Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

I think nowadays most maids will ask for hp/offday... The past 2days u can see my maid really not happy, tok to her and she reply u very mil even said she sometimes she has to tok to her 2times dan she reply.... but today, we told her ok to buy hp but can oni use at night and she was smiling all the way inside the car!! When we were at the hp shop, she already noes which brand of hp she wans and even wans a 3G phone man!! I myself aso dun hv 3G phone and she actually noes wat is 3G... Really is never underestimate the maids....
Wat to do,if dun buy for her wait she everyday face black black i see aldy aso pek chek... hv to monitor her closely these few weeks...i told her cannot bring hp to ah mah hse and can oni use at night...hope she does not disappoint me..
My maid really ya ya papaya. Saturday she was ceaning the stair case grills and i ask her when is the last time she cleaned and said last week so i asked her to clean the doors as it is dusty. She ignored what is said and showed me a black face and even shouted back at me saying so many things to do. I shouted back at her this is her job!

As she is fat and standing on a plastic stool to clean the door so i asked her to take a piece of cloth to place underneath the chair to prevent from slipping. Again she ignored me fot the third time then she replied me finishing in a not happy manner. 30mins later i went into her room saw her packing her clothes and went down to the living room asking for her bag say she wan to go back agency. I called the agency and after lecturing her for 1 hour she apologised to me. At night i went to ask her why this noon she threw such a bad temper she replied me my head is poo and some other tagalog... Which is dun understand at all. I even writye down on paper what i wanna tell her and talked to her in a nice way. She just refused to answer me anymore and showed a black face. Minutes later she bang her head onto the wall and used her hands so hit on her head. I got frightened and called agency again!

She got lecture again for 1 hour and agency asked me to ignored her whenever she is not happy. What is all this, I am the employer and got to put up with the maid nonsense???

Yesterday the maid was very good... But i am scared dunno when will she be crazy again. As she is looking after my 8 months baby with my parents in law at home. My PIL in was suggesting to change her. But this is my 4th maid of the yr. I am lost in dunno wad to do...

By the way the agency is Gobal placement. Anyone one here got experience with them?
Hi Tamarind,

That's what I saw on MOM website too. But she went to check at some agency and the agency told her that Philippines Embassry requirement is that they have an exit pass. And the agency wanted to charge $240 for that!!
morning mummies, hv been out of action since thurs coz why ... too heart pain liao, came down wiz high fever n everytime i c d no brain/no memory maid's work, my fever rise up agn. she is quite okie but memory/hearing veri bad. tis morn, my fever came back agn coz she boiled one small egg for hard boiled egg in d biggest pot i hv in my hse n then tried to mash up d egg with d shell to mk egg sandwich, i told her we dun eat egg shells here in sgp, she said ha, u mean they eat egg shells in fili meh. Agn, yday, she washed d floor mats wiz our clothes n tis time, keep d floor mats wiz our clothes! Hsekeeping veri bad, cooking not able yet, memory extremely bad, auto not reali but overall not too bad compared to d prev two disastrous maids, hope she improves n picks up.

May, yes, dun no why she tied d hair until hair oso dropped out, she got 2 dd back in fili n i saw d dd photo, got long hair too ma, so obviously, she hv to tie their hair for them ma. haiz. So far, my fili maid wk even slower than d siao ting tong myanmar maid, as u hv 3 myanmar maids, u can c how slow they work, tis fili work slower than myanmar maid, haiz, end up i hv to clean/tidy up d whole hse n do all d work.

Mummies, i oredi specified to reltv agt tat no hp r allowed n agt told d maid tat she is not supposed to bring her hp to sin but she brought, agt asked me to let her use her hp when maid came 3 wks ago, it is to juz to get in touch wiz her hb/kids n agn, agt specified tat all her emplys allowed their maids to use hp n i m d onli one tat dun allow hp (aft wat i allowed d hiao fili used hp, she used it for her men biz, agt dared to say tat), so i agreed, onli let her use once a wk on sat eve/rtn back to me on sun morn, end up she nvr want to rtn d hp to me n can tok on a sunday aftn when cooking halfway in d kitchen!

susany, yr maid feeding yr kids dnr at 4.30 pm n forget to eat dnr agn? Haiz, sian rite, dunno what their mind r thinking. So far, any improvement?

