Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?


My younger was toilet trained at about 2 y.o, was quite easy to train leh, because my younger gal likes to do everything my older girl does, so she also follow jie jie to go potty etc etc...

That's the benefit of having 2 kids with a close age gap I guess, they were born 21 months apart...

Wow 2 kids attending shichida is very shiong. You are really willing to spend on them.

My problem is that my hubby is not supportive of enrichment classes at all. He said it is a waste of money. So I am the one paying for all the enrichment classes.

I haven't thought of using babybonus for the enrichment classes. I thought only childcare centre can use ?

My boy was toilet trained during the day, when he was around 24 months old. He is 2 years 8 months old now, we are starting to train him to sleep without diapers at night. You just need to be more hardworking, and bring your child to the toilet once every hour.

I guess people who earn a lot can't think of better ways to spend their money
Both my colleague and his wife are working, his girl is left alone with the maid at home, so I guess they think they need to make it up to her.

Kinderland is full day CC ? Wow you spend a lot on your kids too.

Kinderland is a pre school, daily 4hours. She was there for 4 years.I yet to spend anything on my 22mths son.

I think its worth to invest in preschool. Now, expenses cut down a lot after gal enter pri school.
Hi there ladies,

Yeah me also used to love and good at shopping but now difficult with 2 small kids, I mean some shops have not enough room for baby stroller without blocking somebody's way and how to try clothes with 2 kids. So usually end up in dept store, more spacious but problem difficult to find size, yep like Jastan said, fat fat .... hmmmm so end up wearing track pants & t-shirt, or blouse and pants or jeans, no more dresses or skirts, make me look fat, and yes, lots of black to hide the fat fat lah! If wear white or pastel, look even bigger! I used to dress in white (my fav) and pastel when I was younger and slimmer ;)

Wow all mommies here so IT savvy. Me only know microsoft ... try to set up my own homepg, never work, same as blog. Took a course on PC assemble & maintenance, do no what it's all abt. Hmmm ... just content atleast I can be on this forum LOL!

I can't afford to spend so much money on kids enrichment classes cuz just don't have the money lah, just try to do DIY as much as possible, meaning I have to do lotsa research; reading, searching on-line etc myself. Btw, my almost 5 years old girl routine is;
Kindergarten, (daily with computer lesson once a wk)~$95
Swimming (1/wk)~$40 for every 6 wks, continuously.
Art (mainly drawing) (1/wk)~ $40 for 12 sessions
Silat (1-2/wk)~ $20 for 3 mths, continuosly.
I also take her to library every Sunday after her Art class. I might let her take clay pottery after she finishes her 12 sessions of Art class.
She used to go for gymnastic as a toddler for a year but after bb comes along, I can't manage sending her with baby in-tow. I wanted to send her for ballet but so expensive! Cannot afford in the long run. I also try to DIY teaching her phonics and English and a little Maths & Science (nature, ecology etc.) Will start her with in-line skating(at CCs) and/or also canoeing/kayaking (for exposure, DIY). Now shopping around for skates for her, hubby & me. She is able to swim breaststroke about the length of the width of the swimming pool (or atleast 3/4 of it) and at the same time learning to treat water.

15mth baby boy still not attending any class but just swimming with me ( I use technique like that of my girl's coach when she first started, mainly water confidence) and kicking around with his soccer ball. Also doing DIY cooking lessons for both kids at home.

I'm paying for all my kids enrichment classes incl buying materials for all the DIY activities cuz hubby pay for all household expenses and girl's kindy and bb caregiver fees, and we both earn regular income.

Hey, I plan to take my kids to the zoo on 13 june and night safari on 18 june, anyone wanna join us?

How abt swimming @CSC club @Bt Batok tomorrow. Can call or sms me for any play dates @ nine seven nine four nine five four six.


most kindy now can use babybonus for fees. If they have enrichment classes, actually can use babybonus to pay. The kindy just have to do more paperwork, that's all.
I started this new thread, but no response yet, so might as well ask it here...regular mummies on this thread- any comments to my query below?

Many many thanks =)

"Any N2/K1 kids tried Phonics at community centres?

Hello mummies (and daddys),

Am thinking of letting my N2 girl attend the phonics/ english class offered by community centres.
Am wondering if the teachers are decent there- do they know how to teach phonics/ reading, and is the class size OK i.e. not too huge?
Am keen on CC as its cheap! but not sure about the quality???

