Any Flying mothers around?

i think cannot use herbs for bb lah. and cheese also gotto be the hard type. def not blue cheese, sure laosai. i use cheesdale cheese it's got the highest calcium level. and i give my son yogurt from fernleaf(cheap), yoplait's petit miam flavoured fromage frais. yoplait also has bb yogurt(less sweet). avacados are v rich in nutrients but i tried with all my might to give my son but he simply hates it.

you mummies are actually qt adventurous when it comes to bb food. my son only ate the boring porridge with fish and pork and veg.

you can actually use sweet veg like pumpkin and carrots to sweeten but not too often cos it turns the skin yellow. and for porridge you can cook in slow cooker with pork as stock to make it tasty. and it's good to make food with texture early. cos my son argh! doesn't take anything with texture cos he's used to his food blended. when i give him fish as it is he will suck it till the cows come home and then spit it out eventually. both my bbies give me headache when it comes to feeding. dunno why i so suay.

HI sorry to MIA. My bb was dw with fever the last few days...

Burger patties:

* Any type of meat
* Add egg / corn starch / flour to harden it when pan frying
* Add mash potatoes
* Add mash veg
* Seasoning up to you

Use yr hand to make it round or long b4 pan fried.

Today I went to Carrefour to buy Cheddar for him to try. Hope he will like it.

<font color="0000ff">Woof Woof</font>, I am like you. Refuse to put seasoning into his food. So I guess he getting sick of my porridge aridi.

Just wondering.... is Petit Miam Flavoured Fromage frais is yoghurt? If to translate FROMAGE FRAIS into english, is should be FRESH CHEESE.

Yoghurt in French is yogurt.

my ger refused porridge already. THen i switched her to rice with steam fish n veggies. At first loved it cus got texture. then later reject again. then gave her macaroni... loved it then reject again. so now everyday i have to come up with something different for her. i think everyday i make her eat the same thing until she really sick of it n really refused to eat. If she really likes it, she will wanna eat n eat fast... if dun like it, will take 1.5hrs to feed her!!!! so terrible right! fussy eater lor!
Today i made healthy fried rice with success! my ger ate alot. tml i will try to make pasta for her. think must recycle menu once in a while hahaha running out of ideas liao...
Hello Valc!
glad u found the thread!!

My PD say can use some dried herbs to flavour the food, oso to introduce stronger tasting food to our bbs. Cold Storage got alot, near the section where they sell ham. My bb recipe bk oso uses herbs like oregano,parsley,thyme,basil. Wen u make pasta can put.

FROMAGE FRAIS is a type of creamy cheese rite?

Babybel can take cos i chk, got no sodium.
other variety of food besides PORRIAGE
my BB doesn't really know how to chew yet...anyway, will try to give meesuan this weekend.

i tried to give him laughing cow cheese... tried twice... he threw up within an hour with the food fed previouly (no allergy reaction noticed)... so have to keeping finding till i find the cheese that he likes.
you can try the baby yogurt from the brand petit miam - comes in pack of 4. it's for bbies 6mths and above so it's gentler on the stomache. they only sell this at carrefour. they also have fromage frais but they taste yucks!

sungrapes fromage frais is fresh cheese.

my advice to you mummies is give your bbies variety even commercial jar food. so that wen he's older he's open to new things. unlike my son now. when go on holidays is a bladdy headache! unless you go on star cruise - they make to order your bb food if you request. they even sterilise your bottles for you.

how abt oats? heat up with milk? taste v nice... almost like porridge but even more nutritional!

think maybe rice cereals? but then oats add milk also like quite filling too. but oats got more nutritional value than rice cereals.
Hello mommies!!!!

I didnt even realise this thread existed from the beginning of this year! How could i have missed out so much fun here!

Hope not too late... can I join in the chat too??

So glad to see so many ex-colleagues from SQ! Hee..
Hi Shimmrs!

Welcome to this thread!!!!
Can add on to thIS LIST?

littletot: girl/ 13mths & boy/otw
woofwoof: boy / 9mth plus
sungrapes: boy/6mth 4days old
petite: boy/ 14mths and 2 days
morraine: girl/20mths
Ylc: girl/11mths+
Madeleine: girl / 15mths
ValC : boy / 26mths & girl /2mths
hi ValC and Shimmrs,

Been MIA for a while and thats bcos i delivered on mon. And here is the updated list

littletot: girl/ 13mths & boy 0mths
woofwoof: boy / 9mth plus
sungrapes: boy/6mth 4days old
petite: boy/ 14mths and 2 days
morraine: girl/20mths
Ylc: girl/11mths+
Madeleine: girl / 15mths
ValC : boy / 26mths & girl /2mths

hmm... all the recipes sound so yummy! Must give it a try one of these days.
wow!! you got pregnant when your girl was 4mths??? that's amazing!! how do you cope? congratulations!!
i stopped BM when gal was 4mths to try for piglet. Got preggy the next mth! Supposed to due in mid jul but bb came early
. Lucky i've helper else also dunno how.Guess will just go with the flow...
cONGRATS littletot!!!!!

