Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

okie.. wil shut up.

Now everyone in office is planning wot to do during our 'unpaid' leave...

Hey, ytday I use hot towel my blueblack.. today lagi black! haha

ur blueblack how big?
mine was HUGE. It took quite a while to go away. Black already will turn purple then turn green, turn to yellow then ok liao.
Pay freeze better than paycut rite? At least stil hv same amt...

My blue black ah.. abt 50cent coin.. but the shape very out of shape.. like spread. Now quite purple.. haha B4 the hot towel, a bit greenish black.

My leg one I nv do anything to it.. almost fade liao but also take a very long time.
Haz1ine - me like that lor - counting down to holiday and doing nothing now till after Perth trip. Some days I like u all...full of hope...some days I like u...tink very negative.. I think we all have our fair share of grumble.
Today me LS - 7th time already...can't wait for 5.30pm to go home and rest. Hand Leg Cold man.
ah kat
wot u eat.. how come LS so many times?? Do take care hor. Take charcoal pills lor, I find it helps more than 'bao zi yuan'.

Well.. at least u hv ur holiday to look forward to.

Me ah.. I hv my paycut in Mar to 'look' forward to lor! haha

Yeah you are 1 step closer to your dreams! Jia you!


So far so good no backache (touchwood!!) But I have history one so I try to take good care of my back.


It's really already very good that we can still keep our jobs leh. Must count our blessings.


When are u leaving for your europe trip ah?
Hi ladies,

Just came back from a hair cut, since i'll b home bound after tmr ET.

Thks for the well-wishes, will jia you tmr, can't wait

Called up kkhivf to check on my egg fertilisation status, the nurse said no status yet. Can only check w SF loh tmr when i see him.

Heard from some of u, Private clinic will at least call u to update right?


If LS not well by 3rd day, must take anti-biotic from doc. Could b virus infection.

Take care n drink more water to flush out.

u r getting negative again *sigh*

If u thk talking like tat will lessen ur disappointment, it won't.

So dun b so harsh on urself, take a break from ur melancholy.
My guess is, since kkh do D2 transfer, they wil tell u on ET itself.. they dun waste their energy update u lor.
Haze, Yve

Did u ask Dr Zou y she acu will always cause blue black?

hehe, i went b4 many acu sensei, so far only kena blue black from her.
Hi Yve,

Thanks for your support!!!!

Hey, why u only invite Haze to your house to cook and eat har? I may not cook but I got mouth can eat leh! U two ladies cook and I chitchat with you 2 and eat the finished products lah.
Hi Haze,

Confirm your AF coming, that is why suddenly sounds so low and sad. I also sometimes feel like that.

Don't worry, this phase will pass and the clouds will become white and fluffy and the sky will be blue and the birds will sing for you!
hi ladies,

just came back from taiji session.

going to zzz liao.

wanna watch obama inauguration, but thk better not.

gotta wake up early go si ma lu te,ple bai bai for smooth ET.

hi ju,

yep meeting sf loh tmr @9am for ET.
Haze & Yve & Ruru,

Count me in!! I also wanna try Yve's cooking =)


U never answer me leh. When u going for your Europe trip ah? next week?
Morning Ladies!
haha.. cos I wil hv 3 extra days of idling from Mar mah.. duno wot to do. Yve has kindly offered to teach me how to cook.. thk likely I'll end up jus watch her n be like u... jus go there n eat!

Anyway, I'll be free to meetup anyone who can afford the time off to meet me! So no problem...

Stil no sign as of today leh... AF want to play hide n seek with me. It's always like that lah.. when u want it to come, it'll purposely not.

Woah.. u taiji til so late. My mum is a taiji instructor.. but I'm nv keen in the sport.

Good luck to u today... I'm trying to make it a point to come out from ET nex time with a big smile on my face. The previous time, I was feeling so miserable. Thk it's not good also lor...