Dymples, how is yr maid so far now? Do u allow her to use hp? Mine fili not too bad, behv quite okie lor but memori very bad. tis fili work extremely slow, but quite hardworking, hope she picks up lor. d sir is alw d good person ma coz they bo chap, d mum is alw d best person lor till vomit blood n high fever lk me lor. those maternity pkg for maids hor, sometimes not necessary written by emplys lor, can b written by maids themselves, by those more educated ones lor for their own benefits. What not all co's n jobs got maternity pkg in sgp what, i nvr hv any n i got to resign when pregnant coz can not hv a pregnant fss serving pssgrs ma, co regulations so same for maids what, haiz.

celtricia, glad yr intv went on well ... any answ yet fm d fili maid? now f1 race over, hb back to normal shift, more relief liao la. tat is nice, melbourne, me nvr go to melbourne for hols before except during my flying days where d stay is short. we alw go to goldcoast, brisbane for hols coz d kids lk thr coz they hv d theme parks there ma. lateli, we go usa consecutively 3 yrs, so i oso veri sian. last yr, we went to orlando, wiz transit all almost 30 hrs, my kids used to flying, so they wl sleep. Trick - tot by my doctor frenz, let them drink some camomile tea (so u bring some camm tbags n asked 4 some hot water on board n mk lor, can add some honey), it wl help to calm them down n mk them sleepy, oso tried to chg d sleeping time a bit ie. if u on night flt, dun let them tk their aftn nap so tat they can sleep on board lor. d 30 hrs wiz transit was horrible, my kids were so tired, they even sleep fm nyc to orlando flt.
Kanna_sai.. my empathy with u.. hope ur fever subside liao.. take care, drink lots of fluid and rest well..

no reply yet.. guess employer will email me tonight abt it.. ya.. hb shift bak to norm.. so easier.. ooo.. camomile tea ah.. hmm.. can can.. will try.. thanks fr the tips.. heh.. am on morning flight leh.. my flight is at 7am.. bo bian no more night flights.. sigh..
<font color="aa00aa">Jaclyn</font> - your maid is horrible. Dare to shout back at you somemore! *aarrgghh* Btw, MOM does not restrict you to just 4-maids a year.
They just make it slightly more difficult for you to hire another one.. like you gotta take some type of test. But for this maid...
she sounds like mental case from the way you describe her behaviour. Since she looking after your BB, pls be safe then sorry. Change her if you can.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font> - if your maid using HP whilst cooking of cos her working will be slow lah. Tink she's also NOT stupid leh... cos by purposely working slow...
she's forcing you to pick-up where she's not done. In the end, bit by bit you'll end up doing the housework. This is their standard trick lor. Dun fall for it.
Take back her HP and tell her you will return it to her every night provided her list of house chores are done. Not done = NO HP for that night.
Then in the morning, take back the phone. See whether she buck up or not. My current Indon maid still ok... her working speed is picking up,
although still a bit forgetful and slack in some areas. Overall quite hardworking - but hub so cynical over maids, he's giving her 5-mths before the patterns come out.
Hopefully this one won't have any bah. Ooohhh.. your previous job is as fss yah... me was wz SQ b4 too...
but in the Sales &amp; Marketing division way way back. Then proceeded on to the hospitality industry.
alamak, u were a crew before ah .. hehe, so that's why u met yr hubby leh .. so sorry to hear abt you feeling unwell .. yr maid but i certainly don't agree with yr relative agent hoh .. that giving the maid to use a hp is a must, i dont buy that statement hoh

anyway, about mashing eggshell leh, also i don't buy leh .. unless she really dreaming while doing work!! u ask her lah, whether she eat eggshell back in her village.

bad memory, could be she daydream leh, enforce her to write down and keep the book with her all the time and must refer whenever cannot remember.

abt the floormat, means she's not paying attention at all leh, how can keep repeating the same mistakes so many times.

Jacelyn, yr maid is in danger zone, suka-suka give black face, showing bad sign leh .. since you have yr PIL to supervise, you might want to heed to Tamarind's principle, don't afraid to change.

We as employer we want to give them a chance but they take our chances as granted and not appreciative at all.

As for my maid leh, I don't really check on her work, so far these few days, i didn't spot on any flaws but i'm sure, i could find many if i were to really check on her ..

actually, i'm not feeling well too, bad flu &amp; cough, worried the maid will fall sick, then, i really jialat as my 2 children are still very sick. Got her to cook luo-han-guo everyday.
God... Gonna change maid again??? I have phobia in changing maid liao. Dunno are they good or not! And need to take at least 2 weeks to train them which i dun have anymore leave for the yr. Think i monitor her for these 2 weeks see how is her behaviour.
hi mummies,

I sent my ex-maid back to agency yesterday.

Gave her only 15 min notice. hehs.'s the story.

