Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Woah... know ur bbs sex already? That's fast.. u're feeling better now?

So happy for u.. so fast hor... u did ur IVF jus abt a wk aft mine then.

Oh my... u can feel all that ah? Aiyoh.. did u ask the nurse or doc in charge why it is so?

I really hope I dun feel a thing leh.. I wil freak out!

I'm sure u'll hv good enuff follicles for ET!

my mum let me read that article that day... but I was like.. not all ladies as lucky as that one featured lor. They only report those who strike.. nv talk abt those who try n try for so long, but stil nv strike.

Hi Sam,

Woah, now your MIL will treat u like a Queen as you have not 1 but 2 darlings to cont' your HB's surname! Hope your 3rd darling will be a daughter so you can dress her up like a princess!
congrats, congrats! I am truly happy for you.
I also hope that your 3rd darling will be a girl then everything will just be wonderful!

AF come already anot?

thx for everything!
Hi Sam,

Congrats on the 2 boys & I also hope the 3rd will be a dotter. Then you really can close shop liao =p

Hope u are feeling better now.


I didn't feel a thing... think is the effect of the GA on each individual?
hi sam,
Yaya.. By 12th wk if is a boy can roughly see liao.. Mine oso can roughly see that time but urs got so many baby so shd be not easy to see,so is either ur baby very cooperative to show ur doc or ur doc is gd in scanning.if cant really see for 3rd one even scan at that area then maybe is a daughter. Hope ur 3rd one is a galgal then u can hv a 好字 liao..
Btw,whts the size of ur 3baby now?is it all around same size?
Hi riona,
Eys say 3days prior the iui. Dr zou at amk say 5days b4 iui and ivf.anyway, i only got time to do 2times.. Better than nothing ba.. Gd luck to ur et.. Rest well..
Hi all ladies,
A good morning to all. Had sleep well last nite. Am looking 4ward to long holiday next i am not working 4 whole wk.. Yippy.. Hope can rest oso need to go 拜年。
Morning Ladies...

AF stil not here.. not even spotting. I'll go for acu today. I c u at 5.45pm?

U mentioned the 2 wk mc is from ER? Not from ET ah? So the D17 BT.. it's counted from ER also.. or from ET? I'm a bit confused leh.
good morning ladies,

Congratulation on having 2 sons and hope that the last one will be girl then can close shop...

Ur AF still no reports...???

Decided to take leave tomolo or ask DR SF Loh for an MC... so can rest at home... I'm feeling super tired and also headache.. AF not here yet.. no spotting...
Mine not here but no good news one lah.. cos I'm on BCP n do DH also hv to wear cap! haha

But for u, thk u shd test again b4 u go c Dr Loh..
heheheee... i think i will ask Dr SF Loh to scan my lining and also check my do urine test again tomolo..

I think my weight balloon up again!!! tummy bloated leh.. I think i also have PCOS leh... maybe mild one as my weight balloon...
Diet is a constant thing.. esp if u tend to put on weight easily. Guess last year end, u holiday mood, that's why u also nv control liao, rite? hehe Takes a lot of willpower lah.

Did ur gynae said u hv PCOS previously? Tummy wil be slightly bloated b4 AF one lor...
i think i'm holiday mood last year and non-stop eating since new year.. I'm on strict diet now.. only milk and salad at night.. no biscuits, chocolates and sweets.. Lunch eat normal rice meal and breakfast eat cereal with ensure or 2 slice of break with tea tarik...

No my gynea never tell me that i'm PCOS leh..
evening go jogging for 1/2 an hr
ever since i'm on clomid my weight start to grow up...

i shd bring my picture when i'm schooling and married time... very small size.. can use baby tee (for kids age 8 or 9 size tee) now.. using adult size 7 or 8..

really have too lose weight..
I think clomid does make us put on weight. That is exactly how I felt. Think no one will believe that I was 47kg when I got married. So, now my dh always say that he was conned. I kaboom-- put on 10kg after marriage. 1 year 1 kg. Kekeke.

