Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

I'm supposed to know you going to Holland V for what is it? I blurr leh.. I don't know. Really, not kiddin'.

I jabbed 1 week only lah. But I was just thinking if this medication will make the AF luan. Or, AF should report the same timing as all other months. You got symptom that your AF reporting or not?

Now, your turn to get blueblack. These few weeks I'm ok leh. I'm getting quite good at the jabs too. As in, I don't bleed at all lah. I was thinking I may get the bruises due to all the jabs and acu but so far, I've been fine.

Nvm... my usual maintainance at HV.. but I actually long time nv go liao also.

My back aching.. it's those AF backache.. plus tummy feels a bit funny. Not spotting yet though.. so thk soon lah.. but duno when.

Yahlor... I also nv realised until I bathe ytday leh! Somemore u know la.. I nv wear specs, blind as a bat!

The Lucin jab so far also ok.. jus that I stil get red patch n itch at times.

U hv lunch date today rite? Enj hor...

dr will say that af will report the same time. but mine was delayed by 6 days i think, dr said it's due to stress. so try not to stress too much n hopefully af will report on time.


maybe you can switch to go acu with bambi, yve n haze? it's 50% cheaper compared to eys. actually i only started acu the same mth as the injection. so i can't really say if it's effective or not. but i sleep better after the acu lor. hmm ... you had better embbies this time rite? you don't think it's due to the acu?
hi haze,
Ya.. Blood test result improve abit. That day is around 320.doc say improve gd but not ideal he book my scan on 3rd of feb since slow.. Anyway, am going blood test on coming wed again to see progress. No blood liao.. Keke..Look 4ward to my scan and guess wht, that day is also dh birthday. Can go out celebrate early that day. Hee.. Really look 4ward..
Hi rhiona,
Gd luck to ur er and coming et.. Rest well.
try to use a hot towel on the bruised area. May help to disperse the clogged blood.

then urs delayed for 6 days, you continued to jab the Suprefact? Dr Zou did mention that some may not have good reaction if jab Lucrin for too long a period of time. My appt will be delayed by 2 days 'cos of the CNY hols and dr not around. So I jab 100 units more than what is the supposed dosage.
i have got packets of the sonulut pills with me... as my gynea frm Clinic KKH gave it to me.. There's one time when my menses dun come for 4 months.. that's 1st and last time.. i suffer from.

At that time, I just eat the sonulut pills for a week then the next following week my AF reports.

That was the reason why I have the sonulut pills with me.. I have it for 4 months supplies.
Oic.. guess as long as it's improving.. it's good news. U shd rest more, go for low key celebration for ur DS bd hor.. u're not going to hold some big party, r u??

2 more days shd be ok lah. I also duno if mine wil come in time.. I thk the last time, it come 1 day late.

yes, hv to continue suprefact when af is late. was also wondering if uterus will be 'sleeping' after all these jabs but doc say ok leh. there'll be some bt before he starts puregon. he will reduce the suprefact dosage when you start puregon.


good to hear that reading is increasing. jia you!
Hi Joyy,

Woah, u got juicy gossip on our gynae??? Hmm... as far as I know, our gynae is not married leh, so unless she did her IVF overseas where the law is not so strict, then it is possible for her to have a child right?

Or are u referring to the singular photo of a baby on her table? I got asked about the photo before, it is a overseas patient's baby leh. But why is the baby so special to have the photo displayed and not other successful IVF patient's baby photos, I am not sure.

I am very sure if we are loyal and 'follow' her all the way to pregnancy, our baby's photos will be displayed also as she always says PCOS ladies very hard to treat, so if we succeed with her, we will become her 'star achievement' leh!

I am told by LC that our gynae is a perfectionist, so I told my HB that I am a stain in her result record leh! Everything good but still failed, sigh... what to say right?

