Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi ladies,

Just came back home from classmates reunion tea.
This thread so quiet these 2 days.

Tmr going KKH for my ER liao.

Nurse said i will be put to sleep, but sometimes can still hear whats going on !?!?

Is it same as GA sedation ?

I hope i will sleep in peace n won't feel a single thing.

Btw, found Marks& Spencer selling Brazil nuts coated w Belgian milk chocolate.
Its so very nice!

DH keep munching away my nuts, within few mins whole packet finished liao.
I duno abt KKH but I slept thru my ER.. didn't feel anything at all til aft the sedation wears off... then I can feel cramp at both sides.

Same as GA jus that u dun sleep so deep, wil wake up immediately aft they call u lor.

Nothing to worry abt... good luck n keep us updated!
Most ppl wil hv some cramp.. I suggest u dun do anything aft ER lah.. better rest.

Oh.. I had a bad experience holding my bladder during ET, so I suggest u dun drink so much water too early.

Dun thk u'll get OHSS since u dun hv PCOS... so jus enj the procedure n look forward to ww2 n good news at the end of it all!
Hi ladies,

Usually ur dh produce their specimen in hospital or at home huh?

Coz nurse said, quality will drop if longer delay time.
Hi haze,

why ET must hold bladder?

No wonder when i was in KKH on sat, this staff nurse keep asking 1 lady if she is ready with her bladder.

That lady keep saying not ready yet hehe.
hi hazeline,
yalor, problem's just the implantation part ba, duno why they just did not stick. If only there's some sort of sticky glue to glue it to the walls, tsk.

When's ur estimated date for ER n ET?
hmm... u didn't wot u're in for? haha

I thk produce there rite? Unless ur DH hv trouble doing it then n now.. else shdn't be a problem.

Oh.. with bladder, they say it's easier for insertion for ET. But sometimes we hold it for too long, hv trouble releasing it later. I had a big problem.. hv to be drained... they giv me bedpan I can't pee... cos cant get out of bed aft ET immediately.. felt so uncomfy that I cry leh! So paisay...
haha... sticky glue. If there's such a thing, let me know also, ok?

U heard of GIFT? That's transfer to tubes instead of womb... cos they said embbies actually suppose to travel from there to our womb.. so it's 'closer to the real thing'.

But hv to make sure tubes r clear... n risk of etopic pregnancy is higher. ET has to be done via lap.

I'm jus wondering if they can't stick to our womb.. wil GIFT work or not.

Mine shd be 1st wk of Feb or latest, 2nd wk of Feb. Duno how I shd feel abt this one... I know mus be +ve but...

Feeling slight backache n tummy feels funny liao. Thk AF akan datang...
Hi haze,

yeah read abt ur situation.

Dh have a choice to produce @ home or @ clinic.

He wanted to produce @ home lor, worried no mood.

But i want him to do produce fresh @ clinic.

This kind of small request also wanna bargain, i not very happy mah, so tot of finding out what is the norm.
nahh, haven't heard of GIFT. oh...deposit on tubes instead of womb ah...?? mmm...success rate higher?

Actually ifs thru natural conception, by right, D3 embbies should still b in the tube. And by Day 5, they would have travel down to the uterus. That is why D5 transfer is more encouraged coz the 'environment' is correct, whereas it isn't for D3 embbies. D3 embbies might not survive the uterus environment/condition.

ya...understand how u feel. I suppose we r pretty helpless in this k only just go along, n crossed our fingers, hope for the best
yes... +ve +ve.

Ur DH ever do SA b4, rite? It's the same lah... if he can do it then.. shd be able to do it at clinic.

The ET procedure actually very fast.. shd be abt 15 mins, feels a bit like PAPSmear, jus with ur bladder full n trying to relax at the same time so u wun squeeze out that 'cat....' thing they insert in!

No sedation, dear. But it's the waiting.. if the person b4 u didn't drink enuff, everyone elses gets pushed back. Or.. if some gynae has delivery, then u'll hv to wait. U know wot I mean? KKH has a lot of ppl in queue doing ER & ET.. so it's like.. very packed.

