Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

oh.. u're staying at ur mum's now.. then u shd be well taken care of.

Rem to drink a lot of water aft ur chicken essence leh.. cos it's kinda heaty.

hi haze,
Ya lor.thats oways the case as my mum place nearer to my workplace and there is no pt to stay at a hse alone.might as well be with my ds and parent,got hmcook food plus no need wake up so early to work. Most impt, i dare to drive fr my mum place to workplace since shorter distance. Keke.. Yes,will drink lot of water.thk u 4 being so thoughtful.
shd be lunch time 4 u soon..
Hi haze,
Chua chu kang Polyclinic got sell the Complan. $2.50 each.

Take care n dun think too much. Everything will be alright if u r positive.
Hi Rinoa,

Woah, I just call Master Dong and he says he can only see me in March!!! Gosh, have to wait 1mth plus leh. May I know his surname 'Dong' is "di4 ji3 sheng1"?
Hi Ladies.
Is it lunch time yet?
Oh geez... I'm restless today. One of those days when I just wanna nuar on the bed. Got housework but refuse to do.

Polyclinic also sell same price as NTUC then no point to buy from polyclinic leh.

what u doing today?
hi yve,
Ya.. Me today on leave.. Like useless person,keep want to lie on bed. Feel back ache (not sure why?)and sleepy today..
Hi berry,
Thks, ya, keep telling myself to think positive yesterday and today. Trying my best though, as i know had hurt my bb a little when feeling so stress at beginning of this wk.. Last nite is my 1st nite to slept thru the nite in this wk.. Keke.. Must stay relax then bb can stay healthy...
thought it's quite natural to feel a bit backache and sleepy when preg. It's normal, isn't it? Symptoms of pregnancy. I remember XiaoS says she very sleepy all the time when she preg. keke. U go and koon lah. Wake up, will feel better! I continue to nuar around in the house. Later tonight I going to KK to visit. Again, someone has given birth. Yah, the whole world like so easy to pop, pop, pop! Except me lah..~sigh.
Hi haze,

Paisey din log in last night went movie.

I found all 3 flavours in CCK polyclinic.
But i just grab the remaining 5 pkts of choco plus 2 vanilla.

Buy in 1 box got cheaper?

Hi Strawbearbi,

Yeah, prefer Complan than Ensure, more tastier.

I even look forward to drinking it :p

I mixed w hot water.
Haze and I went to hunt. We only found NTUC Thomson (that day we went yumcha together) selling the Complan in box. But they only had vanilla and strawberry flavours. One box of 15 sachets. Couldn't find the 1 box with 30 sachets that Strawbearbi mentioned. Anyway, it works out to be about $2.23 or something per sachet. Not a lot of diff but it saves the trouble to keep buying.. Anyway, Lot1 NTUC is selling sachet by sachet. It's so near your place. Can go and get there if you want some more.
Hi Ah-Kat,

Easy to put on weight means ur Free T4 will b @ high borderline n TSH is @ the lower borderline = hypothyroid issit ?

For me, its easy to lose weight, coz i'm the hyper type.

Too late to order for that anti-bodies test since i just got reviewed yesterday. Next review will b 3 mths' time

Meantime, can only hope after increasing my medication dosage, my thyroid hormones dun affect my ET next week.
Then there's no more choco there liao huh? I ask my sis to help me buy there. I dun really like the vanilla taste. Too strong for me. Still prefer choco.

Yes u can do it. Me also thinking whether wanna try IUI tis yr. Hopefully i can kana naturally.
hi yve,
Who is xiaos? Ya, trying to stay positive..
..jus sleep 5min jus now. After lunch then continue my nap..
Hi berry,
Gd luck to u that u can strike naturally! Jia you to all of us!!
Woah.. all the tai tais chat during lunchtime.. hehe

My side only sell vanilla flav.. in box too. I found the choco one at JE NTUC. But doesn't come in box lor.

Nvm lah.. if I c, I'll buy. If not, doesn't matter.

I c u at Lot 1 2molo at 8am hor?

U all tried the strawberry one? Box of 15.. not 30.

I thk now CNY coming, a lot of ppl wil go 'ask' one lor...
No worries lah Rinoa - just wait and see how lor.
By the way, the master that u all talking abt is he "Dong Nong Zheng"?
Hi Joanne,

So far no cramps (touch wood!) since BFP. My due date is 20 Aug, Dr Loh say hopefully by N-day will be out.


For the complan/ensure, try not to mix with hot water, coz may destroy the nutrients.
hi ah kat,

yeah u guessed correct.

hi haze,
nvr try strawberry flavour. nice?

hi strawbearbi,
the packaging said hot or cold. i take it warm
hi joanne,

i just came back fr acu session, asked my senei what to do abt ur cramps.

she said u must relax urself, dun b too stress.

also, use something warm for ur cramps, avoid cold stuffs.

take good care
haha.. I nv try the strawberry one lah.. was asking if anyone has.

