Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

They nv ask u u want inserts or jabs? Oh.. jab on alt days.. means ur lining shd be pretty ok lor.

Any HCG jabs? Or oral med?

woah.. part time maid very pai mia one leh! I do hsewk wil black face one.. dun thk anyone wil want to employ me!

Woah.. librarian. That's my pri sch ambition!

Can't imagine last time I even though of becoming a nurse.. I nv thk abt the needle poking n bloody part of it..

yes, cook + wash ... n pack n vacuum n do laundry.
I think Cashier will add to stress leh. If long queue, or scan wrongly etc. Not good for u. Hahaha. My sup kum mifen was ok yesterday. Today really at a lost. Dunno what to eat. Cook? For 1 person? hahaha.

wah!! From the sound of it, your dh is a great cook leh. Carrot cake!!! How to do?!? Think a lot of work.
Cannot lah.. I hate to mop.. that's my hsewk killer! I get super irritated when I do mopping. So now my Dh a bit auto.. he'll do the mopping. He said he rather not risk my black face.

Cashier jus scan scan mah.. easy leh I thk. Dun hv to thk one. And last time I was a cashier, I'll try n get rid of my coins near the end. So I dun hv to count so many coins when I close acct mah! haha

Hmm.. u know the interchange there? Got one hawker ctr in the middle rite? That side the roasted meat store, the roasted pork quite nice.. long queue at times. Maybe u can try that...
where did u go? I tot u want to chat chat..

Enj ur holiday hor... thk shd be pretty cold leh. Rem to bring all ur moisturisers!

i got the subcut pregnyl for alternate days, i wasn't given the option.

The only oral med is e anti-biotic prescribed from Monday ER.

I can see my womb lining during ET fr ultrasound, looks quite thick leh.

During ET, can see e doc insert the tube into my womb n release e embies together w some fluid, then see embies (white color) floating inside the womb, so amazing.
aiyoh.. cannot wear contacts.. I duno wot I can c leh..
My eyes mus be in front of the monitor then I can c!

Hmm.. maybe u not PCOS, so jus minimum med. Well.. treat urself like u're pregnant now lor. In medical terms, u actually r already.
hi felix,
When is ur next checkup? Got print out photo 4 u this time?
How much when u see him yesterday? Had went there this morning for bloodtest,now waiting for the result anxiously. Glad to know ur baby is doing well..
Hi ladies,

I dunno why today feeling very happy.

So hyper, dh ask me to rest n sleep i also not sleepy.

This morning went Si Ma Lu Guan yin temple to give flowers n pray for smooth ET.

tot will be very quiet, but so early got so many devotees go pray liao.

u will need to check ur name n IC written on the dish containing ur embies,

e embryologist (mine is Dr Bala) will telecast on a small TV.

ET can wear contacts lar, so u can see very clearly.
sure can wear contacts? Cos last time I did mine, wasn't allowed...

Ok.. then I wear contacts.. haha

Cos I rem I keep on saying sorry to my embryologist.. cos I say I can't c her clearly!
sure very happy. If I were u I would be very happy too. Keep it that way yah. Be happy. Think positive thoughts.

u worked as Cashier at which place? I ever saw this Cashier at the supermarket kanna scolded by customer 'cos scanned wrongly. Think when the queue is long the supervisor also give them black face. I'm going to buy food with my mum after acu on Sat. Eve of CNY eve.. queue will be terrible but no choice lah.

Ok, 1 more round of laundry and I'm done. Phew!

tdy SF loh, rushing from this room n that room.

I wonder if he will get confused or not w everyone demanding his attention :p

I din ask SF loh any questions, since e staff nurse Angeline shared many useful info w me while waiting for doc.

Just lie in OT chit chat while waiting.
Hi all,

thanks for concern - me LS 10X liao..and got going home to sleep...tonight got pai mia...
Hi Yve,

I think i'm more optimistic than my doc.
No matter what outcome, life still goes on.
So might as well stay happy.

Hi haze,

Can wear makeup, wear jeweleries for ET.
Got 1 lady before me, even pedi her toes.
I go in First but come out much later than her.

ET in KKH usually conducted in a room.

But seems like tdy no patient doing ER, so OT is open for ET as well.

Good that your ET went smoothly. Now must rest well ok? Wah Dr Loh hold your hand ah, u must be so touched rite? Keep your good spirits up!! It's half the battle won liao =)


I gotta eat tasty stuff so that I won't feel nausea leh. My DH cook the "healthy" food like noodle soup with chicken or fish slices I see liao i wanna puke haha. Must control diet cannot eat so much sinful stuff man!!


