Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

I just found another Holiday Baking prog for kids:
Bukit Batok CC, Saturday, 2 June, 10:30am-12:30pm OR 2:30pm-4:30pm, $12/$13.

Yeah I will, in sports bra & shorts, just like in "The Biggest Loser" ... Join me lah MO2, we can msg each other, via sms on what to do & eat etc. Can motivate each other ...

Well good luck to you and I hope ur kids will enjoy them.

Precious Gem,

Thanks for your good ideas. Recently, we have involved my kids to bake pizzas and they were really thrilled! I was cracking my head thinking what other cooking which I can involve kids... now I know
my laptop broke down...sob sob...
so now I only have access in evening when hubby is not using his laptop

must grab a desktop at PC show next week !!!

where is cowandchick, didn't 'see' her for so long?

precious gem
I'm planning to enrol my elder girl for 2 science activities $25 for 3 hours
the intensive swimming lesson is cancelled due to poor response so my girl didn't have to make any decision afterall

hopefully kumon worksheets, assessment books, story books and puzzles are enough to keep her occupied for the rest of the days so she won't disturb her younger sister
and I am quite happy June holiday is coming so I don't have to walk under the hot sun for 4 weeks. great for my skin!
Hi ladies, Good morning!

Hi hippo2002, sorry to hear abt ur laptop but nice to hear from you again. Yeah, whr is cowandchick? Haven't seen her around lately. She always have something wise and nice to share. Maybe she really take some time off from everyhting now that her kids' exams are over. I was hoping to see more of her now that exams r over. Where is tamarind? MO2? Cheri?

Too bad u r in Bedok or else we could meet up at the swimming pool.

My daughter will still be quite occupied for her holiday. From next week, she will have her swimming class on tuesdays afternoons and then another swimming session with me on Fridays mornings. Wednesdays & Thursdays evening, she'll have her Silat class so I thot during the day (afternoons) either will do some crafty activity or cooking activity with her at home. She still have her Art class on Sundays mornings and then off to the library in the afternoon. Mondays afternoons will try to go for Nature walks or places of interest ; Botanical Gardens, McRitchie, Bird Park, Zoo, Science Centre etc. Saturdays, family picnic at East Coast or West Coast or Changi beach for some outdoor activities eg cycling, kite flying, ball games, sand play etc. Oh yeah, baby will be with me at all times so we'll see how I cope with 2 kids at a time on my own.

However, from Mondays-Thursdays mornings (9am-11am), will try to get her to do/complete 2 subjects; Mondays & Wednesdays~Math & English, then Tuesdays & Thursdays~Malay & Arabic. It could either be worksheets or do some reading or some hands-on problem solving activities. We'll do our Science/ exploring & discovering activities during our Nature walks or other outings or even during our cooking sessions! Well science is everywhere right? This is integrative & experiential learning!

Btw, we are going away to Port Dickson for a holiday from 9-13 June. First 2 days at the new Legend Resort; with chalets above water and a glass see-thru floor! and then the next 3 days on Eagle Ranch; western country style resort. The following wkend, will go back to my aunt's place in that remote Riau island of Lengkang, for a few days.

Fairyprincess, r u around? I'm going to CCK swimming pool today ard 4:30pm, wanna meet up? Will be there til 6:30pm.

Will try to stop by the fitness corner (3:45pm) outside the pool for some strength training workout, then off to CCK swimming pool to relax in the jacuzzi for 15-20 minutes or so and then do abit of swimming or aqua aerobics for some cardio workout. Had a few mouthful of fried rice and a cup of tea with cream this morning so need to burn that off.

Well u ladies have a great day ok!
hello hello!

I am working leh (FTWM), cannot join you...

my kids just came back from the superstar virgo 4D3N cruise to phuket and langkawi with my mum and maid (I cannot take leave)- they totally enjoyed themselves!!!

For those with young kids before pri 1, can try cruise holidays- I highly recommend it =)

To save cost, I choose the cruise-coach combi, which is much cheaper than the full cruise version- works out to be about S$350 per pax for 4 to a room...
Hey, everyone, I'm back. So sorry, disappear for so long.

Hiya, my girl lor, did so badly for exams! I thot she don't know her work. Turned out, she knows, but so careless! Like that how to help? She says she want to finish her exams quickly so can play with friends! *faint*

Last question, refuse to do. 'Looks like so difficult!' Wah... how to tahan her like that? and hubby keep saying, you must coach her, you must coach her! I FIRE already!!!

