Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

I just found out I'm free this Sat, dh got makeup lesson till 5pm.

Sat accu fully booked yet?

Whats the no. to call for appt ?

Might as well go join u all


flu jab works meh?

Got once, I kenna flu n fever when i go china, even though i went for the vaccine prior the trip.

From then on i dun trust those jabs anymore.
U call this no. 64560833

But I thk this Sat quite full leh.. cos our usual time of 9am.. full lor. Only 12pm available. If I rem correctly, I heard Dr Zou hv something on at 2pm, that's why all push to early liao..

U can call n try ur luck...

I find when I was on flu jab, I dun get sick so often. Now.. office got ppl sick, I sure kana liao lor! Nvm lah.. even if kana, wil recover faster too.

Recently, keep hving very nasty flu bug going round office. I rem when I was back from my IVF HL, woah.. whole office coughing.. within a few days, I kana liao! And cough for so long leh... more than a mth.
hehe.. jus now my GP stil say.. flu jab wil be a bit painful.. then he rem I jab so often for IVF.. he added.. 'thk u used to jabs liao.. shd feel like nothing to u!' haha
u same generation as me. I also remember my parents bringing me to Thomson Plaza for ice-cream when I was young. Why ah? Was the ice-cream there exceptionally good? Anyway, Thomson Plaza is no longer the same as before. I think I know which is the restaurant Bambi made reservations. Passed by. The outside looks quite impressive. Never ate there before. When I go there, it's for work and I only drink kopi and eat roti at Yat-Kun. Hahaha.

u try to call lah. Hope it's not Liying who picks up. She's the strict one. Bambi, Haze and I have tried it before. Maybe you can say Bambi intro you 'cos she intro a number of us. They must give her face.
welcome to join us on Sat 8:)

I just called Dr Zou, she has 1 more slot for 12nn, same as 3 of us. She has reserved the slot for you. You've gotta call her to tell her your surename (许 ??) , live in CCK & you want to take up the 12nn slot.

had wanted to push back our appmt abit later so we can have more time for dimsum, but Dr Zou said after us is fully booked, she appreciate us to be there on time :p
sorry, I forgot. Digress a bit.

which tian tang store in Lot1 is good?

u were saying u always wear sandals right? I always see you with all these nice nice sandals. Buy from where ah? I went to quickly browse 1 round at Taka just now. Nothing caught my eye leh...
all of a sudden dr. zou like so packed. It wasn't like that when we first went there hor? Only that first night lah... all 4 beds with our ji zi ren.
haha.. u also go there for ice-cream ah? Maybe that time soft served ice cream stil not so common lor. Rem that ICY slurpee-like drink? Woah.. I love that then leh. And not my parents bring me there hor.. all my aunties! I very pampered by my mum's side when I was young.

Hey, mus cut down on ur kopi!!! Rem wot Dr Zou told u? I overheard.. hehe

Woah... they really giv u face! I rem that day very full lor... nvm lah. We jus hv a meal then go off for acu. At least we'll hv a mini gathering that day.

Let us know again if u're joining us hor... for timsum n acu.
I called to change reservation at Peach Garden to 5 pax. The lady said 1 plate of dimsum cost around $3.90, small bowl porridge $4, big bowl porridge $6. 10% service charge + 7% GST applies.

For $50 & above, we are entitled to credit card discount :
10% on citibank, uob, ocbc cards
15% discount on platinium card of above.
I damn lazy one.. that's why always wear sandals! haha

I cannot wear most covered shoes.. cos my toe nails will hurt or I always can't find a comfy pair that wun cut my feet n giv me blisters. I can't seem to wear sneakers now.. duno why.

Ok.. Sat we go shop for sandals!
Now I dun dare to talk to u at Dr Zou's.. cos got 'other' ppl there.. paisay lah.

Ok.. as long as got timsum.. I'm happy!
no lah... not the kopi's fault. It's the driving lah. I honk honk at all the cars that bully me on the road but still stress one lah. That day I also told dr. zou. Before I was kinda hooked on coffee, my heart was already like that. I remember. I didn't use to drink so much kopi till I was working. And my auntie says what I'm taking not exactly coffee. Hahaha. 'Cos so thin lor.. not the thick type.

the cost for me ok. Will see who has the relevant cards for the additional discount. I have 1 card that I can use lah. U all just let me know.
hahaha. I chit chat with Bambi that day leh. I know got 1 guy on the other bed next to Bambi. The 1 next to me, dunno who also.
I dun dare to say much when there's other ppl there. Esp got guys sometimes.. the DH of those ladies going for acu. Paisay lah...

I like slippers with bling bling! My DH say I very auntie!! He very KNS one, rite? As if he not 'uncle' himself...