wah stop BM then can get preggy arh.... no wonder until now i cant get preggy hahaha... try also no use :p but then i also give up trying liao... take care of 1 until wanna faintz... esp since she is walking already!
<font color="ff6000">Congratulations !!!! littletot! </font>

Really peifu you for being so steady! 2 kiddos in a row ba! Hee.. so paiseh! guessed i should be the oldest mommie here with only one monsteress!

littletot: girl/ 13mths & boy 0mths
woofwoof: boy / 9mth plus
sungrapes: boy/6mth 4days old
petite: boy/ 14mths and 2 days
morraine: girl/20mths
Ylc: girl/11mths+
Madeleine: girl / 15mths
ValC : boy / 26mths & girl /2mths
shimmrs : girl / 3.5yo
ylc n shimmrs,
thks ;P!

it depends on individual i guess.My mense came ard the time i stop BM so i could calculate my ovalution date mah..hee. My gal friend's girl now 2 yrs and she's still BF. Her mense came when her gal was 10mths old.So i think you are 1 lucky gal till now still mense free!
you must have a really ez time with your 4mth old then to try for another one so soon. ;)
Yeah... think i m really fortunate to have no menses! hehe free from the stomach cramps n PMS hahaha but then cant conceive lor... i also wanted a piggy bb but now cant make it liao... gotta wait for the yr after next!
actually it was my hb that wanted a pig bb. So have to try lor.Will.., at least this 2nd time round, with a bit of experence, not so kan chiong spider liao

actually one can still concieve while bfeeding. It's only harder cos you wont know when will u be ovaluting.Unless... u try everyday LOL ;P!
hi mummies,

my BB juz recovered from stomach flu... it was quite scary to see...
it started on sunday nite, he kept throwing up ( threw up alot.. we have to mop the floor after that)... DH and i brought him to A&E on that nite...
PD said that stomach flu is caused by hygience and asked if we sterilised his bottles properly...
we suddenly recalled that we fed him tuna (cooked) sushi that sunday afternoon... think sushi had been spinning on the conveyor belt for a long time... think the sushi was the most likely suspect.. we were embarassed to say that we fed a 10mth old sushi... jus sounded out the PD- can it be cause by food?? she said quite impossible, cos BB dun eat rubbish food like adults... DH and i were even more guilty

we learnt our lesson, no more 'gungho' when it comes to food with our BB... i was jus trying to learn from my fren- she told me "dirty eat, dirty big", everything also scare, then BB will be choosy when comes to food later.

muz be hardworking and bring porriage in thermal flask next time
YLC, u so lucky- no mense till now... mine came back liao...

why cannot have a cow BB?? must wait till year of tiger??

my DH also said no to cow BB and also tiger BB...

yr ger ger is about 1 yr old.. any big plan for the party??

My 3yo also recovered from stomach flu in May. Its very scary if its diagnosed gastroeonitis. Its highly contagious, especially among young children. My ger kena the gastro flu from school back in SG. You need to sterilise your home too after he recovers. I used dettol and bleach to clean my whole housey! Especially the toilet bowl since my ger is already using the toilet. The vomiting is horrid!! I had a hard time cleaning up her matteress and our matteress too!
Hi woof,

cus the chinese belief that cow will have to work hard all their life lor! but then maybe i wont be so pantang lah... cow cow lor! work hard better than laze their whole life! hahaha

yeah my ger is going 1... am planning her bday party! think its going to be a big party... quite scared dunno whether i can handle it or not hahaha today went concourse to buy stuff... this whole week gonna be really busy!

alamak! everyday try???? peng san liao! taking care of this girl already make me so tired... at night sleep also no more dreams liao.. too exhausted! my sleeps more like crew rest arh! every now n then wake up to nurse her....
ever since bb born, it's crew rest all the way! Think "doing" the deed is the last think on my mind too! hahaha.... where to find the energy??? When my hb and i try for this pig bb, (during ovalution period), we do everyday for 3-4days.Shag like hell!!! But at least we got what we wanted la. Hee....

wah u the best siah!!! I do once already shag like hell... some more with this little one waking up every now n then, where to find time to really enjoy the act??? If so stress hor, wont enjoy mah... then hard to get bb too hahaha
<font color="ff6000">Congrats littletots</font>

I don't even think I want to 'do that'. Not even of crew rest aridi. Still must do extra work. Hee Hee
littletot: girl/ 13mths & boy 0mths
woofwoof: boy / 9mth plus
sungrapes: boy/6mth 4days old
petite: boy/ 14mths and 2 days
morraine: girl/20mths
Ylc: girl/11mths+
Madeleine: girl / 15mths
ValC : boy / 26mths & girl /2mths
shimmrs : girl / 3.5yo
hiroshima: boy/19 mths & girl/1 mth

Harrow.... I finally made my way back here....
I've deliverd liao..... This is Sophia:
Hi mummies,
I juz emailed application 2 return flying. I cannot stand my hb show face to me i owe him. He owe me mre cos i scarifice my career for him wen he asked me to start family. I told him nowadays, as long as got job, no problem to bring up a child. We wun starve..somemre i study mre then him. How to depend on men??? Better rely on myself!

