Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

If that's the case, then better do wot u want in subsidised rates!

Then.. go c Dr Loh when u're ready.

Actually celery juice, got one very 'raw' smell one leh.. I can take the veg but not the juice. haha Mus mix.. else alone, quite diff to swollow!


Yah, get all the subsidised stuff first b4 paying more for consultation =p


I dun even dare to eat the vege, so juice can forget it!! haha
hi ladies,
quite long time nv log in already and the thread is so so so long.. saw that got some new members. ~hi, hi~

jus want to update u ladies. i jus went for my 8th weeks scan this morning and dr confirm is twins. the 3rd one is still there but is very small and not developing. a bit relieved when i heard it but guilty leh at the same cos also my baby mah.. oh, i heard my bbs heartbeat. it's so amazing.. bbs are doing well now and nx scan will be 3 weeks later. went shopping a bit and spent so much.. heart pain.. bbs haven come out already spent so much and those not even bbs things, only mine.

jus saw u asking about me. thks. how r u? everything ok? mus rest more yeah.. all the best.

ruru, joanne, joyy, tryagain,
dun think too much.. positive all the way.. babydust..

how r u doing? my m/s has now gone into a routine. after drinking a cup of milo every morning, wait 10 minutes then puking will start. but luckily not much. then maybe afternoon time once again. haha.. but luckily not much nausea now (keeping my finger crossed). much better..

and ladies who are going through the treatment or going to start treatment, (i can't remember who n who liao, the thread moving too much) but i think is haze, yve and rinoa, "JIA YOU". babydust, babydust.
Congrats on hving twins!! Woah.. u long life leh.. sam asking abt u, u login liao.

Dun worry abt spending for urself.. thk u deserve something aft going thru so much.

Take care hor.. update us often!

Great to hear that the twins are growing well. Did the doctor say what will he do abt the #3?

Spend $ nevermind lah as long as happy can liao rite? =)

My ms also routine lor. Morning & nite confirm will feel nausea lor. Already start to get used to it lor. I think it's best not to "ren" it, juz let it out naturally, then will feel better.
thks, yes lor, after going through all those frightening days, mus at least pampered ourselves a bit.. haha..

thks too, my dr said that the 3rd one will either disappear by itself (meaning absorbed into the body) or will bleed a little. so dr say if bleeding then gotto inform them at once..

and agreed with u, "ren" very terrible one. my stupid hubby dunno go where and heard that mus "ren" so that it won't happened much. i think letting out feels good.. haha..
hi ladies,
visited dr Yap for 2nd HCG jab today. She asked me whether I felt any differently, any breast pain. Well, nil to all, told her I had on-off fever past 2 days. She asked, " felt warm or felt feverish?". I told her, " uhm...warm n feverish.".

hahaha...ehhh...duno lah, my deduction is ...didn't drink coffee, nothing to do, weather hot, withdrawal warm and feverish. Dr Yap asked if I felt more tired, got sleep more? I told her yes, but actually it's coz I got nothing to do, so I slept my time away or I lie on my sofa counting the number of spider webs at sides of the high ceiling, comtemplating how to reach/rid them.

ask u, ur gynae drew out the urine for u after the ET right? did u feel any discomfort there after? For me, few days le, I still feel that sore urgent kinda of feeling (not painful)...hmmm duno how to describe.

...why u opted for injections during the 2ww instead of crinone inserts?

Anyway, today I had 4 sips of coffee...cos Dr Yap said, " I dun see y not?". Moderation is the key. Good, like her.
No leh.. no pain down there aft they draw out urine. Maybe u got slight infection? Burning sensation, is it? Thk maybe UTI... u shd check.

Or.. something stick there.. growing n pressing against ur bladder.. that's why u feel the urge. hehe

Oh.. I ask for jab cos I heard a lot of u said inserts wil hv infection. And I also very prompt to UTI one, so dun want to risk it. My gynae agreed to let me hv jab lor.. initially told me it's 1 jab every 2 days. Then aft that realised it's 1 jab per day!

Good luck!
UTI is hot burning feeling but no pain right?

haha, 'something stick there growing n pressing...', yea yea, the two 'dots' must have grown too fast in this case. hahaha... *kick*

oh ok, coz I was thinking everyday u go jab, will be very tiring, not to mentioned physical pain. I tried the inserts, it's pretty convenient. The inserts shld not be linked to UTI ba, coz different entry? haha...
Cos u hv one blastocyst.. that little rascal shd be growing very fast leh! hehe Maybe even splitting into 2 little terrors!