We sent maid and bb to my mum's place. Then hb and I went back home. Went through her stuff and placed everything in the living room. We took back what we knew for sure was ours and what we felt we can't "donate" to her (e.g. a little pouch with cartoon pic on it that was meant for my bb). Other stuff (e.g. my old clothes which are too small for me now), we purposely left them next to her own clothing. coz we wanted to see what she will do. We arranged everything neatly and her stuff in the toilet and underwear, we kept in plastic bags for her. Then we went back to my mum's place to pick her up. Only her.

Came back home. On the way up in the lift, hb told her "later you pack your bags". She nodded her head, OK. And then she turned ard and asked, "my bags? you mean my clothes, everything?" and her eyes big big. So I told her, "Yes. everything is in the living room already. You just go in, pack into your bag. Since you said you wanted to go back." She had told hb before that she felt that our standards were too high and she wanted to go. So we just used that back on her lah...

So all in, she took 15 min to pack. But she told us to pass some soap and shampoo to my father's maid. Not sure why and not sure if we shd (still sitting at home).

Then at agency, we requested for a body search. End up, found a nokia hp on her (highly suspected to be my brother's old one). But at that point, we didn't know whose phone it was. Thot it was hers. But we told agent our suspicions. Agent said they will keep the HP first. Coz boarding house also not allowed to have HP. Then today, I checked with my bro, he checked his stuff, and yup, his old phone is gone.

Today day 2 with new maid, as she's new (first time in SG), she's a bit blur...pray that I have patience...hahaha...

susany, drama. phew. had expected her to call father call mother not to send her back. She was initially shocked, but after that, she was still quite arrogant and had that ya ya look on her face.

but at the agency, the way they did the body search was kinda humiliating. I felt so pai seh for her (and them...all the other maids who have to go through it).

eh, check with you mummies...the WP and passport of my current new maid will only be issued after the ex maid has been transferred to another employer is it?
celtricia, tks, hb back to normal shift, good, let him tk over n u tk yr time to plan yr trip leh, morn flt oso good, u wl nn to wk them early to go apt ma, so they wl b a bit sleepy lor when onboard, bring their fav toys along.

dymples, hey, we ex-colliq leh hehe, wow, u stay in melbourne for few yrs, nice leh, yes, yes u r rite, tks for d tips, d usual trick lor, work super slow so tat i end up doing d work bit by bit haiz. d hp, i reali fed up, i told her she must finish her wk n let her use to ctc her fmly onli haiz. lesson learnt, nvr use reltv agt to get maids. i oso nvr got a chance to use d reverse psy wiz maid on d crying part as well coz i was too sick over d weekend, wl speak to d maid when i gv her salary tmr. glad tat yr maid is slowli improving. my tis fili maid is okie lor, hopefulli she improves n pick ups. haha forgetful, yr maid, my maid too, do u wander why maids r so forgetful?

susany, hehe, yes, once upon a time la, now no more flying liao. u &amp; yr kids sick too, tk care &amp; recover soon too leh, my kids oso sick. yes, u oso dun buy tat statement on hp rite, i oso reltv agt haiz, she oso said i m d onli emply tat dun gv off days, all her customers/emply gv off days! do u buy tat as well? ya lor, d egg shell haiz, d bad memori too, i asked her to write but she nvr write, i super sian. d floor mats, yes, u r rite, she nvr listened haiz. overall, wiz lots of suaku tis morn, my fever went up agn coz when i called back, dd crying coz maid washing lots of shoes in my bathtub in my bathroom upst. i reali dunno wat to say, my maid &amp; yr maid still veri new lor, must gv them lots of time, tis one super suaku. glad yr maid slowli improving, i hope mine wl improve n pick up, she is quite okie lor, crossing my fingers n praying hard.

may, she super cry baby rite, i nvr scold her, dd say lk tat oso d maid can cry, i hv nvr scolded my maids before even d hiao fili n d siao ting tong myanmar maid, i juz tok to them niceli, mb tat's why so many funni things lor haiz.