Anyway, if really pcos, my dr says as I grow older, the condition will only get worse and not better. I will gain more weight.
Hi Juliana,

Hope you have a smooth consultation with Dr Loh tomorrow ok? Don't worry, he will fulfill your BB dream very soon!
If she nv say u PCOS, u wun suddenly become PCOS lah. PCOS is not a good thing to hv leh.. very suay one.

Thk everyone either on leave or busy... nothing much to talk abt til our turn lor... akan datang.. u excited or not?

If I go acu today.. means Sat one I'm likely to miss. Hope it comes soon these few days lor. Else I might end up same timing as u again!
Hi ladies,

PCOS ladies' hormones are all haywire one, and sometimes we become insulin resistance and our metabolism slows down becos of that and compounded with our ageing process, gone case already!

Hi Ju,

No lah, PCOS ladies only become bloated after we ganna OHSS leh, if never inject any hormones, we won't get bloated one!

But I think Haze is right, just before AF, we tend to have more water retention problem thus we feel 'bloated'.
I taking 1 day at a time. Not exactly excited. Also don't know why. Like robot, wake up, take bottle out, wait 10 mins, jab. It hasn't really registered in my mind what the jabs are for. I'm just doing 'cos I know I need to do.

If Sat I go alone, also 9am right? Been moving around early so already gotten used to wake up early.

I also don't know if my AF will report zun zun this month or not. Just have to wait and see.
yest.. i was 44kg when i got married and now balloon to 10kg more... haiz


my menses is haywire leh now.. ever since my SO-IUI.. i dun understand my body...
So wil we all become fat old lady when we get old? Aiyoh...

Stil got bambi mah... yes.. Sat we book 9am. But for Feb, we nv book leh.. thk today wil go n confirm Feb one.. at least til mid Feb. Jus book 1st.. cos hvnt' start stage 2, a bit diff to predict when wil be ER/ET.

Good also lah.. blur blur do.. blur blur strike! No worries!

I thk I also abit sian.. duno wot to expect n also a bit no feeling. Jus hope my AF come b4 my BT this Fri.. else might hv to redo BT again cos E2 level might not be low enuff. Then somemore kana CNY holidays.. duno KKH stil got do BT or not.
U're taking clomid rite? Or nv take liao? Cos clomid make my menses go siao last time leh. That's why I dun react well to clomid...
hi juliana,
When ur menses come and when suppose to due? Always very accurate? Ya,u better do a test b4 any treatment. Sometime it will become bfp after another few days. Hope to c ur code word 2moro. Gd luck..
remember before so-iui, i was on clomid for 4 cycles and another cycle on clomid + metformin.

My menstration was on the dot during clomid... and after during so-iui, i was put on clomid + puregon.. this is when my cycle haywire...
one week after so-iui, my AF report... that was 26 October than no menses on Nov, i think then december it was 13th.. then january missing in action..

I just hate my body reaction leh... my DH told me to lose weight and see if it was really my weight gain causing it to haywire...
Haze1ine, Rurucat, Strawbearbi, Yve, Juliana

Ya ... Hope the 3rd one girl!! Arghh.. I wanna close shop liao ar...If boy i dillema already...


Actually from my 8th week scan, my gynae already say my scanning all very clear.. So yesterday can see the little birdie..haha..Did the NT test for all 3 also only 1 the smallest one has a thicker NT scared twin twin transfusion than i will be in trouble... so praying hard they be fine...

Time really flies .... You Jia you Jia you k... Hope i can spread my bb dusts and determination to all of you here...

When i heard my triplets are dizygotic and high risk pregnancy .. i already half hearted.. even at one point of time i hope one of them will stop heart beat but it turned out all of them catch up in size and doing well... Seeing them moving ard during scanning makes my tears roll down my cheeks... therefore i tell myself i cannot be so selfish and i have to hang on.. so mummies to be please be strong too...

When my DH call my MIL to inform her say im confirm having 2 sons.. she still say cannot be fingers meh... Anyway i already "Kan Kai" already la... Still to her her daughter's son still precious la... Anyway as long as my family dotes on them and looking forward to them i already very glad...Luckily i have a supportive family and of cos my DH .. if not i think i sure kena pre natal blues... No point making myself stress out for them hor..
doesnt' matter if it's all 3 boys.. boys more sticky to mother, u know? So nex time u'll hv 3 very filial sons!

