorage and out from Vancover, or vice versa. But total cruise + airfare per person should be less than S$3000. About the same as a USA or Europe tour. But much better value, since all food is included, and it is so relaxing ! The best part of a cruise is that you unpack once, go to sleep in a comfortable bed, wake up the next day at a new destination !
Yes that is so interesting ! I also went to blood bank to donate blood once, didn't see any cute guys around leh
haha! so special leh

Re: Meet my hubby
we took a group tennis lessons under the same coach. he didn't ask me out right away. he put the whole group on email list so we started forwarding each other jokes every other day and slowly began to chat over email. our 1st date was 3 months from the time we first met. Not really 'love at first sight'
Alaska will be the retirement holiday for me and hubby.He goes to alaska very often...tell me its tax free, see salmom, bears etc....

Did your gal take her theory exam one?

Is it a norm that kids usually get distinction for grade one theory.
I spoke to my piano teacher about relating theory by doing it on the piano, she said its quite messey and that is for very young kids. Not sure why she say that...
Is it true when you going to do grade three theory next year, from now, as the teacher teach, fees will go up?I do not know why, she kept asking my gal to skip grade two theory this nov and do grade three next march....thanks
I do not think I can bring my maid to malaysia or anything that needs car ride cos she has car sick....I remember once, we travelled from east to Jurong, she vomited as if want to die and ended up me taking care of her...unless I get her anti car sick pill./....

Tamarind and cuddles
Lucky you ladies, mum able to help out....

i saw ur pics on Alaska.. so nice... I wanna go but defintely not now. hb goes to Mauritius often (almost ev month) for work, I cant even go with him. Gotta be at home to take care of the kids. Seperating with DS is impossible at this time cos I still bfg.

i have not tried long car trips with my maid, so i wun know yet if she will puke all over the plc aft that.. Anyway the planned trip to Aus is for Dec, I'll decide nearer to the date if we gonna bring her along...

Sunday nite whole family went to Nite Safari, paid for her ticket and meal(for convenience, we ate at the restaurant there) I also sim tia already. But she enjoyed herself la, so still ok. Worst to happen is spend on her liao n she doesn't appreciate.

Mum's help is a blessing..altho sometimes very frustrating with difference in opinion and methods. But my mum has done a lot for me this round. Prob is since she is taking care of DS now, all her love and attn on DS liao, no more for DD.
Lower grades, distinction for theory and practical very common. That's good, helps to boost child's ego.

Don't understand why your music teacher say all that - not relating theory to practical. Aren't they suppose to come together??? Strange!

Yah, some teachers increase fees as kid goes higher grade. Maybe you should ask around to see those of about same grade as your kid also paying same fees?

As for skipping G2 theory, as long as the child has grasped concept, not necessary to take every grade. But some teachers, I notice, tend to rush things a lot. Pushing kids to take higher grade faster. I oso donno why. Maybe you can speak to your teacher again?
I think not my alaska pic...I yet to be there ...Mauritius nice place,I even have the run way pic on my wall cos that is one of the airport that is very hard to land....

I know what you meant by even bring maid to nite safari, paying for everything...but,by bringing her really help in caring for your kids...has to let go a bit...I mean paid for it....

Older generation sure has got their own way in teaching...

I may just want to let my gal take her pace in doing her grade three theory and pratical at next year end. Simply no rush to this march and also pay for increase in fees so soon for nothing when she is only doing G2 pratical in Nov.

Have you spoken to your girl? How does she feel about it. Very often the decision whether or not to take exams is made between the teacher and the parent, without consultation with the child. If she's ok with it, why not go ahead?!

But if she feels rushed, then better to slow down a bit. Some parents I know want their child to complete Gr 8 b4 the kid reaches P4! Tall order, unless the kid is really talented! But lack of maturity at that age means they won't do well at the higher grades. What for then? Sigh!
aiyo, I already feel stressed just reading the discussion on graded exam. can we just play piano without ever going for any graded exam? teacher can promote ie. teach next level once the child finishes the current level ?