Was quietly recuperating from this Kampong Glam trip. My very nice girl, volunteered her mummy on her school trip there. Why don't volunteer me to Science Centre? Got air-con! Kg Glam, so hot! No wonder other trip got so many parent volunteers, and Kg Glam only me!!! Thanks to my very helpful girl lor!

Hubby away in China for conference, so alone at home with the 2 monsters! Wah, mad rush every morning and evening! Don't know how i going to survive till sunday!

I like to go on cruise too, but hubby so scared sea sick. Supposed to go with my sis and her family 2 years back, but hubby refused to go. So mean hor!

So much complaining. Sorry! Anyone going to bookfair? I have only this afternoon to go. Hope it isn't too crowded!
Hi All

Am back...

Cowandchick, relax,its common that children at this age make very careless mistakes. same goes for my gal...she has this careless in her, just hope that someday she will learn out of it.

Just has a conversation with her foam teacher...Academic above average, but come to attitude and behaviour, I think its terrible.Inattentive in class, does not hand up work cos she talked too much.Read story book during lesson. Finished her math paper in 45 mins cos she request to read story book...and thus did not check her paper for her careless mistakes...sigh....

You going to expo bookfair?

Me going to motherhood fair on friday. Paticipate in one of the contest.

Have a good weekend all.
Hi... can I join in too? Noticed there are at least two mothers here same age as me.

I'm also 34 this year (1973) with 3 kids... aged 6+ (Jul '00), 5+ (nov '01) and 2+ (nov '04). TTCing #4, hopefully for a boy before July 2008. Became SAHM this year, after teaching for 10+yrs.

as for holiday program... only 4 weeks. First week, 3 days for music & art camp, 1/2day for church holiday program (actually 2 days of 5 hours, but because they sat got lesson, so cannot go for second day). Second week nothing paid for, so arranging for them to have their "special day" with me - one child gets to go out whole day with me alone... son wants to see shrek, girl wants to go bird park (baby at childcare). Third week, DH on leave, then leaving for M'sia until Fourth week tuesday come back. after that, go out with daddy the rest of the week, finish up holiday homework all that lor. Then that's it... holiday over liao... time to prepare for P1 registration liao. Haha.

Thinking about it, like so short...
hi all

noticed that i can join in this group already.
*sigh* age is catching up. Me 35 this year.

also noticed a few familiar nicks here. hi dorie
& rainbow.

Have a dd1 (pri 4), ds (k2) and dd2 (22 months).

my dd1 also did badly for her exams. Last year she top 5 in class, this year she bottom 10 in class. Very lazy leh. Must scold scold then she wake up. After a few days same same again. Play piano also gotta scold her then she practice harder. Exams coming in July, donno how she going to pass.
Nice meeting you in this thread.

We have something really in common, not only the 22mths toddler, but also a school goers....

My p2 gal is non auto to nag and nag at her....She going to piano exam is as if my problem. She is going for her pratical exam come sept and finished her theory last march and results will be out in June.

Guess when they are at toddler stage, immunity stress, when they are in primary school, mental stress for us....
heh, hi hippo... yah, we meet in like many threads.. heh. guess we have a lot in common. You stay bedok? I in pasir ris... are you working? can't remember liao... like not right?

HI ZMM and rainbow... aiyo... every stage also got things to stress lah... sigh. What to do? Pregnant, stress baby ok... give birth, stress baby grow well... baby grow bigger, stress development and health... go school, stress results... later grow be teenager, stress relationships... never ending one lah... but, life's like that lor... heh. Must choose what to stress over lor.
we chat in the 2004 SAHM thread. yes, I'm in the Bedok mommies thread

hehe, we also chat in the 2001 babies thread
I remembered your K2 boy is enrolling in the same school as your elder girl, priority phrase

my elder girl took piano lessons for a year. also the same, need to nag nag nag before she lifts her fingers to practice. It's my chore rather than hers. I stopped her lessons. too tiring for me
met my elder girl's PAP teacher today. feedback my girl is very outspoken in class and has strong leadership qualities. she has been helping her teacher with duties and conveying instructions to her classmates

I was quite surprised to hear that. In my view, she is an introvert. when she attends MacDonald party or Chinese Dance or gymnastics, she is not willing to participate and refused to follow the activities along with other children. Quite anti-social leh

The teacher commented she is quite popular in her group of friends. However, she should venture out & mix with more kids rather than sticking to those few friends in the group

how to encourage her to mix with other children? I know she likes to form clique. have been telling her to mix around more since day 1 of school but she still ended up in clique.
Did any mommies get any great deal during GSS?

