Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?


Hope u r not born in chinese mths Jun, Sep, Dec.

This yr indeed bad yr for us, but Rabbits will need either to marry or to give birth to ensure a smooth yr ahead. "Chong Xi"

No.. me not born in those lunar mths u mentioned.

Yes.. I rem I read hv to giv birth to ensure a smoother year.. n mus join more auspicious events n stay away from 'white' events.

U thk wil help if I marry again??? hahahaaa
whow.. so good ah my fengshui... so must really look forward to ivf.... who know got strike twin... even singleton.. I'm happy..

Will pray to GOD more often
At least u better than me, I'm the dec group.
Luckily I'm no longer working.

Marry again ?!?!
Save the $ for BFP even better right? Also consider "Chong Xi"

Thankfully, this Ox yr Rabbits got baby luck, timing is perfect for us too.

Look on the bright side
I can fully understand wat u mean. wahaha. I also always ask my DH why i marry him etc n vice versa. Cos he is so lazy lei. Nvr help me do hsework de. Do abit then say back pain la muscles ache, n keep on reminding me tat he did help out. Which is once a yr only. Aiyo. *smack forehead*
I read u n yve's posts abt ur DH, i laugh. Cos its the same as my DH. Men will be men. Almost the same. Dunno whether to laugh or cry lei.
Hi Hazeline,

Me went to temple to pray for ease of mind lah. Pray to 'Zu Shen Niang Niang' N Godess of Mercy at the Havelock road temple that I told u before.

Strawbearbi is right, must keep my mind occupied so don't keep thinking negative thoughts but very difficult leh.

Hey, Strawbearbi,

Got what, you farted alot during your 2ww right? This is your special symptom leh becos nobody says they experience it! I think it is unique also becos all other possible preggie symptoms can be caused by Progesterone or pre-AF symptoms.
hmm.. good lor. U'll feel better aft ur pray.

Go do something to make urself happy!

Aiyah.. it's women's nature to gossip n complaint.

My DH is I ownself choose one.. so hv to live with my choice!

I remember last yrbefore my op, I ever go pray to 'Zu Shen Niang Niang' hope she will bless me with at least a child.

I got a "chiam" say to refer me to pray to "Tua Pek Gong" instead.

The temple i went to is a "tua pek gong" temple @ balestier rd.

So i ask my dh to pray to "tua Pek gong" as "instructed"

In the end the "chiam" from "Pek Gong" "says" my DH should pray to "Godess of Mercy" instead.

We were like Scratching our head... what is all these referring here n there thingy about?
rinoa, how about goats? is it good year for goats to try to conceive?

rurucat, i also went to the havelock road temple to pray to zu sheng niang niang!!! there is also another one at raffles place which has yue lao, kongzi, etc. my MIL is super anxious now for us. sighzz...
dun stress urself... I hv a mum who keep on asking me to 'bao' one back instead rem? She seems to thk it's easier that way for me than keep on trying.. haha

U worried, jus go pray both, no harm wot..

Book says Goat this Ox yr will have to go temple during that CNY week to pray to "Tai Sui" for a smooth yr ahead.

Same to Ox and Dragon people.

My dh is a dragon, so i got to remind him to do that as well hehe.
haze1ine, ya, trying hard not to... now trying hard not coz of MIL nagging. more of i see my nephews n they bring out my motherly instinct and make me feel like having one.

now doing research to find yoga schools to sign up for yoga to distract myself. anyone got any recommendations for yoga?
Wow, so active in here, as usual, heehee

Bambi, yes thats the one, the bullet looking cyclogest. Oh i didnt think about leaving it in the fridge, hee! Ok, 1 tip learned, thanks
Then now you still leave in rect or vag? Rect really less messy suit me when i return to work but vag still feel more natural, heehee, i am in such a dilemma.
Rinoa, i just opted for 10days bedrest. Am going back to work tomorrow. Actually i didnt really bed rest also, was walking around the house thinking should move abit to circulate blood.
rinoa, thanks. usually, my MIL will help me to pray to tai sui coz she does for the whole family. maybe this year i should go with her instead. she has quite a few favourite temples around the island. balestier, raffles place, etc.
my FET took place last year. I feel that there was better grip in rect & after a while I totally forgot about its presence. Only slight discharge together with following big biz.

Try to push as far in as possible, and if you're resting at home, to have 1-2 hours bed rest after insert.
Thanks for the tips Bambi

Now i trying to work out time table, i need to get ready for work at 630am, if need 1-2 hours rest after morning insert, means i must insert around 430am. Wow! So much we have to do to have a baby!
don't mention. We're all learning new things from each other every day 8:)

Important is R&R during 2ww, don't exert yourself, don't get stressed. Since you're going back to work tomorrow, then just insert and go to work lah. I believe by now your precious darlings should be clinging on to you already. Just take care, walk slowly to work 8:)

acu is meant to help us relax, not make us more stressful. If you're going to Perth for holiday and can't make it for acu, so be it. Take up acu after you come back lah 8:)

Thks hor, for reminding me that i was full of fart during 2WW =p

Good u get a bit peace of mind lah. Try to relax a bit.


For the cyclogest, i use rectum insert lor. No need to rest one. No discharge also... mabbe i never check my stools lah =p but sure won't stain your panties one.


