Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi Hazeline,

Ask u hor, that time when u meet Dr Fong for case review, what did u talk about with him har? I never do any Progesterone blood test. So at the end of the meeting with him, were u able to reach any conclusion about what caused the IVF failure? Did he offer to do anything different or just advise u to rest 1 cycle then come back for FET?

Oh, then when you decided to go KKH, u just call the nurse for summary report and she sent to you thr' postal mail lah?
How much $ u spend, all wil seemed worth it if u strike.. but nothing is 100%. Even Dr Loh also hv unsuccessful cases, rem?

I stil thk luck plays a BIG part...
Til now I hvnt get my report leh.. haha I thk they want to charge me lah.. sure wait for me to call up then ask me go down n take. Anyway, Dr Loh let me start fresh cycle liao so I also dun bother abt the report.

Thk my own summary, is good enuff liao! I jus lack my DH's results for that last IVF that's all.

Review ah.. he talk abt how many eggs was retreived, how many fertilised, how many put in.. the grades n all that lor. Then analysis my OHSS n somehow, he conclude that mine is failed implantation or embbies stop growing or nv manage to hatch out.

He said my prog level stil ok.. cos last BT actually went up again to 300.. lining is nv a problem. He said my reaction to puregon is consider quite good n that's why I realised, I actually hv eggs in ALL my 20 follicles retrieved.

He suggest I do FET. I ask him abt my chances... he stil seem to thk I stand a good chance, even with only 3 grade 2 embbies. He keep on saying I too pessimistic, which is not good for any ART... blah blah blah.

I told him abt my timing constrain. He said not to worry abt that, can always manipulate.

But most actually nv go for review. I went cos I want to know wot r my FET chances lor. Stil hv to pay consultation fees leh...
Hi Sam


Hi ladies,

Just came back from kkh with 7 boxes of Puregon,
SF loh prescribed 400ui daily for my long protocol
My E2 level is 100
Womb lining is 4mm.

What were ur readings?

Then go back for scan on the 8th day to determine dosage again.

Can i check how much were ur Puregon dosage previously?


I also doing hatha yoga every thurs leh.

On top of that, I also learning Tai Ji every Tues, which i thnk its more "siong" than Yoga.

Hope u enjoy ur yoga lesson
Hi Bambi,

I called the clinic this morning, a lady pick up, yup my sat accu appt is confirmed.

Thks for ur help.

I realised i dunno ur name, so i just claimed "my fren" helped me booked
Woah.. 400IU.. that's pretty high leh. Mine was 300IU.. already consider high liao.

Ur E2 level is stil pretty high leh.. I can't rem wot was mine.. but I rem I took 3 E2 readings b4 I'm allow to start stage 2! Ur AF here yet?

It's ur 1st IVF rite? Hv u done SO-IUI b4? If so, wot's ur reaction to puregon?

Different clinic, different protocol, different doc, different yr, different outcome!

Super positive this time u'll BFP :D

Btw, I wasn't given any BCP prior to Lucrin, just told to practise safe sex. (which i also didn't obey)

*sigh* if so easy strike no need IVF liao
Hi Strawbearbi,

Usually PCOS ladies are very responsive to Puregon one leh. Then ladies who need high dosage of Puregon almost definitely not PCOS one leh! I think due to don't know what chemical ratio bal. Hee... sorry, half-boiled info.

Wats ur E2 reading before Puregon n the dosage?
Your remember how many days u on Puregon?

Nurse told me E2 less than 180 is responding well to Lucrin can start stage2.

No i dun have PCOS.
Before i start, all fibroids, cyst, endometrosis, surgically removed.


My AF just ended today.
My 1st IVF, SF Loh dun advise SO-IUI, so i din do it.

I always worry i kena OHSS, what diet to prevent other than Egg-whites??
My 1st IVF also nv giv BCP.. but this time Dr Loh insist.

If wot Ruru predicted is true, then u're likely not PCOS.

Keep ur health in tip top condition now.. cos wil affect how well ur body react to puregon hor... jiayou!

Hope to hear good news during ur scan nex wk with many good quality big big follicles!
If u dun hv PCOS, u wun likely to kana OHSS..

Is that the same dosage Dr Loh wrote when he 1st saw u? Cos nurse told me Dr Loh wrote 300IU for me.. but she said wil depend on my BT readings also.

Ur E2 was taken on D2 of ur AF?

Yah understand, that's why we PCOS ppl dosage not so high =p


I cannot remember my E2 level liao. I was on puregon for abt 12 days. But my dosage was between 250-350. Take good care of yourself from now onwards hor. Eat well, rest well =)
I thk there's nothing much we can do abt egg quality... I rem someone else did a research online n found that out... correct me if I'm wrong, ladies.

We r born with wot we hv.. unfortunately.

But most ppl do react well, they can always increase or decrease ur dosage.. so dun worry!
Hi Rinoa,

Don't worry about OHSS lah. If you don't have PCOS, then won't ganna OHSS so easily for sure. There is nothing we can eat/do to improve the follicles quality becos they are already pre-determined. A balanced diet is enough. U can start drinking a cup of Ensure everyday for protein intake.

I happened to find the brazil nuts in NTUC fairprice. Weight ard 454g and cost $5.20 per pkt. Is it cheap. I've checked with Nuts & Nibbles (JP outlet) out of stock for quite sometimes already.

Does it look like this cos haven't seen brazil nuts before.

Hi Haze, in conclusion, the case review abit the useless lah. The doc will just say the obvious right? I remember that time Mystyy failed her 2nd round with Dr Ann Tan, the case review also like quite vague. The gynae just lists down the likely reasons for failure which we also know right?
Hi Moody,

This is brazil nut with shell intact is it? Must buy a nut cracker to crack open? Then must roast 1st then eat?