Been working late nights.... so tired =( But its going to be over by this week!! So looking forward to next week for a whole week rest =)

i also don't know how he cook one. i just eat. haha. it's not bad, he's quite a good cook. can cook a lot of things, like poh pia, ngoh hiang, chap cai, fried bee hoon, hokkien mee, etc. when we were overseas, we bought a lot of those prima deli's laksa, mee siam, hokkien prawn noodle, etc. he will always add more things then it's really nice. i tried to cook once but doesn't taste like his, he must hv some secret up his sleeves.


no lah. the cook + wash, pack n vacuum n do laundry is referring to dh. he's the one doing all these. haha.

don't think i hv nothing to do hor. i'm in charge of finances n ds. n that includes finding enrichment classes, homework, reading, buying clothes/necessity for ds n any other miscellenous stuff.
hi ahkat,
Better go see doctor.did u take any medicine?
Hi riona,
Wah! Ur et op very fast.. Mus rest well k.. Dont walk ard too much.. Eat ur brazil nut and make some chicken essence if can.. When will be ur bt? So this yr cny,u will spend most of time at hm to rest.. Take care mum to be.. Am happy 4 u.
ah kat,

better go see doctor. cny coming soon. a lot of goodies to eat leh.


same here. i also cannot stand the healthy stuff. i tried to eat fish soup for lunch, left more than half a bowl of rice. think later must go eat something liao. i had beef burger n fries on mon. kept looking at their poster which said 'no frozen meat' n consoling myself that it's at least healthier. haha.


no lah, i didn't ask for photo. yesterday was more ex because i took the progesterone medicine. still hv to jab till 12 weeks. next scan will be in 2 weeks time. i'll hv to do an oscar test in week 12 at thomson. dr foong doesn't use the lab at gleneagles for this test, it's either at thomson medical or nuh.

hope to hear good news for yr bt later!


hope you keep yr spirits up for this 2ww. positive thots always help.
hi felix,
Any reply to my query? So curious。u r so lucky to hv a gd cook at home.. Really extinct liao.
Ya, i get very hungry and tired easily too.. Eat alot.. 5 meals aday and still dont feel very full. Hee.. I dont hv any vomiting yet..maybe is a boy like my ds or havent started yet..keke..
hi felix,
Thk u 4 ur reply. I am too kan cheong.. Keke..
Wht is oscar test for? And i didnt take any prog** medicine. Only dhasphton. Is it no need to start yet? Wht date is ur next appt with dr foong? Ya, i also can only take sinful food like tibits etc.. As this is a chance for us to eat without feeling so remorse.. Very anxious now waiting for dr foong call. Shd be anytime..

oscar test is a screening for down's syndrome. it will acess whether you are at low or high risk.

hmm ... doc said he will prescribe progesterone jab twice a week until 12 weeks. it helps to support the pregnancy. maybe you're not on it because he wants to see how you are doing on yr own without the jab since he's still monitoring you via bt? maybe you can ask him the next time. my next appt is 4th feb.
hi felix,
When did u start doing the p jab? At ww? Also usually this oscar test is test at wht wk of pregnancy? Thk u so much 4 ur advise..

doc said the one i'm going to take is like to old oscar test so i don't know what is the new one called. but it also screens for down's syndrome. mine will be done ard 17th i think. my scan is usually a bit later like my scan yesterday is actually 8 weeks 3 days.

are you still on progesterone jab?
ah kat
U sound serious leh.. do take care hor.

Drink a lot of water..

woah.. cofirm ur DH one of a kind liao! haha

My DH do things hv to c his mood one.. very KNS.

Woah.. buy stuff on Sat. Good luck to u hor! I wil get mine on Fri. Stil got some food stuff for reunions gonna get then.

How come KKH can wear n do anything ah? Hmmm...

Take care too hor... thk now u preggie, even more easily get tired.

Oh.. my AF is finally here! hehe So Fri go BT n scan.. is D3, jus nice. Shd be able to start jab by this wk... thk ER & ET, very likely 1st wk of Feb.

i started the progesterone jab after i tested +ve n saw doctor for consultation, that was week 4 i think. the screening will be done in week 12.
afternoon ladies,
i'm at home... yesh.... just finish laundary, cooking, waiting for the chicken to bake in the oven..
Staying at home seems the time flies so fast.. in the office seems very slow...

wow, a lot of the ladies are going for er / et...

my AF is still playing hide and seek... maybe will let Dr SF Loh to check my lining... will get pregnancy test later and test again....
just a simple baking...
cook rice pilaf, bake chicken & salad.. tats all...

still washing another badge of laundry as I was two bedsheet.. mine & guestroom...

later 4pm going to see DR Loh already....
doing spring cleaning.. since the weather is so nice...

congrats, yr af really come today!
er/et coming soon liao. must remember to maintain yr acu sessions. jia you! jia you!


