Any Flying mothers around?

hi Chris,

if u can tahan the pain then dun need to take epidural... they have got "happy gas" hahaha. As for me, i thought i can withstand the pain so didnt opt for epidural. Aiyo... the pain was excruciating!! i think by the time i opt for epidural, my gal head came out liao... hahaa so i paid for the epidural for nothing except the sewing part lah.. at least i couldnt feel a thing during the sewing part. However, my labour lasted only for 30mins.

hello ylc!!! whole labour only 30mins?!!

like admit hospital 2pm then 2.30pm baby in ur arms leow?!?!?

is ur hubby a LSS?? cos i have only heard of one such FSS who managed to give birth within 30mins and she managed to lose all her pregnancy weight within 1-2weeks .... !!! is tat U??

cos i still find it hard to believe .... plus i am absolutely green with jealousy over those weight lost cos i'm struggling like mad to lose weight before my interview ... my bmi not below 22 yet!! i soooooo stressed!!!

for those complaining fat, if ur bmi not above 22 pls dun come and rub it in hor ... i very depress leow
I also managed to lose all my pregnancy weight 1 week after giving birth. I had very bad water retention on my 3rd day after I discharged. Was quite sad cos my legs looked like an elephant. But surprisingly I lost all after 1 week and infact much thinner than my pre weight.

But hor later I put back again la.
who put on a lot of weight after breastfeeding?

i seem to get bad water retention ever since i got my 1st menses after delivery (half a year after bb is born)

now spare tire very gross...thigh got lots of cellulite..buttocks sag/.. can imagine wear kebaya will look pathetic!

anyone tried apple cider vinegar?
<font color="aa00aa">twinklebell28

oic.. thanks for the clarification.. thank goodness the Union helped her if not she is so yuan wang lor.. helping others during guest starring.. so not worth it..</font>
hi jean,

THat FSS not me lah hahaha... i chked myself into the hospital at abt 6am cus spotting then waited for gynae to come to "work" so by then already 8-9plus... then she have to induce labour for me cus i dilate only 1cm... so i watch tv at the labour ward lor. then ard 11plus then pain came... thats the excruciating pain! then 30mins later my ger came out. Epidural also haven even set in. i can feel everything... only when sewing then numb down there... well i prefer that too.. i was so scared abt the sewing part actually!

my weight loss is v slow leh... cus i tbf my ger until now. she refuse to drink fm n only a bit of fresh milk. so i have no choice but to bf her lor... cus of bfing then cannot diet. my fren told me that she stopped bfing then she gained weight cus metabolism slowed down but her appetite still so big! As for me, my weight loss is like 2-3mths then lose 1kg lor... i'm almost back to my pre-preg weight but that stomach like can never disappear! btw my bmi is abt 20.
I don't blame any1 now in the airline for nothing helping others to 'carry' things dw, including LV.

All this was bening taught in basic class, but most of the time we closed an eye. Now action has taken placed. All of us hv open both eyes aridi.

<font color="ff6000">Losing weight blues</font>

Don't worry, Those whom wants to loss weight, you sure can do it. I am 1 eg that only manage to loose weigth to pre-preganancy weight at 1.5yrs later. Don't give up!!

Btw, I am eating ice-cream now...
sungrapes, i will be gg court on mon for e summon of ppo to him. then i will proceed to file separation. he's a jerk seriously... i'm gonna ask for maintenance for bb. aft tat then i get custody of e child i might go back sq, ie if they still want me.
hee so happy i can squeeze into my pre pregnancy jeans, but it used to be loose, now it's like 'sexy' tight keke. my mum kept laughing looking at my tummy ...
i took two cartridge epidural, afterpain sucked badly. was to numb to push. husband was angry w me becos of tat, shows wat kind of person he is...
well, dun let anyone tell u ur such a dramaqueen, lik my husband. ur really entitled to whine for as long as u want. e first month is hell, so pls hav a lot a lot of bedrest, dun let anyone tell u otherwise. ask ur mum to help n be ard. dun trust MILs. they nt UR mum, so get e pics la hor...
=) good luck!
btw, i just asked my friend abt the leave and COF ...

'P' plate cannot change flights. Take leave must let CCE sign first ... meaning permission from CCE ..
<font color="aa00aa">petite

ya me too.. im back to my pre pregnancy weight onli like when my ger was like 1.5yrs oso.. to me.. better late den never!! ha ha ha</font>
weight issues
i lost my pregnancy weight about 6 months or so after birth with an extra 1-2kg to work on... but i had since put back on weight again- 5kg

think i also feel hungry when BF- so keep eating and plus i am a glutton....

losing weight
really can't find the time... tried to do brisk walking with my BB in the stroller- but he cried very loudly.... i really lost all the zest that i once had to upkeep my appearance.