I bought 4 blouses today at Tampines Mall and Compass point.I usually start shopping on 1st day and finished all my shopping by 3rd day. But this year I was so tied up, no time to shop till today. I prefer to shop on weekdays because weekends are always so crowded. don't know how to browse slowly with so many people leh

hehe, plan to continue tomorrow at Bugis Juction and Vivo city. hopefully the popular sizes are still available

haha! your girl so cute, volunteer her mommy :eek:)
did you buy anything from expo book fair?

I dread it whenever my hubby goes long business trip. have to do everything myself, no one to discuss anything. aiya, I am not a very independent person.
hi hippo2002

yes i remember you too.

wow you do so much shopping. GSS is it really cheaper? I'm looking for a Canon digital camera. You know where to get one at a good price? My one spoil already.

I'm like "country bumpkin", most of the time stay at home wif kids, hardly go shopping.

Where about you bought your blouses?Am going there today for shopping. always fear to go on weekend.Where about bedok you staying?

I think parissilk store at bedok has got quite good offer during the usual days and not sure during this GSS ,will it still the same. You may check it out...You working mum?

I was also looking for a canon- have been a canon user for the past few years...but i went to sim lim and got convinced to get the fuji was the cnet camera of year 2006...

If you still very keen on canon- my earlier preference was the canon 850IS- Europe camera of the year 2006...its about S$100 more ex than fuji...but I found that fuji's performance is indeed better...for canon, you are also paying for the brand and design =)

so i suggest going to sim lim or funan to browse and speak to the shops for their comments...
Hi all,
I have just returned from China, spent about 1 week there on the Yangtze River cruise

hippo2002, cowandchick, Jane,
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me
Hopefully my girl will learn to be less shy.

I haven't tried the slimming belt, because $$$. I was thinking of doing sit-ups everyday
but always procrastinating.

About your boy being bullied by other kids, have you checked whether it is possible to change to another class ? Not every class have bullies.
Welcome back Tamarind

How was the holiday? Sounds interesting. Was the entire trip on the cruise ship? What did you see and do there?

Hippo & ZMM
I also country bumpkin. Hardly go shopping. In fact i dread shopping coz i don't know how to shop! Shhhhhh...... not so loud, ok?

Ask me to buy books, wah, can buy whole shop. But donno how to buy clothes, shoes, bags, etc. So end up always wearing T-shirts and Pants, and TEVA sandals! How ah? Anyone can help or not? Even my girl say I so boring. She don't know how to use 'sua koo' yet, otherwise, she'll also call me that!

The book fair this year is a real disappointment. Thot can find good deals. But managed to get a SPI bag for my girl, and some Chinese story books. But these can be easily bot from the bookshops at Bras Basah, so not a real bargain! Sigh! But I enjoyed spending the time with my girl!

Hubby back last night, so can breathe a little now. Then go off again this week end! Don't even want to think what I'm going to do, being stuck with 2 hyperactive kids at home! Arrrggghhhh!
rainbow & fairyprincess
i managed to get a digital camera to replace my spoilt one. used up all my taka vouchers at Best Denki.

rainbow & cowandchick
i SAHM but i also work from home. IT based job. so i really "sua koo" when come to shopping. donno how long never go to town. today went taka buy camera then go home. Very difficult to shop when have 3 in tow. One is running / jumping around. another donno wander where. etc.
ZMM and Cowandchick

Not suaku ....but I do know its hard to drag kids along for shopping...all the focus is really on kid now. Probably when the kids are older, you are able to do your own things...

I brought my 8 years old gal for shopping yesterday. She chose to stay in the book shop to read books while I continue to shopping.

This year GSS like not very interesting but I do know people are rushing to stock up goods due to the GST in July.


Welcome back...I think I no need to think about any cruise till me retired....