I go to shambhala yoga @ forum shopping mall. But stopped for a while liao. Will go back there for the pre-natal class after first trimester. U can try that lah. I find it's better than those big big schools like T**eyoga coz those are really like factory one. I tried once & i hated the way i was treated. Still find shambhala is more personal.
This sat.. my KNS DH ask me to go myself. So I 'free agent'.. shall we all go for lunch 1st or shop b4 acu?? hehe
my sister & newphews visit my mum every fortnightly, so this Sat I'll have to go back after acu. I can leave home early in the morning, but after acu I wanna play with my nephews 8:)

Shall we go for breakfast together, then shop at AMK Hub, or anywhere else ? U2 can decide 8:)
I tot we can hv timsum at junction 8 Jade Kitchen..

Let's c wot Yve has to say.. if she cannot, then jus 2 of us lor.

Thk she go buy food to prep for dinner liao...
Stawbearbi, Bambi

You gals gave the courage to stuff it up my rect! Hehehe, indeed its more suitable if i am returning back to work as its really more mess and hassle free. Ok i will try again tomorrow morning. Thanks.
Yve is 嘴硬心软 one, love her DH so much can't express out... scold him, but still dutifully prepare dinner for him 8:p

I just sent Yve a sms, let's wait for her response. I'm fine with timsum @ junction8 8:) What time do they open for the day ?
hi hi i am back again, had a naughty thought to test on HPT befor my hb come back later ... hmm, but hands trembling, so scared to test. *breathing in and out now, mustering my courage*

AMK got crystal jade? I didnt know. I like their dim sum too.
I've tentatively made appointment for 3 pax :

Peach Garden 桃苑 (Thomson Plaza)
301 Upper Thomson Road
#01-88 Thomson Plaza
Tel: 6451 3233
Operating Hours:
Mon-Fri: 11am-230pm, 6pm-10pm;
Sat-Sun: 10am-230pm, 6pm-10pm

They have ala carte dim sum.
If you dun like then I cancel the reservation 8:)
Where is thomson plaza? Nearby? Mus c Yve know how to go or not if she drives...

So did u test or not? Thk I'll freak out.. that's why I'd better left it at that til BT!

Crystal Jade at Junct 8.. AMK I duno leh.
Haze, i trying to, dunno issit too nervous ... no urine! I am pacing in and out of the toilet.
Hope i have slight good news to share later.
wah.. I not around. So many posts today. Read until I gong gong liao. Spent 5 hours at the hosp today. Not for meself..for the dh. I keep spending all this time doing stuff, I never get down to do my CNY shopping!!!

I know how to get to Thomson Plaza. Basically, I can get to all the places that the co got some biz with lah. But I don't know how to get to dr. zou's after that. I know it's near but if I don't know the route then you will have to be patient that I will turn, turn and get lost a bit. Hahaha. Warning: J8 and Thomson Plaza, very diff to get parking lot on Sat one ah.

I may not need to cook dinner. 'Cos dh may be working and entertaining on Sat night. Hokkaido Fair starting and he's busy 'cos all his old biz counterparts are in town.

if not we also can go shopping after acu lah.. u can anot? your "KNS" (u said it one ah..not me. I just quote only) dh will let you out or not? Wait he call you and ask you to da bao for him. I wanted to eat xiao long bao today but the queue so long!! I WANNA EAT XIAO LONG BAO!!!

did I read correctly? U stay around CCK? Welcome to the gang. HAHAHA.

finally some post from u!! I also miss you very much leh!!! Congrats on your singleton!!
me in CCK also, Haze in BP - the town next to ours 8:) You wanna date us for dessert tasting huh ?

Ok, knock off from work liao, till later again 8:)
Wow all stay so near each other de !

Here i thought u all stay near AMK/ BISHAN coz go all the way there for accu

Eat dessert okie leh, good idea, LOT1 dessert stall very nice neh
Hi Haze, Bambi and Yve,

Hey, I can join u all for dim sum leh becos my blood donation is at 9am leh! But where is thomsom plaza har? Must check the map 1st and c whether I know how to go anot.

What time is the reservation har?
u can come join us ah? I don't mind going out early 'cos no cars, no jam. Haha. But go where? Really Thomson Plaza ah? I don't know from Jurong how to go leh.. I take BKE, PIE exit Lornie Road, go straight all the way and will be able to see Thomson Plaza on the left side.

yeah. We all from the same area. Go all the way to AMK for acu. U see how yong xin liang ku we are. Hope God will answer our prayers. Actually, I'm a lousy driver but still I drive all the way there. Everytime Dr. Zou always say my heart beat very fast. Think it's from the stress on the road on the way there.
I shd be ok on Sat.. thk my DH has work to do n also to go my FIL's place to fix something... the only handy man in the hse.. so.. I'm likely to be alone.

I shd be able to go shop shop aft acu too...

I'm not familiar with Thomson Plaza leh.. I rem going there when I was very young.. for ICY & soft serve ice cream! haha There used to be a Yaohan there, rite??

U make reservation at 10am? The earliest better!

Welcome to join us.. hope we'd get to share n celebrate good news with u that day hor!

We hv to bug each other to go acu n to stay focus on our IVF journey lah.. only here I can find ppl who understand wot I've gone thru. Only those who has gone thru ART/IVF knows how I feel leh..

Even my own DH also not so understanding n supportive.

I jus went to get my flu jab.. hving been taking it for the past 2-3 yrs.. cos always TTCing.. always in the middle of something.

I told my GP I'm starting it again.. he say good lor... govt hospital cheaper n they hv as good gynaes. I rem that time, he stil ask me why I want to go private.. cos it's much more expensive. haha
