The NT result is at 2.1mm but the scanning detected baby has AVSD ( heart defect ) which most often occurs in babies with T21
Hence the result 1:4
Harmony test is still a screening test whereas amniocentesis is a diagnostic test.
But the risk factor is doing my head in.
either way, i dont really know if i could cope if the result comes back positive for T21.
I was initially worried about the risk as well. But since my oscar was high risk, doctor told me that the risk of baby having a chromosomal condition is higher than the risk of getting a miscarriage via amnio. That’s what convinced me.
Also, amnio went very smoothly for me. I did it at Kkh as a subsidised patient. I didn’t have any side effects after that and even went out that night.
I’ll keep you in my prayers. Hope that your baby is negative for T21.
I dont have a fixed gynae. Anyway, the doc/gynae that attended me and handed me the result advised me to do the amnio straight, instead of harmony.What does your gynae says? When my risk showed 1:5, my gynae suggested me to go for panorama, and the results came back all ok. I know it's hard not to worry, I burst into years when I saw my results at 1:5 initially. Take one step at a time and go for more tests first.
thank you so much for ur kind prayers. My appt will be on the 16th Apr. I think i’ll just go ahead with amnio. Invasive it may be but the consensus is that if my harmony turns up to be positive i still need to do amnio.
May i ask, did u opt for the Fast Amnio result? Im thinking of opting for that. Waiting for result will make me antsy.
I am 38 years old and this is my 1st is my 13weeks 5 days pregnancy. I just get my FTS result from KK .
NT 2.9mm and T21 is 1:11( adjusted result) . I had also done my harmony test on 8 april but still pending result until now . They told me the harmony result will be out on next week 27 April and on the same day will have appointment with my gynae as well.
I am now very anxious and worried. When hear the result T21 was 1:11 .I was shocked and keep crying. I also not sure NT 2.9mm is consider normal ? The counsellor advise me wait for the harmony result and decide if want to proceed with amnio test ...
I am lost and dont know what I can do now except waiting...
What does your gynae says? When my risk showed 1:5, my gynae suggested me to go for panorama, and the results came back all ok. I know it's hard not to worry, I burst into years when I saw my results at 1:5 initially. Take one step at a time and go for more tests first.
My high risk was due to age and NT result was 3.2mm. Harmony might not be accurate for twins. Might be better to listen to what your gynae advises.Hi may i know what is the factor that causes the ratio of yours to be 1:5. I had a bad Oscar test of 1:8 for my twin 1 as nasal bone is absent and NT of 2.7mm. I am feeling devastated and lost with the result i hope i can find some answers and advice here. My gynae recommended amniocentesis test for accuracy as we are having fraternal twins.
Thank you for your respond. I will just take any test that is encouraged by my gynae.My high risk was due to age and NT result was 3.2mm. Harmony might not be accurate for twins. Might be better to listen to what your gynae advises.