csi fan, tks for the update, tat was fast, haha packing her out of yr hse, o my o my, she certainli tk so much things fm u all, some more old hp oso she mng to steal, wah liao, reali no kidding leh, juz lk my prev hiao fili. yr new maid blur blur, mine 3 wks liao, oso blur blur, haiz, we must hv lots of patience lor.
Kanna sai, bak for a day nia.. tml he gg on sea for job.. sigh.. n tml is my detail scanning at tmc.. shucks.. anyway.. i've been so eager in my trip, wrote notes, etc down liao.. but still feel like got tings missing.. hahaha.. guess am too excited abt it..
hope after waking them up, they wld slp on board.. n not get too excited over it.. LoL..
celtricia, huh, sian, tmr yr hb gg on sea, nvr mind la, all d best for yr detail scan leh, must b excited hehe. yes, hehe, so many things rite, so i end up typing an itinerary lor lk whr to go for day 01 till end of trip hehe, dun forget to bring some medications ie ruyi oil, panadol, flu medication but remember, must declare lor n if u bring onboard, must hv name of patients &amp; etc for medications lor. enjoy yr trip leh.
yah...chop chop lah. I wanted to let her pack in the room, but hb was saying, she this kind of person, she will slowly "tu" so that she can think and think. And hb doesn't want to give her a chance to think. Just deliver the shock, and before u can overcome the surprise attack to spring an attack on me, u're out of my territory.

The HP was from my mum's place. and she was there while we went back home to go through her stuff and move them into living room.

and we found some notes that she wrote. those notes were to her bf, talking abt how pple can die of a broken heart, how he has made her feel like a woman again, how he has taught her to love again etc. read already, got goose bumps. haha. hb say she love sick. hahaha
Kanna sai.. ya lor.. bo bian lah.. his job is like dat.. juz hope dun aws so suay.. hahah.. yes yes.. excited abt the detail scanning..
Ooo.. i duno hw to go abt to type out the itinerary leh.. heehee.. though its only a week trip.. keke..

as for medication, will check if my fren haf it over at her plc.. if she does den i no nid bring if not haf to declare tis n tat, very ma fan.. LoL.. my trip only starting end of oct leh.. too early to ask me enjoy my trip.. nw areadi no mood to wrk liao.. hahahah..
<font color="aa00aa">csi fan</font>,
Wow!! nicely planned and excuted. *good job* The maid also like no time to react... but she really daring lor. Can steal your old clothes and your Bro's HP some more.
Good lucky with your new maid. Really hope that this maid will be a good one for you.

<font color="aa00aa">susany / kannasai</font>,
Oh dear... take care of yourselves yah. Drink lots of fluid and eat more nourishing food to "bu-sheng".

<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font>,
Enjoy your detail scanning tomorrow. Must be so excited yah. Tink you mentioned b4, but I can't remember... when will you be going for your hols?
Aiyoh... recently tink I kena PUPPP leh. First got rash around my lower abdomen. Now spread to my forearms, around the armpits and thigh area.
Scratching all over lke crazy. Tomorrow me going to see gynae for my 32 weeks check-up. Hope to get some medication to ease the itch. *aarrgghh*
My myanmar maid is going back in Dec and I am wondering how do I contact her as her phone line there is not easy to reach.
SHe asks me to help her find a phone card to enable her to call me when she is in myanmar.
Then my hubby proposelend her a hp so we can contact her easily. I worry she will lose it.
hehs...yah...that one went smoothly...*phew*.

This new maid ah...she really blur. But she's willing to learn. So I guess that's better. Yesterday I almost had heart attack. I showed her how to use the steriliser and how to fill it with water. Then the 2nd time for sterilising, she took the entire body of the pigeon steriliser and wanted to "dunk" it into the sink to fill with water. OMG.....I was so pissed. but I had to keep reminding myself, she's new. First time overseas, a village person...give her time. Guess I just don't have patience...hehs...

And what hb and I find to be very funny is...she has never changed a diaper before! muahahaha. even though she worked in a diaper factory. In the village, they just leave the babies without their diapers and pants. hahaha. But all these kind of thing is can be taught one long as the attitude is right.
CSI Fan, yes, attitude is important as long as they have good attitude, then they can learn.

Pat, what's the good news, bird or hamburger, he he ..

yesterday evening, i told off my maid as she left my bb alone in the cot while she went into the kitchen to drink water. I was so mad as my bb is able to stand up and the cot rail is up to his waist now. And this is not the first time I told her that my bb cannot be left alone anywhere in the house.

My maid is a good learner but tend to slag. She never do any of the housework nor taking care of bb before .. but she is a fast learner and can perform. She's exactly 2 months old with me now.

