Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi ya Ladies! Good Morninnnnng!

Honestly, well if it's up to me, I'd rather lay in bed & wake up at noon on wkends! But I figure I'll have plenty of time to do that once the kids grow up and I'm retired. In fact I've mentally prepared myself when I decided to have kids at this age, u know what I mean. Anyway, it is alot of work & tiring especially at preparing for things eg. baby stuff (diapers, food, milk, juice, extra clothing etc) in the morning, getting the kids ready (shower, dressed, b'fast) & waking up hubby (the hardest) and on top of that I have to look and sound cheery & energetic to get everybody in the mood especially hubby. Once we are all ready, everybody WILL BE in the right mood for an exciting outing! Anyway, will try to make Sunday afternoon a relax time for hubby cuz Sunday morning, I've got briskwalking with the RC, then my girl's Art class so then will try to plan to go beach so me & kids can go cycling, ball games, sand play time while hubby laze or sleep in the car for a couple of hours.

As for diet, actually it's nothing really drastic, I'm a foodie myself! But basically it's diet tips eg. eat more fibre as fibre helps to lose weight. Fibre can also lower the risk of colon cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease & high colestrol. It also helps prevent & relieve constipation.
Fibre rich foods are apples, bananas, oranges strawberries, pear, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, raisins, dried apricots/figs/peaches, corn peas, baked potatoes with skin, canned baked beans, almonds, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, oatmeal & whole wheat bread/spaghetti to name a few ... or that's on my list

Another tip is to eat smaller portions but more meals eg. I used to eat 3 huge meals but now am advised to eat 3 meals plus 3 snacks. Also not to eat dinner after 8pm unless u r going for a midnite jog. It's also good to give abt 3 hrs btwn meals/snack and NEVER skip breakfast and infact, try to have it as soon as u wake up cuz once u r awake & delay or skip breakfast, ur body thinks it's on hunger and will reduce the metabolic rate & thus burn less calories.

It's tough for me cuz I'm a chocoholic and love choc ice cream! But in the programme u can indulge urself to a treat by end of each wk but in smaller portion
But again, if u decide to eat more, then just add another 30 mins to ur workout, hopefully to burn that extra calories.

As for my girl, I try to make her as independant as possible and not to rely too much on others. You see, some kids can be cruel. I know cuz I experienced that when I was a child. I grew up with girls who like to click themselves to a leader and if u r not pretty enough or don't have stuff ... u r not that welcome to join the group or atleast not favour. I was a quiet girl and have no fancy stuff to show of. So I end up playing with other girls who r quiet too but I remember the last straw, I was in primary one. During Art class, one of the 'fancy' girl ask me to draw for her, I did cuz I was just helping her. But when a few more of her friends ask to draw for them in the next Art lesson, I had to decline cuz I was afraid I won't be able to finish my own work. Then the leader of the group told me that if I didn't do it, they won't 'friend me' and won't play with me during recess. I drew for them. By the following wk, the same thing happen so I step my foot down & just told them I won't do it and ignore their threats. Sure enough they didn't play with me for the rest of the year and I don't get invited to birthday parties or hari raya visits, but hey I survived. From then on, I grew up to be independant and NEVER belong to any particular group though I join various groups now & then as and when I please. I think it was my father who taught me to be friends with everybody and if one don't want to "friend you" there's plenty of others to play with.

All the way to secondary school, pre-u, worklife, I've always been on my own. I have a few consistent companions to go to different places with as my interests are wide & I'm a free & easy going kind a person. I hang out alot with guys too, working out in gyms and watch soccer matches(in the mid & late 80s, which r not so common) . That's why I end up going for solo backpacking trips as a teenager & hook up with anyone I meet along the way. Even now, I get along with every dept in my work place eg. I go lunch with different grps of people, hanging at various dept etc. Most of the staff here stick to their depts and always either feel inferior or suspicious of others from another dept. I think this insecurity arises when u don't know the people. I like to consider myself as a people person. Best thing is, I know all the scoop in every dept, especially the politics! I hate it but I feel I'm always looking at all of them from the outside cuz I never get involved in their politics though I try to help calm things down if it gets heated or even become a mediator for them. I notice that the root of the problem always boils down to "jealousy & assumptions" then u'll become suspicious, then all the other negativities ... I also can't stand people who like to spread rumours or to 'dig dirt' stories only to spread it later on ... Some people really prey from other people's misfortunes. It's really sad & pathetic.

Got my period today, no wonder I feel bloated for the last couple of days. Also, I bought a new bathroom scale yesterday cuz didn't trust my old one(had it for nearly 10 yrs) but gosh! the new one is even worst! I weigh even heavier! I'm starting my 12 wks prog on Sunday so hope to lose lots of weight! The thing is, it's not so much for vanity, but fitness and health, I get tired easily. I need to be fit for my kids as they r both very energetic and since I'm going to be running around taking them from places to place and classes etc.

My bb boy who is 14mths now is getting quite a handful. He knows now that by 'crying' he could get his way around. He is really cheeky and can be really mischeavious at times. I noticed he likes to play kitchen, u now with spoon and bowl and cups etc. He likes stirring the spoon in the bowl or whatever container and pretend to scoop out something and sometimes put it in his mouth as if feeding himself. He won't play with his other toys except maybe throwing and kicking the ball. As for my girl, she enjoys her Art class and already started her Silat class last wk which she enjoyed very much.

Well hope you ladies have a good morning. Will try to check the msg board again later. Keep writing ladies, about anything in your life. Hey this is the ONLY matured mothers with small kids grp u know, I just don't wanna lose it. Update us abt what ur babies and kids have been up to.

Hello Hello,

I am turning 34 this year, and my kids are 2 and I qualify to join this forum? =)

I have been in the forum for a while, and seems that most of you on this thread contribute sound and practical advice =)

Precious Gem- what is the website for the 12 week prog? I am keen to participate, not so much to lose weight (cos I think the extra 5 kg I put on after 2 kids is more or less permanent!), but just to be more concious of my diet and exercise.

Many thanks!
precious gem
yes yes! would like to join
aiyo, I gained back all the kgs I lost during renovation! now back to 55 kg again, sob sob
I hope to lose 5 kg, doesn't seem a lot but so impossible leh

we are the same age :eek:) 1973, right?
my kids are 3 and 5. I think we chat at another thread before

Tamarind, cowandchick, precious gem
thanks for sharing. my girl is feeling better now. I tell her she can't make everyone likes her. she seems to understand a little.
fortunately she is a confident child. and I kept assuring her everyone in the family loves her. I didn't want this type of incident to affect her self esteem.
I let her brought some sweets to distribute to all her classmates yesterday. seems to work, keep them happy for the moment. will let her distribute sweets every alternate week. bribery
hello mommies
any suggestions for school holiday programme?

