Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

You gal enjoys herself at MRC right? I just brought my boy for a trial at Berries but didn't signed up.

He is attending weekly lego class on Sun now. The refund only partial anyway better than nothing.

House hunting - no news yet.. seems like nobody is selling now, am looking for a unit at PineVale.... Yeah am worrying about the uptrend..

I tried the spa at Holiday Inn Hotel, is good and reasonable. I also tried the one at Harris but I don't like it although is much cheaper than Holiday Inn. You planning for one?

You manage to get any good place for art and music? I remember you were looking for it some time back.


You didn't like Berries? at Tampines Mart?

yeah, planning for a short getaway. originally intend to go Bangkok but not so safe now. how much did you pay for spa & massage at Holiday Inn and Harris?

hehe, my younger girl is hungry for school, ANY school. she kept nagging me when can she attend her kindergarten. all the trial classes I sent her, she said she love it. So I have to use my judgement instead, I find that some of the classes are not worth it

hubby is very keen to let my elder girl attend Global Art although I find it really expensive just to do colouring. He's very willing to spend on kids. I'm the one feeling the pinch. maybe try a few months to see if there are remarkable improvements

music still looking around. any recommendation?

yeah, same here, happy that school holiday is over. my kids quarrel everyday !

is it tough to learn violin? should we start the child with piano 1st then violin or is it alright to start on violin right away?
What i did for my DD June holidays
Spongebob Squarepants show at Expo
Night Safari
Sherk 3
3 day Art Camp at nearby tuition cenre
2 trips to the library
And her weekly ballet and piano

Guess she enjoyed herself. Felt not enough but after all the above, broke liao...

Batam Harris was in the plan, but hb couldn't make it, so plan was cancelled. See la.. always so unpredictable when it comes to family holidays. He better keep his promise for the year end Australia, if not he will be sleeping in the hall for the next 10 yrs!


i work in marketing. Will be freelancing on projects coordination for events / conference/ workshops/ seminars. Also marketing work like collaterals production, website visual management, CRM...


so your gal can play the piano and violin?? Wow...

I have a dream... my gal plays the paino and my boy plays the violin.. when i am old liao, I can sit back and they play music for me...
nice dream!

hehe, I'm more money faced. my vision is to see my girls bring stack of cash home for my monthly allowance

I didn't spend a lot extra for my girl's June holiday program. other than her usual enrichments which were already quite packed, she attended a 3 day speech & drama camp, 1 day tour to Qian Hu & farm mart and a 3-hour science activity at CC
saw another mommy doing a poll on enrichment classes. what classes are your kids attending?

1) Kumon - hippo

1) Kumon/MRC - hippo

1) Kumon- hippo


1) community center - hippo


1) gymnastic - hippo
1) Kumon - hippo

1) Kumon/MRC - hippo

1) Kumon- hippo

1) Yamaha - Cuddles

1) community center - hippo

1) Crestar ballet - cuddles

1) gymnastic - hippo

Piano easier cos won't have problem of identifying the right "note". Violin have to listen for it! So makes it more tough. But some kids are just as good leh.

Violin harder on the ears (of the parents) heh heh. Depends on child also. If child don't like piano, don't force. if don't like violin, don't force also!


My girl takes lessons for violin. She wanted it herself. But she picks up tunes fast, so not a problem. Been at it for just over a year now, and she can manage quite well.

For piano, she didn't want to learn at first, so didn't bother to send her for lessons. Anyway, hard to find a teacher who can teach her coz she visually impaired. Recently she asked me to teach her again, so we do it slowly lor. She only wants to play pieces that she's interested in, so how to take lessons? Anyway, she's happy learning those pieces i teach her, so ok lah!

My girl taking violin and french. Nothing for the boy yet. Too young!

I totally agree with you, if they dun like then dun force. When i signed DD for her piano, I kept asking her can cope or not, have fun?

but having a extra curriculum which they will enjoy is good, an outlet for them to de stress, but we as parents jus have to bear in mind not to add stress
What My DD Done For Holidays

Usual Chinese enrichment class weekly
Finished about 30 books
Finished assessment homework daily
Played 3/4 of Fur Elise song.
Weekly piano as usual
Go shopping with me daily....
Went RTC for swim

Nothing fantastic as didi is not ready to go for overseas trip..Hopefully by year end, he is more ready.
my day off yesterday. met my girlfriend for movies, sakae sushi, shopping at Marina Square. GSS seems over even though supposed to end in July. didn't see any good stuff on sale

I renew my subscription for Young Parents magazines. road show at Marina 20% discount until today

Fur Elise is very nice!
I've that song in my Yamaha keyboard database

where is your girl attending her Chinese enrichment?
Wow, day off. so nice. I been to marina sq lately, nothing much actually.