So I thk jus drink abt there.. n more when they tell u it's ur turn already.. hopefully by the time u're in the theatre, jus nice, bladder full.
U going back for ur review? U can talk to LC again abt ur remaining embbies n their chances... c wot she has to say.

U didn't feel anything during ur ww2? Spotting? Cramps? Bloated? Hmmm... sometimes, thk God also duno wot went wrong leh.
hv u had IUI b4? ET is pretty much like IUI. The procedure is abt 15-20min, no sedation as docs feel that there is minimal pain (or no pain at all to some). However, pain threshold is diff for everybody, for me, there's discomfort n slight pain. If you are really worried, you can opt for light sedation though.
hi joyyy,

no i never give chance to do IUI .

straight away do ivf.

I was told IUI success rate not high, so i dun wanna get disappointed.

I hate the feeling of failure, i know i will take it very hard on myself for not doing this or that.
nahh, not going for review...actually there's no need to. Everything was good, the linings, the uterus, the embbies, all very good. So there's really nothing much Dr Yap can review. Dr Yap was equally disappointed. That morning b4 the BT, she was even more anxious than us. She was quite surprised I didn't do a HPT, so while waiting for nurse, she even wanted to do a fast scan for me to see if pregnancy possibility high or not. But in the end, didn't manage to scan anything, she was doing an abdomen scan, n forgot that I didn't have a full bladder so cldn't see anything. She told me the worst part was 2ww, like waiting for exam results, she has been thru it b4.

hmmm during my 2ww, actually is 11 days wait lah...(next tues then 14days), I started to feel prementrual symptoms pretty early. After my 2nd HCG injection 3 days after FET, I started to feel the cramps on D4. On-off cramps, slight sharp pain that lasted 1-2 seconds on some days, by D7/D8 I started to have aching boobs, a little nauseous, a little bloated...

Ooopsss....sounds like pregnant right? haha...they r also pre-menstrual symptoms. I think progesterone brought abt the aching boobs, nauseas, n bloating... cos they were not my usual pre-menstrual symptoms.

Actually I was afraid of feeling crampy...cos for all my failed IUI, I did feel crampy throughout till menses came. :p But it's also a pregnancy symptoms.

I guess for those of us undergoing fertility treatment, symptoms r pretty misleading...most often than not, they r side effects of the medication.
It's a longer PAPsmear... hehe Jus thk of it that way n thk u'll feel better.

Well, thk aft u've been thru it... u let us know if that's how u feel. haha

Wot time is ur scheduled ER? U're no. wot?

Thk kkh cannot opt for SA for ET leh...

oh.. so u did feel a little cramp on ur D4.. maybe it's implantation cramp... but jus miss.. wasn't enuff. hiaz

My telltale sign wil be OHSS.. that's a natural HPT liao lor. Pretty scary too leh.. cos I've been thru all the symptoms once.. imagine feeling the same thing again.. sure wil thk fail again lor, rite?
hi hazeline,
ohh, kk cannot have SA huh...ok, then dun have to worry about side effects on embbies quality. Though I dun think will affect lah, SA n qty of embbies shldn't be related lah.

ohhh...ok, 'if OHSS worsened or still there, it's most prob a positive sign'. But Mariayee got better leh...n hor her's a triplets/twins, OHSS by right should be much much worse right? worsening OHSS most prob is a positive, but a recovering OHSS may not necessary be a negative.

I think hor, most telltale sign, maybe is very jialat morning sickness and extreme fatigue. Extreme fatigue is good sign.

i log in later, hubby dates me go carporch drink kopi n feeds mosquitoes...haha
I dun thk they hv choice of SA... nv heard anyone say abt it b4.

Dr Zou did say SA not good during ET.. I duno why also.

Ok.. if I'm +ve aft OHSS subside early.. then I'll kill that myth! haha

U so funny... go feed mosquitoes... nvm lah.. romantic a bit. Can light some candles too... citro ones.. so no mosquitoes!

9am.. thk might not be 1st. I duno.. hv to ask those at KKH who has done it b4. But dun thk anyone else is loggin in tonite liao.
U driving? Dun drive aft ER hor.. scared the GA stil there.. u might be drowsy.

