Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

private suite and private patient got difference in price and timing huh? SF Loh seems really popular. is it better to see new gynae before or after AF?

talking about dim sum, one of the shows of mediacorp which recommends buffet places has one episode on dim sum. maybe you can try it some time.

Dim Sum Buffet
Under $20
Lao Baijing at Plaza Singapura from $10.20++
*A-la-carte buffet, other branches available including Novena Square
Between $20-$30
Peach Blossoms at Marina Mandarin Hotel from $28.80++
*A-la-carte buffet
Above $30
Hai Tien Lo at Pan Pacific Marina Hotel from $58++ (holiday price)
*A-la-carte buffet

Dun u hv a HR side whom u can submit ur leave or mc to? Usually if no boss, then all shd report to HR direct lor.

Dun thk so much now... I'm also not thking so much now. Jus do wot we want to do... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!
I know you going for the big bt on Sat. Of 'cos I know. How can I forget? If joining us can stop you from hu xi luan xiang, please come, please come. Everyone says nothing is for sure till the big bt comes. And, almost everyone who bfp says symptoms do kinda disappear when bt nears.

Welcome, welcome.

Don't go Lao Bei Jing, it's really lousy.
I went b4 & i didn't like it at all. Service lousy food lousy pricing lousy.

My colleague went a few mths ago & had the same experience with me.

Hai Tian Lou can go! The food is fantastic!!
one we went to kkivf, we are consider as private patient..
since day one when i see my 1st gynea at AMK clinic kkh, i'm already pte patient. no subsidies for me.. but its still cheaper compare to pte clinic or pte doc outside.
our medication are also cheaper in a way...
but i believe that dr sf loh will give me higher chances.. and also on top of that dr marianne hendrick dun attend to pte suite only at clinic D..
i have asked hr yesterday, if i take mc who sign or take leave who approve ??? they said i have to email and scan my leave forms to houston side... or ask vp to sign.. *sian right*
they are just like puppets i guess...
rurucat, stay positive. there is always 50-50 chance til u do your BT.

ju, is there a difference between pte patient and seeing gynae at private suite? or the same? kinda of confused now.

strawbearbi, lao beijing not nice ar? okok.. will give it a pass.. heheh.. i like the red star dim sum place at chinatown. quite nice and is those push cart type.

oh, i'm going for a trial class at the yoga school you recommended. after trying, will decide to go for it or go for hot yoga at river valley.
bambi, i was the newbie but never do acupuncture. only see Dr zou on my situation and she gave me some medicine to take. but i talked to her very long coz in between, she went into the acu room to attend to those doing acu.

ju, your HR sounds like mine, powerless and useless. guess just hang in there til they hire or transfer someone to be your boss.
It's not over til ur BT leh..

If u're testing, I guess once u c faint +ve, means got chance lor. Cos D10 is pretty early by normal standards.. maybe not all wil see clear +ve.

Oh.. I saw that show.. some does look pretty good I mus say!

My sup jus came back.. I told him I'll be away again in early Feb. He said ok. I ask him if he knew wot I am going to do, he said he guessed.

Then he add.. shd be very tough for me, cos he heard it's not easy. He said jus go n do wot is right for me. Dun hv to worry abt work.

I did tell him if it's not successful, I'll try again aft my colleague is back from her maternity!

For consultation at KK, you can choose either Specialist Clinic D or Pte Suite. At Clinic D, if you are referred from polyclinics, you can have subsidised rates, think abt $30 for each consultation. But you cannot choose doctor. If you call on your own or you choose doctor, you will be charged pte rates, think abt $80 like what Haze mentioned (i forgot liao). Pte suite will be $97 like what Ju mention.

Once the Clinic D or Pte suite sends u to KKIVF centre to do IUI/IVF, you will be charged pte patient rates for the ops & so on. Medication is same price at the pharmacy (abt 50% cheaper than pte gynaes) no matter u come from Clinic D or pte suite.

The only difference is the consultation fees before you start on the treatment.

Which class u going to try out? I can recommend u the teachers depending on your fitness level.
Male boss not so kapoh n wun say much.. if I kana last time my previous lady sup.. woah.. she'll sure hv a lot of things to say. Sure lined up a whole list of things for me to do n say I mus finish b4 I go n tell her where I put everything!