Being an ex-crew
somehow words got around my office that i was an ex-crew... during company functions- ppl from other department actually came to ask if i was a crew before... so paisei- it's like them saying: i can't believe it?? crew looked like this??

then they told me that they think that crew are BIMBO... overheard from someone that one person commented that: if crew can be employed to do wat i am doing, then everyone can be a crew... quite sad to hear that.... seem like the crew image is not so good... i won't tell at my next workplace tat i was an ex-crew. dun want to be discriminated.
ignore them. they are just of bunch of sour grapes. only my true friends are honest with me that they actually envy my job cos my pay is quite decent, get to travel the world (take flights more than take bus), glamourous (tsk tsk perception-perception), overseas shopping is perhaps our only recreation (GUILTY!!) and 21days annual leave.

dun be surprised that all these people who bad-mouthed you had once tried and failed the SQ interview.

although all of us here know that this job is NOT as glamourous as wat outsiders thought, BUT this is unquestionably a perfectly DECENT job. there was never any hanky-panky or 'indecent proposals' ... black-sheeps exists everywhere in all industry .... like we'd discussed before, "does all secretaries sleep with their married boss?" .... PUI!! to all whom think they are so 'higher-class' than others ....

i once had a friend who told me all stewardesses are BITHCHES and if i join them, i'll be one too ... later, when i bumped into her again, she actually asked me if i can help her buy something from victoria secret .... ???????!!!!????? hiazzz ... like that also can ...

btw, gossippy ppl in ur office probably deen know that there are actually alot of crew whom are university graduates ... pardon them them lah
Hi ylc, 30 mins? Thats short compared to all the stories i heard. Ppl always tell me to opt for epidural in the beginning so dun hv to suffer that much.
I'm so bored of staying at hm waiting.....
Thinking of going back flying after birth. Left with 3 yrs to my 10th yr. Hope to find a satisfactory grd job so dun hv to fly. My MIL will take care of bb.

your information very up-to-date leh!! so which class are u joining? have u decided?

wow, one shot so many RMS classes this year, my ex team gals waited quite long for their time

yeah u shld claim all that from him! I dun see whats wrong with us opting for epidural??? what dramaqueen??? aiyo... how i wish God would reverse the roles... let the males give birth without epidural... lets see how they can endure it! If my hb behaves like that i would have the nurse throw him out of the labour ward! Dun need such negativity while i'm giving birth! Thank God, my hb was v supportive, he held onto my hands while i was pushing... n i think i grabbed him so tightly that his wedding ring actually was pressed onto his bones hahaha but he just bit onto the pain while i was screaming my lungs out! hehe

aiyah those pple are just jealous. My batch gal also got the same treatment... and seriously she is not ugly or bimbotic... she is v capable n pretty yet because of some stupid jealousy thingy, she always gets it from her colleagues.

i agree with jean lor, we get to see many parts of the world FOC while they have to fork out $$ to visit only certain countries, they may not even have the spending capabitlies as us so naturally they are filled with jealousy! we can have tea in paris while another week we may be shopping in NYC... i guess this is the kind of life pple likes but its unattainable to them.

i also always get it from others... so short can be air-stewardess meh? but at least i hit the min requirement... i can close compartments hahaha

well bottom line is, dun let their words affect u... if u do, they will be delighted to have crush ur ego n pride!

hehe yeah mils not the same as our own mothers! There is always a difference in treatment! Our own mummies are the BEST!!!!
Hi morraine,
dun mention!
the best thing is she's not even from UNION!
so they told her must join NOW! hehee..

Hi Jeann,
Totally agreed with u!
dunno y ppl always got wrong perception of cabin crew, especially stewardess!

Juz ignore all those sour grapes who are juz having RED eyes & GREEN with envy jealousy!
Hi mommies!
i'm actually organising a Healthy Times BP @ BS (PM me if u dun understand).

10% discount if hit S$100 & above purchases
15% discount if hit S$200 & above purchases
promotion ends 10th September 2007.

Hope can hit the BP price!

hi girls,
i juz recieved email frm sq to go interv on 5th sept.

anybody wanna go back can hurry up gv crew svcs a call on mon, c if can last minute make for it.
it takes skills and smarts 2b an effective BIMBO!! not ev1 can b ok!!