bake chicken, i like! too bad now i go home want to die like that, must lie down, cannot cook liao. i miss my baked potato n chicken. *sob*
hi ladies,
long time din log in since my bleeding. today jus went for another check up. and currently i m now 10 weeks. everything was good for now (keeping my fingers and toes crossed). bleeding stopped a few days ago. and today's scan soo soo soo amazing. i saw my twins swimming around. hehe.. one waving hand and the other kicking around. very cute.. i am still on inserts now till 13 weeks which will be the oscar test.

just browse through old posts. so,

CONGRATS!! take care and rest well. how's your BT today?

rest well too and keep everything at slow pace this 2ww. all the best and good luck.

haze & yve,
how's the treatment going? all the best too and waiting to hear your good news!!

wah, so fast can know the sex already. hopefully, like what others say, the 3rd one is a girl girl too.

so my oscar test is on 11/2, two days after u. how r u now? still feeling nausea? me now no more nausea only just puking 2-3 times a day. very easy one, haha.. eat then wait then go puke then fine liao...

so u also keep getting hungry all day. me also leh. i have to eat every 2 hours if not the mouth will taste weird weird one. i scared i will gain too much weight later on. and my stomach already starting to show a bit liao.. but i wonder is tat my fats or bbs? haha.. cos since my OHSS, i haven see my post ivf tummy liao..

ah kat,
take care and rest well...

enjoy your holidays!!

anyway ladies, happy chinese new year and good luck!!
hi mariayee,

long time nv hear from you! glad all's well with you n bbs are doing fine.

yes, yes, mouth will taste weird weird so hv to stuff something inside. haha. i bought some maternity top n bottom yesterday n after wearing them, really can see tummy man. alamak, i'm only 8 weeks leh. so now i'm still wearing my usual office wear. just try to wear the bigger tops n skirts (the waist part actually lands above the waist so the skirt becomes shorter because cannot fit the waist liao. haha).

hope all our bb wish will come true this moo moo year!
eh, sorry, i mean my PRE ivf tummy..

i bought some maternity dresses too, but din wear it yet cos i am trying to squeeze into my old bigger size pants 1st. cos hor, i think only 10 weeks, very funny leh, so fast wear maternity clothes.. haha..
i'm fine.. just waiting for AF to come.. I'm late for a week. AF shd report on 13 January 09.. Dunno why this time very late.. tried to test BPT last Saturday.. it was fat negative
Ah Kat, that sounds bad, do see doctor ok? Dont play play

Rinoa, i think you high chance of success because your D2 embryo already 6 cells.
That is very good because most D2 embryo 4 cells. That embryo is a fast and stronger one, grow so well.
hi ladies,
juz woke up fr nap only thread move so fast liao.


my BT on 6 feb


AF come liao must start talkin n thking positive loh. mayb will bump into u im kkh haha.
jiayou, jiayou !

felix, mariayee, strawbearbi, joanne

i will rest well for this 2 wks
do log in often to update us, we all need bb dusts heehee.
hope i can promote to ur club soon.


dun stress abt AF, sf loh can help .

busy w cny preparation?
nvr see u log in recently

abt e 2 embies, i can see e cells round round de, very distinct n beautiful lor.

i just hope my womb will b kind to them n let them implant smoothly.
dr zou is closed for day1, 2 and 3 of CNY. She says she will only do for those who is doing ER/ET. For the 3rd day, it's a Weds and she usually close on Weds so that's not exactly a holiday for her.

happy to hear that everything's well with u!! Happy CNY to u too!!
hi mariayee and ladies,
Thk u.. Glad to hear fr u.. Glad to know ur bleeding had oso stop.
take care.. My blood test result is finally out.. Doctor say is going up which is gd but still not ideal yet.. Now is seven hundred plus.. Finally no more bloodtest, he will see me again on 3rd of feb. He says that sometime is gd not to know test result too much.. Blur blur better.. Diaoz.. He asks me do testing so i follow lor.. Ds only do 1time blood test that time. Anyway, as long as it is going up, i am glad. Mus oways stay positive and happy.. Dont want think too much for now. Will jus wait patiently 4 the scan and enjoy my cny holiday..
Hi haze,
Great that u r 1 step closer and ur af doesnt clash with cny else very sian one..
Hi juliana,
Hope to see ur codeword later. Actually u gals use hand to wash ur laundry? Not washing machine? I lazy,oways washing machine.. Keke..
yes, good luck to me. In the end I cooked my own lunch. Think I have enough to keep for dinner as well. Hahahaha. I wanted to koon then I remembered that the part time help is coming early today so she's cleaning the house and that means I can't koon liao!!

Just an analogy:

Having gone thru this ivf cycle, felt like preparing for "The Exam".

Now i feel relieved after finished e "Exam" n patiently waiting for e result to b released.

I think i'm happy bcoz, the hard part of the whole process is finally over for me, haha.

Haze, Yve, Ju, Moody77,

Jiayou, Jiayou, !