But office sure wil hv talk again lor.. hopefully I wun be bothered by then. Now they put up our attendance sheet in the pantry.. meaning who's on MC, L n all that, wil be shown. I c if I can talk to my admin, tell them dun put mine all the way or not. Cos I've seen some ppl so kapoh.. go scrutinised the chart.. n say very loud why this one take child care leave lah... why that one can take off in lieu lah.. blah blah blah. *sigh*
haze1ine, your boss is so sweet and understanding. don't have to worry so much now.

one of the recommendations was the peranankan restaurant at jurong, international biz park. that one is very nice. their food is pretty good.

strawbearbi, thanks for the explanation. i'm going to try yoga beginner coz it's been a long while since i did yoga. think better to start from basics again. it should be hatha yoga i think.
last week my director came to my desk to ask me the result. I waved 'no' to him & drove him away. Later I sent him an sms telling him that DH & me are still trying our best for TTC. Knowing how much effort that we've put in; my biological clock clicking so fast now with the passing of years; and I didn't take leave for holiday but simply for TTC, he wished me good luck too 8:)

I told him that with my next attempt in April/May, I may miss the window for a cowboy/girl and end up with a tiger baby. He said, Tiger baby is also good 8:p

But in the recent news release to the company, he mentioned that there will be salary freeze this year, except the exceptionally good/poor performers. I pray pray, hope that I'll not be classified under the latter category 8:-( Salary freeze is ok for me, I'm happy with the current work load.
Is that Penang Place? I used to work near there n went a couple of times.. not bad.

I'm not looking to getting anything better than my current. We were told to expect pay cuts (in terms of forced unpaid leave) n no bonus n increment. I'm happy jus to be able to keep my job, so at least, there's stil double income.

When u're TTCing, u dun expect to be getting any form of acknowledgement as good performer or anything. Cos the no. of HL or MC that u took, they wil take that into consideration liao, wotever is ur reason.

I highly recommend u to try Vivienne's class. She was my first yoga teacher & I really loved her classes. Think her beginner class in weekdays one. But she got one general class on sat morning. U can go for that. Juz tell her u stop for long time she will keep watch on you.
Hi Haze, Bambi and Yve,

Oh I forgot that Sat is Lunar 15 leh! I have to eat vegetarian until sunset every Lunar 1st and 15th leh. So cannot join you ladies for dim-sum, sorry!

Hi Bambi,

I like to check with you to see if you know - I have already claimed my medisave twice, $6k and $5k respectively for my 2 IVF cycle. If for my 3rd cycle I switch to KKH, I can only claim my last medisave claim of $4k and 1x Govt-cofunding right? Or I can claim $4k and I still have 3x Govt cofunding har? Do you know? Or do u know any tel no I can call to find out har?
Hi Haze,

How well u know me. I am very tempted to test this morning but managed to resist leh! I quickly peed out my 1st morning pee so won't itchy hand.

I am thinking do I want to test HPT before going for BT leh, abit stupid right? Since I managed to convince my gynae to let me test so early, still want to test at home and waste $. If negative, also don't know is it becos the HPT not sensitive enough or wat and still go blood test.

Btw, u remember how much is the blood test har?
you must have faith in yourself, be realistic but not stress yourself too much. Do your best to incubate your precious embbies for now.

Worst come to the worst, you still have the option to transfer your frozen embbies to KKH for FET. Transfer cost of $600++ and FET @ KKH $1,400 total only $2,000++.

If you opt for another fresh cycle with KKH, you can claim $4k by medisave and I believe you're still entitled to 3x govt cofunding. You can double confirm with KKIVF centre, tel 6394 1692.
haha.. I know u couldn't resist lah. Since felixcat D7 already tested +ve, u mus hv been thking resisting really hard!

The BT I thk is abt 40+.. can't really rem.

Thk now ur decision is: To test HPT on ur own n forgo BT if really -ve... or.. dun do HPT n do BT instead... or... do HPT, if faint +ve, do BT, if +ve, also do BT!


Abt the medisave n govt co-funding, I rem I ask b4.. can be treated seperately cos diff forms. Meaning, if u intend to go govt, u can claim ur medisave 4K and opt for govt 3k subsidy 1st time. Aft which, u'll stil be able to use ur govt 3k subsidy for 2 more times...