Oh yes, fur elise is nice and that is why she insists to learn tho its a grade three songs...

My gal is attending berries since 3 years old. Its been good and her chinese is always the best subject among the three...strange...
Would like to join the club. I am 35, and my boy is 3 this year. He is my 1st and only one now, planning for no. 2....... er..... not sure when, maybe next year. He is attending daily nursery now, enrichment classes include I Can Read, Berries, gymboree and kawai music.

I am staying along East Coast road, and I am a SAHM.
Hi , hippo2002,

You saw my reply on Gloabl Art? Since ur husband is keen to send ur girl there, maybe u should let her try for a couple of mths and see how her progress. My girl have attended the class for abt 7 mths before she stopped. Cos She is in Pri 1 and happen that her school has the same course as Global Art and the fee of course is much more cheaper. Therefore, I stopped sending her to Global Art. My girl has improved her colouring skill since attending the class. Before that, her colour is super super lousy. When I brought my girl to her school open hse last year, the teacher is quite impressive that a 6 yrs old kid can colour so well. At that time, she just attend the class for 2 mths only.

Cuddles and Rainbow,

Need your advice. My girl just started her Piano lesson 2 mths ago. Till now still can't decide whether to buy her a piano or just buy her a keyboard 1st. Cos afraid she will stop half way, then hor! my money will all wasted. My husband suggested to buy her keyboard and wait for another few more mths then we decide whether to get a piano or no. Cos piano very expensive leh!
Hi everyone,

I'm 35 this year and have 1 girl 7 years old. Me staying in Tampines and now planning for 2nd one.
Hope for a boy. Hee.....
Hi snoopwen and cpoon


You stay quite near me, where about east coast..near where...which berries you send your kid to?

I have one 8 year old gal and a 23mths old boy....looks like you will be like me soon...have kids with wide age apart....
I was so busy at work last week, going to be very busy this coming week too.

1) Kumon - hippo
2) Montessori JW - tamarind

1) Kumon/MRC - hippo
2) Berries - tamarind

1) Kumon- hippo

1) Yamaha - Cuddles

1) community center - hippo

1) Crestar ballet - cuddles

1) gymnastic - hippo

Planning to start on MPM maths, or Jelic Brain Power Engine. Anyone heard about it ? Think I will go for trial class first.

Welcome ! I will update the table on Monday, the file is at my office PC.
<font color="0000ff">Hi mommies,</font>
I am doing research on what a child should know at what age. Appreciate all your inputs. I would like to know what is being taught in nursery and kindergartens. Not what your child can already do. I know that hippo's girl is very advanced, cannot compare to her

Please feel free to add or change.

N1 (3 years old):
1. Know some alphabets ?

1. Know some numbers from 1 - 10 ?
2. Know some shapes and colors ?

1. Know conversational mandarin ?

N2 (4 years old):
1. Know all 26 alphabets, upper and lower case, and all phonics sounds.
2. Know how to read 3 letter words ?

1. Can count from 1 - 10.
2. Recognize all numbers from 1 - 10.
3. Know all the shapes and colors.

1. Can read and write simple characters.

K1{(5 years old):



K2(6 years old):
1. Spelling ? 3 letter words ?

1. Addition
2. Subtraction


P1(7 years old):
1. Read and write in simple sentences.
2. Composition ?

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Count up to 100 ?

1. Read and write in simple sentences
Hi rainbow,
i am staying near katong mall. my boy is attending the playschool in katong mall too!