Comments pls?

My girl can read simple words like "cat" "dog", spell her name, write A to Z etc, but not sure how to teach her to read properly leh? like link more difficult words together, and read to share? Many thanks."
$800 for half day is very expensive for half day CC. I think Pat's schoolhouse charge around that price. Kinderland is the high end type ?

OIC. Thanks for the tip ! My girl going to PCF kindergarten next year, $180 a month, must definitely go and claim from baby bonus. Nursery cannot claim is it ?

I am not sure about phonics at community centres. My girl is attending Montessori phonics, $100, class size less than 8.

Your girl knows all the phonics sounds of each of the 26 alphabets already ? For example, the sound of C is "ke", as in "cat". If not, it is best to teach her at home first. The once or twice a week class is not enough practice. I used the Leapfrog Letter Factory DVD, both my kids, including my 2.5 year old boy, learn all the letter sounds from it. They must be very familiar with the letter sounds, before they go on to blending.

My girl's Montessori phonics class teach 2 letter blendings first. Like at, am, as, an, ot, on, os, og, od, it, im, in, is, us, um, ut, ud, ub and so on. Then 3 letter blendings, like m-at, j-am and so on. Then they teach short sentences using "the", "is" and so on.

My girl started around Feb this year, when she was 3 years 8 months old, now she can already read short sentences.

I think it is better to send to phonics classes than to teach at home. My girl learn better together with other kids. Besides, there are too many distractions at home.

My girl is attending at MMI Jurong West, near Lakeside MRT. There is a mommy who actually sends her boy to attend 1 teacher - 1 student class here, $189 a month, I think it is quite reasonable. I may send my boy to this 1-to-1 class too.
Thanks Tamarind!

I remember you mentioned the Leapfrog DVD in some earlier thread- where can I buy it?
Ya, her kindy teaches her the phonic sounds, we also try, but I not sure how to teach, also dun know where to start (so hopeless in a way...ha ha).

That's why I thought of sending her for classes...

Do most MMI have phonics classes? Its S$100 per month for weekly classes- how long is the class- an hour each time?

I totally agree about distractions at home- hard for me and her to concentrate, and my younger gal will want to be involved too...sigh!
Same here. My younger boy will also disturb when I am teaching my girl.

I am not sure about other MMI. My girl's class is 1 hour long.

Leapfrog DVD is from You can also join the amazon DVD sprees in this forum. Letter Factory DVD teaches letter sounds only, Talking Factory DVD teaches blending of words, both are very good.
my girl used to attend Phonics at Admiral Garden CC before we moved house
the teacher was pretty good and my girl enjoyed the lessons

nursery can claim babybonus also. All PCF are approved institutions under the bb scheme.

but sometimes these kindy's admin lazy lah. To use BB must fill up GIRO form, etc.

Last time my DD1 in kindy and the babybonus juz started, i had to bug her kindy to join the scheme. If not cannot use the $$.

My DS has extra phonics enrichment in his kindy. Actually last time have been paying by cheque. But i think parents requested to pay thru BB like the school fees. So kindy issued a form for us to sign to authorise deduction from BB.
we were in Sembawang.

my favourite hang out is Causeway point. went there every week when we were still in the North

where did you move to? for your girl's primary school?
haha ... used to go Causeway Pt in the day time to jalan jalan oso ... day time not so crowded.

moved to near AMK to be nearer my parents.
same same. we moved to Bedok to be near my parents.

that's why now can go shopping lor, because my mom helps me to babysit. so nice to have parental support

Yap, its a more or less high end.I think its 880 and now the price went up to around 900.

I save on sending my gal to phonics cos she is able to read through sounding out the words.Maybe am an old fashion mum as I feel that if I can read without going to phonics when I was young, so she also no need to go....that is for her case.

Wow, seems like mum in this thread stay all over in singapore. Me stay in the east, near east coast side.Before married, stayed in bukit batok.
Hi mummies

Been very busy this past week, and will be into the next! Girl on school hols, need to keep her busy. Then, my boy childcare close for renovation, 4 days! Then, hubby away again on conference til next week! I going siao liao!

