Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

morning ladies!

just did my own Puregon jab w dh help.
My wound bleed abit coz the pen is so difficult to push in.

Any ladies got tips on how to better handle the pen?
U mus push the top with ur thumb.. more strength. Grip the pen with ur fingers with ur thumb on top, like u're 'stabbing' urself, understand?

Maybe u try jab it urself, got better control. Ur DH jab for u, he duno how u felt, he also scared lor, that's wot I thk.

The needle is very fine leh.. same as Lucrin. Shd be quite easy to push in.. thk u hv to get use to it. But I also find for puregon jab, wil bleed a little bit, but it's ok one.

U scared of pain, can numb the area with ice 1st.. b4 ur jab.

Jiayou hor!
haha.. my emotions goes up n down.. now dun want to thk too much. Jus be contented with wot I hv and doing wot I intend to do. I worry too much at times.

Today might be difficult for u... so try n distract urself by doing other stuff, ok?

Be silently hopeful...
let's talk about other stuff.
u know your cute shoes? Bought from Taiwan right? Can't find in S'pore, really no have? They're so cute. Is it Marc Jacobs?

u ordering from US eh ? I'm not into GAP, but I'm getting from VS. Maybe can combine shipping


If possible start taking those kind of concentrated bird nest, 1 spoonful per day.

My immune system was very bad 3yrs back, since young, once a yr sure catch cough Fever , flu from pple ard me.

Since i've been regularly taking bird nest (concentrated types, too lazy to cook myself) i never fall sick again nor catch the bug.

Budget per mth is about $100 - $200.

Now is the best timing to invest for a better health since doing IVF, immune system sure kena affected easily.

Recently, my bro was coughing for 3 mths (he is a doc also cannot cure himself *sigh* )

After I pass him 1 small bottle to eat, he recovered within days.

He insist it was bcoz he shld recover naturally after so many mths. But i think otherwise lar.

Coz every yr he sure kena cough 2 to 3x n spread to family members.

Bird nest is proven to build our Immune system and its the only tonic that is neutral (non heaty nor cooling)
U're into shoes ah? There's a shop at Parco Bugis.. sell quite nice shoes leh.. maybe can go on Sat.

I want to find a pair of black shoes.. but always end up buying something else n nv buy that black shoes I had wanted to buy!

Oh.. u going West Coast Plaza today rite? There's a Jap ice-cream dessert store upstairs... very pretty ice-cream leh. But thk now we can't eat lah.. they hv hot desserts too.

I jab by myself tdy, dh only help me prepare the pen.

Coz yesterday demo, he jab for me, nurse even praise him very steady n fast learner.

KNS, i bleed after the jab lor, have to request for a plaster to stop the bleeding.

I scold my dh for using so much strength to push the knob.

Tdy i do myself also bleed but abit, so paisey i scold him yesterday :p

I used to think its like agar agar,
but i'm a convert now, not that it helps my skin (still got so much pimples)

But for immune system its the best natural available.

I seldom take panadol or western drugs now.
They r just preventing, painkillers, but never cure.

Thats y my bro can cough for mths n not cured.
haha.. nvm lah. Like I said, he can't gauge cos he can't feel wot u feel mah. So it's better we do it ourselves.

Anyway, he's there to giv u moral support... so very good liao.

But I'll chase my DH away if he sit there n look at me jab. I get more stress! So I rather he jus leave me alone, I do my jab in peace.

However, he'll help me extract for Lucrin. Cos I duno how to do that, I find it very troublesome to remove the bubble n all. So he'll prepare it n I jus jab myself aft that.

At least let him do something.. else he thk so easy, rite? hehe
yes, I'm into shoes. And bags. And clothes. And what else? kekeke.

what is the shop at Parco Bugis called, you know?

Yah, talk to us here n u will be distracted. =)


Yes will be ordering from US. I dun mind share shipping. U can pm me lah. We take it offline easier.
Hi Yve,

Yes, my mouse shoes are from Marc Jacobs. Singapore also have, Peddlars at Ngee Ann City but since only limited stock, everytime don't have my size by the time I go.

I saw an imitation at Taka Shoes department, looks exactly alike except mine is flats, the copycat has slight heels. The Taka pair is retailing at $89.90. U and Haze go buy 1 pair black, 1 pair white, then voila, got 1 pair of b&w shoes like me!
haha.. hv to make sure me & Yve same shoe size mah.. else how??

I cant rem wot it's called.. nv take note. But it's not the usual shoe chainstore like C&K or Prettyfit.
famous mousy shoes from MJ. So cute!! I'm also a MJ fan but didn't see any shoes in the small outlet at Isetan. Went to the Taka one also no have. So it's at On Peddar is it? Hmm...maybe they will have my size 'cos I got giant feet.
oh yah hor..if we not same size also cannot. I didn't think of that. I'm so dumb. My feet definitely bigger than yours lah.
I wear size 6 or 37.. but depends on cutting too.

But I hv very skinny feet so some shoes, doesn't look good on me, I dun 'fill up'! haha

so into shopping, u shld get direct from US mah.

Local boutiques sooooo ex

I always import from USA after window-shopping

Still waiting for my jessica simpson & Guess heels to be shipped to me via vpost.

I wanted to wear during CNY, but now i think no chance to wear liao since i'll b going for ET 2 weeks' time.
Hi Haze,

Yah hor! So funny right! Just assume you two have same size feet!