In fact during one of the consultation post IVF failure, I ever told her a very strong statement, I told her I rather be dead (from OHSS) but pregnant rather than alive but not pregnant. I think I was too emotional from my pain and hormones!
hi haze and felixcat,
Thk u sooo much 4 ur encouragment.. Really envious on felixcat 800plus reading. haze.. Jus me and hubby go dinner. No major celebratiö fact my baby is a great bday present for him.ya,keep trying to rest well 4 these few wkend so didnt do anything for this coming cny. Will ask the part time maid to clean up hse and wash window 4 me..luckily got someone to help for this yr.dh no need go muar liao.. Yippee.. Frankly.. No mood 4 this cny as too fast plus no one coming to my place one.luckily had bought all the new clothes 4 ds and myself last mth liao.. Phew..but for myself,buy at least 5working shirt.. Think can wear only few weeks and need to change again liao... Enjoy ur lunch!
Why u dun hv mood for CNY.. if I had strike then in my 1st try, this CNY wil be aft 1st tri liao leh... thk I'll hv more mood to celebrate CNY then.

Now.. hv to keep low profile.
hi RuRu,
oh kids?? not married?? U asked b4 ah?? then most probably I misunderstood n hear wrongly. *retrieve all information back*

wah, ruru, indeed that's a strong statement. How did she react to your statement?

no need to be envious abt the bt reading. what's important is that it increases, n not how high the initial reading is. you're doing great, just rest more n eat well.
when is ur nex scan? U plan to tell all during cny? Or most already knew liao?

Last wkend I go temple, got this 'chong tong' want to go n ask for lot! haha But my DH say, if it's a bad lot, I can live with it or not... I thk thk.. better not lah.

my next scan is tomorrow. i also don't know whether to tell leh. but my mum knows n think she told my eldest bro. think my mil also guessed it even though we didn't tell her, not sure if she told anybody. my sil made fruit yu sheng last sat, when they threw in the pineapples, my mil used her chopstick to push those without the pineapples aside n asked me to put on my plate. so i think she knows.

i'm also concerned abt the cny visiting. we always hv to go a few places on dh's side on the 1st day of cny. hopefully won't merlion when driving.

i think if you're not comfortable with the outcome, then don't ask for lot. just praying is enough lah. i think i super thick skin, if the lot is no good, i will ask again some time later. haha.
oh.. ur nex scan 2molo.

U stil merlion ah? If those kapoh ask, jus say u kana food poisoning lor. Woah.. ur MIL stil so considerate.

My mum that day mentioned again abt 'bao' one back when I had dinner with her. I dun understand why she thk that way is easier. *sigh*

tomorrow is 8 week scan. just hope everything's fine. are you going to announce the good news during cny?

somebody posted below site in the other thread. quite interesting. can see how you relate to the bb based on yr horoscopes.


still merlion everyday. i'm taking it as a positive sign.

actually my clothes getting tight liao. i bought a red top which is like a poncho. think i better don't wear that, it really look like it's for pregnant woman one. then everyone will ask.

as i'll only be 9 weeks during cny, so don't think it's time to announce yet. maybe ask my mum later.

one of my male colleague actually guessed that i'm preggie (from the way i sit!) n congratulate me. i just pretend to ignore him. heehee.
hi haze,
No mood as trying to rest always..cant go shopping and cant bring ds go chinatown hv a feel of cny atmosphere.luckily my mum tonite bring him there walk walk.. Yes,of course i am happy but always got to be careful 4 this 1st trimester so look 4ward to cny holiday to rest well now u know why i dont feel the mood..keke..
Hi felix,
Ya, wish my blood test result is gd on coming wed then i can relax and rest well on cny wk b4 my scan.. Btw,think will keep low profile, not let anyöne know until after 1st trimester.but mil had know so that she can understand if i dont help out in reunion dinner.heehee. Hope she will keep it a secret 4 abt u felix? Going to every1 know?Tummy can see already? Mine is obvious only at end of the day.some dress abit tight oreadi..
Thk it's US website.. cos realised their today is actually our ytday! haha

