Any Flying mothers around?

wah... just celebrated my ger's bday! so tiring siah!!!! hahaa but so glad that its all over!!!!
Now can sleep in peace liao... finally she is a toddler!

<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, Ya I so paiseh that my table pp so siow!. They can go up to the stage and throw the flowers too. Aiyo!

<font color="0000ff">Ylc</font>, congrats!!! Yr gal ishas join the toddler club. Beware, The rupture of her molar teeth will cause lots of prob for us. Hee Hee!!

My boy has drop his milk intake from 240ml- 80ml, Now slowly coming back to 150-180ml. Tooks 1.5mths.
Wah!cant wait till my boy is toddler oso leh! So is ur ger walking away, enjoying her freedom?

after ashley's feeding is stable, u shd go for a trip with ur hb,relax and enjoy urself..BONUS OUT LIAO WOR!!

u got c a fat pregnant woman waddling to the toilet?? tatz me lor!!!
bonus out also of no use to me. my hb is mr cheapolo take money to grave type. at first he asked me do i need a new watch when i said my adidas digital one is out of battery. then he asked how bt a mickey mouse one with hands? argh!! dammit!

if ashley's reflux recovers then i'll be freed from pumping. when will it be??
My ger toddler liao... so fast grow up!!!
Yeah she is walking alot... here n there... climb up sofas & beds and climb down wah liao... think i chase her here & there until v tired everyday!

Molar.. aiyo... i think its coming out cus she is always putting her fingers to the back of her teeth like rubbing it... think its coming out pretty soon. My ger still bfing lah... so far she is still drinking milk lor!
<font color="0077aa">yeah la its true tat even after 4 to 5 yrs of leaving, they stil take in lor.. my ex-team ger ask before but den again.. she is being retrenched tat time hence she is not sure if she is stil able to return or not leh.. ke lian..


good ma!! den meaning savings alot den good oso!!
for retrenched crew, will the company keep record? will they noe they kena retrenched?

tot my hb is the most kiam kana in the world..mickey mouse watch?? ur hb is joking rite?wen u intend to stop BFing?
dear mummies,

my HB is also one kiam kana... always comment tat i buy cheap watches, why not buy a good one once and for all...
so i brought him to the tag hueger (did i get tat spelling rite??), he acted blur... damn it..
i am still wearing the cheapo casio digital watch
haha! woof, they really mastered the art of acting BLUR lor!! My 1st gift frm hb is a swiss army watch....frm HK's nite market!!But till now is still in gd working order. SIGH..'cheong' but got sentimental value.
For those whom like to go back to the Airline:

They will call you if you are interested.
Got to email them yr application. After that is the waiting process. (As Usual)

If you don't get a rejection letter in yr mailbox, it means you are safe.

Currently, the last class for training is 29 Aug. After that will be the Promo classes. So the FMS will hold back maybe till next yr. Sigh!
Har!! still got rejection letter??

So since i email them alrdy,if they call me after my 2yr dateline, dan still consider FMS?? or re-employment?? i wori abt my Grauity$$$ leh, i still left less dan 1yr can get $$$ liao..dun wanna start all over again..any idea??
my boy start teething liao..juz wanna chk, the front teeth come out is ok rite? i mean, wun hav fever,cranky,rashes etc? anythg to look out for??

<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, just watch out for any sign. Usually won't have any cos the teeth are out aridi.

Should be FMS.
<font color="0077aa">petite_chose

u got the details of ware to send the application to or not? can pm me? Thanks!~


no la since u email them laioz meaning its in consideration process so shld be FMS la

teething ~ not necessary is the front teeth out first wan leh. so maybe ur boy hiding more teeth inside? let him drink more fluid</font>

Usually when their teeth are erupting, they will feel uncomfortable, signs to chk is they keep putting their fingers in their mouth like rubbing it lor. bcus of the uncomfortable feeling, they might be cranky lor. As for fever, i read somewhere teething does not cause fever. When they have fever is because parents bring their bbs out n their immune system still not gd yet so get sick easily.
Oh yeah... usually the sequence for the teeth to come out is the bottom two incisors, then front two incisors, then the bottom n top left n right incisors, then molar then canine. Sometimes they can skip the sequence then hor... quite terrible, they all come out together. Like my ger, front 4 all come out together!!! aiyo... headache siah... she was pretty cranky n couldnt really sleep well. Now i think her molar coming out cus she has been putting her fingers in her mouth n rubbing the back of her gums... more sleepless nights to go!!!
This is the person to contact...for Returning Mothers' Scheme...

[email protected]

All the best to those of you applying to go back flying!


