Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

<font color="aa00aa">Susany</font>,
You managed to have a talk with your maid already? What did she have to say about her continuous minstakes?

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Oz is a nice nice place to bring children. Oh yah... as it's Spring/Summer now, pls bring along a jacket for the nights as it can get quite cool.
When will the maid come back to you on the decision? Hope this one works out.

<font color="aa00aa">CSI fan</font>,
May has a good suggestion leh... drop off the old maid at 1 outlet and pick up the other one from another otlet.
This way confirm both maids won't see each other and you won't be so stress liaoz.

Hi Joy747,

Yes i m.. hahah.. i dun even haf mood to wrk.. hehe.. everyday surfing for wat to bring n checking out wat plcs of interest i'll bring my kids to.. hahaha..

I din go to any agency, someone trfing out their maid.. Thanks a lot for ur best wish..

So howz tings gg on for u?

Hope the trip is a fun n fulfilling one.. LoL.. Yes yes.. spring/summer now, but heard frm fren winter still not leaving yet.. hahaha.. ya.. am quite headache over the clothes.. sigh.. n my kids dun wear covered shoes.. problems.. son wears crocs, ger wear sandles.. hw ah? heehee
The employer intends to trf her out by end tis mth, so i tink shld b soon bah.. Ya.. i also hope it works out.. cross fingers pray hard..
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>
Maybe you wanna bring along some socks for your children. So when their feet feet cold, just put on socks on.

Do keep us updated on the maid's decision yah... so excited for you. hehheeh...
ya.. tat's wat i intend to do.. guess gg on a trip wif kids by flight is nvr easy, esp the packing of clothes n wat to bring.. hahah..
Yes yes.. i will keep u update on the maid's decision.. guess ultimately, if GOD's will tat she will wrk for me, she will lor.. though am eager to noe her decision soon.. hahaha.. u excited for me coz of the trip or the maid? hahahaha...
Hi Celtricia

thanks.You will enjoy your sidney trip.I brought my gal there when she was two years old.The weather is beautiful.I love shopping there and the only draw back is aussie dollar is on the high side.

My kopitiam maid?Make do and she has to be under close supervision...and standard about all maids, full of excuses n lies.I try to minimise happening which I dont want her to my mind is always thinking ahead of her....tired but what to do, as I dont want to jump when problems finally arised.
Hi Joy,
Hmm.. i hope i will enjoy too.. hahah.. Oh.. u mean there's lots to shop over there? hahah.. y alor.. oz dollar quite high.. so quite sian also.. trying to monitor the best rate.. heehee..

Aiyoz.. tat's damn tiring for u leh.. y do maids do tis to us? but yet at wrk we still haf to b at our best? tis is so unfair.. haiz..

Wanna know why its so unfair, cos they are maids.

Actually sydney is quite city like compared to perth but kids will like it.

I wish am like you can plan and confirm trip.My japan trip is subject to how my gal fair in her sa exam or it will not be a bonus for her to fly....

true true.. but we r employers leh n they employees mah.. heh..

Yes.. i love perth.. though my trip there was yrs bak.. i like the serenity there..

Well.. a few yrs down the road i will b like u too liao leh.. so nw while my kids still young n no nid to base on exams to plan for trip i beta go soon.. but wif #3 coming out nxt yr.. duno if we will still go for the disney trip as planned.. sigh..
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Me excited for both your trip and the maid... so lucky.. going to sydney. I lived in Melbourne for 4-yrs. Shopping there is superb. Especially at the factory outlets -
can grab ralph lauren, burberry, espirit, nine west, sheridan, etc... all branded stuffs on super duper reduce prices cos it's past seasons. hehehheeh.
I also love their Sunday markets - many nice souvenairs and local handicrafts to look and buy. Now the exchange rate should be ok bah... about 1.25 or less.