UTI sometimes wil hv pain.. ur urine is stained?

I know diff entry lah.. but I tried the inserts for 2 days b4 ET also.. I find it pretty gross leh. Plus, I hv to do it myself, position very awkward. Can't imagine how I am going to do it then with my OHSS big tummy!

Nvm lah.. I'll c abt this time.. wot I'll use.

I nv check.. maybe I go back n c.

Duno leh.. cos I kept hving the impression that KKH uses ICSI too. But she told me no.. all via natural, unless cannot, then they wil switch to ICSI. But I said can I request for ICSI? Cos my egg shell is hard one.. thk very diff for my DH's army to penetrade.. and since PCOS, quality not as good, I dun want to let my eggs risk it.

But she said no.. all via natural 1st.. then if stil cannot, then use ICSI. I was thking.. by then.. my low quality eggs.. duno all die liao or not.

But the ladies here told me not to worry, say KKH shd know wot they r doing.. I hope so lor.
Thanks ladies
I havent see red yet, hanging on to dear hope and faith now. This is gonna be the longest weekend since my 2ww started.

Bambi, i so stupid, didnt ask the embryologist. I didnt know she is the one.
Anyway now can only wait.
haha, thanks hor. *cross my fingers*.

orhh reg the UTI...this sensation is same same as the sensation immediately after FET while resting at the day ward. So I thought maybe haven't 'recovered' yet.

My urine not stained, is clear. So far no pain...just sore feeling after urinating, then feel 'urgent'. Maybe is slight UTI?? What is the treatment for UTI? just take anti-biotics ah?

Maybe if tomorrow still not ok, I give dr yap a call. Today I just told her I'm still abit sore, coz I thought was due to the FET.

hmmm...hope's not UTI.
Haze, i understand KKH will see if sperms ok, if ok then they will natural if not ok they wont waste, straightaway ICSI. If your egg case is hard, they can laser it thin. I think the embryologist know best. Dont worry ok?

Mariayee, Joyyy, take care!

Bambi, i m your opposite, changed from Dr Loh to Dr Loi cos Dr Loh on leave. Hope Dr Loi brings me the change in fate!
If it's very mild, there's something u can take to relieve the urgency... but hv to ask her if u can take that or not lor. Antibiotics, certain can't be taken if u're preggie leh...

Now in ur ww2, u're considered 'pregnant' liao.

Drink more water! Hope can jus flush the virus out!

Try Again
No red means stil got hope... stay hopeful!!!
oh ok, then I try to drink more water, see will be better not...thks.

Try Again,
good luck!! *baby dust*
Thanks! *catching bbdust!!* Ya, at most try again, heehee.
Nothing new, i just have to keep trying again and again rite? *Sigh*
the bag I bought, I saw only I wanted to buy. A bit steep for a canvas bag but still... me die hard MJ fan lah.

actually I always thought it is not good to buy all these stuff before I confirm preggy. Then my ex colleague told me that I should buy at least a preggy dress and 1 set of baby clothes, booties etc and put in my cupboard. Some old wife's myth lah...then I can get preg wor. Then another colleague told me to wear preggy pjs when sleep then can get preggy wor. But all I also never do lah. Think my problem is more than that.

I know, I know. That's why I ren, never buy.
I bought 2 packets of the Complan chocolate to try. If I like then I can go and buy more. They don't have a box of many sachets. Got to buy 1 by 1. I went to the Living Pharmacy, no have. Guardian Pharmacy also no have. I'll try to find at West Coast Plaza later.
U stil here ah? My DH late.. cos he forget today hv to go my parent's place!! Always like that.. if I nv remind him.. he'll forget everything one lor.. *sigh*

Anyway, that old wife's tale, my friend also told me. She even gave me an old set of her boyboy's bb clothes.. ask me to keep together with my clothes.. *sigh*.. me stil like that leh.

Anyway... DH here liao. Chat again tonite!
hi Ruru,

yes. now trying to get my cycle back to normal and trying on my own. If no news by April or May will start on 2nd fresh cycle.

Good luck ok! Still got hope when AF not here yet!


If u prone to UTI, can try to take a bit of cranberries, maybe add into your bread/cereal etc. It really helped my colleague. Cranberries are very good at preventing UTI. Not sure if juice also can, u can try lah.


Can try to find from NTUC got sell box of 30 satchets one. They put near the ensure powder one. Have to see carefully. I got soooo many times to find hor, only last month then i see they sell at NTUC lor... =p


I know you very anxious. Will cross my fingers & toes & pray for you. Good luck tomolo on your BT ok? Jia you!!
The nuts store at West Coast Plaza also dun hv brazil nuts leh... seems like whole spore out of stock liao! The lady told me, wil come during CNY time.