I just felt that learning music is a form of relaxation. when the pianist played, you can see they are really immense in their own world. I kind of envious that kind of devotion to music.

as long a person loves a hobby (can be anything, singing, dancing, drawing) he or she can be in her own world, right?

maybe my interest is not in music. took keyboard course with Yamaha before. just drag my feet whenever I think of practicing. so lazy, how to proceed further?

hehe, my hobby is to study. I am in my own world when studying. hopefully I can pick up another course when kids are older. was telling my hubby, if I ever strike toto, I will study MBA with INSEAD because its course fee is $100K! my dream is to pursue a ivy league qualification although don't have ivy league budget, and probably have no use for that qualification since I'm a SAHM....sigh....

just wondering, how do we add colour to the passage? blue, green, purple, etc

and how to bold a word?

thanks for your advice
Well said. I did ask my gal but as she is still young, she will ask me to decide. Am not very keen to rush her as eventually I am still the one that need to watch over her even though I do not know music....For her grade one theory, I was the one who was reminding her about all the potential mistakes she might make....

I do not want to be competitive but sil was very pissed off when heard that my gal did better than her son who is one year older...To me, what is there to fight is just an enrichment or hobby....
cowandchick, rainbow

ya, i not competitive, in fact i oso blur blur abt my gal's music lesson. she attended JMC at yamaha when she was 5. When i signed up at one of their roadshow i oso dun know wat it is. I jus thot if my gal has the interest and talent, I will try my best let her realise it. Now she is in group piano.


wa... MBA sia.. but its good to have a goal, and aim to achieve it for personal satisfaction. I always wanted to take on a language (maybe French) just for fun and learning something new. And tell myself when I retire, I wanna take up photography or painting.
<font color="ff0000">hippo2002,</font>
Check out this webpage to find out how to add color and bold.

Yes it is important for a person to have a hobby. I used to sew clothes, cross stitch and knit when I was young, but now the only thing I love to do is travel ! But no time and money ! Now I am trying to pick up baking again, have been teaching my kids to bake muffins

I am not keen on learning music, so not keen on letting my kids learn piano, or even let my girl learn ballet. I prefer to let them do things like gymnastics, rock climbing or even fencing !

<font color="0000ff">Cuddles,</font>
I posted the Alaska photos, not Rainbow
To me it is also a dream to go again
hippo,cuddles, tamarind
Agreed,its good to have a vision and dreams...But, for me, I become so lazy and tired to pursue anything....

Just heard someone telling me that some kids who are smart,always want to win type will tend to have a reverse effect when they encounter setback...that is putting into the best class, and no longer the pet of the teacher, thus give up in their studies...and refused to do home work etc...anyone heard of this...
tamarind, rainbow

sorry for the mix up... blur... hehe...

I also v lazy to do anything.. at this stage in my life, all I wanna do is stay at home ev evening and enjoy the company of my family...

how ppl change at different stages of our lives hor...


thats true. thus to counter that, gotta give challenges and make them lose. let them experience losing. Let them realise that life isn't abt always winning, always being the best. Anyway they run the risk of growing up to be snobs!

My fren does that to her ony gal. Due to only child, she is the cant lose type, so my fren always compete with her and wins (ie, dun give chance). Of cos her gal will throw temper, whines, cries etc, and my fren gets scolded by her husband, haha. But i see her point why she does that.

Bef I had No. 2, my gal has been princess for all 6 yrs, i do the same too. And also get scolding from my mum and husband for always making her cry..haha..

thanks for sharing and I think that is a good one....I challenge my gal too...esp from dad. Whenever she loose out, she will cry...but now, she is the happy go lucky type and not competitive...I did ask her will she get upset if she does not do as well as ben in a test...her answer is , no, as long as I feel my marks is good enough....

What book is your kid reading?My daughter is too much into mr midnight till one day, I asked her to go somewhere with me...guess what she answered me, go graveyard.....I scolded her....

Do you all pay particular interest on hairdo, as in do rebonding, mask it, spend on good shampoo etc...this is my small hobby since teenage days....