Hmm.. thk might jam. So better get there earlier!
Hi Rinoa,

Good luck tomolo on your ER. 9am I think u #3 or 4? that time mine is report 8.30 & I'm #2. ER chicken feet one. Juz the bit where the anaestetist poke the thingy into your back of your hand, damn pain!! Other than that, you will be briefed by the nurse on OT duty. The nurses are quite nice. Then when it's your turn u will go in the OT & get ready, the anaestetist will make you fall asleep after that you will wake up abt 1 to 1.5 hrs later. I was woken up by the heart rate monitor beeping... then I drowsily plug out the clip from my finger then the nurse came & put it back on, you may want her to lower the volume if it disturbs u from resting.

After wake up u prob may feel cramps. Juz take things slowly and ask your DH to buy something for you to eat since u won't have breakfast. You will feel better after that lah. Drink warm water also should help. After ER I couldn't do anything coz was quite crampy and tired. Just rested the whole day.
U mean they didn't wake u up immediately aft ER? Hmm.. I was shaken awake! haha And I clearly rem being pushed out of the theatre n the nurses keep repeating the no. of follicles being retreived! haha

I do want to be asleep thruout.. can ur DH c the procedure? I rem someone said for ET, they can be inside also, is it?

Did I get you wrongly or is your ET on D2? My experience, I drank 2 glasses of water before I go, reach KKIVF liao I didn't drink coz still got a while to wait before my turn.

Think the trick is not to be overly full, just full bladder will do. The procedure is abt 15 mins in total. Yours is Dr Loh rite? So expect to see some interns. U can see a monitor from the operating "bed". That's where the lab ppl show you the petri dish containing your embbies. They will show your name & IC on the dish & the 2/3 embbies. Then they will show the embbies being sucked into the "tubes" that they will bring over to the OT. So that you can be sure they didn't miss any =).

Dr Loh showed me my womb on the scanning monitor. Oh, one other doc will be assisting to hold the scanning thing on your tummy so that Dr loh can see where he deposits the embbies. I think maybe the full bladder also is to facilitate that?

Anyway, after that the "tube" will be returned to the lab & you can see from the monitor that they make sure that the embbies are no longer in the "tube" and inside you. then you can rest abt 15-20 mins on the operating bed & then asked to slowly leave. bambi mentioned that there are beds available for you if you need extra time to rest. Just ask the nurse. For me, I went to the toilet straightaway to pee. Then I waited at the recep area while DH go n get the prescription. Better don't walk around too much. easier for you to wait for him there lah. After that can go back & rest liao =)

Jia you!! Very fast hor ER & ET approaching soon!

No leh I remember I only woke up abt 10+ while my ER was carried out abt 9. Oh, & i had to ask the nurse how many retrieved coz I was asleep throughout.

For ER DH cannot see one. So you can ask him to go have a long breakfast =p

For ET, Dh can accompany you. He can sit on a chair near the head of the "bed". Basically what he sees is what you see lah. which is not much lor. Just that he can be there physically for support. & he can ask the doctor if he got qns lor.
huh? Got interns ah? Aiyoh..

No rest aft ER?? Can go toilet straight? Hmm... but u strike stil leh... so much for that extra bedrest n stil.. nothing for me then! haha

Btw, cannot wear contacts or specs.. thk I'm blind as a bat so wun be able to c anything lor..
I like the part where DH can be there for ET.. private dun hv that leh.. for ET, not even monitor to c anything. There's the u/s monitor there for me to c but like I said.. blind as a bat, can't c a thing! Even the u/s pic they gave... I can't tell wot is wot also.

Oh.. another things good abt KKH.. got embbies pics to keep! hehe
Hi Haze,

DH driving
He always goes KKH with me, that's compulsory.

Hi Strawbearbi,

Thks for the detail explanation!

ER on Mon , then ET on Wed, i assume its D2 transfer? Or is it called D3 ? :p

Is it D3 for u also?

Woah, u straight away go toilet after ET completed. I was thinking i might have to pee into a bed pan instead of walking to toilet, hehe.

*sigh* 1 thing bad abt having SF loh is, there will b presence of interns, no privacy.