Anyone use high end shampoo or conditioner for hair?Went to rebond my hair roots last thursday, cheap and good neighbour hood store, a bit far though but it took me four hours...But, it does save more money compared to mine usual orchard road salon.

good day all...
hehe, I shopping queen mah. Actually I shop throughout the year but only during GSS I will buy clothes. Usually buy a whole year supply during GSS.

digital camera can buy at PC show, starting this Thu to Sun at Suntec. I'm planning to get a digital camera and a desktop. my laptop broke down liao

I have a favourite brand NESS. so far I have combed 3 of its branches at Tampines Mall, Compass Point and Bugis Juction. This year not very fruitful, only bought 3 pieces from NESS. previous year I bought around 7 -8 pieces. plus other brands like M)phosis total more than 10 pieces, so shiok. aiya, started too late this year lor, still only 4 pieces now

Bedok nothing interesting lah. But there is a shop that sell branded children clothings (label cut out) at really low price. bought Oskosh jacket for my girl at $10! carters' skirts/pants at 2 for $10! even cheaper than we buy direct from US warehouse sales

For shampoo, I like mine because it doesn't contain Sodium Laurel Sulphate. the brand is Giovanni.

I haven't buy the belt yet. kiddy palace having storewide 20% discount. can get it there but you need to go to a bigger branch which carry the belt

read fashion magazine lah. I think it helps but I stopped reading years ago. Now only read Young Parents. haha!

Just a tip, don't buy black. made a person looked haggard & older. I learnt that from the trainer during a grooming course 10 years ago. so my wardrobe 70% white or off white, the rest are pastel colours - mostly pink or earth tone like light brown but no black

by the way, Young Parents will be having a road show at Marina Square on 22-24 June. subcription should be cheaper during those few days
hello mommies

what is your child doing on a typical week?

my 5 years old is attending:
- Kumon (thrice a week)
- Arts (once a week)
- Gymnastic (once a week)
- PAP kindergarten

my 3 years old is attending:
- Chinese (once a week)
- Gymnastic (once a week)
hippo, are you asking about holidays or regular term time???

Son, P1, coming 7yo is attending:
- Chinese (1/wk, 1.5hrs)
- MPM maths (2/wk, depending on how fast he finish, usually about 1hr15mins)
- Music @ yamaha jr music course (1/wk, 1hr)
- swimming (1/wk, 1hr)
- school (get on bus 6.15am, get off bus 2.30pm unless friday then get off bus 4pm)
- (maybe starting) art 1/wk, 1hr

Daughter, K2
- ballet (1/wk, 45mins, unless preparing for exams, then 2x/wk)
- Music @ yamaha jr music course (1/wk, 1hr)
- MPM (2/wk, about 1hr)
- Chinese (1/wk, 1.5hrs)
- swimming (1/wk, 1hr)
- (maybe starting) art 1/wk, 1hr
- kindergarten - 8.30 to 11.30

Daughter, 2.5yo (Nov will be 3)
- goes to fullday childcare N1, attends chinese speech and drama once a week there too
- (going to start, hopefully) violin (1/wk, 30mins)
- (will sign her up for) Chinese - maybe berries, maybe same as siblings, dunno yet

Currently teaching her phonics and swimming on my own... can read ant, apple, ball, butterfly, cow, cat, dog, duck, egg, elephant, frog, fish, goat and gate from flashcards, words only, no pics, amongst other things like her name and some other words.

Swimming can put head in and blow bubbles, can submerge her head in water but cannot float on her own.

Chinese also currently teaching her... she can recognise quite a lot already...

baba, mama, gege, didi, jiejie, meimei, yeye, nainai, shushu, ahyi, bizi, yanjing, kou, erduo, tou, toufa, shou, jiao, shafa, yizi, zuozi, diandeng, xiyiji, fengshan... and can't remember what else.
I have created a blog on my trip. Anyone interested please feel free to view.

I used to love shopping for clothes. But nowadays I find that I am only buying and wearing Giordano polo shirts everyday, sian... No more fashion sense. But nowadays the women blouses and skirts all seem to be so frilly and lacey, doesn't really suit me.

I am also working in the IT line ! Doing software development using ASP.NET, SQL, VB. May I know what kind of IT job are you doing at home ? Web design ? Database ?

You mean you bring 3 kids out alone ? I never dare to bring my 2 kids out alone. I got phobia of them running in opposite directions. I always bring a maid along.

Where are your kids going for gymnastic class ?

My 4 years old girl:
Berries once a week
Montessori phonics once a week
PAP nursery daily

My 2 years 8 month old boy :
Used to attend Zoophonics once a week, but now stopped. No more classes until July, plan to send him to PAP pre-nursery daily.