I thk wot's impt is.. all 3 r healthy.

Woah.. SGH got ask u aft they giv birth, be their poster bbs or not? hehe
Hi Sam,

Aiyoh, faint meh. Trust your MIL to think of such a witty retort! Fingers instead of little pee-pee?

Yah, family support and HB's love enough liao lah.
hi sam,

i will b most happy if i am bearing triplets.
why worry about mil stuffs.

we cannot expect to please everyone.

u r blessed already, for having a supportive dh
, family.

stay happy
rest well. Best of Luck for your ET tmr!

as my mum used to tell us when I was a kid, "stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Don't let others get you down! You're doing very well already. Carry on!

picked up the dress le. Bought an extra 1!! keke.
hi sam,
Now u know wht i meant abt see them on monitor will drop ur tears.. So miracle and touchy. Ya,haze is rite. As long as healthy will be great liao. Dont bother too much abt the sex. Ds is indeed very sticky to me than dh. Anyway i think dd shd oso stick to mummy ba? Dont be too stress bec of ur mil. No point and not worth.soon she will know is not more and relax. Am stress again due to doing bloodtest again 2moro morning.. Sigh.. Think i can only relax after see my baby heartbeat on 3rd of feb.. So loonngg..

Yes the 2 weeks MC starts from ER date. D17 also count from ER date.


Good luck on your consultation with Dr Loh tomolo. U can get an mc from him, no problem one.


Don't bother abt what your MIL says. If she dun sayang your triplets, there are plenty of ppl who will sayang them. Your family & DH already will give them a lot of love & concern. Stay positive!!


Good luck for ET tomolo!
U go shopping again ah?

Got news my co wil hv 'paycut' in Mar.. sian.. now office very low morale. They say wil implement forced unpaid leave.

If really so, then I can date u out for tea liao!

Oic.. that means the BT date, quite close to private's lor. Cos private count D14 for BT aft ET. And since private ET is D3.. so add together, also D17 lah!

No wonder a lot of ladies say they want to extend HL til BT...
Ju - same for me - I also put on 10kg during these 3 years! I used to be BIG too..then manged to lost 13kg and maintain at that till I started all these treatment 3 years ago and the weight add on like anything..although I am on 3X a week at least exercise routine...I hate that too...
no lah.. I did not buy any dresses for CNY mah. Bought 1 yesterday. Supposed to buy another 1 today. I only go out on the first 2 days. Then instead of 1, I bought 2 today got 1 extra 1. haha.

I know someone from Mediacorp, they also forced unpaid leave leh. 1 month 2 days. So that means in 1 year, they get paid 1 month less leh.. but look at it this way, better than no job lah.

if you on leave, then come over my place lah. We cook and eat together.
Yahlor.. better than no job at all. *sigh*

Woah.. maybe can learn how to cook from u hor.. so at least if I cannot hv kids, I can cook.. so doesnt sound so bad than the current, cannot hv kids + cannot cook!
Aiyah.. let me grumble a bit lah.. I always thk I'm pretty hopeless..

Oh.. forget one thing.. cannot drive! haha

All the best for your ET tomorrow. Rest well & Jia you!

Haze1ine, Strawbeari, Ju

I finally started my IVF treatment, now on BCP. Next sat 31 Jan, will be my 1st day of Lucin injection. Luckily, I still can start on this cycle cos I read from the other ivf thread that two ladies were asked by kkivf nurse to delay their ivf treatment till next mth due to fully packed schedule.
Ya,agree wht Yve say, dont tok nonsense,all will hv kid soon after all try so hard.hee..
Do u hv backache at the beginning stage? Keep having backache when only stand awhile and tummy still small. My dh say maybe old liao.keke..cant imagine when at 8th mth neh.. Felix and sam,how abt u?

haze1ine, Yve

Thanks. Hopefully our journey will be smooth and all our dreams will come true soon....let's jiayou together.