Well,at least bimbos r ur office ppl not! Tatz y they say thgs like tat!!
<font color="0000ff">Woof Woof</font>, 1 ear in, 1 ear out. That is the best solution.

Do let us nod when they are going for holiday. I sure to make their trip very 'enjoyable'

<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, piece of advice, Remember to dress well, comb yr hair or tie up. Put lots of make up till they cannot see yr pimples and eyes bags, etc..

Most important, smile and talk alot.

If you got in, try to go for the Oct class ok?
aiyo sungrapes, u are so funny ... keke ...

i dunno abt the ppl in woof woof's office, but i have met woofwoof before, and yup ... she is prettier than the average ppl u see outside and better figure too ....

keke ... tat day after woofwoof came over to my place, my mom's 1st question was "why she crew, u also crew, she give birth, u also give birth, but she so slim and u are so fat?" ....

*faint* .... woofwoof ... u certainly made me very depressed that day leh .....*sob*
wat they ask har? talk abt wat? so stress 1 meh??
yah, i will put thick makeup, remind them itz hungry ghost festival. muz practise my plastic smile now..long time nv use my plastic face liao.

i cannot go Oct leh! my son turn 1 in Dec. i wanna b ard to plan and celebrate his bday!! im looking 4ward to it so much!

tatz y i say lor, those ppl juz jealous..even if we becm old, we r oso "lao chio bu".
keke lau chio. i agree. i also wanna go back. my dad says seperation will take 1month. then i will apply. my record got alot of mc... wonder if can try... sigh. mon gg court... wanna fastr get tis over n done w. any single flying mums?
chelsea, my ex team LSS was single flying mom lor.

keke sungrapes, when i see u in person i'll come over ask "Excuse me, are u lao chio?" ok
Hi ladies, i'm still flying... just found out i'm preggie last week
think i'll be quitting in oct
currently resting at home for the last few days as i've flu
now they really short of crew.. sb sure get call up so there'll always be demand for flying mothers
jean, thanks for your compliments- i am flattered, your are a good-looker too and i like yr bubbly personality... tell yr mum- thanks for her compliments too...

yes, now i one ear in, 1 ear out... always act blur... pretend cannot hear and act busy

Welcome mona to the thread... take care when flying... ask for help when need to move heavy things...must learn how to "siam"

heard tat the pattern all very "siong" now... check in and out of hotels... those had gone back flying- keep us updated of the developments- how u mummies cope with family...
still in dilemma- to work on ground or to fly... my boyboy is turn 1 soon.
<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes</font>, I guess it depend who is yr interviewer for that day. If they don't like yr face, bo bian.

My GF going for 3rd try, same day as you. She was the 1 that streesed me when I was at the interview with her the last round. I actually went there with 99% sure get in atittude. When
I heard that is her 2nd try and her story, my beachmark dw to 20%. Somemore I did not put 'thick' make up to cover my pimples marks.

She was keep on laughing at me when I always take out the mirrior to check my face.


Those with above above 5yrs of service, still can apply to chg & take leave. But must ask for approval.

You will be treated as taken 2 yrs of no paid leave, so yr apt date still maintain.

As for work positions base on seniority when under prob, and working in Jcl, I am not too sure, cos I did not manage to get anybody to answer that for me.

<font color="aa00aa">Btw, anybody wants to replenish yr nail polishes? There is a BP going on for OPI. Is at US$3.89 per bottle</font>

<font color="0000ff">Woof woof</font>, sure will update you how we are coping when flying. Will check the forum and provide infos...
yah! u juz say loudly lao chio bu. i will sure turn and respond! so long nv put on makeup liao, my makeup all expired alrdy!!

u r making me very stress leh!! y ur GF cant get in?
so abv 5yrs flying can take leave? pro-rated?
wah... lao chio bu!!! hehe

huh? even though i become SAHM i still put on makeup whenever i go out leh... if not like look so pale n not chio liao! hahaha then trying to dress nice nice like last time... if not hb will think i yellow face wife n lose interest... must still look attractive even though SAHM
from wat i know p plate lss n above can change flts...
my gal fren just came back flying n i'll be giving her all my long flights just before i quit
i dunno leh. i just know that her ex left her lots of debts to clear due to credit card issues .... i'm not sure of the whole story. but when i know her, her boy already 10yrs old leow ...

wah, now u stressing us leh ... any idea why they rejected ur friend?
OPs Sorry. I don't mean to stress all of you.