Just curious, how much do you mommies spend on your kids classes a month ?

My girl : about $270
My boy: used to be $100 per month, now $0. Going to be $160 in July.

My colleague spends about $2000 a month for his only girl !
Most of my clothes are black coz I fat fat... need black clothes to make me look not so fat leh..

I am also in IT line.. doing application development also. Mostly client-server application now, but I am trying to pick up web development, find it so difficult, so many different type, making me so confused as to where to start... got any advise for me?

Currently my boy is only going for weekly lego class. I am planning to bring him to berries and english weekly. Still looking around for a good english enrichment class. He will be starting PAP nursery next year.
Great to know that you are also in IT line. For web development, I think easiest is to use ASP.NET. Have you done Visual Basic or Visual Studio before ? If so, it is very easy to pick up C# and ASP.NET. You also need basic knowledge of HTML. Your company send people to courses or not ?

Where is your boy going for lego class ?

You cannot be more fat than me lah ! I normally wear light color tops, and black skirts, so my bottom doesn't look so huge hahaha
My coy is strict about training courses. Most probably is self-learning from books. Guess I have to pick up HTML first then ASP.NET. I have done some VB before but that was long time ago. Got to re-pick it up again.

My boy is having the class at PArkway Parade.

i'm mainly into web design. Also developing some web applications.

sometimes i do bring 3 kids out alone, but not often lah. Oso need a break from staying at home.... Get the eldest one to help lor.
hehe, when I brought my two girls out alone, I will buy a big packet of french fries and they will at least munch for an hour. so I quickly shop lor. but ususally I will get my mom or hubby to babysit while I go shopping alone. I prefer to shop alone. if hubby around, cannot plough through those trays of deep discount clothing together with all the other aunties. must maintain my image in his presence mah. so can only browse those on the shelves lor

gym school is in Bukit Timah. location ok? I try search the web link. lost all my bookmark because laptop broke down. very far for me to travel from Bedok. the other one is at Bishan. equally far leh

ZMM, JasTan, Tamarind
wow, you all IT trained. my IT skill is only limited to financial modelling using excel. I'm finance trained. IT can have home based job, so good. Finance no lobang to work at home leh. unless I took on accounting jobs from small businesses but I think with their small pay check, must take on many jobs to survive. hours will become longer as a result so maybe better off to return work full time rather than working from home

so envious, you are a young mommy. I gave birth at 29 years old. by the time my girl is P4, I will be 39 liao
Your french fries tip very good- I must try it =)

S$2K a month for classes! The kid must be overloaded!
For me, both kids' kindy cost S$250 each per month, and my elder goes to chinese class S$100 per month, will start phonics or art in 2H2007- add another S$50= S$150.
My younger will not go for classes- pre-kindy alone should be good enough for her =)
jastan, what your boy do at the lego clasS? I ever go and enquire before, wah, that was quite a while back lah... the price put me off man... so ex!!! Do you find the classes good?

Aiyah, I also fat fat one.. esp after the last c-sec, cannot get rid of the flab... so ugly. Sianz... see myself in the mirror also sian. Trying to lose weight, but not motivation.

wah, you all so IT savvy one... I'm so-so only. What visual basic all I don't know. Only know microsoft office... can blog, can upload things, can msn... haha. that's all I know.

hippo - I LOL when you said must maintain image in front of husband... so funny. Makes me smile just writing a response to it too. You very cute lah. But I agree.. really must maintain some kind of image when with them lor.

bringing out the kids alone - wah, if I don't bring them out, I think I will peng san. I am the type cannot stay home all day with them only... must go out and let them release all their energy. Last time even brought them to airport, open area with nobody, let them run abit... so that tired can go home sleep. haha.

last time, I strap #3 to me with sling, then one hand hold each of the two big ones, like that go walk walk lor... quite fun lah. Now I get the big girl to hold the little girl's hand, and the big boy walks by himself... not so bad.

I spend about $1,700 total for all 3 kids... including school fees and bus fees.

haha, hippo, why you suddenly say zmm so young... i had to scroll so high just to find out how old she is... LOL!!! Wah, you had your first one when you were 25 ah... good hor. I think I was 27 when I had my boy. Next year, 35... last chance already... before bcoming classified as old mother....

fairy-p.. what is prekindy? Nursery ah? for 3+ going on 4 issit? or Nursery 1, for 2+ going on 3?

