Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

thks for sharing the views. I just nid to make sense out of these stories as I nid to "convince" my MIL for repatriating this maid. seems like my MIL buys the stories n feel that i have ill-treated the maid.which maid would give e skin of the bread to employer will she eat the rest of the bread?which maid will cook dinner at 330pm so that she can go out shopping or lunch at 1030am so that she can sit down n watch tv?

I won't allow such maid to work with me. Perhaps your MIL have not engage any maid before so do not understand. A lot of maids are good liars. They can do anything which will surprise u when u tot they are not capable of.....

I ever read in Maidlibrary forum that a maid was very well behave during her course of work. When she was abt to go back after contract finishes. She asked permission from her employer to bake a cake to bring back saying back home they have no oven and pastry is expensive......

On the day to the airport, the maid forgotten to bring the cake along so the employer decide to eat the cake instead. Guess what they found??? Their jewelleries were inside the cake!!!!! Scary right????
Lani's and babycutie's stories r scary.

i agree with babycutie dat a lot of maids r good liars. i have one at hm...
hi ladies
so happy to announce: I'm MAID FREE now!!
send my maid back to agency last saturday. guess what, my gal finally gets better with her toilet training after my maid is gone.
Of course, i'm luckier in the sense that hubby is studying, so at home most of the time.
frankly, I really enjoy being maid-free, though more housework to do, but I feel more like coming home every nite.

my maid's contract ends in may next yr, and i too am preparing myself to be maid-free by then. my current maid is fantastic, but i don't think it's fair to make her renew if she doesn't want to. besides, i think she really misses her son.

the thought of getting another maid and retraining her again, and having to leave to luck on whether i get a good maid or bad, really scares me, and doesn't sound very attractive to me, so i think i'd rather go maid-free by then.

by then my dd will be 3.5 yrs old, so she should be much easier to manage, as she should be able to help with housework and pick up after herself. i have to admit, hubby and i have been very spoilt these past few mths, with a maid ard to do all the housework and pick up after us, but i don't think it's good in the long-term.

besides, it would be nice to have the privacy back again. i just need to mentally prepare myself that i would need to start doing all the housework again lor when that time comes! haiz...

are you planning to be maid-free permanently or ftemporarily only?
hi Lani
I really feel the same, don't want to be "spoilt"and lazy in the long term as well as privacy. Actually, though I din really like hsework, I prefer to do things my way,such as when to do laundry, etc. but my ex-maid who has ex-sin exp just want to have her own way.

I hope to be maid-free permanently, but hubby should be finishing his studies end of this year, and start work next year. So, either I quit my job and look after my kids (coming to three gals liao! no. 3 due in july this year) or spend a lot on childcare. See how first.

can share mah?? wait kenna sued.. ;p These 2 agencies, re***** employement and *care employment.. bukit timah shopping centre, a hint.. owned by the same lady boss..

Anyone can advise me where to put my maid if both my hubby and myself need to go for holiday. I cannot put her at my mother or in-laws place because they have no place for her to sleep.

Also, do you allow your maid to read newspapers? I did but recently i realised she go overbroad by reading my magazines even....
Siman, I allowed my maid to read newspaper but she don't want to read hee..... I also allowed my previous maid to read newspaper and after awhile I let her read my magazine but I made a mistake(only for my maid). She'll wait for my latest mag to arrive and worst of all when at my mum house, she went to look out for latest mag in their home and even went to my sister bedroom to get the mag without her permission. So my sis is angry with her taking her mag without permission and worst of all go inside her room.

Better to let her know on what she can or cannot read or she'll read everything in the house.

About putting your maid if you're going for short trip maybe sleep in your mum place in their hall if is convenient? If not can ask your maid agency. You don't feel safe she's home alone?
Hi AnnLee

I did not tell her that she can read my magazine, but she took it for granted. I think she started the habit of reading magazine when i passed her the old magazines for her to make little boxes. I do not like it but kept mum as I was busy with the baby. One day, i was too angry as she took the latest magazine from my living room and read it in her room when baby sleep. I just dont like the idea that she took it without my permission. I did let her know after that that she cannot read magazine, only newspaper is allowed. Ha, I am also not comfortable that she read some of my beauty products. For eg I guess she read what is a pore pack because when we went to NTUC, she bought a packet out of her own $.

I did consider to put her at my mum's place but I think my mum do not like the idea of her staying. Ya, I dont feel good to let her stay at home for a few days. you mean some agent do give them a place to stay for a while when im away? hmmm.... ya, maybe i should call and check.
Siman, my previous filipino maid will take for granted but not my indon maid. My indon only ask any cooking book for her to read so I might go o library and borrow malay cookbook when bringing my boys to the library.

