Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi Joyy,

Yah, very bored to stay at home right? Thanks for your good wishes. Oh, headache can be caused by progynova leh. That time I took progynova, ganna so many side effects - breakthru' bleeding + 2 attacks of migraine.

Hi Moody,

**wave wave**


I just got hold of 9 cans of Ensure. Mixed flavours.

I never see any Complan brand.

Brazil nuts nice or not?


I do my yoga in Lam Soon CC.
Air-con env, very relax de

But i think i'm going to miss my last 3 sessions

I'll be having fresh ET before CNY.

Dunno can still do Yoga or Tai Ji not?

Better not to do Yoga after ET. If u strike, even if u wanna go for prenatal yoga, need to be after 3 mths.

Not sure abt Tai Ji though.
9 cans of Ensure ? I bought 2 cans before ER & there's still 1.25 cans left... I take about 3 spoonful each day only, maybe you wanna drink more... but you've bought quite alot leh 8:)

I bought a few packs of Brazil nut + some mixed nuts such as almond/cashew/pistachios for variety of taste. I munch my most favorite nut as the last, so that fragrance remains in the mouth 8:)
Hi rinoa,

Dr Loh, same as yours rite. So fast, you will be doing your fresh ET. All the best to you. Me still waiting for my mense to come in order to start....
I stil hv my yucky strawberry... haha Not sure if I'm going to try chocolate or not.

That time, I'm jus drinking my Anlene only.. cos for protein, Anlene has more than Ensure. But Ensure has selenium which Anlene doesn't.
Hi Rinoa,

The small can you buy is the pre-mix Ensure leh! It is for patients who cannot swallow food and the liquid protein will be pump to intestines directly. This pre-mix can also super-sweet leh!

U must go to NTUC or Cold Storage to buy, it is one big tin in powder form.
yeah share the same sentiments, thats y decided now i have this new circle of frens, so excited!!

I got 2 best frens:

No. 1: busy with her newborn boy

No. 2: she tell me her twin gals attending kindergarden today, she got to rush back during lunch break.

i think the ensure liquid can is nicer than powder form...
i still have 5 can in the office. which i took every morning with cereal for breakfast. heheheee.. Quiet cheap $1.89 per can at pharmacy near my place. So I bought 10 cans.. now left with 5 cans. 1 day 1/2 can drink

If u drinking Ensure for selenium, then I suggest u try Complan. Coz the selenium content is higher than Ensure. U can go Guardian Pharmacy buy 1 packet to try if u like it or not. I like the Choc one. Taste much better than Ensure!
I was hesitating if to get the strawberry favor, cos' there's a free bag given for strawberry favor, & nothing for vanilla. Then I remembered your post about yucky hot strawberry shake, & decided on vanilla.

Actually vanilla also have very artificial fragrance, but I've already downed those yucky TCM medicine for TTC. So I don't care anymore :p
No harm drinking Ensure at anytime.. most start aft ER cos scared of OHSS. If u dun hv OHSS, maybe can even skip it!

Rem use cold water hor.. meaning room temp water as instructed. Previously, we were all using hot water.. n u know wot's the taste of hot strawberry milk shake? Aiyoh.. taste so strange leh!
Maybe I try Complan...

If u want to try, I can let u try the hot strawberry milkshake.. hehe

Ruru said the Ensure choco is ok leh. I thk stil better to try urself n c which one u like.

I rem someone posted, strawberry flavour very nice. So I go buy.. who knows.. I dun like! haha
i bought 10 can liao... but quite nice leh.. drink and eat with cereals.
yesh i have read it, its for oral and tube feeding...
no wonder the cashier girl look at me like one kind when i bought 10 cans
you really don't want strawberry already, then I'll take over yours lah 8:) You wanna try the vanilla favour ? In exchange, can give you my pack of Brazil Nut which is still intact, not yet open 8:)

if yours is liquid can, and Ju can finish 1 can in 2 days then your 10 cans can last you for 20 days... then just keep it lor 8:) The powder can can be found at Lot1 Unity pharmacy on B1, next to NTUC 8:)

hahaha, better than me now stuck w 9 pre-mixed cans
and i actually paid $2.10 per can leh.

More ex than what Ju paid.

everyone already start drinking ensure..I think I must go buy some already..


yap,let's jiayou together. Hope that Dr Loh will bring us bb luck.
complan or ensure is taken during when? i super blur liao.. i have been taking protein powder bought from amway for a couple of years already but that's coz it helps in my stomach coz i always get indigestion or gastric. i take that with honey. the honey masks the yucky powder taste.

ya, can totally relate about not being able to tell frens about TTC. told a few frens and they juz keep telling me to relax. sometimes, i also paisai to tell them too much coz most of my frens r single and still looking for ideal partner. to them, they think that i should be contented that i alr got a DH.
1 trip to Takashimaya, I got Brazil Nuts + mixed nuts from Cold Storage. There are small small stores outside Cold Storage, and next to the stall for Bengawan Solo is the stall for Nuts & Nibbles. I purchased 1 pack of Brazil Nuts to try, but this pack I havn't open, dunno what is the taste lor.
i just opened 1 can of vanilla.