LoL.. ic ic.. won't say its lucky lah.. juz tat nw hb doing much beta at wrk so can travel a bit further, tat's all.. heh..
Ooo.. u lived in Melbourne b4 ah.. hw nice..
Hmm.. factory outlets ah.. hope i haf the chance to shop.. heh..
Nw exchange rate is abt 1.20...
hello, can check if any one knows about DANS SERVICE at lucky plaza?

Btw i saw my maid's new application under this agency.
Still can write she never lose temper or argue with employer. Really kns...
be careful if u getting maid from this agency. Dun kanna my maid.
She is on hp everyday since the day we allow. Some more she secretly buy one!
And she can lie with a very straight face.
I'm just waiting for my ger to go cc...
about feeding my children dinner at 4.30pm.

1. I praised her that I like her honesty and telling the truth. Must continue to keep up the good job.

2. I'm not trying to pin point your mistake but I need you to understand that i'm correcting you. That's why, telling me the truth is very important.

3. Told her that having dinner at 4.30pm is too early and she cannot simply make decision like that, praised her again that she did a good job by calling me so oftenly in the morning and should do that if unsure.

4. She apologized.

Gosh, giving lecturing everyday with a low humble tone is very sien leh ...... cannot be harsh to her somemore.

Anyway, early this morning another heart pain from her.

Really tired in lecturing her everyday as i know she also dun like me doing that.

Again yesterday she forgot to eat lunch.
Dymples, i will only noe if the maid will wrk for me by nxt monday.. sigh.. cross fingers pray hard..

Susan, i totally understand, as both ur kids is looked after by her alone... so tat's wat u can do to protect ur kids frm being harm.. sigh..
<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font>,
oohh.. monday har.. ok ok. Update us yah.

<font color="aa00aa">Susany</font>,
Yah.. really sianz to "lecture" maids like that... but boh pianz cos your children under her care whilst you are at work. Dun want her to take out anger on them lor.
You continue to monitor her and see how lor. If everyday she still make mistakes... then see wat further action you want to take from there.
Celtricia, glad to hear u like the maid. hope u will get the her. Hee.. how old is your children. Must find ways to occupied them. Mine, for a short trip to BKK I almost surrender. The elder one keep running around in the plane…
Wendy, you mean u return ur maid to the agency or ur maid came back to SG again with Dans?
SusanY, very torture hor.. I understand that.. last time with my maids all the same. Cannot be too harsh on them. So even if very angry, must tone down.. and talk to them nicely… Even when my bb’s fingernail came out, I still point out nicely to my maid.. must pay more attention… bla bla bla.. one ear in, one ear out. If they work outside, you think their boss will be so nice and talk to them like we do?? I dun tink ur maid forget her lunch… she’s on hunger strike.. trying to gain your attention. Wa kaoz!!!.. tell her she’s going back to agent for ‘lunch’ if she forget again.
I think for the time being I will just be maidlesss, currently too upset by my prev maid.. even if got good maids come along I dun think I will see their good. I keep having the image of my son almost fall to his death bcos of the maid unlocking the window grills w/o telling us.. even after she ran to agent she oso nv said a word. I tink I should post her name on singaporemaid.blogspot. Anyone noes hw do I post there?
you try to PM tamarind. I think she's busy. hardly see her these days.

good to hear the good news abt the maid. Hope things will be ok for you.
Dymples.. sure sure... will update b it gd news or bad.. heh..

May.. ya.. i hope too.. my kids at, my elder one coming to 3 in nov, my ger abt 15 mths.. Tat's my worry lor.. abt them runnin ard in the plane.. heh.. muz bring lots of entertainment.. sigh.. colouring, his cars, books, doodle board.. wah liew.. so many things leh.. sian.. ahaha..

nellu.. i also hope too.. ytd maid ask to call bak again.. n hb wasn't ard.. as i noe the card no more $$ liao.. so i pretend to call using the hm phone wif loudspeaker for her to hear.. den i told her.. tat time u use no money liao u din say.. nw can't call coz not enuff.. so she bo bian.. heh..she beta not caused more trouble when my hb not ard.. nw F1 tingy, hb nid to b at flyer.. sian.. 12pm to 12am.. i told hb if she create her crying ting again hw? hb say, gd lor den sent her bak.. no nid say more.. heehee..