Read email late last night, realised so many posts already! Can only write now coz boy asleep. Don't even want to know what my girl doing! Probably playing with toys. Banned her from TV if I'm not around to watch with her. She practically has her entire face glued to the screen!

Rainbow, I'm like you. save money on this. Never sent my girl to any phonics or reading class. She can read just as well. We did our own phonics at home. Will probably do the same with my boy when he's older. Right now, he's only interested in cars, trucks, buses, aeroplanes!

Yeah, everyone all over the place! I at Kovan/Hougang area. Grew up in MacPherson area, but grandma near Kovan. Married and moved here coz near MIL. Not that I want to stay near her, but hb wants to. Ok for me as long as not same house! Sorry to sound so bitchy here!

Hey, Kino another 20% off til 27 June. Anyone going? Promised to take my girl next week. Sob! Sob! I only know how to shop at bookshops! Maybe I should start wearing my books!
Btw, anyone been to Hokkaido before? Planning a trip there, hopefully next year. Any advice would be appreciated!!!


I spend 10 years staying in macpherson...Which secondary school did you go, around there?

I do not think I will send my boy to phonic class too, self teach too...

You going Japan?Me too, but year end.

My son also not interested in anything as least yours still like truck aeroplane etc.

Popular storewide 20 percent discount started....did you buy books from there....

My gal is not different from your gal. with no supervision, she can be slave to tv too...if not , she will hide in the room to read story book or drawings...
just wondering, how do we teach blending of sound?

I have no problems with sound of a, b, c....z
but don't know how to teach blending
not quite sure what you mean by 'blending'. But if you're talking about 2 sounds together, like 'an' or 'ot', what I do is group them.

Take the 'an' group, I put words of similar endings together like 'can', 'fan', 'man', 'pan', 'ran', 'van'. Learned this from watching Sesame Street when younger! It works well with my girl!

I was at SJC for secondary education, coz it was near my grandma's house at Kovan that time. My mum send my sis and I there in the morning, and we return home in the evening. I love being at my grandma's coz her house has a very large compound for us to run around!
Thanks for your info

Blending just means reading 2, 3 or more letter words. Not only an, m-an. Now my girl is learning words ending with ff, ck, ss, ll. She will be learning complex words like clock, slow as well.

I find that her phonics class has a very systematic way of teaching. I wouldn't be able to teach her in the same way.

Also, she loves to compare with other kids in her class, I think that encourages her to study harder and do better.
Cowandchick you are a convent gal...I remember I always dream to be in a convent school but patents never did send me....

There are two ways to lean the above. That is either go by phonics or by reconising words. I think initially my gal goes for the latter and procced to the former....It works. Kids learn well through repetition.
I don't know how my elder girl learn to read. she simply started reading back to me 1 fine day.

probably a combination. from Kumon, and from those same old books that I read to her many times at home, and probably from her MMI childcare since she was there till 3+ years old

I only started to learn phonics (sound of a to z) recently when I attempt to teach my younger girl
Not sure you mum share this sentiments.

I used to be very kan zong about my gal reading skill, enrichment class etc, but come to the second one, I take it more relax as I tell myself, eventually they will pick up, just the matter of time. Of course, they cannot be too far off track....I also not planning to send my son to school too young. Maybe , at least at four years old, something like towards last term or mid nursery....
yes! yes! me too

1st one I super on, read 20 books to her everyday, play puzzles with her, doing all sort of activities to stimulate her, send her to MMI at 2 years old, engage piano tutor, etc etc

2nd one, still at home whole day even though she is 3 years +, home school but most of the time it's free & easy ie. free play, do anything she wants. I probably read 5 books to her in a week

no wonder her progress is nothing compares to her sister lor, I got lazy mah
Hi Hippo

Don't think your second one will loose out in progress,probably yet to show real potential as yet...

I learnt as I guide my older one ....too many things I too kan cheong and stress myself unnecessary, wiser and go it slow...

same same. 1st one got all the attention! by mid K2 she slowly picked up reading. And once she started reading, it was all the way! Until her myopia becomes so bad.