I very lousy, cannot wear heels of more than 1.5 inches. I can't walk in them.. my mum say I useless!

I thk I shd hv some cards too.. hehe
even when Dr Zou take my pulse & speak to me, I'm always very wary of ears beyond the wall :p Especially when we talk about AF, EWCM, and you see a man's shoe parking under the bed, it's very uncomfortable lor.

before me was a husband & wife couple, after me was a lady, then a 1st timer - maybe Dolphy.

Dr Zou took quite a long time to speak to the 1st timer, then evacuated me to give her my bed.

Dolphy, by the time Dr Zou acu on you, it was already 8:40pm ?
Oh yes.. u're later than us... so u might hv seen Dolphy leh.

Dolphy said she's in black.. seriously, I dun rem liao! haha
yah.. I think I saw you got this purple one. That one is nice. I can't remember clearly. Think is purple in colour. I saw someone wearing this pair with a LOT of bling. I think from Novo?!? Where's that?!?! I think if I see the sandals alone I won't buy but I see her wear..quite nice leh...

I have heels but I will only wear if there's an occasion. I can wear more than 3 inches lah..but not for shopping lor.. Like wear, sit car go dinner then sit car come home, ok.
Oh... that purple one with the big bling ah? That one in BKK leh.. super cheap... less than S$10!

Nex time we shd all go BKK n shop..

Woah... 3 inches.. thk I already twist my ankle liao! haha
I before start I already thinking.. if I bfn then I wanna go bkk. I wanna go hk. I will follow dh to Jpn...etc.etc....
dr zou evacuated u as in u already finished lah izit?? dr zou didn't talk so long to me when I went first time leh... she pian xin!!
at Lot1 where NTUC used to be located, they have set up KFC, a Chinese restaurant etc. In the middle, there is a cluster of small small stalls taken up by MOS burger, a donut stall, a gelato stall etc. Then there is a stall selling almond soup, peanut soup, sesame soup, yam cake and that same stall also sells durian/longan/whatever favored crushed ice-cream folded beautifully in the cup.

Nothing special about the food lah, just that each of us can buy whatever we like, then gather around for chit chat lor 8:)
Ok.. nex time we go Lot 1 for desserts.. but thk can only take hot stuff... Dr Zou said, no cold stuff!
yes, I finished liao & waited for some time on the bed then Dr Zou came to unpluck the needles for me. She explained that new patient needs more time for consultation...

Hahaha, at next consultation you hold Dr Zou's hand & let her listen to you for a longer time lah 8:) Maybe because last time I didn't see, didn't speak to anyone there, I just ask Dr Zou lots of stupid questions lor, 38 thing also ask. Then now with you & Haze around, and I'm wondering if there's Dr Zou's patients who are also silent readers here recognising us 3 swords women, I dunno how, talk or not talk 8:p

Aiyah, will shower then to bed liao... nite nite 8:)
yup yup, we can go Lot1 for dessert, or spend some time at Yve's favorite Ya Kun for half boiled eggs & milo 8:)
Hi Yve,

Me going to Mt E to donate blood for my pregnancy blood test then I just go to Thomsom Plaza. Oh, so just exit Lornie PIE and go straight all the way and will reach Thomsom Plaza? Sounds easy, on lah! Meet u ladies at 10am sharp? We eat and talk until 11.40am, then u 4 ladies go accu. Good... then I go home to wait for the call from my gynae.

I already told my HB to rush home from work (he works half-day sat) so that he can be around when the call comes and HE will listen to the answer. I don't want to talk to my gynae.
you so cute 8:) Might as well, I'll bring your gift that is meant for the next newcomer to join us, so you can pass to Rinoa personally 8:)

Seems like my bum is stuck on the chair whenever I log in here. You gals get me so hooked onto this forum 8:p Ok, nite nite for real now 8:)

i am new trying for #1 is coming to 25mth gynae did suggest IUI to me but we are not very keen as success rate is not high.cos problem lie with hubby's low sperm count..

this cycle iwent to scan egg on cd14.ovualated on cd16 so see how this cycle goes....if not i will do HSG again next mth ,hopefully sort of 'flush'the tubes.though i have did it in 05 and my tubes were clear

can someone advise me is IUI done in gynae's clinic? how the procedure? SO-IUI is a bit different cos nid to jab? I realy hope i dun have to do IUI ...if after HSG still havent strike maybe i shd content with my boy liao
Hi Purplelace...
IUI shd be done at ur gynae's clinic.. it's a very simple procedure, like PAPSmear. Shdn't feel any pain at all.

Ur gynae wil scan n estimate ur O date, then u wil be ask to do HCG jab abt 36 hrs b4 ur procedure.

