Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?


Okay...maybe just pantan a bit lah..

Anyone invested in the above?I had it last month, quite good for blood circulation purpose.

Just saw hippo's post about adding in the location.

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD>SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 20mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4.5yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Please use this latest file.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

mommy_table.txt (0.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

I can't open the file to add- here are my details...can some kind mummy help me?

Fairyprincess/ FTWM / travelling-shopping / 4 yo girl / 2.5 yo girl / Bkt Panjang

BTW- since most mums here have two kids- I would like to ask- any mummies considering having another kid??? What are the "pro" factors (e.g. more siblings) and "con" factors (e.g. lack of care giver/ money/ time etc)

I will be turning 35 next year, so if its a YES, will have to be by next year. Husband is keen, and I am undecided due to:
- impact on my career
- care-giver issue (my parents will be really stretched to look after 3, even with maid)

I am not so concerned about finances- of course it will be very tight, but I think we can still cope to satisfy basic needs of our kids...

Of course, not so easy to conceive at an older age...but just like to hear thoughts from mummies =) Thank you!

i just gave birth to no.2 last yr. Am 35 this yr. Wanted to try for No.3 and give birth by next yr. But no approval from hb... haha!!

I very mixed, deep down in my heart, i wish to have 3 kids. But must be comfortable in every sense, finicially, care issue, level of attention, my career...
2 is enough for me, cannot cope liao
so angry with my girls for messing up their room again. asked them to pack and they took whole morning & took their own sweet time to pack sooooo slowly that almost nothing was back to its original place. boiling leh.
do you find your kids ignoring what you say? I kanna that every frequently. they only got scared when they see that I'm really angry after repeating myself for the 10,000th times
I had c-section for both kids. took a longer time to recover and hubby totally not keen to have a 3rd child. he's very firm on this issue, cannot negotiate leh

even though I love small babies, so soft and cuddable when a few months old, but they do grow up into little monsters so have to agree with hubby lor. hehe, must keep reminding myself to be rational !

my DD wasn't like that bef, think started this yr ba.. same lo, like cant hear me, gotta repeat myself and I hate it. one thing must say so mnay times. and my DD is super messy one, like to dig out things and lay them ard and totally forget about them!

I also like cuddly babies leh, hence my nick.. my maternal instincts kicked in so strong 2 yrs ago before i had DS, i really wanted to have another bb and the feeling of cuddling and snuggling one. So we tried hard and DS came along..
I also want 3 kids last time, but not anymore! Too lao already, no more energy liao! Btw, I am probably the oldest granny here (hee hee) 42 already!!!

Hiya, my girl also super messy one. Her room, always look like tornado just swept thru. After 2 hours "packing", still the same leh. When i ask her if she "packed" her room, she says "yes". But when I question her further, she says she so distracted, then "play" instead! Grrrrr!

Give her pencil case, pens and pencils all over the place. Ask her take out eraser, run to bag, take out pencil, run to bag, take out ruler, run to bag! Then pencil case for what?!

And when she can't find anything, scream and shout. I fed up already. Once, she can't find pen, I told her to prick her finger and write with blood! She got scared. Next 2 days, very neat. Now back to normal again. Give up!
Hi Hippo2002,
thks for wecloming me

Hi Cuddles
So your hubby also younger than you ah? Gd 2 know that...hee hee

Hi JusMe
My son is 4.5 months nt 4.5 yrs (married late....heee) and can help me to update? I cant open the file hobby ah....think dun hv leh....but i enjoy staying at Sengkang... seems like my kid is the youngest here

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD>SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 20mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD></TD><TD>Seng Kang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
No problem, I will add the age if other mommies also provide the info

Seems like many mommies like travelling !

After having 2 kids, I am very scared of getting pregnant again, so scared that I have nightmares !

The main issue is I don't have enough time for my kids. After I come back from work, I only have about 3 - 4 hours with them, so each kid has about 1 - 2 hours. If I have a 3rd kid, that time will be even less !
Thanks Tamarind!

Thanks to all mummies too for your responses re 3rd kid...
Yes, I share the same concerns as all of you...

My question was partially sparked by my conversation with my colleague who is in his mid 40s (he has two teenagers), and he told me he regretted not having one more kid when he was younger...of course now, too late to consider, since his kids are 11 and 15, and his life has moved on....

Do keep the comments coming =)

jus kidding abt the age. I stay in CCK.


altho i still thining abt whther to hv No3, I am very thankful that i have No.2. Initially my hb say jus my gal will be enuf. Cos 1 kid ev thing can afford and financially so comfortable.