I plan to let my girl sign up for intensive swimming class twice a week (just 7 lessons)
maybe will send her to two science activities (3 hours only) organised by nearby CCs

still looking around for better alternatives. any suggestions welcome :eek:)
I will try to support this thread as much as I can
Thanks for your health and diet tips

I have been sick for the past 2 weeks. I was having 38 degrees fever for 1 week, but cannot take leave because I had to close my project
Then after the project is closed, I finally can take MC, took another 1 week to recover from my flu.

I was telling myself, I am not capable enough, I cannot handle working full time, and being mommy to 2 kids. But there is no way I can give up my job, because I am the only person to support my parents financially now. I think one of the main problem faced by mommies of my age group, is that our parents are aging too, and need our care and support, right ? Any mommies facing the same problem as me ?

Then last week I read about a woman who worked for HP as a temp staff, after working 8 hours straight in front of the computer, when she stood up, she collapsed and died ! That is really shocking to me, that we can actually die of work stress !

OK enough of my ranting. Back to the more cheerful topic of kids. On Sunday I let my 4 year old girl accompany my 2.5 year old boy in his zoophonics class. The receptionist didn't believe that my girl can take care of my boy, but I assured her that I will bring her out if anything happened. My girl took very good care of her little brother ! She guided him to follow the teachers activities, even helped him with his arts & craft. I think it is good to give her this responsibility of taking care of her brother
I totally forget about my work stress, just by watching the 2 of them.

Welcome ! Are you working full time or staying at home to take care of your kids ?
Hi Fairyprincess,

Holiday programme
I haven't any 'programme' for my girl, but have planned some ad hoc activities. End of May, when my boy also holiday from childcare, will take them out to the zoo and sbg. Then, probably lots of swimming too1

Have signed her up for extra music classes - just to keep her occupied. Then there's her French to brush up on. We're also going to work on Compo writing and Expression. Using my own teaching materials from before. Hope they still work.

Precious Gem
THe website you mentioned, just need to put in our own info? I don't really have a keep fit regime. I try to swim twice a week, and eat lots of fruits. That's all. The housework and all really makes a good work out too!

Glad to hear you're better. Heard there's a real nasty flu bug out there. My hb was KO for the weekend too. So scared spread to my 2 kids, esp my girl who has her exams this week. Keep spraying antibacterial and antiviral spray all over the house, and burn eucalyptus oils like crazy! So far so good!

Talking about work stress, an ex-colleague of mine literally collapsed at work - heart attack. Fortunately he survived, but it certainly scared the daylights out of all of us there! Take care everyone!
precious gem
where do we sign up online for "12 wks to weight loss programme" ?

I used to work round the clock in my previous job. my baby hardly recognised me. she cried whenever I tried to carry her, so hurtful
I finally decided, enough is enough! can't balance work & home. no choice. I used to be a perfectionist but now I'm so used to being 'imperfect'.
I missed my income & independence but definitely not the crazy working hours & isolation from my child

perhaps you can work out something with your parents or siblings in regards to parents allowance?
Hey Fairyprincess,
Definitely you are welcome ... if u feel u fit in, then u r in!

Ok for the wt loss, log on here.
Then sign up for the course, it's FREE. The website is great, got topics abt everthing under the sun, even abt kids, gardening, cooking decor, health, recipies, ADD or ADHD, Autism, anything, u name it. Main home page is I even made it my homepage, on my computer screen everytime I log online. I'm also on the weight loss forum and starting my wt loss journal. There's also the exercise forum.

I'm so sorry to hear that u r under the weather. I hope ur kids won't catch the flu bug. Be sure to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. I never let work stress me except for that once in awhile office politics. I love my job and infact create my own work to make it more challenging! That's why I do all those stuff with my kids, it's my stress outlet. I also made a promise to myself to "SWITCH OFF" from work once I step out of the office and remind my colleagues not to call me and talk abt work unless it's urgent. They r however welcome to call me to talk abt other stuff.

I do have aged parents and support them abit(fillial piety) but my dad was a squirrel when he was working so they are actually financially sound. I help them by giving them frequent massages (since I'm a trained massage therapist tho not my career) and try to take them for short holidays or atleast pay for their holiday trips. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and dad had diabetes and high blood pressure but both of them are fit & healthy cuz they take good care of themselves; keeping busy by joining health & social grps etc. Sometimes they help to babysit my kids when babysitter is ill or not available. They even help to clean my house when they visit since I'm a lousy housekeeper! Always busy going out and do other stuff. I wish I could stay at home too but unlike u I have to support hubby to support our family cuz he is still paying alot of debts, loans and credit cards from his previous marriage and he is still paying one of his 4 kids child support from the previous marriage. I personally don't believe in paying by credits.

How about going camping with the family? Take them to Botanic gardens and pack some ziplock, magnifying glass etc to take a closer look at the living things there & collect some samples of leaves or braks etc of various shapes , size & colours. they can use the magnifying glass to take a closer look at the veins on the leaves etc. Later can use the leaves & bark for printing or rubbing to see the different prints they'll leave on the paper. That's educational trip, science, language arts & art & craft in ONE! On top of that, u spend good family quality time. I like to take them out & do stuff but I make sure it's educational. That they can take something from it. Sometimes my girl & I do a scrap book on the things we do during holidays and when school reopens, she'll bring it to school to share with her class. Perhaps for primary school going children, they could attend one of those camps; computer camp or science camp. Usually the school organise such camps. I remember sending my eldest girl to a robotics camp & computer camp during sch hols. And yep, we'll be doing lots of swimming too; probably will take kids to Wild Wild Wet ... btw, anyone of u is a member. I thot of joining as a member, unlimited access for a whole year!

on the website, they even have a calculator for u to calculate the calories u burn for any activities, even housechores; mopping, vacuuming, etc. Just choose the housechore, the amt of time and walah! no of calories burn appear. And I do agree that housechore is a good workout, it's just I don't do much of it ;)

Well gotta go ... see u ladies tomorrow!

Hello Hello,

Yes, am born in year 1973. Am a FTWM, luckily I shifted back to live with my parents, so very thankful for their help to look after my 2 kids...

OK- let me take a look at the website...

Take care gals!
Hello there ladies good morning!

Well did u all log on to the website? Did u all sign up? Did u check out the calorie calculator? I find the calculator good to plan ur cardio workout especially if u r short of time. I mean briskwalking for 25 mins burn abt the same amt of calories to jump rope (with 2 feet together) for 10 mins! and u can jump rope indoors!

As for diet, I plan to eat normal food, just will try to stay away from the fatty foods especially my former daily menu like nasi lemak, lontong, laksa and nasi briyani and chicken rice. I'll take one of these atleast once a wk.

