Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

The nuts store in West Coast Plaza, they sell without the shell type right? I don't wanna wrestle with nut cracker and all when I'm in 2ww. Confirmed I'll be going there tmr night.

Rinoa / Bambi:
If you want the brazil nuts, let me know. I can buy and pass to you on Sat.

Ladies, those with KK. Wanna check with you on behalf of 1 of my staff. His wifey going to give birth soon, EDD 1 Feb actually. She has fibriods which the dr knows all the while. At first dr says no danger 'cos baby bigger than fibroid. Now the dr says fibroid blocking passage of baby's path out. So, must C-section. Apparently this dr if do c-section, patient can only choose A or B1 ward. It'll be at least 10 times more expensive than the normal wards. So, they are given the option to let the doctor on duty do the c-section instead. Any comments on KK's drs on duty?? Appreciate your help!!

we used to have this chart with the drs' names also. I can't remember which month was that when it was last put up.
Yes... it's shell-less type.

Oh.. abt doc on duty... depends on ur luck I thk lor. Unless they willing to let u know who's on duty that day now.. then u can go online n check.

But I dun understand wot u mean by the bed being tied to the doc leh.. meaning only A or B1 can choose doc mah?
oh, thanks gals, ya i am at stage 4

Wow, 1 nite 1 day no log in, this thread run into 2 pages of archive! Heehee

I am also with Dr Zou. She is expecting me to call her on mon to report good news. I really scared to let her down a 3rd time.

Yve, mine is Dr Loh, KKIVF
Transferred 3 embies, FET
The brazil nuts i think Taka Nuts n Nibbles no stock! I wanted to get that time around xmas for my 2ww but they say OOS until after CNY
my staff told me the wifey's gynae is of a certain level lah. (dunno what lor. consultant? super consultant? whatsoever..) Then if this same dr do the procedure, ONLY can stay in A or B1 wards. The dr will not do for patients below B1 wards. Like that can understand?

West Coast Plaza de ? Can help me buy 1 pkt if not too heavy for u, qty u decide for me, thks

Abt ur staff wifey, coz i was a previous fibroid patient, its always advisable to remove prior to conceiving coz scared such situation will happen.

It can be life threatening for the baby if C-section is not done by an expert surgeon.

Never trust those on-duty doc, they r full of shit, speaking from personal experience.

I kena 2 ops for nothing coz of those so call "specialist" coz subsidised rate cannot choose doc.

I wanted to save money, but ended up spend more money n go thru unncessary ops.
Yve i also dont understand about bed tied to doctor, heehee but for me as long as can have baby, i think any bed i also willing, heehee

If they're scared of high bills, just cut short the ward duration.

Coz C-sect require at least 4 days ward.
Natural birth just need 2 days ward.

The mummy can always request to cut short the stay if she is fit to go home.

Best is both mother n bb are safe n sound during delivery.
Rinoa, i m such a chicken, walk in and out of toilet want to test but scared, end up just pee away, didnt test

Will you if you are me? I dont know if i superstitious, i feel abit jinxed to test early, scared of seeing the - again.
for his wifey, they no choice lah.. got preg liao then found out got fibroids. For those who pop pop pop one ah.. not like us, so on go and see dr and scan, scan, scan one. I also had op to remove mine.

actually who are these drs on duty ah? They are also specialists as in gynaes? I feel that if there is a need for c-section, all the more should just follow the same gynae lah. But how much they can afford, also not up to me to say. I only can help to ask around for comments about these "drs on duty" at kk.

will get the nuts for u. I'll probably pick everyone up from Lot1 on Sat. U can get in touch, pm or sms Bambi or Haze.

I will test lor, but i also scared i will jinx it.

Coz last time try natural, everytime test liao the next day AF come.

But i still every mth persist to test.

I also the impatient type, dun like suspense, hehe.

I'll meet u all @ the tim sum restaurant 1030am.
Its still ON right?

on-duty docs are usually half-baked docs, especially grave yard shifts docs.

U tell them, only warded max 4 days, wont make much a difference to the bill size. At most few hundred difference.

SF Loh patients can choose B2+ leh or is it they change policy liao?

Better ask them to check properly.
ok then, see u at the restaurant on Sat.
the diff is a LOT. 10 times.. a few hundred dollars compared to a few thousand dollars.

i heard that from one of the nurses when i was warded in KKH, i chose b2 ward then, and was told that my doctor who is a senior consultant will not visit patients in the subsidised wards; onyl those B1 & above will treated personally by him, the subsidised patients thru his team.

true enuff, during my more than 17 days in hopsital for OHSS, he saw me only twice, and that's only when i challenged the team decision about certain procedures.

one of the nurse also said that for delivery to be done by the same doctor, will need to stay in B1 & above wards, but she couldn't cfm if the policy is still standing currently.

from your staff experience, it seems that KKH still have this policy.

from my experience, i feel that the ward doctors esp the night ones are very inexperienced and basically crap, esp if the case is a complicated case.
Cos we' dun hv ur contact.. thk it's better u pm Yve or Bambi.. dun pm me hor.. cos I can't check my webmail til I'm back at home.. and I know this stupid pm, sometimes takes like 16hrs then reach my mailbox!