Some strawberry taste very 'chemical' one... thk choco is the safest!

Hmm... is cramp cos ur womb is not 'warm' enuff in TCM terms? Then I guess the chicken essence shd help...
Hi Haze,

Yeah, probably too "Han2" thats why cramp.
Can also be stress induced cramps.

I just tried the Vanilla Complan.
Taste just like full cream milk. No vanilla smell.
Love love love , hehe
see u tmr at around 8.10am or so. Will jab then go. Is Bambi coming with us? Does she know? Think she's too busy to login.
I focus more on work, but the screen for this forum is always on my computer. I'm reading silently most of the time 8:) Yes, I'll meet you & Haze at Lot1 tmr 8:)
Hi Ah-Kat,

U been to Master Dong before? I just asked my best friend to go with me, she said she just changed job and cannot take leave for the 1st 6mths. Sigh... I guess I just go alone as HB also busy with work and cannot go.

Hopefully by March, I have already strike jackpot with my FET cycle and I just go and ask Master Dong how many children I will have instead of will I have children anot! Ha..ha..
Hi Strawbearbi,

Woah, my niece is born on 10th Aug leh, so on some years we bring her to go see the firework at Marina Bay and tell her that the whole Singapore is celebrating her birthday 1 day ahead of time
Hi Rinoa,
*touch* *touch*... thanks for helping me to asks.. ya... this 2 days felt better, not so much cramp... not sure is it because I try not to stress too much and had also been drinking chicken essence for these 2 days... as what you mention is quite true... early this week.. I very stress plus didn't drink chicken essence... and don't dare to touch any cold drink/thing since my IUI till now... hope and pray that my reading will be better tomorrow so that I can stay more relax thru my weekend.. :)
Hi Strawberri,
so coincidence that my due date is exactly 1 month away from you.. also on the 20th...:)
I called the government side regarding the date before.. not nuh, but they told me
as long as I start my treatment before my birthday we qualify for the subsidiary...
But, I think you are right... I shall check with NUH....

Im ok Im trying keep a balanced scheduled day... so I can keep track of my weight too hahaha

doumo genkidesuyo.. tada, kisokutadashiku isogashiku taicyoukannri wo shiteimasu!

yes yes, am excited.... hehehe


I have checked with the governmental side... but dont know what NUH will say.. so
I think I will call them tomorrow and find out!
ummmmmm regarding the boxed complan....

They sell them both at Parkway Parade NTUC and Bedok NTUC.... last time I saw.. I think I didnt see any choco flavor either....

By the way, the log a while a go.. I was reading back, you mentioned that your tummy gets red sometimes after the injection... those are small air bubles... thats why it kind of gets itch after for a while.. but since the injection is not dont directly to the blood vessel... it just gives you an itch.. small air bubbles are no harm so.. not to worry...

EDD is 20th wor, may not be so heng N-day lor. Anyway long way to go!


Wah your niece juz missed N-day leh. But this kind of thing can't be helped unless it's C-section lor.


So zhun one mth apart. Jia you ok? Take good care of yourself hor.
My bd also miss ND leh.. haha. I always ask my mum.. since I'm already late, why she dun want to tahan somemore, so I can hv my bd on ND!

Anyway, dates not impt, as long as bb is safe n healthy, u hv a smooth delivery can liao, rite?

Rite.. thk u better check to be safe. And like I said, if u're worried abt when ur nex AF wil come, talk to NUH abt ur worries, say u ned to do ur IVF b4 ur BD, thk they'll understand n let u take some med to 'time' ur AF.

Hmmm.. I thk the choco one taste the best that's why it's mostly out of stock!
hi sue,
U see me too high, i only learn half yr nihongo,so only know sukoshi..ano muchigashi neh. So can only understand ur 1st sentence.. The rest zen zen wakarimasen.
may i know wht u mean in the rest of sentence?kindly translate.keke.. Btw, i am working in a japanese co. So always work with jap guy..
Hi strawberri,
Yaya! Jiayou to all of us! Gambatte!
Hi ladies,

May I ask what are the total charges you all pay for IVF? How much can we claim from Medisave?

If do IVF with private doctor (not with KK), can claim Medisave?

I'm asking in preparation just in case my SO-IUI fail for this cycle. Really keeping my finger crossed and hoping for the best!

Thanks in advanced!
Morning ladies!

I see that Haze, Yve, Bambi must be at accu...

I called the nurse at NUH regarding the government sub, she told me as long as the injections start before my birthday it will qualify for the government sub. thank goodness...

but, now Im afraid when my period will come... hahahaha...