But then hor, *touchwood* if something happen to us, then my gal ony left by herself leh...

Sorry, went to the table link you gave. Still donno how to update leh. Not very tech lah, me! got to trouble you for help.

My boy now 25 months already (birthday in May). My location : Hougang/Kovan

Thanks. Pai seh, always trouble you. But i tried...

If I were 5 years younger, no need very young, I will definitely try for #3. But I took so long for #2 to come, and had 2 miscarriages between them, kinda scared now. Very stressful. Besides, I need to spend time with my elder girl who is disabled. So, no more thots of #3.

My hb once asked me about #3. I shot that "don't even think of it" look at him. He easy lah. All the kids I have to look after. He goes to work mah!
I'm 34 years old.
thanks for your help! hehe, you are our IT expert

that's a good one, write with blood

I think I will miss having a 3rd child too, especially when the girls grow up to age 8 and 10 years old, will be so nice to hug another baby day in day out

hehe, did I mention I carry my younger girl almost throughout her waking moment for the 1st year? my MIL and mom complained non-stop, said she will become super sticky. don't care lah, I just love carrying her

I still carry her now but can only hold her for a minute or 2 because she is too heavy for me at 19kg
<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD>SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 20mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4.5yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Funny, juz now my hubby out of the blue mentioned he wants a #4. I told him cannot already what..... already ligate. Also i getting old, no time, no money, no strength for a #4.

Then he tried to tempt me and said baby so cute, so nice to cuddle, our #3 growing up too fast, see so-and-so's baby so cute. I told him to go and adopt another baby.

I'm the one facing the kids 24 hours while he goes out to work. When he comes back from work, all the kids magnet to him for play. I'm looking forward to #3 going to school so that i can have some free time.
Updated. Went through the past postings and fill up the age as well

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 20mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi, mummies

I cannot open the file, can add me in the list

bpquek / 37 / FTWM / shopping/TV/handicraft / 9+yrs boy / 7+mth boy / Tampines

Thanks in advance

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 20mths boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bpquek</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/handicraft</TD><TD> 8+yrs boy</TD><TD> 7+mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
My boy is 23mths old.
Location : east coast

No man, am already looking forward to him
growing up and me can go kai kai and no need to keep worry about his health and tahan the maid....

Welcome...Your boy in p3 or hildas?

Welcome name swan...just jokking...

Aiyo, that sound familar when you talk about your gal....I told my gal to keep all the pencil in her pencil case moment, she will tell me cannot find, don't know why...I got so mad and told her, I will chop her hands off if she always has got no initiative to find...scared for one day and happy go lucky again....sigh..At least, now, I know I am not alone with this problem...heeeee..maybe part of their growing and we mummy must learn a bit of let go huh?

Good day all
Hi Rainbow

My boy in P2 at Yumin, your girl in St Hildas?

Me too, no to number 3, so tiring during pregnancy, cannot walk much, cannot sleep properly.

My son don't mess up my house, he will put back everything he took, glad to say that he is a very tidy child. He help me look after didi when i am busy.

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>East Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bpquek</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/handicraft</TD><TD> 9+yrs boy</TD><TD> 7+mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Anyone come across this website before ?

Seems like a very safe and legitimate website where we can earn money by writing articles, about any topic. But you must write good articles, and you only start earning when other people read and rate your article. I just heard about it, think I will try when I have time.
thanks for the website. seems quite interesting. I love to write too. 3 of my letters were publised in Straits Times forum the last few months

didn't realise you live in the East too. Have your girl learnt in-line skating at East Coast park? once your boy starts pre-school, you can send the maid home, very soon lah

haha, your hubby & my hubby so opposite leh. my hubby had enough of babies. maybe because he was the main caregiver for my elder girl before I quit my job. 2nd one still rely on him to bathe the baby till she can sit. he overdose liao

next year my younger girl will start nursery but I enrol them in different time slot. must separate them so that they don't quarrel. still no free time leh

you so lucky! boy usually quite mischievous leh

my girls are mischieveous. when I brought my elder girl to farm mart, she attempted to kick the koi in the pond! She used to be so obedient before 2 years old leh. now then show true colours
my younger girl worst, itchy finger, she has to touch something at any point in time
I plan to hv only one kid coz i feel dat i dun hv the energy & time 2 hv another one and financial also plays a part. But nt sure whether i will regret when it's too late to hv another one. I always hope that i will hv a daughter...
What the mummies here think? Having one kid and also quitting job and stay at hm 2 look aft the kid r gd ideas? My bb seems like nt very close to me coz i only take care of him during weekends and weekdays at nite..abit sad leh

Hi Jastan
Saw fr the chart that u r also 33 and hv only one kid...r u planning to hv more?
i not lucky, juz that my boy got a fierce mum, but he also got itchy finger.

i had been considering for too long to have 2nd one, that's why their gap so wide. I gave birth to 2nd one at the age of 36, it is so tiring, the older you conceive, the more you will feel tired.