Hi Yve,

Yes, usually left size 39/40 by the time I go. I managed to buy 1 pair of mousey shoes before eventhough it is high-heel. I can't wear high-heel for long due to my spine but becos same like u, I am a MJ fan, so just buy and keep in shoe cabinet also happy

I am his bag fan also, but prefers his design under LV rather than his own label bag leh. Sometimes I wonder is it he uses up all his creative juice for LV then he like quite half-hearted for his own label design leh.
Hi Yve,

Recently i started window-shopping for diaper bags, siao hor me , haven preggy yet think so far ahead.

Wonder which brand good.

Like now i want to buy VS bras also dilemma, scared i cannot wear my usual size after preggy, waste $.

Shoe size will change also once we preggy n feet getting bloated.
confirmed my feet MUCH bigger than yours.

think I may be able to fit into 39/40. It depends on the brand. The current MJs I have are 38.5 so 39/40 shouldn't be a problem. Can always put insoles.

hey! I also think his own line not very attractive. But I wanted a MJ bag so badly, I bought 1 online and I think I used it like once or twice only. The other day the bag I brought to the lunch, also MJ. That one I bought from Isetan's MJ. Ok set, I'm going to OnPeddar this weekend.
I like Kate Spade's diaper bags. I almost wanted to buy. But I stopped myself. Somehow I feel it's taboo. So, I tell myself that KS will not run away. If I do get preg, KS will probably have new and nicer designs then.

I just PM you with Yve/Haze/mine contact numbers. Hope it'll arrive your mailbox soon 8:)

For Puregon, you need not push it in at all. Let it stand 90 degree perpendicular & with the weight will just sink in naturally into your pinched tummy ( I have alot of soft tummy fat, not sure about yours 8:p ). After click click, count 10-15 before you draw it out. I seldom have bleeding from it, but some yellow marks start to appear here & there at the later stage.
Hi Bambi,

Replied ur PM w my no. le , thks

U did Puregon lying down?
I did it sitting down leh.

Hi Yve,

Yeah i like the black color KS diaper bag too.
My fren was like asking me to buy coz now US got KS clearance offer, selling S$300+

But i also feel taboo.
Wait for new design lor.
Hi Yve,

The bag you have is cute! Remember I commented on it while waiting for the lift? But his lady-like bag series is like hmm.....

Yah, KS tote bag are cute and nice. Yah, I also pantang like u. I last time even more siao, I will buy cute preggie dresses in preparation for my preggie days. Then when I found out abt my infertity condition, I straightaway chunk the 2 dresses in the darkest corner of my wardrobe. I wanted to give away but my friends who are preggie are all quite short and my dresses quite long so not suitable.
hi all, my cycle quite regular so if negative, today or tomorrow i should be getting my AF already. Feeling wet down there now but dont dare to check. Have a feeling, its a goner this time again
Maybe dont even need to test HPT liao.

Haze, to answer your qns: Dr Kelly Loi KKH didnt say the grades, she just say average but managed to survive thaw. It was a day3 transfer i think for my FET.

Ruru, i very jinxed one. Always my cycle buddies will pass and i fail. So now if i am failing, you will pass!
Wish you BFP!!!
I'm under Kelly Loi also. I like her alot, very nice to me for consultation. But I think my problem quite serious, have decided to switch to Dr Loh for a change of hand, hope he'll bring me baby luck 8:)

Same here leh. These 2 years under IVF, my JC friend's wife already suceeded in her IVF & now conceived 2nd one by natural; my Japanese friend conceived twin, my U friend same cycle as me conceived twin, I wonder when is my turn....
Thk u better stop buying stuff like clothes now. Cos if u're preggie, can forget abt wearing them.

Mus tahan..

The danger of shopping online is, u'd end up with certain things that doesn't fit!

Wait til u preggie liao then buy.. tahan! That time u go buy 10 diaper bags in diff colours also nvm!

Complan got come in tin, rite? I rem I c b4 leh..

Oic.. D3 transfer. Guess wot's impt is they survive the thaw n r good enuff for transfer.

As long as AF not here, stil got home ok?

Complan don't come in tin, you can buy the 30 pack box if u wanna buy in bulk. It's still in the per serving packet form.


U decided to switch to SF Loh liao? Hope he brings u bb luck!! =)
No tin mah? I tot I saw leh.. I stil told Yve got! haha She said she can't find in NTUC..

woah.. thk Dr Loh very stress or not.. cos many thk he'll bring us bb luck leh.. including me! hehe

Confirm no have. I asked already haha.

Since Dr Loh got graduates, he also got new patients to offset mah. Think he still got plenty bb luck to spread around =)
she is such a noobie. i was warded overnight for an op tat is not approved by the anethetian due to blood test fail.

she din even know or inform me. even though i double checked e night i was warded

makes my blood boil.
after Dr has left the room after ET, and the embryologist come in to give you the embbie picture, that is the time to ask her about the grade, & clarify any queries about the embbies.
strawbearbi, felixcat,

I starting to have headaches or migraine now... its very common when going into 2nd trimester.. and it gets worse these few days..I really hate the pain so everytime i will pop 2 panadol.. i would suggest when you both starts to have headaches try to eat 1 piece of chocolate and drink celery juice 2 times a week.. it helps bring down blood pressure.. pregnant woman are prone to high blood pressure..
If u want to c him, then better book 1st lor.

woah.. mus hv been not easy for u.

U read the other thread? Also got one lady, put in 2, got triplets.. now delivered liao leh!

I dun like that doc from Clinic D who sign my consent form too.. she kept telling me, ICSI no good, wil damange embbies n hv bb w/defects! But I duno wot's her name.. nv take note.

I keep to my booking for 13 Feb with Clinic D under subsidised rate for now, cos I wanna have some blood test first. Also to get prescription for DH. Then will make next appmt to see Dr Loh, since my next cycle is still many months away.