Oh,,, I didnt write anything important, just said that Im keepying myself busy and try to keep a scheduled plan for my days for the diet!
if you dont mind, can you tell me which Japanese company do you work for?
Hi Blessing,

IVF at KKH is around $7-9K, whereas at private clinic IVF can range from $13k to $15k and much higher for very famous gynae.

At both Govt and private, a couple can utilize their Medisave for 3 times only, the medisave used is at $6k, $5k and $4k respectively (total $15k).

At the Govt hosp, there is an additional $3k Govt Co-funding grant.

So if you do IVF at KKH/SGH/NUH, the cash upfront is only around $1-2k, after minus the $ medisave and $3k Govt grant.

For private clinic, the cash upfront is around $8-10k, as can only minus $ medisave.

Good luck!!!
Hi Sue,

Hmm, maybe u want to make an appointment with Dr Wong after your Jan menses come to get him to prescribe medication for your Feb menses to start on time?

Usually the gynae will prescribe progesterone tabs. If the gynae wants to give u BCP, remember to tell him you are on a short IVF protocol and don't want to eat BCP ok?
RuRu Cat,

thank you... If I wouldnt know... I would probably have taken BCP.. if he gave it to me..........

thank you so much.. and yes I will try to consult him with that......
Hi ladies,

Wah, yesterday I came back from my BBQ and quickly log on to check Juliana and Joyy's result, but nobody post anything leh!!!!!

Then this morning, I log on again, also nobody post anything!!!

Ok, I am going out for lunch with my HB's family, will come back and hopefully can see 2 codewords!!!
Good afternoon, everyone.

Same like Ruru, logged in, in hope to see some codewords. Guess everyone's busy preparing for CNY. I'm going for my mum's side reunion gathering / dinner today. Hope to "see" you ladies back here later tonight!! Ciao.
hi ladies,
no codeword, no luck, mine's negative...sian...
I left my hp with hubby to take the news, and I went shopping instd yesterday. Dr Yap called to inform it's a neg...we were all equally disappointed. Ya, sad and 'empty' feeling...not so xiao1 sa3...but basically I'm ok la. Yesterday down many cups of kopi to make up for the loss of past weeks caffeine intake, wrestled with my dog, soaked in jacuzzi till skin turned wrinkly n ate the biggest chilli crab we could find...gone r the 2ww taboo.

I will rest one mth, then FET again in late FEb or early March ba.

RuRu, we r going to FET in the same month again.
Hi Joyy,

Yah, me super-duper disappointed for you. Haiz..... Why is it so difficult for us PCOS ladies to get pregnant har? Hmm... no, I should put it this way, there are 2 types of PCOS ladies. 1 type is get serious OHSS but strike 1st time, the 2nd type is get serious OHSS but never strike. Sianz to the max!!!!!

Yah, when I tested myself negative, I also drink many cups of thick and sugary tea. I wanted to drink more than that (u ladies know what I mean!!!) but stopped myself as going for FET soon. I also ate ice-cream and drink super-cold drinks and eat potato chips! Shiok man!

Luckily both you and me have our pet to 'sayang' us when we are down. Ok, do let it all out if you can. Crying is theraptic ok?

We both Jia U together!
hi RuRu
hahaha...hai, so dao mei leh, both of us. Got shed abit tears la, but no-flow-like-river tears...boohoo. Lao-gong kept saying dun be sad, still got him ard...will go thru it together. Hmmm...he told me if really too painful to go thru, then we stopped the whole treatment, we have each other's enough le. nahh...I think I will still continue the treatment till strike a few kids lah...just worry about having to go thru OHSS for fresh cycle. Frozen embbies now only left 3 gd, 3 so so de...i think just enough for next FEt, not enough for a few kids...aaahhhh....!!

Next FET I will just put all 3 gd ones at D3, cos not enough to sacrifice for D5.

RuRu, Dr Yap has been thru IVF ah? She has a kid right?

I go makan dinner first, chat later tonight
hmm... Ruru n Yve aint the only one who came in ytday to check.. me too leh. But no one post anything so I didn't also.

Sorry abt it.. *sigh* I was hoping u'd be the lucky one. I really thk we ned a lot n A LOT of luck leh! Even conditions n embbies perfect... also so diff to strike.

But why can ppl strike with jus a sneeze... so easy like that. *sigh*

We'll all jiayou together, ok?

Super tired today... woke up at 6am.. go Bright Hill pray my MIL for CNY. Then send my FIL go c his TCM. Then we go Bugis, pray n also shop a bit.

Come back.. spring clean.. woah.. so tired leh. I literally clean the whole hse! DH said he has done his share with his study rm n the store. KNS...

My arms r aching liao...

I told him nex Sun reunion dinner at my FIL's he wil take care.. I wil stay at home n only go when it's time to makan!

My own parent's reunion.. is on Thurs... we hving it outside this yr. Woah.. nex wk wil be packed with stuff to do too... dun wanna thk abt it!
