Any Flying mothers around?

<font color="0077aa">wei so over here, who applied for the FMS again?

wat is the difference between the FMS and the normal crew?

Anyone knows?</font>

<font color="0000ff">Welcome on forum: Gak</font>

<font color="0000ff">morraine</font>,

Not much different.

FMS is open to those whom left due to pregnancy and willing to come back after 2 yrs break. After 2 yrs, they base on case by case basic.

Normal crew: They will check yr record and ask why you want to come back. Also base on case by case. If due to study, ok. But due to $$$, the previous job not gd, etc... They will consider....
didn't they abolish the FMS already?? the FMS crew juz do turnaround and no nitestops.... one day work, one day off... last heard was tat they get about 2k plus a month... not bad rite...
hello mummies,
had been a while since we last update each other of our BB's pix...
let's make this thread more 'colourful'
i shall start first...
tis is my boy; he is coming 11mths.... cracking my head on how to celebrate his one year old... NO NO to catering at home
<font color="0077aa">woof & petite

ya lor i tot no more FMS? so FMS oso have to do normal roster flights arh?</font>
Thanks mommies!

my boy will be exactly 5 months old 2molo!

I'd oredi email my application to return to fly,
they replied to wait 4 3wks for the results lo...

think there're quite a number of u hubbies oso crew ya?
mine hubby oso flying too..
this reply is abit delayed. i intend to stop bfeeding starting now. hee hee cutting down on pumping already. sian lah. also dun want to drink mik type.

welcome. wow 5mths. that's soon. you sure miss your son one.
The FMS is still on. But have to do the normal flt like everyone.

So far I know the last batch for FMS training is 29Aug. After that no news.
hi valc!

wld love to be a SAHM to watch my son growing up progress but prefer to be more independent financially cuz everytime need to buy something gotta ask/discuss...den need to listen to naggings
actually my last team got 1 LSS who returned after delivery..
she actually tried those shifts job thinking that she cld spend more time with her girl but in the end she spend more time working than wif her girl!
she commented that after she comes bak flying she's able to spend more time wif her...
Hi morraine!

if u return within the 2 yrs period u'll be able to retain ur old staff number..
other then that it may be base on case to case basis
Aiyah be it boy or girl both also sweet n cute!!! but girls tend to burn a hole in the pocket cus have so many different pattern of clothes n accessories to buy for them hahaha everytime i go shopping, sure got alot of things for girls then v tempted to buy!!!!
morraine, i already very tired looking after my son... he is so noti... everyday, i go to work with my panda eyes.

i am still in a dilemma.... my boy really likes crowd... very happy when we bring him to packed places- excited when he sees another BB or toddler
Hi gak,

I missed those days when we are financially independent.Dont have to give 2 thots about buying.Not that my hb kiam siap but just dont like the idea of ask/discuss.

time for another bb liao.Your boy needs a playmate.Kekeke...

ya lor, gals really lots of things to buy.Spreeing in this forum enof to make me pok-ka-la liao :p.

ya i know... i have been restraining myself from buying stuff for her! the whole hse full of her things n her rm so many clothes already! i dun think i have as many clothes as her! hahaha
Hi littletot!

Yup! very TRUE! Totally agreed with u!
sometimes even when paying out of own pocket money oso must listen to nags...
hi all,

in this forum so long leow but never come across this ex-crew thread

hi woofwoof and gak, i believe u two are the only ones i know thru the other forum

i also sent in my FMS application leow
my boy is turning 15mths in 3days .... time for the MMR jab !!! so worried .... heard this jab gives fever etc etc ....
HI <font color="0000ff">Jeanchua</font>< A big welcome to you... Yr boy so cute. His feature remind me of someone but just cannt recall his name.

My boy jsut went for his MMR jab 1.5 week ago. So far so good. I was told that fever will start to come from 3rd day to 2 weeks.

He only felt discomfort, Milk intake drop a little for a few days...
keke ... yupp ... but was unsuccessful and got rejected ... hahaha ...

end up went photo studio to take .... actually we had a hard time trying to keep him still cos he wanna snatch the camera ...


this is the photo from studio ... really like the results .... too so in the end i took him to a photo studio to take oso!

i realise those photo shops (some oso do photocopying, faxing, etc)dun take pics for babies who can't seat unsupported..
but luckily took him to a Photo Studio cuz result is very good!
any mummies brought their little ones for holiday so far... i am planning for 1 at the end of the year... really can't leave him with my MIL- will miss him very much...