My breakfast plan is either one of these; oats(5-6 tbsp) with low fat milk (I do add 1 tbsp of choc malt for flavour), hi-fibre cereal(5 tbsp) with low-fat milk, cheese sandwich (2 wholemeal bread with 1 slc low-fat cheese, lettuce & tomatoes), the occassional scramble eggs(2) or half-boiled eggs(2) with toast(2 wholemeal) or ommelett(2 eggs, with 1 slice of low-fat cheese, 1 crabstk & chopped tomatoes, onions) and once a wk of nasi lemak or laksa. The eggs are occassional breakfast for me cuz I have to watch my cholestrol level.

My morning snack plan is either; a cup of low or non fat fruit yogurt OR 2 pcs of hi-fibre or oats or wheat bran crackers OR a fruit. And I try to drink plenty of water, no coffee or tea for me, perhaps the occassional cuppa every wk or two.

Lunch will be basically a serving of white rice with 1 meat (fish or chicken or beef/mutton) and 2-3 servings/type of veg.

Afternoon snack will be a glass of low-fat milk. Dinner same as lunch if not lighter and before 8pm or I'll have to jump rope for 5-10mins!. Supper will be a cup of non-fat fruit yogurt or a fruit or a glass of low-fat milk.

I did try one of those replacement meal drink but that doesn't seem to work for me. I need real food

On top of the menu plan, I'll try to follow as closely as possible to the exercise plan in the 12 wks prog. I hope I could lose some weights ..., well if everybody sign up, we all could lose some weights or at least tone up that flabby flesh of ours! We could support & motivate each other here. Every morning or aftn, just update what u've been eating and plan to do for the workout or u could also post the day before to tell us abt ur plans for the next day; menu & ex workout. We could also post our weight and goal weight and every end of the wk, weigh-in & post it. Then we can see each other's progress every wk & support & motivate for those who may not do so well. Btw, stress can affect wt loss. Well just an idea but if u gals are not keen, it's ok ;)

Well today, for breakfast, I had oatmeal (6 tbsp oats, 1 tbsp choc horlicks, 250 ml low-fat milk). I'll have a glass of low-fat milk for mid-morning snack and lunch will be rice, fried chicken (I know bad), sambal egg & stir-fry kailan with shitake & carrots in oyster sauce. This is my own packed home-cooked lunch

Well gotta get back to work. Check on u gals later.

See ya!
I prevent the infection of my kids, by staying at work all day, working to as late as 10pm ! But that means I had to take very long to recover, because I cannot rest.

My father only has $1600 in his bank account. Can you believe it ? That's all his has. My mother has more savings. But they have worked hard for so many years to raise me, I cannot let them eat their own savings at old age. My only brother is living in UK now, not earning enough to give any allowance to my parents, he still wanted to borrow money from my mother !

It's not that I allow work to stress me. I have no choice. In the past I will think that if I cannot stand a job, I will just quit and find another job. But I am almost 40 now, and it is very difficult for me to find a job that pays the same salary. Even if I want to settle for a low pay job, I doubt anyone wants to hire me because of my experience and qualifications. So I find myself stuck in this job, and if I don't finish the project in time, I will affect the perfromance rating of the entire department, and that will affect everyone's performance bonus.
Precious gem

Nope, haven't got on to the website yet. Busy with my girl's exams for now. I'm working harder for her exams than i ever did for my own last time!

Thankfully it'll all end tomorrow. Then, we'll have a bash!
empathise with you dilemma...

how about exploring other options like downgrading? can your hubby help to give them allowance? old folks don't spend a lot
alternatively, let your folks moved in with you so that they can rent out their home to generate some income

sorry if I'm too nosey. can understand your wish to spend more time with your kids

on not finding job at 40s, I'm also worried about that. after being away for so many years, I'm worried whether I will be able to find a job when I wish to return to work. I hope to do a career switch though because my old field of work involved crazy working hours
I feel for you when I read what you have written.

For me, my parents are in their 50's.Financial wise not an issue...but we do not have family bonding at all. Simply mum believed in gal married out and that it is. She dotes on my brother and sil a lot. Whatever I do and say is all I am forced to draw a line with her too....Should we talk, she will surely upset me with things....

Mother is coming....Am not going for dinner with them but will just send an ang bao TO THEM...I will not enjoy my meal with my sil and brother....Honestly, how I feel towards my mum is as if am a step daughter...
My parents are already living with me. My father refused to rent out his flat to other people, I think he is getting senile.

I don't think it is right to ask my hubby to support my parents. He doesn't even support his own parents, because he think they are rich enough. I actually asked my mother to give him one empty room to store all his junk, since our house is running out of space, and I ask my hubby to pay them $200 for the rental. It's just me, I am those kind of wife who thinks that my money is my money, my hubby's money is his own money.

At least you don't have to support your parents, that's a big relief. It's sad that your mum doesn't treasure you. Traditionally males are treasured much more in families.

For many years I used to think that my mother loves my brother more, simply because he is male. It's only when I have kids, then I found that my mother loves my girl so much more, that sometimes she ignores my younger boy. I realized it's because my mother thinks that my girl is very smart. My older brother is a lot smarter than me, he is called the "genius" in school. After so many years I realized that my mother is not zhong nan qing nu (prefer boys to girls), she just adores the smarter child.
As I am a SAHM, does not work, so cannot really give my mum too. There was once, she insisted me to give her monthly 500 dollar allowance, I told her am not working...guess what was her reply...your husband have what...

I will not ask her how is my brother or etc...she will divert to the topic of my brother kid, saying how smart, and sweet she is though she is not at all...Now, they are expecting a second kid, a boy...lagi bu de liao....

My mum is different from yours, will adore only her own internal grandchild and not mine...But, I always tell myself its okay as my kids have got love from me and hubby./...
Hi there ladies! Good Morning!

tamarind, rainbow, Joy747,
Well, I'm sorry to hear about your experiences with your mothers. Especially when it comes to the grandchildren. Its very unfortunate and it's just bcuz u r a daughter. As for me I think both my parents adores all their 6 grandchildren, boys and girls. My mom will buy presents for the grandchildren after coming back from any travelling trips.