This morning, i tested her .. asked her if she mix my machine wash clothes with the floor mats, he he .. she said NO, hand wash ..

alamak, why yr dd cry again?
celtricia, wat is d good news hehe? ya, bo pian, tat is their job, me too, hb alwy not ard, used to it liao. arh, u got frenz there easier la, d itinerary juz to ensure tat got every where covered lor - for lax for me wl be lk day 01 - universal studio, dnr at bubba gump, day 02 - universal studio, dnr at hard rock, day 03 &amp; etc, i wl usuali want to bring my kids to my fav rest/hang outs during my flying days lor. end oct, veri fast la.

dymples, tks, juz see doc agn, now on antibiotic lor. u gg for c/up, how is d progress leh? 32 wks liao, almost there liao hehe.

csi fan, wow tat was fast leh n she fast worker too haha, can tp hp so fast wow liao, lucki u asked for body search leh. haha, yr new maid wow liao, veri blur, veri suaku la, must chck tat d bttls r clean, rinse until no more of d pigeon wash leh, mine too lor, we must hv lots of patience lor. Yr ex maid fili n new maid oso fili leh, i forgot liao?

susany, wow liao, tat is dangerous for a 10 mth bb leh, must tell her. at least yrs fast learner, mine attitude okie lor but veri slow, until now i still hv not progress to teaching her how to clean d fridge? haiz. haha, heng she know how to separate floor mats wiz yr clothes haha, haiz, mine sian. my dd cried coz she saw d maids washing shoes in d long bath in my bathroom, she told d maid must wash in d toilet downst, maid said use pail veri small, longbath big ... wow liao, she put shoes in my longbath, fill up wiz water n d shoes swimming in d longbath - veri suaku, dunno whether to laugh or cry, haiz.
i think you'll need to lower the cot for your bb leh. if not maybe dangerous. sometimes accidents can happen even if an adult is there with bb. they can be too fast for us to react.

aiyo...your maid really left her brain at home! how can wash shoes in bathtub?!

i'll be really excited abt the trip too if I were you. kekeke...

me also same lah..hb always not around one. My house like hotel for him liao! Last weekend just came back from Sweden. This weekend taking off to Manila. Come back for one day then go off again to Cherating! SianZ!
Hi, I relocated to Singapore less than a year ago (from Thailand) and am now looking for domestic helper as I'm expecting a 2nd child in January.

Reading everyone's experiences with their maids is giving me anxiety attacks over employing Indo/Fili maids. Some friends tell me it's better to employ Burmese or Vietnamese. Any input on that from anyone here?

Also, does any one know of a good agency that specialises in maids/nannies from THAILAND?
Wah ur maid so crazy u still dare to keep her ah?? If me I will sure send her back coz I will not take any chance for my 2 gals.

my husb is working shifts + he is studying so he is aso busy man. With my very active younger gal, sometimes I can get very pek chek. So I really peifu u esp ur husb is always oversea.

Normally after work, I will go home 1st to bath then go to my mil hse to fetch my 2 kids and maid. So yday after work, I search her things to see if she brought the hp to my mil hse and I cant find it at home! Which means she brought the hp wif her. But my mil says she nv see her using the hp la...And when I gei gei ask her yday if the hp is good to use, she told me she haven use yet so she dunno....see....she aso not stupid leh....but i'm kindda worried tat she will take photos of my children in her hp...all my husb la, told him cannot he say if ask her to buy no camera one wait she aso not happy....
Agree with Nellu that accident can still happen in adult's presence as kids' action are usually too fast for adults to react. Hope your cot still can be further lowered.

Last time i used to put my 18mth son in playpen when i need to do other things. The playpen's (non-adjustable type) fence reached up to my son's chest so i think it is very safe. Then in one occassion, he was whinning badly (throw tantrum type) so i ignore him thinking he is safe in playpen. Guess what happen? He managed to climb out of the playpen and fell onto the floor and hit his head! As the playpen fence was made of net-type cloth, he made use of friction and placed his feet onto the 'wall' of the playpen and somehow managed to climb out! .. Really cannot small see these little kids .. From then onwards, i stop using the playpen .. sigh .. now without maid, i can't even go toilet when i'm at home alone with my 2 kids cos must watch over them closely .. heng i'm working, else i'll go mad ..
<font color="aa00aa">Csi fan / Susany</font>,
Yah.. gotta be really patient with them cos they come from village so they not used to the way we work. Also for them... things are always "slow" in their village. So they can't understand why we want them to do things fast fast. They dun have a sense of urgency. Guess gotta slowly teach and tell them the difference between our culture and theirs.

<font color="aa00aa">susany</font>,
OMG!! Yah.. must constantly highlight to them not to leave the BB alone. So dangerous. My this maid also lah... yesterday after bathing my 4-yrs gal, she left her alone in the bathroom to rush to their bedroom to grab the towel. I was angry cos, what happen if my gal fall down?