Hi petite

I gave up hope of going back to fly already.1st maid challenged me to send her back so I did. Now 2nd maid really can't work & mentally very slow. I think gonna send her back soon. No one can help me so maybe just try for 2nd baby & stay at home be 'yellow face wife'. Sigh!

hahaa me too... no one looking after my ger so i think me also "yellow face wife" liao! Meantime also go try for 2nd one but then no menses so hard to see when is my ovaluation date faintz... dun want to everyday try also hahahaha
HI <font color="0000ff">Maddy & ylc</font>, I also in the process of getting a maid. Sigh! still can't find 1.

I was thinking of 2nd 1 too but thinking of the confinement, my HB's nagging on all issueson the bb, I kind of put it aside. But when I see my son playing alone, I pity him.

<font color="0000ff">Morraine</font>, you also want to go back ah?? Yap that is the email to contact the person in charge.

I just chg my computer. My last computer was giving me hell for 2 yrs aridi. Now trying to get use the keyboard and adding links to my Fav.
Hi petite

How come you can't find a maid? Which agency you went to? The agency I am using now provides good service. Homekeeper in Elias Mall.

We crew or rather ex-crew very difficult to have maids cos' our standard very high, in terms of housework or initiative.

My hubby & me are the fussy sort so not many maids can live up to our standards. Hubby say if they have initiative then won't be maids liao...

I will be sending this current maid back to agency these 2 days. Biodata says her English is good & have initiative, the interviewer ought to be shot. If can't express herself 3/4 of the time & can't understand me 1/4 of the time then how will my gal learn anything. Unless my gal is like in primary school & she already know how to speak proper English then can have this type of maid.

This maid is a destroyer too. 1st few days already bent my WMF knife & tore my Sheridan quilt cover!

Have to keep breathing down her back & follow her cos' have to pick up after her. More tiring than doing all the work myself. It's like having SNY crew everyday in my house.

I just agreed to hubby to try for 2nd baby. Next year is a good rat year to give birth to babies, according to a 'Master'.
Hello ladies!
Long time no post liao.My boy jaundice la. Rent the bilibed to shine him at home, too busy to post here.

how long do you intend to BF?

BAck to flying.... haiz, how i missed those CAREFREE days!
LITTLETOT, is it tat blue light machine tat u are renting... didn't know tat they can be rented... my boy was admitted back to the hospital for jaudice after about 4or5 days of birth... it was such a hassle to shuttle to and fro hospital and home... hope yr boy is well..

PETITE, is it really pitiful to be the only child... my boy is coming 11month old..hb and i had settled on the decision to have only one child... after reading yr post... i am confuse again... sigh...

madelaine, the master said tat rat year is a good year... apply to all couples?? in case i really want no 2... cow and tiger year are out for me...

dunno leh... as long as there is supply then bf until supply runs out lor.

I still not sure whether i want rat bb or not leh... still thinking... but might wanna skip that... my hb was like thinking of having one in the yr of the rat but i dun really like rat yr leh... so i say maybe postpone to cow or tiger yr lor!
yes, it is.Agree with you that it's a hassle running back n fro from hospital n home. But at home i didnt manage to put him on for the whole day cos cant stand him crying and crying while lying in it
. Woofwoof, if really wanna have another 1 better start early. Siong for the next few yrs.Once they bigger and can understand then wont be so bad liao.

dont think your milk jugs wont run dry as long as you continue BF.My gal friend still bf her 2 1/2 yr daughter.
<font color="0077aa">aiya not me la.. i so fat now.. they sure reject me wahhaha

im asking for my ex batch ger la.. anyway i told her.. just email lor den if get den get if dun have dne dun have..

Thanks for the email addy Mad
by the way, email the lady wat??</font>

I am not sure if it's good for all couples, I think just generally good lor, just like the recent dog year. My auntie always go to the 'Master' for all sorts of advice & for her hubby's biz so what he say should be quite true.


Just email ex-personnel number & particulars. She will reply with an online application form to fill in. They called me but I so fat so I say maybe later but now trying for 2nd baby so my fate is sealed as a 'yellow face wife'. Ha ha!
y cow and tiger yr out for u?

i was trying to buy some preloved toys and recieved quite a rude reply frm one of the email was very polite wat..i used 'may i,pls,thk u'..not flying oso kena zapped! SIGH.
i and HB are very supertitious.. i must admit... (no offends to ppl born in the year of cow) ppl said tat those born in that year have to work very hard... cow plough the fields mah...
as for year of tiger- chinese say tat one mountain cannot have two tigers... i am born in the year of tiger... so dun want a dd or ds to be born in the year of tiger...
for this thingy about those born in the year of tiger- i find it quite true... my FIL was born in the year of tiger and i really dislike him... a colleage also born in that year and i also dun like her and she dun seem to like me i dun want to dislike my dd or ds