U can also opt not to use govt subsidy.. n jus use ur medisave 4k alone. Thk in this way, u can opt to put in 3 embbies. As long as u're using govt sub, can only put in 2 embbies max.
aiyah... so many posts mah. Ruru's first post in the morning went into the archive page. Didn't see the time so I thought yesterday's one. I sleeping now sure will kana nagged by the boss one. Not easy to be housewife also. Already did laundry in the morning leh. And he's still around 'cos he came back at about 4plus am!! So that means I gotta cook lunch for him before he goes to work. Like that, how I sleep?

I understand your anxiety & I went through the same thought process as u during 2WW. I wanted to POAS even before D12, I thought for a few days & I remember on D12 morning, I was lying in bed thinking should I do or not?

It takes a lot of self control for u to stop yourself. But like what u rationalize, dun waste $ since u going for BT on D10. Today only D8, even if positive, may not even show up on the stick rite? =)
haze1ine, yup, penang place. last time they have curry fish head in their menu which is super good. but now no more. yep, me work at IBP area so go there sometimes.

strawbearbi, oh.. i already booked for fri's evening class and is under christine. maybe try tomorrow session first and if i sign up, then will try Vivienne.
hey! I got a question about the usage of MediSave for this. In total, we can only use 3 times? Even if it means the medisave comes out from different accounts? Very funny leh... the $ is ours what. Why we cannot use when we want to right? You all ever think of this anot? Actually, I very healthy except for this ttc thingy leh..if I don't use here, I got no other opportunity to use my medisave!!
Hi ladies,

I checked with my gynae's nurse and she said for the HCG beta blood test, it won't be 0 reading even if the lady never had any HCG jab thru'out the 2ww, she says our body will naturally have some amt of HCG, so any reading of up to 2 is normal.

Oh, how this info comes about is becos I call her to make an appt to see my gynae for a case review at 9am this sat tog at the same time draw blood. I keypoh and ask her if I never strike jackpot, my beta reading will be 0 is it (since I didn't have any HCG jab)? She says no lah, should be between 0.X to 2.0. If more than 20, then got chance.

I am thinking do a case review 1st so don't have to go back to see my gynae anymore if the result is -ve. Should I decide to change gynae, then just call the nurse for a summary report.
oh forgot. If I suay suay 3 times also bfn then I must come out full cash if I wanna continue my journey to Motherhood Kingdom??
It's the rule lah.. 6K, 5K, 4K in that order... govt dun want u to spend all ur medisave on TTC.. wait u got problem, how r u going to pay for ur medical?

I hope they'd change it to can be use for both couple.. meaning.. we'll hv 6x instead of jus 3x from either now. And also increase subsidy to 6x to balance up.. n allow for both private or govt hosp. That's my dream..

But I thk fat hope lor.. they already did big changes to TTCing for IVF last yr.. dun thk they'll do anything drastic this time.
Yve dear..
Yes... hv to come out cash liao... unless u go govt, then u can stil use the govt sub of 3K for 3x lor.

That's why I said, no S-11, can forget abt trying ART for child here... it's not that we dun want leh...

Wah you already book ah. Then have fun tomolo! The first trial is free one hor, so dun pay ah.


Yah lor, a bit funny they restrict medisave withdrawal. But mabbe they are helping us save for old age lor.
Hi Strawbearbi,

Where r u staying? Me staying in sengkang.

Hi all,

Last nite went for my mthly scanning of ovulation. My 1 n only 1 follicle only 12mm at D13. So gynae said tis mth will ovulate later. Going for another scan on sat.

This time my gynae changed her plan for me liao. She said do detecting ovulation for 2 cycles then move on to 2 cycles of IUI then after tat Medicated IUI. So happy she said do IUI instead of IVF.

Would like to ask all of u, do u know the price differencefor IUI for goverment & private hospitals? Issit better to cont' wif my private gynae for IUI if there's no money constraints for me? Cos private practice, scannings can still be done at the clinics. IUI also done at the clinic or hospital? My gynae is Dr Selina Chua from Mount E. Anybody got comments abt her?
Pls advise me. Thanx.
Hi Yve,

For IVF, u can only touch yours and your HB's medisave leh. But for other type of operation, I think as long relatives can already leh. Like for my mom's operation, use my HB's, my brother and my dad's medisave.