What about you mum, what is the little hobby that you have it all along....
My boy now loves to read "Bears at Work" and "Bears at Play" by Richard Fowler. He make us read to him over and over again, everyday ! But the books are very old and torn already. Now I am searching high and low for the new books, but it is out of print ! I manage to buy "Bears at Play" from a lady in UK. Still hunting for "Bears at work".

Kids behaviour
I think my mother is turning my girl into the always must win type. I am trying very hard to reverse it. This is problem of letting other people raise my kids, they will not turn out the way I want them to be.

Agreed, this should be fun. But from what I see, not many kids having fun out of it leh! Sometimes it's the parents, sometimes it's the teachers. Poor kid, grow up hating music! How can? It is such a joy.
I dreaded practising when I was young, but the funny thing is, my parents never really forced me to. After a while, I just realised that if I don't, I'll get it real bad from my teacher. After completing G3, I suddenly decided I should practise! Strange hor?!


Success in life isn't about winning everything. It is the ability to pick oneself up again after falling! So, if the child hasn't learned to fall or lose, then how to be successful in future?

A secondary school-mate of mine was always doing so well in everything. Suddenly, she did quite badly in her exams in one year. Never could pick herself up again to try. From then on, she just failed, failed, failed. Don't know what became of her now!

I used to sew dresses for my girl when she was younger. The machine in cold storage now! I also did cross stitch. Hoping to revive that one. But at my age, eyesight not so good already. Must get bigger holes! Ha Ha
But there's always music for me to fall back on. Am taking up violin like my girl. Wah, old bones and joints, not easy task!
Am considering a second masters, but no money leh!

I used to be quite particular about my looks when I was younger, attended grooming course, personal make up course and doll myself up everyday to work. of course now not so focus anymore, auntie already mah

nowsaday, my little hobby is still shopping lah. buy clothes, handbags, shoes, never too many :eek:)
and buy moisturier, neck cream, masks, hand cream that sort of things lor

I don't spend much on hair. the least maintenance because I don't highlight, rebond or do any treatment. I felt that too much chemical is bad for the scalp. anyway, plenty of chance to do highlighting or colouring in future, when white hair appears! I simply go to a household auntie who used to run a salon for my $8 haircut a few times a year. I'm quite particular about shampoo though, only use those without SLS, preferably organic shampoo.

I envy people who can play musical instrument. always have an impulse to try to reach that stage of devotion but cannot leh, I simply hate practicing.

from young, I have few interests. Just love to study lor. that's why study non stop till 29 years old, until the kids arrived, too distracting, kept wanting to play with them, hehe
I am not particular about how I look since young maybe since young had been fat till now, so don't bother. Nothing I do will make me look nicer.

Same as hippo2002, I don't spend much on hair, only permed once and that will also be the last time I permed my hair.

Not talented in music, try learning guitar but gave up halfway and gave the guitar to my ex-colleague.

I do cross-stitch occassionally but only those small pieces and I do love baking...

my elder girl is a sore loser. she will lose her temper if she doesn't win all the time.

for example, I was training both of them to go without night diapers. when I praise my younger girl for her success in keeping her bed dry at night, my elder girl kept reminding me she slept without her diaper at 2 years old for her afternoon nap. she omits the part she was in night diaper till 5.5 years old.

we have been telling her to win herself, outdo herself rather than benchmark against anyone else. not much effect so far. she wants to win in everything, even things I see as insignificant

just last week, I dressed up for a wedding dinner. she was suddenly angry with me because she thought I looked so much nicer than her. demand to know why she doesn't have earrings, why her dress is not as nice, why she has no shawl, braclet, blah blah blah. my gosh!

even feel competitive against her mommy, how?

my girl doesn't read any particular 'brand' of books. she will read anything I bought for her. we have many different titles at home. some ladybird series, some disney & pooh bear books, science encyclopedia, etc etc

she's not that addicted to reading lah. she doesn't read everday, her only aim is to complete her kumon worksheets everday. the rest of the time she will do colouring, play puzzles, kitchen set, lego together with her sister
no particular books or authors, i just let her read anything as long as she can understand. I wanted to let her try charles dickens tho, cos those were my childhood fav. But i think a bit too early.

i havent found my calling... seem to have interest in everything and too lazy to do anything. hai~~~

the usual lo... go shopping for clothes, shoes, handbags. Also a skincare junkie.