I think I can relate to your feelings.

my MIL took care of my elder girl after my 2 month ML. we only brought her home for weekends. due to work commitment, I worked on most weekends too. she was totally not closed to me, cried when I tried to carry her. really break my heart.

what's the point of going through hardship to conceive & deliver the baby when she bonds with everyone else but me? I want to be her favourite person

I finally decided to stay home to look after her when she was 14 months old. took me 2 years to re-establish that bonding with her. very tedious & lots of hard work. worst than working full time

I decided to have a 2nd child to 'make up' for what I missed out during my elder girl's first year. my younger girl & I practically glue to each other. the bonding we have is so different from my elder girl, we were so much closer, 1 look, 1 smile, the connection is just not the same.

probably because of that bonding, she is a much easier child to look after, very easy-going compared to her temparament elder sister.
Hi quek
You so lucky. I hope my boy will be better than his scatterbrain sister. Too young to tell, but keeping fingers crossed!

My kids' age gap similar to yours! You're right, the older you are the more tired you get. Still, you had your #2 at younger age than me! I really feel so lao already!

Thanks for website. Will take a look, tho not sure if I'm good enuf to earn anything! Just try lor hor. They don't make you pay for lousy article, right? Heh heh.

Becoming SAHM
No regrets. Became one during my confinement when realised that my ILs cannot cope. At first was a bit upset about giving up my job, and was also in middle of my masters. Now, can't really imagine going back to full-time work. I'll miss my bbs! Dragging my feet over my distance learning course now. Got residential programme, how to go?!!! Sigh!
Not sure what mummies with 2 kids think, but I always wanted to have 2 kids, so that my eldest kid will have a companion to play with.

I also wanted my 2 kids to be close in age gap, so they grow up me more time to myself.

But when thinking about the 3rd, if its a YES, then ideally I want my first 2 to be older (> 3yo) and in school/ kindergarten as well, so I do not have to look after 3 "babies" by end next year, my kids will be almost 4yo and 5.5yo...old enough, yet not too far apart the age gap...

I know someone who has 3 kids- 5 yo boy, 6 yo boy and 7 yo girl- I really salute her, a FTWM too, to manage the kids! Not easy at all...
as to staying home with just one kid, you can focus all your attention on the child

before my 2nd child arrived, I have time to read 10 to 30 books to my elder girl everyday, play puzzles & do all sort of activities with her

after delivering my younger girl, I couldn't spend much time with either of them to develop them intellectually. now I probably read 5 books a week to my younger girl

my elder girl is much more advanced than her sister probably because I used to focus just on her

so have to agree with hubby lor, 3rd child will be worst, absolutely no time !

agreed with you on the close age gap so that they can play with each other.
even though I remember fighting with my brother almost everyday when we were young, it was much more fun to have someone to grow up with

another practical reason is how to keep baby clothes, cot, strollers for so many years? can quickly give away if smaller age gap, so nice to clear my store room


which distance learning course are you taking now? can go overseas for a few weeks? wow, so nice! don't miss leh. maybe can work out something with your mom or MIL since it's just short term

I can't wait to go holiday with my girlfriend but hubby didn't approve my leave of absence leh
<font color="0000ff">cowandchick,</font>
Hehehe they don't make you pay for lousy article, at most nobody read your article lor

<font color="119911">hippo2002,</font>
What topic do you normally write about in Straits Times ? My letters also got published 3 times before, all about maid issues !

<font color="aa00aa">Fairyprincess,</font>
I think the best thing that ever happened to me, is having 2 kids. My greatest joy now is watching my girl and boy talk to each other

But I am very scared of taking care of babies. Even though my mother helped me a lot, I cannot bear to let her go through the process of taking care another newborn again. I am so happy that my kids are no longer babies !
Not taking course yet. Still thinking... the money, who's going to pay? Do i have the time? Can I bear to part with my darlings? So hard to decide.

My MIL is super unsupportive! When I wanted to finish up my masters after delivering my girl, she told me "study so much for what? why waste money?" I was so furious, I wanted to tell her that btw, I paid for the course myself, and not from her precious son!