I feel the pain when I read both your email,esp remember those days I have to LOOK AT MY maid face colour as I need her help to take care of my baby....I need to run errand during his nap time....My maid dare to question me and talk back and black face and I tolerated her....

Now, think back, its really no choice cos safety of my kids count.

Current maid, no such privilege, as I will tell her off when i see anything not clean or right in the house...why?Simply my son has grown bigger, and I dont need her to help take care of my son, I bring him wherever I go.Somehow, I think maids are also very smart, when they feel their role is indispensable...they think big....

So, hang in there, your baby will grow and this problem with maids is short term, it will go away...
Pat, the Fili seems to be very confident. Hv u confirmed yr decision to choose her? Hope that she is good and can work long ..

Dymples/May/Pat, who doesn't want to have a maid to work for long as least till end of the 2 year contract, rite?

And who wants a maid if we can do everything all on our own?

Those days, having a maid means status and pride.

Nowadays, having a maid means BURDEN!

May, if can go maidless, it's a total FREEDOM!

Also, they are very ya ya papaya as they know they're quite protected by the government. Today's news saying to give them maternity perks should they get pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAOZ MAN!!
Joy, they're totally not stupid, Oscar winner somemore, better actress than anyone else.

Yes, our main priority is the kids, i'm hoping so much and pray for peace for the day to passed without any mishap and hope by then my kids r grown and that is when i can achieve INDEPENDENCE DAY - MERDEKA!
Susan, ya.. she looks confident, but dun look proud kind.. since i interviewed her thru skype.. dun haf those ya ya payaya look.. nw its not up to me to cfm her.. its her who is choosing employer.. hahaha..
<font color="aa00aa">Joy</font> - So totally agree with you man... the maids really know when they are indispensable. Especially those taking care of children. They tink that cos they help us take care of the children, we dun dare to 'sack' them so come up with lots of patterns.

<font color="aa00aa">Maternity perks for maids</font> - This is totally RIDICULOUS!! What do they want!! For the maid to stay in our house for 3-months after she give birth!! Crazy har!! Anyway, their WP condition is they cannot get pregnant what!! For what give them maternity perks!! This will only encourage them to find BF's and get preggie lah. After that become social menance! *aarrgghh* This is the stupidest suggestion ever!

<font color="aa00aa">Susany</font> - yah... me also waiting for the day all my gals are in higher primary then can do without MAIDS!!! Marking down to that Freedom Day. heheheheh...
They know they are dispensable esp they know we are so kan cheong over our kids and dont dare to be very fierce to them or send them back when they make mistakes when they do something wrong esp concern with our kids.

I am also looking forward to maidless hand and legs all very tight with the two kids and need someone to do the housework .
Can someone advise pls?

I'm booking airtickets for my maid to go back to Philippines for a short visit. Do I need to apply for an exit pass for her pls? Is there anything i need to take note of or can i just book return tickets and that's it? Urgent advise pls! Thanks!
Re: Maternity Perks for Maids

If the govt ever allow the above, the following will surely occurs:

1) Low birth rate
2) Long queue or waitin list for childcares and infant cares
3) More ya ya papaya maids
Hi Celtricia,

Yes I am. Still finding her an employer but in the meantime, I've agreed to fly her home for a short trip. Wondering if I need to infomr MOM or anything liek that?
Hi Twiggy,

Oh.. I guess its hard to find one since u r paying her $400 with every sunday off.. I dun mind having her since u say she's gd wif kids.. but with every sunday off.. its a no no.. sorry..

But as for her flyin hm.. u sure she will b bak? yes u nid to inform MOM.
Hi Mummies

Just read someone wrote regarding about changing maids...I think what she says is really seen here

Most people would think twice about changing the maid because afterall she has learned all the ropes and if you hire another you have to train all over again but if you don't trust her at home alone you should send her back.