Love my massages, facials, mani and pedi

Only thing i dread is the hair salon. I think i ony go twice a yr.. 1 to rebond and anther time to trim...

My goals
further studies
play an instrument maybe guitar
learn a language maybe French

Recently i have this impulse to give up my bread and butter 9-6 job and do something i really like or even drastically different or unthinkable of me
Being partially sighted, my girl disliked reading. Tried everything i could to get her started. Bought her books with her name in it. Not easy hor!

Now, she's hooked on the Fairy Jewel books. they're quite simple, but the English is ok. Aiyah, as long as reading something, I don't really mind. Otherwise her face glued to TV.

Wah, hippo, you bookworm type! I was so super lazy when young. Maybe my girl took after me! Jia lat like that.

Like I mentioned before, I only know how to shop for books to read. Donno how to buy clothes, besides T-shirt and shorts (from market). Even shoes got problem. Have been wearing Teva for past 6 years already. As for jewellery, I always think I'd end up looking like christmas tree!

hehe, you really unique leh. don't even like jewelleries?

jewelleries looked oh so lovely :eek:)

jewellery - you can buy diamonds. guarantee will not end up as Christmas trees lah. just buy essential ones like a set of 'si dian jin' earrings, pendants, ring, braclet. can use for all occassions. you will look elegant even with a simple white blouse

Shoes - try the brand 'scoll'. my mom dislikes wearing heels but she said this brand is super comfy. available at all major departmental stores. best time to buy is during their storewide discount

clothes - maybe for a start, you can stick to a brand, less confusing because you just choose whatever you like within that brand. I think 'arthur yen' is quite suitable for our age group. I usually buy from robinson because they have a slightly bigger selection. Robinson having sales now

hehe, same hobby leh. what skincare range are you using? any particular good ones to recommend?

where do you go for massage/facial, mani/pedi?
I have a package with bodywellness for facial. yet to sign a package for massage, still looking for good deals.
mani/pedi any good nail salon to recommend?

i use all sorts, currently on my dresser n bathroom:

Pond cleanser
Biotherm cleanser
Dermalogica cleanser
Body shop whitening facial cleasing foam - this one not bad

SK2 miracle water - dun know how mircale la, just started to use
olay regenerist
lancome eye cream
a moisturiser from the face shop

junkie hor??!!!

i have a package with the ultimate for massage at Shaw Centre Penthouse. I love massages, but now hard to go cos of DS.

facial a package at the salon near my home (they use dermalogica)

MANI PEDI, usually go to this plc call Celebrity Nails at Park Mall. I like to try various... heard Nail palace not bad.

Bodywellness expensive or not?

wow, you tried so many products! I'm only adventurous with facial foam. the rest I stick to clarins. my favourite is clarins neck cream, very good indeed

make up is a problem. I can never finish it because I hardly make up, just on weekends sometimes. so wasteful to throw away if buy expensive ones. so recently I tried fasio pressed powder & liquid foundation but ended up with acne. want to cut cost also can't

I find bodywellness price quite reasonable, around $60 for treatment facial. I went facial every month. I think my complexion improved slightly after all these years with bodywellness. I have combination skin and quite prone to black heads & acne at T-zone

have been looking around for massage package but so far all quite ex so I didn't sign any. now only go massage on ad-hoc basis. how much did you pay for your package at Shaw Centre?
hippo2002, Cuddles,
I used to buy everything from Clinique, their skincare product is very good. But quite expensive. Now I am using Neutrogena, they got a new range of facial wash, pretty good.

I actually don't know how to put on make up, only can apply lipstick and mascara. Do you pluck and shape your own eye brows ? I totally can't do that. Thinking of going to a shop that specializes in eye brows at Raffles City.

For clothes, I am not very adventurous. Buy everything from Giordano and G2000. I prefer to shop for my kids clothes at, the clothes are soooo pretty !