Ur DH wil be ask to produce a sample on the day itself, lab wil hv it 'washed' n then ur gynae wil insert it into u (ur bladder has to be full) to giv ur DH army extra help that way.

But u hv to make sure ur lining is right n also ur tubes r not blocked. Do note success rate is relatively low but lucky ones do strike with IUI.

There's natural IUI, medicated IUI & SO-IUI which is with jabs or a combi of med n jab.

Most gynaes will suggest IUI 1st. Cos it's less invasive, n less straining financially n emotionally than IVF.

Good luck to u!
Wow all sleep liao?

I just got back from late dinner neh.

Many Thanks for chopping a slot for me, yup u got my surname correct !!!!
I'll call the clinic tmr thks again


Yeah, I can join u all for tim sum, but i can only reach Thomson Plaza 1030am, need to send DH to starhub centre for lesson first.

Just order ahead, i can eat any tim sum , except chicken feet, hehe.

Chat tmr ,

g'nite !

Thank u so much for your precious info!
at least i noe how is the procedure. We are not very keen when my gynae mentioned it cos as you have said ,success rate is rather low,plus right now i am a sahm so on single income..though it is not tat expensive ....

maybe i will try another HSG to see how it goes

thank you! good nite !
Hey Ladies,

So sorry, few days never log in...Of course i will welcome you all to come visit me .. but most probably after confinement cause heard from my friend its very tiring during confinement. Its not long le...another 5 and a half months to go only...Time flies also and with the busy preparation i think even faster ...
Hi Sam,
When is your due date??
So happy for you.. ya.. when I see my collegues or friends get pregnant... it is just like very fast... and kids seems like grow up fast for them too.. hee...
Hi Haze,
I don't take the tablets... so think BBT should be quite accurate ba??
Hi Felixcat,
DId you still go see Dr Xia and inform her about the good news?? At the same time also take the "an tai" medicine from her??? She is in town this week. I am not sure whether I will take the chinese "An tai" medicine if really pregnant.. first one didn't take any chinese medicine at all... Last but not least, Congratulation on you singleton baby... must be happy and glad that he/she is a healthy baby.. take good care of yourself and don't stress out!!
I guess u'll start to feel more tired now... dun do so much this CNY lah... rest more. And take this excuse to not do so much around the hse.. mus take care leh, ok?
yesh. going to see Dr SF Loh this 21st January at PTE suite @KKH.. 5pm...
I'm feeling tired and headache.. i think my AF is coming soon.. got these tiredness feeling, craving but this time no boobs sore...
private suite wil cost more at this stage mah? Cos I rem his consultation, already abt $80+, that's like private rates liao.
Morning ladies, wow got tim sum gathering! So envy u all stay around the same area leh. I think this thread only me stay in the east side leh... =(


Wah go pte suite the rates higher or not ah? Would the IVF cost be more ex?

I tot u said u will change only when u get your medication? Changed your mind liao ah?
Hi Strawbearbi,

Me stay in Jurong West, near Ah-Kat leh, it is just that I am going to Mt E on Sat so I join them for dim-sum so as to take my mind off the blood test result.

Even though I knew no chance liao but deep in my heart, I still have a small ray of hope. I think that is what my HB is feeling also, thus the BT will be the best as no ambiguity.

U said before that you tested on D12pt and the positive line quite faint is it?
no lah... the cost will be the same only the timing is different as I choose 5pm due to I have no bosses so decided to see him at 5pm.. and that he will not see the patient 5pm sharp. so frm my place to kkh take cab only 15mins if no jam, and the fees is $97only, i think is additional of $10 different. I will still take BCP pills if my AF comes on time...
Cause yesterday nurse sarah chan called me and told me that if i want to change to dr sf loh, better to book him now cause after cny he will be busy, patient starts to see him after cny...
but if my new boss come then will go and see dr sf loh during working hrs. as rite now, i'm reporting to houston office... and no one to sign my mc or my leave. its kind of difficult situation for me...
i still can see dr sf loh in the morning session in clinic D or evening time at pte suite... if chose pte suite pay $10 extra only... so at these moment just see him at pte suite.. i think will only see him for 3 times like that.. thats what nurse sara told me...

i have to arrange this matter due to my work matter...
*haiz* rather scarifies abit rather than to lose my job... then i will leave with little $$$


Don't say u no chance lah. It's still early to say. Somemore u testing on D10, maybe HCG levels not so high also.

I tested on D12 on HPT. It's the +/- kind from clearblue. Initially when I pee on it, the "-" line immediately appear, i tot no hope liao. After that a few mins later the vertical line appears but faint. So i took a pic with my mobile & sent to my sis to ask her like dat consider + or -. She told me as long as + means + liao, faint or not.


Wah pte suite only cost $10 more for consultation ah? That's not unreasonable leh. Good for u!!