However, when I was growing up, I used to think my mom hates me and favour my twin and youngest sister. Yes I'm a twin and people always tell me that if u r a twin, the mother will only favour one. I always cried myself to sleep and sometimes even stay away to stay at my grandparents during school holidays. She used to nag at me for why I should be different from other girls. You see I was very outgoing & love the outdoors, joining NCC, canoeing club, played softball, go hiking, camping, weight training (bodybuilding) .... these are not so common activities for girls during the early 80s. I thot she really hated me for being who I am. One day something happened and I ran away to my grandparents. I then told my uncle that I'm never going back home and told him about how much my mother hated me. After telling him of all my grievances, my uncle then told me something that will change everything. He told me that my mom, no matter where she goes, when she talk to others, all she talk about is me. She'll talk abt my activities, my achievements in those activities etc. I didn't want to believe him at first but he continued to tell me about what I've been doing, just to show how would he know all those stuff about me if it's not from my mother. He said she would rave about me and just go on and on and on. She doesn't talk much abt my sis bcuz there's not much to talk abt. This is just to show that she is proud of me and of what I do but she is just not good at showing it.

Now as adults, we are alot closer and more like best friends. We exchange beauty and even weight loss tips! I bought her a lot of gifts and she will always try to return the favour. My mom is in her late 50s and my dad in his early 70s. They are both enjoying their golden years together and I will try to help as much as I can. My mom is also doing freelance as an Avon & Cosway dealer and now she starting to make these crystals accessories to sell to her friends. She is very enterprise unlike me. She told me she is making me and my girl bracellets ;)

Actually I don't give her that much, abt $250 (excl green pks on hari raya, hari raya haji, birthdays, trips allw) p/mth as I earn below 2K and on top of that will try to pay for whatever she needs. Infact I transfer $100 p/mth of that amt to our joint acct (my mom & me) for use in case of emergency. And up to date, it's almost 10K as she never withdraws it. Btw, even plan to take her & my dad for a short trip to Malacca on Mother's Day but she decline cuz got activity with her women's club! Her flat is paid for and my youngest sis who is still not married at 36, is living with her. She gave my mom enough to pay for utilities and abit of grocery I guess, tho my mom always complain to me that sometimes she ask my mom for a loan! My sis is really spendrift! I guess my relationship is reverse compare to others; was really tough during growing up/younger days (even during my first marriage) but is so much better now, and I'm grateful for that.

I guess even though I wish I could be a SAHM, I still have to work ... I guess that's why I took that numerous courses in massage therapy so atleast if I'm not working I could still do freelance or part-time in the spa industry. I also try to put away abit for my own retirement/ old age as I don't want to depend on my kids.

Anway tamarind, I think it's ok for u to make ur hubby pay ur parents $200 p/mth for that storage though I think if u could persuade ur parents to rent out their flat, they could get even more.

Btw, my girl just got her silat outfit yesterday & she was so thrill to don that outfit during her silat class yesterday evening. Today her swimming class and my workout day at the pool. Then off to Mandarin class. Urgh, I'm so tired. Will probably just doze off at the jacuzzi while my girl having her swimming lesson.

Today's breakfast is low-fat-whole-wheat cereal with 300ml of low-fat milk. Snack, an apple. Lunch will be low-fat cheese, 1 hard-boild egg with 2 slc of whole wheat bread.

Have a Nice Day!

* btw, the only downside with my mom, sometimes in front of my friends or husband, she still thinks I'm her young daughter, if she needs to scream at me, she will! And she still Nags! Urgh!
Hi ladies, good morining!

Weight Loss
Well been trying hard to lose that weight and I had a pretty good day yesterday though I did had a couple of bites of my 5 yrs old daughter McDonald's double cheese burger!

After that, I went to the Fitness Corner at the park and did some strength training. The new fitness corner have machines like that at the gym but instead of using weights, it actually uses your own body weight so I was doing 74kg (yep I'm 74kg) of weight for the strength training; shoulder press 17 reps x 3 sets, chest press 17 reps x 3 sets, leg press 70 reps x 2 sets and lastly the "easy rider machine" 70 reps x 2 sets. I was moving from one machine to another after every set, pausing about 30 secs at most. So I was really sweating good, then I walk abt 100m and had to climb abt 50 steps or so (I'll count next time to confirm) to the swimming pool. Once in the pool, I went to the jacuzzi to relax for awhile. I felt guilty after abt 15 mins there and decided to go in the swimming pool to get some workout. I was still quite breathless from the strength training so decided to do aqua aerobics & I did abt 30 mins in all. Actually I was doing more of various leg exercises underwater for like 5 mins x 5 sets. and 1 shoulder/chest exercise for 5 mins. After that I just relax while waiting for my daughter's swimming class to end. Then we went sliding down the tube a couple of times and just splashing around for 5-10mins or so before going home.

After fetching the baby from the caregiver, went home and was feeling hungry. So for a quick fix, lightly fried a couple of chicken drumsticks and had them with a serving of steam white rice & carrots. I was too exhausted after that, that I fell asleep.

This morning, had a bowl (5 tbsp of low-fat-whole-wheat cereal with 250ml of low fat milk. Mid-morning snack, a cup (220ml) of non-fat strawberry yogurt (with a few of real strawberries in it!) and lots of water.

Lunch have not decided yet. Probably a serving of steam white rice, fish and veg and lots of water!

Today's workout will probably be aerobics with Denise Austin on VCD (incl warm up & cool down stretching/toning exercise~40 mins).

Btw, I also bought 2 bklets of vouchers from SSC CCK($10 p/bklet) for free entry to the swimming pool (10 each, up @$1.50 p/entry)) and 3 free entry to the gym(up @$2.50p/entry) and 1 5% disc for any couses at the dance studio. So with 20 free entries to the swimming pool, 6 free entries to the gym & 2 5% disc for any courses at the dance studio, will definitely motivate me to workout, I mean I don't want to waste the money I've spent right?

I will weigh-in Sunday morning & start my 12 wks to wt loss prog & will try to join in the May wk 3 challenge next wk! Btw, the last time I weigh, last Friday, was 74kg!

Hello Precious Gem,

Do I recall correctly that you stay in the west or north right? Are you looking for holiday activites for your girl?

My girl is 4, and I am looking for inexpensive holiday prog for her- am thinking of art or cooking or craft type of activites...

Other mummies- any ideas? But i stay in the west near bukit panjang, so can't go too far...
Yes kids got love from parents, don't have to care too much about what grandparents think.

My MIL is like my mom, adores my girl. So my poor boy got ignored
Sometimes I feel so sorry for him.

My girl is also 4 years old ! I am also interested in the same type of classes. But only on weekends or weekday evenings since I am working full time

I stay in Jurong West. Zoophonics Jurong West have holiday program, you can check with them. Julia Gabriel also has interesting holiday programs, but very expensive.

Interesting to know that you have a twin, does she look like you ?

My mother still nags at me too
Mother's day is just around the corner, any plan?

For myself, I passed an ang bao to my mum at her work place this morning. My god aunt was there too. She kept staring at me up and down as if I have done something wrong...Anyway, I am not surprised that they have spoken ill about me behind my back...