The timsum is stil on... so it'll be jus 4 of us.

Which gynae at KKH is ur friend's? How come so big shot? Else jus tell that gynae straight u can't afford, ask him to recommend someone who can stay in B2 or below ward lor. If he's a good gynae, he'll recommend someone.

Try Again
I wil nv test HPT.. I can't get over the anxiety... so I'd rather leave it to fate n jus do BT. But KKH BT is very late... so somehow, I thk if I fail, AF might come b4 BT itself lor.

Dun worry... be +ve also, ok? Maybe u'll be 3rd time lucky? Dun make urself go thru it if u dun want to.. HPT test, that's it.

Wot is the grade of ur embbies u put in? And which day transfer was it? Cos KKH do D2 transfer.. I duno for FET, it's which day transfer, stil D2 mah?
it;s not just the board and daily ward fee that is expensive, doctor's fees, use of hospital facilities, consumables are also not subsidised, neither are procedures such as scans and such, therefore, it could add up in a non subsidised ward, however money could be earned back, life cannot.

Thank you for still remembering me and putting me on the Stage 0 List.
Hope everyone's doing great and tomorrow's Friday! Ruru, seems that you are much better now than last week. When's your BT? Baby dusts to you, ya!

Just an update. My AF played hide and seek again. Nov and Dec it's on sleep mode. Went back to see gynae in Jan and was put on utrogestan to induce AF. Today saw some light bleeding.... just hoping I don't need any more medication to induce AF to come.

Have a great weekend real soon, everyone!

I will try my best to login as often as I can, ok? Whenever I am free, I will scan through the archives and just saw you posting a message to me.

Like in the above post. My AF just started today with a bit of blood. Eversince the new year starts, I am getting really tired. Having lots of backache. Yesterday I had a terrible pain in lower abdomen, twisting and turning kind of feeling which I never had before. And as usual big business comes very often nearing AF.

My DH was given Swiss Oats to take to improve his sperm quality. So now, both of us are taking vitamins to build up our body. If I am not mistaken you have switched to KKH, right? I want to make the switch, but DH says try out one more time with current gynae. I am just trying to time my ER and ET in June and hopefully my AF reports on time after this cycle.

You should be starting your 2nd treatment soon, right?
I'm will be on my 1st Lucrin jab this Sat.. now already on BCP.

It's good to take some timeout to 'tao' ur body if u can. But I dun hv the luxury of time lah. I want to strike with IVF b4 I hit 35... which is actually not very far away leh.

Abt ur backache n pain, u went for a scan to check? Cos we r on so much hormone injections, sometimes, it'll cost cysts leh. I always suspect my endo is caused by clomid then.

Good luck to u ok? Do pop in once a while to update us often..
thanks for your reply. I already told him that I didn't get much good comments about the drs on duty. He says the dr is a consultant and the highest level is senior consultant. Dr SF Loh is probably senior consultant level. So, consultant level, patients already cannot choose wards below B1.

I don't know who is the dr. I only know the dr's a female. He told me he can pay lah but if no such complication, the money can be better spent elsewhere. With a kid, the expenses will go up. Then the thing now is, must c-section for the baby to come out. Then must go op another time to remove fibroid leh... So funny one this dr. Cannot do at the same time one leh...

no worries about Rinoa. She will make her way to the restaurant to meet us. Oh, Bambi!! You better pm Rinoa to let her know the reservation made under whose name. Don't forget that none of us met her and she doesn't recognise us as well.
oh... female.. under the O&G dept? Then u go KKH website search, thk can find easily.

Hmm.. I rem I hv an ex-colleague, who removed her cysts at the same time as her C-sec leh... I thk fib shd be the same also rite? Since u said it's blocking the bb's growth, shd be in the womb lor... then C-sec liao, isn't it all open liao?

Dun tell me hv to wait for C-sec wound to heal.. then kana open up again? Aiyoh...

Thk ask ur staff to hv a good talk with their gynae lah. Or.. ask for 2nd option somewhere.
I'm reminding myself lah.. but hv to look up to felixcat as a great example leh.. she's older than us (wun say how old she is lah).. but she can strike in her 1st attempt n also with very healthy BT readings leh!

Somemore also ur gynae.. so u mus hv faith also in him.

Thk we meet u at 9.00am at Lot 1, same place on Sat? We'll sms u aft both of us r there.. then u come out lor.
my staff's case, I don't wanna say much lah. He called me to ask me so I just tried to help as much as I can lor. 'Cos in the end, that one not my baby and I'm not paying so it's difficult for me to comment. Just told him to consider carefully.