She's already doing things her way when you are around imagine what will happen when you leave her home alone?
Hi Nellu, thanks will try to PM her after I get my ‘story’ ready.

Celtricia, ya.. bring lots of toys.. the toys given on the plane doesn’t interest my boys.. I bot a lot of ‘surprise’ small toys for my elder boy.. Everything must be small or light.. haha.. if not carry until really wan to throw away…

Joy747, its so good that in this forum there’s ppl who understand.. J I really vomit blood with all my ex maids…

SusanY, still hanging there… no maid no more vomit blood.. but oso no time for children.. reach home hse work all the way til bedtime.. Wkend is catching up on the hsework and oso zzzz…

Maternity perks for maid… so ridiculous… So hw? After maid gave birth? We need to find the father for the bb? Who’s going to want to engage a maid anymore.
sorry about the confusion.

I mean i saw her filled application form to dans service. Previously i got her from nation. Her contract ending dec08
Hi Celtricia,

Yeah,you're probably right. Not many employers are willing to give every Sunday off. For us, it was so we can have a bit of privacy in the house at least once a week too. It's nice just to have 3 of us in the house without anyone else around.

I'm not worried about her coming back to SG. After all she paid her own ticket to come work in Singapore. Why would she be stupid and not come back? And she asked me not to cancel her work permit while she's away so she can still come back without any problems.

Can anyone advise on procdures for flying maid home for vacation? Is it jsut simple as book airticket?
maternity perks for maids:
after 3 mths maids come back to work for us? Then what? they want to bf their baby and then decide to stay and look after the kid then how? employers left high and dry? I think it's qutie ridiculous. On top of that, how can they clean house etc when they are pregnant? Some of us already find it tough with a heavy while they are pregnant, they can't really work much, and then still must give 3 mths leave? That's why in the first place, they are sent home when they get pregnant...
true...ur suggestion of sending the maid to the other branch is a good idea. I'll check with agent if that's possible...Thanks!

So many posts, gotta take my time to read through...hehs
Hi Twiggy,
You dun need to inform MOM, but just to makesure her work permit still valid in order for her to comeback. You can get your levy refund after that too.
aiya, the 3mths maternity perks are some yaya people talking big lah,thinking they ownself are so wei(3)-da(4) to give equal employment benefits as s'poreans .. even the 3rd or 4th mth maternity leaves are only eligible for s'porean or PR babies cos paid by our govt .. why should our govt pay for foreigners' employment perks .. those people just want to air their 'righteousness' and human rights preaches lah .. i'm very sure that this will definitely not be implemented .. will s'pore govt want to help maids raise their kids? fat hope! They even disallow s'porean from marrying work permit holders, let alone letting work permit holders to give birth here.
Ic ic.. i understand wat u mean.. but for me having 2 kids at hm.. it will b beta my helper got no off.. heh.. tat's y..

Oh. she paid her own flight bak.. no wonder.. den shld b safe enuff.. not tat dun trust her.. but haf heard a lot abt maid not coming bak, etc.. its juz a safe guard or precaution qns..
<font color="aa00aa">Joy</font>,
Yah... that's why when my maids first come to work for me, I always tell them straight off that they are NOT indispensable. Everywhere I turn, I can get new maid easily. So they better do good job for me or else... *change maids*. I also tell them that dun tink I got children I scared to change maids... cos I can stop work anytime too. hahahaah... using reverse psych and scare tactic together.

<font color="aa00aa">Maternity package</font>
These "wei-da" people... wait till they kena the maids that worked for us before... see after they have pulled their hair... screamed in frustration and vomit blood... then see whether they can still ask for such ridiculous package for maids. Yes... maids are still humans. But once we start offering such perks to them... what's next?? Compulsory yearly AWS??!! Anyway... these packages are for S'proeans and PR's only. If foreigners also qualify for such benefits.. where does that put us Singaporeans??!! Better to get other citizenships like that lah.. These people really brainless man.