For shoes, because I am flat footed, so I feel most comfortable in track shoes, but can't match with my working clothes.

i am opp of u. I put on make up for work, but usually min. makeup for weekends, sometimes bare face go out.. hehe. I also cant finish my makeup most of the time.. dun really buy expensive ones too like i use to when i was younger. How about trying Missha / Face shop foundation and powder? I dun use foundation but i use Missha loose powder.

Think Loreal foundation also not bad?

Where is bodywellness? $60 is good price.

i wun recommend my massage plc cos they very selling tactics one. I went for a trial and they psychoed me to sign up. I din mind then cos i wanted to find a massage package anyway. So I sign up for 10 at $90 each. Usual was $120, so they say la. Then bef i am into my 5th session they psycho me again to "upgrade" to 20 session at $75 each. I took on as I jio-ed my mum along. Not long aft that another time they up sell to me again and I fell for it, i took on 32 seesions at $66 each, cos cheap ma...

The other day I went and the lady wanted to chat aft my session, I told her bluntly, out of 32 (since i signed up in 2005) i ony use 9 so far, so dun bother me until i am down to my last 3 sessions!

i tried some Neutrogena products bef, but too harsh for my face.

I also not so expert with make up. as long as i dun look like a ghost with or without makeup can liao. But i cant do without lip stick.. look pale like sick.

Is it called browhouse? I just trim and pluck as best as i can lo.. when go facial, the therapist will also neaten my brows
How abt brow embroidery? My mum did that, not bad...

I like to shop for clothes, and can shop anywhere.. but my life passion is my shoes. Got 40 pairs and still counting....

Gymboree nice ar? I go look see...
Yes it is browhouse. I am kind of superstitious, heard that changing the shape of the brow will change my luck. So want to give it a try. My brows are light but wide, not nice at all.

Brow embroidery is permanent right ? I prefer not permanent in case I want to change the style again.

Wow 40 pairs of shoes ! I got less than 10 pairs, already got criticized by my hubby. What brands do you buy ?
huh.. u wanna change ur luck ar? but for beauty, i think can try... not nice then let them grow back lo.

shoe brands: novo, charles & keith, urs, aldo, kenneth cole, nine west, jwest, aldo etc

i basically buy anything that catches my fancy. I go BKK, come back with 8 pairs of shoes, I go KL also buy, go HK also buy...HAHAHA!!! at home got 2 shoe cabinets, i occupy 1 full cabinet and 1/3 of the other, and my gal and hb the other 2/3... come to think of it, hb only got 1 shelf...
Cuddles, Tamarind

for shoes, I have brand loyalty, have been wearing Everbest for many years. track shoes I buy from queensway, they gave 30% disc for models that are more than 4 months old. suprisingly, track shoes are fast moving stock ??

eyebrow shaping my beautician will do it for me once a month. I need to do maintenance every week by plucking because I have thick eyebrow that grows back very quickly, can't wait for a month

hehe, make up is my expertise. my brother ever commented: before make up, he gave me 40 marks. after make up 75 marks (that's a huge margin!)
hubby dare not make this kind of 'honest' comment but he hardly see me without make up while we were dating until we went Melbourne, haha!
so you see lah, without naturally beauty, have to rely on cosmetic lor
children clothings we used to stock up US brands from warehouses whenever hubby went on business trip. But ask man to shop for clothing, get all the wrong sizes, aiyo! last year hubby bought some tees for my elder girl and I ended up wearing those OshKosh tees. hehe, I love those tees though, nice bright colours

Now I discovered a shop at bedok that sells branded children clothing at really cheap price around $10 each. not suitable as gifts because they chip off part of the labels but alright for my own kids lah

bodywellness also same tactic, kept dropping price to lure me to sign new package. now 3rd package with them. balance of 20 over sessions in my package, can last me more than 2 years leh

wow, you very adventurous, all kind of brands for shoes & skin care.
I stick to one brand for shoes & skin care. clothing also limited to a few brands like Ness, GG<5, M)phosis, Arthur Yen. used to love Wanko but somehow their design no long appeal to me in recent years so I dropped it lor. although I do buy from other brands sometimes, but very few lah. that's why can do focus shopping during GSS, just comb all these outlets lor