My own case, I really don't know what to expect. Like what you said, I've never done SO-IUI before so really very green. Date coming nearer and nearer to start the injections, feels a little scared.

I'll probably go and get the Complan and the nuts tmr. Then bring everything to my mum's place this weekend. Think will get Complan chocolate since strawbearbi says it's not bad. What's good for Ensure brand? I'm going to withdraw Pocari Sweat stocks from the warehouse. You want? I can get for you. Big bottles better or the small 500ml ones better?
U dun buy so much brazil nuts hor.. thk abt 300g shd be enuff. Can ask them to pack in 100g bags.. so u only open one bag at a time.

I find even put in airtight container, aft abt a wk or so.. wil 'lose air' one lor.

Wot time u going ah? If dun hv liao, u sms me hor.. so I dun make a wasted trip. I shd be there at abt 7.30pm.. I'll go my parent's place for dinner 1st then drop by.
wot u mean by withdraw from warehse??

Jus now I go Guardian n NTUC healthcare, cannot find Complan leh. That time I rem I saw b4...

Nvm.. I'll get my own. Maybe u shd wait lah.. abt the isotonic drink. How u know u sure kana OHSS? I know I'll sure kana cos I kana b4.. haha

Dun get too much lah.. rem get only the non-gassy one leh.

I hv pocari sweat powder form.. thk my DH last time duno buy from where.. for his runs one. He also hv other isotonic mix which he say it's the same thing.. so I thk I shd be ok. Thx.

Thk I'm getting sick again.. cough n flu. Sian.. always want to start Lucrin then like that. The last time also.. hv to get well b4 I start stage 2 leh!

Whole office sick again...
Hi Yve,

It is best not to drink the Pocari Sweat cold and I am not sure if can just keep at room temperature if you never finish? So better keep stock the 500ml bottle leh. And since Pocari is abit sweet, it is better to mix with some water to drink.
Hi Mystyy,

Oh, so your final decision now is to try naturally now and if by May don't strike jackpot, then u still go back to Dr Ann Tan for your fresh IVF cycle?
Did a net search on Complan.. found Fairprice online has it.. $2.50 for a 55g single usage pack.

Thk I go ntuc buy.. jus now forget to go ntuc search... thk I drink b4 leh.. sample. Last time when it 1st come out, I rem I was given samples. But can't rem the taste liao.. haha

I was just thinking what happened to you 'cos today you so quiet. Then u wrote already. keke. Pocari sweat tastes quite the same as H2O. U mix h2o with water then drink? I know cannot take cold. Dr Zou keeps reminding us.

I going after my staff knock off work. Depends on what time they finish. If I get there earlier and no more or whatsoever, then I sms you. U know ah.. I scared I kana OHSS and then not prepared u know. I pcos mah..and I don't know if pri, sec or university level pcos. And since I pcos, quite high chance I will kana OHSS to a certain extent.

hey! why u sick again? Don't pass to me ok. kekeke. I drive with windows down.
U worried ah.. then I dun take ur car lor.. nvm.

Cos my colleague who sit behind me sick mah.. I want to siam also cannot leh.. already taking med on my own liao... hope to get better.

I took the flu jab also cannot siam...

Hmm.. I thk if PCOS, likely wil kana OHSS, jus duno serious or not. If jus slightly bloated, ok lah.. jus hope u dun get that 'want to die' feeling.. woah.. that one really.. I keep telling my DH, I want to die leh! haha

Woah.. I getting drowsy from the med liao.. these two days.. slept like a log like that.

Wil go ZzZzzZzz liao.. good nite!

Good nite to u too! I'm secretly.. n silently hopeful for u.
aiyoh.. think the flu jab u took, a bit late liao lah. I take these chinese thing that my mum gave me and my sore throat ok le. Think I drink 1 cup less kopi I will be well. Actually I quite strong lah so not scared you pass to me lah. If you cough too badly then I pass you a mask. keke.

I getting prepared for OHSS 'cos I don't wanna frighten my parents. No one has experienced this before in my house so think they also don't know how to react. Think if my dad were to fetch me to hosp in the middle of the night like your dh did for you, he will also karang gabok.
Hi RuRu,
DOn't think so negative now.. must always think positive.. though I say you but I myself always think negative too... as worry of with high hope.. will disappoint more..
BTW, do you have any special symptons this week? i try not to read into sympton too...btw ladies.. what you gals meant by sore boobs?? I only felt that my nipples abit senstive, abit red recently...boobs also abit senstive... not sure what happen. is that what you gals meant by sore boobs?
I am very worry too... as this coming Sunday is my due date for the menses... very worry and getting stressful as days goes by. :-( I am thinking, if I fail this cycle.. should I continue take the puregon injection to try naturally?? As my 16days will be on Chinese New Year which Dr Foong will not be working from Monday to Wednesday.. so that time he asks me to try naturally after taking the injection.. but I don't wish to waste $$ leh.. if take the injection liao, then should go for the IUI operation mah... headache... gals, can give me advise?? If you will me... what will you do?? Do nothing for this month after menses come or continue injection but do it naturally when ovaluate???