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
Oh dear... on antibiotics means more serious liaoz. Must rest lots lots yah. Dun be so stress okie. My gynae says BB is ok... but cos I got berry bad body rash, they gotta do blood test to find out the cause. Hope it's nothing serious lah... maybe just PUPPP.

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
How is your detailed scanning? Is it a prince or princess? Everything ok?

<font color="aa00aa">littlebubble</font>,
Actually getting a good maid is like striking the 1st prize for lottery. It does not matter where they are from... what we want is just a maid who is willing to learn, be appreciative when we are nice to them and look after our children, things and house as they would their own. Good luck in your search.

<font color="aa00aa">pinktweet</font>,
OMG!! Your son really smart leh... know how to use climb out of the playpen. Yup... agree that with children every spilt second counts. Even for us... the minute we turn our heads only... they can fall down or bump their heads. *faintz* Got to be constantly on alert.
yup. my ex maid is fili and new one is also fili. yah...must rinse properly. that's why I still insist on sterilising all the bottles even though my gal is now 10 mths. Just in case lah...hehs.

yup. have to be patient. I'm not one with much this is a good chance for me to build up patience too...*inhale deep breath* *slowly exhale*

wow...your son is so clever! Really cannot underestimate these kids. They will always surprise you...

I think our babies are the same age...Dec baby? Have to lower the cot...and yes, cannot take eyes away from them. must keep reminding the maid...
Afternoon ladies,

Bz bz clearing wrk.. sigh..

Dymples.. its a princess.. heh.. but not so gd news is tat i haf low lying placenta, but gynae say not to worry as it may go up later part of pregnancy.. whh i definitely hope so, as i dun wish to go thru c-sect nw.. since both #1 n #2 is natural..

hols ah.. m leaving on 26oct.. heh.. so exciting..

u now in 32weeks? me only 21weeks.. tml den 22weeks.. for u.. soon its over.. bear wif it a while more.. but for ur pupps.. u beta get medication..

Susan, hamburger.. hahah. so #2 got playmate liao lor..
its so dangerous of ur maid to do tat.. lucky at that pt jaxten did try to lean out.. she beta remember tis...

Kanna sai, gd news? haha.. boy or girl.. both is gd news to me.. since i haf both liao.. hahah.. oh.. ur hb too? sigh.. i still not use to it as it doesn't happen v often.. but i feel its aws i preggie den he is away so often.. so sian..
ya.. got 2 frens at sydney.. n both stayin near each other.. hahaha..

nellu, ya lor.. so excited leh.. i feel like am a small kid.. first time on flight like tat.. sounds so deprive.. wahahaha..
ur hb too? but at least u r not wrking.. not tat bad right? no nid depend on him to fetch u to n fro wrk, etc.. but i guess got pros n cons bah.. ur hb travels more often den mine.. i sure can't take it if it was me.. heh..
nellu, haha, yes, she left her brain in fili, tinking of asking her to get it dhl to sin. my dd saw liao, she so heart pain till she cried - 7 yr old kid oso know tat can not wash shoes in long bath, she 32 yrs old haiz. Yr hb oso trvl so much, sian rite, me too, but used to it liao n when kanna tis kind of maid, reali veri pek chek, sian.

jo, i dunno abt cambodia maids leh, mb u can try finding out fm mom website.

jes, u buy d hp for yr maid or u all bring her to buy n she pay for it herself?

dymples, ya lor, kanna so suaku/forgetful maid, i veri stress, hehe glad yr bb good, rashes - can apply some calamine lotion a bit may helps leh.

csi fan, o, fili, haiz sian, u send d prev fili for trsfr or back to fili? veri scari oso she, can mng to steal within such a short period of time. haha, patience, yes must hv lots coz veri suaku haiz.
celtricia, hehe, tks for yr upd, another princess, girls much easier to tk care, i prefer girls hehe, congrats leh. yes lor, whn hb away esp when pregn veri sian, haiz, haha, for me but den when my hb in town, he oso veri bz wiz his grd trgs etc so same same haha, omo (on my own) haha. o good la, u got 2 frenz there, ez bz la, no nn 2 bring so much unnecessary stuff leh.

mummies, i juz spoke to my ex-colliq n she now SAHM n no more maid liao for coming to a wk, she was alw counting her blessings tat she had a gd maid to lk aft her son when she/hb flying. she juz discovered tat all these yrs, she has bn buying expensive fishes feeding her maid n not her son. she juz found out tat her son dislk fish, all these yrs, d maid ate up d expensive fishes (till she veri healthi/fat fat lor), she juz kept quiet n nvr tell d mum tat d son dun eat fish, she herself eat d fishes up. So many yrs liao, my frenz felt lk calling up d maid in fili n scold her. So mummies, alw chck tat what we bought for our kids to eat during our absence/when we r at work r actuali eaten by our kids lor.