Mum as usual, nothing good from her mouth, asking me why my son ear is one big and one small.Next is to compare my brother gal who is 1 year older than my boy about how clever she is...wonder why they never compared her to my older gal...
Hi Tamarind,

Oh, you stay in the west too! I will check out zoophonics...
I think have to check various CCs too- will let you know if I find anything...

I am also a FTWM, am thinking of weeknights, as weekends I always leave it free for my hubby and I to bond with the kids (so no classes allowed) =)
on holiday programme
take a look at what PA has to offer

I plan to let my girl sign up for intensive swimming class twice a week (just 7 lessons)
maybe will send her to two science activities (3 hours only) organised by nearby CCs

my girl is still undecisive whether to sign up for the swimming class as she is afraid of the deep pool. Her current teacher has been training them in the deepest pool recently and her fear of water resurface. she cried in the pool last week. I told her I leave it to her to decide whether she wants to go for the intensive swimming class by another teacher.
Hi there ladies!

Well did anyone of you manage to log to the website for the 12 wks to wt loss prog? Anyway, here is the wk 1 routine, if any one of you wanna start. These workouts are for beginners like me ;)

Wk 1

day 1 : cardio; briskwalk, or jog or swim or aerobic dance for atleast 20mins (u can do longer). Don't forget to warm up before starting and strectching to cool down when u r finished.

day 2 : strength training (weight training) you can use filled water bottles if you don't have any dumbells; bench/chest press, shoulder press, biceps curl with lateral raise, triceps press, wall/flr push-ups, asstd lunge, flr squat, crunches, flr pelvic raise & flr leg raise. Do abt 11-17 reps for 1-3 sets, whichever is ur
capacity. active cardio (do some simple activity eg, walking, playing ball with kids or window shopping, going for a stroll with the kids or walk the dog etc)

day 3 : Same as day 1

day 4 : same as day 2

day 5 : circuit training ;squats for 30 secs-1 min then continue to jump rope (with 2 feet together) for 30 secs-1 min, static lunges for 30 secs each leg, then jog or walk for 5 mins then push-ups (on toes or knees) for 30 secs and kickboxing (ie. squat with front kick, alternating legs) for 3 mins. You have to do these exercises non-stop, moving from one exercise to another. You can repeat the whole cycle if you have the capacity or just do once will be ok.

day 6 : flexibility eg. yoga, philates or just do stretching workout. active cardio (do some simple activity eg, walking, playing ball with kids or going for a stroll with the kids, or window shopping, or walk the dog etc)

day 7 : rest. active cardio (do some simple activity eg, walking, playing ball with kids or window shopping, going for a stroll with the kids or walk the dog etc)

Menu : 6 meals p/day; breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner & night snack. (Snack could be a cup of non-fat yogurt or a fruit.)

I'm starting day 1 on Sunday as I'll be doing the briskwalk with the RC. For strength training on Monday & Wednesday, might go to the gym or at the fitness corner at the neighbourhood park. Tuesday cardio, briskwalking with my kids at the neighbourhood park. I'll do yoga at home with VCD.


Yep I'm at North & West .... he he he

Actually I live in Woodlands but work in Teck Whye and caregiver for my baby is at Bt Pjg, Jelebu Rd, next to Bt Pjg Plaza. Can join u any time. Btw, my girl will be 5 years old in July

yalah, I can't afford expensive prog. Prefer DIY, if possible. Do u know that Botanical Gardens also have prog for kids? Btw, we are non-identical twins. And of course I'm the sweeter one
U know she used to weigh as heavy as me and now she is 55kg only! And she is only 1-2cm shorter than me.

Don't worry, Can't worry too much abt what others talk abt u. That's typical of others. I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh when I read abt ur mom talking abt ur son's ear, I mean it's like she got nothing else to say??? Anyway, I never let others comments hurt me. Sure sometimes one of my aunt comment that my girl is so active like monkey or even called her "kuman" or germs cuz of her small size and she moves fast, yeah why germs? go figure! They also comment on her dark skin cuz we used to take her swimming in the afternoon or late morning when it's really hot. She also comment both my kids for having a flat nose especially my girl and big nostrils, like their dad. I just ignore and infact go on calling my girl "my pretty princess" and bb boy Hamzah handsome infront of her. At the same time I also try to teach my kids not to call others names or make fun of others especially their body parts etc. And I told my girl what my aunt said or do is not a very nice thing to do. Sometimes I do this infront of her or whoever that makes that negative comments so they will be ashame of themselves.

wanna join my daughter's swimming class? Also have intensive, 2 or 3 times p/wk. It's 6 sessions and cost $40. You r talking abt ur 5y/o girl right? We are at Chua Chu Kang Swimming pool. U r there too right? Btw, which CC is that science course? CCK?

Mother's Day,
Well like I said plan to take my mom, dad and another aunt for high tea in Malacca but mom got an event with her women's club. Perhaps might just take my parents for a seafood dinner & buy a cake. At the same time, waiting for sis to call & see what they have got plans. Btw, I just received a silver vase (vitagen bottle wrap in aluminium foil) with purple hear-shaped (from drawing paper) with 2 pink & red carnations (crepe paper carnations on straw stem) from my K1 daughter. She made them during Art at school. How sweet

I'm FTWM but I get lots of Off days during school holiday. Btw, did u log on to the website? Thot of going there for a few days for hols.

Well I'm OFF for the weekend. See u ladies on Monday. Btw, need to clear the laundry today!

Wkend plans:

Saturday; Go for a swim at CSC club @Changi then to Changi beach for some kite flying, playground & ball games with kids. Also will let my girl bring her "swing car" for a ride.

Sunday; Briskwalking club, daughter's Art class & rest at home to do some housechores
(unless I can persuade hubby to bring us out somewhere. He told me once a wk outing is enough

Cheers! Have a Great weekend with ur kids!
Precious Gem

Thanks. I feel great after reading what you have written...I will just do what you did.

My boy has sensitive airways and tend to have this call choking pretty often, not sure why...I just hope he will outgrow it soon...His immunity not too good and thus I have been trying to bring him out less often...

Have a great weekend....
Hello precious gem,

I live opposite teck whye, so I did remember correctly...

Swimming class at CCK pool- do they take 4 year olds? What time is your gal's class? My gal can only swim with float currently, so is the teacher very patient and non-threatening to kids?

Does your gal go to kindy in teck whye or bpj area?
Hi All,

Forgive me for not to actively write in, as I am not good in expressing myself. Just don't know what to write sometimes. But for sure, I always support this thread, and hope that if there is a chance we can meet up and get to know each other.

Hi Fairyprincess, hello to you.