BTW, he will be turning 1yr old in a month's time... Where to bring?? Macau, good?? safe for BB??
hi woofwoof,

my last visit to macau was in feb 2006. that place generally quite alrite leh .... actually, i tot it was quite boring ... kekeke .... maybe becos i was there with my mom and aunty .... hahaha ... anyway, i was there for a few hours only .... went there from hongkong ..... just went for the sake of going since i have never been there ... just take a few photos and buy a fridge magnet .... kekeke ....

i dunno what's the place like at night though cos we left before sunset. generally ok lor, should be fine bringing a toddler.

til now i haven't brought my son anywhere out of singapore mainland ... kekeke .... not even to sentosa, ubin or jb ... went holiday twice without him leow
i keep telling myself this is training for both my son and me so that if i go back flying in future we will not have separation anxiety (hee hee ... also dunno this future going to happen or not since i haven't heard from co yet)
HI to all,

Updates ON FMS / RMS:

Lasr class will be in SEP or OCT 2007. There will be no training classes for RMS till 2008.
i sent my application leow but probably too late, deen recieve any calls to go for interview .... tot there should be a class in december. hmmm ... not sure ... i'll just wait lor ....
jean, have you completed yr degree course?? if start training later, u can spend more time with remus...

pii pii, i am a WOHM, still trying to adapt to "life after being a crew".... yr kids are of a very wide age gap... me and my brother are a good 8 years apart...
woof woof:

not yet ... one more year to go .... but then i left in 2005 ... so my 2yrs period is up ..... anyway, my bank account also flashing "empty" leow .... haha .... need INCOME !!!

pii pii:

i'm SAHM taking part-time degree ... my mom is the main care-giver of my son .... i just stand around and help .... hee hee ...
SHD i go bk flying?i gt 2 kids,my hubby is flying,i gt a maid and mum to help me look after..i'm woried 5,10yrs later,wat can i do??SAHM to coach my child? ANybody been thru this b4??i aready fd a ground job bt still contemplating bt it!! afraid won't gt used to it... ;( help!!!
pii pii, u are not alone... i am gg thru this phase now... my 2 year grace is ending soon in 2008 feb... need to decide whether to go back flying or stay put on my ground job...

i already hit the big 3... so if i go back flying and the co dun renew my contract- i'll be dead...hit the big 4- damn diff to find job (tat's wat i thought)

why dun u try the ground job first and then decide whether can u adapt a not??

BTW, ladies, when i resigned, i was told tat we can take up other jobs as long as it is not airline related (if we still want to go back flying)- they dun want us to go work for competitors... jus cautioning....

jean, it will be tough... manage flying + studies + BB... anyway, yr boy is a real charmer...
<font color="0000ff">Morraine</font>, Yap I am going back. Gone for the medical check-up but now having 2nd thought....

Now in a process of looking for a GOOD maid. Hopefully I am lucky to get a good 1.

Btw, Not very easy to go back to SQ. I got friends tried 2nd round and still cannot make it.

It also depends on the interviewer. The last time only 4 out of 10 got in.

<font color="0000ff">QooSan</font>, it really depends if your body can take it. If there are spotting, better resign immediately, including while in overseas.

Got to be carefull while pulling and pushing of carts. Take care ok?

<font color="0000ff">Pii Pii</font>, Actually yr position looks good to ret. Thet sure take you back, cos yr kids are big aridi. But I do understand yr age problem. I believe there are few of us here facing the Age VS SQ problem here.

Currently I can't find a good ground job. So thought of going back to SQ till I found 1 or get pregnant again. By then I will not go back aridi.

If you still can't find a ground job, come back first. At least when you try to apply for other job, they won't see as you left the 'workforce for a long time'.

This is my suggestion. But all the decisions is still up to you.
Hi les_petite,

did u go for the interview last Tuesday (7Aug2007)?
i was there too...

i juz change 2 maids, now looking 4 a new agent cuz this 1 sucks!
will raise her voice @ customers infront of all the maids!!!
how'll the maids listen to u wen come work 4 u??
they sure think that the agent oso can scold their employers so y must listen to employers!!?

so remember to find a helpful agent who's willing to make house visits..den u dun hv to travel thru & forth to do all the documents, payment, counseling, bring the maid to & from your home! agent must oso think that respect's very important & that customers are right!!
<font color="0000ff">Tinklebell28</font>, yes I did. Which row were you stilling at. I'm at the last row.

So are you attending the 29Aug or the later class?

I juz went dw to my friend's agency today. My 1st choice was choosing a new maid from Philipines but end up choosing a transferred maid. Was recommend by my friend.

However there was another TT maid I was very interested in. She can speak better english and much more Xi xing in taking care my boy. (I saw her putting her hand above my boy's forhead so that he knock himself on the door. But my friend was telling me don't choose her cos she has attitude problems, wants a HP too And she did open doors to stangers b4 in her old employers house. Not too sure if she is putting a show today to get good check report from me. Ha Ha!

This 1 I am choosing, very quiet. Must tell her wat to do, and when I gave her my son's straw cup to ask her to give my boy to drink, she feed him like as if he is drinking from a milk bottle (lifted up the bottle) Guess, this 1 must go for 5 weeks training with me.
I am keeping my finger cross. Hope she can work and stays long....

hehe..i was sitting @ the last row too!!!
i was the last gal for the interview..were u the 13th gal???

wat's ur fren agency?? where izit?
think of getting another maid to help my mom..
wat's ur filipino maid's pay?? last one always forget to lock the gate & juz open the gate to wash the corridor when all of us were sleeping in the morning!
already told her she can only open the door & window grills along the corridor when there're adults around in the living room..
& she always likes to do things her way even after instructions are given!

u better take care when they're sterilizing ur boy's bottles, cups, bowls, etc.
cuz mine dunno how & spoilt some of my stuff even after teaching her

my last one was a trnf maid too but mine's indo cuz my mom can't speak Eng..