Buying preloved items
sungrapes, dun be irritated.. it's like that... although i did not kena zap, i kena other things... when i asked for the condition- they always tell me mint condition or 9/8/7... when i saw the items... dun think it fits their description leh... i still accept and didn't complain as i understood tat it is 2nd-hand... when i buy preloved items- i very "chin chiay"... when i am selling my used items- the others like so fussy and items have to be good as new... but the item is used leh
i oso tiger leh!! my sis is cow but she got very gd life..almost tai tai..

the tone of their emails can be mre polite..itz basic courtesy.
aiyah... singaporeans mah... i find most singaporeans v rude... only if they know u v well then they will open up n be nice to you. That day i went to the movies with my hb, then seated towards the corner, i said excuse me to get to my seat, and these two boys so rude, refused to move their long legs to even let me n my hb walk to our seats. So rude lor... then i said loudly, dunno how their parents teach their kids nowadays, I'm sure my ger wont be as badly mannered as them!!

aiyo, that time i wanted to exchanged guardian stickers for diapers, then i send the stickers n self addressed envelope to this person on the forum, till now i haven received the diapers... some pple really out to cheat lor. At first so desperate to have the stickers, once get it then msg me say nvr get it at all then no news from them anymore! wah piang... luckily i not so hard up on the stickers n diapers.
I'm a lamb leh... dunno cow n tiger got clash or not! I also heard that if born in cow yr must work hard... then i think n think.. work hard gd mah... i rather they work hard than be lazy hahahaha
<font color="0000ff">Ylc</font>, talk abt WTB/ WTE items. I wanted to buy the Friso Cream voucher. This lady has 02 coupon. Claimed to expiry this year. She wanted 04 any brand daipers which I have. The best part, she wants me to send her the diapers and a self-paid envelope.

Worst!, The voucher that was sent to me was EXPIRY LAST YEAR! Piah! Too bad I lost her nickname, Eitherwise sure kena ZAP by me.

<font color="0000ff">Mad</font>, yes is true. We crew are not easy pp to deal with. Our standard are higher then others.. I hv look thru lots of application, non suitable. When I set my eye on 1 of the maid, she no more available, Sigh!
woofwoof,sungrapes and ylc,
so much talk about yr of cow.Cow= tai tai life or work hard?Ha ha... depends this cow from where lor.According to chinese is work very hard, but indian, they treat the cows very well leh, treat them like god.I remember there was once on the way to airport in 1 indian city.There was a cow lying in middle of the road and all traffic stop for that cow.Wow piangz, major traffic jam lor!!!Hope i didnt offend any1 by saying this ;p.
during my preg days,wen i take bus (tat time no license yet),no1 will gv way to me lor! evry1 will rush 2 the doors and push their way im invisble woman..and no1 gv up seat for me oso..

i think the timimg of birth oso impt..can b cow but timing muz b auspious. my hb went to select timing for my bb delivery..lucky c-section tho emergency can still make it within a gd time. tiger cannot born at nite, cos my mum say nite time tiger go hunting so will b very fierce..most impt is child cannot clash with parents' birthdate..else is 'ba zi bu he'.

ya lor... tell u arh.. some pple in the forum really not honest lor... i can still remember the lady's nick!!!! cus still have her email address, her phone number n address!!!! wah piangz... so terrible... only 2 stamps what! no need to cheat until like that lor!
my HB is very "pang tang"... much worst than me... agreed tat the time of birth is very impt..e.g. for the year of cow- born at nite is better as no need to work at nite; born during day- then must work hard as that's the time when ppl work at the flields... tat's wat i heard- dun noe true a not
sungrapes, so yr tai tai sis was born at nite??

when i was preggie with son and his EDD is in early sept and the lunar "ghost month"... this "ghost month" also happen to be some kind of leap month in the chinese calendar... this leap month happen to be like once in dun noe 30/40 yrs (if i can remember)... HB suggested tat i go for C-sect to aviod the "ghost month" and also dun want son to be a virgo... (no offends to any virgo here)... i really faint big time... lucky, my son only 33wks old then and cannot go for C-sect (must be at least 37wks, i think)... about the lunar "ghost month"- i am not sure of wat's the "pang tang" thing about it... but for virgo- i find them ok leh.. one of my best fren also virgo

wah ur hb really pang tang leh! my ger EDD was in JULY so its like 1 mth b4 the ghost month. but then she came out on 7th july its SQ bonus day lor... so i tell my hb everytime he receives bonus he will remember our daughter's bday n more willing to spend on her bday party n gift hahaha


keke..i believed we did spoke b4 in another forum!

Shld had joined SMH earlier...cuz found it quite confusing at first but now find it actually quite easy to use!