Hi Precious gem,
I think I'm around your weight, everytime I want to lose weight and try to eat less .... but too bad, there will be always excuse from me to start tomorrow and tomorrow, yes always tomorrow. I alreay put on weight by 7 kg since my second pregnancy. Hmmmm ...... Maybe I should start together with you, and try to PM to each other (if write in this thread ... so pai seh if not success) for the success lost weigh every week. Haahahaha ...

Anyway ..... Have a great weekend
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you.
Happy Mother's Day !

How do you explain to your kids what Mother's Day is ? My 2.5 year old boy is too young to understand. As for my girl, since she is taken care by my mother and maids, I cannot say that it is tough for mommy to look after her hahaha So I explain that it was very very painful when I gave birth to her :p

Me too would prefer weekday nights, but don't think it is easy to find. Most programmes are in the day. I think we need to design our own holiday programmes.

OK will check out botanical gardens. Thanks
OIC you are the sweeter one

Thanks for the link

Me too like you, always tomorrow :p I think I am the heaviest here, that day I measure 65kg :p I wish I can like so discipline like precious gem to stick to a low fat diet.
I ate 7 ice cream cones the last 4 days
was asking my hubby last night whether we should get a king size bed and he said no need, just need to downsize the wife. so mean hor!

seriously need to lose that 5kg but eating junk food is the joy of my life, how how how?
precious gem
CCK too far lah, I'm in Bedok

per month $40 is cheap. I'm paying $65 for 10 hours lesson but the class is big, around 10 kids
I have problem accessing the webpage.. will try again. I also have much weight to lose... been trying but seems so difficult.. the problem with me is that I like to snack a lot and don't like to exercise... sigh...

Sorry but can you provide me more details of the Batam spa and the contact? Please PM me... thanks...

You are not the heaviest, I have the same weight as you but I am not tall, so I look big-sized and every part of me is fat!!!!
I am also not tall, 1.58m only. Every year my health screening result says overnight.

My tummy used to be quite big too, long time after delivery. When I went to gynae for health check, she scanned and said that my uterus is bigger than normal
Meaning it did not shrink back to normal size after giving birth
I regretted not going for massage or wrap.
I am scared of my health screening result of reflecting overweight every time, so I had not been going for health screening for years even though every year I have one foc provided by coy.
Hi there!

Sorry I haven't log on for nearly a wk. I've been sick, had a bad cold/flu & fever. Then my kids got sick, infact my baby boy is still down with fever.

I was doing fine on Saturday, went swimming again with the family. Was helping my daughter with her swimming. She did well, was able to swim (breaststroke, without float) the width of the pool, a few times. She finally was able to lift her head to breathe while swimming.

Then on Sunday, for my day 1 exercise prog; Cardio, so I briskwalk with my girl while pushing baby's stroller. Walked for abt 40 mins then stop to let my girl play on the playground for 15 mins or so then walk back home for 20 mins. Later on the day, went to my aunt's home for some Mother's Day celebration gathering with my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. That's where I blew my diet ... but just abit.

By Monday morning, I was burning up so went to see the Doctor, slept abt half the day while my husband help to look after the kids. Was feeling abit better the next day but on Wednesday morning my baby was burning up with fever and my girl also had a slight fever with coughs and runy nose. So took them to the Doctor and was nursing them for the last couple of days while recuperating myself. I have NOT done any kind of exercise since Monday. The good news is when I weight myself on Sunday morning, I was 72kg, so I lost 2kg! Well all those walks & ex paid off!

The question is, since I just started day 1 of my 12 wks weight loss prog, so does that mean I have to start over again or continue to day 2 or day 6 for tomorro?

Btw, between dieting & exercising, I prefer exercising.

My gal attends the mosque kindergarten at Teck Whye Crescent, opposite the CCK polyclinic. Hey r u a SAHM or FTWM? As for the swimming, actually the coach prefers K2 students, 5-6 years old but maybe we can meet up at CCK pool & I can help ur girl according to what I saw the coach teach my girl. Actually my girl wasn't able to lift up her head to breathe while doing the breaststroke so she can only swim abt a few metres away but last Saturday, I took her to the swimming pool and coach her myself & she was able to swim the whole width of the pool, abt 4 times, resting for abt a couple of minutes in between. Her coach is really patience and good with kids, although firm but also joke around. Btw, is ur girl able to kick with the board? Her class is on Thursdays 5pm-6pm but I may want to change it to Tuesdays, same time.

Ok lah, if u r paiseh, u can always PM me. But actually that's the idea, because if wa r afraid to b paiseh, then we would really work hard to lose those weights right? Actually, that's why I openly tell u all my weight, though it's really embarassing cuz I know most women are in their 60s kg while I'm in the 70s kg. But I'm happy that I lost 2 kg in a wk! I'm not sure if I'll lose any this wk cuz I've not done any exercise since Monday.

u r only 65kg, I'll be happy to have ur weight any day. I'm also short, 1 cm shorter than u, I stand at 1.57m.

The Batam travel guide contact is; he's name is Eddy & hp : 62811697687 , he will arrange return ferry, seafood kelong or city restaurant lunch, a car & driver at ur disposal. For the spa booking, u have to call Martha Thilaar urself at 0778425978 or 0778425994 or 0778425991. These numbers are between 2 branches tho I can't remember which is which. Make sure u ask for the address after u make the booking.

Tonite, will try do aerobics with VCD (30mins). Then tomorrow, will go swimming again at CSC Club Changi (cuz it's peaceful there & I love the cosy ambience, with the sea as ur view, landscape)

Hope u ladies have a wonderful weekend! And Happy Belated Mothers Day though I think every weekend is Mother's Day, cuz we all get to spend some time with our precious kids!
Hi precious gem,

Glad to hear from you...hope you and your family get well soon =)

I see, so i think i will put her in swimming only next year then, she just turned 4 this year, next year would be better...

My girl goes to gracefields at teck whye, I like the school and the teachers there...

OK, will write again.
precious gem, hope you're all better! This nasty flu bug still going around! Take care, everyone!

So glad the exams are over! Phew! I am so tired from coaching my girl. She did horribly, again! Always so careless. And she doesn't care! Sigh!

Just returned from retail therapy! haha. bot loads of stuffs from Kino bookstore. They have 20% off for members. i only get my books from there if they give 20% discount!

Got the fairy books my girl loves to read. Anything that can get her reading is good enuf for me! Then bot some french books to brush up her french. Also bot 2 books for my boy - Dr Seuss ABC (this was recommended by some mummies somewhere in the forums here), and a bobthebuilder book, his favourite!