Can imagine so many pairs of eyes staring @ my *mei mei*

Yep, my DH will b one of them.
hi rinoa,
Sperm fr home is oso ok, dh prepare fr hm,more relax and comfy.. Don't argue with ur dh bec of this k..
Hi joyyy,
Really admire u gals! The morale of never give up will fullfill both u ,hazeline and ruru dream very very soon. Jiayou! Gambatte! Take care and tiao ur body well for next mth.. Dont drink too much caffine and cold drink so that to prepare urself well..

Yah, I remember got a few ppl standing around watching.... like free show but then again... doesn't matter lah. Maybe one day they will also become good doctors like Dr Loh?

Once ET over, can rest a while lah but not long coz someone will be behind u in queue waiting for their turn. If you want extended rest, can also request, not a problem one.

Oh yes the embbies pictures I framed up haha. During 2WW, my frens came to visit & i showed them my "children". my mum commented why so small one? Duhh...


Yes, mine is D3 too. Oh for ET, your DH won't be seeing what the doc is seeing lah. He will face the doc same as u, so nothing to see haha
ET is like giving birth rite? Ur DH at ur head there only... can't c anything... haha

Dun thk my DH want to c from Dr's view!

Hmmm... Rinoa mus be already at KKH, waiting for her turn.

How r u? I assume ur BT has got good response..
Do rest well stil ok? Dun do so much this CNY...
hi morning everyone...
wednesday is my appointment with Dr SF Loh.. My AF is still no reporting yet!!!

I think I will induce my menses since last Saturday I tested it was BFN...
U mean u're going to induce ur menses urself? Thk better go c doc 1st b4 u do anything urself.. or u call up nurse. U test again today? Or maybe if it's stil not here... u can test again on Tues, jus to make sure b4 u eat anything.

I thk ur last AF, also late, rite? I rem...

Yah like giving birth. Think all husbands also dun wanna see what the doc sees. They probably faint haha!


U can induce yourself one ah? I tot the drugs are only available upon prescription?
scan n E2.. cannot ask for MC one rite? Timechit leh?

I tot I go this Fri.. pm I want to take leave... I stil hv tonnes of things to do at home leh... *sigh*

Ytday nag at my DH, he then help me mop floor. Ask him wipe the windows, he said curtains cover, ppl wun c! *faint*

Today wake up, whole body aching..

Thk u better ask Dr Loh. U dun hv to take D2 bloodtest anymore rite? If dun hv to.. then it's ok. U c wot he says, if he says can induce, then u take med from Wed also shd be ok lor. If can let it come natually, lagi better, since u no hurry.

No MC available, but time chit sure have one.

Haha your DH very interesting hor, can think of such silly excuses.

Lucky my DH is stingy. I told him if he dun do the spring cleaning then I get part time maid to do, then he pay. He die die dun wanna pay so he no choice gotta do. But also sub-standard lah. Gotta nag & nag... no choice.
Morning Ladies. CNY is most tiring. I'm glad no one's coming to my place.

why you clean until like that? Got pple go and visit you?
Haze, your AF reported? How many days after inject Lucrin then AF will come ah? I was thinking if the Suprefact will kinda disturb my AF 'cos the past few months quite zun.
I was thking if I dun clean this yr.. wil hv to wait til another yr then I clean leh! Cos otherwise.. who wil ever thk abt cleaning them on normal days?

Ytday I wipe my cabinets/wardrobes... wipe my switches.. wipe my furnitures.. wipe my mirrors(lagi regret make so many mirrors!).. stil do the usual wash clothes n iron clothes!

I pai mia lah...

No one wil come visit.. I wil keep low profile this CNY. Cos likely to be bloated n dun want to invite talks! Thk only my parents n my aunt might come.. they already know I'm doing IVF at this time.

If timechit.. then thk Fri I'll take half day. But duno my office wil siao... giv 3pm off or not. If so, then maybe I take half day on Wed instead? *sigh*... duno lah... so fan!
My AF not here yet.. better dun come today cos I've got plans! Going holland V aft work.. for u know wot.

Hmm.. AF shd come in abt 12-14 days aft Lucrin. U jab how many days liao? Thk stil early for u lah. Thk u jab only 1 wk.. I jab 10 days liao.

If come 2molo, I wun go for acu liao. I'll let u know again...