U hv spotting when u're on BCP? I realised jus now I hv spotting leh.. and I check the dates, today jus nice D28, my supposed mense.

Thk shd be ok hor.. cos nurse also told me some ppl wil hv spotting.

I'll start my Lucrin 2molo am...

Good luck to u.. rem to sms me if u strike hor!!
If u're buying the juice, buy the one w/o sugar one hor.. it taste very tart.. hv to add water to dilute it. I thk NTUC organic corner or GNC got sell the sugarless one.
Ladies, i tested on HPT le and its a BFN. I just knew it. Everytime test HPT before BT sure jinx and BFN. 3rd BFN already, i am numbed already. Sigh. I just have to try again then.
Try Again
U sure? Maybe it's too early?

U wait.. if AF stil not here, can test again.

Dun giv up ok.. take some time to rest well n 'pu' ur body back. We'll be here for u..

Maybe u check Suntec Carrefour if you pass by? There got sell lots of nuts. I bought from there b4 & it's not bad also.

Tink i didn't have spotting leh. u will have on round of AF during BCP rite? Yeah, start Lucrin tomolo liao!! Good good!! Jia you leh.


Still early to test rite? Today is day what ah? Mabbe HCG levels not high enough yet?
Thanks Haze and Strawbearbi, today is 11dpet or day27 of my whole cycle. I am also hoping its still early but my cycle is 28days so should be able to get some faint line if BFP i was thinking. But not even a ghost line appeared. I just have to wait for AF to come tomorrow.

Then i also want to bu before next try. Problem is i dont know what else to bu already. I have taken chinese medicine, acupuncture even, and eating well so i dont know what else i can do already. Time to crack my brains again.
I c if I hv time to go there or not.

AF suppose to come jus b4 puregon rite? That is on 23 Jan leh.. today only 9 Jan.. a bit early to spot rite?

U stil rem when ur AF came when u start ur puregon?

If no specific problem, maybe all you need to do is to have a good rest?


Yes, AF come then start puregon provided E2 test result is ok. I start puregon abt D18 of lucrin. Think by then is D3 of AF?
Try Again
U did FET this time rite? I can't rem if u told us how many embbies u hv n ur respond to puregon n all...

U dun hv PCOS rite? Wot did Dr Loh said during ur review?
Then now too early rite? By right this BCP shd push back my menses.. maybe it's not working.

I rem Dr Zou also told me, some ppl wil hv spotting... she stil tot I'm ok.. cos I nv spot so far! haha

Nvm, I'll c how 2molo.. maybe call up KKIVF.

BCP should work one. I think it's what Dr Zou says lor, some ppl will get spotting. As long as not AF then should be ok. U will be seeing Dr Zou tomolo rite? Then can shun bian ask her.
hi ladies....not sure whether you all remember me....

I came in during dec to talk about my I proceed to SO-IUI after 2 failed attempts of IUI. I'm going to start injecting myself tomorrow. Can you ladies tell me how to? I shiver and very scared just the thought of injecting myself. Help! Help!
It's only very light spotting.. thk shd be ok lah.

Dun worry, it's very easy. U're using puregon? There shd be an instruction sheet inside the box... read it carefully.

Nurse did teach u how to jab rite?

If not, u let me know again, I'll jus type the instructions down here for u.

It's not painful.. very easy once u get over the fear of jabbing urself. Jiayou hor!

no leh. I just saw my package. The brand is call Gonal/Serono, what is puregon? The brand?

Yah, the nurse taught me....but I was scaredd stiff and refused to look when she injected me.
the nurse/s didn't teach you how to inject? Think you'll have to practice in front of them before you do it on yourself right? A lot of the ladies here are pros but think it's not so easy to teach how to inject over cyberspace.

I went to NTUC. They opened up the box and is selling the Complan by sachets. There is no sale of the entire box. Think if I want the whole box, it'll be $2.50 X 30 sachets for the price. Isn't that expensive? Then I went to the Living Pharmacy, think under NTUC have. Guardian Pharmacy also no have. Just now I went to look for the brazil nuts, ok, no have. So went to Living Pharmacy and ask again about the Complan. They say discontinued?!?! The guy there says maybe can get from Polyclinics. (??) I don't know.. give up!!

u starting liao. Excited or not?
very soon my turn liao.
Hazeline, no i dont think i shared about my stimulation process and result.