But quite interesting.. true for u? I dun believe I'd be such a parent! haha

Being pregnant hv a lot of excuses one.. I'm sure ur DS understands ur restrictions now.. dun worry.

think mine is quite true but dh's not so correct leh. dh is a virgo n think bb will also be one. don't know how to tahan 2 virgoes in the house. they're perfectionists n very picky.
hi felix,
Ur last scan is done on week? I am going do my scan only on wk 7 so wonder he usually will scan again another 2wks later due to is initinal stage or 1mth later? Btw,when is ur due date?take care.
Hi haze,
Ya, i can understand the stress when pray 4 lot. But if is a negative öne,usually burn the lot away and 4get abt it..

I dunno leh. Only 11 weeks, somehow feel like waiting until 1st trimester over then say. But if ppl ask I won't say no. I dun think i will voluntarily announce lah.

I believe my colleagues already can guess liao. Think my boss knows coz that day gave him MC from Dr Loh states Obstetrics... unless he stupid if not i think can guess.

How different is the way u sit huh? I no diff leh. I still can fit in my skirts juz a bit tight for those fitting ones. Those flare ones ok. Skinny jeans cannot fit liao. Tops still ok, but think I need to go buy maternity bras soon. Hey felix, can I ask u ah, will the normal undies not fit later on ah? meaning need to buy maternity undies?


No mood never mind, most impt is make use of the holidays to rest well. =)

my last scan was in wk 6. i didn't ask abt my due date but base on the ivf calculator, should be 29 aug. think if yr scan is in wk7, doc will usually scan again 2 weeks later if all's well.

i remember he said that he'll see us every fortnight for the 1st trimester.

i went over to my colleagues desk n slouch on the chair next to him lor. so the tummy like sticking out n my top was quite tight i think, cannot see my waist liao. haha. luckily i had a shawl, so i just covered up lor.

you can just buy the bra extension first, unless the cup size is too small. when you need to buy maternity bra later, you can check out the nursing bra. for normal undies, sometimes even the ex l is still not big enough. so you must check the cutting n see how big you can stretch it. you will need to buy maternity undies later.
wah.. Every fortnitely 4 1st trimester.. I think our doctor is a very careful person.. Last time i only did one bloodtest and only 1mth checkup each time. Can share the charges on ur lastcheckup? Does he gives u the picture of ur baby?chargable 4 the photo? Is it a tummy checkup or thru virginal for 6th wk checkup? So if 2wks, i may c u on 3rd feb? Ya,i understand how u sit, as i am doing it now with a pillow support my back.keke.. More comfy.
Hi strawberri,
Yup. Hope can rest well for the 1st 2days of cny..hee.. As need do visiting..

can't remember the charges liao, think consulation + scan, hundred plus. i didn't ask for photos, it's only a sac, cannot see the bb. initially he did a virginal scan but he said my sac is quite high up so he did a tummy scan to see the heartbeat.
Ya hor. Me sotong. 1st time wont give photo as nothing much to see.. Last time my gynea give us free photo everytime we go.. But mt e default is expensive liao even though photo is free..
do update me on ur scan 2moro and whether can see ur baby form liao.. So exciting 4 u.
hi haze, joanne, strawbearbi,

ER procedure today @ KKH was a scary experience for me.

Anyway, turned out, i got 14 eggs extracted

My ovaries were very sore (no cramps) when i came home from lunch so straight away go nap.

Juz had a bottle of chicken essence n some birdnest, now the soreness wean off.
Glad u're well n resting at home... woah... 14 follicles. That's a very good no. of someone not PCOS. Hope u get many fertilised n hv good quality embbies for transfer!

ER scary mah? Why? I slept thru leh... was ok when I wake up.. cos the painkiller is stil there, I felt nothing. But aft I was discharged, got cramps lor. They say u'll 'walk like an old lady'.. haha

For me, ET more scary cos of the bladder thing. Wot time is ur ET on Wed?