Had to take one year's leave of absence from course, then go back and do evening classes. After that, did my thesis for 2 hours a day while my girl had her nap in the afternoons! It's a wonder I managed to graduate! Not so sure about that now, so still thinking, and thinking , and thinking!

Sorry, got carried away. Hoping to take course on Special Ed in Visual Impairment at Sydney. Sigh, so far hor!

thanks for updating our info, real sweet.

Will try out the website too. Should have some free time in Jul after I quit my FT job to take up freelancing.

Keep my fingers crossed that i can manage financially. But it will be more flexible so that i can spend more time with my kids.

i really admire people who has passion and mission. If its really wat u wan, then work towrds it.


Precisely, I am at the age point whereby its now or never. I will not consider it if past 36... so been pestering my hb lo. But most likely will be just 2 la. Getting older also means not so much energy, i could feel the difference when i had DD and when I had DS.


5 books a week is good liao leh. I hardly have time to read with my gal. We used to do a lot of things together, its like a world of just she and me. Then when DS came along, I absolutely have no time for her, so poor thing. All i could squeeze out was time to do her homework...

thanks for the update, my elder son should be 8+years old.

My sis's girl also don't really know how to help when his bro was small, sister is older by 6years.

We pass around the baby clothes, cot and stroller between our siblings. My bro's kids always quarrel with each others, they are 3 years apart.
Been in the east for a long go parkway...let me know, if you wanna go coffee drinking to all mums here.

No, my gal did not pick up in line skating...

St hildas too far, just a nearby school for my gal.

This is the only thing that I do not have to worry about. My gal loves to read.Just this holiday, I think she finished almost 30 books in three weeks. I have to stop her from reading. Her Tv watching habit been kicked cos I control her watching time frame.

My kids although 6 years apart. However, cannot trust the older one esp when come to playing, can be quite rough....


I will be like you, will be happy when my son is older.....I scared of taking care of babies, my hands and legs all tied up...
Wow, your gal reads so many books, my elder son had been very lazy since last Nov holiday when I was having confinement at my mum house where there's so many kids to play with.

My elder son tends to be quite rough sometimes, he will play with bb like playing with his power ranger, I need to put bb in walker before I go shower.
Updated for bpquek.

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>East Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling</TD><TD> 17yrs girl</TD><TD> 4.5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1yr boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bpquek</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/handicraft</TD><TD> 8+yrs boy</TD><TD> 7+mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
this school holiday is a milestone for my girls
- get rid of night diaper for my elder girl
- get rid of both nap diaper & night diaper for my younger girl
- get rid of milk bottle for my elder girl
- starting today, try to get rid of milk bottle for my younger girl. she drank from her cup pitifully this morning

and a milestone for me too. I finally kicked my coffee addiction. used to drink at least 2 to 3 cups a day. I will yawn and feel sleepy if I do not drink coffee 1st thing in the morning.
although it was always an action item but I never had the determination to do it
I survive a splitting headache for 1 whole day and that's it, I'm cure from my addiction !

sure do. I go parkway pretty often. I can join you for milk shake

not many places to go in the East. besides Parkway, just Tampines Mall/Century Square. Ocassionally I go to East point but nothing much to see. Been to white sand once since moving to Bedok, also nothing much. no anchor stores

my girls are the first two kids in the family. we buy everything new then happily give away whenever any relatives gave birth or to salvation army. I hate to see lots of stuff in my house. I'm minimalist

what kind of freelancing work are you doing?

I hope to return to work but then again, too comfortable at home now. so lazy how?
enjoy the freedom of waking up late, taking afternoon nap, slow & easy day, very bad right?

I intend to let her attend a trial class at Tien Hsia next month. keeping my options open to see if there are better ones around

didn't have a chance to chat to you for a while
is your son attending any enrichment now? you managed to get a refund from MRC?
how's house hunting? property market uptrend now

I think I read somewhere about your batam spa. any recommendation? did you try the massage? hehe, I'm looking around for good deals

Wah, you good ah? managed to do so much this hols. Me, mmm... still thinking, still thinking...

Actually I'll be real glad once term starts again next week. Having to keep my girl entertained this hols is a real burden sometimes! But then, it is also quite fun having her around, and us going out together! Went IKEA Tampines yesterday. Thot we could do Giant too, but was too pooped after that! Lao already!

Alas, my girl not a reader! But can't complain lah, she's still reading something! Got her to listen more to train listening skills. Got her to practise her violin more too. also had to cut down on her TV times!