I sent her back for transfer...coz her loan not paid up yet leh. She only with me for 4 mths. Actually, we wanted to send her back during her after 2 mths, but had to find another replacement first then can send her back. In the end, took 2 mths to find replacement. If loan not paid up yet, and I send her back to fili, I lose out on the remaining loan right? I'd rather send her back to fili lorh, than have her "recycled" in our society.
it's worse when i'm at home. Very sian leh...then when maid act gong gong lagi more sian!

I dun think I would take the risk if I were you. If myanmar maids can be so terok, i dun think cambodian will be any better.

so hard to check whether they eat or not right? even if they did, they will never admit it lor.

unless kids big liao can tell you like your dd, then ok lor.

good thing your dd is so sensible, can help you jaga the maid.
csi fan, oic, yes, nvr finish loan, wl lose out, yes, replacement tk so long to find haiz, i oso tk veri long to find, for d hiao fili, i sent her back to fili, she too much liao lor but i lk yr agt leh on d body search haiz, my reltv agt nvr even chck d bags of new maids, let alone body search, haiz, nvr ever tk maids fm reltv. on d part of love notes to bf, i oso found some fm d siao ting tong myanmar maid, veri scari, i tot she hates man but dunno who she wrote to leh eeeew, lucki she out of my hse liao.
Kanna sai, hahah.. i shld b the one thanking all of u for the concerns.. LoL..
hmm.. i wldn't say so for my case leh.. my boy was much easier to handle as compared to my girl.. so actually i prefer a girl.. but den again.. as long as they healthy, can liao.. heehee..
for me, when hb in town, he can aws fetch me to n from wrk.. so i prefer it tis way.. haha.. no nid to take public trpt.. n still haf to send kids to mum's plc myself.. heh..
ya.. 2 frens there, 1 of them juz went over recently due to hb's wrk.. n both her kids almost same age as mine.. so i agree lor.. no nid to bring so many unnecessary tings..

wow! ur fren's maid so steady leh.. but to look back.. at least the maid din ill treat ur fren's son.. so can count the blessings lah.. some of us here treat the maid wif gd food, yet end up they still dun take gd care of kids.. worst right?

CSI_fan, thanks.. heehee..

i noe wat u mean.. to face the maid alone at hm.. is worst.. for me though only on saturdays mornings i haf to face tis current maid alone i also sian, wan to faster get out of the hse.. hahah.. so i can comprehend wat u mean by very sian.. hahah...
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>
Congrats on yur princess. Oh dear... low lying placenta. Me also leh... my placenta is very low, almost covering the OS. To date, the placenta still has not moved up much and gynae still monitoring cos I really dun want to go under C-sect. Prefer natural delivery cos can faster call the massage lady to do binding. hehhehe...
Btw, are you considering ligation after no.3? Me confirm wil ligate cos dun want any accidents after this liaoz.

<font color="aa00aa">CSI fan</font>,
hehehhe... no worries. I'm also those that dun have lots of patience. That's why I prefer getting slightly experienced maid versus those really new types. At least train them not so straining lor.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
Aiyoh.. my gynae also dunno why I kena the rash. So gotta do blood test to check if it is allergy reaction, viral infection or PUPPP. *haiz* She only gave me some antihistamines and rash cream to apply. Will get the results in 2-days time. Aiyoh... your tat friend's maid really can lah. Eat all the expensive fish! *aarrgghh* Terrible!!
CSI_Fan, got body search ?? aiya.. shd have requested that with the runaway maid.. I never even got the chance to check her bag… OMG she’s really daring.. even your bro hp oso dare to take. Ur maid got a bf in SG?? Omg! BTW ur new maid shd have her wp approve aldy, just need some time before receiving it back. Normally its abt 1 wk. Ya true, as long as the attitude is right everything can be learn.

Emma, Myanmar can oso use phone card?? Does she normally call home? If yes, u can arrange 1st which date and time u will call her and ask her to standby there.

Alamak, your maid is so funny… shoes swimming.. wa!!!
no ex maid, her bf is in Phil. hehs...Yah, she's quite daring. Then she told us to pass the 2 bottles of shampoo to my father's maid...dunno is it trying to show us that she's close to that maid or that maid is also in cahoots with her...

oh, WP for new maid shd be approved already ah? But agent say haven't bring her to do thumbprint yet coz other maid not transferred out without thumbprint, can approve WP? Not too sure also lah.