You know, I really peifu those mothers hor, 40+ already have some more children... my own threshold is like 35... scared got complications and whatnot. Some more, I myself not sure if I 40+ still have energy to go after the tiny tiny ones... wah, nowadays, I don't even have the strength to carry my "baby" for long time... she weighs 15+kg... wah, carry little while must put her down... tell her she is so heavy. So she will auto go to her daddy ask for baobao. haha. then man macho, cannot say no strength... so always kena baobao the two girls at the same time. I always tease him, say want #4, wait another girl, he got to grow another hand if all 3 wan bao bao at the same time... LOL!

aiya. i oso got another one born in 2001 like u. so when he P4 i oso will be 39. *sob*. ANd i still got another one born in 2005. that's why stop already. cannot give birth to somemore. Wait ppl may think i am the grandma.

But seriously, i think i have aged a lot taking care of the kids full time. Siong leh. Coming out to work is easier.

your post so funny oso.

i oso can't shed the extra weight after #3. Somemore i total breastfeed. #1 i shed very easily. u still want #4 ah?

so i sign up for aqua aerobics. the only day in the week i get hubby to look after the kids alone for about 2 hours. let him bond with the kids also mah .... they adore him.

aiyah ... i marry young give birth young. then fall behind my peers lah. all my peers chasing after career and $, they think i "siow". got good got bad lah.

actually i not really give birth young. i see this forum got ppl early 20s have #2, #3 already.

dorie u can be model for those MIM sling.
on enrichment cost:

after withdrawing from Shichida, speech & drama and Chinese Dance, the enrichment cost reduced quite a fair bit. now I think around $800 per month

next year will increase because my younger girl will be starting nursery and my elder girl switching to the same church kindergarten for her K2. church kindergarten 50% more expensive than PAP. luckily no school bus, otherwise another high fix cost

on ageing:

yeah, I felt I have aged a lot too. SAHM means I have less time to doll up, wear nice clothes everyday (to where? PAP), be in tune with fashion trend (not working, hardly see anyone), and end up paying less attention to my looks

I used to be so vain. buy the latest season eye shadow, buy a new pair of shoes just to match a new sun dress, change my nail polish colour every alternate day....

now, from the time hubby leaves for work till he is home from work, I'm still in the same pajamas, so sloppy hor?

wow, can't imagine I have changed so much, really scary!!!!

so I make it a point to at least dress up a little on weekends or when I'm out with hubby. can't make him lost face mah, in case he met his friends and they can't tell whether he's out with his wife or maid, haha!

on having more than 2 kids:

actually I don't mind having a 3rd child. Babies are so cute & cuddable.
but hubby felt strongly we shouldn't. he thinks we should spend the time to nurture these 2 rather than further dividing our attention to a 3rd child.

even though I would love to have another baby but I really can't cope with a 3rd one. now these 2 already exhaust almost all my energy.

did you c-section for all 3 ?

I heard from my gynae max 3 c-section. both my girls c-section so my quota almost up.


I married late but also fall back in career after staying home for so many years. wasted all my qualifications. actually the later I quit, the more painful it is because of higher salary

most of my peers & ex-col are still single in their 30s. too tied up with career & overtime to meet significant others. so I guess we win some, lose some
I feel a lot while reading your mail.

I am one who loves to dress up, go hi tea, sit at hyatt restaurant to watch people and the world go by...With the two kids, I cannot run far, even with a maid. My only time is during my son nap time, just rushed to the nearby mall to take a break....not really dressy now cos am alone , so basic dressing....

With maid, headache also.The sole reason that I hired a maid is more like allow me to have some time of my own....not so much on housework etc cos I can do it. Am no patience in kids caring...

Agreed, wasted all the qualification and SAH to look after kids...that is what my mum always complaint ....actually its quite stress for me to watch over my gal academic performance. simply if she did not do well, its my fault, when she gets flying color, dad will say she is intelligent...sigh...
Looks like there are a lot of very busy kids and even busier mummies here!

My girl, P4 this year:
Violin - once a week, 30mins
Chinese - once a week, 1hr 30 mins
French - once a week, 30mins -1 hr, depending on schedule
After school CCA- once a week, 3 hrs
I take her swimming, once a week, just for fun, no lesson, and i teach her piano as and when.

My boy, turned 2 in May
Child care - everyday, 9am-5pm

agree with you, watching over kid's academic performance. If she does badly, hb always asks, 'why never coach her?' if she does well, he says, 'got her papa genes!'