wah.. the thread really running fast... can't finish reading...always cannot catch up with you gals...
Hi Dolphy,
Is your Gynea Selina Chua?? Haha... guess what.. she is my gynea during my pregnancy of my DS... I know her whole head is white... it has been 6years didn't see her.. in fact, most of my collegues gynea who help them gave birth is her too.. she is good but got abit of temper.. one advantage of her is I remember when I take the scanning everytime when I visit her during my pregnancy, she gave us the photo free... no need to pay.. most of the doctor need to pay neh...
but she is still consider very expensive doctor..;-)
Hi TryAgain,
I know your worry of testing... in fact.. I also will not dare to test unless menses pass by after around 10 days.. as last time always test, always disappointed... waste alot of $$ liao.. so nowadays.. I try not to test until 10days after menses but so far no chance to test lah as menses come within 10days.. but this time doing IUI.. I don't think will wait for 10days... if menses didn't come after 5 days.. I will test liao as it should be more accurate since we know when we ovaluate.. scare scare...
Wish Joyy, Ruru and Try again good luck orh...
Ruru, Hazeline, ladies,
How is everyone? After taking Dr. Zou's brewed herbs, my body is darn heaty
Have been having ulcers on and off for 2 weeks, really hate it. I told Dr. Zou that the herbs are really powdery bitter and dun think most people dare to drink. She agreed totally and told me that the herbs she gave me were the worst to drink in her shop! Thankfully I can still stomach them eventually cos I am not afraid of herbs.

Went for accuppuncture last week. didn't know it will take about 45 minutes. My poor gal sat on the bed to wait for me too
Dr Zou is very kind. I told my gal to stop munching on the bread because I was afraid she would dirty the bed. Guess what, Dr Zou took the bread out from my bag out again and told my gal kindly that it was okay and put the bread into her mouth.

Oh ya, I think one lady here mentioned that she broke into rashes after accupuncture? Cannot remember who....hmm.

I broke into bad rashes on body one week after the accup. Never in my life I had rashes and it got so bad that I looked like RUHUA ( the taiwan's comedian). Know why? My lips were swollen like two sauges, at least twice the size! Gosh I got a shock when I faced the mirror! The day before my swollen lips, after drinking the usual soup my mil's prepared, there were suddenly many hundreds of small crystal blisters inside my mouth! It was eased ( 50%) after a few hours.

I never had food allergy before. Suspect it could be due to TCM from her. But I do feel that I can sleep better after the accup.

I hope you will strike, really fervently hope for you.

Oh dear, you got to take care of your health.
Morning ladies!

Maybe I shd go n get that bee herbal drink to cure my sorethroat.. it's turning into a cough liao. But stil not that serious yet *touchwood!* If stil not ok by this wkend, wil go get antibiotics.

Preggie symptoms r similar to AF symptoms too leh.. so dun c too much into anything. Only make ur heart pain only lah. Jus relax n there's hope if ur AF not here, ok?

woah.. how come u sound like u got HFMD?? Seems like an allergy reaction leh... some ppl r allergy to certain herbs n they duno. Do take care too...

rurucat, and try again, good luck for your BT. Hope you will get a wonderfully present just before CNY.

Joanne, nope, it is not me who is seeing Dr Selina Chua. don't be too stressed out. try to stay neutral ya. Just hope AF don't report.

pebbles, your rashes sound bad. did you go back to Dr Zou and ask her about it? maybe after acu n the tcm, your body expelling all the toxics that's why got such reaction?

bambi, thanks for adding me in the list.

haze1ine, try to take more vit c and tons of fruits. it may help.
Thx.. I'm taking Vit C now... hope to recover faster!

I dun quite like Gap.. will giv it a miss.

But BB Gap very cute leh.. hehe
Woah.. jus been givin a lot of stuff to do.. duno if it's a good thing or not. If I thk of it another way, means at least, I'd get to keep my job for a while. But wil be pretty busy leh.. all datelines very tight. *sigh*

Shd count my blessings... count my blessings!

That's why lor.. shd count my blessings now if got things to do instead of complaining got too much to do!

Maybe I shd also be grateful to my colleague who's going on maternity.. cos I'll hv to cover her duties then... at least, I'll hv my job til when she's back in May/Jun.

That's how I c things lor, if things get better, then my job shd be safe. If not.. at least, I can 'tong' til then.

Now.. concentrate on my health n IVF!