Yes...some agency provide lodging for them when we're away but must pay the accomodation fee, not too sure how much is it.
AnnLee, I thought of getting Indo maid next time but my agency not pro-indo, she keep telling me they are dirty and very stupid, but i see that my friend's Indo maid very guai. I think Filipino tend to become more bold once you are nice to them.

ok, i will check. I have once sent a maid back to the agent and roughly check if they need to pay a "penalty", she said yes, they have to pay $10 for their lodging and food with the agent.
If u put her at agent place, it must be risky too...she will mix around with transfer maid etc and come out with more thing when back.

For me, my maid was alone at home for almost five days....I sealed up an envelope with keys and tell her she can only open it upon emergency...

I hang up the phone at home too so she cannot make calls.
Siman, rainbow is right too...your maid might mix around with transfer maid and compare what they're doing,better take this as the last choice if you got no alternative. I rather let her watch TV than letting her mix around with the maid.

I think is ok to let her listen to radio or watch TV if you think she'll finish her work at the end of the day as you can't prevent her doing it when you're not at home.

I've run out of ideas maybe the expert here can guide you.

I feel my indon maid is safe home alone as she'll do housework rather than watching tv that she told me only suria channel nothing much to watch and she don't like listen to radio too...think she don't know how to on it and she don't have the time too. For my ex filipino is different, when we're out left my maid at home and my hb forgot to take something so he went back and he was so shocked that the maid on the radio very loudly, like having disco... and she'll watch her favourite korea drama very weekend but I allow it as I think shld let her relax abit over the weekend but she cannot go overbroad.

About your agency, most of the agency is like that, just bcos they want you to get their maid and they'll sell themselves hard like if they're pro in indon, they'll say filipino maid is very smart, very dangerous to have one blah blah blah..... so is still your luck to pick one good maid.
Hi lis, i understand exactly how you feel. i went through 2 nightmare maids. after that, so scared, i went maid-free...well, at least for the time being. And surprisingly, i was so relieved and really found my freedom and privacy back! No longer have to be a stranger in my own home or to have someone looking at me to see what i am doing. My ex-maid, who was a perpetual liar used to do that. Ladies, beware of this indo maid called "wagiyam". do not employ her! she gave our address away without even asking us. worse, she even asked people to come to our house to look for her!!!
Hi All
I need advise. i have paid my maid upfront loan (7 post dated cheques) So far she has been with me for 3 months but due to some reason we want to send her back. Can I ask will i be forfied for the balanced cheques as i feel like changing another agency. Tks
Gee mad bride, I guess only pp with the same experience share our euphoria!!

hi sf
I paid upfront loan as well in a previous agency, but got back my post-dated cheques when i sent my maid back. I didn't hire another maid, maid agency's fees will not be refunded though.
mad bride
What I do regarding all sorts of letters for the maid from stranger, I give my instruction that she is not supposed to take letter out of my letter box. I discard all letters that are meant for her....Not being meant,you never know what kind of problem next...I remember my friend told me that they will ask their friend's friend in singapore to write to each other and get to know each other.....Wonder, are they here to work or come out more ideas to creat prevention is better than cure....

Just to find out how do you spot check your maid on her last day of service? you check "inside out" even check on her inner wear to ensure that they did not steal and keep anything in their inner wear?
I have sent back 6 maids and I never do that. I only give 1 hour notice, and I watched them as they pack. I don't even search their bags. I checked my own valuables to make sure that they are in their own place.

I treat my maids as my employees, I wouldn't do anything to them that I wouldn't want my boss to do to me.
rainbow, but isn't discarding her letters a bit mean? what if it was from her family and was important? just because they come here to work doesn't mean she stops being a person, right? she still needs communication from her family that she left behind? even prisoners allowed letters leh
i agree with patsy too. i respect my maid's privacy too. eg, i help her mail all her letters and parcels, i allow her to receive letters from her family in indo, and i do not read her outgoing nor incoming mails. and whenever she calls home on the housephone in the living rm, i will go to my rm, so that she can have some privacy talking to her parents and her son. and when she receives or sends SMSs at night after she's completed her work, i also don't question her who it's to/from.

but i guess it's a two-way street. she is an excellent maid and she does her work very well, and she respects us as her employer, that's why i accord her the same respect too.
lani, yah, guess it's two way lah... no maid is perfect, but mine takes really good care of sabie and is quite responsible, so i also respect her the same way.

BTW, has Sarah had her bday party yet??
Like Patsy and Lani, I also don't discard or screen my maid's letters. My ex-maid can even call her hubby every night. So long as her work was not disrupted, I am OK with it. Actually there are so many ways a maid can create trouble, can you watch her every second of the day ? She can simply spit saliva into your water, would you not even allow her to bring you a glass of water ?