This one u found seems like it has got shells? Or izzit juz the skin?

The ones we buy is usually without shells, so the color is like peanut color, sometimes with a little brown skin. U can try Cold storage at Taka, I found one which is organic & price cheaper than Nuts & Nibbles.
They wun nv pinpoint a reason one.. even u go online to search.. there's so many possibilities on IVF failure lor.

Thk no harm not going for review.. if u find it diff to face ur gynae, thk better dun go. I went aft almost a mth aft my -ve, so I've already sort of got over it liao.

U buy the one with shell ah? Then u hv to crack it leh..

I know nuts n nibbles, 100g for $5.50. There's one nuts store at West Coast Plaza, 100g for $3.50, that's the cheapest so far.
brazil nut which you have need to crack open and roasted it before you consume... when you roasted make sure your oven is at 170 deg cel, roast for 10 - 15 min see the colour turn brown and let it cool down before you place it in the jar or tupperwear.

So is not the rite one cos with shells. I think have to go West coast plaza to buy (as recommend by haze1ine)cos nearer to my place as I stay in the west. thks gals.


All the best for your BT on sat. BFP BFP BFP...
Not must lah.. PebbleS also nv go for hers.. cos she find no point.

U already bought it liao, dun waste lor.. u try n crack it open.. c how it taste. If it's really a hassle, then go n buy lor.

I never buy my brazil nuts yet but just take photo. Nuts & Nibbles (JP outlets) told me brazil nuts are out of stocks for quite sometimes already...therefore till now I haven't find my brazil nuts..

Ju, you managed to get yours already.. I've started my duphaston to induce my mense. So most probably my mense will come next weekend. I'll be going for my counselling on Jan 16. You went for your counselling already rite, how long does it take.
Oh.. u hvn't buy ah! Tot u bought liao! haha

Then go west coast plaza.. same level as cold storage, thk that row of stalls outside cold storage. It's not nuts n nibbles.. but they sell all sorts of nuts n dried fruits too at a slightly cheaper price.

I'll go get mine b4 cny... oh.. duno they got increase price or not.. cos cny coming liao!
Woah.. urs very long leh..

Mine last time only abt 1 hr.. my DH already backside itchy.. keep telling me enuff.. can go liao or not?

Actually me & my DH not much to talk, the counsellor very professional, can think of many things to talk abt... mabbe she trying to fill her working hours =p
Hi Haze,

My HB just quietly sit there for the 1hr while I ask so many questions. When we go home, I ask him he understands anot, he says agar-agar lah.
wow, all the terms of the medicine is confusing for me. hahah.. probably coz i have not done ivf before.

rinoa, where do u do your yoga? i'm trying very hard to do yoga once a week and swim once a week. but super nua.

yest had discussed with DH. he said to spend a few months with Dr Zou to tiao yang our bodies first and consider IVF a few months later. but first, he thinks we should hear what our gynae has to say after seeing my hsg report. so i think will most prob embark on ivf in june/ jul timing. i think by then, all of you will have graduated to be mummies already. hope you gals will still guide me when i do embark on my ivf journey. :p
haha... but at least u get ur $ worth. I nv go for KKH's counselling again but I thk I paid for $200+ for the whole thing leh. Nurse said i hv to pay even if i opt out of attending it.

Seems that it's more ex than mt e's counselling...

Aiyah.. at least he go rite? But how much they really absorb, I really duno.

My side got secret meeting betwn the big shots again.. they say last time b4 the axing.. also like that. Sian... now all very scared kana call to the room!
counsellor asking me alot of questions and my dh almost crying liao... last stage when ask abt kids starts to cry already.. haiz what a sentimental DH I HAVE

Ur HB can keep quiet for 1 hr very li hai liao! But then again, he looks like he's a quiet man =p What are u doing for the rest of today? Anything interesting?


Don't worry lah, think by then we will still be chit chatting in this thread, graduate or not =)

I cannot live without this thread leh!!

Woah...the counselling too so long. Really salute those counsellor,got so much thing to talk.. By the way, is there any playroom at that counselling place cos might bring my DS along.
y brazil nuts is good for implantation?

today is D2 after FET, already i'm having withdrawal symptoms for missing my daily cuppa kopi, n doing home. I think i'm having on-off slight fever n also headache, probably cos nothing to do at home...n i think I will rest just for another few days then i go back to work le...else I will really get sick.

all the best for your coming BT. Understand what u r going thru, coz that's what i'm going thru also. Good luck to both of us.
I thk better dun bring DS, wil be a bit distracting. It's more betwn u n ur DH.

C if u can find someone to take care of him that day lor.

I'll sure hang around too... I mus say I'm glad I can stil make a lot of friends at this age leh.
Best u rest fully for at least a wk hor.. cos 1st wk more impt.. implantation.. dun get too stressed up with work n also.. u know ur working hrs lah!

I thk u got fever n headache, likely cos u're not used to these hrs.. take care lah. Go thru so much liao.. u sure want to rest well n hope for the best, rite?

Brazil nuts has got selenium.. that is good for implantation. Ensure also hv...

Don't think there's a playroom there. But I saw the counsellors give some toys to some children at the waiting area. Think mabbe will be better not to bring DS?


Yah, at this age, our circle of frens not easy to expand =p And especially we have same objectives/experiences/issues it's so easy to relate to each other! Not to say our family/frens are not as good, but u have to be one of us to understand what we are going thru.
what you said is true.. about the circle of friends. Sometimes even ask my old friend out for movie or coffee also difficult. I guess they are all busy with kids and family.. whereas like us only DH beside us.. and sometimes just two of us when out also boring...

Yes, they jus dun really understand wot I'm going thru.. cos all of them... all married n pop pop pop.. hv kids so easily!