Yah, 3x only. $6k, 5k and $4k = total $15k.

Hi Bambi and Haze,

Thanks for the info leh! Ok, will KIV the info and see how after this sat.

Hi Bambi,

No, don't intend to transfer my frozen embryos anywhere. If -ve, I will do a FET either with my current gynae or change to another gynae in Mt E. I believe even however careful the transfer, the frozen embryos will suffer some form of damage.

I intend to go to Godess of Mercy Temple to ask for a divination lot on whether to change doc or not if sat's result is -ve.
Hi Berry,

Dr Selina Chua is the lady with white hair and wear specs is it? Her office is on the 14th flr at Mt E is it? The receptionist is called Jennifer is it?
if no jab is used, then not much diff in govt or private cost wise, I thk. It's the jab n med that's expensive.. govt cost only half the price.

Thk none of us here is under Dr Selina Chua leh.. she does IVF? Or jus IUI only?

Private, is all in one. U do everything under one roof. For govt, there's diff dept n all that. Also, cos more ppl, u can't expect the same level of personal service to u alone lor, though I can c some of them do try..
Hi Yve,

You think same question as me leh! I am thinking for my 1st 3 IVF cycle, since got medisave to help ease the S11 pain, then just do in private clinic.

But after that, must switch to Govt hosp liao becos even without any subsidies, 1 IVF cycle is around $7-9k only vs $13-15k for private clinic. Then with Govt co-fund of $3k, case upfront should be only $4-6k.

My due date is sometime in Mid to End June. Hope i can drag as long as possible so as to mature the babies. Doctor wants me to deliver at 33 weeks but says it will be the best if can drag till 35 weeks so consider full term for triplets.


Im feeling much better than the first 10 weeks. Im not feeling so naseous and tired now, am clearing my SIL and my room part by part to make way for my babies furniture and stuff...
woah.. can imagine the excitement.. x3 leh!

June... very fast leh.. so happy for u! Hope by then.. most of us here wil be MTB liao!
ruru / haze:
I just find it funny 'cos the govt wants more babies right? So pple like us can afford to have babies ie have a good family for the kid/s to grow up in, have financial stability, love kids etc etc but they made it so diff for us in our ttc journey. If they trying to "help" us save for our old age then should make ART more affordable. Why so ex?!?!? Very contradicting lor.. The more I think about it the more anger I feel inside. But very helpless... after anger, sure feels very sad..

wow! time sure passes quite fast. I can picture your little'uns' nursery. 3 beds! so wonderful!

so in the end after the govt co-fund and medisave deduction, your ivf was about $2k? Or much more?
Govt thk hving ur own $ for use in old age is impt also lah... cos they not like other country, got giv pension n all that. We wil hv to use our own $ when we r old lor.

But I thk by the time I am old, also duno can withdraw any $ or not! Cos the base amt keep going up.. if I dun hv enuff inside, can't even take out a single cent leh!
yup tats right. but i nvr go to her Mt E office. Cos she got a clinic at bukit batok which is nearer to my work place n i dunneed to take leave for scannings.

She confirm not doing IVF cos she said will refer me to Mt E. But IUI i also dunno. Cos nvr ask her. Will just follow accordingly.

Then i think i will stick wif her n do IUI first. If really haven conceive then will go KKH for IVF.

Oh also quite near me la. Hee.
SO-IUI so ex huh? almost same price as IVF after all those subsidize. Oh gosh.

U must take good care of urself. rest more. I really envy u lei 3 babies at 1 go. Take care.
jia you, here's giving you mental suq(*.*)pq(*.*)pport from all of us 8:)

Enjoy the joy of anticipation & journey to Motherhood Kingdom 8:)

After all the deductions & withdrawal, my cash outlay is only abt $1-1.5k max.


SO-IUI will be more cash outlay coz it's not worth to use medisave withdrawal. So everything pay cash. Bulk of the cost is the medication lah. If u only doing IUI then mabbe not so ex.

so kkh very worth it leh. My friend did SO-IUI at SGH a number of years back and already about 1k plus. Then didn't bfp. I asked her why she never consider ivf she says cost is her concern. So now I must tell her it's not so expensive at kkh afterall.