Hi tamarind,
Wah! How you want to fill in the remarks? just by adding on to your every lines/nos? I will begin with mine, and my boy is 3 this year.
Well, he is a late talker, and just starting to say more words, but still not in complete sentence. I am into Glenn Doman, and started my son when he was about 7mths old.
N1 (3 years old):
1. Know some alphabets ? (YES, all 26 letters)

1. Know some numbers from 1 - 10 ? (YES, can count to 30 and recognise them)
2. Know some shapes and colors ? (YES, all shapes and colours)

1. Know conversational mandarin ? (just beginning to talk, can understand, but not communicate, can read and recognise certain chinese words. Can count chinese 1-20, and recognise numbers writing in chinese)

N2 (4 years old):
1. Know all 26 alphabets, upper and lower case, and all phonics sounds. (YES, all upper and lower, can say all phonics sound)
2. Know how to read 3 letter words ? (YES)

1. Can count from 1 - 10. (Yes)
2. Recognize all numbers from 1 - 10.(Yes)
3. Know all the shapes and colors. (yes)

1. Can read and write simple being taught in chinese (Yes, certain words, learning chinese bi hua now, being taught in his school)

K1{(5 years old):



K2(6 years old):
1. Spelling ? 3 letter words ?

1. Addition
2. Subtraction


P1(7 years old):
1. Read and write in simple sentences.
2. Composition ?

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Count up to 100 ?

1. Read and write in simple sentences
Thanks for your comments. Your child's nursery school is teaching all those things ?

Actually I just want to know what is being taught at nursery/kindergarten, not comparing our kids' capability

I don't think I want to list what the enrichment schools like Glenn Doman/Julia Gabriel/Shichida/Kumon teach, because they are so different !

My aim is to know what is needed at which year, and to properly prepare my kids for P1.
Hi rainbow,
My son is attending Berries at Orchard Emerald. I know there's one at Kembangan, but thot of give myself a day off in town area!
Everyday in "country side", must go "town" to update myself too!

I have let him tried Tien Hsia at katong mall before, but don't quite like it. I prefer local chinese teacher. TH teachers are mostly from China, not sure about Berries, but my son's teachers are local, and they speak very well.

He is able to sound/read to me what he learnt in berries. Would recommend Berries.
I will say most of it, he picked up from watching TV. Especially the alphabets and phonics. I don't mean to post it to compare my son's capability. Pls don't get me wrong.
Don't mean to "show off" here.

I agreed with you on the diferent teaching method used. And every kid is unique.

I can check out with my son's school on preparing your kid for P1 next year. I remember the teacher telling me on the requirement.
Ooops I don't mean to say that you "show off". Just want to clarify myself.

I roughly know the P1 requirement, but I want to know at each level, what they teach. So I can do it step by step, don't want to cramp too much when they are too young. My kids will be in P1 in 2010 and 2011 ! I don't want to leave everything to the last minute either.

Posting my list here again.

N1 (3 years old):
1. Know some alphabets ?

1. Know some numbers from 1 - 10 ?
2. Know some shapes and colors ?

1. Know conversational mandarin ?

N2 (4 years old):
1. Know all 26 alphabets, upper and lower case, and all phonics sounds.
2. Know how to read 3 letter words ?

1. Can count from 1 - 10.
2. Recognize all numbers from 1 - 10.
3. Know all the shapes and colors.

1. Can read and write simple characters.

K1{(5 years old):



K2(6 years old):
1. Spelling ? 3 letter words ?

1. Addition
2. Subtraction


P1(7 years old):
1. Read and write in simple sentences.
2. Composition ?

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Count up to 100 ?

1. Read and write in simple sentences
What about adding in writing? I don't know about other pre-school, but my son's school already teaching them to write! And my son still cannot hold the pencil or pen well, not in the proper way. He is still graping the pencil like holding a "microphone"!

Am worried, and still don't really know how to trace. Speech is another worry I am facing now, he still cannot communicate in full sentence, more like mimic on what we said now.

Wan to add that on your list?

how about buying some P1 assessments for each subject from popular bookshop?

from the assessments, should be able to gain some insight what the kids need to know by P1

I bought some English & Maths assessments during Popular warehouse sale at expo last year. on sales so not the latest edition. Just to get some ideas
Maths need to do problem sums by P1. English need to do comprehension. I'm not sure about Chinese but read somewhere in this forum that Hanyu Pinyin is in syllabus
My older girl is only 4 years old, a bit drastic to buy P1 assessment book. Can share what your girl learn in her N1, N2 and K1 class ?