Anyways, Congrats to littletot and Hiroshima for their new additions..!!!
<font color="0000ff">Hiroshima</font>,so cuteeee.... little Sophia.

<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, Any Idea you able to nod when they are calling you back?
CONGRATS Hiroshima!!!!!!!

Ur little Sophia is so cuteeeee!!!!!
Now approaching my little ger's bday then reminds me of her when she is just born! aiyo... now big ger liao...

Wah u going back flying?? But its true lah... we used to be so independent... now gotta see face n take $$ really dun feel gd!
1st 1-2days ok still la.By the time 3-4day a bit of a chore liao la.kekekek....Ya.. i missz those days when we have our own money to spend.Looks like those 'Good" days are over liao.

Thks sungrapes ;P.

Congrats Hiroshima!
Your little sophia has got your eyes.
this 1 muz keep calling back to 'push' them, cos they tend to 'tu'. My neighbor emailed the person in charge, 2wks later no news, she called him then he say haven even chk the emails yet! But shd b quite fast this time cos after bonus, many crew will resign.

My ex team gal told me to submit 1st, then can always defer the training. i wish dun hav to go back but really cant stand it liao..this hb taking me for granted.
will you ask to be couple coded? who will look after your son? i wonder after 3+yrs will they hire me back? i was told to contact this person when i want to come back. they din even give a dateline. i'll prob be the oldest FSS around.
I dun think I will go back flying cus i feel my ger needs me more than i need the money at the moment. Hb nvr complains yet but eventually will ask me to go find a job. Think now i wont think abt jobs yet but enjoy every moment with my little ger!
<font color="0000ff">VAlC</font>, Not really. Heard lots of crew came back like after 4-5 yrs+. They still take in.

<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, YOu got mail!

<font color="0000ff">Mag</font>, Will you be going back now or later???
<table border=1><tr><td>littletot: girl/ 13mths & boy 0mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>woofwoof: boy / 9mth plus </TD></TR><TR><TD>sungrapes: boy/6mth 4days old </TD></TR><TR><TD>petite: boy/ 14mths+ </TD></TR><TR><TD>morraine: girl/20mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ylc: girl/11mths+ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Madeleine: girl / 15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC : boy / 26mths & girl /2mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>shimmrs : girl / 3.5yo </TD></TR><TR><TD>hiroshima: boy/19 mths & girl/1 mth</td></tr></table>
thks for doing such a nice 'team list' hehe!!

Bo pian..pass to my mum lor..there's 101 thgs im concerned abt if bb stays there, but i really got no choice. I trust my mum mre then any stranger. of cos, i wanna look after him full time..but need to earn $$. I console myself by thinking its only 1yr to complete and collect my Gratuity.After tat is sayonara to SQ.

Couple code take very long leh..cos got 6mths probation then need at least 2-3mths to b coded cos of rostering. By then i almost finish my contract liao!! c how 1st!

They nv gv dateline gd wat! anytime can go back. But if u LSS is easier. I think as long as u look HOT, they will sure take u back.
i'm not LSS leh. too bad. i once dreamt that i was back at work. at that time i was still breastfeeding my son. and i forgot to bring my pump along to work. and i was worrying about my breasts going to explode. even now, after so long, i still have bizarre dreams abt work.

my hb has a cdg and a milan in the next month. if not for my daughter and breastfeeding i wld def take off and go. dammit! he's bn having all these europe patterns back to back every month i'm wondering if he's sleeping with the rostering pple. hm...
I also dreamt abt going to flying... but always so stress one... always dream abt reporting late for flts, or working with demanding chiefs.... hahaha then suddenly like so blur after giving birth n returning to work... faintz
<font color="0000ff">ValC</font>, Usually FSS are in the demand. Not really on LSS and above. Furthermore there will be new clases of LS/ LSS to be trained soon. 150 Gals N 44 guys.

<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, Thou I don't nod who you really are, but I nod yr neighbour. Hee Hee!

Yap she was postponed to Aug class. Not in time for the Jul intake. Guess the next class (if the Aug class is full at this moment) will be in Sep aridi. So they might not call so soon.
Eh?!? how cm u noe my neighbor???? So small the world meh? then come can visit both of us same time lor!! her bb oni 3wks after time go army 2gether!! HAHA!

HAHA..imagine u really hav to express BM on flt..then the chiller all will be used to store ur BM liao!!

Rostering got any ppl worth sleeping with meh?? Gd flts=mre $$$ mah..then u dun hav to come out work lor! *envy*
Milan very gd shopping leh, heard got factory outlet, Gucci cabin bag oni $800..
<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, did you go to her wedding? I was there. The most noisy table is mine. Actually, her HB is my Ex-team boy la!

Wonder how is <font color="0000ff">Hung</font> coping with her pregnancy & her wedding. Hmmmmm.....

yes,i got go to her wedding wor!! i was abt 6mths preg then..sat neaarest to the screen. Yah! i rem the rowdy table
but cant recall who's there lor!