If u want to come n join us.. I thk Yve is more than willing to welcome u too! Jus hope that her laoye wun suddenly turn up n black face upon seeing us all messing up his kitchen! haha

good luck for yr et today!


i hv some backaches on/off.


the scan yesterday was fine. bb is growing well n is now 19mm. can sort of see the head n leg. doc said must use some imgaination.


don't worry lah. af will come. i was also like that remember? the more i want it to come, the more it doesn't come. hv to phsycho yourself that it's coming today!


don't miss me out on yr cooking cum makan session hor. i remembered when i was taking jap lessions, they had those cultural events n one of them was cooking. the teacher cooked sukiyaki n made sushi, it was really fun n yummy!


congrats on the 2 boys. i also hope the 3rd is a girl. that'll be great! ignore yr mil, she's really one kind. you can use her as a fan3 mian4 jiao4 cai2 n don't be like her when you become a mil.

at least you still hv a job. i will most likely stay till feb i think. actually i was wondering if they'll compensate for the maternity leave or not. out of goodwill maybe? fat hope hor?
u are welcome! Just that Haze stays quite near to me. Our place here quite ulu. kekeke. My place also not near to mrt, must walk.

my laoye doesn't bother 'cos he doesn't clean the house, remember? He just told me he going for biz trip on 1st week of Feb. (mid Feb he confirm going liao so this is "extra"?!?) And, on 2nd day of CNY, I know he's got to work from evening lah. So thought he can go bai nian at my old granny's place before that. Then he says he wants to go play golf!! I say NO!!

Told him the relatives won't talk about him but they will probably say I don't know how to "teach" my husband manners!!
hi haze, felixcat,

had a smooth ET tdy.
mine was done in OT.
n no one queue behind me for OT so i get to rest longer.

from start till end, staff nurse angeline was entertaining me w her drama delivery stories.

transferred 2 beautiful embies.
freeze 1.
Yes... shd hv patience. It'll come.. it'll come!

Wil u be over ur 3rd mth by Feb? I can't rem the new law abt pregnant women now.. but u're going to resign rite? Not they retrench u rite? Then might not hv maternity leh.. u can keke ask lor.. thick skin a bit! C wot ur boss say.. no harm wot.. rite? :p

So did ur 'imagination' tell u, u can c any 'finger' or not? hehe

U tell ur DH, one yr only once, better go show face. Else ur granny wun rem him liao!

My granny only rem those who visits her frequently.. senile liao mah.. she ends up mixing up ppl's names n calling wrong name all the time. But she stil manage to get mine rite.

You finally comes to the 2WW stage, do rest well during this two weeks. Hope to hear good news from you soon. By the way, what is the grade of your 2 beautiful embies.

nothing much to do liao. hv handed over most of the daily tasks so now very eng. i m still hanging ard as my staff are attending training for their new jobs. if they give me 1 mth notice, that means until end feb lor.

yr laoye can still go play golf after visiting mah. you mean the country clubs are open for biz already on the 2nd day?


all the best for yr 2ww. rest well, especially for the first week.

no lah, i'm not resigning. waiting for them to axe me.
hmm .. will be 3 mths in mid feb. got new law meh?

can see something round n the doc said that's the head. then something like a stick moving in the air, doc said that's the leg. since the bb is only 19mm, that cannot be the 'finger' rite? if not, really out of proportion. haha.
my other ah mah who is senile can remember my face. She knows that we are family but start to stutter when we ask her for our names. Other days I can let him go but we have an agreement before that CNY he must show up no matter what.

Again, he left this morning and was saying that I very good lah. Can go back and sleep lah. They don't do housework so they don't know that laundry alone is sh*tty! I hate doing laundry!

I think country clubs are opened every day leh. Not sure. Although I visit the cc, I only go there to eat so I don't know about the golf. Think can play also lah. He can't go and play after visiting 'cos the timing is not right. He will play either very early or after lunch. If after lunch, he probably won't be in time for work.

If u eng then come in here more often to chit chat with us. These few days all very quiet here.

rest, rest, rest
Oh.. if u waiting for them to chop chop.. then u go c the new ruling. I can't rem if it's 3 mths preggie or 6 mths preggie.. cannot chop leh. If chop, I thk they hv to pay for ur maternity.

U go c MOM website or ecitizen.

Jus ignore him lor.. thk if u ignore him, he more boring! haha

My DH also say I got 3 extra days' 'off' so shiok! I say got paycut leh! He said nvm wot.. stil got job n they giv u off, at least not cut pay n make u work same hrs stil lor.

Come to thk of it, also true. But then.. very heartpain the paycut..