Can't wait for the hols to come. Promised to take my girl swimming and lots of swimming. Hopefully i get some exercise for myself as well. Don't dare to weigh myself to often, in case weighing scale goes kaboom! Anyway, feel so lousy now. Downed a whole bowl of hor fun and feeling so bloated! Wished i hadn't eaten the whole thing! *Groan*

is it too late to wrap tummy now? mine seems to be getting bigger leh, and i'm not preggie!!!
Hmmm....talking about exercise...which mother can claim they do enough?

Especially for FTWMs like me...

What I resorted to do is to go for morning jog very early about 6:30am every Sat or Sun, followed by marketing at sheng siong and simple breakfast outside..back to home around 8:30am....this 2 hour routine has been very helpful and therapeutic for me (i.e. time away from the kids!)...

Of course exercising once a week is hardly enough, but I count it as a good start, and its something i can stick to...

I plan to enrol in a CC aerobics or exercise class, so all in all, will be exercising 2 times a week...thats all the time I can afford, so I am not pushing myself to do the impossible =)
I had the same plan too but in the end, nothing was done (kicking myself!)
just don't have to discipline to do anything other than pigging in front of the TV
terminated my starhub cable recently, otherwise worst, spent even more time watching AXN & VV drama

I decided to go on small but frequent meals. hopefully that helps
Ya, not easy to maintain an exercise regime...

I have been doing the above since about 1 year ago, so far so good...

evenings are bad times for me to exercise, as after work, need to get home to look after the kids...

thus, I choose 6:30am as they are not awake yet =)

Last year, I was doing one lunch time aerobics, one after work aerobics and jogging on the weekend, then kena tendonitis, so dr said I was over-pushing myself... ha ha
I heard wrapping is most effective during confinement. Breastfeeding is supposed to help the uterus shrink, but for my second baby, I didn't BF at all, didn't even pump out. That's why so difficult to shrink.

Oh we are about the same height
The problem with me is that my weight is mostly on my tummy and hips, not a uniformly distributed

I just got my girl's report book from her PCF nursery. Teacher's comments :

Chloe is a quiet and well-behaved girl in class. She is very careful in her writing and colouring. She is independent and able to complete her work with minor supervision.

I feel very happy with the comments. First time getting report book for my child, was feeling very excited.

She is graded for the intellectual Development, Social Development and language acquisition.

I - introductory
A - approaching
P - proficient

She got mostly P for intellectual development, but mostly A for social development, and I for language acquisition ! OMG she is so talkative at home, but she is so quiet in school. When I asked her why, she said she is shy. Don't know how to improve her social development.
hehe, my 3 years old also like that
she yak yak yak the whole day non-stop but I noticed she became so reserved in class
think will outgrow this. by nature a talkative girl is always talkative :eek:)

did you try osim slimming belt? I used it for my first child, wrap & sleep in the belt. not osim, don't know what brand, given by my gynae. tummy not too big.
2nd child I became lazy (because quite hot to wrap) and didn't bother so I have a big tummy now. thinking of wrapping again at night since it's quite a passive way of slimming
tamarind and hippo,
Don't be over anxious that your girls aren't talking very much at school. My girl was the same. So talkative at home, and suddenly lost her voice in school. So, i being so anxious, encouraged her to speak up. Now, in primary school, all teachers' comments are: Your girl is very talkative. Now want to shut her up also cannot already!!!
Be thankful, okay?!

Big tummy
I breast fed my boy til nearly 18 months, but tummy still so big! Hb says because i lao liao. He's soooo insensitive. Of course i lao already lah, but don't have to say it like that hor!

Now i resort to wearing baggy t-shirts to hide the tummy. My friend once told me how insulted she felt when someone on the MRT gave the seat to her, thinking she was preggie coz tummy big. I hope it won't happen to me... so scary...
Hi cowandchick and other mummies,

My 6 yr old boy is also very shy with strangers. Doesn't speak a word or answer questions. He is in K2 now and only talks to people he is familiar with, but he has no problems with other children. However, I find that he's always bullied by other kids. Apart from complaining to teachers, there's nothing much he can do? Do u mummies have the same prob?
Talking about big tummy, could it be due to sit too long?I used to have this problem while I was working, cos has to sit most of the, not working, I sit less often, esp, right after eating, no more tummy...
Hello there! G O O D M O R N I N G L A D I E S ! ! !

Well I'm feeling so much better this morning and so r my kids. I hope u ladies & ur chdn r feeling great too and that u all had a wonderful wkend. The school holiday is just around the corner. I can't wait for it.

Anyway, abt the tummy, well do I have one! Yep I was given seats on MRT! How ambarrassing! Btw, I'm still BF my bb, but still got tummy. From what I read, it says, the minute u cut down on fatty foods and start eating a balance diet & portions, u'll notice the tummy will start to go. I'm such a big fan of the TV show "The Biggest Loser", it's such an inspirational & motivational programme for me esepcially seeing them lose all those weight and tummy! Anyway, try to log on here to get more info on losing weight.

As for exercise, I did plan on joining philates or aerobics or body scuplt at CCs or SSC but it takes so much time, I mean the class itself is 1 hr, going to class & going back takes another 30mins each so it's 2 hrs to leave my kids .... with who? Unless if I gotta a maid or parents living with me. What I try to do now is do abit everyday. Like instead of taking the bus or letting my hubby fetch me before fetching our baby which is abt 3-4 bus stops away from my work place, I'd walk there so that'll give me abt 20-25 mins of walking, a good cardio workout. Same thing, if I need to go to causeway pt which is 2 bus stops away from my home, I'll just walk there(15mins) and then back home, with my girl and pushing baby in stroller. I also take my kids to a distant playground instead the one next to our block so it'll give me a reason to walk while pushing baby & let my girl cycle or jog, whichever she prefers. If not, I'll just do aerobics with the VCD when the kids are asleep or even when they r not, while they r playing with each other. I feel even if I get to do atleast 10 minutes of jumping jacks or 20 mins of jog/march on the spot p/day( while watching TV), it's definitely better than nothing, & it helps.

Btw, I weigh myself again on Sunday morning, I'm 70kg! I lost another 2kg! Yippeee. One thing I forgot to do is take measurements; chest, tummy and hips. Well will do soon, just gotta find that measuring tape!