I responded ok to puregon, had 15 eggs and 8 embryos. Ya this time is FET, transferred the 4th and 5th embryos. I still have 6th, 7th and 8th embryos at KKH. Hb's spermies are not great but i beleiev they would have chosen the best ones for ICSI already so maybe our problem is egg quality or chromosome mismatch. Dr Loh said this round, i fared better then the 1st round thats all. I think he also dont have an answer whether is it chromosome mismatch. I will have to drill him during next review.

Never mind, i will just have to try again, cos ivf is better try when we are younger right? If delay and wait, age will just deteriote and not help the condition right? I just have to crack my brains now how to improve next try whether even need to change doctor.
What u said is front of the nurse, I will jab the first jab in by myself. If not, I don't think I will learn.
It's the same... jus diff brand.

U know how to insert the cartridge rite? And the needle? Rem to clean everything with swap.. then jus rotate the Dosage Knob to ur required dosage slowly, in case u overshot.

Then hold the pen like u're jabbing urself, with ur thumb on top of the Dosage Knob, dun block the rotation, else it can't turn lor.

Wipe the spot u want to jab with swap. The spot shd be 2 fingers spacing away from ur belly button, pinch some fats, hold the pen 90 degrees to ur body, and slowly, insert the needle in.

Then press the Knob.. u'll hear clicking sound.. make sure the Dosage Knob return back to '0'.. then count from 1-10, remove the needle, press with swap again.. viola! U're done, brave gal!

Unscrew the needle n discard it properly. Leave the cartridge inside the pen. Cap it back... put the pen back in the box n in ur fridge. Repeat as required, in the opp side nex time.
Try Again
hmm.. u seem to hv a reasonable no of eggs leh.. for someone with no PCOS. It's a good no. liao.

U know the grading of ur embbies? Maybe u can ask Dr Loh in details, like how many cells, if it's fragmented, whether ur egg shells are hard n assisted hatching was done etc.

U hv no spotting or cramps thruout rite? Hmm..

Discontinued?? haha

I duno excited or not.. maybe too excited that's why today spot liao! haha

Yes.. better to do it urself in front of the nurse. Then u get a feel of it, else go back, do urself, u wil panic n freak out. They wil let u practise on the squeeze ball 1st. haha
Haze, Thanks so much! You really pro and said exactly like what the nurse said. But I don't know how am I going to do it tomorrow on myself. It is just so scary. You gals are really brave! I really admired everyone of you.

By the way, I left the pen and needle all inside the fridge. Is the needle ok inside the fridge or have to take it out?
If u overshot n turn the Dosage Knob too much, dun worry. Jus turn it all the way.. it wil detach itself. Then jus repeat all again.

When in doubt, call ur clinic! Or else, jus go down to ur gynae's n this time, make sure u do it urself in front of the nurse.

Jiayou hor!
No problem.. can keep all inside. Jus pls dun put inside freezer hor! :p

I did 2 SO-IUI n 1 IVF b4.. shd know liao lah. hehe

I hope this wil be the last time I'll be using this pen lor...
haze, think tmr I will die die learn to inject myself coz I'm too lazy to make a trip to my gynae or pay extra to GP just for injection. I rather save the money.

I hope it will be the last time both of us use this pen! I don't wish to use it again.

Jia you and thanks!
I don't know if spotting when on bcp is normal or not. Those family planning one also take bcp what right. Definitely no spotting at that time one meh? When taking bcp, AF also will come right? No meh? Maybe you call the ART centre tmr to check.

The brazil nuts, someone was saying the store outside Taka also OOS liao. I know an organic shop at West Coast has it. But think the $3.50 one at West Coast Plaza is still the cheapest. Later I try the Complan. Tell u tmr if it is nice or not.

Hazeline, during the fresh cycle, he did tell me my embryos were grade 4 and then the rest 3, for KKH grade 5 is the best. He didnt explain the rest to me. I see my embryo pictures, they were 4 cells. I asked for assisted hatching but the embryologist say no need. Hope next review, Dr Loh can have some ideas what to do next.

I am abit scared he wont want to see me already. I spent 3 cycles with him but all not good results, maybe he will give up on me. Same for Dr Zou, i feel ashamed to see her, have been seeing her since last year and yet no success, maybe she will give up on me too.

I still have 3 embryos for FET but i am comtemplating just go on to another fresh cycle then have more eggs to choose from for next ET. Otherwise i either transfer all 3 or 2 again and freeze the odd 1. What will you choose if you were me - just wipe out the balance 3 for FET or do another fresh cycle to have more embryos to choose from and ET? Rest of ladies here, any views too?