Okie. Will take note.

hehe, my girl didn't attend any formal preschool ever since I withdraw her from childcare when she was 3+ years old. I didn't send her to Nursery last year because I was too busy moving house & renovating so she skipped her Nursery completely

She only started her K1 this year at PAP. Maths term 1 write from 1 to 10. English term 1 write from a to z, both uppercase and lowercase. so basic right? I was shocked too.

Chinese surprisingly quite good, at least she learns to write the strokes for some simple chinese characters. no hanyu pinyin at all though
Hi Tamarind
I cannot remember much for my gal during her earlier years..but for p1, I remember and here is the add on....

P1(7 years old):
1. Read and write in simple sentences. she can read and write ....they have journal weekly.
2. Composition ? taught to type in compo in k1 in school and can express...

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Count up to 100 ? She can do all this and has finished all her time table during her school holidays as in memorising the time table chart...

1. Read and write in simple sentences
She can read and write compo cos she starts to be in berries since 3 years.

Same like your gal, my gal read without hanyi pingyin cos I never feel that chinese is all about hanyi pingying....

PAP doesn't teach hanyu pinyin for K1 & K2 according to the principal

But my girl reads the hanyu pinyin. it's my mistake because I sent her to hanyu pinyin enrichment since she was 4 years old, before she learnt to recognise & write chinese characters. So now heavy reliance on hanyu pinyin

very bad hor? been trying to change her habit but not much progress so far

Your son born in 2004, which month is that?I have a niece born in 2004,oct, very bright also, can count and talk very well...

Maybe you can try buy books that does not come with hanyu pingyin....

I let my gal go with berries, start with words recognising first before hanyu...

Actually when in P1, only first few semster, hanyi pingyin is into play...after that you hardly see it.....

This holidays, I have made my gal read quite a few chinese passage without hanyu pingyin...she enjoys it and kept asking for reading more...I let her read in a relaxing way cos she hates reading chinese story books...
My gal can hold pen while in pre nursery cos they start her with a big pencil first...maybe you should get those type of fat pencil....
Rainbow, Snoopwen

my younger girl Feb 2004. very talkative.
compare to her elder sister, progress like soooo slow.

I know it's not right to compare. every child is unique in her own way. Anyway she is my favourite. hubby says she's blur blur like me
thanks for the suggestion. that's a good idea!

I used the pencil grip from Kumon. just a rubber to insert into the pencil to correct the posture of holding pencil.

my younger girl learnt how to hold pencil properly after using the grip for 2 weeks. she still cannot write although she can hold a pencil relatively well, can scribble

I still let her use the grip on & off ocassionally to refresh her posture
Hi hippo,
I tried, I remembered asking you before when we were in the kumon forum. I bought, and still the same.
His teacher was telling me to let him try scissor cutting, he cannot even hold the scissor well.

And telling him to colour inside a profile or picture, he will just scribble outside. What can I do?
which school did your son attend at Katong Mall?

hehe, my girl also can't colour well. she will colour all over the page.

Her Chinese enrichment teacher commented she's always the last one in class to finish colouring. aiya, I'm not too concerned lah. she is there to learn Chinese, colouring is not a priority

she loves cutting using scissor though. gave her a scissor and I will find tiny pieces of papers all around the house, gosh!

I am thinking of sending her to a CC arts class. need to attend a trial 1st because teacher said she's too young, not sure whether she can sit still for 2 hours

I think its normal for a kid to be in what your son in right now...eventually they will know how...

I remember my gal cannot hold scissor and use it to cut well....simply, I keep scissor away from her all the time when she is at home...

She used to colour out of line also, but she is okay as she grow,let nature takes its path...

Kids enjoy reading passage than story book cos its short and sweet...she just read me a passage on Outerspace adventure...

Thanks for your feedback on Global Art. Will let her try out for a few months

What other enrichments did your girl used to attend?

hehe, we hang around Tampines every week. This afternoon we were at Tampines East CC MacDonald Red PEA party. the next one on 29 July, just need to register at MacDonald

My girl has been attending the Chinese Tuition on Sat since K2. Beside this, she just started her piano class 2 mths ago. In her school, She attend the swimming lesson on Monday, art class on Tuesday and Ballet on Friday. Actually, she is more busy than me. Out of 7 days, she only free on Wed and Thur. Luckily, she is the one who request to take part in all these program.