I love your last statement. give me a five.

My this p2 gal is giving me lots of headache....not in academic but behaviour...very childish and does not understand instructions...sigh...
my hubby also like not, when my elder girl is neat & organised, he will say she has his genes
the younger girl is quite erractic and he claims she inherit my tardiness

but he dare not make such comments on academic performance because my resuls were much better than his, haha!
My company doesn't even provide books. It's just throw me a project in ASP.NET. But fortunately I got experience in VB so it's a lot easier.

You are doing freelance web design, or permanent part time for a company ? I can't do web design at all, you need to be artistic, and I totally don't have that talent.

My colleague earns $5K a month, his wife earns more than $20K. So $2K is nothing for them

You and me budget about the same

You mean $800 for your elder girl alone ? I dislike school bus, added cost is one thing, there's also safety and health issues.
That sounds familar too...

Kids expensed
During my gal's pre school day, I spent abit more for her enrichment class and kinder garten...

Kinderland 800 dollars plus, chinese class, 300 dollar, math 120, piano ,140 dollars and that is all. Now only, left with chinses class and piano.
it's $800 per month for both kids now.

next year plan to add 1 more enrichment for my younger girl - music lessons.
starting her later, at 4 years old, hope to save some $$ lor, even though music appreciation suppose to start as early as possible

last time both of them attending Shichida. one term $800 each, very shiong. I kept thinking, one LV gone, two LV bag gone, three LV bag gone....

on top of Shichida, my elder girl also attended MMI for almost 2 years at $500 per month. Furthermore, she has private piano lessons, hanyu pinyin, phonics, etc etc. I have lost count how much we spent on her.

recently I have streamlined & reduced many of her classes because my younger girl also started enrichment classes so they need to share the same pool of resource.

I have also reduced the academic focus substantially. my focus now is more on introducing them sports related like gymnastics, swimming, cycling, inline skating
I read from magazine, to quote 'gymnastic develop dynamic movements, a subset of non-locomotor stability skills. these are fundamental sports skills that should be developed as early as possible in a child as they are a pre-requisite to any sport.'

didn't want my kids to be nerdy, just study study study, hopefully can be good in sports too. I was a pretty good short distance runner 100m at primary school. had won more than 10 medals. but cannot swim despite taking formal lessons when I was a teenager. hehe, maybe my fundamental sports skills only half developed lor

my 5 years old girl still need training wheels when cycling. how soon your kids learn to cycle on 2 wheels?

any mommies try inline skating? easy to pick up?
hubby wanted to start both my kids on in-line skating. he is learning together too.
By the way, is 3 years old too early to learn inline skating?
I'm worried about breaking my bones, don't think I dare to participate, maybe just cycle along when they skate.
Hi Dorie,

"pre-kindy"- what I mean is nursery 1- my younger only 2.5 yo, next year then start the proper N1- but I will put her in N1 starting in Sept so she "gets accommodated" to the routine and class of kindergarten, so it will be easier next year. Also, I think she is more than ready to go, as she is toilet trained and can follow instructions. I will put her in the same kindy as my older one- same school easier.

Ya, I guess S$2K is nothing when you earn S$25K per month...but there are prob still better ways to spend such money =)
I spend about total $570/month on my P4 and K2 kids. Piano, swimming and chinese. My K2 boy also has phonics and speech&drama enrichment in his kindy but all these paid with babybonus. But if add up these will be about $700 per month.

i doing permanent for a company but this company is so diversified. Many different areas of focus. So end up i do many webs. Actually web design not very difficult. i self pick up. My time in school where got web / internet?

how early was your 2.5yo toilet trained? I still trying to train my girl. she coming to 23 months. But recently she stomach flu so everything stop. Now she better i thot of starting to train her again.
But then with all the kids at home during school holidays, like busier leh. No time to train also.

hippo2002 & rainbow

sometimes i also look "longingly" at my peers. Lots of $$, big house, big car. And some of them like got worse results than me during school days, got those "left over" jobs after graduation.

but i guess SAHM must look at intangible benefits. It's the bonding with the kids, nurturing and upbringing, etc.

No waste of qualifications lah. Can brag to them "eh your mummy more qualified than your school teacher u know?" SOmetimes the kids think their mummy always stay at home don't know anything. THey think their teacher is always right.

My hubby always tell me no regrets lah. Will see the fruits in future.