Got part time job to do 3x per mth or not? So I can earn that 15% back? haha

eng at work but not eng with the merlion leh. i was not at work yesterday n logged on in the morning but too sick to sit n type anything. had to keep eating n feel better when i lie down on the bed.

yesterday, dh fried one pot of bee hoon for breakfast n i finished the whole pot by 10.30am. he was so shocked n asked me what's wrong with me, why i'm eating so much. kept repeating that he n ds only ate a little bit n there's a lot in the pot. told him to ask doc what's wrong with me lah but of course he didn't dare. haha.
Hi Felix,

Woah, haven't chit-chat with u for a while. Glad ur darling is doing fine

Oh, so u are leaving the co after all? Hmm...may not be a bad thing lah, just rest until the bb is born then plan your next step. Our life journey is long, so it is ok to take a breather once in a while right ?
hahaha. Ur dh very funny leh. Think ur appetite getting bigger 'cos got to eat for 2 mah. But I very impressed leh. Ur dh fried beehoon for u leh!!

got job u want to do meh? on the road to Motherhood Kingdom only can do desk bound job. Part time for 3 days, difficult to find.
at least u r eating... if u merlion but cant stomach anything, then quite a torture.

U also eat til like that when u hv ur DS then?
thks haze,

the info from mom still states that the employer is to pay for maternity leave if they retrenched you within the last 3 mths of yr pregnancy. that means, after 6 mths. the qualifying period for maternity leave has been reduced from 180 days to 90 days. but think that only means if you've worked for the company for 90 days, you're entitled to maternity leave. it doesn't mention that if you kanna retrenched, then you can still get the maternity leave benefits leh. *sigh*

thks ruru,

yeah lor, long time no talk.
i think it's a good break for me but dh will be more stressed lor. anyway when i was working overseas, he was also not working mah. so now's my turn. haha.

when are you leaving for yr trip? i forgot, is it for 2 or 3 weeks? it can be quite cold now. so better prepare all yr warm clothes. it's best to dress in layers, then can remove when you go indoor. their indoor heater can be quite warm.
going to be lunch time soon.
What are u ladies having for lunch? I eat until dunno what to eat anymore.
Yesterday night listened to Haze and had sup kum mifen. Not too bad. Any suggestions today, Haze?
Very heartpain that 15% mah.. dun thk got ppl want to employ u for only 3 days per mth rite? haha

My ideal job.. ntuc cashier.. now take a change liao. Cos my friend told me, if they nv balance their acct, they wil deduct their pay leh! Cold Storage better, if less than $5, dun hv to deduct! Maybe I go find one that dun deduct one... Sheng Siong??

Heard last time they got big fat bonus one..

dh is the chef at home. i don't cook when he's ard. i'll just place my order.
when we were overseas, he can even make carrot cake (the dim sum type) n roast pork! so i always hv hot food on the table when i come back from work (at that time i.e., now he only cooks when needed).


i hv to force myself to eat lor. once my mouth feels funny, i hv to stuff things inside. ds was different. i could eat normal meals, just merlion afterwards. now, i hv to keep eating even though i don't feel hungry.
Yday I end up hving fried meehoon.. cos zhi char so long queue.

Hmm... I also duno wot to eat. U like crispy noodles? I like that... Or liver meesuay... also very nice...

Beauty World zhichar got 'hong shao toufu' rice... also healthy n nice! Duno ur side zhichar hv or not.. mine side dun hv.
Hi Moody77,

SF loh said 3 good , 2 not so good.
i take it as good means grade 3-4 lor.

But from the embies photo, can see 1 embryo contain 6 cells, another embryo 4 cells.

I think they look beautiful, no fragments

He seemed more disappointed that i have only 3 embies out of 14 eggs.

But ended up hold my hand n console me that i just need 1 to succeed.
Good to hv a DH that cooks.. n is willing to cook for u. Eat outside actually not so healthy.. but we lazy to cook.. only 2 of us leh.. cook hv to wash up n all that, so troublesome!

Does he wash up aft he cooks? If so.. then he really hard to find liao! Almost extinct! haha

got part time. cleaning lady lor. $10 per hour. think that one sure can find. but very tiring leh. n definitely cannot match yr 15%.

yes, you be cashier, i be librarian. haha.
Hi haze,

i was prescribed w 4 pregnyl jabs for prestogen for alternate days.

I was thinking how come not those inserts instead.

U're back...

Well, wot's impt is ur embbies r now inside u.. rem to keep ur spirits up! Stay happy this ww2 n wait for good news.

Rest n eat well ok? Now ur turn to be Queen at home...