So #2 i slow slow. But he picked up reading like end of K1.
thanks for the encouragement !

my elder girl loves to watch TV too but she dares not switch on the TV without my permission.
TV is a reward rather than an entitlement. if she misbehaves or didn't finish her homework, she will not get to watch TV. and to be fair, her sister will not get to watch too. I restrict their TV time to max 1 hour

my younger girl is not as addicted. after hi 5 or DVD finishes, she will switch off the TV immediately, unlike her elder sister who hangs on to the remote

hehe, my best friend also like you, doesn't like to shop. she's very cute, every year before CNY, she will panic & ask me to accompany her to shopping because she has to buy new clothes for CNY, haha!
Morning mummies!

Thanks for all the tips on phonnics and reading...I really must start her properly...

My 4 y.o going for children cartoon art class this week at CC, and next monday "little typist course" at CC too...will update mummies if both courses are worth going =)
Rainbow, hippo2002, ZMM,
Same here ! I send my boy to less classes than my girl at the same age. But main reason is that my boy develops slower than my girl, and I don't want to rush him. I will only teach him when he is ready. Right now, I will just let him concentrate on playing, and learning language skills. I plan to send him to school when he is almost 3 years old. I also learn a lot from raising my girl, so I know what is beneficial and what is not.

For my girl, I am taking it slow too. She still got another 20 years to study, I don't want to burn her out too soon.
any mommies send your child to Global Art & Creative program?

they have franchises in many locations eg. Marine Parade, Tampines, Jurong and many locations

any feedback appreciated. thanks!
Convent girl, no big deal. I used to hate it coz people always say we're nuns!

Yah, hate to shop for clothes. I bot my new year's clothes on new year's eve itself. So, I end up usually getting something really drabby, pants and shirts. My mum used to frown at me, but she's used to it now!

#1 and #2
I was more kan cheong for #1, but I guess my lazy streak is too strong. Also never bothered to send her to any class or teach her anything.

Now #2, worse!

But i agree with tamarind. They've got so many years to study, why torture them so young? Let them enjoy first!

last time i called up this Global Art thing. Can't remember how much the fees is, but it is expensive for me. So never send kids there.

last time i send my dd1 to the cartoon drawing class and the little typist class at CC.

The cartoon drawing class just give them some pictures to copy. Or the teacher just draw a cartoon on the board and the kids follow. Then they just colour. Didn't find that very interesting. Hopefully your kid's teacher makes the lesson more interesting.

As for little typist, i think it is the same guy teaching. He tries to get the kids to remember the keyboard through songs and games. They use a dummy keyboard not connected to any computer. Lesson is quite fun. But come home forget everything liao.

If want to teach kids typing, there is this s/w Mavis Beacon. My friend gave me one copy. It is also available from the Media section in the Library. I find this s/w more effective in teaching kids typing. Teaches them the keyboard progressively. Requires them to practice in front of a computer.

Really! Thanks for letting me know.

My DD only 4YO, does not have much expectation, i just wanted to give her something to do during the june hols (her kindy follows the school schedule)...

yesterday, she coloured some pictures the teacher drew for her. Teacher asked to cut out the pics, think they will be making some craft with it...its a 5-day intensive course, so I think in the end, should complete with some craft work...

Will update all...
I think that's how my girl's CC teacher conducted Children's Arts too. Every week he will draw a picture on the white board. she will copy and do colouring using oil pastels and water colour. the teacher didn't impart any drawing or mixing colours technique. it's more like practice make perfect. if she draw every week, sure will have improvements but it's more like trial & error & self-discovery. she has been taking Arts at CC for 2 years.

I think Global Art is very expensive too. I only pay $55 for 12 lessons at CC while Global Art is $90 for 4 lessons before material fee. my hubby is impressed though, he felt there is room for improvement in my girl's drawings. hehe, I'm the one feeling the pinch so thought of gathering feedback first, is it really that good before deciding.
Hi Hippo,

Yes, my gal did half a year of children's art at the CC- that's exactly what the teacher does...
not very interactive, but her colouring certainlly improved, and I like the cheap fees =)

But this year, I am using the $$ for the chinese enrichment class instead, as I feel that is more important for her, and I may start phonics too...
My 6 yo DS hv always been very poor in chinese. Really very very poor. Attend chinese enrichment also like no improvm. He's more interested in outdoors, in computers and hands-on stuff. Got me worried that he won't be able to survive in P1 next year.

BUt lately i've heared him speaking in chinese to my DD1. I make him do some chinese writing sometimes and ytd he could read out many of the words which he couldn't previously.