A maid is human too, and she is in no way inferior to us.

If a maid is bad, there is no way to prevent it, the only way is to send her away as soon as your find out.
Rainbow, Annlee
Yes, I think i better leave her at home then.

My maid asked me if she can go out and buy food yetserday since Im not going home for dinner. I told her no as I do not have spare key for her. She dont look happy. This is my first time employinog a maid, sometimes, really find it a stress to handle them. I do agree that having them really spare us of all housework but it add upon us a different set of problem. I have told her that she need to ask me when she want to eat my things other than those I provide, but realised she didnt. She eat Bak Gua,pineapple tarts and love letters. I just close my eye.
sarah's bday party is this sat. looking forward to it. we just opened the banner you ordered for us a few days ago, and it's so beautiful! hubby, sarah and the maid were going "WOW!!"

anyway, today was sarah's actual b'day, so we brought her to the zoo. she LOVED it!! we plan to go back again some time soon, cause we didn't manage to see all the exhibits. we also missed all the shows.

to correct, i discard just one letter. She told me there is no letter expects from her family and she makes call to them almost every night and she spent almost 200 dollars on calling cards.
I don't have problems with maids who don't like to follow my instructions. May be I just don't care how they feel hahaha I have all my house rules, more than 30 of them written down, and explain clearly to the new maid the first day she arrives at my house. If she forgets one or two, I will take out the paper and explain again. No problem at all.

You need to make an effort to enforce your house rule. If you close one eye, she will think you are easy to bully, and will be more and more daring. Every time she does something you don't like, you must tell her off straight away, and keep telling her until she is corrected. If you have an employee reporting to you in your company, this is how you will manage her, right ?
I have a set of rules and told her on her first day she arrived my place, think she forget but i think she learnt many bad habits from my confinement lady. She saw that we are good to the confinement lady. Though i did not tell the confinement lady what she can or cannot eat, i saw that she eat whatever she want. I saw her eating the fruits and my biscuits. Well, i dont mind lah since she is going to be here only 1 mth and that time im too tired to care. My maid gets along very well with the confinement lady! They talk in the room. My confinement lady dont like to keep food, she cook alot and throw away if cannot finish. My maid learnt that too!!! last time she will keep for her lunch tomorrow but now she threw them away. This I cannot tolerate and told her is not right. I also tell her that she should not learn the bad habits from the confinement lady.

Sometimes, i do tell her what i dont like but she have to look after my bb, so i dont want her to be unhappy also. just tell her sternly.

I see that you have bad experience with maid ya, hope you get one real good one soon. I have sent my first one back coz she "steal" her handphone from my drawer (which i specifically said cannot touch my drawer) and use it even when we are at home!! So off she goes.....

this one quite good actually, just need to "lead" her back slowly
I understand how you feel...honestly, it really depends on how much you can tolerate or cannot...sometimes, its just like vomit blood unless close both eyes...sigh....
Why do you have problems with maids?

Probably because your lack of respect for them makes it difficult for them to respect you and your exacting rules.

They are just trying to earn a living. They aren't so free as to come all the way to Singapore to make life difficult for you or in Rainbow's words "create havoc". So, if they are causing you trouble, it's most likely related to your abuse of them. Look at Lani, she respects her maid and her maid provides excellent service.

I can't believe how some of you lock your maids up at home, screen their mail and prevent them from talking to anybody! When you can't accord them the dignity and rights of a human being, you aren't fit to be human yourself.

Well said...Guess you must have very good maid and you must be a good employer...Wish that there are more people who will have the same mentality like you and thus maid agency will have a better time handling maids too...Good day.
For mums who have little toddlers with maid

Just wanna share this with you mum.

Friend maid while taking care of the baby, with neglience, she hit onto the 13mths walking unsteadily toddler while keeping the mattress and thus ended up the baby's eye bone crack...Need to go for surgery..not sure how it gonna affects her eyes...

This maid also while feeding a 3 year old girl, not looking at what she was feeding her and ended up feeding a big piece of pork bone into her and ended up in hospital for surgery..