Super sweet. So i mixed w watern it actualy taste good !

If Complan taste better like what Strawbearbi said , then i must go buy Complan brand also.
that's why i take it with cereals.. with is normal cornflakes.. so not so sweet... or sometime cheat abit add hot water with oats or nestum..
Rinoa, Moody, Dolphy, Purplelace,
also try to make chicken essence. You can see alot of postings about it in this thread from Dec'08 - Jan'09.

Thks for the tip leh.
Brand's chicken essence also can?

I plan to buy next few days, i too lazy to cook hehe.

Already ordered Tingkat to settle for next 2 weeks' dinner.
I'm not sure about off the shelf chicken essence, cos' I seldom drink it. But the double boiled chicken essence really keep me very warm. Very sweet & natural taste, like chicken soup 8:)
bambi, thanks for the tip. i was reading some of the previous posts. keke..

i know about the chicken essence thingy coz my dad used to make for me. but instead of using double boiler, he use pressure cooker to do double boiling instead. shorter time and can 'extract' more essence. i find that it helps me to 'ti shen' and also helps to ease my AF cramps. oh, i find that black chicken gives more 'thicker' taste as compared to kampung chicken.
the tip comes from FelixCat 8:) I wish I could learn it earlier for my December cycle, but I'll put it to good use for my Apr/May cycle instead 8:)
I can't cook also, and only stewed the chicken twice.

I bought the kampong chicken with black leg from Sheng Siong. There are 2 helpers at the seafood section who will help to process the fishes, frogs & whatever people purchase at the wet section. So I paid & brought to the helper to chop into small pieces, to throw away the head & black feet. It was ugly sight, dirty & smelly, but just tolerate abit...

Back home I just change the plastic bag into zip-lock bag, keep inside the tupperware & into the fridge. On the day of cooking, then I take out to wash abit, then throw all into the double boiler already.
Hi Juliana,

It used to be FelixCat who update our treatment stage. Nevermind, I can do also:

Stage 0 (waiting to start treatment or in rest mode)
1. Juliana
2. Sue
3. Bambi
4. Moody77

Stage 1 (Lucrin/BCP suppression stage)
1. Hazeline
2. Yve (starting puregon soon)
3. Rinoa (starting puregon soon)

Stage 2 (Puregon/Gonal F injection stage)
1. ???

Stage 3 (ER/ET stage)
1. ???

Stage 4 (2ww stage)
1. Joanne - SO-IUI on 29 Dec 08
2. RuRu - ET on 31 Dec 08
3. Joyy - FET on 6 Jan 09
4. Try Again - FET on 29 Dec 08

Graduates: Strawbearbi, FelixCat, Sam, Mariayee

If I miss out anyone, please fill in the blanks yourself ok?
Stage 0 (waiting to start treatment or in rest mode)
1. Juliana
2. Sue
3. Bambi
4. Moody77

Stage 1 (Lucrin/BCP suppression stage)
1. Hazeline (starting Lucrin soon)
2. Yve (starting Lucrin soon)
3. Rinoa (starting puregon soon)

Stage 2 (Puregon/Gonal F injection stage)
1. ???

Stage 3 (ER/ET stage)
1. ???

Stage 4 (2ww stage)
1. Joanne - SO-IUI on 29 Dec 08
2. RuRu - ET on 31 Dec 08
3. Joyy - FET on 6 Jan 09
4. Try Again - FET on 29 Dec 08

Graduates: Strawbearbi, FelixCat, Sam, Mariayee

Paisay.. nv read ur 'fine prints' below.. so I updated myself. hehe
Stage 0 (waiting to start treatment or in rest mode)
1. Juliana
2. Sue
3. Bambi
4. Moody77
5. Mystyy
6. Pebbles

Stage 1 (Lucrin/BCP suppression stage)
1. Hazeline (starting Lucrin soon)
2. Yve (starting Lucrin soon)
3. Rinoa (starting puregon soon)

Stage 2 (Puregon/Gonal F injection stage)
1. ???

Stage 3 (ER/ET stage)
1. ???

Stage 4 (2ww stage)
1. Joanne - SO-IUI on 29 Dec 08
2. RuRu - ET on 31 Dec 08
3. Joyy - FET on 6 Jan 09
4. Try Again - FET on 29 Dec 08
Stage 0 (waiting to start treatment or in rest mode)
1. Juliana
2. Sue - Short protocol Feb 2009
3. Bambi - intention Apr/May 2009
4. Moody77
5. Mystyy
6. Pebbles
7. Ah Kat
8. Purplelace
9. Dolphy

Stage 1 (Lucrin/BCP suppression stage)
1. Hazeline (starting Lucrin soon)
2. Yve (starting Lucrin soon)

Stage 2 (Puregon/Gonal F injection stage)
1. Rinoa (started puregon 8 Jan )

Stage 3 (ER/ET stage)
1. ???

Stage 4 (2ww stage)
1. Joanne - SO-IUI on 29 Dec 08
2. RuRu - ET on 31 Dec 08
3. Joyy - FET on 6 Jan 09
4. Try Again - FET on 29 Dec 08

Graduates: Sam, Strawbearbi, FelixCat, Mariayee