A few weeks ago, i bought some chinese s/w from A-Star (very expensive though). And he has been playing on the computer and learning chinese at the same time.

I learn not to worry too much. Each child progress at his/her own pace. And also not to focus on academic too much. But then in Spore, very difficult not to focus on academic leh ....
I have been shifting focus. reduced the academic enrichments substantially. only left with kumon

my girl enjoyed her drawing class every week. even when she's having fever and we forbid her to attend her drawing class, she will cry pitifully. but she's not so crazy over Arts to the extent of drawing everyday. she's simply happy to go for her drawing class once a week

yeah lor, most parents not willing to invest too much on non-academic enrichments like sports or Arts because no return on investment. if we input on English/Maths/Chinese, at least they can have a stronger foundation when they started primary school.

hehe, if you read my earlier posting, I hope my kids can be good in sports too, not too nerdy
Hi to all mommies,

been reading this thread and hope I can join in.

I am 35yo FTWM with 2 kids, 7yo gal and a 7.5mths boy

Pardon my ignorance, what does DD and DS mean? I keep seeing these words popping in.
I heard many parents like you, worried that the kids cannot survive in P1. Actually do you know what the child needs to know before he starts P1 ? During my time, teachers only start to teach A,B,C, numbers and shapes in P1. I don't exactly know how to prepare my kids for P1 now.

Earlier I said I want to take it slow with my girl. But today I am on afternoon leave, came back home and saw my mother making my girl practice writing 2 digit numbers 30, 31, 32, etc. She is only 4 years old ! I really don't want to push my girl at all, but difficult to argue with my mother.

I read an interesting article in a magazine. One way to make your child study harder, is to let her take up a sports. I think it is good, because if a child only study and study all day long, she will burn out very soon. Taking up sports will make her life more balanced.

I am thinking of badminton or table tennis, but not sure what is the minimum age ? But I will probably let my kids try different types of sports and find out what they like.
yeah lor, too much Kumon can kill the joy in studying. that's why I balance it with gymnastics and Arts. I didn't attempt to re-introduce piano to my elder girl because her schedule is quite packed.

I hope she's not missing an important part because according to a 'fei yue' parenting talk I attended many years ago, kids who played musical instrument will not go astray

welcome on board...Hey, me share similarity like you, one much older gal and a much younger boy...

Are you a working or stay at home mum?
welcome cuddles!

in the Pri 1 handout from The Straits Times a few weeks back, i vaguely remember there was some kind of Q&A asking MOE whether the kid must know how to speak and write chinese before going P1 or soemthing like that. The answer was no need.

Then a few pages down, a pre-school principal said that the child must at least know how to speak and write some basic chinese. A bit contradictory leh.

u are right, when i went Pri 1, then the teachers teach ABC 123. But i guess the reality today is the kids need to know some basic before they go Pri 1. If not they are labelled as "slow" and will hv to attend some LSP (learning support programme).

My Pri4 DD1 takes swimming leh! But she never study hard. Very lazy. Must always push her. Always like to read story books.

Any mummies here with upp pri kids? Do you still need to push them in their studies? This year i let go and let my DD1 study herself. Her SA1 results plunged and her position in class soared. 8X.

Welcome cuddles.
I too have a much older girl (10yrs) and a young boy (2 yrs)!

Primary One
For Chinese, the focus is on hanyu pinyin, to get the kids to speak before writing. But at least must know how to write their names lah! Hanyu pinyin is good coz many kids speak some Chinese already, tho they may not know how the words look like, or how to write them. So it builds and reinforces their spoken vocab then move on to written.
For English, must at least me able to read simple sentences. But you may be surprised, most kids can already read a lot. I thot my girl was behind when she started P1, coz we never sent her to EL enrichment classes. But she's still ok leh, at least on par with her class!

Maths - Term One is revision of what the kids would have learned in K1 and K2. Count and add to 10. My girl was dead bored at first. So I let her do more problem sums. Now, she freak out already coz P4 maths getting really tough. I dread to think what it'll be like in P5 and P6! I think she liao already!

I too let my girl go this year, and she is in the 10s, from the bottom up! Ha Ha!
My hubby think I gone mad already to let her off. But how to keep nagging and nagging? I also so sick of listening to my own voice. How huh?