<font color="aa00aa">Twiggy</font>,
Sorry.. can't help cos I have not send any maid back for holidays yet... cos my ex-maids never completed their contract with me. Maybe you wanna call MOM to double check on the procedure yah.
Yes just buy her an air ticket. Make sure she brings her work permit card and passport to the airport will do.

My maid is now on 2 weeks home leave. I have to take 2 weeks leave to stay at home to take care of my 2 kids. I have not mop the floor for a few years, this morning I just mopped the whole house and my back felt like breaking. There seems to be so many things to wash and I am always on my feet. My kids are already 5 and 4 years old, but it is still not easy. I feel so relaxed when my maid is around, because she does such a good job. Now I am so tired everyday, counting down to the day she returns.

My maid is getting every alternate Sunday off, and I am OK with that. When she is on day-off, I only bathe the kids, whole family eat outside, and I don't need to wash and clean anything at all !
Hi Mummies,

Need some advice here. My Indo maid has been with us for abt 1 and a half yr. A few mths ago, she has asked for a HP but I rejected her indirectly by telling her buying a HP is very expen la bla bla bla... Dan a few days ago, she raised this subject to me again when I asked her whether she wans to call home. FYI, I am buying her those calling cards as she don't call home very frequently. She only calls home when we asked else she will not request. Dunno if she paisei or what.... She is still okie as in she does her work, does not gives us face to see and is very good to both my gals. But maybe aso because she is at my MIL hse when my gals are there so someone is watching her very now and then...
Today even though her face not very black but hor can sense that she abit not happy lor...u ask her something and she tok to u like wan to die like husb was saying since she wan dan let her buy lor else wait she bey song face black black everyday.... On one hand, I was tinking maybe she feels lonely and wan to sms her family or friends but on the other hand, scared that problems will start to come in once I allow her to use hp.... will u gals allow ur maid to buy hp after being wif u for a while?
Hi Jes

I think I will face the same problem when my maid's loan is up.Saw her did some newspaper cutting on hp.The only difference is that my kids are older.

If my maid insists her way to buy hp,I will send her back home as I dont trust maid holding hp at all.

Think all the sirs are usually the good boss..but at the end of the day, its we mdm who trains and manages the maid.
I wish to know to let maid go back for 8 days (Mon to Mon) is it too few? Some of my friends commented they give one month off but I cannot afford .
hi mummies

I need to get a maid for 1-2 months. Are there any special arrangements with agencies to employ maids for short period only? Do i hv to pay the usual agency fee? Please advise.
Mrs Wang,
If you want a foreign domestic worker, you must go through the proper procedures to apply for work permit. However, you can send back the maid after using her for 1 - 2 months. I have sent back a maid after 5 days.

Yes you will still have to pay the usual agency fee. One suggestion is to put up an advertisement at the supermarket notice boards. There may be maids who want to change employer and they don't mind working for 1 - 2 months while looking for another employer. Then you don't have to pay agency fees, but you will need to do the transfer yourself at MOM website.

Even if you managed to find an agency that can give you a maid for 1 - 2 months, I would advise you to call MOM to check and see if it is legal. That agency may be letting you use a maid who is still employed under by another employer.

It depends on whether your maid agrees to it or not. If she is OK with it, then should be no problem.
hi mrs wang, fyi, even if u only get a maid for 1-2 mths according to mom u still need to apply work permit.. and to apply work permit, u need to buy ins for the maid too... a yr ins for maid would be ard $100. if u need to get the runaway bond ins another $35.

<font color="aa00aa">Jes</font>,
It's a matter of time before my current maid also asks to get a HP.
Personally for me, I find that the maid will still get the HP regardless whether she has your permission or not.
So I'd rather know and give her 'my approval' and at same time I will tell her the rules -->
<font color="0000ff">NO using of HP during work hours. Or else I will confiscate and only return to her on her off days.</font>