My advice is that for food, we better handle preempt the maid for incidents like this to prevent it..Maid do not have the situation awareness like what we have....
i think to be fair to the other mums here, let's not judge their situations. i'm sure everyone wants to be a good employer, but sometimes it's not easy, esp if we have on our hands a very "challenging" maid that gives us alot of discipline, attitude and trust problems.

i myself have seen such situations with my own eyes, ie. maids of close relatives and friends, so i know the situation fully well, and i can truly sympathise with alot of these employers.

but my take is, if the maid is unsatisfactory for any reason, no point trying to discipline her, restricting her or withholding all kinds of priveleges. just change maid (altho i know it's not easy) until you find one that you like, is able to do the work relatively well, has a good attitude and you can trust.

that's why i consider myself truly blessed, because being a 1st time employer i ended up with a very good maid that i can depend on and trust.

however, you give me too much credit. i have to clarify that my maid does not provide excellent service as a result of the respect i show her. in fact, i accorded her the respect only after i could see for myself that she is a good maid, simply because i felt she deserved it for the great work that she does for my family.

and please don't misunderstand my situation. i do not give my maid free reign of everything. in fact, i am still very strict with her, and there are alot of restrictions and limitations that i place upon her. she does not even have a day off, but this is at her request. hence, as compensation, i make sure i help her run ALL her errands, ie. send $$ home, mail packages, etc. sometimes, when she sees an item in the papers that she likes (eg. clothes, etc) she will ask me to help her buy, and i will take the trouble to do it, because i know she's not able to as she has no off days.

which brings me to one point i want to highlight. i think a maid's attitude and work ethics has got nothing to do with how we treat them, ie. it doesn't mean that if we treat them very very nice from the beginning they will in turn return us this kindness by being an excellent maid. i think their good attitudes and work ethics are already inborn in them, ie. either they have it or not. nothing you do can "make" them have this. i can see this in my own maid, ie. her good attitude and good work ethic. it's just that once they have it, and you reciprocate by showing them respect, they in turn will try to do their work to the best of their ability, and they will sometimes go above and beyond their duties.

however, such maids really are a dime a dozen. very very rare.

Applaused, well said....
I like what you said for your last paragraph....i think a maid's attitude and work ethics has got nothing to do with how we treat them, ie. it doesn't mean that if we treat them very very nice from the beginning they will in turn....

I am actually contemplating to get my maid changed. I did the same like you buy for her the things she wanted since she has got no off day....
Her inborn attitude is something that I cannot stand. RUDE....I asked her did she clean the table just now...her answer is...clean already what in an happy tone....Of course, when she has done wrong on certain thing, I question her and she become very defensive and lied...When she is really caught red handed, she may then aplogised....if not, her pride come before everything...

I will not be using her anymore after this contract, hopefully can tahan for next ten months....cos her attitude is really a turned respect...In the begining, before loan up, she will greet you good morning...after loan paid, asked her why no more greeting...she will tell you I got no mood....and that including telling me that during first day of CNY , she has no mood to go out with me....She is here to assit me with the kid, what she meant by no mood to follow me with the kid for new year visiting....

All this, I close one eyes as I know if I decide not to change maid for the moment, I have to hang in they cannot be changed in terms of attitude.....
Advise pls..
My maid's contract ending in Sept 07. I received MOM letter for her to go for routine 6 mthly check. Can I skip this test? Or I should let her go for the test because she still have 6 mths to serve?
she still needs to go for the medical checkup, unless you are expatriating her back within a mth of the due date of the checkup. if she is not going back within the next 1mth, then she must go for the checkup.

i also just received the letter. and my maid went for her checkup yesterday. then this time round she gotta go for chest x-ray also. quite troublesome lah, cause i gotta bring her to another clinic. so i will do it next weekend on a sat morning, when hubby is home to watch my dd.
Thanks. I still have not brought my maid for the checkup yet because she catch the cough virus from Belvia. It started with Belvia, then Jayden, then my maid and now my mum.

Its ok to delay the due date a little right? She is not fully recover yet leh. Will the result be accurate if she is on medication?
abt maid medical check up, how much is it roughly? is it cheaper to go polyclinic?

when we open a bank acc for maid, do we let the maid keep the bank book?
hi ming liew, i dun tink so. bt if thr's any prob wif d chkup, ur doc will prob call u up 2 inform u.

hi emma, i paid $18 4 my maid's 1/2 yrly chkup as i went 2 my GP. i tink it's cheaper if u go 2 polyclinic. i didn't go thr coz of d long waiting time. i figured tt by gg 2 my GP, i can save time which can b put 2 better use by playing wif my bb. :p in addition, i wldn't feel tt frustrated aso. as 4 bank acc, i wldn't let my maid keep d bank book. it's kinda of like a safeguard 4 me so tt she wldn't dare 2 try anything funny.

That is a very reasonable charge. The lowest that I know of is 22 dollars....where about is this clinic that you sent your maid to?thanks

hi rainbow,

d clinic is :

Ubi Family Clinic & Surgery
Blk 305 Ubi Avenue 1
Singapore 400305
Tel : 6749 7922
Fax : 6749 3171