But this new maid very very blur leh. Dunno is it she dun understand my english or what. But she says she's thinking how to do things perfectly. This morning, hb and I (both of us) told her no need to make milo for hb. She had just poured hot water into the cup, so also told her to pour it into the cool water jug, and no need to make. Then, she used the water from the cool water jug, to make milo! Already told her no need to make and she still make milo. Told her at least 3 times some more. And, everyday we go my mum's place, we use the Pigeon FTG bag to store the bottles of EBM. But today, I told her not bringing that bag, but using another cooler bag to bring. And I'm the one who packs the EBM. She can come and ask me a few minutes later, "so the bottles from the other cooler bag put inside the Pigeon bag?" OMG! my english must be that bad. Then yesterday, she wanted to wash clothes and bedsheets, and the load was quite a bit. So I told her, we don't have much space to hang our clothes, so there is no need to wash all at one shot. Just wash this bit first (and I separated for her). I turned my back, she took all to wash. Now, not only no space to hang, the clothes also cannot dry, coz they are cramped up together.
Dunno her blur-ness is for real one or not? haiz....

sorry...just ranting here...
CSI_Fan, oic.. her bf in phil at least not so bad... i tink she's trying to stir problem for ur father's maid..

i tink shd be approve at least there shd be a principle-in-approval (not sure if this is the term) letter right?? if not u wont be able to bring her back.. I think your new maid dun understand what u mean.. not your english bad.. but her comprehension bad... give her more time to adapt. see if she can improve.
Morning ladies,

thanks! ya.. sian leh.. u also ah.. sob sob.. i also dun wan to do c-sect leh.. so scary.. i pray the best for u too.. coz i heard it can b quite difficult to go by natural if placenta is at the passage there blocking the way for bb's head to come out.. sigh..
I considering of doing ligate, but my gynae dun wan to discuss abt it.. say i too young.. @%#@^%&amp;%$^ but i also dun wan any accident after tis leh.. how ah..

Ladies, ytd evening received an email frm someone in the forum recommending a phil maid.. duno shld take or not.. coz i juz called her.. she is an angmo.. but tis phil maid is not hers but neighbour one..
celtricia, haha.. tis morning i saw that lady post abt a phil maid... so i sms her, she called me back. Seems quite nice.. but the maid i sms her, no reply. U got call the maid for interview?
yup. Hope she improves. Coz if it's the problem with her comprehension, I can't function at work...can't focus. Coz I'll be worried if she understands my instructions regarding the baby stuff...I got nobody to supervise her at home...
May, she emailed me.. den i called her lor.. i din call the maid.. coz i wan to find out more.. but hor.. she wrk wif expats leh.. freedom more.. duno can wrk for me or not.. since i stay in hdb flat.. heh..
Pat, congrats, Orlando will be the da-ger-da and Ophelia will have a playmate, so, this no 3 name will start with another "O"? Anyway, the children have very unique name starting with "O".

alamak, nellu, pinktweet, dymples, csi_fan, pat .. about the bb cot, Jaxten is 10 months old now, Nov 2007 baby .. using the cot as changing place, the cot is small for him. Usually he sleeps in the hammock. Actually the cot has been leveled down, the lowest will be very low and hard to do as a changing place.

I'm thinking of removing the cot and place an adult size mattress on the floor, kampung style for him to sleep. But fearing instead of having bb to sleep, the maid will sleep on the mattress instead??? Haha, maybe i'm worrying too much.

CSI_Fan, yr new maid is showing that she cannot take instruction well or she wasn't focus when you talk to her or she doesn't seem to understand your words. When she did wrong, ask her again what is her level of understanding of your request. You have nobody to supervise her at home?

Pat, that Fili may not be suitable for you loh, since she's working for angmo.

Alamak, don't use your relative agent anymore .. this person is not helping you at all. Your maid hoh, if u find that she is kuai, can be trusted, then u must have a big patience to teach her and blend her into the local culture but still i don't think anyone even those from the 3rd world country eat eggshell??

Pinktweet, who's taking care of the kids now, yeah, never underestimate a kid, anyhow in anyway, they'll find ways to release themselves to freedom from their cot/playpen.

Thanks Susan... yes yes.. no.3 also staring wif "O".. heh.. her name will b Odelia.. but chinese name still deciding.

At hm, all of us slp on mattress tat's place on the flr.. no bedframe.. heehee.. so for us.. we use to it liao..

I also tink tis maid will not b suitable.. but really haf to c hw it goes..