I feel the weight loss is due not only to the exercise but also eating right. Though I still do NOT eat the prefect diet, but I manage to cut down on alot of my favourite fatty foods especially nasi lemak, chicken rice, laksa, lontong, nasi briyani, roti prata, potatoe chips & fry potatoes, ice cream, chocolate & pastries ... All these I USED to eat on a daily basis. I do however indulge or should I say reward myself once a wk with dark unsweetened chocolate or choc ice cream with nuts & raisins or some pastries... but only ONCE a wk. I really need my chococlate as I'm a chocoholic. Well I still drink low-fat choc milk every other day

Ex routine:
Friday, too tired & sick to do anything. Just visit MIL in hospital(TTH) with kids, but couldn't stay long cuz baby still sick. She was hospitalised since Wednesday. Saturday, did not do that aerobics dance, nor go out cuz baby just recover from fever, only did some house chores especially clearing my kids outgrown clothes. Sunday, did abt 15 mins of a combination of jog-on-the-spot & jumping jacks while watching Jamier Oliver making a sandwich then in the afternooon, took my kids to the library. Bought for them several bks for $1 each, at the booth outside the library (readers) & then went shopping for like 2 hrs of walking; bought 2 shirts for hubby & 1 shirt & a pk of socks for daddy & panties for me, tho initially plan to buy myself a pair of good walking shoes. How did that happen, from shoes to panties??? Also bought 2 more VCDs from Denise Austin, Women Problem Areas Workout and another workout base on Philates. I bought them at the Woodlands Funfair Bazaar, $8 each. Then walk back home though hubby offer to fetch.

Anyway, today's plan is to do strengthening exercise, so might go to one of those fitness corner at the neighbourhood park on the way back or do some exercises at home. If I'm at the fitness corner (the new yellow ones), I'll do;
shoulder press, chest press, leg press, easy rider, doing about 3 sets each, if at home, I'll do;
push ups, crunches, leg raise, squats, lunges, dumbell shoulder press, dumbell triceps press & dumbell biceps curls. All these exercise for 11-17 reps for 3 sets.
Whether it's at the fitness corner or at home, it should take abt 20-40mins workout. At home, in between sets, I could still do simple house chores.
Tomorrow is cardio day so will probably walk to caregiver home to fetch baby after work. That's a 20-25mins walk. After fetching baby, then take both of my kids to the playground before going home.

Btw, I'm really upset that Melinda Dolittle was voted off the American Idol.

This morning breakfast is low-fat-hi-fibre cereal with low-fat milk. Sanck is 1 cup of non-fat fruit yogurt. Lunch will probably be rice + 1 pc fish + 2 types of veg.

Well I'm going to have my yogurt snack now.

Talk to u all later.
Oops, pretty quiet today. I guess u ladies r busy. Well I'm off for today. Going to visit my mother-in-law with hubby , kids and my parents.

Dinner will probably home cook chicken porridge or chicken soup meesua with veg, shitake & seaweed!(all my fav ingredients).

Btw, just found out that I've exhausted my 10 days child sick leave so for last wk will be 2 days unpaid leave
I still have 1 childcare leave that I can use ....

Well I guess now u can take a breather huh, now that exams are over. Btw, baggy t-shirts and baggy sweat/track pants are my main wardrobe too, though I sometimes put on slacks and baggy blouses. Btw, what does lao liao means?
My girl also the same thing, she'll only start talking to other people after she is comfortable enough with them which sometimes could take awhile. But anyway, she start talking very late, at 3 and a half years old! Before that she was babbling some jibrish! Now I hope my son will not be like that. He is still not talking except the occassional mama, dada, etc but I heard alot of bb his age (15mths) already start talking several words. I talk to my kids alot and read to them too. So be thankful that ur kids are talking .....

Anyway, see ya ladies tomorrow.
Hello there, Good Morning Ladies ... if any of you still around.

Holiday Programme for Kids.
Baking & Cooking for Kids ~ Admiral Garden CC(Woodlands) : Tue 2 June OR Wed 6 June, 2:30pm-4:30pm $12(m)/$18(nm); 1) Mini Quiche 2)Chocolate Muffin, bring additional $2 for ingredients fee & own container.

Fun Learning with The Very Hungry Caterpillar ~ Siglap CC (I know, very far but no other better choice), actually activities on movements, language arts, handicrafts etc base on the Eric Carle's classic "The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Wednesday, 30 May, 10am-11:30am $15(m)/$18(nm). Instructor Master holder in education with NIE.

I also thot of doin DIY cooking lesson at home. Here are 12 or so ideas for u to do cooking with ur kids at home;
1)Mini Pizza; bread or bun, tomato sauce(for spreading), crab stick or sausages, mix veg or tomato slices, dried oregano and cheese slices (let kids tear) OR mozarella and a toaster.
2) scramble eggs (eggs, butter, milk)
3) egg omelette (eggs, tomatoes, crab sticks & sliced cheese).
4)Seafood Pasta (pasta, oilve oil, canned tomato puree, minced garlic, chooped onions, mix italian herbs,prawns, crab sticks ~ boiled pasta, mix everything together in a pan then throw in pasta & stir. Serve with parmesan cheese. or put them in oven, sprinkle with mozarella then bake for a few minutes & u'll have baked pasta.
5)Pancake (either use the instant one OR make one ur own; plain flour, eggs, milk & sugar, serve with butter or maple syrup or honey or jam or even peanut butter!)
6)fruit salad (variety, also veg or chicken salad)
7)fruit milk shake (variety; any fruits with milk in a blender)
8)sandwiches (numerous variety; cheese or egg mayo or chicken mayo etc can also use croissant or pita bread instead of normal white bread)
9)soup noodles or plain soup! (use chicken stock or use instant maggie! children would love to cut crabsticks or break an egg or throw in fishballs and seaweed or other veg for their soup or noodles)
10)Muffins or mini choc cakes (I love Betty Crocker instant cake mixture)
11)Mix fruit cocktail with jelly OR funny shapes jelly (canned mix fruits and agar2. can use mold or seve as a drink).
12) Seafood/Chicken Baked rice (rice, a scoop of bolognaise sauce or tomato sauce, cooked chicken cut into bite pieces OR cooked/boiled seafood eg crab sticks, prawns, mussels, fish slices and top with mozarella cheese. Bake in toaster or oven for few minutes til cheese melt).
13)Pizza baguettes (buy the plain baguettes from bakery or frozen ones from the supermarket.Use tomato sauce for spread. Toppings; olive, tomatoe slices, sausages, crabsticks, ham slices, bacon ... take ur pick, and mozarella. Toast in a toaster. Yummy).

Kids can use plastic disposable knife to cut sausages, crabsticks,tomatoes etc. They can also tear the cheese slices and would love to design their own pizza.

So far I've only done the mini pizza, fruit shake & juices, salads, sandwhiches & pancakes with my girl since whe was 4 years old. She really enjoys cooking and would always so anxious to serve the food she prepare to her daddy.

Best Wishes and see ya!
Hi Precious_gem,

Congratulation to you, you have lost 4 kgs, that's a lot. Really salute you. Me ... still the same.

Anyway, you should take picture of yourself, so once you reach goal, then take picture again.
So you can see BEFORE and AFTER for your effort.