My GF was rejected in the 1st round was due to too quiet. (That round only 4/10 got back to SQ)

<font color="0000ff">Jeannchua</font>, I hear of this story too of this ex Lss. Somemore is my ex team Lss's friend. Not too sure if is the same person.
i just went back offc do clearance haha
then shun pian go talk to e ppl. say i wanna go back. it's all for e $$$! i really hope can. but all fated bah...

went court today. saw my husband. sian...
i understand how u feel..dun sian lah! life goes on, im sure u r better off without him. He will be old and lonely, u will hav ur kid to love u.

last time flying hate to put makeup,clog my pores! so very happy wen i quit and i go makeupless all the time. smtimes, i will dress as sloppy as i can,even go town., till my hb complain y m i wearing his slippers!

hi mona,
congrats! hope u feeling better?

wat time u reach STC? wan hav b'fast there? i pm u my hp k? we buddy system..else boring leh.
hi lao chio,

will PM u my contact too

like u, i'm not into make-up and dressing up too. esp hate painting nails. but that day, dunno why backside itchy, took out my old nail polish and started painting my familiar red ....

guess what?! while waiting for my nails to dry, i received the email for interview
now i kept the painted nails and even went on to paint my toes for "heng-heng" ... hahahaha .....
hahaha .... i would actually prefer to call u lao chio .... so go ahead and change!!!

dun worry, just red nails ... goes well with black dress(can anyone think of a colour more slimming than black??!!)

if i wear blue eyeshadow, u may disown me
<font color="0000ff">Sungrapes & Jeanchua</font>, All the best in yr interview. Remember tp greet the interviewers & introduce yr name. If you are high flyer or GQ, remember to tell them too. It helps!

If you kena the lady, don't panic. Just tell them you are 'Lau chio', not the sweet 18s. Don't expect us to look like them.

Also pls don't tell the interviewers that you want to start class later, or nobody takes care of bb. This will minus points. They want to hear that yr bb will be well taken care when you are away, etc....

<font color="0000ff">Tinklebell28</font>, Any news to sign the contract or make uniforms?

<font color="0000ff">chelseacord</font>, Did you write in yr resignation letter that you will to come back?

<font color="ff6000">Rumours</font>

I heard that next yr no more FMS training.

Yah, I hate painting nails & put on make up. Now I go out, dress like ah soh, carry plastic bags, For all I care cos I a SAHM. But when I go back, I must up keep my image again. Eitherwise pp ask me wat I am working as... Pai sai

My boy & I are dw with Fever. My HB complain never go out also can kena fever. My poor boy, kena from me.
Hi les_petite,
thanks for the answers!
but still need to seek approval quite troublesome le..
but i know mothers got 2wks of UNPAID Child-care Leave!

*haiz* still no news le...think cuz no class so they dun inform???
petite: thanks for all the tips.

hmmm ... high flyers ?!?! what is that?? i once awarded myself with the "swizzle-stick" award
for stirring my team gals to shop shop and shop .... buy buy and buy ..... considered or not har ??
so excited for those who are gg back... good luck to all!!!

btw, when i left, i also heard another tip for interview- for those with spouse / fren who is flying- when they ask you about company stuff- dun say u know e.g. off loading kena caught... these are confidential co info... dun implicate yr fren or spouse tat they are leaking out co info... of course, those company info on the news can lah- e.g. SIA buys stakes into some china airline- show u not bimbo- got read newspaper, OK!!!

like wat petite said, when they drill u abt BB- e.g. child care arrangement, are u close to BB, can bear to leave BB behind when u fly- better standby answer for them and stay compose.
hey there,

any flying mummies on Yasmin(the birth cntrl pill)...

did it make any of u put on weight? and most impt, any acne flare-ups?

I got terrible jawline acne after i got my first menses(6 months after delivery, 2 months after BF)

:-( now no makeup looks gd on me. skin is so rough and spotty.worse still, got spots with pus.damn.

How?? :-(

my record quite bad... 24 d mc. yes i did write in my resignatn i wanna come back... one of e hr man say i can afford to lose more weight!
wa kaoz, i not rubber band leh. now 53kg v gd liaoz. gave birth in april 1st leh...

i really nev read news leh. how man... they ask me who is big big boss of sq i also bu zhi daoz... :p

anyway i only tink i got 50% chance... nt pinning so much hope...