But u'll be ok lah.. by the time u do ur ET. Oh.. sometimes might hv light spotting.. it's ok n normal..
Hi haze,

I was sedated, but mind still conscious lor, thk the drug not powerful for me.

So i felt thru the whole painful process, but SF loh is very quick handed, less than 5 mins settled liao, heng lor.

ET is 9am wed

Got to start hold bladder when i reach clinic @ 845am
Hi haze,

i was sooo conscious, i can even hear a male robotic voice counting 1 to 14.

Could be counting my follicles now that i recall.
oh dear.. u can stil hear things? I rem one lady from another forum mentioned she can feel the poking.. can u? Mus be pretty scary.

I hope they giv me a higher dosage n I jus slept thru! Maybe I shd request for higher dosage..

Hv u done any op b4? Were u like that also? I guess diff ppl react differently lor...
Hi haze,

Yeah , i feel the poking n twisting n turning, e whole process.

Been thru 4 ops already, all GA also, but sound sleep throughout.

Thats y this op is e scariest experience i ever had. Unforgetable.

I think no GA i also can endure the whole process.

I think ET is going to be chicken feet for me liao.

Hi strawbearbi,

i'm a SAHW
Hi haze,

nurse said 14 eggs leh, not follicles.

Hope got at least 2 good ones to develop into embies.

Can't wait for wed update on embies.
Hi Haze,

Still no CNY mood eh.

Reunion dinner w my mum n family taking place @ my house since i cannot go anywhere.

Aunties will b coming over for mahjong sessions keep me company, hehe.

Friends visiting my place too.

So I'm actually looking forward to CNY.
hi rinoa,
Yippy. Ur er is over. How many embbies u intend to put? 2 so that qualify 4 the grant?
Rest well and if u can go accu for these 2days will be gd.
All the best to ur coming et and may u hv lots of gd quality embbies. Rest well..
Hi Joyy,

Hee..hee... actually I never ask about her marital status leh. I just deduce that she is single from the conversations I had with her

Maybe u are onto something that I don't know?? Hee...hee... Nvrmind, we must not gossip about her here in case she sees it.

I really hope that one day we can "you yuan" and meet each other in the clinic and we can talk about our gynae to our heart's content!
hi rinoa,
Mine not enough time to do 3days as eys dr xia say shd do. Because i dont know when i will be doing iui so by the time i do scanning on friday, doctor suddenly told me that i can do iui on monday. So i bobian cannot go eys since they only open office hr.. Then i goto where haze,bambi introduce one at amk since is near my sembawang hm. Go for 2days,sat and sun only. Which i think is gd to circulate our blood and keep womb warm.
For my this iui, really do all the best that i can to help.. Make chicken essence,eat brazil nut and rest full 1wk etc..
So i think if u r ok,u shd go for the accu since even angmoh also combine accup with ivf. I felt that since we hv already spend so much $ to do iui or ivf, we shd try our best 4 that cycle lor.rite?
Hi ladies,
Last fri had read 联合早报,it says ivf treatment request had increase by 40percent in sgh,kk,nuh ever since the grant has announce. Looks like singapore is a stressful country to many pp so result in alot of ladies cant conceive naturally.. Sigh..
Hi Joyy,

Oh forgot to reply your other question. Oh, when I said that strong statement to her, she just looked at me and said :"so u say". I guessed she don't believe me also! Ha..ha...
hi joanne,

Yea, i also believe in acu, not only for strengthening our womb, but also for our joints too.

So far i had 5 acu sessions for past 2 wks.
EYS say 3 days is enough ?
My sensei said best is everyday go acu.

Its true that govt grant helps. Tdy i was no. 4 in the line for ER. Total got 6 patients.

Nurse said tmr will have 9 patients.

Before the grant, max only 2-3 per day.

Hi all....

Been sometime already .... Today went for my scanning today, bbs are estomated 12 weeks 6 days big... And im having 2 twin boys and 1 unknown yet... Did NT today also.. Hope all is well..

All the best to the mummies here and going to be mummies!!!