I dun know that is such a part organise by Macdonald. So for the next party, I just need to register with Macdonald, right?
Hi Snoopwen and Cpoon

welcome welcome!


rainbow and i same same, big age gap between our children. U will be too...

my gal joined yamaha JMC for 2 yrs from 4 yrs old. For the same reason that I wasn't too sure if she will be able to sustain the course and buying a piano is such a heavy investment, the first yr, she ony practise with an imaginary piano (ie, tap her fingers on the bed and sing solfege), 2nd half we bought her a toy piano, then finally we bought a Yamaha Clavinova Electone last september. We are very lucky, even without the piano, she was always one of the better ones in class.


do u know any berries in the west? there's ony TH here and long waiting list. I thinking of sending my DD for chinese enrichment.

i reckoned i ony had time for 2 courses ev Saturday for my gal. So when i was choosing a 2nd course for my gal, which was ballet, I was also thinking about sending her for Arts class. My DD loves to draw but horribly! And coloring was gone case...Thus I decided ballet (also by her own request). But my mum reminded she has interest in drawing but lack the kind of training.. I should not see end results but should take note of her interest. Makes sense...

So i am now assessing her P1 schedule first. If possible, may sign her up for Arts. She enjoyed her Arts camp very much.


P1 Math also has Lengths, Mass, Mutiplications and Divisions.

My DD Chinese also got poems to memorise cos she is taking higher chinese.

Thanks for the welcome!

Ya lor! If I'm going to have 2nd one, the gap will be 8 years. Sometimes think of it, Very Sien leh to try for 2nd one.Now so comfortable with one child, can go anywhere anytime I like. But with 2nd one, for at least 2 years, I will be confined at home. But my girl has been asking when she is going to have a little brother or sister cos all her cousins have brother and sister. Headache!
Thanks hippo and rainbow,
Well, I really hope he can pick up soon, in his writing and speech. Guess we mothers cannot help worrying for our kids every development stage, from the very moment we got pregnant. Got to worry till we..........

My son is attending Seeds D Learning house, located at Katong mall basement. Many parents find the school "very academic"! Some were saying 2-3yrs old is too young to write. They should be playing!

Talking about arts, my son loves to paint! Just PURE painting different colours on paper and scribble, any art school/class to recommend in the east area?

You mentioned about global arts, where is it? For how old? There's one berries at bukit batok. Tel 65622232. Or you can refer to

In case you want to know about their programmes and fee, :-

Nursery (3-4 yrs old)(N1-1st bite,N2-Little learner)

Kindergarden (5-6yrs old)(K1-chinese enrichment,K2-P1 Chinese preparatory)

N1-K2 Per term (12 weeks) $336

P1&P2 Higher chinese (12 weeks-$360)
P3-P6- Normal chinese/higher chinese (12 weeks-$396)

Above all basing on once a week.

TH trial lesson is free, but Berries trial got to pay. If I am not wrong, the trial at Berries emerald is $15 or $10 now.(If you wan to try town area)
You can try little artist at mandarin garden...has got waiting list.

Beries has got one in bukit batok and one in has given by snoopwen.

My gal does not seem to memorise poems when she is taking higher chinese...maybe she does, but just for the fun of it for her school////

Global Art is teaching children how to colour by tone using oil pastel, as they progress, they will learn how to draw. It's once a week, 1.5 hrs per session. fees is $90/mth excluding 1st time material fee (can't remember how much). 1st time material fee including a colouring book, a t-shirt, a set of oil pastel and a bag. Subsquent, the colouring book cost abt $35 per book once the child has finished colour all pages. The level start from foundation one onawards. They have a free trial lesson and from there, the teacher will able to know which level should the child start from. My girl start from fundation 2 onwards until foundation 4 when she stopped. They also have an annual colouring contest which allows the kids to take part. My girl took part and she got 5th runner-up which I was quite surprise cos she only attend for a couple of mths. Actually, my girl like it very much cos the environment and teacher there are very nice.

thks cpoon,
I went to the web site, so they only take in kids from age 4 onwards.

you stay in east coast too? which part?

mummies staying in the east, perhaps can arrange to meet up for kopi in the morning when kids are in school. I go parkway almost everyday!
